Darnlake Botany Symbiosis

Story by Dogger on SoFurry

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#5 of Darnlake Botany

There is no experience like being inside a pod that Venus had custom grown for your specific being. The sap inside tastes unique, as if it was squeezed from a distant fruit you can vaguely remember in your childhood. Being inside Dr. Tuber's pod was one thing, but everything here was magnified. The chemicals made my skin feel warm all over, the taste of the sap made me instantly drunk with lust, and the air inside seemed to free my lungs. I didn't mean to ever experience my own pod and I sure as hell didn't come down here for sex, but my loins were on fire and the ache for release was so great that instead of trying to claw my way out of this pleasure trap, I reached for one of the tubes on the pod and instinctively pushed my otter cock inside of it. The desperate urge for release surpassed my urge to fight.

The Dr. and I had a plan, but the idea never came to fruition. The sheepdog told me to go out and buy all of the weedkiller and other plant killing chemicals that I could find and bring them back. He had his own part to play but I never got to find out what it was. We were going to poison Venus, slice every vine and flower to pieces, and contaminate the ground to take no chances. By the time I returned from my trip, vines and moss were growing out of both the greenhouse and the doctor's home. It was barely starting to get dark now and with only half the day over Venus had already grown out of control. I didn't know where the doctor was, but I could feel my stomach drop from the sight I saw and I became even more worried when I saw his wife outside with tears rolling down her face.

"Are you alright? Where is Dr. Tuber? What happened here?"

"I'm not alright! Something pulled him under, it's destroying the house!" Her voice was cracked and shrill mixed with every other word or so.

"How long has it been like this?" I wanted to comfort her but I was so worried about the doctor, all I could do was question.

"I don't know, not long." She took a gasp for breath and wiped her face on her sleeve, then looked directly at me and hit my arm. "How could my husband let something like this happen? What have you and him been doing in there, Fescue?"

I wanted to admit everything to her but the doctor's past words kept me succinct. "I don't know how it got this far, but we have to find him."

"NO!" Her eyes widened and her voice shook with fear. "I started getting too creeped out by that kissing plant he gave me so I threw it out. I can't even imagine being in my ruined home with those vines slithering everywhere. Even for Harold, I can't do it, Fescue."

"You don't have to. Just stay away from here somewhere safe and I'll go get him."

"This is Harold's fault, you're young don't have to throw away your life for him."

"Yes I... look, it's my fault too. I have to do something." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran toward the house while her voice became more and more vague in the distance. Her worry made me more worried and the last thing I wanted to do was tell her the truth about how I loved her husband too much to let things end like this.

I thought about what she said about getting rid of the smoocher recently. Dr. Tuber and I were always very cautious about those getting back to the rest of Venus. Maybe her wild behavior was random, or maybe his wife's smoocher gathered parts of other dangerous plants before it burrowed back down to Venus. There was no way to know for sure at this point, testing was impossible.

The Tuber's home was a broken shell of it's former self. Vines whipped about, searching and plowing through appliances and furniture. I could only think to rush past them all and hope my otter body was too fast and agile for them to grab on to. I began looking into the rooms one by one, but all I could find were more vines and moss covering over half of the house. Finally I saw a small crater in the middle of the bedroom, if the doctor really was dragged down, that's how it would have happened. When I peered down to see it's depth, I felt one of the vines begin to tangle around my arm, I tried to swat it away but it was already starting to coil and the last thing I wanted to do was be caught. Without thinking I jumped down the tunnel in the floor, tearing parts of my lab coat and giving myself a few cuts and scrapes on the way down. It curved at an angle, so I was able to slide a bit before I had to start crawling down.

The earth under my paws was cold and began to mat my fur and clothes with mud. The further down I went the more dirt seemed to fall in my eyes. All I could do was squint and push forward. I heard a weird noise for a moment, but when I opened my eyes it was too dark to see anything. I felt something dart forward and stick to one of my shoulders, then an instant later something else had grasped on to half of my head and covered my face. I yelped as it pulled me down the tunnel and I felt my body falling a few feet before being grasped in a tangle of vines. My paws scurried to rip the obstruction over my eyes but before I could, I felt my clothing being ripped off and my body being pushed inside the tight opening of one of Venus's pods. The pod she had made for me, now matured.

So there I was, now lust driven by it's sap and my feeling to rescue the doctor suppressed with my lust to empty my balls into the tube suckling my exposed member. Every breath I took were heated huffs bathed in my own moans of pleasure. Just as before two tiny vines sprouted from inside the tube's soft interior and began to coil and manipulate my malehood. I tried to lie back and just let the pod have it's way with me, it was hard to be anything but comfortable with that pale red tube pushing into my sheath and using the small vine appendages to stroke and stimulate my pink flesh that felt like it could read my mind and stroke me in exactly the way I needed to build closer and closer to cumming.

As my body shifted I noticed the tube was a little smaller than the doctor's, but since this was the first time I was inside my own and also alone, it took a moment to notice. The tube flexed and slurped more of me inside it's warm insides and I scooped up a paw of the jelly-like sap, bringing it to my muzzle to suck it down. In my lustful haze I wasn't sure if I was doing that because the pod wanted me to, or if I was just trying to hasten the process. Against my will or not, the pleasure that washed over my body was undeniable. My hips shuddered and bucked up as my shaft was wrapped in soft tendrils and used for the plant's own selfish desires.

The pleasure rising and the heat from the tube forced me to take deeper and deeper breaths. I felt the tube's vines make their 'O' shape again as it sensed me getting close and it continued to work my cock over in soft but firm strokes until I felt that familiar feeling rise from below. I thought I was about to cum as my body erupted with bliss, but something kept me held in that feeling. After more than a few moments had passed I was drooling uncontrollably with my eyes rolled back, hips bucking into the tube and thrashing about to try and feed it my seed. I started to whine out desperately for release and a few seconds later the pod finally completed my orgasm and got what it wanted from me. I felt like I was cumming for over a minute, so drenched in sweat, sap, and afterglow to truly know for certain how long it was. The tube seemed to gargle my gooey fluid down, but the vines inside were busy scooping about making certain that not a single drop could escape. The tube kept it's hold on my tender skin and suckled gently until my member slowly withdrew back into my own sheath.

Finally my lust subsided and logical thoughts began to return to me. I felt guilty for allowing myself such gratification while Dr. Tuber's whereabouts were still unknown. Lazily I pushed at the pod's entrance to try and free myself, but the puckered entrance was tighter than I remembered. The more I forced the more it seemed to keep me enclosed. I tried to swing a fist at the entrance, but I was so covered in the pod's jelly sap that I might as well have been trying to hit a sponge underwater. In my slippery struggle I finally threw my body in such a way that I heard something snap and light began to pour into the pod from a rip at the top. I used my paws to pull the opening wider and pushed the upper half of my torso out into open air.

"Dr. Tuber!" I exclaimed with utter joy as I finally saw the sheep dog I had come looking for, but once I was able to push the sap out of the fur in my eyes and look around, I realized the sort of odd situation he was in. Everything in this strange room was dim, we were not in the section of the botanica that the pods originally sat. A set of vines had pulled one of the ultra violent lights in the room at an angle as far as the wires would allow. I could see the other five pods around me, but the doctor was seated in some sort of a leaf with a sticky surface that was keeping him held. As if that wasn't enough, His arms, legs, and even tail were all coiled in vines that kept him held in place, he seemed unconscious, his white muzzle pointed down at the ground with his eyes closed. A black vine that appeared almost furry, which I had never seen before, was covering his sheath. I could only imagine his beautiful canine pride was somewhere inside of it.

After swatting more of the sap from my fur, I climbed out of the tear in my pod and over to my boss and friend. Lifting his muzzle in one of my paws to search for signs of life, I watched his eyelids flicker and open as he saw my face and started to smile weakly. "Huh... Maps... Maps you shouldn't be here." I was so relieved just to hear him speak.

"Dr. Tuber you have no idea how glad I am that you're okay."

"You need to go, Maps. You need to get out of here and hope Venus still left you a way out." The doctor's tone was weak with an undertone of defeat.

"I can't leave you here."

"You have to."

"I won't."

"YES YOU WILL!" His deep canine voice boomed loudly and seemed to shake the earth above and below us. I fought the lump in my throat that came up from hearing him yell at me. He saw my reaction and calmed his voice but looked at me with the same serious expression. "We went too far and now it's too late for me."

"I can get these off of you, we can leave together." I pulled at the vines holding his arms and had a difficult time getting a grip with the sap on my paws. After wiping my paws on the dirt underneath us I tried to part the vines on his legs and started to get enough of a grip to force one away, bending it until it snapped afterward. "See? Just a few more and we'll both be home free."

"Maps you don't understand..." His voice trailed off and I was too busy undoing vines to be concerned with his protests.

The more vines I broke the better I got at it, until I had every part of him free but the fuzzy black vine attached over his crotch. I lifted in an attempt to rip it off and his strong paws quickly came up and grasped mine to stop me, "Do it slowly." I nodded in his direction and lifted the black vine up slowly until I heard him whimper and force my paws back down again. "I don't understand, what's wrong?" The doctor gave out another whimper, "there's something inside." I kneeled down to look, Dr. Tuber's tip was only slightly poking out of his sheath, but as I pulled back the vine a little further, I noticed it wasn't completely hollow. There was a very thin tube inside of it that connected somewhere inside Dr. Tuber's urethra. I looked back up at him with wide eyes and he simply shook his head, "I think it's too deep inside my body to pull out."

"What are we going to do?" My eyes searching his face for some sort of an answer.

"Nothing. It doesn't hurt, I'm just not going anywhere."

"Maybe I can go up and I can find something to cut you out with."

The sheepdog shook his head. "It's a wonder the other vines haven't got you already. Do you want to end up like me?"

"Maybe if I break one of the bulbs I can get something sharp and..."

"Listen to me, Maps. Do you want to end up like me, here forever?"


"Then accept it, please. This is the risk we took, I won't hate you for leaving but I need one of us to explain what happened here. You were a great friend and it was nice to finally have someone to share all of this. You'll always be my buddy, just go. Do not waste any more time."

So may feelings rushed through me that I didn't know what to do. My expression felt numb and without another word I turned around and ran out of the room. Everything was a blur as I sprinted into the botanica, up the steps, out of the greenhouse, and back into the world.

I was still naked and I didn't care, the night's breeze brushed the tears from my face and the adrenaline in my veins kept me running forward. I tried not to think about what Dr. Tuber was feeling or what would happen to him. I tried to blank out everything about what we did and everything him meant to me. But I couldn't and as I realized I could never live under the circumstances my legs stopped working and I fell to the ground. I laid there for a while, struggling to pick up my thoughts and accept everything that was happening. Once I realized what I had to do, the tears stopped and the lump in my throat was easier to swallow. I rose to my feet and ran again, back to the botanica.

Thankfully, Dr Tuber's wife had left the property. I would hate to think of what she would have thought of my brown bare fur running away into the distance. I walked back into the botanica though the greenhouse entrance, opening the utility cupboard to take out a pair of hedge clippers and to throw the doctor's satchel over my shoulder. I dropped one bar of the hedge clippers to the ground and stepped on it while pulling up, twisting and snapping it in two so I could take one of the single blades with me.

Slowly and carefully I walked back down the steps of the botanica, the railing and most of the steps now covered in vines. I used the hedge blade to slash at any that came close, taking caution and clearing myself a path as I worked my way to the back room where Dr. Tuber was being held. He gave me a look of surprise, concern, and disgust as I disobeyed him with my presence.

"Maps... why won't you listen..."

"...because I love you."

"You... can't..."

"It's stupid for you to sacrifice yourself, knowing as much as you do about the research. Now hold still so I don't nick the tip of your cock."

Once more I lifted up the fur covered black vine, using the hedge clipper blade to saw off the tube inside, causing it to fall lazily over the doctor's sheath while some of his cum oozed out of it. Dr. Tuber continued to look at me dumbfounded but at this point so many bizarre occurrences were happening all at once that it only took him another moment or two for it all to sink in. I opened the satchel and took out some of the doctor's salv to coat across his back and across the leaf that was holding on to his white fur in it's sticky grasp. Just like the sundew that had held me when I first saw the botanica, he became free to stand after a little while. I gave him some time to come to his senses, cutting at any vines that crept in the back room, but at this point they seemed more interested in exploring the surface than messing with either of us. I offered my paw to the sheepdog and lifted him up to his feet. Now quite pleased with myself that I was able to free him.

"There, we're both fine. Let's get as far away from here as we can."

"What about my wife?"

"She's safe, she didn't want to come anywhere near here."

Dr. Tuber nooded and looked into my eyes with a thankful expression. "About what you said..."

I shook my head and pointed toward the stairs. "Later, we need to leave now, right?"

"Right. Let's..."

A cluster of tiny green vines came from behind the big leaf I had just cut Dr. Tuber from, whipping around his arms and legs, attempting to pull him back to it. I swung the hedge clipper at them and tried to cut as many as I could. Somehow Venus caught on and one of the thicker vines grasped the handle and pulled it away from me. I desperately grabbed on to the doctor and tried to pull him apart from the vines, I heard him growl and dig his heels into the dirt to keep from moving but he was slowly being pulled back toward the large leaf. Their pull was too much and they managed to force him back to a sitting position on the leaf, then letting him go. Dr. Tuber quickly stood up and we attempted to walk out again, causing the vines to whip back around his limbs and tug him back over. To try and get more leverage I went back to sit on the leaf and put up my feet to try and brace him from being pulled back, but once my rump touched the leaf's coating, the small vines retreated and let him go. We exchanged puzzled looks for a moment.

"They are trying to force one of us to stay."

"What do we do?"

Dr. Tuber scratched his chin for a moment. "One of us has to stay on the leaf and the other can find something weighted to trick it. Then we can both leave."

I nodded in agreement, it seemed to make sense. "I'll be the decoy then, you've already spent your share of time in here."

I couldn't see specifically where he went because the back room's 'doorway' wasn't very open. The flickering of the vine pulled ultra violent light drew my attention to something moving from up above and behind my back. An incredibly thick vine that was bigger around than my head was slowly creeping over in my direction. There was something at the end of it that I could only describe as a swollen flower, it looked more like four muscles parting open than any petals that belonged on a plant. The sight of it caused me to call out for Dr. Tuber and rush for the room's exit. As expected the tiny green vines grabbed me fast and pulled me back. Before the doctor could come to my aid some of the larger vines began blocking the entrance and our arms were too short to grab hold of one another between them as I was slowly dragged backwards.

"Maps I'm sorry! I couldn't find anything heavy I don't know what to do."

As I watched more vines block him from my sight, I knew this had to happen. "You know what you have to do. I'm glad it was me instead of you."

"No... you should have just left me when you had the chance. You're just a pup." I could hear him giving off a soft whine in the distance.

"I had to tell you how I felt."

"Fescue... I think I love you too. You were the buddy I always wanted, I just didn't want it to come to this."

The vines had dragged me back onto the leaf. "If anyone can get me out of here one day, it'll be you, Harold."

"I'll find a way. When I figure this out I'll come back. I promise you buddy."

I wanted to tell him that I knew he'd come back for me, but the last vine blocked him completely from my view and we were sealed off from one another. Feelings of fright set in as the single light source flickered for a moment before shutting off completely. I couldn't even hear his footsteps, all I could hear was the wet noise of the thick flower above me opening wider, and the odd sounds of vines growing and stretching around me. Soon I felt one of the muscled petals moving across my sheath, it's movement felt like a tongue licking my sheath, but I was too shaken with fear to become excited for the flower looking to take me.

Venus' solution was always prostate stimulation, but even after the leaf I was sitting on arched up to rest my back and some unseen tentacle-like vine worked it's way into my tailhole, the situation was too tense for my malehood to leave my sheath. Gradually I noticed the scent of the room begin to change, though it was pitch black, my nose could detect the scent of a dull pollen smell that started to fill my breathing bit by bit. My arousal didn't change but I could feel my fears subsiding the more I breathed in and by the time I felt the muscled petals 'licking' wetly at my sheath again, the harder it was to fight back the growing excitement in my sheath as my otter cock was at full mast once again.

The fur along my arms and legs felt shifted as my limbs became coiled and wrapped to hold me in place the same way they had done to the doctor earlier. Without being able to see and my fears gone, all I could do was feel the sensations of what was happening to me. The vine inside my tailhole was hitting my insides just right, throbbing more than the previous vines I had experienced inside me. Then gently I felt the strong petals take my shaft into their grasp, the flower seeming to drool with a sort of slimy and slick fluid that allowed it to encase my member instantly. The whole experience felt like four giant tongues all licking in unison on my cock, in a way that was so synchronized that the feeling was more like a strong suckling than independent licking.

The light bulb flickered for a second and I noticed some sorts of bumps or growths behind the petals of the large flower. Though with my arms restrained and back in darkness all I could do was let my mind wander as the strange feeler continued to slobber it's fluids over my cock. It's rhythm began to change as I felt it push harder into my crotch and take me deeper into the muscled folds, three petals holding my shaft deep while the forth dragged itself from the base of my tailhole, over my balls, and then blissfully slow over the underbelly of my cock before repeating the motion again and again.

Finally the ultra violent light flickered back on again and I could finally see the monstrous flower up close. Behind the petals that attached to the vine were a swirling of root-like growths mixed in yellow balls that were covered in pollen. Each time my shaft throbbed from spurting a bit of pre the petals would throb back and I could watch more of the pollen puff from the flower, it's gentle scent putting me at ease and the pure sexual talent from the strong petals keeping my sensitive member aching for more attention. I soon felt one of the bulb vines poking at my muzzle and without a fight I allowed it's nurturing fluid to enter my muzzle. This is what I was now, trapped sexually to feed the plants of the botanica.

Again the large flower changed it's pace and rhythm. The big vine twisting so the strong and slippery petals could swirl around my shaft, the wet tips seeming to 'lick' all the way down into my sheath to massage my malehood to the root. As it turned I could see a small Venus Flytrap tangled in with the pollen encased with roots. Without any marginal teeth just as Dr. Tuber had described, Venus was planning on taking my sperm directly to the source. The more the heavy flower turned, the closer I felt my orgasm build and a strange part of me only lusted to learn what it would feel like to feed my spooge to Venus directly. As soon as a single jet of my cum spurt forth, the inside of the flower became hot and I was able to empty myself inside a suckling moisture that felt like a warm lover. The sensation forcing my body to shudder as I surrendered my seed and the flower's insides gulped the food down eagerly. Once all of my sticky fluid was absorbed, the large flower stayed hovering over, pulling back only slightly and simply waiting for it's next meal.

Odd as the situation was, even more unusual was that my desire to struggle and leave was gone just as my fears had been earlier. I felt eager to feed the flower that hungers for it's next meal. As I breathe I am restrained but happy to stay. Symbiotic, pleased, and thankful.

Darnlake Botany Nourishment

A phone call in the middle of the night is never a good sign. "Come into work now. Right now. We have a big problem." "Hhmmm... wha... ohh... Dr. Tuber what time is it?" "Fescue Maps, I said right now! This is urgent, the situation is getting...

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Darnlake Botany Botanica

There was no waiting this time, no letting weeks go by before the next serious conversation. The very next day that I came into work Dr. Harold Tuber was waiting for me in the back of the greenhouse in his office study. We said our usual greetings and...

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Darnlake Botany Vines

"Aren't you enjoying yourself? It looks like there's too much on that otter mind of yours." "Well... yes. It's hard not to be curious about everything that has been going on here." "Now's as good a time as any to start asking." "I suppose so....

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