Private Party

Story by king of lions on SoFurry

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#1 of Private Party

The weekend had finally arrived and Emir was ready to go home. He was a little under 7 foot tall with yellow fur and the begining of a mane which was black, his eyes were so light blue that they almost looked white. Emir was one of the lions that most females would kill to have. He walked home and unlocked the front door. Emir walked into the three story house, that his parents had bought, and sat his backpack down on the floor next to the door. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a soda.

The house was quiet because his parents worked until 8:00 p.m. each night. Luckily they wouldn't be home until Sunday because both were at confrences in Washington, D.C. Emir walked to the den and flicked on the T.V. and picked up the remoted as he sat down on the sofa. He cpuldn't find any action, comedy or reality shows to watch that kept his attention for more than a minute or so. He then remembered the his computer that was in his room. He was about to go upstairs when he remembered that his boyfriend, Dustyn; a snow leopard, was at home alone too. Emir just decided to call.


"Dustyn, that you? It's Emir."

"Oh. Hey dude. Watch'a up to?" Dustyn asked.

"Nothing much, you?" Emir said.

"Nothing." Dustyn responded.

"You wanna come over?" Emir asked.

"Sure! Be over in a minute." Dustyn said and hung the phone up.

Emir and Dustyn had secretly be dating since the past August when Dustyn spent the night at Emir's house. They never kissed in public or held paws or anything, most furs just thought they were good friends.

In about five minutes the door bell rang. Emir walked to the door and let Dustyn in. Once the door was shut Emir turned around and wrapped his strong arms around Dustyn and licked Dustyn's muzzle.

"I missed you babe," Emir whispered into Dustyn's white ear.

"I missed you to, honey." Dustyn replied with a smile.

Emir let go of his love and proceeded to walk to the entertainment room, Dustyn followed close behind watching Emir's tail playfully swish back and forth. Emir walked upstairs to his room. Dustyn looked at him with a smirk. Emir knew that was the look when his mate had a very sexy idea.

"What are you thinking about?" Emir asked.

"Just sit in a chair, please." Dustyn responded. Emir did as he was asked.

"Enjoy the show." Dustyn said. Dustyn than walked over to the stereo and started a disk he had taken from his pocket. The music started and Dustyn started to dance.

"If this is the show I would like to see it after this time and probably after that." Emir said with a smile.

Dustyn walked back to where Emir was sitting and he danced some more. Dustyn then slowly remove his black shirt and tossed it aside. He then reached down and unlooped is belt and slipped off his pants. Emir DEFINATLY WAS enjoying the show. Dustyn than turned his back to Emir and continued to dance. Dustyn was dancing there in his grey boxers. Emir slowly reached out and slipped one of his claws into the band and slipped the boxers down off Dustyn's spotted rump. Dustyn looked over his shoulder and smiled. Emir stood up and Dustyn turned back around and unbuttoned Emir's purple silk shirt. Dustyn them started on Emir's pants. After slipping them off, Dustyn used his teeth to pull down Emir's boxers. Both males started to get a little hard.

Emir bent down and picked Dustyn up in his arms and carried him to his red silk bed. Emir laid Dustyn down and flipped him over on his stomach. Emir then pulled Dustyn closer to him.

"Ouch! Hey," Dustyn said as he squirmed to get comfortable "what was that for?"

"Oh sorry, but you will love this." Emir said placing a paw on his lover's rump. Emir then proceeded to lick Dustyn's rump with his long, raspy tongue. Dustyn moaned and would twitch a little when Emir would slip his tounge into his tight ring. Emir then wiggled his tounge into Dustyn's anus.

Emir place his red cock on Dustyn's tailhole. Emir quickly shoved his dick into his mate's ass and started to thrust in and out.

"Yes, go deeper." Dustyn said. Emir than leaned over to his mates neck and bit it lightly just because he could. Dustyn loved it when Emir bit the back of his neck. Emir continued to thrust as he started to pick up the pace.

"UHHHH!" Dustyn moaned in pleasure. Emir than took one of his claws and slowly raked it down his mate's chest fur. Dustyn, himself, couldn't hold back his climax.

"Uhhh...Ahhh...Uhhh..." Dustyn groaned as he climaxed and his seeds went all over the red silk. Emir kept going. That was one of the many things Dustyn loved about Emir, he could hold back his climax for at least five minutes. Emir continued his savage ass fucking until he couldn't hold back any longer.

Emir roared as he came into his mate's rump. Emir came in five long splirts.

The hot, sticky liquid soaked the walls of Dustyn's rectum, which helped the scrapes that the barbs on Emir's penis created feel a little less painful and inflamed.

"That was great, Emir." Dustyn panted.

"Thanks." Emir said as he dismouted the sore snow leopard.

"Now what?" asked the snow leopard as he staggered to his feet.

"How about we take a bath so we don't smell like male musk or sweat." Emir said as he gestured toward the bathroom.

"Okay doll." Dustyn said as he walked to the bathroom. They walked into the huge bathroom and Dustyn started the bath.

After the bath, they relaxed and ordered a movie from HBO. Emir fixed them dinner which was grilled chicken, Dustyn's favorite.

The two relaxed and then when it was about eight o'clock, Emir got up and let his robe fall off of his strong shoulders and he picked Dustyn up and they went to his room and again they had some 'fun'.

By the next morning, Dustyn could barely sit without his anus feeling the scraped that Emir created; although that was another thing Dustyn liked about Emir.

Well that is my story! Hope you enjoyed it. Please post comments.

If you have any ideas for the next story,


I seriously need some ideas! XD