Werewolf Tales

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Commissioned by gotommax

Written by Leo_Todrius

When three young men decide normal Halloween activities are for the young, their rebellious ways land them with a very unexpected trick... or treat.

Werewolf Tales Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Gotommax

Halloween was always impossible to predict, at least when it came to the valley. Some years it was below freezing while other years, such as this one, fall clung on tightly and refused to let go. With the good weather had come another added benefit - Halloween had fallen on a Saturday. It was the holy trinity of the holiday. The good weather and lack of school had brought the children out in force all ay. Jack O Lanterns lined the streets, the sidewalks were full of droves of children in costume and everyone was having a blast... Well, almost everyone.

Quinn, Wade and Spence sat on the guard rail of the old town gazebo, their legs dangling off the sides as they watched everything going on with a bit of disdain. The boys had celebrated every Halloween together since they were three years old, but as high school wound to a close, so too did their frivolity. Instead of costumes they wore baggy black pants with chains, heavy metal t-shirts and baseball caps every direction by the right one. The only color apart from black to adorn their clothes were the neon orange laces on their skate shoes, the only observance of the holiday they were willing to embrace. They were, after all, far too old for such things.

Quinn watched the neighborhood, his shrewd green eyes analyzing the movements of everyone going to and fro. As the oldest of the group by two months, he often found himself the leader. His hair was dark brown and a bit shaggy. When standing he came in right at five foot eleven, also the tallest of the group. He added to his height by wearing his baseball cap with the brim aimed up at a forty five degree angle, trapping his bangs in place and showing off the holographic sticker adhered to the brim.

The boy next to Quinn was his best friend Wade. Wade had a shock of ginger colored hair tied back into a short pony tail, freckles bridging his nose and cheeks. His ears were pierced but other than that he wasn't very remarkable in appearance. Wade was the go-along guy, eager to please and always calm. His hat was backwards, the brim making a shield over his pony tail. That left Spence, the youngest and smallest in their group. His black hair was buzzed short and his baseball cap was off to the side. He wore a sleeveless black shirt ad his pants were the baggiest of them all, apparently in some attempt to emulate a rap musician. It didn't work.

"We could go to pence's house, raid the old man's booze cabinet." Wade suggested after a long silence. It was yet another suggestion in an hour attempt to determine a course of action. Spence shrugged.

"After last time they aren't keeping it there anymore. I'm not sure where they're puttin' it." Spence admitted sadly. Quinn shook his head.

"There has to be something to do. We used to be out all hours of the night." Quinn mused.

"That was when we'd go in costume, be good little boys. We're too old for that shit now." Wade replied, reaching up to rub his chin. He'd been trying to grow a goatee to prove his maturity but it just wasn't coming in at all, at least nothing more than simple fuzz.

"Well... Halloween was supposed to ward off bad spirits or something, right? All the kids in costumes confusing them or some shit?" Quinn considered.

"Yeah, and?" Spence asked.

"What if we were those bad spirits? What if we ruled the night as the bastard kings?" Quinn asked.

"You mean like... break stuff, steal candy from kids?" Wade asked in surprise.

"Maybe... I mean we could sure as hell do the pranks. Smash pumpkins, egg houses, toilet paper stuff. We'll go wild. This'll be our night to get away with it all." Quinn grinned.

"But what if they catch us?" Spence asked, trying not to sound afraid. Quinn smirked.

"They won't do anything... They have to catch us first." Quinn smirked. He hopped off the guard rail and stretched, the chains on his pants jangling. Wade hopped down next and Spence followed.

"So what do we do first?" Wade grinned.

"Wade, you go to your house. Stock up on all the eggs you have. Your mom still likes that farm fresh shit, right? Quinn asked. Wade nodded. Quinn turned to Spence, "And Spence, you are in charge of the toilet paper. We'll meet outside my place in thirty minutes." Quinn said.

"What are you going to get?" Spence asked. Quinn chuckled.

"The bats." he replied simply. The other two boys looked surprised before grins slowly spread across their faces. This night was going to be unforgettable.


The growl of the skateboard wheels echoed down the streets of the suburban neighborhood, but for once it didn't stand out. Music blared out of windows, the laughter of children was in the air. People were talking and gabbing. No one saw it coming. Like spirits of the dark, the three hoodlums came down the street on their boards. Bats at the ready, they took a swing as they passed. The metal bats echoed out, connecting. The wood bases of the mailboxes splintered and the boxes tippled. Letters filled the air like confetti, the boxes dented and crunched, packages toppled into the street and the boys followed it up with whoops of laughter.

Quinn draped the bat over his shoulder, his momentum still going strong. Wade and Spence had to push off against the ground to catch up. While not exactly costumes, the three boys had put on hockey masks to shield their identities. Despite Quinn's bravado, Spence and Wade had eventually convinced him that anonymity was best. They rounded a corner and began rolling past a long fence. Wade skidded to a stop, looking at the fence like it was some sort of holy grail. The other two came to a stop as well.

"What is it?" Spence asked.

"Blank Canvas, Man." Wade grinned, reaching into the sagging pockets to come out with a can of spray paint. The other boys grinned behind their masks, but something else caught their attention... The music playing beyond the fence was from the Nightmare Before Christmas. Quinn walked up to the fence, grabbed the top and hoisted himself up, his jaw dropping at what he saw beyond.

The house was decked out completely for the holiday. Orange and purple Christmas lights filled the Hawthorne tree, spider webs connected the branches to the house and even the stepping stones crossing the lawn were pumpkins and ghosts in shape. Dry ice fog covered a small pond, glitter covered letters covered the garage door and the windows were covered with some sort of gel film to make them look spooky and well worn.

"Someone opened up their own party depot." Wade murmured, having hopped up to see himself.

"Let me see, let me see!" Spence begged but the other two boys remained.

"They gotta have kids, there's no excuse for this much spirit." Quinn murmured. They hesitated, watching as four fourth graders moved across the stepping stones, advancing on the front door. There was a nine year old Jack Sparrow complete with braided goatee, a Power Ranger, a kid in a Star Wars Clone Wars costume and one kid dressed as the protagonist from the Meta super hero comic books. They moved up to the door and rang the bell.

After a moment the door eased open slowly, more fog spilling out. There was a slow howl from inside before a thick, clawed black paw curled around the door. The door widened, revealing a furry muscled arm and then a broad chest. The chest led up to a powerful neck and a canine head complete with tall pointed ears, a long, wide muzzle and rich, deep amber eyes.

Quinn and Wade had never seen such a perfect costume. The nose on the muzzle looked moist and alive, the nostrils contracting and widening. The whiskers on the cheek twitched, the eye lids were furry and closed and opened... Even the eyes looked around. Wade could have sworn they contracted in the light. It was the most realistic costume any of them had ever seen. There were no seams, no zippers, nothing. The only thing that detracted from the costume were the plain army green cargo shorts he wore, but even his paws seemed to grip and flex with his weight. It was unbelievable.

"Werewolf..." Wade whispered. Quinn hit Wade, though the action caused them both to fall back down to the street level.

"You idiot, that's just a costume." Quinn murmured.

"But he's huge, he's an adult. You said adults don't wear costumes anymore..." Wade murmured.

"I said real men don't wear costumes and that's what we are now. This guy is just some fucked up closet furry or something. He needs to learn that holidays like this only exist for kids. The real world isn't that fun." Quinn replied.

What does that mean?" Spence asked.

"We're going to show him the true meaning of Halloween... Property damage and broken dreams." Quinn replied. Wade and Spence looked at each other, a bit unsure. Quinn gritted his teeth, "We're in this together. We're going to teach him a lesson, okay?" Quinn asked. The other two boys reluctantly nodded. Quinn turned back to look at the fence, plotting his attack strategy. It was going to be a hell of a night.


The hours ticked by and the night grew dimmer. With the setting sun, solar light snapped on across the wolf's property. Each one was decorated like a little pumpkin guarding the driveway. Kids came and went, though the kids got a bit older and the gaps between each group got a bit bigger. The sounds of partying was filling the neighborhood more and more as the adults got drunk and got their dance on. Still, something was not quite right. The air felt different somehow, and in that air was the tang of fresh paint. Wade's t-shirt was pulled up over his face like a bandit mask as he painted, sprawling tall and stylized graffiti letters across the fence, positing 'Halloween sucks' in huge letters.

As Wade used art to take out their problems with the holiday on the fence, Quinn braced his pitching arm and let loose. A roll of toilet paper went arching high over the tree in the yard, unraveling and leaving a trail of white fluttering in the breeze. The paper drifted back in the wind, hitting the spiked tree, impaled on the spikes. Quinn let out a whoop of success, knowing it would be a lot harder to get off that way. Spence ran over and grabbed the remainder of the roll, sending it back. Like laces on a shoe, the two worked back and forth, arching over the tree in a great paper lattice. Much like the webs on the branches, everything soon seemed connected and bound as if a giant spider had pooped silk across the garden.

Bit by bit, the yard was deteriorating. The tree was trashed, the fence vandalized and Spence's shoes had taken out the nice grass. The reason for the stepping stones had become clear as he tracked mud around, the grass torn up all over. Quinn chuckled happily, but it wasn't enough yet. He moved over, reaching into his pockets, pulling out some of the eggs he'd intended for the house. He dropped some into the frothing, bubbling pond, letting the dry ice flash freeze them. It'd be hell to deal with later.

As the boys laughed, there was movement at the door. They backed up and darted around the corner, but before Quinn and Spence left, they tossed the eggs at the house. It hit the windows, the wood paneling and ultimately the door.

Like tiny shelled water balloons, the thin membrane burst and white clear and yellow contents spread out in messy streaks. One egg even hit as the front door opened, continuing on inside and streaking across the floor. There was movement as the black wolf came lumbering out onto his front porch. Quinn and Spence ducked down behind the garbage cans. Wade stopped spraying, going low to the ground even though the fence was two feet taller than him. The wolf looked around before he lifted his head, taking a long sniff of the air.

One, two, three... The nose pulsed, the air going deep into his lungs. A small smile crossed the wolf's lips before he looked around the yard. He saw the destroyed pong, the net of toilet paper over his tree and the smell of spray paint in the air filled in the rest. Quinn grinned, expecting a harsh string of words, yelling and frothing mad behavior. What came next startled him. It was laughter.

"Very good boys, very good! I see you opted for tricks rather than treats, but nothing wrong with that. You're wild, you're young. It's in your blood. It's Halloween. Nothing wrong with that. Still, you can't leave without your candy." The wolf said. A paw reached back into the house, coming out a moment later. He wound back, prepped and threw them. The candy bounced off the garbage cans, going up two feet into the air before hitting Quinn and Spence in the head. Both boys winced and muttered. The wolf threw another, arching right over the fence to hit Wade. Wade stumbled back, catching the wrapped candy in his hands. He looked at it for a moment. It was a black candy with a creamy white looking crescent moon on it. It had to be salt water taffy... The boys looked at each other sin silence and after a long moment the door to the house squeaked shut.

There was no yelling, no anger, no rage... and that infuriated Quinn. he stood up and turned, stomping away so fast he even forgot his board. Spence ran over, grabbing both of their skateboards, chasing after their fearless leader to catch up. Wade hopped on his board and rolled along after them, though as he moved he looked at the candy in his hand again with wonder. No matter what they did, they hadn't dampened that guy's spirit. Halloween was in his blood.


Quinn paced back and forth in the alleyway, muttering obscenities under his breath at the audacity of the man, talking about how hopped up on mood elevators he had to be. They'd thrown their best pranks at him but it just wasn't good enough. Wade and Spence sat on their skateboards like they were benches, rolling a few inches to one side and then the other. It was becoming clear that Quinn's motives hadn't been inspired by a quest for maturity. Something else had to be at work, something that wasn't for their common interest. Seeing Quinn fume like that was almost so sad it was boring, boring enough for Spence to get distracted by the candy.

The teen rolled the candy back and forth in his hand, looking at the crescent moon dripped into it carefully. He'd seen artisanal taffy before, but never one so perfect. He slowly unfurled the wax paper, looking at the shiny candy itself before he popped it into his mouth. His teeth came down, expecting something chewy and soft. While that was what he found, there was a sudden burst of salty thick slime in his mouth... Slime that seemed to have no end.

The constantly spreading goo covered his tongue and teeth, filled his mouth and soon his cheeks were wide, bulging outwards. He had no choice but to take a big swallow of the gunk. It flowed down his throat all warm and sticky... and then it was gone. Spence kept chewing the taffy, acting as if nothing strange had happened. He enjoyed the taste, almost like white chocolate with a hint of cedar wood. He kept chewing along, feeling much better about things in general.

"It didn't go the way we wanted, but maybe its to teach us something." Spence said. Wade cringed and Quinn spun around on his heels.

"What the fuck are you talking about, you little shit? That guy's a fucking moron, too idiotic to understand anything about the world" Quinn said, pausing, watching Spence's jaw go up and down, "Did you eat that fuckin' candy he threw at us? Are you an idiot?"

"Yeah man, you aren't supposed to take candy from strangers." Wade replied. Spence shrugged.

"But we stole all kinds of candy from people tonight, and it tastes really good." Spence replied. Quinn groaned, turning to face away from them, looking out at the street. Wade closed his eyes and crossed his arms, resting his forehead on his knees as if he'd given up on them all, though his hand moved deftly, bringing the candy out. If Spence was alright with it, then maybe it wasn't that bad. They'd left their stolen candy behind at the house anyway when they'd run. It was the only one he had left. Hiding it from view, Wade opened the candy and slipped it into his mouth.

When the red head bit down, his cheeks suddenly bulged outward with the flowing cream from inside. It was impossible hoe much it held... and it kept growing. Wade opened his mouth and tried to spit it out, but all that happened was that the white slime dribbled out over his lips and down his chin, dripping to the ground. The stream was intensifying, threatening to shoot out his nose... but at last Wade gave in and swallowed. The memory of the candy being strange disappeared and soon he was chewing normally, but the white slime still covered his chin.

The skin beneath started to tingle gently, throbbing and then shifting. Tiny red hairs began to push out through he slime, growing out from his chin. They grew longer and softer, pushing out to a few centimeters, then an inch, then longer. In a few short moments Wade had the goatee he'd been trying to grow, but his hair growth wasn't the only being experienced.

Spence's black hair had been shaved short long ago, but it was startling to get bristly, sticking out more and more. His scalp disappeared beneath the fuzz and the fuzz was spreading outward as well. It dropped down his cheeks, covering them slowly before it grew down his neck as well. The teenager's arms grew hairier, curls of black appearing at his wrists and then across the back of his palms. Sticking out from either side of the hat, Spence's ears began to stretch into points, warping and changing.

"I don't know if the night was a complete loss. Did you see how big hat guy was? Six foot four? Maybe two hundred and fifty pounds? He could have kicked our asses. God what I'd give to be that big." Wade murmured.

"He's not some hero, he's a fool, the last stand out to something that makes no sense!" Quinn hissed.

"Dude, what the fuck happened to you? What messed you up this bad?" Spence asked. Quinn and Wade both stopped, looking over at the kid. Spence had never spoken up like that before. Still, as the shock wore off, Wade turned to face the leader of their band of misfits.

"What did happen?" Wade asked. Quinn hesitated, silent for a long moment before he hung his head.

"It was my dad, he said..." Quinn paused.

"Go on." Spence replied, urging him on further even as his own body continued to change. The hair spreading across his body wasn't that of becoming more mature, it was something more. The black hair grew around his neck and covered his back, slipping over his shoulders and across his chest. The fur even looped around his fingers and palms, coating it all. Spence's cheeks began to quirk as whiskers began pushing out, white and wily in the night. His ears began to twitch and shift, the flesh migrating up his head slowly.

"My dad saw that I was going to go as... a pirate. I had a leather coat and a hat and big fake earrings, everything. He said I was being childish, a putz and no son of his was going to dance around like a fairy." Quinn admitted. Wade shook his head slowly.

"People can dress up any time of he year. What's important is being happy..." Wade said, reaching up to run his fingers across his cheek. His fingernails turned from white to black, pushing out and hardening, curving into claws. Wade winced as he felt the change, though he didn't realize the cause at all. Quinn shrugged.

"But I was happy with you guys, at least until our plans didn't work." Quinn said. Wade smirked.

"Maybe it doesn't matter what we're doing as long as we're doing it together... You should enjoy +Halloween, do whatever you want... Try the candy." Wade aid. Quinn paused before he groaned.

"You did too? What if he put needles in it?" Quinn asked. Wade rolled his eyes, eyes that were suspiciously amber colored now.

"It isn't big enough for needles. Just try it." Wade said. Quinn reached into his pocket and pulled out the candy, looking at it for a long moment. He wondered why the candy seemed so foreign. He had planned to eat all the rest that they stole but that was gone now.

The leader of the bandits slowly unwrapped the candy and brought it to his mouth, popping it in past his lips. He bit down and then his eyes went wide as the thick, salty flood filled his mouth. He knew that taste, he'd tasted it once before... When he'd jacked off and run his finger through his juices, popping it into his mouth to know what it tasted like. He was tasting sperm.

Quinn looked around in a moment of terror, realizing that things weren't right. Spence was getting black fur all over, Wade was growing bigger. The wolf had done something, but soon the growing volume of cum in his mouth got to be too much. Quinn opened his mouth to try and spit it out bit it just dribbled out, pouring across his chin and chest, splashing onto his shoes and the ground. It poured and poured, the thick ivory cum so thick and hot and salty.

The other two boys sat there like nothing was out of the ordinary, waiting to see if Quinn liked the candy. He reached up to try and pull the candy out of his lips but he just got the slime on his finger tips. As he pulled them back, he felt the tips of his fingers swell into pink rounded pads, his fingernails disappearing into the tips of his digits only to emerge a moment later as curved, sharp claws. Quinn groaned out of habit and that noise was the clincher.

A slight groan and the candy popped down his throat. The cum stopped magically manifesting and Quinn's panic disappeared. There was no memory of the impossible slime, of spilling on himself. He'd just chewed the candy and swallowed. A slow grin crossed his lips before he sighed and nodded. Quinn dropped his board down and moved to sit on it, rolling back and forth as well.

"I think you're right, what is important is being happy on days like this." Quinn said. Wade and Spence reached out, petting Quinn's shoulders.

"You won't regret it buddy." Spence said, though he hardly looked like himself anymore. His black shirt had grown tight as the boy's chest filled out. His pectorals had rounded, his stomach had flattened and his arms were thickening, but beyond all of that, the black fur was dominating his body. His arms were completely coated, his brown eyes turning hazel and then golden. The pointed ears soon reached the top of his head, sticking out funny with the baseball cap.

While Spence had changed first, he wasn't alone. Wade's sagging pants had revealed a red furry ass, the cheeks parted as a wriggling bit of flesh pushed out. Red fur exploded from the surface, sticking out in all directions. The tail thickened and grew longer, draping out over his skateboard and then the ground. furry red paws stuck out of his shirt sleeves and his pony tail and goatee grew even longer, but the fur wasn't just sticking to natural places anymore. Red fur grew out across Wades cheeks and chin, his upper lip and then his nose. Soon even his forehead and eyelids were covered. His human flesh was disappearing beneath it all.

"I don't think I will regret it." Quinn admitted, reaching up to scratch at his now pointed ears. As the moonlight washed over them all, the brown color in Quinn's hair started to bleach out slowly. It turned gray, then silver and finally white. Quinn looked a lot different with white hair. He was young and fit but the white made him look exotic and unique. His eyebrows bleached out, then the hair on his arms. Bit by bit, it was all turning snow white even while it thickened. Fur covered his arms and legs, working its way across his back and chest.

"I think we owe that guy an apology." Spence murmured, moving his jaw side to side as it popped and stretched. His nose tilted up, showing his nostrils as his jaw elongated. As the bone stretched, there was more room for his teeth to grow taller and sharper. The muscles in his jaw strengthened too, especially as his face pushed out inch by inch into a muzzle. His upturned nose darkened as well, the tip turning black and growing moist. The flesh became rubbery and his breaths sniffed in through the long nose with ease.

Wade's thick, long red tail began to wag behind him as he reached up, using a clawed finer to open up the collar of his shirt, revealing a thick white fur covered chest. He scratched at one big puffy nipple through the fur.

"And we'd get a change to see him again, look at his amazing muscles." Wade moaned, his pants starting to grow tighter as his cock hardened. He reached down, rubbing a paw over his erection. Soon Spence was doing the same.

"Dude, he's the most fuckin' hot wolf I've ever seen in my life... I don't know why I wanted to give him shit." Quinn admitted. As soon as the words left his mouth, Quinn's mind searched itself, coming up with memories of meeting other wolves that hadn't existed before that moment. Bit by bit, their lives were being rewritten.

"You think if we offer to clean up all the mess, he'll let us in?" Spence asked. Wade growled in longing.

"I want to run my tongue between his toes, lick his paw pads and nuzzle those huge feet." Wade panted.

"Dude, you foot slut!" Quinn smirked. Wade's ears flattened at that, having already reached the top of his head.

"Well if you're so prim and proper, what are you going to do, asshole?" Wade joked. Quinn grinned, tilting his head back. His hair was growing longer and longer, hanging down to his shoulders before it fell back over his back. His hat lifted up a bit more as his proud pointed white wolf ears grew erect.

"I wanna see if he'll give my tail some action." Quinn whispered. At that all three boys moaned, thick heavy wolf tails sweeping the ground behind them. Each of them had tails over four feet long, anchored to furry butts and furry bodies. They weren't really boys anymore, they had changed beyond that... but the changes weren't over. Quinn's shoes started to grow and strain, the leather and rubber stretching out. Pops came as the stitching was disrupted. Pop by pop, snap by snap, the shoes began to split. Long, fat furry white wolf toes emerged with black claws on the tips, paw pads shielded carefully with the fur.

The tearing shoes split up to the ankle and came apart, falling in every which way. Unlike the rest of Quinn's body, the fur on his feet was stained and dark. It was a price he paid skateboarding barefoot, but for him there was no other way to travel. More popping and snapping came as the shoes split on the other boys. Spence's feet grew from size eight to ten, then twelve and thirteen, eventually topping out at size fourteen. His large paws dug into the cement, the claws scraping along it.

"Well, why don't we stop talking about it and just go do it?" Spence offered. The other two looked at the younger boy with surprise.

"Let's go do it." Quinn agreed. He had to admit, he'd never given the little pup much attention, but they were a band of wolves after all. They were supposed to do things as a team. It was time to go apologize.


The doorbell rung through the house, rich in tone and easy on the ears. The night had grown late, most trick or treaters tucked safely in bed... but the wolf knew that wouldn't be the case for three naughty boys. His huge black paws padded across the wooden floor, passing where the egg had smeared. He reached up and turned the doorknob, easing the door open slowly. Standing outside were three teenage wolf pups; one white, one black and one red. Their clothes were too tight for them and torn in places, bulging in others. They smelled of wildness, of musk and virility. They panted easily with their huge muzzles and sharp teeth, tongues hanging out over black lips as a curiously thick and sweet saliva dribbled over the edges.

The fur on Wade's chin was long, very long. Quinn's white hair was down to the small of his back, and Spence looked almost velveteen, being fuzzy all over. Each wolf was panting happily, tails wagging while their pants groaned and strained under the girth of their masculinity. It seemed that they had been unable to resist already, their pants soaked with juices.

"Trick or treat!" The boys said in unison. The big black wolf chuckled, reaching out to scratch their chins. The boys panted and moaned in delight at that, though none enjoyed it more than Wade.

"I thought you all might be coming." The wolf smirked, "Did you like my candy?"

"It was amazing!" Quinn replied.

"It was delicious." Wade moaned.

"Do you have any more?" Spence asked.

"I have plenty of the secret ingredient, but its only for good little pups..." The wolf said, reaching down to grope himself. Unlike before, the wolf now wore only boxer shorts... shorts unbuttoned in the front. Soon a wet, pointed punk cock tip emerged, glistening with seed. The boys whimpered and moaned more.

"We can clean up our mess outside, promise!" Wade murmured. The wolf chuckled.

"That's not what I want... First, get in here and close the door." The wolf replied. The boys obeyed, moving into the house. Wade shut the door and Quinn locked it, all three turning to face him again. The wolf nodded, "Now, you can call me Master." he instructed.

"Yes master!: All three boys said in unison. The master chuckled at that.

"Now... strip for me." he whispered. Before long baggy pants and torn shirts were hitting the floor, the chains clanking. Spence was the first to tear off his clothes, standing naked and happy. His cock sheath was puffy and swollen, the head of his own meat exposed. Wade was the next to strip, his earrings dangling in his pointed ears. Before long, the only thing they were wearing were their baseball hats, making them look like hooligans all the same. Quinn had been the last to get naked, wondering if was pleasing enough to the big black wolf.

"How is this master?" Quinn asked softly. The black wolf reached out, rubbing the pup's ass cheek.

"Very good boys. Daddy is proud of you." He added. The boys stood there for a moment, their memories slowly shifting again. They lost the memories of their own families, their own childhoods. All they remembered were being wolf pups... Sometimes they were good, sometimes they were bad, but they were all wolf. The master dropped his boxers and stroked his sheath, encouraging his own member to slide out. he wiggled it one way and then the other, seeing all the boys follow it with their eyes before he offered it to Quinn.

Instinct flooded the white wolf's mind and then the rest of him.; He dropped down onto all fours, moving forward. His muzzled lips parted and his tongue started to lick up and down the wet rod. The musky tang was strong and Quinn started to drool at once, but the drool was far from normal. It was salty and sweet, thick and syrupy almost like he'd had way too much taffy. He began to work the cock before he plunged it into his maw, sucking hard. The black wolf moaned loudly, sliding his canine cock in and out of Quinn's mouth. He loved the feel of the saliva, the boys making their own lube. It was the best idea he'd had since moving to the neighborhood.

"Spence... Its time to fuck your bitch." The master said, looking to the smaller black wolf. Spence didn't question how the man knew his name. He was their daddy, of course he knew their names. Spence moved behind Quinn, a paw lifting that tail. His own puffy red cock emerged and soon the tip trailed up against Quinn's virgin hole. Quinn whimpered and moaned, deep throating the master wolf before he felt himself spread open wide.

Spence thrust into Quinn, sliding deep. The white wolf's ass squeezed the intruding cock but that made it all the more delicious. Spence grabbed onto the furry hips and dug in, his claws sharp. That only made Quinn buck all the harder. Spence thrust in and out, building speed, working like a wild dog... but his body was so toned, so muscled, so perfect... Wade couldn't stand it. With one paw he masturbated furiously, the other pinching and tugging his own nipple, but it wasn't enough. He was horny, he was aroused, he was in heat. He rubbed his furry ball sack, his sheath, his cock... and then he pounced. Spence called out as he felt the fangs sink into his neck, sharp enough to penetrate the fur but not long enough to break the skin, at least not yet.

Wade wrapped his arms around Spence, the red wolf mounting the black. He humped a few times, missing his target. His cock slid up and down the ass cheeks before he righted everything and tried again... and in the cock went.

The master wolf tipped his head back and let out a howl, loving how it was all turning out. Quinn was the slut, getting a cock in both ends while his own shaft dangled beneath him. Spence was eager, an alpha in training, but Wade was unpredictable, a real horn dog... and for the first night in many years, the master's night was becoming an orgy. He had missed that love, that lust, that focus... His only regret was that Halloween only came once a year. There were so few opportunities to hand out his special candy, but somehow he knew the next year wouldn't be that bad. He had his pups to raise, to teach all the ways of being a wolf... and they were starting with the best of all lessons.

Quinn sucked the cock down hard, feeling it rub the back of his throat. The master leaked more candy tasting sperm which Quinn easily and greedily gulped up. As he drank the seed down, his back stretched longer, his arms and legs stretched... He was still a pup in the eyes of his master, but Quinn was bigger than he'd ever been. His biceps and triceps were thicker and if he'd been standing up, he would have had to be at least six feet and two inches tall.

While Quinn was being nourished directly from his father, it seemed that Spence didn't need that. His own internal bravado was making his bigger. Spence fucked Quinn harder and deeper, digging his claws in, fucking and humping and drooling. His shoulders spread wider, his black fur got thicker, his balls descended lower and swelled larger. He loved it all, but he especially loved having another hot male on his back.

Wade panted hard, all but mauling his would-be brother. he fucked Spence like a mad dog, his cock searing hot from the friction. As nice as it felt, Wade knew he was going to do some damage soon. he pulled his mouth off Spence's neck and looked down at the furry ass he was filling, opening his mouth. Soon the candy sweet drool leaked out, drizzling over the cock, coating it. Spence shuddered as the super tight and rough sex soon became as silky smooth as masturbating, only he'd never done anything with his own ass.

The lube let Wade fuck even harder, the speed seeming to be the key to his maturation. His spine stretched, his arms thickened but most of all his tail seemed to grow. The red tail got wider and wider, taking up more of his backside, stretching out to five feet and then six. It was massive, abnormally large, almost like a big bed of fluff. Wade was proud of his fluff, the huge tail swinging around, knocking over bowls of candy. All he cared about was sex and that was just what the Master had hoped for.

The room smelled of sex and sweat, of males mating eagerly. The master could feel that the pups belonged to him entirely now. They were his then and forever. He had hoped for such an outcome when he'd heard the stories of the werewolves, but he'd never believed it would work out so perfectly... The badder the boy, the better the wolf... and he loved that these boys had been so eager to prank. He couldn't wait to raise them right... but first came a more immediate issue.

The master tilted his head back and parted his lips, letting out a resounding howl as his balls throbbed, his cock pulsed and he began to feed Quinn a much richer, thicker load. In response to their master's call, Spence and Wade lifted their heads and joined in. They felt the power of their lungs, their vocal chords, their entire bodies. The master's howl had come from orgasm, but the howl of the pups led them too orgasm. In unison all three suddenly came, their shafts pumping and the cum flowing. They shuddered and shook, tried to stay up but the orgasm was too powerful.

Spence felt like all of his body was spraying out through his cock, only to have Wade's juices replace it. Wade wasn't so fortunate, merely spraying out his load. The wolves slowly collapsed, Quinn slipping off the master's cock to get a face full of cum before they were all panting on the floor in a limp, horny heap. Wade had expected he'd slip out of Spence, but that wasn't happening... The base of his cock had swollen up into a knot, locking him in his pack mate. Spence felt the same thing, unable to remove himself from his friend. All three boys were tied together in sex just as they had been in life.

With his orgasm not quite finished, the Master stood there, hosing the boys down steadily with the last of his sperm, letting it soak into their fur. Before long their yellow eyes had rolled into the back of their heads and they were asleep, passed out from sexual exertion. The master smiled at that before he turned, wiping his cock off on his paw, licking it clean before he went back into the kitchen. There was another batch of taffy to be made.