Population Control 3 - Friends with Benefits

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of Population Control

The next segment of Population Control, commissioned by gotomax

Our young adventurer's numbers are dwinding, can they pull together in time to save themselves?

Population Control 3

"Will you please stop pacing?" Al said as he ripped open the wrapper of one of the candy bars they had found, biting into it as he watched the Egyptian male move from one end of the room to the other. "They probably just got a bit side tracked, that's all."

"No, they're way over the time limit." Amasis said as he got to the window and looked out of it once more. "Something happened to them... maybe the virus is still active out there and they wondered into one of the hot zones. Maybe they were caught by mutants and eaten for a late supper..."

"Well someone is in a very morbid mood." Mick replied. While Amasis was the most shaken up by the disappearance of his twin all three of them had begun to wonder what happened to the others. First Xavier went missing, and then Reseph and Martin hadn't come back. Even the unshakable leader of their group began to wonder if perhaps there was some truth to the stories, which made them all the more reluctant to do anything but continue to wait for them in the relative safety of the hotel room.

Finally it was Amasis who grabbed his coat and started for the door. "I have to go look for them; I'm going crazy just waiting here."

"Now hold on a second." Al replied with a sigh as he reached over and grabbed his arm. "I got them into this mess, the least I could do is go and look for them. You two can stay here in the hotel while I go look, if I'm not back soon then keep the door barricaded and wait until morning so you can make a run for the city border."

"Now wait a second." Mick replied, getting up as well. "You can't fight worth crap, if there really are mutants out there I'm going to at least have your back out there... even though this is all your fault we're here. Amasis, you stay back and hold the fort here, that way if they come back they don't wonder where we ran off to and then we're all out there searching for each other like fools."

The Egyptian boy sighed and nodded, sitting down in one of the vibrating chairs that adorned their hotel room table. As much as he wanted to go out and help with the search effort he knew that the slightly older boy was right. It still didn't stop him from feeling a pang of regret as he wished them luck before they left into the drizzling night, leaving him alone. Shortly after he grabbed the spare key and walked out onto the balcony, seeing the two dart from shelter to shelter before hitting the streets. The storefronts and lights were surprisingly all lit, though Amasis suspected that everything was like the hotel and completely automated. "I wonder how long this city can run without any human intervention." He said to himself as he looked down at the pool.

"Oh, I'm sure it would run for quite some time." He suddenly heard next to him, causing the Egyptian boy to nearly topple over the ledge before he turned around in surprise. Behind him was a huge, chestnut-brown furred horseman, clad only in a thin, wet speedo that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. For a second he wasn't quite sure what startled him more, the sight of such a strange creature or the lewdness in which he carried himself as he continued to dry his midnight-black mane. "Have you tried the pool yet? Even in the rain it's deliciously heated."

"Uh... I..." Amasis stuttered, at a loss for words as the hulking creature continued to smile down at him. His body was way too perfect to be a mere costume, though his body did have a slightly unnatural shine to it, and he didn't act like any of the mutants that he had heard stories about. In fact the horse seemed quite congenial as he waited for him to say something. "Are you a mutant?"

"A... mutant?" The horse replied before he suddenly burst out laughing, a loud booming voice that echoed throughout the hotel. "Oh that's rich! You know, around these parts they may consider you to be the mutant. I'm Rael by the way."

Amasis had to blink a few times in order to comprehend the situation, in the middle of a strange city talking to a huge anthro horse with a speedo that had started to stretch a bit tighter. "I'm... Amasis. So... Rael... " the young Egyptian said as he tried to look away from the massive member. "How did you get to be all... like that? And is everyone in this city like... you?"

The horse chuckled once more, this time much more muted as he leaned on the railing next to him. "Curious little one are you? Well, what you see here is the byproduct of the innovation of science." He explained, gesturing to himself. "It was part of the Population Control initiative; help stem the tide of human population flux. I say it worked extremely well, we hadn't had a birth or death in quite some time now as far as I can tell. As for if everyone in the city is like this, well, take a look and see for yourself."

Amasis slowly looked away from the horseman and down onto the pool deck, where for the first time since he had come to the city he had noticed figures moving about. A group of males were splashing around in the pool, an anthro tiger and panther in one corner making out while four other animal men were playing a game of chicken fight. There were two others lounging in the beach chairs that lined the edge of the deck, the two wolfmen holding hands as they let the rain soak into their fur. All of them wore the same skimpy swimsuit and had the unnatural shine to their fur as him, and as Amasis turned back he saw that Rael had closed the distance between the two of them so that his huge horsecock was brushing up against his thigh. "So, your room or mine?"

"Uh... I..." Amasis continued to stutter as he backed away, his mind working overtime in order to try and process the information laid out in front of him. "I have to go... nice... meeting you..."

"I'm in room 235 if you change your mind hon." Rael called out as the young human ran back to his hotel room, his hands trembling slightly as he slid the electronic key in and slammed the door behind him. He managed to slide the bolt into place as he started to hyperventilate, putting his back against the door as he regained his composure. When his breathing finally returned to normal he went over to one of the beds, sitting down and running his hands through his hair as he tried to rationalize what he saw.

Suddenly the silver disc on the table began to glow slightly, Amasis having accidently pushed on the holographic projector remote hidden underneath one of the blankets. He fell back slightly on the bed as a miniaturized lion and tiger, both of them wearing what looked like skintight bodysuits appeared on the plate in what looked to be a rather normal looking kitchen, the lion man sitting at the table and the tiger washing dishes at the sink. "Man, my cock is tender this morning." The lion said as he stood up, Amasis's jaw dropping as he saw the feline member bobbing freely in the air.

"Awww, well if the kitty's latex cock is sore, then I have just the thing for it." The tiger replied as he turned around, also completely naked and with his maleness jutted out as he held up a small tube. "Penzlene-5 is the newest in a line of creams that not only soothes irritated synthetic skin but also helps maintain that glossy shine that makes you so... irresistible."

Amasis couldn't help but get off the bed and investigate the holograms, both amazed at the level of technology and astonished at the lewdness of the programming as the two feline men began to make out while a voice droned on about usage and side-effects. He was unaware that as he waved his hand through the projections that the device had sensed his humanity and began to emit an atomized latex gas, filling the unsuspecting man's lungs with a potent cocktail of chemicals and latex.

"Mmmm, yes, that feels great." The lion murred as the tiger rubbed a dollop of cream over the lion's cock. "I can feel it working already... I could bend you over this table right now."

"Well then, you'll be happy to know that the cream is also a lubricant." The tiger purred back as lied back on the table and spread his legs in invitation, the lion eagerly obliging and pushing his reinvigorated cock into the tiger as the tiger looked into the camera with a big smile. "This is a helpful reminder from the Population Control Initiative that being gay with your friends is not only fun, but also your civic duty as a citizen of this city to help stem the growing tide of people in this world. Remember, every cock you service and tailhole you plug is one more step in assuring that our city maintains its prosperity!"

Amasis couldn't believe his eyes at the sight, his breathing quickening as he couldn't take his eyes off of the two bucking males. What shocked him even more though was that he was getting hard, mistaking the chemicals in his system as the start of his own arousal. "This... this isn't right..." he tried to reason with himself as he fell back onto the bed. "I should really turn this off..."

As he shifted his weight to unzip his pants he accidently clicked the remote once more, this time the image shifting and growing bigger as he stood up. The furniture seemed to disappear into the darkness as the hologram seemed to envelop more and more of the room. The tiger and the lion had faded away as well as the kitchen that they were in, replaced with a dragon man with shiny bronze scales that had a large ring in his hands. "Ever been in the middle of a sexual encounter and thought, 'man, this guy has a great ass, if only I was a little harder I could sufficiently penetrate his silky depths like he deserves'?" The dragon asked seemingly right at the confused male.

"I... what?" Amasis said, the question merely bringing up the unwanted image of the tiger and the lion in his mind as the dragon man smiled at him.

"Well, with Malan Brand Cock Rings getting soft in the middle of a hot and heavy encounter is a thing of the past!" The dragon slipped the ring over the massive member that he had been sporting, the metal sliding over his ridged length with ease until it was snug against his base. "Not only will it keep your erection harder but also will help you fend off that orgasm until you're absolutely, completely, one hundred percent ready to blow inside your partner! Who says that serving your community can't also be fun? If you don't believe my claim and have at least a model 3240 projector then give it a squeeze and see for yourself!"

Amasis' breathing began to quicken as he just stared down at the dragon's thick cock, thin flecks of black coating his lips as his lungs and throat were completely converted by the inhaled latex. It went completely unnoticed by the younger male as he debated actually trying to grab onto the huge phallus, his curiosity and the chemicals beginning to override his common sense. The hologram looked so real that had he not seen it appear in front of him he would have thought someone had broken into his room to tell him about their product.

"It's not like anyone would know I did it..." he tried to justify himself as his hand went up to the holographic member, his other hand unbuttoning his pants fishing out his rock hard cock from inside to stroke it as well. Amasis was so focused on the cock in front of him that he didn't even notice his own had begun to leak fluids, but unlike his normal pre it was thicker and had a strange shine to it as it began to creep up the sensitive flesh with every pull from his hand. By this time most rational thought had flown out the window, the young male gripping the phantom cock in front of him.

"It feels like it's actually there." Amasis said with a small gasp as he began to stroke the draconic prick in time with his own member. The latex that was slowly infesting his body had linked itself into the synapses of his brain, making the illusionary cock feel real to him. As the nano-rubber continued to spiderweb and assimilate his mind it was also altering his skull, a pair of rubbery nubs pushing out from his forehead as his face subconsciously drifted closer to the dragon's groin. He licked his lips as the head of the illusionary member was mere centimeters from his mouth as a black fluid began to drip from it...

Suddenly the scene before him changed, Amasis blinking as he realized that he was in some sort of nightclub, various shiny-suited furs dancing around him as he struggled to get his bearings. In the back of his mind he realized that he was mere seconds away from sucking a fake cock, though that thought was quickly forgotten as he looked at all the hot males that surrounded him. "It's Males Gone Mad!" A sudden voice said around him.

"When these civic-minded males get frisky, they bare all for the enjoyment of others!" The announcer said, Amasis awestruck as he actually felt the rubber-clad men rubbing against him. Everywhere the holograms rubbed against him the latex in his body began to surface, pouring out of his pores as silky brown strands of latex fur. As one of the more well-endowed horsemen rubbed against his chest the emerging shiny fur there was a light cream color that contrasted well with the dark brown that had completely covered his arms and back. The illusionary lights and sounds were intoxicating, he couldn't even hear what the announcer said anymore as he began to dance with the others.

Suddenly he found himself sandwich between the horse and a huge, hulking wolf whose shoulders were level with Amasis's head. They danced with him, though it was mostly just them grinding their slick, latex-coated bodies against the developing deerboy. Amasis grunted as he was forced to hold onto their bodies, feeling their cocks throb wildly against his stomach and back as lithe muscle formed underneath his new latex fur. As the holo-creatures rubbed their hands against his head he felt a pressure against his forehead, the shiny nubs that had started there continuing to grow into two rubbery points that branched out as they grew. Before the changing male had a chance to bring his hands up to investigate he was turned around and the wolf plunged his muzzle against his lips for a deep kiss, his eyes widening in surprise as he felt a thick, rubbery-tasting tongue prod deep into his mouth. As the kiss continued his eyelids began to flutter as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm him, and as he tried to return it the suction he thought was the passionate embrace of the illusionary wolf was actually his own face as the rubber that coated it pushed out into a cute blunt deer muzzle. When their embrace broke he danced with the males once more, pulling off his shirt so their bodies could rub against each other even more.

Suddenly the hologram ceased right as he was about to dance over to a completely naked lizardman, Amasis nearly tumbling forward as he let out a small whimper of disappointment. But even though the strong, handsome males he had been enjoying were gone their impression remained on the newly created deerboy's psyche. As he had a chance to feel himself over he let out a small giggle, which quickly turned to a gasp and moan as he slid his hands over his new furry body. The latex composition of the fur gave his body an unnatural shine, as well as accented his trim but not too muscled physique. His brownfur-covered body was perfect for a boy like him, he thought with a chuckle as he hopped onto the bed, pulling off his cumbersome pants and shirt so he could enjoy his new body even more.

As Amasis flipped the last of his clothing off and laid there on the bed in the puff another commercial popped on, this time the former human's eyes lighting up with glee as he brought a hand to his throbbing, latex covered erection. "Wanna make sure that your coat is always as vibrant as your sex life?" A voice said, a clouded leopard and a brightly ringed python appearing in front of the bed while nodding. "Then what you need is Arcyl brand full-body cream! Made only from the purest oils and the latex cum of the horniest males, use this cream for whether you're going for a night on the town or staying in for a night between the sheets!"

"It's important to take care of ourselves as much as it is to take care of our city!" The leopard said as the python took a big dollop of the cream and began to rub it into the leopard's fur. Amasis nodded, nearly drooling over the sight as his hand began to work his cock. "Plus it smells wonderful, and accents my wonderful physique."

"You said it friend." The python replied as he worked the cream in, winking to Amasis as those scaly hands tweaked the feline's nipples and caused him to moan. "Wouldn't you want to have your friend treat you this well?"

"Oh yeah... treat me well..." Amasis repeated, his eyes glued to the erotic display as he began to stroke faster and harder.

"A best friend deserves the best cream." The leopard said, seeming to smile right at Amasis as the python's hands traveled lower, rubbing the cream into his abs as the feline took a dollop and rubbed it into the python's scaly back. "If you have a best friend, I would highly recommend Arcyl cream to them."

"A best friend..." Amasis said, rubbing against his own nipples with a free hand as he watched the python's maw slink down lower towards the leopard's cock. "Need... a best... friend..." he could hear his toes clack together, the nails forming into a hoof, as his pleasure peaked, his mind and body saturated in bliss.

Suddenly the horny deerboy saw his friends in his mind, which caused his hand to only slow down slightly. Part of him recognized that this was wrong, that he needed to get a hold of himself or he would disappear just like the rest of the unfortunate explorers that entered into the city. They were most likely twisted into creatures like him... horny beasts... his hand sped up once more as his resisting mind was quickly bombarded with images of the menbeasts that were in the holo of the club, oozing power and masculinity that he found himself desiring more and more. As he eyes focused back on the two beefy creatures before him a goofy grin crossed his muzzle, no longer caring about his situation as he knew he was only a few strokes away from blowing his first load as a latex creature, locking his new body and mind forever...

As his butt bounced up and down on the bed it once more hit the holo remote, the image suddenly disappearing and causing Amasis to sit up in shock. The sudden jarring of being returned to his hotel room brought reality crashing down on him. His cock was still erect, throbbing in the air as he stumbled to his feet. The squeak of latex filled the air as his hands roamed over his body, pressing against his face and antlers as he fully came to realize what he was.

"Need... help..." he stammered as he stumbled to the door, fumbling with the latch before bursting outside onto the balcony. All the former human could seem to hold onto in his memory was room 235... and the horse he had met earlier that could possibly help him. His new feet and senses took some getting used to though, crashing against the wall and railing as he moved his way towards the main lobby.

Suddenly as Amasis turned the corner he nearly crashed into the same stallion that he was trying to find, the horse catching him in his arms while holding the item that he had just fished out of a nearby vending machine. "Whoa there!" He said, helping the confused deerboy back to his feet. "First time on your hooves boy?"

"Rael..." Amasis replied, pressing himself against the strong, latex-coated chest. It was strange, but he found a sense of safety against that strong chest, especially after those muscular arms of the horseman wrapped around him. "I was in the room... something came on... I turned into this... need help..."

"Well I'll be, you're that human that I met earlier." Rael replied, his grin widening as he put his arms around the confused deerboy's shoulders. "The change can be a bit disorienting at first, though it seems that the process has improved quite a bit. I remember my first change, took three days almost..."

"Please help me..." Amasis pleaded as they began to walk down the hall, the horse obviously leading him to his room. "I can feel the pleasure in my mind, gnawing away at me... and I'm so horny... my cock feels like it's going to burst but then I'm stuck."

"Don't worry, I'll get you all straightened out." Rael replied, both of them stopping at a door as the horse fished his key out from the band of his speedo, which was now stretched to the limit as his own erection throbbed.

When they got inside Amasis found it to be a lot more lived in then his room, his slightly shaking body being sit down on the bed as Rael put the package down on the nearby end table. "I'd say let's make you more comfortable, but you can't get any more naked then that." The horse said with a chuckle as he grabbed a small silver box from the nightstand. "So how about we get you relaxed with a little holo-tv?"

Amasis gasped as he saw the silver disk that had caused his change in the first place begin to glow, quickly covering his eyes. "No!" He shouted, shaking even more as he tried to cover his ears as well, though it was much harder as the appendages flopped about on the top of his head. As he tried to cover both eyes and ears he managed to see a bit of what was being displayed, his eyes widening as he quickly realized that it was a commercial for dildos before he squeezed them shut as tightly as he could.

There was a sudden weight shift on the springs as something heavy settled next to the deerboy, the horse having a seat next to him as he felt strong hands gently grip against his wrists. "Now now, it can't hurt you." Rael said in a soft tone as he slowly pulled Amasis's hands down, trying to comfort him as he turned the deerboy's head to look at him. "I'm just trying to get you to settle down so you can at least talk rationally, the holo-projector can't do anything to you right now, see?"

As the soothing words of the stallion began to sink in Amasis slowly turned back to the hologram, just in time to see a dog-shaped dildo being pushed into a moaning tiger's ass. The announcer was talking about how even without a friend a male can enjoy himself, the words making sense to him once more as he calmed down. "There you go, now can you tell me what's got you in such a fright?" Rael asked, his hand slipping onto Amasis's thigh.

Amasis nearly missed the question as his eyes remained glued to the hologram, hearing the happy moan of the furry man as the dildo was slipped inside his ass, the way the muscle clamped against the shiny latex as it slid inside... "Friends... need to find..." was all the deerboy managed to say as he leaned in to watch the hologram more closely, his cock throbbing as he watched the lewd display.

"Looks like someone likes dildos." Rael said with a chuckle as he watched the enraptured deerboy stare as a second dildo was pushed into the tiger's mouth and locked into place with a harness that created a muzzle. "Is that what you like, your holes being filled like that tiger, and you're just looking to find a friend that can do that for you?"

"I'm not... I don't know." Was all Amasis could reply, his focus still cemented on the Siberian Tiger as the product was thoroughly tested in him. "I guess... it does look like fun..." Rael laughed once more and rubbed the entranced deerboy's head. The horse's other hand slowly trailed up Amasis's thigh to his groin, then up to the throbbing member before giving it a few short strokes. The buck's lithe body shuddered at the touch, but it did little to pry him away from watching as the scene switched to an advertisement for harnesses.

"You know, I think I can find you a far more... comfortable position to be in." Rael commented, slowly moving the enthralled Amasis into a kneeling position on the bed, the stallion right behind him continuing to stroke the smaller male's needy tool. As Amasis continued to watch as two bulls hooked each other up in a leather chest strap that left their meaty chests nearly completely bare he leaned back against the stallion behind him. It felt so right, feeling Rael's chiseled physique behind him, rubbing up and down his back as the commercials began to get lewder. There was one where two males dressed up in rubber gimp suits, one of them leashing the other before using it to pull him back and ram his cock into his ass. The one after that advertised a drug, the creatures taking it falling it into a primal rut and turning their higher minds to mush to experience the pure joy of rutting other males with nothing more than base instincts.

While Amasis watched Rael continued to use his hand to switch between kneading the deerboy's full, latex balls and stroking his hard, twitching shaft. Amasis was so engrossed he hardly even noticed when the stallion behind him shifted his position, taking his nearly foot and a half long cock and sliding it between his legs. When he did finally looked down the deerboy was treated to quite the sight, feeling the thick member slide between his thighs and under his own cock as it gave him the appearance of having two cocks jutting up between his legs. It felt really good, the smell of latex and musk rising to his nostrils as he breathed heavily.

Even with the position they were in, Rael could still feel some hesitancy in the other male which caused him to ramp up his game. "Isn't this an idyllic time we live in?" The stallion said as he nibbled on the deerboy's ear. "The two of us sitting here, watching some holo-tv while enjoying the company of our friends? This city has truly come into a golden age, an age that matches your new body; young but filled with unbound enthusiasm."

Amasis's still malleable mind soaked in Rael's words like a sponge as he was being bombarded with sex, especially between males, from the holo-projector. He slowly realized that the huge stallion was right, his corrupted psyche imaging all the strong, muscular males out there and how a young, lithe deerboy like him was there for the purpose of servicing them. He didn't realize until now how much he wanted their hard bodies, how much he needed their strong cocks inside him... it slowly turned into an ache, an ache that he began to want to fill as soon as possible. But it had to be someone he trusted, he realized, a true friend.

"Rael..." Amasis called out, his body shivering as the horseman licked his ear and commented on how good he tasted. "Rael, you'd protect me, right? Keep me safe?"

"Of course, my dear boy." Rael replied as he ran his free hand under the other male's cheek. "I can assure you that I will always be there to protect you." As he felt the deerboy's head rub against his chest a spot for the Arcyl cream came up once more. "Hey, have you ever tried that stuff before?"

Amasis shook his head, licking his lips as he watched two different creatures rubbing themselves down with the fun-looking cream. He felt a tap on his shoulder and the smaller male turned to see Rael with a wide smile and a large bottle of that same cream. The horse's grin grew even wider as he saw the deerboy's eyes light up from the fine, grabbing it from his grasp and running his fingers over it like it was a precious treasure. "You really want to do this? With me?" Amasis asked, his small tuft of a table wiggling in anticipation.

"Of course, now why don't we have you lie on your back and we'll do each other, alright?" Rael instructed, Amasis nodding eagerly and shifting his position until he felt the cool bedsheets against his back. He couldn't believe this was happening, though a small part of his human side still protested weakly it was easily ignored by the sight of the stallion's sculpted physique as they each took a dollop of the thick cream. "Now just go ahead and work that in as best you can."

"Sure thing." Amasis replied with a giggle as he rubbed the rich-smelling cream into Rael's studly chest, the chestnut-brown fur shimmering as he slathered it all over his chest. It was just like the commercial, Amasis realized as he felt a surge of pleasure shoot through his cock from his newly-realized fantasy coming true. He felt like a teenager being able to put suntan lotion on a girl's back, except the male's sexy chest was a far better choice for him as he enthusiastically rubbed it all over the horse's sides and back. "I could never admit it before, but it's always been a wet dream of mine to be plowed by someone as masculine and hung as you."

"Oh my, someone is a randy boy." Rael replied, chuckling at the bluntness of the deerboy's request. His cream-coated fingers had already trailed down to Amasis' groin, and as he saw the young man nod he teased his puckered opening with one of them before gently inserting it. It caused the latex-furred buck to let out a groan, which only grew louder and louder the deeper the digit was inserted. At the same time the young buck rubbed his creamed covered hands over that thick, throbbing cook.

Finally Amasis felt those strong hands grip his sides, gasping slightly as he was turned onto his back. He couldn't believe his fantasy was coming true, being topped by a hot stud of a horse. It was only natural for a young teen like him to have his legs spread by the Adonis above him, and he couldn't believe how lucky he was. "You ready for some of this?" Rael said, presenting his glistening member to him.

"Oh please Rael, mount me!" Amasis begged. "Take me like the hot stud you are! I want you to fill me until I'm ready to burst!"

Rael was more than happy to oblige the young buck, his fat glands pressing against the tight pucker. "Of course babe, didn't I tell you that I would be looking out for you." Amasis said as he murred happily, gripping the bedsheets as he felt the head of it slowly open his tight ring of muscle. The young buck let out a silent scream as the thick cock spread his insides. It took nearly three minutes for the stallion to push completely inside him, Rael savoring the virgin pucker as Amasis felt every throb inside him.

"Mmmm, such a sweet gay boy you are." Rael murmured, stroking against Amasis's floppy latex ear as he gave the young buck a moment for his body to adjust to his girth. Amasis could only nod, agreeing with the stallion that was inside him as the horse gave another powerful thrust that caused him to squeal. He was the epitome of the gay teen deer he had transformed into, his humanity merely a whisper on the edge of his mind. But even that slight voice was too much, he wanted Rael to push and thrust into him until he nothing more than a flaming gay buck.

"It feels so good!" Amasis squealed as he held onto Rael's thick arms as his body was rocked back and forth. "This is so right... so proper..."

"Indeed..." Rael agreed, watching the buck writhe under him with each stroke of his huge cock. "All guys like nothing more than a fat cock inside them..." Amasis nodded once more, wrapping his arms around Rael's thick neck. The stallion could see the untamed lust in the boy's eyes, stoked even harder with every thrust. It wasn't enough though, as he rolled his hips in to pound the deer boy faster and deeper he was resolved to climax so hard into the smaller male that he would have trouble remembering his own name.

Amasis was pressed deeply into the bed as he began to push back against the stallion's groin. His thoughts were only on the cock that was so deep inside of him and the powerful horse it belonged to that hovered over him. He was in absolute nirvana, and with each thrust it only got better. All he could hear were his grunts and groans mixed with Rael's, the slapping of their rubber thighs together, and the tapping of his horns against the headboard. He felt a deep, blissful pleasure rising from deep inside him, something he had never felt before as his hard cock was rubbed against the stallion's powerful abs.

"Rael!" Amasis screamed as he felt his cock spurt a thick, viscous latex seed, his orgasm causing his vision to blur. Above him the stallion let out a loud whinny, his last few thrusts short and shallow before he pushed as deep as he could. Deep inside the deer boy could feel Rael's seed flood his insides, their bodies pressed close together as they rode out their shared orgasm. All too soon though it was over, the mind blowing pleasure replaced with a pleasant afterglow that permeated their bodies as they panted heavily.

"You hungry?" Rael asked, both of them exchanging a small chuckle before they pressed their muzzles together into a forceful kiss...


"So what else is in that bag of yours?" Amasis asked after setting one of the boxes of Chinese food they had ordered aside.

"Something special I had picked up just in case." Rael replied with a grin as he grabbed the small pouch and dumped the contents out, two identical cockrings tumbling out onto the bed. "What do you think?"

"They're wonderful!" Amasis proclaimed, leaning forward and kissing his big male stud on the lips. He could feel the stallion pressing back and soon their tongues became entwined, making out while Rael took one of the rings and slid it over the deerboy's cock. The smaller male shuddered as he felt the cool metal of the ring slide down over his latex flesh, fitting snuggly at the base as his member began to fill with blood. Soon after Rael did the same thing to himself, the two matching bands on their cocks as they made out passionately.

"Oh my God, it's so hard!" Amasis said once they broke their kiss, feeling his cock throb against the now warm metal of the ring.

"Well why don't you take it out for a test drive then?" Rael replied, grinning as he laid down on his back and spread his legs, exposing his pucker to him. "C'mon, you know you want to."

As Amasis crawled up on the bed the advert for the cockrings something came to mind, the young buck smiling a bit. Thanks to the ring his cock was hard as steel, ready to plunge deep into the horse's silky depths like he deserves. As he slowly pushes inch after inch of his rubber cock into him the stallion's insides press against him like a silky glove. The pleasure sends shivers up his spine as he realizes at that moment he never wanted to stick a cock into anything other than a tight ass ever again.

Rael just smiled as he felt his new boyfriend begin to thrust into him in earnest, taking the boy's virginity both ways as he gripped onto the bedsheets. "Say, didn't you say that you were looking for your friends?" He asked.

"Did I? I don't remember..." Amasis replied, unconcerned with anything other than plunging his hard cock into that tight, latex furred rump in front of him. "I'm already with a friend right now so I guess I will just have to fuck them later, though I don't know where they are and this city is awfully big..."

"Don't worry babe, I'll help you out." Rael replied, grinning as he pulled the deer boy down for a kiss. "It's my duty as your boyfriend to protect you."

Amasis let out a murr as their lips locked, their tongues swirling around another as his cock remained deeply embedded in the stallion. He was such a lucky deer to have nabbed such a hot stud for a boyfriend he realized, probably the hottest one in town.

In the background the still running holoprojector ran a spot for birthcontrol, the wolf on the screen asking if being gay didn't sound like the best thing ever. "Fuck yeah." Amasis commented, causing both of them to chuckle before the deer began to thrust into his lover once more.