A Smile as Wide as a Mile
It's s Canday in Equestria, and Pinkie Pie could not be more excited. She's prepped and ready to spread love and joy, and there is one heart in particular she hopes she can touch.
Twilight Sparkle woke to the sound of candy being munched. Groaning, she rolled over and placed the pillow over the side of her face, but then she felt warm, bad smelling breath blowing over her snout. She opened her eyes, to see Spike's cute face very close, his cheeks bulging with a mouthful of rock candy. He opened his jaws wide and threw another clawful of candy into his maw, before innocently holding the bag out. "Want one?" he asked.
Equestria was never exactly a solemn place, but on the International Day to Celebrate All Things Confectionary, Sweet and Sugary, or Canday for short, everyone seemed just a little more chipper. Which was good. The Second Reign of Discord was still fresh in everyone's mind. The horrors that the God of Chaos had put not only ponykind, but every creature under the sun through, still plagued the hearts and minds of thousands. This year, Canday was more than a day for bakers and chefs to show off their latest culinary concoctions. It was a day to let go and be a foal again, and put all the nightmares that Discord had caused behind them.
Of course, it was also a day to eat a ton of candy.
Twilight Sparkle rolled out of bed and tiredly trotted to the mirror. She brushed her morning mane away, before opening her mouth for a nice big yawn. Spike took the chance to flick a small rock candy onto the purple unicorn's tongue. Aware of the morsel, she carefully shifted it to one of her cheeks and began to suckle it. It had a bit of a cherry taste, though much more subtle, as rock candies tended to be. "Ruby?" she asked.
"Yep. Rubies are my favorite, but emeralds are second best. I don't really like the sapphires, but they're not that bad." He rummaged through his bag, and at last picked out a sparkling purple gem. "Amethyst. Kinda makes me think of you."
"Should I be worried that you're going to eat it?"
Spike tossed the gem into the air and rolled out his long, serpentine tongue. The gem fell onto the slimy, sticky surface, and abruptly disappeared into his maw as he pulled his tongue back. Twilight Sparkle found herself shivering just a little. After washing the sleep from her eyes and having a bowl of oats for breakfast (she insisted Spike have the same so he wouldn't be gorging himself on an empty stomach,) she headed out into the town.
The whole village smelled absolutely luxurious. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, mint, orange... thousands of flavors all mingled and mixed like a rainbow for the olfactory sense. Twilight Sparkle took just a moment to breathe through her nose and savor all the scents, before she headed off for the town square.
It was nice to see Ponvyille on Canday before the crowds and mobs flooded the street. It was sort of like seeing a tropical paradise before it got ransacked by a sugar craving storm. Banners were hung up confirming the holiday, as if the sweet smells that wafted through the streets weren't clue enough. Twilight Sparkle noticed Donut Joe, who was setting up his stand. Hidden under a large tarp was something he would only refer to as "Donutopia 2 and Twilight Sparkle made a note to stop by again when the holiday was underway. Applejack and her family were setting up their own stand, though since they seemed quite occupied, Twilight Sparkle didn't bother them just yet. Besides, she was having fun simply wandering the streets.
How Ponyville had changed. She remembered the cruel mockery that Discord had turned her home in to, but the grass and leaves were starting to recover from the perpetual sun and the houses had all been rebuilt. She just hoped the hearts and souls of the ponies could recover as well.
Twilight Sparkle heard wings flap, and something land behind her. She turned, expecting Rainbow Dash to be standing there, but instead found herself staring at a white face, and a single large, amber eye. "What's up, dweeb?" the griffon asked.
Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes. "Good morning to you too, Gilda. Nice to see your wing has healed... again. Have you ever thought of trying to avoid the mountains instead of flying straight into them?"
Gilda stretched her wings out at her sides and looked back. "I was trying to get away from the pink one. She's determined that we be... BPGFEFFs. What the beak is that? And how the beak does she move so damn fast?"
Twilight Sparkle thought for a moment. "If I had to guess, I would say it is an acronym for Best Pony-Griffon Former Enemies Friends Forever. She wanted something similar with a changeling we met not too long ago. Her name was Radar or something."
"What is it with you hoofers and making friends with every beaking thing you come across?"
Again, Twilight Sparkle took a moment to think. When talking to somegriffon like Gilda, it was best to choose one's words carefully. Sure, Gilda had mellowed quite a lot in the past few months, but she was still armed with a sharp beak, sharper claws, and the sharpest of tongues. Twilight Sparkle finally settled for something very simple. "You've lived with both, which is better; a life with too many friends, or too few?"
Gilda, of course, opened her mouth to give a quick response, but no words came out. She closed her beak and thought, opened her beak again, but again drew a blank as to what to say. Twilight Sparkle allowed a smile to spread across her lips as she resumed her trot. Much to her surprise, Gilda soon came to walk beside her. "How are your studies going?" she asked.
"They've been going quite good. I've actually been studying griffons lately. After what Discord did, Princess Celestia is going to try securing a proper truce with the Griffon Kingdom, instead of an informal, 'you don't bother us, and we don't bother you.' When threats approach Equestria, it will no longer just be us ponies fighting them. Griffons, ponies, minotaurs, dragons, changelings even, all united for a common cause, with a neutral territory somewhere in the west where we can all meet."
"It's a nice sentiment, but it won't happen," Gilda muttered.
"Why not?" Twilight Sparkle asked. "We will extend the olive branch, so to speak. I know about the Griffon Kingdom's history with ponies, but Princess Celestia has assured me that those crimes will be absolved. Why wouldn't the Griffon Kingdom want to join?"
"Because we're not always the problem and we're not the only ones with crimes under our belt. And a lot of us don't trust ponies. If you think we're just going to roll over and let you trot all over us, you're wrong."
Twilight Sparkle was going to ask further questions, but Gilda's beak was suddenly bobbing in the air. She turned sharply, so sharp in fact that her tail ended up smacking Twilight Sparkle across the snout, though she doubted that was Gilda's intention. Gilda rushed to the stand that belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Cake with the enthusiasm of a foal. Gilda stared at them, amber eyes wide, and then looked down to the display of treats.
"Ladybug muffins?" Gilda asked, drooling. "I smell them, do you have them?"
Mrs. Cake gave a jovial laugh and produced a trio of muffins on a plate, smoking slightly in the cool, crisp morning air. "Rainbow Dash asked us to make these up, special for you. I hope we followed the recipe alright."
"L-ladybug... muffins?" Twilight Sparkle asked, trying to hold back the gorge that was rising in her throat. It was the smell that really got to her. They smelled... delicious. Warm and buttery, but when she looked closer, she saw a long, thin leg twitching from just out of the golden crust, or she noticed the sprinkles of red were in fact ladybug shells. Her stomach was utterly baffled how to feel.
"Well, it hasn't got the same appeal as a hay burger, I'm sure," Gilda snickered. "But how about you give it a taste?" She selected one of the smaller muffins from the plate and held it out under Twilight Sparkle's snout, who sniffed it passively. "You know," Gilda continued. "If you ponies do make a treaty with the Griffon Kingdom, you might have to serve as Queen Sun's ambassador. What are you going to do when grasshopper tartar is on the menu? Us griffons live claw to beak. Refusing food is considered a grave insult."
Magenta magic embraced the muffin and Twilight Sparkle lifted it up. Very slowly, very carefully, she brought it to her lips. She dared not breathe through her nose, as the thought of what she was eating as well as how good it smelled would make her hurl. She had to close her eyes as her teeth first made contact with the flaky coating of muffin and she hit something crunchy (she had more than a few thoughts what it was.) She eased her jaw closed and tilted her head back, and allowed the bite of muffin to sit on her tongue. It was buttery, to be sure. And a bit grainy. Past that was an alien taste, though not so alien Twilight Sparkle didn't know what it was. She tilted her head back and swallowed, and passed the rest of the muffin back to Gilda. Opening her beak wide, Gilda swallowed the remainder of the muffin in one gulp.
"Bit like spelunking," Twilight Sparkle said, taking a deep breath. "Didn't like it, but happy I tried it once."
Gilda allowed a rare, genuine smile to cross her lips, and gave Twilight Sparkle a punch in the arm. Twilight Sparkle was going to yelp, but she guessed this was meant to be a friendly gesture, and didn't want to give Gilda the wrong impression. "You know something, dweeb? You're alright."
"And you are not as bad as a lot of ponies think. I'm happy we have gotten to know each other better. You really are a good friend."
"You are too."
Off in the distance, they heard the distinctive wail of Pinkie Pie's voice. Much like a startled cat, Gilda's fur and feathers all stood up at once, and her back arched at a painful angle. Pinkie Pie rushed towards the two of them, before abruptly tackling Twilight Sparkle to the ground. "It's here!" she screamed. "It's here! It's here! It's... wait for it... Canday!"
Twilight Sparkle managed to shift her weight, and push the larger pony off of her. She picked herself up with her magic and righted herself. "Yes it is, Pinkie. Are you excited?"
"Are you kidding? It's only the most sugary-coated stupendous holiday all year! There's candy! And it's free! And we don't have to share it with Princess Luna's evil doppelganger!" Pinkie Pie bit her saddle bag and brought it around to her front, before rummaging a hoof through it. "Here, try this." She plucked a sweet smelling cookie from the bag and stuffed it into the purple pony's mouth. "And don't worry BGFEFF," Pinkie said, turning her attention to Gilda. "I didn't forget about you."
"It's alright," Gilda said quickly, but a cookie and a pink hoof were suddenly stuffed into her beak, making her cheeks puff slightly. Before Gilda could spit, Pinkie Pie's hooves were clamping her beak shut.
"Chew," the pink pony said. "Chew, chew chew. Can griffons chew? Do you have teeth? It doesn't matter. Now swallow. That's right. See. So, how do you like sugar hay cookies? Pretty great, huh?"
Gilda's face contorted in a mix of nausea and boiling rage. She glared at Twilight Sparkle, who took a step forward and placed her hoof on Gilda's shoulder. "Remember what we talked about? Take a deep breath, hold it, and let it out. It's alright to be mad, it's not alright to explode."
Gilda did as she was told, and sat down. "I'm not a fan of hay," she said simply, before turning her backside to Pinkie Pie. Her tail lifted and her wings spread, and a moment later she had taken to the air.
Pinkie Pie sat down and rummaged through her bag, soon unearthing a black & white cookie. She gave it a little nibble, and sighed. "I just don't get it, Twi. I've tried everything with Gilda, but she still always keeps me at arm's length. I don't get why."
The purple pony rolled her eyes. "Well, you have got a bit of a direct style in making friends, and that works great with ponies, but not so well with other creatures. Remember the donkey? It took a change in tactics, and eventually he came around, but barraging him with a friendship cannon didn't work."
"I just... I can see it in Gilda's eyes. Deep down, she's just lonely, and she really needs a friend. I don't know how to just turn my back on someone like that and ignore them when they really just need a hug."
Pinkie Pie sighed again. After rummaging through her bag, she unearthed another cookie, and quickly munched it down. She pulled out a third, then a fourth, eating them with barely enough time to breathe between. When she was out of cookies, she pulled out a shiny apple, coated in some sort of gold candy that glowed brilliantly in the sun. The luster of the apple intrigued Twilight Sparkle enough she leaned closer and gave it a gentle sniff. "Pinkie, where did you get that?"
"Oh, this? Weirdest thing: a pony I've never met before was operating a confection stand on the outskirts of the village, just in front of the Everfree Forest. He said his name was Drocside or something like that. Then, he gave me this apple free of charge. I was going to share it with Gilda, since I know how much she loves apples, but... well..." Pinkie Pie opened her mouth wide, and popped the apple inside. Crunching down, she reduced the apple to sauce, before gulping it down in a heavy swallow.
"Uhm... Pinkie, do you think it was such a good idea to eat that?"
Pinkie's eyes clenched shut. An adorable hiccup escaped her lips, the force enough she actually jumped into the air. When she landed and looked back to Twilight Sparkle, she noticed she could see clear over the purple mare's horn and head. She actually had to look down to spot her.
"Not again," Twilight Sparkle muttered, as another hiccup escaped Pinkie Pie's lips.
When she had finished all the ladybug muffins, Gilda followed the scent of apple fritters to Applejack's stand. Applejack was, surprisingly, happy to see Gilda and mentioned something about owing the griffon a zap apple pie. Although Gilda didn't know what she was talking about, she didn't refuse the delicious zap apple pie that was presented before her, and gobbled it down in several blissful bites.
Big Macintosh took Apple Bloom out to enjoy the fair, leaving Gilda alone with Applejack. Shrugging, Gilda somehow found herself helping Applejack stack all the pies pretty.
"How do you deal with Pinkie Pie?" Gilda finally asked.
"She is a bit enthusiastic, ain't she? Just keep in mind, she means well. She always means well. And, you just gotta overlook someah her more annoyin' features and focus on the good."
"Pfft, it's not even that. I had to deal with Dashie's snoring and boasting for four years. I can handle annoying just fine. This is going to sound crazy, but how do you deal with her forgiving you, without a trace of malice? I mean, she had it coming, but I guess I could have been a bit nicer to her. I could have politely explained to her that I wanted to be with Dash alone."
"That wouldn't ah worked," Applejack interjected. "She woulda kept pestering you and bumping between you two. Dang, you should see her on Heart and Hooves Day."
"Well, Fluttershy doesn't like me, and I'm OK with that. It took months before Dashie would look at me the way she used to. But Pinkie Pie... it's like she doesn't even remember how I was. She just forgave me, wholeheartedly, and that's that, Q.E.D. Do you remember when Dashie insisted I make reparations for what I did? I had to help Fluttershy with one of her pets, and I had to help you bring in the zap apple harvest, but do you know what I had to do for Pinkie Pie?"
"Twilight told me ya came back in a huff, so I figured never ta ask."
"Pinkie Pie threw me a party, and I had to sit through it. She said since the last party went bad, this was a makeup one. The whole day, she fed me cake, and she brushed my feathers, and she... How do you deal with that? How do you deal with someone who can just forgive you and... that's it? They don't hold a grudge or get angry or..."
Applejack smirked. "You know, Ms. Griffon. Ya keep talkin like that, and we may start ta think ya got a heart ah gold under that generally bitchy exterior."
Gilda laughed. "I know you're making fun of me, but I just had my first lady bug muffin in almost six years, you gave me my first zap apple pie and it was delicious, and when Dashie is done at the Wonderbolt Academy, she'll come fluttering down from the clouds. I'm in way too good a mood to be snarky back."
Applejack offered the griffon a fresh, plump red apple, which she graciously accepted. "I think about it like this, Gilda. It ain't a matter of who forgives you; it's a matter of who you forgive. If the whole world thought like that, the world would be a better place. Maybe Pinkie Pie is just ahead of the curve, and trying to inspire the rest of us."
"Forgiveness for the sake of forgiveness. I'll never understand how we didn't trounce you during the war." Gilda scratched the feathers on her cheeks. "I haven't got any bits to pay for the apple. How about I work it off next week?"
"Sounds fair, Ms. Griffon. See ya then."
Gilda decided she was tired of waiting. She would fly up to Cloudsdale and wait for Rainbow Dash there, and then come back down to Ponyville. As Gilda took a step away from the stand, she found the ground beneath her claws shudder and shake. She bounced slightly off the ground, as did Applejack. Instinctively, the griffon and the pony embraced the apple stand to ensure none of the confections bounced off and fell to the dirty ground. When the second tremor rushed through the ground, several of the apple pies at the top of the stack did tumble off and splat onto the grass.
Gilda realized the tremors were caused by a stampede of ponies, all running through the town. For a moment, she assumed this was some sort of pony tradition; some sort of annual Running of the Cakes, but there was nothing organized about them running. There was just a blind panic, an exodus to get away from whatever had spooked them. Gilda found it prudent to move as close to the apple stand as she could, vaguely afraid of being knocked down and trampled beneath a dozen hooves. She waited until the herd had passed and then casually trotted into the center of the street, curious what had spooked so many ponies.
From around the corner came a massive pink shape, so large, at first Gilda could see nothing beyond a pink blob. Then the pink blob began to laugh and shake with mirth, and Gilda realized that it was Pinkie Pie. Only, Pinkie Pie had gained almost four times her prior dimensions and was now stumbling through the streets of Ponyville. Her massive blue eyes swayed side to side, and when she spotted a stand of pies or presentation of confections, she lowered her head and gobbled the entire display down.
"I really should be surprised about this sort of thing," Gilda muttered.
Pinkie Pie sat back on her massive rump, sending a tremor through the ground that knocked the orchard pony and the griffon off their feet. The pink pony gave her large belly several tender rubs, but upon spotting Applejack, she quickly rushed over. "AJ!" she shouted. Her booming voice had the strength of a thousand drums and made both Applejack and Gilda nearly fall to the ground. "Sorry, sorry," Pinkie Pie said, making sure to speak softer for her company's tiny ears. "Check this out though? Isn't it cool?"
Applejack trotted forward, shaking her head. "Did you go munchin' that red sprout Dash found? Dang it Pinkie, ya scared everyone away!"
Pinkie Pie scoffed. "Better to have them gone. More candy for me." She licked her lips. "All for me... And this isn't my fault! Some mysterious pony in the forest gave me an apple and it made me grow. Twilight sensed magic, so she ran off to the library to come up with a counter spell. In the meantime... since everyone's gone, figure you wouldn't want all those delicious apple fritters to go to waste, huh? All for me..."
Pinkie Pie licked her lips. Her massive muzzle batted and whacked at the stand until it started to fall apart. Her huge tongue slipped out and wrapped around the apple fritters (and the table they stood on) before scooping it all into her mouth. Pastries and wood were crunched between thick, dull teeth as she chewed quickly. A massive bulge ran down Pinkie Pie's throat, before disappearing into her rather large belly.
"Pinkie Pie, ya feelin' alright?" Applejack asked. "Ya just ate my whole concession stand. Big Macintosh ain't gonna be happy he's gotta rebuild it."
The pink pony swallowed. Gilda took an instinctive step back as the pink body suddenly inflated, growing just a bit bigger than it had been before. There was a twinkle of pain in her eye, but she managed to smile, and said, "Just... really hungry I guess. All this candy..." She wandered to another of the stand, and opened her great mouth. A moment later, she had put her jaws over the stand that belonged to Donut Joe, and carefully closed her mouth. The entire stand, as well as a portion of the ground beneath, disappeared into her massive maw. This time she didn't even bother chewing. She just tilted her head back and swallowed several times, struggling to force the "food" down her throat. Her belly gurgled and growled like thunder, even louder than her booming voice. She sat back and rubbed it tenderly.
"Some things wrong," Applejack whispered, coming to stand beside Gilda. "Not just that Pinkie's giant. Just look at her."
Gilda turned her attention back to the giant pony, at first unsure what she was supposed to be seeing. Pinkie Pie dipped her head and gobbled up another confection stand, but just after swallowing, she sat down and tenderly rubbed her swollen gut. Little pokes and protrusions could be seen jutting out of the stretched pink skin of her belly. Her blue eyes screwed shut suddenly and her teeth gritted, but soon her body had swelled another size, and there were no longer protrusions sticking out of her gut. Her body was jiggling gently as she got to her feet, and she shifted her eyes left to right, looking for something else to eat. She was the size of a normal house by now, and only growing larger as the apples and architecture settled in her belly.
"Gilda, I need ya to stay with her. Keep her distracted. Don't let her eat anything else. I'll give ya all the apples ya can eat. Just... I gotta go see if Twilight has got anything ta help Pinkie. Can ya just do this, please?"
Gilda managed a smile, and nodded. A moment later, she was staring at the muscular flanks of Applejack as she went racing off towards the library, as fast as she could, leaving Gilda completely alone with an oversized pink pony.
Having exhausted her present supply of confections, Pinkie Pie had begun to breathe rather heavy. She was sitting there, tenderly rubbing her stomach, when she suddenly doubled over and let out a little whimper and groan. She quickly got to her hooves and trotted forward, blue eyes swaying side to side, searching for another pie or cupcake to soothe the rumble in her stomach, until Gilda came to flutter in her path. Pinkie Pie gave a nervous smile, for a moment forgetting about the ache in the pit of her belly. "H-hi Gilda," she said.
Arms crossed over her chest and powerful wings flapping in the air, the griffon passively stared at the massive pink pony. "The apple one wants me to keep an eye on you. Shouldn't be too hard. You're as big as the whole damn town."
Pinkie Pie frowned, and her cheeks turned a subtle shade of red. She took a step back.
"Hey, tons of fun, where are you going?"
Pinkie Pie's stomach rumbled painfully and she bowed her head. She looked left to right, trying to find someplace to retreat, but there were houses flanking her on either side, and despite all the stands she had eaten, she wasn't actually feeling that destructive. And she really just wanted something else to eat. Gilda fluttered forward, once more coming right before the pink, monolithic face. "How you feeling?"
"I... I'm hungry," Pinkie Pie said meekly.
"Don't you think you've had enough?"
"Yeah, I think I have, but I'm still really hungry. And I'm only getting hungrier." An oddly delicate whimper slipped between Pinkie Pie's lips. She took a careful breath, but her eyes screwed shut suddenly and she softly rubbed her inflated gut. When she opened her eyes, Gilda was resting so her stomach and chest on Pinkie Pie's nostrils, her elbows on Pinkie Pie's snout. "Take a seat, dweeb."
Gilda was happy she was in the air, so when Pinkie Pie's enormous plot hit the ground, she wasn't a victim of the earthquake. When Pinkie Pie was sitting down fully, Gilda fluttered down to the ground and came to stand between her thick, slightly chubby legs. Pinkie Pie's tummy swelled out beyond its normal dimensions, and she tenderly rubbed her excess fat, a slightly pained look spread across her pink face.
This had to be the single stupidest thing Gilda had ever done in her life, and that was saying something. She had to keep Pinkie Pie distracted, though, since Gilda could only imagine what would happen if she kept eating. Either she would explode, or devour all of Ponyville in a desperate bid to sate her constantly growing hunger... Gilda never did like magic.
"Why don't you like me?" Pinkie Pie muttered. "I'm sorry that I kept getting between you and Dash, but I didn't mean to make you mad. I really just wanted to be friends."
"It's alright. I'm just an old, grumpy bird, and sometimes I do need to do something fun to cheer up. If you can tone it down a bit, I promise, I'll try and find time to be around you. I'm starting to think I really do need friends. I love Dash, and Applejack and Sparkle aren't that bad to be around."
"I will try to tone it down," Pinkie Pie said. Once more, her eyes screwed shut, and a thunderous rumble escaped her stomach. Arms wrapped tight around chest, she bent forward, groaning.
Gilda didn't move. She stood there, and when Pinkie Pie's blue eyes fell to her, she smiled. "Did Dash ever tell you I like big mares?"
Sure, there were probably other ways to keep a gigantic Pinkie Pie distracted, but inspiration was slow coming for the griffon. And, truthfully, Gilda really did have a thing for big mares. As odd as it might sound, she would be lying if she said there wasn't something alluring about being between a pair of thighs thicker than most buildings. She would have rather they be cyan blue thighs, of course, but it was alright.
Pinkie Pie let out a little giggle as the sharp claws of the griffon brushed her. The sharp talons that dotted each of Gilda's fingers were perfect for reaching her skin. Gilda slowly moved forward, nervousness tugging at her heart, but for whatever reason, she pressed on. When she finally decided this idea really was just too damn crazy, she felt a strong weight at her back, and realized that Pinkie Pie had placed her hoof behind her. Golden eyes wide, she looked up to Pinkie Pie, to see her signature smile had returned. "You know, tiny Gilda, I like big mares too. And little mares. And big stallions. And little stallions. And even griffons. I like everyone, as a matter of fact, but you probably already guessed that, huh?"
Gilda's eyes practically bulged out of her head as Pinkie Pie slowly rolled back, sitting firmer on her rump cheeks and tail hole. The curve of her groin was slowly revealed, as were a pair of gargantuan lips and engorged labia, both already drooling, either from anticipation or from all the candy she had just eaten. The scent of lust and warmth hit Gilda like a train, knocking the wind out of her lungs. For a panicked moment, she clawed and cawed, trying to take a breath, though she went stock still when the warmth of Pinkie Pie's drooling lips washed over her chest. The scent of lust, rolling out of Pinkie Pie in great waves, was overwhelming for Gilda. She found she could do little more than lay there, the pink hoof at her back, and the enormous lips at her front.
Horses naturally had large, deep vaginas, and Pinkie Pie was considered a large mare by most standards. Gilda lifted her claws and attempted to brace herself on the slick lips of the nethers, but found the skin far too wet to give her anything to hold on to. With the smallest amount of pressure on her back, she was suddenly up to her elbows inside the pink pony, the warmth both terrifying and oddly alluring. Despite the size of the lips, Gilda's shoulders proved too broad to sink inside immediately. Gilda gave a sigh of relief, and began to wiggle and squirm, attempting to push herself out, but found the fleshy lips growing steadily wider.
Pinkie Pie let out a long, dreamy sigh. There was still an ache in her belly, but the weight in her groin was a pleasant distraction from that pain. Gilda's feathers were so strange against her slick, drooling lips, but far from unpleasant. Giggles rolled out of her and her whole body shook with mirth as she felt Gilda finally start to wiggle and squirm. Cream was washing out of her, soaking Gilda, and she was vaguely afraid the poor griffon might drown. If Gilda ever stopped squirming and fighting, she assured herself she would be fast enough to pull her out, but for now, Pinkie Pie simply enjoyed the struggles.
Gilda's world was one of fear and lust. It was difficult to breath. The air was thick, and if she dared to open her beak, she would get a mouthful of odd tasting juice. She pushed forward anyway, until only her lion's tail was left outside the sweltering lips. At first, the pressure upon her body was actually quite painful. Pinkie Pie's warm lips, although yielding and soft, were squeezing her on all sides. For a brief moment, her struggles were out of pure, raw terror. But the lips widened suddenly, as Pinkie Pie continued to steadily grow, and soon the squeeze of the nether muscles were more snug than crushing.
For a long time, Pinkie Pie kept her hoof firmly wedged inside her nethers. Flecks of drool spilled out of her lips as she felt the painful lust inside her build. Gilda was scratching and clawing at the thick walls like an ornery cat, the pain the griffon caused sprinkling the fits of lust. Pinkie Pie was only vaguely aware Gilda was traveling steadily deeper. The more lust that sprinkled through her body, the more she grew, which allowed Gilda to slip farther inside until she hit some sort of special spot, that no stallion before had ever touched.
Pinkie Pie jerked up suddenly, only to fall to her back and send a shuddering wave through all of Equestria. Her sides were now brushing against the buildings that flanked her. A shudder ran through her, and she pushed against the home. Her hooves smashed into the buildings' innards, causing somepony's home to collapse into a pile of dust. She sat up once again, and gently placed her hoof inside her massive nethers, the bulk pleasant at her lips while Gilda worked deeper.
Far inside the pink mare, Gilda was going mad. It was dark and hot inside the horse, and tight when the walls around her squeezed. The scents of lust were overwhelming her olfactory sense, as was the warmth that was bathing her body. Completely smothered, she was doing a fairly good job of holding her breath, though knew she could not last. She fought and clawed madly; trying to find an escape, terrified her breath would drown in... she didn't really want to think about it.
Pinkie Pie felt warmth wash out of her, and quickly pulled her hoof away. It felt like an explosion deep inside, like a dam had broken and a sweet release was washing away. She felt Gilda claw and scratch every inch of her nethers as the creamy flood pushed the miniscule griffon forward. A wet caw signaled she was free of the nether's and Pinkie Pie allowed herself to fall back, sending another earthquake all through Equestria.
It was several minutes before Gilda found the strength to stand up. Her legs were shaking and her fur was absolutely soaked with heavy cream. She had been used, by a pony no less, in a way she would never be able to forget.
Her wings were sore, but not broken, so she found the strength to flap and flutter into the air. Just getting onto Pinkie Pie's chest left her utterly tuckered out and she plummeted the short distance onto the soft, pink belly. Pinkie Pie propped herself up on her elbows and looked to Gilda, before giving a wide smile. Rolling slightly to her side, she placed a hoof behind Gilda's back and began to tug her towards her face. Gilda was a little worried about approaching the mouth with could now effortlessly consume an entire house, but couldn't really fight the massive hoof at her back. She went rigid when pressed against the warm, wet lips of the pink mare, but Pinkie Pie merely puckered and gave the griffon a tender kiss. A tongue larger than Gilda's whole body slipped out and brushed over her fur and feathers, removing some of the globs of cream that clung to her. Pinkie Pie then carefully turned Gilda around and licked up her back. How drool was preferable to the scent of love, Gilda wasn't sure, but at least it might be slightly easier to explain to Rainbow Dash.
"I ever you tell you you're quite tasty?" Pinkie Pie asked. The look of utter horror on Gilda's face brought laughter to the giant pony, who set the griffon down on her chest before lowering her head. Sleeping on her back was not ideal for a mare, but Pinkie Pie was too tired to roll over. And although her stomach was aching, the weariness at her eyes helped her to drift to sleep.
Gilda was happy about that. She doubted she could keep the pink one distracted any longer, and hopefully Twilight Sparkle was already on her way back with some sort of reverse spell. Much like a cat, Gilda circled several times before she found just the right spot on Pinkie Pie's large, swollen belly. She lay down slowly and closed her eyes, not sleeping (especially since Pinkie Pie was snoring louder than Rainbow Dash ever could,) but just waiting, listening, thinking. At least Pinkie Pie's size had seemed to stop. At least for now.