A friend's friend

Story by Coffee_Wolf on SoFurry

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"Aw go on Luke, come with me!" Laura was pleading again. She'd been at the wolf to go get a new summer wardrobe with her since FebruAry and since it was set to be a scolding summer Luke knew he couldn't argue any kind of point that would be even remotely valid. In truth, it would probably do him good to get out of the house for a bit, just to let loose ya know? "Ok, when are we gonna head out?" The conversation at this point was still being held on the doorstep. "We could go now if you'd like?" Laura's plan was depending on the answer to that being 'sure, gimme a sec.' (you'll find out what she's doing soon enough don't worry ;D) "Um, sure we can do that, wanna come in, i'll be a few minutes getting ready" Laura agreed and waltsed in to the white wolf's appartment to be assaulted by the strong smell of coffee "How can you drink that stuff, your place reaks of it!" "simmer down Laura, I think it smells great, although it is getting a bit ripe isn't it?" Promptly the two left Luke's abode and to the appartment's garrage. It was quite a fancy place with a multi story parking block. "oh, forgot to tell ya, my mum (mom for you Americans out there xD) got me a new car for my twenty first!" Laura wasn't really that into cars, but she knew something fancy when she sees it. They walked up to and entered white Aston Martin DBS cabriolet with a crimson red roof. "Oh. My. God!" the pair excitedly turned on the engine, it was Luke's first time driving it. He sped off out of the carpark and was mis way down thehigh way when Laura piped up "oh, forgot to say, can you swing by my place, Rena's coming and she lives close. With a nod, the canine changed direction, straining to remember which one Rena was. Oh God, she was that cute fox he'd had a crush on for, like, ages. But what could he do, Laura had already invited her. Upon arrival, a gracious silver fox approached the car with a look of awe on her face. "wa?tha?fu?" was all she managed to squeek out before being assaulted by Laura in a tight hug. It had obviously been a while since the two foxs saw each other. Laura's plan was coming along perfectly. She already had a boyfriend and she wanted the same for her friends. Neither of them were with anyone right now, heck that wolf had never been with anyone. Although he'd never admitted it, Laura could tell that he had a crush on Rena and had for some time; she'd just be playing the hook up game. After a further half hour, the trio arrived in the city centre. Luke didn't considder himself to be ugly but he sure didn't think he was a stunner either. Being around Rena sure didn't help either. Standing next to her made him feel like, well, noy exactly hiddeous but like she was way out of his league. Luke himself was a wolf of fairly average build, sloghtly more muscular than the other way but by no means ripped. He was tall, above average and had splenderous white fur. Despite this he still felt tiny. It was killing Laura seeing them like this, trying not to look at each other, never engaging in conversation, she just had to be blunt. She walked them over to the park, it was a little out of the city but it was pretty much deserted. Once there she turned to face the two "For the love of God it's obvious you like each other just go out already! Rena, we already know you like him and i'm darn sure he likes you too so just roll with it!" sudden outburst took the two off guard. Luke spluttered, Rena looked away with a dazed look on her eyes. She couldn't believe her ears, Laura was the only person she ever told that to and expected the information to remain a secret. Her train of thought was broken when Laura left the two to it. She didn't really leave of course, she couldn't miss this, she just hid behind a tree where they couldn't see her. Naturally, she fealt a little bad about saying that but hey, they'd thank her later right? "um, so, is that true?" the wolf inquired. "yeah it is" Rena's voice was almost inaudible. "Really? This isn't some elaborate joke, that's happned to me more than i care to remember" at that Luke let out a small chuckle. Rena was still silent, her face was bright red. "Would you like to maybe, go out somewhere. Soon. Just us?" "Like a date?" The fox's ears perked up a little. "Sure, like a date!" [Wait, crap, that sounded too overenthusiastic] "hmhm, sounds great" The two exchanged numbers and then heard a small whisper of triumph from behind a tree. The pair smirked at each other and crept up to the source of the noise in unison. Immediately they swung round the corner and grabbed Laura in unison, causing her to jump and hit her head on the tree. "You sondeserved that!" uttered the wolf.

"ok, sure I did, but hey, you're going out, result!" The wolf and the fox's faces lit up bright red again. They didn't know what was worse from today. The fear of admitting that they liked each other, or admitting that Laur was right. The answer was obviously option two. Time can only tell what will become of this.

Well, leave any thoughts in comments. Will Luke and Rena end up going out or will the relationship flop? Hope you enjoyed. Part two coming soon!