2.5 Heat Dream - Remember

Story by Kane777 on SoFurry

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#11 of Heat Dream

Their shadows twisted and danced in the romantic candlelight. Their bodies joined in the embrace of carnal pleasure and lust. The sounds of desire, the sounds of lustful panting, filled the room. The hallway, the entire house. The scented candles were all that lit the room revealing two canines in the well versed joining of mating. The bed springs creaking underneath them as their bodies moved above them.

The sight of her clutching body lying on the bed, writhing in pleasure as her arms wrapped around his shoulders. Her large breasts bouncing on her chest from the force of his pounding thrusts. Her ankles joining behind his clenching butt as he pumped his hips. The perspiring husky thrusting his sore, stiff maleness into her depths over and over again. The covers of the bed they laid on stained with their combined sweat.

Once again his lips smacked against hers in a long, drawn out wet kiss. Their tongues battling inside their joined mouths. They both moaned and shiver in each other's arms. separating her arms from around his back Tom lifted himself onto his knees. His tail wagging like no tomorrow behind him. He admired the breathtaking sight of the sexual goddess writhing before him.

This had not been the first time Tom and Dixie had mated by any means. He had felt her naked body beneath his fingers so often he could leave her breathless with his eyes closed.

But the sight of Dixie right then, her eyes filled with burning desire. Her trademark bow tossed away letting her long silky hair flow around her smiling face. The sound of her voice as she moaned in lustful pleasure made his heart race and go into overdrive.

"Oh Tommy darlin, I love this," Dixie moaned, arching her back harshly when he hit another sweet spot with his manhood. Her hands now empty at her sides rose up and grasped her heaving breasts, caressing them tightly. She rubbed and pinched her hard nipples with her fingertips making herself gasp. Her legs clutched his hips as she pushed back against his dick, riding him harder as her next climax neared.

"come on baby fuck me harder, rut me you hound dog!" she growled going harder and faster. She wanted to feel his hard, thick dick release inside her pussy and spurt inside her over and over.

'beep beep beep'

"Ooohh I know how you love it," Tom growled grasping her hips and digging his nails into her fur. He could feel himself reaching his peak soon, her tail trapped between his legs wagging and caressing his sore balls all over.

'beep beep beep'

Tom's eyes closed and his teeth clenched, any moment he was going to loose control. His crotch slapping against hers again and again, his dick expanding and throbbing inside her slick hot pussy.

'beep beep beep'

Tom bared his teeth in rage, the alarm clock was going off on the table and it was killing the mood. He took his eyes away from gazing down at the beautiful, brown furred chest of his partner to peer over at it. He didn't know why it was going off in the middle of the night. What he saw displayed on the face of it shocked him instantly.


Tom's hips stopped moving as he gazed at the clock in complete confusion. It was made more confusing when suddenly the floor around them turned into grass. Instead of the heavenly scented candles that were lighting the room all Tom could see were flower beds and metal railings. Tom let go of Dixie's hips and reached down feeling the fresh grass and dirt against his fingers. Tom looked around in awe as he heard the sounds of traffic and commuters from behind bushes that had spawned around them.

He knew where he was right then. He was in central Dobermide park.

He recognised everything around him instantly, he had been in this part of the park numerous times. But that was back when he was..

Looking up where Dixie had once been laying between his legs instead was a different woman entirely. Now the female that was laying back in front of him was-


"Don't stop Thomas" Jenna pleaded thrusting her naked body against his "I want our last time to be the greatest."

"Woah!" Tom yelled with a start sitting up quickly. Sweat dripping down his face. He looked around rapidly as his heart beat fast in his chest.

He was back in his bedroom, he was sure of it. He looked around the room, thinking for a moment that the entire evening had been just a wet dream. He smiled when he saw his and Dixie's clothes splayed out all over the floor. Last night had not been entirely a dream he realised.

Tom wondered what time it was as sunlight shon through the gap in the curtains. It caused Tom to wince and cover his eyes as he peered over at the clock.

The display on the front of his clock was flashing the time 7 o'clock on its face. He sat up on the side of the bed and sighed long and loud. He must have forgotten to turn it off last night. It then struck him that he didn't have his job anymore, his career was over. That alarm going off was now just a reminder of how his life had changed.

The volume of Tom's sighing was loud enough to wake Dixie from her deep slumber. She yawned and stretched her arms, Sitting up next to him with groggy eyes. She soon noticed Tom was already awake and not in the best mood.

Seeing him sitting there with his back to her made her feel so sad and guilty. If she hadn't attempted to use blackmail to take advantage of him. If she hadn't banded the others to join her in controlling him. Maybe things would have worked out better for both of them instead of Tom losing his job.

"Don't worry Tommy darlin," Dixie said, wrapping her arms around him from behind. She hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek lovingly. "I'll do whatever I have to to get you your job back and get that freeloadin bitch Stella outta our fur."

Tom smiled at her over his shoulder and held her hand in his, stroking her fingers with his. He realised then how much she truly meant to him. He knew then that Dixie was being very caring and sincere when she said that. It was because of this that he had kept this ongoing nightmare he had been experiencing frequently a secret from her. As well as the short but close relationship he had shared with Jenna a long time ago.

"I appreciate the sentiment Dixie," Tom separated himself softly from her embrace and laid back down on the bed. "But don't just go and do something that could cost you your job too" he said. He stared at the ceiling for a moment before looking over at her pouting sad face. "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if you lost your job because of me."

"Well ok then if y'all insist," Dixie replied with a devilish smirk growing on her face. She swayed towards the bathroom slowly, still completely naked from the night before. Walking over to the shower, she turned it on and turned to face Tom still on the bed. Her tail wagged slowly like a pendulum behind her. She used it to spread her scent all around the bedroom. "Well since y'all ain't got to work today how about you help me scrub up for my day."

Tom sat up again and didn't try to hide the fact he was staring openly at her bare, beautiful body.

Her body was still slick with their combined sweat from their evening of carnal rutting. Which meant her breasts were no longer covered at all by her fur making her breasts seem bigger to him. His morning wood was now throbbing painfully under the covers leaving an obvious tent in the sheets. He had planned to go for his routine run around Dobermide park that morning. But seeing her standing there waiting for him and the scent of their late night activities hanging in the air. It made that idea vanish quickly.

"Well I guess I have a few minutes," Tom said stalking over to her and lifting her up.

With her legs wrapped tightly around his waist they both went into the bathroom for a long thorough cleaning.

The sun was still shining brightly in the morning sky as Tom and Dixie made their way into the town centre. With it being the middle of rush hour it took a considerable amount of time to reach the front of the 'Heat Dream' building.

Tom pulled up on the side-walk and gave Dixie one last kiss on the lips before she stepped out of the car. "Have a good day of work honey," Tom said "just try not to get thrown out for kicking Stella's butt."

"I won't make any promises, see ya tonight hun," Dixie said with a small wave as she strutted through the front door. She smiled as she felt Tom's eyes on her rear the entire time.

Once Tom took his eyes off his lover he took a moment to look up at the building he was once responsible for. All the hard work and butt kissing he had done to make it to the penthouse office.

Tom was just putting the car into gear when he noticed the coffee shop. It had been on the opposite side of the street the whole time he worked there yet he had never gone there. He thought he might as well since he had nowhere else to be for awhile.

After parking up he walked into the shop and headed towards the counter. He was checking out the options when he suddenly felt himself bump into someone. He then felt the dampness of hot coffee splash against his leg making him yelp in shock.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry, MR DANIELSON what are you doing here?."

Tom noticed suddenly who it was that he had collided with. Standing there in her usual work attire was Jenna. It was instantly awkward for both of them, not just because she was crouched in front of him. He kneeled down so he was level with her as she was picking up what was left of her coffee cup. As Jenna grasped the cup and held it firmly he found his hard surrounding hers.

Jenna found herself staring into his eyes for what seemed like minutes but was actually just seconds. She was awoken from her trance by the sound of her pager going off in her jacket pocket. "Oh no oh no Stella is going to kill me for this," Jenna said as they both stood upright again. She looked at the half full cup but then noticed the massive stain on Tom's leg. "Oh sir I'm so sorry," she said with a blush forming on her face as she looked him in the eyes.

"No don't worry about it it was my fault," Tom said with a smile as he grabbed the cup from her hand. Without looking away from her he tossed it in the nearby trash bin. "Here let me get you a new one, what was your order?."

"Oh it isn't mine sir uhh I mean Thomas" Jenna stuttered remembering he didn't want her to be so formal now he wasn't her boss. It was then Jenna noticed that this was the first time she had seen him not wearing a full suit. "Stella wanted me to buy her a Espresso Macchiato so here I am."

Tom went over to the counter and ordered his coffee and handed Jenna hers. "Well you've got to get back I guess so I guess I'll see you around" Tom said holding out his hand.

"Uuhh actually there is something I wanted to talk with you about," Jenna said holding his hand in hers. "About what happened the last time we saw each other."

Tom instantly remembered what she was referring too and nodded. He knew that this conversation was coming. They headed over to a nearby table where they both sat down. What followed was minutes of awkward silence and averted gazes around the room.

Biting the bullet Jenna plucked up the courage to say something. "So Thomas I think we both remember how our uuhh lets say 'relationship' ended."

Looking at her after sipping from his cup Tom responded "yes I remember, things would have turned out a lot differently before 'this' happened." He finished his sentence placing down his cup, holding up his hand and bending his fingers. "But I also remember that we decided that what we had wouldn't last after we changed."

"Well I think being separated by hundreds of miles played a role in that decision too," Jenna replied with a frown. "Considering when I met up with you again, Dixie's legs were wrapped around your waist." Jenna leaned back in her chair and sighed "so what is your relationship with Dixie anyway, seems like it's getting serious between you two."

Tom responded with silence before he spoke again "it's complicated, she really seems to have fallen in love with me but I'm not sure I feel the same way."

Tom looked over at the table next to them and noticed the couple that were sat at it were holding hands. They were smiling sipping through draws from the same glass of milkshake.

"I mean I was sure I had feelings for her, but maybe it was just I didn't want to be alone." Tom took both Jenna's hands in his and looked into her eyes "I know you had your reasons for leaving, but it didn't make watching you walk away any less painful."

"Oh Thomas I was hurting too," Jenna replied squeezing his hands tightly. "There wasn't a moment we were apart that I didn't think about what we had." "The reason I wanted to talk to you right now is to ask you something very important." Jenna looked him in the eyes and decided it was the right time to ask him. "Thomas now that are careers do not clash with our relationship," she said. "do you think there is any chance at all that we could possibly get back together?."

That question took Tom completely by suprise. Could it be true? could Jenna really be asking him to be her boyfriend again. His mind was going a mile a minute, questions coming from every direction. Was it a good idea? could they really go back to what they once had? would it work between them?. The main question he couldn't answer stuck out in his mind at that moment.

Would he really break Dixie's heart and leave her for Jenna?.

Buuuuzzz Buuuzzzz Buuuzzzzz

Tom's thought were interrupted by the sudden buzzing coming from Jenna's pocket. He watched her dread picking it up and looking at it and panicking when she read it.

"Oh no look Thomas I really really have to go now." "Here take my mobile number and call me when you've thought about it," she said frantically. After writing down her number on a napkin she rushed out of the door and across the street.

Tom looked down at the number then watched her leave in shocked silence.

"Gggrrr where is she?" Rita asked for the second time that morning, looking at her watch before sitting back in her chair.

"How should I know?" Angel sighed. "typical Dixie though, comes up with an idea, calls a meeting, then she's late."

They both sat there at that table, getting tired of waiting for the others to arrive. Dixie had called them the night before and told them that they needed to be here. They were to discuss what to do about the rat amongst them that had informed their new boss about Tom's activities.

"Well I hope it doesn't end up being the same plan as the last one" Rita said with a smile appearing on her face. "With my two stud males keeping me company at home I don't think I could keep up with you girls anymore."

"Oh yeah those guys that picked you up at the bar we went too," Angel said after realising who Rita was referring too. "So it's turned into a thing between you three, how does that work?."

"It works well babe" Rita said laying back on her seat with a sigh "it works very very well."

"WWooo morning darlins, sorry I took so long I got held up at home" Dixie had arrived and sat down at the table the other two ladies were sitting at.

"Oh we know exactly what was 'holding you up' Dixie" Angel snickered using air quotes. "which is exactly why we ended up in this situation if I recall."

"Ok ok enough joking around girls, we need to have a serious talk right now." Dixie sat at the foot of the table on her own chair and put on a serious look. "I didn't want it to ever come to this when I came up with the plan to keep Tom under our collective fingers." She slammed her fist on the table, "one of us in this room is in Stella's pocket and ratted us out to her." "Now the question is.." Dixie gave both Rita and Angel a dark look "which one of you was it?."

Suddenly the mood had changed in the room from intrigue to anger, all three girls on their feet eyeing each other up with rage. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

"What you think it was one of us?, you must be crazy," Rita said angrily clearly offended. her tail standing straight up and her fingers clenching the table.

"Well we are the only people that even knew what was going on," Angel said agreeing with Dixie. "But that doesn't mean it was us, why would we consider doing that?."

"Well let's see," Dixie bringing her hand to her face and stroking her chin. "Rita doesn't need Tom for pleasure now that she has two toy-boys on a leash."

"Hey back off sister, I saw Tom as a friend, not just a piece of meat," Rita said anger clear in her voice "unlike Angel who just used him to get out of being Georgette's bitch."

"What the hell Rita you've got to know that I owe Tom because of that, I would never consider screwing him over." Angel looked Dixie in the eyes with rage "besides it was all Dixie's idea, she just had enough of sharing him with the rest of us."

"How dare you little slut, I love Tom, I would never make his life hell to suit my needs." Dixie sat back in her chair and sighed deeply. "What is happening to us girls, we are at each other's throats."

"It's understandable" Angel said, sitting back herself in her chair. "That was probably Stella's and her partner's plan from the beginning, to divide and conquer."

"You're right Angel" Rita replied with a scowl on her face "damn that bitch!."

This was followed by a few moments of the group sitting in silence, all of them in deep thought. "So ladies what's our plan now, how are we going to deal with this situation and get things back to how they were."

"Well that's easy my dear."

All three of the girls suddenly jump in joint surprise as they were joined by another who had walked in. They were not expecting it having forgotten about having to keep an eye on the door.

There in the doorway stood Georgette, her tail wagging behind her and a smug smirk taking up most of her face. "Look at you three, sitting here pointing fingers like children."

"Ggggrrr who are you calling a child!" Dixie yelled walking up to her and standing face to face. "Who says you aren't the follower Stella has in her pocket?."

Georgette's smirk disappeared and turned into a scowl "I am going to personally find out who it is in this room thats talking to Stella." " I will prove that I am not the rat and right now my instincts are telling me it is you Dixie." "You thought Tom was controlling, you don't know what you are up against."

*smack* *smack* *smack*

The sound of hand striking flesh echoed through Stella's office as she took pleasure in her brand of punishment. Her hand striking the quivering husky bent over before her. This was meant to be a form of disciplining her employee but she could not deny it was mainly for her own sordid enjoyment.

"Twice Jenna!" she repeated with another harsh slap to the stinging backside. Her fingers remaining for a moment on the warm rump flesh, giving it a squeeze before raising her hand again. She so loved the feeling of warmth that radiated after a few good hard strikes.

"Twice I had to page you!."

*Smack* Another strike making Jenna gasp and stand on tiptoes in anguish until Stella's firm hand forced her back down onto the soles of her feet. Her thighs clenching together and her toes curling as she fought to keep herself from yelping out loud.

"When I send you to get me a simple cup of coffee my dear, I do not expect it to take you so long to do it." Stella lifted the cup and took another long sip. licking her lips with a sigh before putting back on the table. Right in front of Jenna's face so it was all she could focus her eyes on.

"Don't think that just because I have certain personal interests in you that you will get any special treatment." Stella followed this up by gliding her finger tips over Jenna's covered crotch. Her panties pulled down just low enough to uncover her rump cheeks which by now were turning a shade of pink under her fur. Stella lifted her fingers to her nose and sniffed them thoroughly, basking in Jenna's natural scent and the beginnings of arousal. She was not very wet at the moment but that would change soon enough. She shivered at the sound of Jenna crying out after a particularly harsh smack across both of her buttocks. This bitch was like a drug for her, she just could not get enough.

"You are quite lucky that this coffee didn't get cold by the time you came back" Stella said caressing Jenna's sore rear. "I don't think I would have been able to resist using my crop on your cute tush if I have a reason."

Stella placed both her hands firmly on Jenna's hips and slowly finished pulling down her panties. She grinned evilly as she uncovered Jenna's most private area. She remembered back when she had first laid eyes on her crotch in that nightclub a few days ago. Recalling how warm and wet it was against her fingers made her moan under her breath.

"Well done Jenna, I am pleased that you followed my orders and didn't resist your punishment." Stella let two of her fingers glide over Jenna's pussy from top to bottom. She could feel slight dampness as she applied some pressure between her pussy lips. 'Hhmm seems she's coming along nicely' Stella thought enjoying the moisture against her digits 'now time to finally give her a close inspection'.

Grabbing Jenna's panties once again, Stella kneeled down behind her and pulled them down to her ankles before removing them entirely. She stuffed Jenna's warm underwear in the top draw of her desk. She would enjoy those later, but right now she had a much sweeter prize in front of her.

Jenna just layed there mortified, her mind going a mile a minute. Laying bent over with her rear end completely exposed for the evil bitch behind her to see. It was like this woman had a spell over her, she just couldn't resist her authority and lust.

'Why am I doing this? I could just get up and walk away' Jenna thought to herself.

Her mind replayed the moment when Stella had practically molested her at the club, in front of everyone, 'in front of Tom.' Then when she had gotten out of her grasp and hid in the bathroom, how she howled when she came all over Stella's masterful fingers.

Jenna was brought out of her trail of thought by the feeling of her buttocks being spread lewdly by Stella. Her untouched tail hole and now quite aroused pussy being stared at closely by that evil woman. She could feel how close Stella was to her crotch, she could feel her breath against her uncovered erect clitoris. Her cheeks were red with embarrassment at how lewd and invasive this was.

"Oh yes very nice Jenna, your already very aroused and excited" Stella said. Spreading Jenna's pussy lips with her fingers and deeply inhaling her arousal.

Unable to help herself any longer Stella buried her face in Jenna's crotch, causing Jenna to gasp and clench her fingers on the desk. Since she had tasted Jenna on her fingers she needed to have more. Now she was digging her tongue deep into Jenna's genitals and slurping up her tasty juices. She held a tight grip on Jenna's hips to the point of digging her fingers into her sides as she feasted on her.

Jenna fought hard not make any loud noises in case Stella decided to punish her. It was hard with how long it had been since she had given that area attention, to keep quite as her pussy was ravaged so roughly. She was soon pressing back against Stella's face and arching her back in pleasure. Her eyes half closed in the indescribable ecstasy. Her chest rose up as she moaned loudly, Stella had wrapped her skilled lips around Jenna's clit and was tongue lashing it into submission.

Jenna could feel it about to hit her like a train as the most explosive orgasm of her life was mere seconds away. She bucked her hips back against Stella's now damp face and groaned like a slut as she felt it coming.

Stella smiled to herself as she suckled on Jenna's button and jabbed her pussy over and over with her fingers. She could feel Jenna's pussy squeeze down on her digits whenever she pulled back but kept up the fast rhythm.

Just as Jenna was about to reach the point of ecstasy the door to Stella's office suddenly opened wide and a woman appeared in the doorway. Jenna could only stare at her in shock as her body refused to listen to her terrified mind. She was clearly being tongued and fingered right in front of this other woman's surprisingly uncaring eyes.

Hearing someone cough loudly to get her attention, Stella moved back from Jenna's wet desperate crotch and stood up. She licked her lips and smiled as Jenna's unsatisfied crotch shook and pushed back, begging for a climax.

"Well well, it's about time you turned up my dear" Stella said, her hands holding Jenna's hips still. She had to force Jenna's chest back onto the desk when she tried to cover herself.

"Yes I am sorry about that" the visitor said "I have just attended a rather interesting private meeting I think you should know about." She walked towards the desk and stroked Jenna's head, not seeming to care that she was struggling to get away and was being held down.

"Oh really you don't say, what information may I ask am I being kept in the dark over?" Stella tried to focus on her partner that had just walked in but Jenna was insistent. After a few moments of frustration she just jammed two fingers into Jenna's pulsing crotch and started to finger her again.

"Well it seems to be just as we predicted, Dixie is on the hunt for the rat in her circle of friends."

"GGrrr should have known that slut would not take this lying down" Stella said smacking Jenna's rump before sticking her fingers back inside her. "How close is she to figuring out the truth?, if it's you that's helping me?"

"I am under suspicion, but not anymore than the others, I should be safe for a while." She was going to continue but Jenna wouldn't quieten down under her hand, she shut her up by putting a hand over her mouth. "If we are going to keep things how we want them we need to get Dixie off our scent."

"Of course, but how do you suppose we do that?" Stella asked

"Well how about we give her what she wants, we bring back Tom Danielson." Before Stella could get angry she quickly continued. "Not in his previous position of course, more of a low standing employee that you can keep your eye on."

"Yes yes I like that" Stella said with a smile, her fingers moving faster in and out of Jenna's moaning body "we keep the girls happy and we don't have to hear from them about this."

By this point Jenna wasn't even listening, she was so close to the edge with Stella's insistent fingers inside her. She didn't care that this woman she had seen countless times before this was muting her, just wanted to get off so bad.

The two women were going to continue celebrating their foolproof plan but were interrupted by the sound of a cell phone ringing loudly. There was silence for a moment as they wondered where it was coming from. They found out soon after as the sound was coming from Jenna's handbag, making Jenna shake under their grasp.

Still not letting Jenna feel sweet release, Stella walked over to it and fished out Jenna's phone. She turned back to her partner with a evil grin "well speak of the devil."

On the front screen of the ringing phone was the name *Danielson* blinking over and over.

"Oh Jenna dear you know how I feel about personal calls during work hours," Stella said opening the phone and placing it on the table. "But just this once I will let you answer it."

Before Jenna had time to react Stella pressed down on the accept button and held the phone next to Jenna's face. Her partner was currently holding Jenna down with her arms behind her back.

"Hello Jenna it's me Tom"

Jenna froze in fear, unable to speak as she tried to keep her breathing calm in case he heard her. It wasn't helping that she felt a pair of fingers push up into her pussy once again and rubbed her all over.

"Hello sir uuh I mean Tom, what can I do for you? Jenna said hoping silently that he we not realise her situation.

"Well Jenna I thought about what you asked me earlier and I wanted to meet with you to discuss it" Tom said.

Jenna should have been ecstatic right now, he was actually considering it and wanted to see her. She should have, but all she could think about was the fact that Stella and her friend were right there listening.

She tried to concentrate and say something to him but she could feel her body heating up like a furnace. She could feel the moisture of her overheated pussy dripping down her inner thighs. which were now clenched tight as she fought back her climax, she knew he could hear her panting.

"Oh Tom that sounds great" Jenna moaned trying desperately to keep herself together, Her hips swaying side to side as she was played with roughly.

Suddenly Stella pressed the 'hold' button and took the phone away, making Jenna gasp and cry out. "What are you doing uuhh no!"

"I just had a amazing idea," Stella whispered into Jenna's ear, making her shudder and moan again. "How about you use this opportunity to invite Tom here to see me about a job interview."

Jenna tried to say no but the words kept turning into moans and clenched teeth. "Please uuh please don't make me."

"Oh my dear I can't make you accept, but I can make other things happen for you if you do."

As she said that the fingers stroking her pussy pulled out and a medium sized sex toy from Stella's desk stroked her wet pussy lips. Taking Tom off hold Stella placed the phone back against Jenna's face with a wicked smile.

"Tom are you still there, Tom answer me" Jenna said in desperation, feeling like she was going to lose her mind. "I will see you if you come and uuh listen to what Stella has to say."

"What, Jenna are you serious why would I do that?"

"Please please Tom I'll explain later just please be here tomorrow" Jenna begged.

"Ok ok calm down I will ok, look I have to go please call me back when you have the chance."

"Ok yes Tom thank you thank -"

Before Jenna could finish Stella hand shut the phone and ended the call. Placing the phone on the table she said just two words.

"Good girl"

Suddenly Jenna 's held down chest rose from the table as she howled in surprise and ecstasy. She felt her itching walls stretch around the thick girth of the toy being forced inside her. She didn't care that her arms were uncomfortable or that she was pushing back against the toy like a slut. Her tongue hung out of her mouth as she moaned over and over, turning the sky blue with her cursing.

The dildo met resistance any time it was being pulled out by Jenna's sucking insides. It kept forcing itself right back in causing another wave of pleasure to flow through every part of Jenna's body.

Jenna was a panting, sweaty, moaning wreck as she took that stiff fake cock like a whore. She opened her eyes momentarily as she felt a pair of hands hold her head still, she was now face to face with Stella.

"That's it my little slut, does that big dick feel so good fucking your hot pussy? does it?." Stella watched Jenna's ecstatic face as she panted and moaned. Suddenly she joined lips with her and kissed her deeply.

The shock of feeling Stella's lips against hers and her mouth being filled by this woman's tongue was what it took to make Jenna finally reach her peak. She moaned loudly into Stella's mouth and shook all over as her entire body seemed to spark and explode in pleasure. She wrestled tongues with Stella and groaned as she rode the waves of her orgasm.

After letting Jenna enjoy her ecstasy for awhile, Stella's partner let go of Jenna's arms and let her lie on the desk. She left the toy inside her though, its end sticking out of her cunt lewdly.

As Jenna lay there gasping for breath, Stella and looked down at her with her trademark evil smirk. Everything was working out brilliantly, now she just had to take care of the others.