A Vacation to be Remembered

Story by Michael Furtive on SoFurry

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Hello, this is my first work submitted here. I visit frequently and I wished to give back to the site. I've always wanted to write something for Yiffstar but I never thought I was good enough. Please criticize me, as much as you can, I'm sure there are a few grammatical errors and misspellings in here. (now edited) Your opinions and insight will help me become a better author.

Michael is 18 (red fox), Al is 17 (red fox), Tiff is 19 (fennec), Rachel is 15 (fennec) Kathleen is 18 (tabby cat) and D is 21 (grizzly).

I'd like to thank Si "Evertide" M for sacrificing his time to proofread my error-riddled "Yiffic" (as he likes to call's them) i can not thank you enough.

"You should be commended, i say! for your endevors!"

  • Sean "The fox" Skillman


A cold wind blew down the mountain, penetrating my jacket, creeping around my back until a chill tickled up my spine. It was a terrible day and I was depressed. Snow on a ski vacation is good but not after three days of constant cold and darkness. The mountain I had learned to ski on as a young kit, a mountain whose every trail and secret path I remembered, had become forbidding and cold. The lift seemed to take forever and the snow made it seem as if I was watching static on TV. As I sat shivering with my paw on my chin, I thought about making my way back to the den near the base of the mountain.

That's when I saw her, that's when the darkness seemed to disappear. The snow seemed to momentarily yield as if it was trying to show me this vision. She was a young tabby cat; she wore a red jacket and a helmet with holes poked out to fit her cute ears. The goggles hid her face but I could see she was frowning; she was alone. "There's nothing worse that skiing alone, I should know," I thought as I stared at the empty seats around me. Earlier, my cousins and brother had abandoned me to ski by themselves. I figured that if I found her on the way down, maybe I'd offer to ski with her. The thought warmed me, a fantasy at best, to meet a girl on a ski vacation. "Heh I wish," I said longingly, "I'd probably chicken out anyway, I always chicken out."

Then just as fast as the storm had cleared, it kicked up again. The snow made sure I was never able to find her; I took three extra runs up the same lift searching for her with no avail. Finally, I told myself that she had gone back to her condo, as I should be doing.

Once I reached my den I removed my skis, clicked them together to knock off snow and solemnly trotted inside the warm condominium. Aunt and uncle, sister and brother, fox and fennec, all greeted me with happy faces. After hearing of all the adventures of the day, the adults headed out to dinner and left the kits to figure out how to make macaroni and cheese. The older teens had there coats on and looked as if they were going out. I was going to get to bed early, too tired to do much else. My brother Al busted into my room just as I had sprawled out on the bed.

"Come on Mike, there's a teen thing, like a party going on down at the rec center near the pool."

"I was gonna get some sleep..."

"Sleep shmeep let's go hang out, I hear they got a foosball table!"

"There's no point, I'd whip you badly anyways. you'd better quit while you're ahead."

"Come on man, bet you could meet some vixies down there."

"Heh yah like I'm gonna fine some friggin' snow bunny that's gonna wanna hang out with me."

"You're such a frikin' chicken, how are ya ever gonna get yiffed unless you go out and get a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna start a relationship that will escalate so far as sex in the 5 days were staying here."

"Hey, miracles can happen you know."

"Not for me, I'm doomed to be the 30-year-old sociopath virgin."

"Hey you can always try the gay thing eh?"

"Fuck you Al!"

He left smiling, knowing that he had pissed me off. My gloominess could only be matched by my anger. Not wanting to get Al started on the gay jokes all week I decided to go with him. And if there was one thing that could cheer me up, it would be whipping my little bro's tail in foosball. Al, my two cousins Tiffany and Rachel, and I set out towards the party.

The party was being held at the indoor tennis courts. The party was a giant dome that was inflated around the courts so that furs could play in the winter. As we got closer we could hear the music; we also could see the sign, "sixteen to nineteen only, no alcohol."

A large bear blocked the door, apparently the bouncer. He was screening the groups of teens walking in. While it wasn't an exclusive nightclub, he was there to make sure the little kids and parents stayed out.

"Need to see your ID's and need you to verify that you don't have any alcoholic beverages on you," he said in a deep voice.

Rachel squirmed; she wasn't sixteen yet. Tiffany, the clever fennec she was, stepped in front of Rachel in line. When she went to hand the bear her ID, she dropped it in the snow bank. "Oops," she said.

The bear bent over to pick it up for her. Timing it just right, Tiffany purposely bent over at nearly the same time, bumping into the bear's head as hard as she could.

"I am so sorry," he said quickly, "are you ok?"

"Whoa you have a hard head there don't yah big guy?"

"I'm really sorry, let me help you." He picked her up with his muscular paws and brushed her off. Tiffany gave me a quick wink as she collapsed into the bear's arms, pretending she had slipped. He handed her back her ID.

"You're so kind, my name's Tiffany, see?" She pointed to the picture on the ID. "But you can call me Tiff."

"I'm Deak but my pals call me D."

"So D, you're always a bouncer here?"

"No, when we're not running the dance I teach snowboarding lessons."

"Wow, a big guy like you snowboards? Must hit hard when you fall, but I bet you don't fall a lot do you?"

We snuck by as they flirted on. I'll always pride myself on the sneakiness of our family, the Furtive family.

It was awesome inside; every teen that was staying at the mountain was there. Rachel and Tiff mingled as all girls do at parties; they played the games, danced with the boys, ya know.

After D's shift was over and he managed to find Tiff again, they went off to a corner. They could have been yiffing around for all I know because Al and I had a different agenda that night.

Our ears twitched frantically as we hastened to switch and turn the bars on the foosball table. It was a heated battle, nine to nine, sudden death.

"Clink!" "Cling!" "Floosh!" "Plunk!"

"Yah!" I shouted, louder than I should have, as Al's ears drooped and a frown etched across his muzzle. "Sorry bro," I taunted, "but your paws just aren't quick enough for me."

He was about to challenge me to a rematch when someone shouted, "I got winner." He sulked off to the dance floor, tail between his legs. Then the voice from behind me said, "Perhaps his paws weren't quick enough, but perhaps mine are."

I turned to see my new opponent. There she stood, the black tabby. She was even more beautiful up close. Now that her goggles were off, I could see her enchanting green eyes. She had a strange smile on her face She was wearing a red blouse, one that tightly clasped her torso; her beautiful black fur yielded a pair of cute, perky breasts. She wore a pair of black Capri's with a hole for her tail. I thought to myself "Capri's? It's a bit inappropriate to bring those a ski vacation, but I'm not one to complain," as I tried to keep my eyes on hers. Hardly able to speak, all I was able to get out was, "Shhur." She grinned, "To ten then, let's play."

She was good, I mean real good, like pro European foosball freak'o manic good! She whipped me bad. An embarrassing two to ten.

"I thought you'd be better than that," she jeered.

"Once more?" I suggested. With a nod we were off again; this time I spent more time watching the game instead of her chest.

It was neck and neck, nine to nine. I had her. I made a quick pass down field and she had no time to switch to defense. Crack! I spun my men in a game-breaking shot towards the goal, but instead of the favorable "plunk" the ball makes when going in the goal, I heard the terrifying "clink" of the goalie blocking it. "It can't be," I thought, "The goalie was off to the side before. How did it get into the middle?" I answered myself when I saw the tabby's tail wrapped around the goalie handle. Before I knew it, she took advantage of my confusion and scored on me, winning the game. "Well you certainly did better this time," she said in an amused tone. "My name's Kathleen, and yours Mr. Foosball champ?"

"Michael, Michael Furtive."

"It's nice to see someone around here that's good at foosball."

"So, you from around here? I live down in New York."

"Connecticut, but we vacation here every year, been coming here since I was a kitten."

"Me too, this is where I learned to ski, it's changed a lot eh? With the parties and everything...strange outfit to bring on a ski vacation ea?" Ugg, I'm always talking faster than I can think, I can be such an idiot sometimes. I felt like a jerk asking her that.

"Ah, my mom, she's crazy. She packed half the house for this week; had the outfit so I thought I might as well wear it to the party, although it doesn't really look good on me."

"I think you look beautiful." I was already amazed she didn't scoff at my first question, and yet I go on and say something stupid again! I mean it's not like she wasn't beautiful but it's not really something you say to a girl the first time you meet her, is it? "I really suck at this conversation thing," I thought to myself.

She giggled, as if she had read my thoughts. But the more we talked the more comfortable I got, it was the first real conversation I've ever had with a girl who genuinely seemed to be interested in this shy fox. We talked all night until the music stopped and the party ended.

She called for a resort shuttle bus to bring her over to her condo. The service was closed for the night and they told her that she had to walk home. Being the nice fox I am, I offered to escort her back to her condo. She was so glad not to have to walk home by herself. After telling Al that I would catch up with him later (and thanking him for dragging me to the party) we put on our jackets and set off towards her den. We didn't mind the cold or the dark because we kept each other company.

A chilling breeze blew across the parking lot we were trotting across. She pressed herself against my chest and wrapped her arms around me; I was shocked at how close she was being. We walked the rest of the way in each other's arms.

When we got there, she didn't go to her condo right away; we finished our conversation outside in the antechamber at the front of the hallway. "You're the most charming person I've met in a while Michael" she said flirtatiously.

"I saw you coming down the mountain in the storm," I revealed to her. "You looked so sad and alone. I'm glad I could cheer you up."

"You're so sweet," she said with a smile. "You must have the girls fighting over you at home."

"Heh, no they don't like me very much back at home."

"Why not?"

"Too shy I suppose, I have plenty of friends that are girls, just none that I would ask out. I always think it would be rude to..."

"I don't think it rude when people ask me out."

I blushed, as much as one can blush under the cover of facial fur, not knowing how to respond.

"Well I think it's always better to have a friend with benefits than a boyfriend, if you know what I mean," she said biting her lower lip.

"I agree, save love for later and have some fun now." I smiled warmly as I could feel a second blush coming over me.

She told me about her job as a ski instructor on a small mountain in Connecticut. She taught little kids how to ski; she even had a sheet of "Good Job!" stickers she would give out to the kids. After sticking a few on my jacket she told me that her parents liked to ski off alone and her sister had brought her boyfriend, so they would ditch her and go do god-knows-what.

Eventually her parents paged her phone wondering where she was. I was upset that we had to part; I was about to ask what she was doing the next day when she beat me to it. "I'm not doing anything tomorrow, would you like to meet up at noon and come skiing with me? We could have lots of fun." She pouted out her lip and tried to make the saddest face she could.

How and why would I say no, especially after she made the cutest kitty-cat puffy-eye face? I hastily agreed to meet her at the Mid Ski Lodge at twelve the next day.

Then she wrapped her arms around my neck, looked into my eyes and kissed me. I was a total dunce; I had no idea what I was doing. So I just closed my eyes and went with it. I could feel her sandpapery tongue explore the inside of my mouth, I met it with my own tongue and we kissed. "My first real kiss," I thought dreamily. Before I knew it she pulled away. Her tail, which I had hardly noticed, was wrapped around my leg, brushing my inner thigh as it unwound. Still gazing deeply into my eyes. "Michael," she said softly, "I can't wait till tomorrow." With a wink she walked away. I stood there staring like an idiot until the last bit of her tail had disappeared down the hall. Exploding with joy, I dashed outside. I began my trip back to the den, my mind full of anticipation. It seemed as if I had just left Kathleen's condo when I arrived at mine. With a smile on my face and thoughts of my new kitty cat friend I floated inside the den.

"Where have you been!?" were the first words I was met with. Apparently Tiffany got worried that I had gotten all depressed and wondered off. "Where did you go after the party?" she demanded, face distraught and ears flattened.

I carefully lied and told her I just went out for a walk to vent. Knowing her, if I told her about Kathleen she'd be bugging and teasing me about her for the rest of the week. Kind of like I did when she told us about her first boyfriend. "How'd you make out with big man D?" I countered, trying to change the subject.

She knew I was lying about where I had been. However, she didn't really wish to explain the details of her experience with her teddy bear; so we called a truce. I plopped myself down on the couch after relaying my story to everyone around. My head was swimming and I was too tired to fall asleep, so I watched some TV.

One by one the foxes settled into their respective beds and began to sleep. Everyone was sleeping except Rachel who was staring at me, smiling. Finally realizing what she was grinning about I asked, "So you saw us eh?"

She nodded, her smile widening. "So, what did you two do?"

"Nothing, leave it be."

"If you don't want everyone to know you'll tell me, or I could just follow you around tomorrow."

"You will not! I just walked her home, all right? Now keep your muzzle shut."


"And? And nothing else!" She just grinned at me.

"Okay, she kissed me."

"Wait, she kissed you? Whoa, I didn't think girls liked you Mike."

"Fuck off Rachel, it's not like you have any insight to my sex life."

"What sex life? You're a girlfriendless virgin no?"

"Still palling around with Al eh? You shouldn't believe everything he tells you"

"You really do need to get a girlfriend, it's not that hard."

"Maybe for you it's not, you're a girl remember? I'm sure you could trap yourself a horny fennec whenever you wanted."

"Fennecs don't do it for me, I got my big strong roo back at school." She closed her eyes and rolled over, seemingly lost in nostalgia. I jumped over to the couch and grabbed her tail.

"Just remember: if you blab anything to the others, I swear I'll rip your little tail right off." Although I wasn't counting on it, that managed to shut her up, for now anyways.

"Goodnight Rachel." I growled through clenched teeth. I released her tail and walked off to my room. I fell asleep with Kathleen still on my mind. I had the greatest dream in which we're together on a bed; she was naked and signaling me with one paw to come closer. I got onto the bed and she pounced on top of me. Our lips met in a passionate kiss. It seemed like we explored each other's mouths for hours.

Eyes closed, I slowly ran my lips down her neck and fingers down her back; her fur was so soft. My muzzle began to trek south. Eventually, I made my way down to her breasts; her nipples were hard with anticipation. I suckled her left breast as my paw made it's way around and began massaging the other. I drew her closer to me; slowly, as my muzzle pleasured her chest, I moved my free paw down past her tail and over her buttocks to her thighs. In one move I lifted her slit to my lips as we both tumbled onto the bed. I began licking, slowly and sternly. She moaned as I began to explore the inside of her sex with my tongue. My other paw crept around to her tail hole, rubbing that particularly sensitive area ever so gently. My tongue found the spongy spot I had been searching for. I felt her spasm with ecstasy. Over and over again I stimulated that magic spot that gave her so much pleasure. I could feel her begin to peak; at just the right moment I shoved muzzle in far into her as I could and my finger slipped into her tail hole. I could almost taste her warm juices when I awoke from my dream.

The morning went by in a blur. Everything was normal except the grin Rachel always seemed to have on her face. It had finally stopped snowing and the sun seemed to be out; this made it ideal skiing weather. Al and I got dressed and headed out to the lifts; we skied a few runs. I made sure to accidentally take the wrong trail to get rid of the clueless fox. "11:30, I'd better head over," I thought. After a few cutoffs and a little secret path through a closed trail, I managed to make it to the lodge in time. I coasted over to the lift, took my skis off, and waited.

12 came and went, it was now 12:15 and I began to worry. "She's just late, she's probably on the lift up here right now..." I thought. "Who am I kidding? She ditched me. And I am a complete loser for thinking she actually likes me. She was just playing with me; just some fun on a boring ski vacation." I was being harsh on myself. "No, she wouldn't, the way she acted, the way she looked at me." I stood there shivering even though it wasn't very cold. My hope was draining from me fast.

I was looking down at my watch when something hit me hard from behind. It soon registered was just pounced, and there was only one possible culprit. "You're late," my voice was muffled because my face was still in the snow. Kathleen helped me up with a wide smile on her face. She was wearing the same red jacket and helmet she was the first time I saw her. "It took me awhile to ditch my sister."

"I Was getting worried you wouldn't show up. Ready to go?"

"I don't know, you're the one standing there like a snow fox, are you ready to go?"

I brushed myself off; after a quick shake to get the snow off my head I grabbed my skis.

We headed up the lift, glad to be riding together. On the way up I put my paw over her shoulder and she snuggled in closer to me; I couldn't have been happier.

We skied all over the mountain. She was excellent; sometimes it was hard to catch up to her. The mountain was beautiful; Kathleen was beautiful; everything was perfect, until my stomach began to growl. Eventually we both decided that it was time to eat. I cautiously asked her, "Would you like to come over to my condo for a bite to eat?"

"I would love to, but only if you have tuna!" she answered with a smirk.

"Tuna, of course we have tuna." I didn't know if we had tuna; I prayed that we did.

"Let's go! You lead the way!"

The trail we were on ran by my condo and into the parking lot Unfortunately it had a thin layer of snow and got icy in some parts. I knew how to ski over them but I was concerned about Kathleen and looked over my shoulder to make sure she was okay.

As I was looking back at her I hit a nasty patch of ice and took a spill; nothing too bad. But Kathleen who was right behind me went down pretty hard and lost a ski. I took off my skis and ran uphill to get her equipment before it rolled away or someone ran into it. I came back down to see if she was okay. She was lying there laughing. "I can't believe you fell," she managed to say between her laughs.

"I was distracted."

"By what?"

"By you." I could tell she was blushing.

She began to stand up but she suddenly yelped.

"Ouch! My ankle, I think I may have sprained it."

"Oh man! I am so sorry, here... can you walk?"

She tried to stand again but had to sit back down, shaking her head. I was really worried about her; I didn't want a sprained ankle to ruin the rest of our day together.

"My den isn't far." With that I scooped her up. I walked over to our equipment and had her grab it. I carried her over to the condo.

"You're so sweet," she giggled as she wrapped her paws around my neck and pressed her head against my chest. Thank goodness it was on the first floor, 2 pairs of skis plus 80 or 90 pounds of feline isn't that easy to carry, especially for a puny guy like me. I gently set her down, panted a bit, and put our skis in the locker outside. Her arm over my shoulder we limped together inside. I took her jacket and hung it with mine. I had her lay down on the couch as I got out of my snow gear. I went over to the kitchen to make a sandwich.

"Did you still want something to eat while I grab you an ice pack?"

"Sure, got my tuna?"

"Tuna sandwich coming right up." I held my breath as I opened the fridge, "Thank you god!" I said softly to myself as I snatched two cans of tuna and the mayo from the fridge. I made us both a sandwich and a glass of milk I brought it over on a tray.

"Thanks, you sure know how to treat a girl. Can't see why they don't like you at home."

"Hmm good idea, I'll have to remember to make the next girl I meet a sandwich. A skill I'm quite good at." She laughed at my pathetic joke, a skill I do like in a girl: the ability to recognize and laugh at my jokes no matter how unfunny they are.

"Let me take a look at your ankle." I helped her gently take off her snow pants; She had the Capri's on underneath. One of my grandmothers was a nurse and she taught me a thing or two about first aid. Gently I squeezed around her ankle to see if anything was broken. Usually patient says "Ouch!" or at least squirm, however she didn't.

"You just wanted me to carry you," I smiled; she grinned.

"We foxes are supposed to be the sneaky ones, perhaps if I give it a kiss it would feel better." Waiting for her slight nod of approval I gently kissed her ankle, then her calf, then her knee. All the while I kept my eyes locked with hers: her eyes were full of passion and longing. I stopped, "What am I doing?" I thought, "I've just only met her, I don't even know if..."

She sat up and grabbed my shirt and brought my muzzle to hers. Our paws began undressing each other as we enjoyed each other's tongue. We only stopped briefly to pull our shits over our heads. Stepping out of the kiddy pool and diving into the deep end, I unlatched her bra. Her breasts were perhaps the most wonderful things I had ever seen in my life; I marveled them for a few seconds before fervently licking her chest. She giggled as I began to massage her chest; I could not only hear, but feel her purring. As my muzzle ran over her bosom I slid down her pants, revealing her small orange panties; she was wet with anticipation. "Michael," she said, breathing heavily, "I'm so glad we met."

She pulled my head back up to hers as we kissed fervently. My hand ran through the soft fur down her side. I pulled away from our kiss as I slipped my finger under her panties and pulled them off. I carefully ran my paw over her slit; she purred with joy. Happy that I did know a few tricks from watching many "documentaries" on this subject I moved off the side of the couch. I decided to test out a trick I had learned form reading a sex book. After massaging her clit I sank two fingers deep inside her searching for a special spot. She drew a sharp breath as I found the spongy spot I had been searching for. She was squirming in ecstasy; "Yep, that's the right spot," I said aloud. I pressed my free hand on her stomach to keep her as still as possible. She moaned with pleasure as I kept steady pressure on the spot. Soon I felt her start to tighten; I massaged her clit with my thumb. She panted quickly and then groaned in pleasure as her orgasm poured into my hand. I removed my fingers and lapped up all that I could.

"That was definitely more than I expected from a first timer," she complemented.

"You can tell?" I gave her a half grin.

"Don't worry, that'll soon change foxy. My turn!"

She smiled as she pounced on me, knocking me to the carpeted floor.

She kneeled on me, she slowly put her claw on the tip of my nose and said "Don't move, or I may cut you." Slowly she moved it down my neck. Once she made it to my chest she brought her other paw over and began to trace around the area where my orange fur turned white, my most sensitive spot. The fact that two razor-sharp claws were creeping closer and closer to my loins didn't worry me at all; it felt so good.

She asked me if I cared about my jeans. I told her no. A mischievous smile crept across her face. She quickly grabbed my jeans with both paws, sliced off the button and zipper, and slid them down, revealing my erection, long awaiting this moment. Grabbing my hips she slowly she began to lick my member as it throbbed with pleasure. Wrapping her lips around it, she began to move her muzzle down on me. I was astounded at how much of me she could take. She moved her muzzle back up and continued rhythmically. She was amazing; it felt as if her tongue was all over all the time. I began to moan loudly' every once in a while, when she hit a particularly sensitive spot a high-pitch "Yip" escaped me. She seemed to like making me do that. I couldn't hold it any longer, I began to peak. I released into her mouth; she licked up every last drop.

Both of us panting, I picked her up and walked into my bedroom. Her tail wrapped around my leg and began to tickle my balls. I laid her on the bed and grabbed her ankles. I stared into her longing eyes.

"You'll tell me if I'm doing something wrong, won't you?"

Her tail wrapped around my already erect member and gently coaxed me closer.

"I don't think there's any way of doing it wrong." She grinned as she reached down and opened herself. I pulled her ankles over my shoulders and, with a thankful smile; I pushed into her, into a girl for the first time ever. Slowly at first, then deeper and quicker until I was as far in as I could go. It was so warm and wet. I wasn't her first because there was no blood, but she was still tight. It was the most wonderful feeling. We both moaned loudly as I began to rhythmically thrust in and out. She rubbed her chest as I reached around to her backside. I rubbed my finger around her tail hole and stared into her eyes. She gave me a nod and began to tighten again. I could barley take the pressure. I began to thrust faster. She cried out as she began to peak once again. I pushed a finger into her backside just as she came. The feeling drove me to push myself inside her as far as I could go; I released myself into her. Breathing heavily I laid down beside her. She hugged my torso and purred happily.

"Kathleen," I said softly.

"Yes Michael?"

"I would never want to hurt you Kathleen."

"What are you talking about Mike?"

"I don't want you to feel like I just took advantage of you and left at the end of the week. I only want to make you happy."

"You didn't take advantage of me, I love you Michael."

"Love is a crazy thing, I shouldn't talk about it; I hardly know what it is. I always thought love was something sacred that would last a lifetime, not something to be used as a pickup line."

"Love is special; I know that after this week we may never see each other again and that neither you nor I may feel any obligation to each other after this. Let's enjoy our love as we have it now even if it is just for one day."

I smiled, feeling as if I could cry.

Kathleen quickly dispelled my overwhelming emotion, "Ready for another go foxy?"

"Absolutely," I responded with haste.

This time she rolled off the bed and beckoned me over. "I thought that you might want to learn a little bit for the next time you're in this particular situation."

I stood up and followed her into the middle of the room.

"Now, I want you to close your eyes and stay perfectly still, just breathe in and out." I followed her instructions. She started with my ears, oh how I love when people play with my ears. First she rubbed them gently and blew softly into them. It felt magnificent. She crept down my neck and began to kiss lightly, and then she slowly began to almost bite me. She took my arms and moved them outwards; I held them there. As she continued to kiss my neck she ran her paws under my arms. My breathing quickened as she moved her paws up and down across my sensitive sides. She slid her paws down over my butt and grabbed it. My erection was returning as she giggled lightly. She ran her fingers around my thighs, up my groin and around my member to my stomach.

Then she said, "Most guys consider it taboo but you seemed to be pretty comfortable with it last run."

I knew what she had in mind.

"Go ahead; I've never really told anyone but I've experimented there before." I frowned. "That's a good thing, it's always nice to know yourself." She lifted my tail and began to run her fingers around my backside. She brought her finger up to my muzzle and asked me to lick it. After doing so she wasted no time as she kneeled and gently pushed it inside my tail hole. I began to breathe quicker, pre dripped from my throbbing penis. She removed her finger and asked, "Feels good doesn't it?" I only nodded. After a brief pause where she cleaned her finger she ran it down my groin and up my erection. She idled her finger on the tip of my manhood and pricked it with her claw. I jumped as I was kicked out of my sensual trance and exclaimed "Ouch!" She only sat there on the floor, laughing devilishly.

I picked her up and tossed her onto the bed belly down. I grabbed her tail and gently pulled her to the edge of the bed. Bent over in half in front of me, I told her not to move. Still holding tightly onto her tail I ran my hand down her back. I stopped just above her buttocks and ran my finger around them. She purred loudly as she arched her back. "I said don't move," I stated sternly. She put her stomach back down. I licked my thumb and moved my paw around to her backside. I massaged her sex with my fingers as I pushed my thumb into her tailhole. She moaned with pleasure. I removed my hand and grabbed her hips. I positioned my manhood outside her sex and began to slowly move it up and down, teasing her. When she began to fidget and moan longingly I slid my grip down her tail to the base and pulled roughly, thrusting myself into her. I released her tail and began to thrust in and out. It felt as if I could thrust deeper inside this time. I could feel myself building faster this time. She pushed her face into the pillow and moaned loudly. Without warning she exploded onto me, her orgasm made her slit wet and slippery. With almost no resistance I trusted faster and faster. She reached around her backside and grabbed my member. As I pulled out, she pressed it against her tailhole. "Are you sure?" I asked, breathing heavily. She nodded with a smile on her face. I slowly pushed myself into her. She gripped the pillow tightly and cried out. I stopped and began to pull out

She yelped, "Don't stop please, no matter what sound comes out of me!"

I thrusted back into her quicker this time, her juices from her previous orgasm greatly helped the process. It was so tight it was amazing! I was all the way inside her as she began to mewl. I began to withdraw. She let out a long moan. I began to thrust in and out; I didn't know how long I could take it. Finally, I released myself deep into her backside and slowly backed out. Exhausted, I toppled onto the bed beside her. She closed her eyes and drew herself closer to me. We soon fell asleep in each others' arms.

A slamming door woke me up. The memory of what had happened that day flooded back into my head making me smile. Kathleen was still asleep beside me, purring softly. "Beautiful," I thought.

Then I realized that a slammed door woke me up. Alarms went off in my mind, "Crap someone's here!" I said urgently to wake up Kathleen. She awoke startled. I told that someone was coming and I would distract him or her while she got dressed. She reminded me her clothes were in the living room. I dashed out and deadbolted the front door. I ran into the living room and collected the articles of clothing. I dashed back with the wad in my hand and tossed it in the bedroom. I found my trousers and slipped them on when I realized my jeans were ripped open. "Damn," I said quickly as I heard the doorknob jiggle.

"Sorry bout that," Kathleen said with a grin.

"Throw me another pair from that drawer."

She tossed me a pair of sweatpants and I literally jumped into them just as my brother Al opened the door with his key. The door when opened blocked the hallway, obstructing the view into the bedroom. I was on the other side of the door shirtless.

Al looked up at me, "Where'd you get off to? I was looking for you forever."

"I just came in and had some lunch then fell asleep I guess," I lied as I rubbed the back of my head and yawned.

"Oh well, you missed some really rad jumps out there man." He began to take off his coat. He was about to close the door to hang his coat up when I grabbed it and tossed it into the living room.

"Want some lunch?" I said, trying to distract him.

"Sure!" he said as he closed the door behind him not looking into the bedroom with the half-dressed tabby in it. "Hey, why are there two plates here?"

"I had two sandwiches."

He shrugged off his suspicion, seeming to think nothing of it. I stood in the hallway obstructing his view down the hall.

Kathleen crept up behind me and whispered "My place at 8?" I nodded. She grabbed her jacked and quickly slipped thought the door. The door slammed making Al spin around.

"What was that?" he asked with a worried looking his eyes.

"Nothing Al, nothing at all." I returned to my bedroom and found a shirt. Fully dressed now I hear "What happened to your jeans?"

"I got too fat for them and ripped 'em."

"Bullshit man, these were cut. What the fuck were you doing?" He came down the hall to talk to me. He suddenly stopped dead and stared at the ground. I moved around to the door to see what he was looking at. There on the ground were Kathleen's orange panties. His gaze moved from the underwear to me. He was dumbfounded. I scooped the underwear up and grabbed my jacket. Still confused, he read out loud the sticker Kathleen gave me on the jacket: "Good job?"

"Why, thank you Al," I yelled and dashed out the door.