Sonic Boom-Ch.2

Story by Shippku on SoFurry

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#4 of Sonic Boom

official chapter 2 of the Sonic Boom series of stories! After a year of not writing I was honestly kind of scared to pick this story back up, but I think I'm getting back into the groove, and I hope you all appreciate my imagination :D

First story in a year!!! Crazy! Not having a computer for a year was hell, but I'm glad to be back and hope I make everyone proud! I haven't changed and any and all critique is welcomed!

Adrian's ears twitched as the smell of eggs, bacon, waffles, and honey assaulted his nose. His eyes opened as he turned around in bed finding his partner wasn't there. He knew it was Ulric who was cooking in the other room, but Adrian still hated it when he would wake up and Ulric wasn't there. He laid there in thought for a while. The incident from last night was making him think of things he'd never thought of before. When did he become so dependent on others?

No, he was always like that. He depended on Margareta while he was at the laboratory. He depended on Tanya when he started his life in Vapous. And, when Tanya got sick, it was Ulric who he depended on to protect him. And then last night, what had Adrian done? Just sat on the ground in fear while Ulric tried in vain to fight Alexandros. Adrian was the one with the powers. He had telekinesis. He could move things with his mind. So why did he just fall back all those times and let other people get hurt while he did nothing? He wanted to cry. But what would that do?

"Adrian? You up?" Ulric stood in the doorway watching as his boyfriend sat up. He could tell Adrian was upset, he was never good at hiding his emotions.

"Mmhmm... Good Morning Ulric," Adrian looked into the wolf's big blue eyes. Remembering the day they met and Ulric had kept him from freezing to death by giving him his jacket, even when they first met Ulric protected him.

"Breakfast is ready. Come on."

"No Ulric. Come here. We need to talk," Ulric nodded and walked over to the bed and sat next to his partner. "Well what's up?"

"Solomon, the real Solomon, Alastair, I guess you could say he is my real dad, it is part of his DNA in me. See, I was made in a lab. Margareta, was also made in the lab, and she was the one that helped me escape. The lab specialized in genetic testing. Solomon's real daughter had passed away in some accident, and as a way to fill the void her death left, he used the lab's funds to make a clone of her, disguising it as another experiment. But, part of the experiment involved tampering with the genes of the person being cloned, it was the only way he could get away with it. The result was me being cloned male instead of female, and me gaining my telekinesis. I didn't learn about my powers till after I escaped, but Solomon couldn't handle that I was male and not exactly like Bridgette, his daughter. He would go into fits of rage, and Margareta would always come to save me. See, Margareta's power was clairvoyance, she could see the future. She was the only other experiment I knew. I was number six, and since Alexandros had the number seven on him, that would mean that Alastair cloned himself for some reason. So, since Alexandros is a clone of Alestair, I guess that makes us related somehow." Adrian stopped talking. Through his entire speech, he couldn't look at Ulric. He didn't want to know what Ulric was feeling. Adrian feared rejection, feared being left alone, feared having to protect himself. He didn't want to be alone.

"So that's the truth huh? One hundred percent honest?" Ulric asked. Adrian could tell Ulric was trying to make eye contact, but he couldn't look at the wolf.

"Yes," was all he could mutter.

"Then let's go eat dinner. Come on it's getting cold," Adrian looked up at the wolf and saw him getting up off the bed like nothing happened. Ulric turned and saw his boyfriend's shocked expression. "What? Come on. I worked hard on it."

"You aren't shocked? You aren't scared? What's going on?" Honestly, Adrian was the one who didn't know how to feel. He would have known how to act if Ulric rejected him, or embraced him, but he didn't know how to act to nothing changing.

"Of course I'm both of those things. I'm shocked you didn't tell me sooner, and I'm scared that Solomon will come and try to take you away from me. But, I can't live my life in fear, and you shouldn't either. This changes nothing. You aren't a different person, and I'll always be with you. Special powers or no special powers. Now come on! I'm pretty proud of my eggs today!" Adrian smiled and laughed. He got out of bed and shared breakfast with the wolf. All his insecurities had vanished, he was happy to have this day, and he wanted to believe that last night was just a nightmare.

After breakfast, Adrian and Ulric shared a shower. Ulric rubbed shampoo deep into his fox's red fur, relaxing the fox. The wolf closed the gap between the two and pulled his lover into him, the fox's lean frame swallowed by Ulric's broad shoulders and muscular body. The wolf nipped at his fox's ears, earning giggles of approval from his lover. Meanwhile, Adrian felt the wolf's manhood getting larger, emerging from it's sheath. "Hey Adrian."


"Remember the first time I took you?" The wolf got a devilish smirk across his face, he had started humping against his boyfriend and his intentions were all to clear to the fox.

Adrian chuckled "Ya. It was in the shower at Tanya's house."

"I had you pressed against the wall just like this," Ulric began acting out his words, using his overwhelming strength to hold Adrian there against the wet tile of the shower.

"You had your fingers deep in me too, remember?" The fox looked behind him and smiled. His wolf took the hint and placed one of his hands against Adrian's rear, slipping his middle finger between the furry cheeks and meeting the ring of muscles that kept them apart. The muscles didn't offer much resistance, and Adrian let out a squeak of pleasure as he felt himself being opened up by the wolf. Ulric knew how much his partner loved this, the feeling of the wolf being in him, controlling his body. It excited Ulric too in a primal way, the captured prey succumbing to their fate. Adrian was a good tease when he wanted to be, but he needed this release just as badly as Ulric did, and the wolf wasn't about to miss the opportunity.

"And then I whispered in your ear, 'Don't worry, I won't hurt you,'" Ulric removed his hand and positioned his manhood against the ring of muscle.

"You were such a liar," the fox said in a toying tone.

"I haven't heard any complaints," and with that he drove into his boyfriend. Adrian screamed as Ulric let his primal side take over. Not screams of pain, screams of pleasure, of the same primal force that had taken over his lover. Ulric latched his muzzle on Adrian's shoulder, biting down and holding himself there drawing blood. He had wrapped one of his arms around Adrian's neck, giving his forearm for the fox to bite on. Neither minded the pain, they both reveled in the sensations. It was how they shared their pain and frustration. It was them being one entity, one force, one emotion.

After they had finished their shower, Adrian laid across their bed finally recovering from the night before. No stress, no questions, no worries.

There was a knock at the door. "I'll get it," Ulric put a pair of pants on and jogged into the living room. Adrian closed his eyes as his boyfriend went to answer the door. He heard the door open, and he felt the six on his back begin to burn, it wasn't the same burn he felt when he used his telekinesis, but a cold burn. Like touching dry ice. "Adrian!"

Adrian's eyes snapped open and he ran to the front door wearing nothing but a pair of short shorts. He saw Ulric standing a safe distance from the fur standing in the door, a male blonde rabbit, in a sleeveless hoodie and baggy bluejeans and no shoes.

"Hello Adrian. Nice to meet you." The rabbit lifted his left arm showing off a number four marking in his fur. "I'm number four, Cicil."