Forgotten Spirit

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Forgotten Spirit

by Von Krieger

Xani carefully cleaned the runes on the floor, her fluffy tail twitching excitedly behind her. This whole place was a great archaeological find, a nicely preserved temple of an ancient culture. Xani carefully brushed dirt out of the carvings, they were an ancient script alright, not one that she knew however. They were so pretty to look at, no one wrote like that anymore. The whole place was really beautiful. It was too bad no one but Xani seemed to care.

It had taken months of cajoling before the board had begrudgingly given her the funds for this trip. "Bunch of stuck up old wizards." Xani said with a snort, her triangular ears flat against her head. She reached for her pick, scraping some hardened mud out of the last rune in this set. The catgirl stood back for a moment to admire her handiwork, but her prideful gazing at her work was interrupted by the sound of thunder in her keen ears.

"SHIT!" she said, taking off running outside into a sudden downpour. Her camping gear was getting soaked, she hadn't even thrown up her tent or started a fire. Stupid rookie mistakes, all of it, but Xani had wanted to get started on cataloging the temple's markings. Now she was soaked to her very skin, and all her changes of clothes were sopping wet as well. With a sigh she stripped them off and spread them on the floor to dry.

It was times like these Xani wished she could fire off more then a few basic cantrips, simple spells that were somewhat useful, but used almost no mana whatsoever. An air mage could probably make a stiff breeze to blow them dry, and a pyromancer could heat the water into steam in a moment without harming the fabric. But Xani? The best thing Xani could do what make a candle sized flame for about a minute and a half, and create tiny balls of light that would hover around her and provide illumination.

Pulling out an only slight damp blanket, she spread it out on the floor of the temple and lay on it for awhile, completely naked. There was no one around to see her, so Xani didn't particularly care. There were no bugs inside the temple, a remnant of ancient wards. Probably so the priest or priestess wouldn't break out into foul language when something with six legs decided that they were food.

But Xani was proud of her body. She was a Renakana, and she had combined features of humans and cats. The interesting thing about her race, Xani thought, was that they could breed with just about any humanoid species, and as a result individuals tended to look very different. Xani supposed in the past her people looked more alike, but after thousands of years of intermixing with other races, there wasn't any pure bloodlines anymore.

Xani thought she had come out with the best Renakana features, a large size, shi stood a good deal taller then most MALES at six feet nine inches in height. She also had a strong, athletic build, it made her look kind of masculine, if you looked just at one part, rather then her body as a whole, the shape of her hips and face, the lean litheness as opposed to the thick, hulking appearance well built male Renakana tended to have. Then her more feline features, a pair of tawny furred ears, and a matching tail. Besides her feet, eyes, and fangs, and the fact that she had tiny vestigial claws rather then nails, she looked very human. Especially since she only had two breasts, unlike some members of her family that had four, or even six. Her feet were decidedly feline, Xani walked on the balls on her feet, which was where she got a good few inches of height from. Unlike the claws on her hands, the ones on her feet were retractable, sharp, and fully functional. Xani liked her paws, she thought they made her look cute.

Xani liked her tail most of all, she spent long amounts of time grooming her tail, sometimes with a brush, or like now with her rough feline tongue. Xani liked to lick her tail fur, it relaxed her. Sometimes she would spend hours running her tongue over as much of the length as she could reach. She loved the way it felt, it was so erotic. Most of the time she spent licking her tail, she also spent masturbating.

She had pulled a pair of round handled hair brushes out of gear and lain them next to her. The shape and smooth material made for excellent, yet discreet, sex toys. Purring all the while, Xani mumbled the words for the Condom spell, a tiny field of magic force that would keep fluids from mixing. Xani used it on her toys to keep them from getting dirty on long trips like this. She took one in her mouth, coating it with her saliva, sliding it down her body, rubbing it against her clitty and around her womanhood a few times, activating the enchantment contained within that would cause it to vibrate slightly, giving her wonderful feelings. She slid it gently into her tailhole, gasping at the sensation.

Likewise she took the second, this one needing no lubrication to slide into the moist depths of her cunt. This one had been specially designed with a piece on the back by the handle that rubbed oh so wonderfully against her clit when it vibrated. Her nether regions filled deliciously with vibrating toys, Xani used her hands for other things, one cupping one of her plentiful breasts, softly caressing the soft orb, and the other holding her tail next to her face. Xani licked at her tail gently, imagining it was the cock of a sexy Renakana male.

Xani had never had a male before. No one had ever asked her out, or challenged her to the traditional Renakana mating ritual. Probably because she was the undefeated captain of her collage's Yusy Jer'koth team. The somewhat showy style was painfully effective, as the showy moves caught an opponent off guard for the focus of the style, the painful holds.

The catgirl slowly began to daydream, images of things flashing through her mind, what she'd like in a perfect mate, traits of non-Renakana she found sexy, fantasies that she'd had, desires that she would never actually act out, some of her Jer'koth matches where she had sneakily groped her opponent, a series of imaginary creatures she'd thought up, her mind seemingly wandering without any direction. Xani didn't mind, her mind tended to wander all over the place when she was like this, it felt kind of like a meditative state induced by long spanning physical pleasure.

Xani dreamed she wasn't licking at her tail, but rather the furry breasts of some unseen Renakana. Xani had lesbian fantasies before, so she simply lay back and let it continue, feeling strong paw-like hands pushing her head down between furry legs, powerful thighs wrapped around her head. Xani laps softly at the soft, furred lips of this fantasy lover, relishing the taste of sweet juices on her tongue, a strange musky scent exciting her all the more.

Xani feels herself being turned over in the empty blackness, the unseen dream Renakana arrange her so that they could pleasure each other. Xani purrs softly as she feels a clawed finger tracing the outside of her femaleness, gasping at the sensation. It felt real. Xani knew she had fallen into actual sleep while playing with herself again. She didn't mind, it was always fun, the gentle, continuous vibrations inside of her influencing her dreams.

The catgirl purrs loudly, feeling an expertly applied feline tongue caressing her dripping snatch, lapping up the sweet, sticky love juices, teasing her hard little nub, dipping in between soft lips to stroke her insides. After what seems like hours, and considering the low setting on her toys it probably has been hours, she feels the familiar heated pressure building inside her body, building higher and higher until she feels like she's going to explode.

Then her body erupts into the wondrous feeling of climax, her dream lover mewling softly in surprise as a torrent of catcum covers her muzzle. Xani lets out a purring chuckle, she had never heard of any other Renakana that came with a huge gush of girl-cum like that, not even in the dirty books and recordings. Her dream lover licked gently at Xani, cleaning her rather then pleasuring her.

Purring, Xani wets a finger in her lovers juices, slipping it slowly under the dream Renakana's tailhole. Her lover begins to purr as Xani fingers her tight little opening. The purrs begin to increase in volume, becoming mewls of pleasure. Within a few minutes the dream Renakana is just about roaring. "MEOWRRR! RRRRAAAARRRR! MWWWWAAAAAR! MYAAAAA-AAAA-AAAAH! AAAAAAH!" the unseen felinoid howls, her entire body tensing, treating Xani to a faceful of hot stickiness of her own. She feels her dream partner shifting, snuggling up to her human skinned body, with her own much larger furred form. She licks Xani's face clean, then wraps her arms around the catgirl, pulling her close to her muscular furry body. Xani can feel six fleshy mound pressed up against her, a wonderful cushion of breasts. The two lay there purring, the sensations of sex fading away, the blackness slowly claiming feeling as well as vision, but the warmth of their bodies remains.

Xani yawns and stretches, snuggling back up to the soft fuzziness of her sleeping bag. She blinks a few times, as that couldn't be right. He sleeping bag had been lying right in the open, it was saturated. Shi runs a hand over the big fuzzy thing in front of her, realizing it's not fuzzy, it's furry, and more so it's alive! Whatever it is purrs softly at Xani's touch. With a wave of her hand Xani summons up a few globes of mage light.

The catgirl draws a sharp breath and backs away. There's another creature laying right next to her. She growls softly, nudging the sleeping creature with her foot, dropping into her Bilo-giri stance. The creature yawns, showing dangerous looking saber teeth. It stretches it's powerful body, looking itself over. Xani gasps as she sees the creature in it's entirety, it's a she and she is the very image of beauty.

Her body is covered in gorgeous deep purple fur, looking black in some lights, and fading to lavender then white on her belly. Two colors of leopard rosettes adorn her powerful body. The yellow and blue filled rosettes are something Xani saw in a drawing someone did, and found the colors incredibly sexy. The female's hair is the same two colors, the purple appearing in streaks in beautiful golden hair.

She stands head and shoulders over Xani, her form well proportioned with strong, lean muscle. The creature is humanoid, but very, VERY feline in appearance. Her hands are more like paws then anything else, each tipped with a small slit for a retractable claw, but her feet are kind of different. Xani had been fascinated by raptors, she thought the single large talon looked sexy, but this? This was obviously another thing from Xani's own imagination.

The creature's feet had five toes, the two outer sported the wicked raptor-like sickle claws, the two inner were much like Xani's own, decidedly feline, but they were longer and thicker then the usual feline foot. The reasoning being on the back of the ankle, where the fifth toe, mostly a large, spike-like claw, resided, allowing the creature some manual dexterity with her feet.

The beautiful furred face sported a very feline muzzle, but with human eyes, the irises a sexy blue-green. A pair of smooth horns grew back from her temples, leading back over her beautiful feline ears. Six large breasts studded the creature's torso, Xani knew each pair would be just the right size for something. The top pair would be the perfect size so that if Xani lay on the creature's belly, they would provide a perfect pillow, the middle pair would be what her shoulders rested on, and the bottom pair, the smallest, were just the right size to fit in Xani's hands. That was where the normalish features stopped. Xani had seen horns on Renakana before, those with dragon ancestry, but she'd never seen one with some of the things this creature had.

Amongst them being not two, but four arms, the second pair growing right below the first. Xani recognized that from a daydream she'd had about having her breasts rubbed, and cunny pleasured at the same time by a strong male's hands. A pair of luxurious feathered wings sprung from the creature's back, not big enough for the creature to fly, but enough to serve as a focus for flight magic, much how heavy dragons flew. They were a brilliant pattern of the same colors as the creature's fur, Xani knew they would be soft, and she longed to have them wrapped around her smooth skin.

But the strangest feature was a heavy armored carapace along the creature's back and gargoyle-esque tail. It was smooth and shiny, and looked as if it would turn away blows from even the sharpest sword. The creature's tail snaked out, caressing Xani's cheek. She just about melted from the feeling of the soft, thick, fluffy fur on the underside. Xani's fear had been joined by a powerful mix of love and lust. She was captivated by the beauty of the creature that stood before her.

The creature purred, rubbing her hands over her body, as if trying it out for the first time. She fixed Xani with her emerald eyes and spoke, Xani wanted to just about jump into her arms at the lovely sound of that voice. "You have a very lovely mind, priestess, the form you've chosen for me I find very pleasing." The fear is back, Xani drops back down into a fighting stance.

"Who are you?" she asks. "What are you doing here? How did you get here? And..." Xani gulps. "And why do you look like the most beautiful thing I've ever dreamed of?" The creature blinks and cocks her head, confused. "You're not a priestess of my temple? Then why did you summon me from my slumber? How long have I been asleep?" The creature narrows her eyes, looking at Xani for the first time. "And what exactly ARE you?" the creature adds, more confused then ever. With a wave of her hand the long unused light crystals in the ceiling spark to life.

The creature gasps in horror and slowly turns, surveying the long disused temple. Tears begin to fill her eyes. "Th-they're... all gone, aren't they? All my people." she says with a sob, taking a seat on the blanket. Xani takes a seat next to the crying goddess. "Probably for several thousand years. I'm sorry." Xani says, trying to comfort her.

"I knew it was probably what was going to happen. The wars had made it so most of our males had to go fight, many never returned. Those did did come back had found a better life out of this distant forests, and took their families with them. The last to remain were my priestesses. But my power had faded. No one needed me to bless their matings, or their kittens to grow strong. So I had to sleep, to conserve what little power I had left. My followers promised me they would go out and mate, to return with their cubs. I guess they..." she wraps two arms and a wing around Xani, hugging her closer. "They never did come back."

"So you're a goddess then?" Xani asks, impressed. The creature shakes her head. "No, that was something I never wanted, and never had the power to become even if I did. I was a local guardian defender, a spirit of love and life. I gave blessings to ensure good hunts, good crops, and strong, healthy cubs, as well as strong life-bonds and love filled matings. Tasetmachtess they used to call me. Machi for short."

Xani hugs the life spirit gently. "I'm sorry I woke you up with bad news like this, Machi." The spirit shakes her head and pats Xani gently. "I'm surprised you could wake me up at all. What exactly are you anyway? I've never seen anything like you before." Machi asks curiously. "I'm a Renakana." Xani says proudly. Machi looks down at her. "No you're not, how could you be?"

Xani blinks. "What do you mean?" Machi frowns. "Well you don't have fur for one thing, your hands are human, you only have two breasts, and you're far, far too small to be an adult Renakana. Renakana were my people, my followers." Machi says with a snuffle. Xani sighs sadly and shakes her head. "Machi, I don't think there are any Renakana like your people were anymore. I'm one of the biggest and most feline that I know of. None of us are completely furry anymore. We're mostly mixed bloods now, humans, elves, and such."

"Oh." Machi sighs. "Then that would explain in part why you could wake me up. How old are you?" "Twenty one." Xani answers honestly. Machi flinches. "And you've never had a mate before?!" the spirit asks incredulously. Xani shakes her head. "No." Machi looks down at her, puzzled. "For eight or nine years you've fought the urge to mate with another?" Xani's eyes go wide. "We're not allowed to mate until we're sixteen." Machi looks horrified. "Sixteen?! You mean you spend four or five years with a fully adult body and are still treated like kittens?!"

Xani shakes her head. "We're not fully grown at twelve, I don't think I'm even fully grown yet." Machi leans down nuzzling Xani's head. "So how long have you been pleasuring yourself on a daily basis?" Machi asks. Xani snorts. "I don't think that's any of your business!" Machi just sighs. "Ok, Xani, you don't have to tell me if you want." Xani blinks and shoves Machi away.

"I never told you my name!" Xani snarls. Machi curls her tail around Xani's leg, stroking it softly. "Xanrydia Renon'Ra'Roken. I know a few things about you, when you gave yourself to me, created my new form for me." Machi purrs softly, touching Xani's cheek with a paw. "You're very good at it, none of my own priestesses were this good, or creative. I love my new body, Xani, don't you?"

Xani licks her lips, forcing the thoughts of lust out of her mind. "Stop it! What are you doing to me?!" The spirit runs her fingers through Xani's soft, brown hair, stopping to rub gently at the bases of her ears. "I'm hungry, Xani, I need to feed." Xani tries to back away, but four powerful arms hold her in place. "You're going to eat me?!" The spirit lifts Xani up, face to face with her. "No, I'm going to siphon off some of the wonderful energy that you've created by pleasuring your unmated body for years and years. You have so much of it, so very, very much."

Machi purrs and opens her mouth, pressing her lips against Xani's. Her mind screaming out against all common sense and logic, Xani parts her lips, allowing the spirit's tongue inside her mouth. She wraps her legs around Machi's waist, wrapping her arms around the life spirit's neck, returning the kiss. Xani's body quivers with the most pleasurable feelings, it feels like every inch of her is being mated, inside and out. She moans softly, giving herself over to the sensation. It's over all too soon as Machi lowers Xani to the ground.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Machi purrs, rubbing a paw over her belly. "N-no." Xani stutters, the feeling having faded but the sheer power of it taking her breath away. The spirit purrs again. "I haven't had this much power since before the wars. Oh Xani, you don't know how special you are to me. I've never had a true-mating. All my followers desired cubs of their own, they never gave themselves wholly to me."

Machi wraps her arms around Xani. "But you did." Machi purrs. "Just one more favor to ask, Xani..." The life spirit places Xani's head in front of one of her breasts. "Drink my milk, please?" Xani thought about it for a moment, she did feel kind of hungry. She put her mouth to the nipples and began to suckle, the spirit's sweet milk filling her mouth. She sucked until she had her fill, a strange tingly feeling in her belly.

Xani suddenly feels weak in the knees, and collapses, or would if Machi's powerful arms hadn't caught her and lowered her gently to the blanket. The tingling sensation begins to spread from her belly, soon encompassing her entire body. It was starting to hurt. She looks at Machi with pained eyes. "What did you do to me?" she whispers. The life spirit licks her nose and strokes her cheek.

"I made you mine, Xani, now and forever. You're going to be like me, not a mortal Renakana anymore." The catgirl tries to squirm away, but her body refuses to respond. "Ssssh, just relax, you won't be hurt. Your body is filling with the power granted to you by your domain." Machi's eyes unfocus, looking at something that isn't there, at least to Xani.

"Oh how wonderful, a city. A beautiful city. So many people, so much life." Machi runs a hand down Xani's body, slipping a finger inside the catgirl's cunt. "And it's mine. Oh thank you, Xani, thank you for giving yourself to me entirely. I couldn't have done this without you. You gave yourself to me willingly. Gave me your body, opened your mind and heart to me. Now just relax, let me do for you what you did for me."

"Please, Machi, stop it! Let me go! Please?!" Xani begs. "Ssssh, I know you're frightened, but it will pass. You'll love it. Love being my pet." the spirit purrs. "PET?!" growls Xani. "I don't want to be anyone's pet!" tapping into strength she never knew she had, Xani pushes herself to her feet, taking up the Han'yobo-ganta stance.

"I'm not going to hurt you pet. You may feel bad at first because you don't understand, but I promise that you will." the spirit reaches out a hand to touch Xani's cheek. "I love you Xani-pet." Xani leans into the touch unwillingly, purring softly at her mistress' caress. She snaps her mind away from that, she's not anyone's pet. She bares her fangs and growls, gripping the wrist with both hand and flinging herself backwards, wrapping her legs around the arm in midair. The spirit lands on her back, Xani quickly pushes off the ground and rolls them both over.

Laying on one of Machi's arms, another locked between her legs, Xani pushes the wings aside, grabbing Machi's other two arms and pulling back, HARD. Machi howls in anguished pain. A lump forms in Xani's throat at the sound, her grip loosens for a moment, wondering why she's hurting her mistress like this, but then her own mind comes back, but it's too late. The spirit pulls her arms out of Xani's grip, rolling hirself over on top of Xani, sandwiched suddenly between carapace and stone floor. Xani feels the wind knocked out of her, her grip on Machi's other arms failing.

Xani tries to get up, tries to keep fighting. She hears a voice in her head, asking why she's fighting, isn't this what she always wanted? A strong, loving mate? Her eyes run over Machi's body, her beautiful, gorgeous, perfect body. Xani longed to be held in those arms, longed to feel the soft leather of the pads on Machi's hands and fingers on her body, needed, absolutely needed to snuggle into that soft tailfur. Xani cries out, trying to drive the invading thoughts from her mind, she tries to lash out at the spirit, but can't move her body.

She feels the soft fur of her mistress' tail, Machi curls it around her pet-to-be's leg, pulling her up against her strong, furry body. Xani lets out an unwilling purr, trying to pull away, trying to summon the strength to get up and run, to dart out of the temple. But she has nothing. Xani opens her mouth, trying to bite at Machi, but instead her tongue comes out, she begins to softly lick her mistress' fur. The act relaxing Xani, calming her down.

Slowly everything begins the fade for her, until there's nothing but the feel of soft fur against her body, and strangely tears running down her face. Xani can't figure out why she's crying. She's snuggled up against her loving mistress, why would she be sad? She feels a warm, fluid tickle across her entire body, like she's suddenly surrounded by a thick liquid. The feeling of her mistress' fur fades away, and Xani just lays back. Not thinking, not feeling, just being.

Some time later Xani opens her eyes, finding herself laying atop a soft bed of moss. She looks around, the temple has changed. The ceiling gone, open to air and sunlight, the walls and floors covered in greenery, a small creek flowing through the middle. The catgirl lifts her head from her mistress' lap and peers around.

"Do you like it, pet?" Machi asks. "I think it fits better now, now that my power encompasses life of a different sort as well." The word 'pet' is like a dagger to the heart. Xani sits up and spins, facing her mistress. But try as she might, Xani cannot summon up enough anger to do anything about it. She sighs sadly and flops to the ground. "I am, aren't I? Your pet now, mistress?"

"Come here, Xani." Machi purrs, crooking a finger. Xani crawls to her mistress, purring softly and leaning into the hand that scratches her behind the ear. "Everything I've done, and everything I will do to you, each act is one that you, with time, would willingly do with my asking." Machi cups her pet's chin, wiping her tears away. "And you're not just my pet, Xani, you're my lover and my mate. Soon we'll have cubs together, won't that be wonderful?"

Xani peers at her mistress with a confused look on her face. "How?" Machi chuckles. "We mate, and a few months later out come cubs, pet." "No, I mean how is it possible? You're a female!" Machi nods. "Yes, I am." "And so am I!" Machi purr-chuckles. "No you're not." "But I am! I'm a girl!"

Machi reaches down and grabs something, a part of Xani's anatomy. Xani gasps, Machi just purr-chuckles. "No, you're not." Xani falls back on hir bottom, looking down with a mix of shock and wonder at hir new organ. The black tip of hir manhood can be seen inside the feline sheath, the organ blending seamlessly into with the rest of her body. Shi reaches down to touch it, and mewls softly upon seeing hir hands, turning hir head away. Hir hands weren't hands anymore, they were more like paws, even more paw-like then those of hir mistress.

Xani lays face down, crossing hir hands over her belly, not wanting to look at the hir alterations, tears running down hir cheeks. "What's wrong, pet? Don't you like your changes?" Xani shakes hir head. "No!" "Why not, my cute little pet?" "Because I don't want to be your pet, I want to be me!" Machi sighs. "As you wish, pet."

Xani feels a tingle over hir hands and inside hir mind. Shi was crying again. Why was shi crying? Something about hir paws and hir cock. Shi didn't know why she was sad over them, shi'd always had them. Shi loved hir cock, the warm, black length. Shi loved when hir mistress played with it, stroking it with her paws, or her tongue, or especially her soft, furry tail.

Xani roared and struck hirself in the head with hir paw, balled into a fist. "STOP IT!" shi roared. "That's not fair! You're not doing things to me that I'd let you do, you're doing things to me then making me think I'd let you do them or had them all the while!" The cat-herm lays back down, rubbing hir face against hir mistress' beautiful tail. "You said you love me, mistress." Xani asks, eyes pleading. "I do, Xani-pet."

"Then please, don't make me do things or anything like that. Don't put thoughts in my head, or alter my memories, or anything like that. Just let me do things because I want to." Xani begs. The spirit looks down at Xani, a pained expression on her face. "I'm sorry you feel that way, Xani-pet." "Mistress, you said I was your mate. You want me to be your mate and love you, right? Not just be a puppet that says and does things because you want me to."

Machi pulls her pet tightly against her. "Oh Xani, I'm sorry! It's just that... that I'm used to doing that with my priestesses, they let me do it. I... I just... I didn't think that you'd... oh Xani, I'm so sorry!" Machi has tears in her eyes. she sets Xani down on the ground. Xani begins to glow softly, shi feels her paws changing, and something within her brain changing as well.

"There, I've put you back to the way you were before, except for your maleness. All I ask is that you mate with me once before you go. Without my training the spirit link you have will fade away in a month, you can go back to your life, Xani. I'm sorry." Machi turns away, ashamed. "I broke my promise, that I'd never hurt you. No, never mind the mating, just go. Go away and I'll go back to sleep, a punishment for breaking a promise."

Machi looks up at Xani with tear filled eyes. "I've-I've never broken a promise to anybody before." Machi slides a hand between Xani's legs, hir maleness fading away, making hir a her again. The life spirit curls into the fetal position, covering her face with her hands. "Go, Xani. Go back to where you came from. Go back to your people, leave this ancient spirit to fade away with her people."

Xani kneels, wrapping her arms around Machi. "I never said I wanted to leave, Machi-mistress." "Go. I broke the bond we had when I hurt you, you have no compulsion to stay. You didn't know what you were doing when you awoke me and let me lick you in that dream. You didn't know what you were doing when you suckled from me. I accepted you, I was your first lover, your true-mate, and I tried to pull you around like a puppet on a string!"

Machi shrugs off Xani's arms and gently nudges her away. "Go, Xani, get out of here. Let me pay for my crime. Let me fade away." "Fade away?" Xani asks. "Without your people or any Renakana around you'll cease to exist, won't you?" Machi nods. "In this world at least. I'll go to the Pride Mother and answer for the horrible sin of breaking a mate-bond. Then I will cease to exist."

Xani shakes her head and tries to snuggle up to Machi again. "I don't want you to die, Machi!" "I hurt you, Xani! Don't you see? I'm not supposed to hurt things, especially not my own mate. Now just go before I forget myself and force you to stay again." Xani feels something all onto her shoulder, a dead leaf from the wall of the changed temple. The green all around Xani is turning brown, dying.

"Machi? Are you doing that?" "Yes." "Why?" "Who needs an empty temple to a non-existant spirit?" "But you're still here!" "That's why I need you to leave. Once you step outside the reach of my domain, I'll start to fade. I can't go back to sleep, I don't have the inner peace to do it anymore. Go Xani, you're just hurting yourself staying here longer."

Xani shoves Machi over, rolling the spirit onto her back. She drops down, and begins suckling at Machi. "I'm staying, Machi. You just made a mistake is all. It happens, you're sorry for it and I'm sure you won't do it again. I want to be your mate, Machi, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I love you, I really do. I did the first moment I looked at you." Xani licks her lips, cleaning off stray droplets of milk. She slinks down Machi's belly, licking softly at the spirit's clit.

"I want to be your pet, Machi-mistress. If you want to give me paws, fine. If you want to make me a cute little herm, fine. I'll do anything you ask, Machi, you just need to make sure you ask. You were frightened, and you were lonely. I understand why you did what you did. I forgive you, my love, my mate, my mistress." Xani says, purring and crawling up Machi's body to nuzzle her face.

"R-r-really?" the spirit asks, snuffling a bit, the dying greenery around the temple ceasing its decay and starting to brighten again. "Really. Everybody makes mistakes, Machi." Xani wraps her arms around the nature spirit, stroking her hair, nuzzling her neck. "But it wouldn't be right to keep your here. You have a whole life back in your city." "Then come with me!" "I can't! I... I cast away all the power I got from you, and I don't have enough to make a link between us again!." "A link between us, hmm? Can you make me a herm again?"

"Why?" Machi asks, wincing. "Because I have an idea. Can you?" Machi sighs softly. "Yes, but I couldn't change you back, it'd be forever, and it'd take up almost everything I have left." "Then do it." Xani says, stepping back from Machi. "What's you idea?" the spirit asks, curious. "Well, you'd have a definite link to me if you were..." Xani grins mischievously. "If I was what?"

"If you were carrying my kittens." Xani says, her smile widening. The spirit's eyes widen. "Your k.... it'd work! But are you sure you REALLY Want to..." "Gods, Machi, I've wanted to fuck you the entire time I've been looking at you. To feel that soft, soft fur against my belly, that tail curled around my back, the two of us together, your wings wrapped around me..." Xani says seductively, crawling on the ground up to Machi.

Machi shivers. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Mistress, just shut up and give me a dick." Xani says, licking the spirit's nose. "Well... if you insist." Machi says as she slides her paw down between Xani's legs, the glow of magic beginning to gather around it. The Renakana begins to pant, rocking back and forth against Machi's fingers. "Oh Machi that feels so good!" Xani purrs, thrusting against the spirit's paw.

"Oh gods, that feels amazing. That's feel MEYOOOOOWR!" Xani howls as her mate takes her hand away. "What are you doing? Don't stop! It feels incredible!" The Renakana begs. "The spell is cast, Xani-pet." Machi says with a satisfied smile, and finds herself suddenly on her back Xani's lips pressed against her own. "Machi, you... you made me..." Xani gaps between kisses. "Really... mmm... really horny." Machi grins sheepishly. "Side effect of the spell. So... AAAAAH!" Machi yelps, suddenly penetrated by Xani's new length.

"Oooooh, so this is what it feels like to be a male." Xani purrs, hugging Machi tightly. "Mmmm.... just think Machi-mistress, in a few weeks you're belly will get all big..." shi continues. Machi eyes just about roll up into her head under the feeling of Xani's cock pumping in and out of her. "Oh Xani, it's been so long since I had a male, it had been years, even before I slept. Fill me, my mate, make my tummy swell with kittens."

"Then your six lovely breasts, growing even fuller with milk..." "Oh yes, I'll need to be milked, every day." "Every day I'll drink your milk, my kittens growing bigger and bigger, snuggling with my Machi-mistress. Rubbing her big belly..." "Yeeesss." Machi purrs. "Think of them, Machi, tiny kittens snuggling up to their mommy, mewling, purring, suckling..." "Oh yes..." "I think you'll look even sexier when you're all full of kittens..." "Murrrrr!" "A nice..." "Myeh!" "Big..." "MYEH!" "Round..." "MYEEH!" "Belly." "MYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!"

Machi pulls her mate against her body as she cums, the gush of warmth and the tight clenching of her cunt setting Xani off. The herm arches hir back, thrusting hirself to the hilt into hir mate's depths. Hir breath catches in hir throat, unable to make a sound as shi shoots stream after stream of seed into his mistress. The two lie there in each others' arms. Purring, Machi folds her wings of her lover. "I can feel them..." she purrs. "Five sweet, beautiful kittens for you, Xani-pet." "Murrr, oh good." shi purrs, kissing one of Machi's breasts. "That leaves one for me."