The Dorsalmatrix

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Just a quick little story I wrote based on a dream I had while sick, sleep deprived, and on some really powerful cough syrup. Enjoy.

Her eyes lifted towards the bull as he plodded towards her. The slightest of smiles twitched at the orca's lips as she looked over him slowly. When he'd come in the big male had been wearing an expensive, custom tailored suit. Easily a couple grand in his clothes alone. Not counting his watch and the rings that glittered on his fingers. Each one a symbol of his social status and a symbol of his power. Naturally, he'd taken all that off in her presence.

Now, the bull was dressed in something far more befitting his position. The latex body suit stretched across his muscled body, almost threatening to rip as he stopped a respectful several feet from her. She looked over the bull, her toy for the evening, with a critical eye. The suit matched the one she wore as far as coloring. A rich, dark purple that shone in the lights. Along his underside, it was a deep, ruby red. The crimson stretched from right at his throat, down across his torso, slithered between his thighs. Much like her, the only parts of his body not covered in the suit were his head and his genitalia. The main difference in the suits, aside from the obvious, was the symbol emblazoned on the latex right over his heart. It matched the crest that hung from the walls in her private room. Outside of this chamber, he might be a powerful male in control of every aspect of his life. But in here he belonged to her.

She shifted in her seat, exposed breasts shifting as she moved. His eyes darted towards those luscious, twin colored breasts before dropping to the floor again. That smile flicked across her lips again. He was learning. First time he'd seen her in this skin tight suit, with her breasts and mound exposed, he had stared at her for several seconds. Didn't take long to break him of that habit. In his world he might be able to break down any competition he had, but she had trained him very well.

Her outfit creaked softly as she stood and strode towards her boy. His ears twitched at the sound of her feet on the warm tile, but he kept his head down and didn't stare at her. An impressive feat since he was head and shoulders taller than her. Cupping his chin, she lifted his head with just a finger and looked into his eyes. "My poor bull sounded very stressed on the phone. Would he like his Mistress to ease him?" He nodded and allowed her to guide his head to rest between her breasts. The bull moaned softly as his nose was pressed between the soft mounds, but didn't nuzzle into them. Another habit she'd broken him of, but she knew what he liked. "You may kiss them."

His voice shook with his moan, "Thank you, Mistress."

She breathed out as he lipped at her breasts. Those big, soft lips rubbed against her nipples before planting little kisses across her mounds. His hands twitched at his sides, wanting to wrap around her and pull her in against his chest, but once again he restrained himself. She smiled and ran her fingers along his cheeks as her pink nipples rose to peaks under his gentle attention. "That's a very good boy. Now onto the rack and Mistress will make everything better." His neck twitched, a sign of his excitement, as he nodded and stepped away.

Head and shoulders arched proudly, he walked right over to the heavy, welded rig. The big male gladly stepped onto the platform and leaned back, the whole device swaying slightly under his weight. She followed behind, eyes roaming over his impressively built body as he climbed aboard. This rack in particular was very special, a modification of her favored rig, scaled up to suit the male's large frame. He stood stock still as she knelt and wrapped the padded rubber straps around each of his ankles. A smile tweaked at her lips as she lifted her head and gave his heavy balls a little nuzzle. He bit back the moan, but couldn't hide the swelling of that fat bovine sheath. Just to tease him, she gave him a nibble. Lightly pinching his flesh with those conical teeth of hers.

He was already unsheathing as she pulled away and moved onto the step ladder next to the rig. His hands were already gripping the bar she'd installed for him, and it only took a second to secure his wrists with the same type straps that were wrapped around his ankles. As she checked the straps, she made sure to press her breasts against his cheek. The bull lowed out a moan and closed his eyes, leaning towards the mound just a little. Considering the tension across his shoulders, she allowed that brief lapse in his manners. Just a little nuzzle then she pulled away to fit the mask over his head. It was a variation of the typical masks one would see, having a hose that led to the front, as well as a semi-rigid structure that would hold it away from his face. Aside from that, it covered his head completely and cut off his sight. Quick twist of a valve sent air hissing up into the mouth piece tucked away inside of that hood. "Good?" she purred. He nodded and gave a thumbs up. "Good."

Taking the control box from the rig, she stepped off the ladder and triggered it. Overhead, a crane began to winch up the rig. The whole device rotated horizontally to lay flat before lifting away from the base. The rig, complete with bound bull and the air tanks, hung at about waist height. A nudge set it rolling along the track and right over her pool. She felt a thrill run through her body as the big male rolled right over the smooth surface then began to sink as the crane let him down. He stiffened visibly as the water rushed up over his bound frame, but didn't fight as he sank below the surface. Just a few seconds later, the lines went slack as he touched bottom. Releasing the control box, she casually strolled to the pool and simply stepped off the edge.

Warm, heated water engulfed her as she plunged into the pool. For just a second, she hung there and enjoyed the semi-weightlessness. There were few things she enjoyed more in life than a good dip. One of them was waiting below her, illuminated by the underwater lighting. Even the promise of a submissive to play with paled in comparison to the feeling of water sliding against her hide. She was all too aware of the water caressing her body, welcoming her back into it's embrace. Drifting for a moment, she breathed out a pleased sigh as she let the warmth soak into her. A hand slid along her body before stroking against her mound. The flesh, once the color of fresh snow, had taken on a rosy tint to show off her arousal. Cooing to herself, the orca gave her tail a flick and surfaced just long enough for a quick breath before she dove.

Her bull waited for her at the bottom of the pool, bubbles drifting upwards from the regulator tucked away inside of his mask. Drifting over, she touched his shoulder and was met with another thumbs up. Good, the mask was working fine. Which meant he was all hers to play with. Making a quick circuit of the rig, she removed the wide straps and let them drift away, giving her room to work.

Twisting around, she hovered over him and brought her head in to nuzzle at his balls again. The male tensed as she ran her smooth beak against his tender parts. Starting at his taint, she nuzzled along his flesh. Up between those heavy balls. Across his shaft. All the way up that heavy member of his. Finally stopping at the tip. Just a little teasing at first. A little nibble. A quick lick. A gentle stroke. It didn't take much before he was squirming under her. Not that she was going to take things too far with her mouth. No, she had far better places to stick that calf-maker.

A flick of her tail brought her swinging down over him. She felt him shiver as her legs slid against his side. It didn't take much work to bring him in line with her. His tip nudged against her soft petals before gliding in as she pulled herself down. She breathed out a string of bubbles as she gently settled down onto the big male. Her insides wrapped around his dick and cradled it as she pulled herself down with her feet. It only took her seconds to take in his full length, but she wondered how long it seemed to take for the pent-up bull. If he'd been telling the truth, as well as following her instructions, then he hadn't sought any relief since their last session. Judging by the size of the balls tucked against her rear, he might have done just that. Oh what a good boy, saving himself for his Mistress.

Such a good boy deserved a reward.

Holding herself against him, she began to shift her vaginal muscles around him. Cetacean females had a rather unique skill involving those muscles. Combine that talent with some rather exotic exercises she'd devised on her own meant trouble for a fair number of males. Depending on what she felt like, she could bring them to peak in a matter of seconds, or she could tease them for a very long time. All without moving her hips.

She ran her hands along his chest as she began to roll and twist her insides. Nice and slow at first, a warm up for the stressed male. Wouldn't do to have him blow in mere seconds then still have to work out that tension. No, she was going to take her time with her sweet boy. So nice and slow would do for now. Just a little rock of her hips, enough to shift the focus of her attention. She squeezed at his tip, sliding it around her inner walls. She clenched at his base and let the tension roll up his length before ending in a twist around that head. He twitched under her, a stream of bubbles slipping from the mask as she toyed with him. Purring now, she started to send waves racing along him. They raced up her insides before hitting the back wall and coming back down, almost trying to push him out of her.

Her playing only lasted a short time before she pushed away from him. She could almost hear his moan as her body slid off his rock hard post. Kicking off the rig, she darted to the surface and took a gulp of sweet, cold air before diving again. The bull was more eager than before when she slipped back over him and lowered herself onto his post. He actually gave a buck against her, which earned one of his nipples a swift pinch and twist through his suit. A blast of bubbles signaled his snort, but he settled back into the bonds and allowed her to seat herself in his lap once more.

The pinch turned into a rub, tending to his teat through that skin-tight material. Leaning over him, she teased at it with her tongue. Maybe she'd cut out the chest some so that she could toy with his nipples. Now there was a thought to save for later. There were more pressing things to ponder on.

Stretching out across the large male, she reached a hand under him and gave the air supply valve a slow twist. Even underwater, she could hear the pressure start to go down. Not one to trust her ears though, she kept an eye on the dials that were mounted on the rig alongside the valve. As the pressure began to drop, she picked up her pace. Eyes narrowed again as she began to combine motions around him. Her snatch rolled in waves, twisted, turned, squeezed, pushed, and pulled at his delightful cock. A male cetacean would respond by twisting his cock around to hit against her insides, but this bull couldn't quiet do that. So she had to make do by shifting her hips to make him rub against other spots inside of her body. Rubbing him against her g spot sent a pleasing ripple through her body, which made him jerk in response.

She breathed out another gasp as she closed the valve off completely. This was always one of her favorite parts. Her insides began to stroke him faster as he pushed up, blowing out a few more bubbles. It didn't take too long before the bubbles stopped coming out as he held onto his breath. The massive male's body stiffened under her, muscles tensing as he pulled against the bonds and rack. The rubber stretched, letting him move some before pulling him back into position. She could imagine his face twisting around with ecstasy as her insides rolled around him faster, pulling and coaxing him onwards. Pushing firmly against his groin, she let her tail rub right against those heavy balls. A flick and a pull drove her tighter against him, smashing against his groin with her body.

With a hard buck, the bull exploded inside of her, body quivering as the combination of teasing and lack of oxygen pushed him beyond the limits of a normal orgasm. As he peaked, the male released his hold on the bars and triggered the secondary valve. His mask bulged as air rushed in, chest heaving as he sucked in that sweet oxygen. She purred and ran her fingers along his chest as her insides rolled around his cock, milking every last drop from her sweet, sweet boy.

It was all over in a matter of seconds. The big male slumped against the rig as his cock began to soften. Sliding off him, she smiled at the trembling bull as she hooked the straps back into place and surfaced. She climbed a ladder and let herself drip for a second before taking up the controls again. The rig, complete with passenger, broke surface a second later. She caught the rig with a hook and pulled it over, setting it down at the side of the pool rather than guide it all the way over to its stand. A flick of her fingers freed his wrists. She left him to remove the rest of his bonds as she returned to her chair and draped herself on it. The bull's hands were shaking as he peeled off the mask and hung it up, still panting.

He needed a minute to get himself free then walk over towards her, his legs were so unsteady. "Thank you, Mistress." The big male dropped to hands and knees, bowing low before her.

She offered him a churr and angled her head back. "Do not think that you are done yet, my sweet boy." Her hand dropped to her groin and spread her lips just enough so that his cum could begin running out of her pussy and slide down her tail. "Look at this mess that you have made."

His eyes locked onto her rosy peach as he licked his lips. "May I clean Mistress with my tongue?"

"You may."

The bull was over in a second, wide head sliding between her legs. She draped her thighs over his shoulders and breathed out a pleased sigh as his broad tongue shoved into her pussy and began lapping at her. Her back arched as she sang out her pleasure with a moan, insides flexing against his tongue. Oh yes, she had trained her boy very well. Maybe tonight he had earned the privilege of sleeping in the bed with her. She was due for a good partner there. Breath hissed from her as he paid special attention to her pearl.

Oh yes, he was in for a nice reward. She just hoped that he was ready for it.