Misconceptions: Chapter 5

Story by ForgottenRecluse on SoFurry

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#8 of Conceptions

Conversation stalled after that. By the time a butler came to check on us, I had gotten full and was on my phone, idly browsing. Zeke had finished everything. And I mean everything. He even asked me for some of the fries I had pushed away. We sat in silence for a few moments that seemed to stretch on to forever.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. "Do you want to see the rest of the house? I think it'd be good. While you're here you can go wherever, so it'd be nice if you knew where everything was." He nodded and I couldn't help the big grin on my face. "Come on, then. Lots to see."

I took him everywhere I think he would enjoy: the pool, the huge game room, the ballroom (though I didn't mention what I used it for), and the library, which he seemed the most interested in. When the short tour was done, I led him to my room.

I pointed to a dark wood door, distinguishable from the others by only a plaque on the front reading 'Blake's Room' in really fancy letters. "My room." I pointed the next door down the hall. "Yours. The clothes and stuff should already be in there, so there's no need to worry about that. Also, um, there's a bathroom in every bedroom so you don't need to worry about that. That should about cover it."

I mock bowed and swept my arm in down the hall. "Would you like to see your room, sir?" A quick glance up barely caught the hint of a smile before it disappeared. He moved down the hall, and I followed (his tail).

He opened the door and I heard him gasp. I smirked.

The hard wood of the hallway turned into plush white carpet. A big queen size bed held the center of the opposite wall. The walls were painted navy blue and the light from the crystal chandelier made waves on them.

The only detriment to the striking prettiness of the room was the bags. They seemed to take up all of the floor. I frowned as I tried to count them. I didn't remember buying so much. I gave up after counting the same bag four times. Oh well.

"Like it? It's pretty generic, I know, but it's a guest room so whatever." I tried really hard to make it sound like his opinion of the room I provided for him didn't mean anything to me.

It did.

I couldn't see his face, but his voice and ears and tail told me everything I needed to know. "It's the nicest room I've ever seen." There was shock, and maybe a little awe. His ears were perked upright and his tail looked like it could barely contain itself.

I don't think I've smiled as much in my life as I have today. "We aim to please." He turned, and his eyes always so flighty, settled on mine.

"Thanks." His smile was soft, a little sad and more genuine than any I'd ever seen. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his hand stop its tapping and move in my direction. It settled back at his side before I could swear it was going to touch me.

I think we stayed there for a forever before his eyes shifted away from mine.

Moment gone and heart beating so fast and hurting so softly, I blurted out, "Now my room," and grabbed his arm before I could think about what I was doing.

It was in the hallway that I realized that maybe I acted too swiftly, so I let him go, but the force of my pull made him to bump into me and I reflexively threw my arm around him.

There was a moment, then, when I could feel his entire body pressed against my side. That half second of contact sent fire up my side and to my brain. I'd never felt more perfect.

I'd stopped in the hallway about halfway between our rooms. He pushed himself off of me. We stood in an awkward silence for a beat before I coughed and winced at how horrible that sounded and walked the rest of the way to my door. I heard his shoes click against the floor. I could still feel his hands on my back and stomach.

I set my hand on the handle and threw the door open. "Ta-da!" If there was less enthusiasm in my voice than there should have been, neither of us commented.

My room was bigger than the guest room. The wall were a light brown to match my fur. The huge bed sat against the wall with the door, and a huge TV took up the wall across from us.

Entering my room seemed to kill my unease. A jerky start and a leap sent me bouncing on my bed. Once I settled, I patted the space next to me and tried not to think of what I wanted to do to him there. His eyes shifted to my hand before traveling up my arm and stopping.

He moved (swayed, really, with that tail flicking behind him) to my bed and sat down on the edge. He bent down and his shirt was a little too small so I got a nice view of his lower back and the fur sticking over the hem of his pants. I spent the next few moments enjoying the small little view I had before I wondered what he was doing. My question was answered when he swung up his legs and his now-bare toes curled.

He laid down and set his hands behind his head, staring up at my ceiling. I just watched him. He was beautiful, in a way. Maybe his clothes were too small, but that just let me see the faintest hint of the white fur of his stomach. Maybe he was a little too thin for it to be healthy, but that just meant my strange desire to take care of him was justified. Maybe he was a little odd, but maybe that just meant he was perfect for me.

Things got awkward again, though, when I heard him cough and I realized I'd been staring for I-don't-know-how-long.

Again, too quickly I said, "Videogames," and bounced off the bed toward the cabinets under the TV. At first I scanned hastily for something to play, anything to make me feel like a bit less of a creep. And then I realized that he was the guest and that he was the one who should probably choose the game. I turned around as I stood up and that made me a little woozy so I set my hand on the cabinet to regain my balance. "What do you want to play?"

At some point he had sat up, so the smile on his face was clearly visible, though it disappeared at my question. "I don't play videogames much. I'll just watch you play."

Part of me wanted to push him, wanted to make him play with me. The other part just wanted to show off to the person I kind-of sort-of really wanted to sleep with. I think everyone knows who won.

I ended up choosing one of the many online multiplayer games I owned. I don't even know what it's about. Who cares, though? What mattered was that I'd played it before and was pretty good at it and, hopefully, I would impress him just a little bit.

I started it up and laid on the bed next to him. I watched him out of the corner of my eye while I waited for the game to load. He lay on the far edge of the bed, as far from me as he could be while staying on the bed. I turned to him and smiled a bit. "I don't bite, you know." I let my smile turn a little predatory. "Unless you like it like that." His chuckle was nervous, but he did move a little closer.

Silence reigned while I started a game and all the way through it and the one after that.

As some point, he got up and left for a bit. When he got back I smiled at him and he smiled back. I pretended not to smell the mint toothpaste that the staff put in the guest rooms and the sour undertones it couldn't quite hide.

When he laid back down, though, it felt closer to me and that made me not mind so much that I forgot that I sucked at this game. Despite my growing frustration, I didn't quit, because whenever I glanced over, he was watching intently.

It was an hour or two or three later that I finally stopped. The remote was enough to turn off the TV and the nightstand served to hold the controller. I yawned and turned to the boy on my bed.

"I'm gonna go-- nevermind." Turns out he beat me to the punch. He was on his side facing me, eyes closed and maybe just the faintest hint of a snore. I couldn't help but smile. He was cute.

He was, however, in my bed. And that just wouldn't do. I hopped off my side of the bed and walked around it. A quick glance at him and a quick step out into the hall assured me that I wouldn't have a problem carrying him to his room.

I stepped up to the bed and worked my arms under him. I put a little too much force into picking him up and I stumbled back. When I recovered, I frowned and shrugged my shoulders, trying to gauge his weight.

I shook my head when I realised I was paying more attention to the way his breath tickled the fur on my neck and the way his tail fell down onto my leg.

It was a few steps down the hall that I realized that I may have underestimated the size of the hallway. This thought was proven when I stopped to catch my breath about halfway and I almost dropped him.

It was three quarters of that way there when I felt him stirring and all of the way to the door when he flailed his arms and legs, sending both of us to the floor.

I don't know how he ended up straddling me in all the commotion, but it served two things: 1) I definitely liked this position. 2) It made the anger in his voice and the claws digging into the carpet on either side of my head that much more threatening.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

To be fair, this is a good question; one I hadn't given much thought to. "Um, carrying you to your bed?"

"And why didn't you just go ahead and wake me?" I really liked that little growl in his voice. At least, I think I would if it weren't directed at me or if we were involved in a different kind of activity.

"It's almost four. Nobody has the best ideas at four." It was odd, this reversal of body language. I was doing everything in my power to avoid his eyes and his systematically hunted mine down.

It took a moment, but he calmed. He rolled off me and stood up. I waited for a hand, but realized quickly that I wouldn't get one. How rude.

I stood and brushed off my pants, idly noting that I must have left my phone in my bedroom. I peek into his room and don't see him. I worry for the half second before I hear the shower start. I head back to my room, intending to do the same.

I'm halfway undressed and in the process of taking off my pants when I remember I don't know where my phone is. A quick check of the nightstand turns up nothing.

Now in that full-blown panic mode that only shows up after two, I frantically overturn pillows and covers, even going so far as to check under my bed. I force myself to calm and trace my steps.

Dining room!

I re-button my pants and walk quickly down the hall and down the stairs to the dining room. Spotting the object of my quest where I had sat at the table, I quickly grab it and roughly shove it into my pocket. I apologize a few seconds later with a pat.

When I walk back through the hallway, I don't hear the shower anymore and the door is slightly open, so I peek.

Holy fucking dick.

The bags have been moved from the bed to the floor, but that's not what has my head getting dizzy from lack of blood. No, the very pretty, very naked arctic fox bent over them on his knees is the cause of that. His tail is sticking up and that causes something of mine to stick up as well.


I wait a moment before I cough to get his attention, because that's what you do when you catch a naked, sexy beast. He's on his feet faster than I've ever seen him move and there's just the shortest flash of sheath before his tail flicks over it. Damn.

I smile at his flustered face (he looked so cute with his ears pressed back like that). "Whatcha looking for?" Maybe my tone was a hair too bright for it being so late at night, but I didn't care.

He gestured toward the bags. "I was looking for something to wear, since I don't want to go to bed like--" he waved at his nudity, and I take the sort-of invitation to leer. I really like the wet-fur look on him. If he were just a bit more filled out, then it would perfectly highlight his slight build. However, he's too thin, and it just makes him look a little sad, but that's fixable, with time.

Part of me, the part of me that enjoys getting sucked off in bathroom stalls, cringes at the implication of a long-term relationship, but that part is rather small when he's around and it's easily crushed.

"You can sleep naked, if you want. I do." He shook his head. "Then let me help. There's a lot of bags." He kind of nods, and his hands keep his tail still. I wave at his crotch. "You don't have to." He looks at me, confused, so I smirk. "I have one. I've had gym and required showers. Everyone there had one." I've seen one bobbing as it's owner rode me like there was no tomorrow. I've seen one being jerked frantically with the owner on his knees in front of me. I've seen--

And now I'm hard.

I work my way past the unfamiliar embarrassment and unbutton my pants. I remove pants and underwear in one fell swoop and twist my hips so that my erection sways. He's standing there in shock, and I happily note that his eyes are riveted on my cock. "Nothing to be ashamed of." He blinks and make eye contact for a moment. His ears go down again as his tail slowly moves.


It's a pretty one, surprisingly full given the state of the rest of his body. A bit of pink shows at the tip; I hope it's from seeing me naked and not from something silly like him just being naked in front of another person. Though maybe I could work with an exhibitionist streak.

"Now, then. Let's get the search underway!" I really begin enjoying this 4AM. idea of stripping so he doesn't feel uncomfortable, when he immediately turns around and bends back over a bag, giving me back that wonderful view.

I sigh, though, when I realize that looking through the bags will take the view away from me.

I kneel and begin searching through one bag and then another. Halfway through the first bag, I hear him move and then pause before starting to search through the next bag. I pretend the pause was him staring at my raised ass and liking what he sees. That sends a jolt to my waning hard-on.

It's in the third bag I search, that I find what we're looking for. A simple pair of black underwear, and some red shorts. No shirt, though. A quick peek into a different bag reveals a simple white undershirt.


I get his attention with another cough and get the same reaction as before. I raise my brow at him and it takes a second before his tail returns to its place behind him.

"Found some." I wave the clothes. He moves forward, but stops when I speak. "But, there's a price."

His hesitation feels like forever. "What is it?" It's soft, and maybe a little scared. I wonder why, until I realize we're both naked, and my cock is pointing straight up.

"Not that," I mutter, a little offended at his insinuation but a little turned on all the same. "A kiss." I feel my confidence return when he stands a little straighter. "You get your clothes, I get a goodnight kiss. Deal?"

He's silent for a few moments, before he takes a few steps forward and cocks his head. Taking this as a yes, I close the gap and lean in just far enough so that our breaths mingle.

His hands tentatively reach up to my chest, but I force the issue when I drop the clothes and pull him to me by his hips.

His body fits wonderfully against mine. His sheath presses against my hip and my cock rests against his stomach.

His hands which had gripped my fur when I pulled him, relaxed. I hadn't realized how much taller than him I was until I felt him stand on his tip-toes. My hands moved back and cupped his butt, I bit of pressure brought his sheath against mine.

Throughout all of this, he just stared. He gasped softly when our sheaths touched and I used the opportunity to press my muzzle against his.

For all that we were naked, for all that I was beginning to feel his own hardness press against me, I was not expecting him to initiate tongue.

My hands roamed his back and came to rest at the base of his tail. I debated slipping a hand under it before just deciding to give a small tug.

His arms, which had found their way around my neck, pulled me down a little as his weight dropped. Our muzzles broke contact, and his arms curled up against my chest as he nuzzled up against it.

Ohh, foxy like?

Another tug, this time just a bit harder.

I wasn't expecting the sudden tremble or the wetness against my chest or the sob.

He collapsed against me, and in my shock, I couldn't hold both of us up. I did my best to slow our fall, but I still wound up half out of breath with a fox crying uncontrollably into my chest.

I removed my hands from his tail like it was on fire. Instead, I wrapped my arms around him and tried rubbing circles on his back to get him to calm down.

It didn't work.

This 4AM idea isn't so exciting anymore.


A/N: So, it's only a month later. Right? Anyway, I seriously toned down what I had originally planned for this chapter, because I don't feel it fit the characters. Hopefully that isn't a problem with this version. Also, I'm not that happy with this chapter, simply because the process of writing it was spread out over several months, and I feel that made it inconsistent in quality and character.

All that said, I hope you enjoy the latest installment! The next thing to be uploaded is the second Interlude (of sorts). Some stuff will be explained. It'll take a while to get done, as I want to spend a lot of time making sure everything that happens is reasonable. Until next time!