The Masters Chapter 9

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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The Masters... ...of Secrecy

(September 20th)

"Thanks Stan!" Hunter Thurman, dressed considerably nicer than usual, leaned into the open door of an expensive looking car to speak to the rabbit inside, "Like I said: we can hoof it the rest of the way. And I'll get one of his parents to take me home, tonight..."

The rabbit, Stan, just smiled back and nodded, "I'll be looking forward to hearing all about this soon." He coughed and raised an eyebrow, "but not in too much detail."

Hunter just nodded, "Yeah. I'll relate all the tamer parts."

Stan chuckled, "Have fun! You deserve it."

"Bye, Stan." The tiger closed the door and stepped away.

After watching the car leave, he turned and walked off into the little shopping plaza, to look around: a theatre, diners, fast food places, and a mall that would be closing soon. None of those things, though, were what he was looking for.

It was Friday night, and this was where they were supposed to meet. Tonight was their date! Despite all of Hunter's experience over his date in this area, this would truly be a first for BOTH of them, too...since neither one had ever been on a date with guy, before.

Not long after Hunter was left at the plaza, Elliot Masters, the husky he was waiting for, rounded the corner of the nearby theatre. He, too, was dressed up for the date, though he didn't look nearly as comfortable about it as his friend.

He smiled the moment he saw Hunter and happily waved at him, but as he neared the tiger, he began to look around nervously at the other nearby furs...a blush already beginning to show through the white fur on his face, "Hey Hunter..."

"Hey!" Hunter threw open his arms and picked the dog up in a hug, then sat him back down, with his arms still loosely around him. "You look very nice, tonight."

Ell smiled widely but was still nervous around so many other furs, surely expecting them to begin staring at any moment. "Thank you. You look good too! It's like we're on a date or something, huh?" He chuckled softly at his lame little joke, hoping it would hide his nervousness a bit, even though he knew better. There was no way Hunter couldn't tell.

And of course, the tiger could. He gave his date a quick kiss on his forehead and finally let him go, "Don't worry: no lectures today about calming down. I know how big of a step this must be." He also knew how big of a step it was for HIMSELF, but he kept that under wraps for the moment as he smiled warmly and put a paw on his friend's shoulder, "A week ago, no one even knew you were gay...and now you're on a date!"

Elliot chuckled again and rubbed his arm to comfort himself. All the playtime with Will and Hunter was one thing, but the fact that THIS was a real, serious date with another male was really beginning to sink in, "So...what do you want to do?"

Hunter took in his own, deep, shaking breath and let it out slowly, "I dunno! Casual...uhm, 'fun' is one thing, but," he raised up a paw, trying to hold it flat but failing, and just watched it shake before lowering it again, "this sort of thing is kind of new for me too."

The husky chuckled lightly and nodded, "Yeah. I've been thinking about it a lot."

"I would imagine so!" Hunter nodded, "So have I."

"But, it's just that I...I want to be open. I wanna' not be afraid to show how much I like you. I'm just...just really nervous, you know?" Nonetheless, Ell reached his own shaky paw forward and took hold of Hunter's, content enough with holding it even with the furs around.

The tiger squeezed that paw and took a more comfortable breath, deciding to save the 'this is going to be all over the school' revelation for later. "Well, I know how I wanna' END the night. I uhm...I've kind of had it planned since we decided to do this. But I completely forgot to make any plans for the rest of the, uhm..." he looked around the plaza as he tugged on the paw to pull the husky a little closer to his side, " I'll let you pick!"

Elliot stood proudly next to the large tiger and motioned with his free paw toward the movie theatre, "Movie? Is that cool?" As soon as he asked, though, he noticed how many more furs around their age were near the theatre, "Uhm, unless that's too...crowded for you."

"Doesn't bother me." Hunter repositioned his fingers a bit and squeezed his date's paw again, "There'll be furs there, who we know...but all that matters to me is whether or not YOU'LL be okay." He looked over at the theatre as he restated that more directly, "Point being: I'm game if you are."

The husky squeezed his date's paw back for comfort, gulped hard, and took in another soothing breath, "Well first off, is there anything good showing?"

"Maybe?" Hunter stopped to think for a second, "Let's see...there's that horror movie debuting tonight."

"'s a sequel, though, and I never saw the first one."

"Well, then, I guess you wouldn't want to see the newest mindless, sci-fi, action flick, either, right? Since it's a sequel, too?"

"'s a sequel?" Ell stood straighter, brow furrowed in confusion, "What's it a sequel to?"

The tiger raised an eyebrow, surprised that his date didn't know, "Uhm...two movies: Pitch Black and the Chronicles of-"

"Oh!" Elliot cut him off. "I thought you were talking about Elysium."

"Oh. No!" Hunter smiled as he realized the mistake, "I don't think that one's a sequel to anything. But I'm pretty sure it's not even playing anymore, anyway. It came out way over a month ago, and there aren't many screens here."

"Damn-it. I guess that means the 300 sequel is gone, too..." the husky huffed in disappointment.

"I thought it was a prequel, but yeah: I'm sure it's gone." Hunter chuckled and shrugged, "I'm sure we can find somethin'!"

"If you say so..." Ell agreed through a hint of sarcasm as he tugged on Hunter's paw to begin the seemingly infinite trek to the theatre. His mind, though, quickly became preoccupied with the large groups of furs outside of the theatre and in line, causing him to gulp again. He knew someone who knew Hunter was sure to be there and even though he was determined not to regret it, he was still dreading being 'found out.'

Never letting go of his date's paw, Hunter trotted his way to the line. This time, though, people looked. At school, Hunter was popular enough to not be picked on, without being popular enough to be the center of attention...and without some other reason to suspect, seeing a male with his arm around the shoulder of a friend in the lunch room, even for an exceptionally long period of time, was nothing to raise suspicion. But a male, even Hunter, paw in paw with another in front of a theatre on a Friday night was an entirely different sight.

Eyes were on them, but there was no turning back now. Already, classmates who recognized the cat, and even the husky, were glancing in their direction. Already, a whisper would be on the lips of the school populace, and in minutes, a fate of school wide gossip, come Monday, would have begun. As the two stopped at the back of the clusterfucked line into the theatre, though, Hunter just smiled. In an odd way, the impending and tightening grip of school wide ridicule...actually made him feel free.

Despite the uneasiness of the situation, Ell's only instinctive response was to squeeze Hunter's paw yet again, to help calm his nerves. He noticed many of the furs staring at them, some with their brows contorted into various positions of confusion, and others with uncomfortable smiles on their muzzles. Though many there took no notice at all, nearly everyone who had, looked as if they were holding back a wave of inappropriate comments...and for a brief moment, Elliot worried it was a mistake to go on this date at all.

But then it dawned on him.

HE was the fur with Hunter! How many girls in his class -- and surely Hunter's as well -- would kill to be here? How many males wished they were as desired as the tiger? But, out of everyone...Hunter had chosen HIM! Only some of the gawking furs could he recognize well enough to name, but suddenly he imagined that those he could weren't laughing at him. They were jealous! And though he continued blushing heavily and obviously to them all, he made no attempt to hide his wide, proud smile.

Beside him, his tiger date rubbed the dog's paw with his thumb. He didn't know how worried or scared Elliot was, but he hoped the rubbing would reassure him that he was safe. With Hunter here, no one would dare start anything...and if Ell hadn't realized that yet, he'd make sure to tell him later.

Right now, though, there was a more important topic. "So," Hunter leaned his head toward his date. "What should we go with? Diesel and mindless space violence? Random horror movie? Or..." he paused as he scanned the distant board, "Hey! Kick Ass 2 is still playing!"

"I'd go with Diesel and the mindless action," a voice interjected itself from behind the two, and kept right on going without waiting for a response, "Insidious 2 will probably be a monumental let-down, and Kick Ass will require at least a LITTLE bit of your attention." The voice broke in a whooping laugh, even though the subject at paw really only called for a chuckle, "And something makes me think that your attention is gonna' be divided!"

Elliot gulped and looked up at Hunter, squeezing his paw this time as an act of instinctive defense, "Sure. Yeah, space action is good-er-fine, know, it's okay with me." He stammered through his words, failing at his effort to ignore the laughter and comments from the rude -- and coincidentally male -- fur behind them. He hadn't gotten dressed up just to have their date ruined before it even started! But he had a feeling not everyone would make it easy on him...

Hunter, though, wasn't so sure that it was just any normal rude interruption. He recognized that voice! And he looked back at its source, only to get greeted with yet another comment: "Plus, it's what I'm watching!"

"Mic?" Hunter chuckled, "No wonder." Smirked, he turned both him and his canine date to face the rather bold hyena behind them, "Are you here by yourself?"

"Nah. But don't worry, the other guys aren't here yet. You ain't been seen." The hyena, Mic, tilted his head to look at the husky better, a sly smirk spreading cartoonishly wide across his jaw, "Hey there, kid!"

Ell gulped, and breathed as slowly and calmly as he could, "Hey." He recognized the hyena, too. His name was Michael Taylor, he was a sophomore like Hunter. He was the center-of-attention type...a name everyone knew. He, of all people, catching them here was the last thing Elliot needed.

Mic, though, surprised him. "Sorry, kid. I just wanted to say hi and make sure I was seein' what I thought I was seein'." The hyena let out a single barking laugh and patted Elliot brashly on the shoulder, a teasing but altogether friendly smile still plastered on his face. "I'll leave you two alone, though," he held up a stub of thick cardboard-like paper, "I've already got my ticket! Have fun, you two."

And with that, the hyena wandered off into the building without another word...

Hunter looked back at his date, "Sorry about him. That's just Michael He's, uhm...a friend..."

Elliot looked up at the tiger. "He's," he smiled softly, realizing that maybe it wasn't going to be so bad, after all, "He's alright."

"HE's no one you have to worry about! He won't say a word." The tiger smiled back as the line shortened more, "Let's just say that...Mic wasn't exactly surprised to see me here with a guy." He offered a short, but mildly embarrassed chuckle, "But, uhm...are we takin' his advice? Diesel?"

Ell was shocked that Hunter knew Michael Taylor that way. Not that he didn't already know about his date's 'past experience,' but he would have never imagined the hyena played a role in it!

Snapping out of his shock, he nodded quickly once he finally realized he was asked a question, "Oh yeah! Diesel, sure..."

The line shortened, the prying eyes lost interest, and the tickets were bought. Then, though, along with their drinks and popcorn, came new eyes: came snickers from the younger onlookers, scowls and huffs from the older, and uncomfortable silence from those their own age. Soon enough, though, darkness enveloped them, and all the eyes were gone.

Their paws, finally, were apart, now carrying their drinks and popcorn, and the previews were already rolling as they took their seats. And there they sat and watched, spying for any astonishing news of an upcoming movie they might want to see, while, creeping through the darkness, an orange furred paw slipped an arm around a young husky's shoulders.

Despite the darkness, Elliot looked over at Hunter, giving him a small smirk in response to the arm. Happily, the dog adjusted his position and leaned over, rubbing his shoulder playfully against the tiger's side. Daringly, he even put the side of his muzzle against the slightly older male's, not minding being more affectionate since they were hidden by the darkness of the theatre.

The tiger responded by lightly brushing his cheek back against his date's, and then turning his head to give the side of Ell's muzzle a soft kiss, before looking back to the movie screen.

Elliot smiled softly to himself, feeling for a just a moment like it was only him and his tiger there in the shadowed theatre. Nothing else mattered to him. Even though it was such a crowded place, they weren't the focus of everyone's attention like he had always anticipated. He was really able to just be himself, completely and freely, for the first time in his life.

For his part, Hunter pulled his date tight against himself and closed his eyes with a breath as the previews continued to roll. He still wasn't sure if he was completely gay, or what else he might, but he honestly didn't care. With his eyes closed, and with Ell against him like that, what he did know...was that he felt right.

After a preview or two had passed, inching closer and closer to the movie, though, he caught himself purring. All at once, his eyes opened, his neck shot up straight, and he choked back the purr. He had no idea how long he'd been doing it, but for whatever reason it actually embarrassed him.

The husky nuzzled against his feline date affectionately after he stopped purring, and whispered, "Enjoying yourself, kitty?" He loved hearing the tiger's deep, rumbling purrs, it was calming, soothing...and it made the dog feel important, somehow, to know he was the cause.

Hunter felt himself blushing and leaned back into the husky, whispering, "I guess I was." He returned the nuzzling, "And you?"

Ell simply kept his head pressed against the cat's, deciding to stay like that for as long as possible, "I'm loving this, Hunter."

The tiger let his eyes close again, "Me too." He rubbed against the husky again, "No matter what anyone else thinks...this was already worth it."

Elliot pulled away for a moment to catch a quick glimpse of the furs behind them: an average looking couple, trying unsuccessfully to ignore the dog and the big orange cat he was shamelessly showering with attention. After he gave them an apologetic smile, he turned his head back to Hunter and gave him a quick, soft peck on the cheek.

Hunter smiled and turned his head to return the favor, but did so just a second too soon, and his kiss landed just to the side of the end of the husky's muzzle. And he froze...certain that it must have appeared to be a failed attempt at something MORE than just a kiss on the cheek.

And, of course, he was right...and the husky quickly compensated, shifting his muzzle a bit to the side to catch the cat's lips. He giggled for a moment at their impromptu kiss, but once again, he wasn't deterred from continuing, and his muzzle opened quickly and let his tongue have access to Hunter's lips.

Hunter adjusted himself in his seat and tilted his head, completely unaware of the couple behind them that Ell had seen, or anyone else in the theatre who might be looking, as he slipped his own tongue out as well, gently re-acquainting its rough surface with the tip of his date's slicker one.

Ell closed his eyes and dreamily murred into Hunter's open maw, letting his probing flesh squirm around in the tiger's mouth, licking and fighting against his stronger, rougher tongue. He played with his sharp fangs and sucked playfully on his lips, with barely-too-loud, wet, smacking noises. Ell was lost once again in the magnificent act of kissing his tiger, so much so that he didn't even notice the several furs around them beginning to take notice of their over-the-top display of affection.

With one paw on the back of his date's head, the tiger leaned into the kiss hungrily, getting into it just a little more than he should, as always. But this one time, he stopped himself. He pulled away with the wet click of their final suckling, and in a calm, hushed whisper, looked into the Husky's eyes with a grin: "Let's save that kind of thing for private...ok, Pup?"

Elliot nodded and nuzzled against Hunter like how they were before they started kissing, and whispered to him as he turned his attention back to the finally starting movie, "Sure thing, kitty..."


Over two more hours passed them by...two hours of 'aliens' who looked decidedly human, gentle kisses, fight scenes, nuzzling, sci-fi special effects, and intertwined orange and white fingers, all scored by a Hollywood blockbuster soundtrack and the deep, rumbling purr of a large and content tiger.

The movie came to an end, and the two shuffled out through the crowd -- sharing only the shortest of glances with Hunter's concurrently departing hyena friend -- and soon, Hunter had Ell by the paw, dragging him into the plaza's well-kept, well-paid-for garden area directly next door.

There, Elliot took in a deep soothing breath of the air in the garden's dense cluster of vegetation. Such fresh, clean air helped to both calm him after the humid, musky atmosphere of the crowded theatre, and to remind him that he'd survived the outing thus far. The perfect setting combined with the perfect fur put the husky in a daze; it was going so perfectly that he was regretting ever having been nervous to begin with, "What do you want to do now?"

"Well," the tiger twirled to a stop after a moment, so happy with the situation, himself, that he didn't even notice how gay the little spin it made him look, and then took the husky's other paw in his free palm as well, "I told you earlier that I already knew how I wanted the night to end...right?"

Ell grinned wide, immediately assuming it would something 'naughty,' "Yeah! So what did you have in mind?"

"Well, I know we haven't eaten yet -- except for the popcorn -- and we haven't headed back to your house yet, but...well...I didn't want to wait any longer for it." Hunter smiled wide and then looked around for a place to sit, only finding the bit of concrete around the nearby fountain, "Over there! Let's sit down."

Still grinning, the husky went over to the specified fountain with his tiger, holding his paw firmly along the way, and sat down on the cold concrete, careful to keep his tail out of the water.

Hunter sat down beside him, but wasn't so watchful of his own tail, which caused him to jump a bit when it touched the water's surface. Moving it aside, he let out a nervous chuckle before continuing, "Okay. Before I start: I know you're not my boyfriend. We're not a couple, and I'm not asking for us to be. You've taken enough big steps this week, and you don't need to take another." He smiled the same, confident and reassuring smile he'd given the husky all week, "But I knew this was gonna' be a big deal for you -- probably even more than it is for me -- so I wanted to make it special." And, with that, he reached a paw into his pocket.

As Hunter spoke, Elliot sat silently, smiling all-too-proudly at his date. When the cat's paw slipped into his pocket, though, a look of surprise quickly replaced that proud smile. "Are you about to propose?" he joked nervously. He knew that that wasn't the case but reflexively felt the needed to break the tension of the moment...

The tiger chuckled and looked up from his pocket to sarcastically agree, "Oh, of course! I'm not asking you to be my boyfriend, because I'm asking you to be my HUSBAND!" He chuckled more and pulled his paw out of his pocket, a small box now lying in his palm, "No. But I can see the confusion."

Another nervous laugh echoed between the two, and, as Hunter composed himself, Ell took a deep breath, waiting in silence for whatever was to come.

"I just...I wanted to make this night special," Hunter continued. "Neither of us will EVER have a first date again, and I wanted you to have something to remember it by. Well, that, and," he held the box out to his date, "I wanted to thank you for one of the happiest weeks of my life."

The husky blushed much more heavily, completely unable to conceal his happiness from the tiger, or from anyone else had they not been alone at the moment. With a shaky paw, he took the small offered box. "This night is already so special, Hunter! Like you wouldn't even believe! I mean, I should be the one thanking YOU! Without you, I probably would've had to wait YEARS for my first date! Not to mention everything else you've..." he stopped himself from rambling any further, and gulped nervously. Holding his precious gift in shaky paws, he leaned forward and gave his date a quick kiss on the lips, "And you're welcome! We may not be boyfriends, and -- though I hope it isn't -- even if this is our last date, it will ALWAYS be special to me." With another wide, proud smile, Ell looked into his paws and opened his gift.

And there, in the box in Ell's paws, laid a silver dog tag atop its chain, which had quite simply engraved upon it...

Hunter & Elliot September 20th

Hunter was clearly nervous as he watched, "I...I know it's not much, but I'm not very good at this, yet. I just...I wanted you to have something, you know? And they have this machine thing where you can get a little, y'know, dog tag engraved for a few dollars? And I really only had a few dollars to begin with. And I didn't know what to put on it, I put the only thing I could think of, and...uhm..." he stopped himself, just like Ell had a moment before. "God...I sound about as sure of myself as YOU usually do. D-do you like it, Elliot?"

Muzzle parted in a smile as wide as he could manage, Elliot looked up at the tiger, his eyes already watering, "Hunter, I love it!" He leaned forward quickly and gave the cat another quick kiss on the lips, lingering there for just a moment afterwards to give his date's nose an affectionate lick. And then, sitting straight again, he pulled the tag out of the box, and put his head through its chain. It didn't matter to him how expensive it was or wasn't. It, simply for what it was, couldn't have meant more to him, even if it were made of pure gold. It was without a doubt the sweetest and most thoughtful thing anyone had ever given him, "I love it."

"I'm glad." The tiger leaned in as well to kiss the husky back, and then ran his muzzle along the side of Ell's head to whisper into his ear, "The date's not over yet, though, Pup..."


Shoulders thumped against a bedroom door, as a blind paw groped at and jiggled the knob, finally turning it and forcing open the door, sending two bodies stumbling into the darkness of the room. Their muzzles were locked together, and only the strong arms of an orange cat held the black and white canid from tumbling to the ground. With a footpaw, the tiger kicked closed the door and strode forward, pushing his date the few feet toward the bed.

Elliot murred deeply into the tiger's muzzle, and staggered haphazardly back as his date pushed him toward his bed. Once there, when the back of his knees hit his mattress, he dropped down, but was sure to pull his friend with him as to not break their kiss.

Hunter released one of his arms from around the husky to catch himself from falling completely on top of his date, but kept the other latched tightly around his waist...holding him close as his head tilted and pushed deeper into the kiss.

With one paw behind his friend's head, the husky let his other roam down the tiger's side and then underneath his shirt, where the pads on his paw caressed his soft fur and groped his well toned form. And as he let his paw slide back down towards Hunter's pants, Ell lay father back onto the bed, and pulled his friend along, wanting to feel the weight of the tiger on his body.

Hunter slowly relaxed, as not to fall on but to lie gently atop his smaller date. Once completely on top of him, he slowly broke their locked muzzles and began trailing, kiss by kiss, down the husky's jaw line and onto his neck, his now free paw running lightly across his friend's arm, and then to his side as well.

"Damn..." Ell panted heavily, surprised to learn for the first time that his neck was apparently one of his more sensitive spots.

"Should we..." the tiger spoke between kisses, his muzzle making its way to the hollow of Ell's neck, under his collar, and then back up, "...get you...more comfortable? Or...will home soon?" He moved his muzzle back to his date's nose for his final, quick kiss.

Elliot continued his lustful panting, one paw keeping his friend's muzzle against his, while his other paw scratched through the stomach fur right above the waist of Hunter's pants, "We should definitely get more comfortable."

With a smile and a nod, Hunter slowly ran his paws down the husky's sides and sat up as he slipped them under the bottom of his shirt. After pushing the fabric up a ways, he finally gripped it and pulled it off completely, forcing his date to let go of him, sit up, and lift his arms. "Such an adorable pup..." he tossed the shirt aside, and rubbed Ell's chest, "...with such soft fur." Sitting up straighter, he went about unbuttoning his own.

The husky, though, despite his growing blush, reached up and took over, beginning to undo the button's on the tiger's shirt himself, from the bottom up. And as soon as he could, he threw the shirt open wide to pet the tiger's soft white belly fur, and the abs underneath, "You're so perfect, Hunter."

Hunter chuckled and put a paw over his friend's, "No I'm not. But I'm glad to see I've got you fooled." He lifted the paw up and kissed it once before letting go and rolling his shoulders back to let his shirt fall off to the floor.

Ell leaned back, keeping himself propped on his elbows, and took a moment to admire the large, half naked tiger kneeling over him, "Mmm...well you're damn sexy, at least." While he spoke, letting his eyes roam freely over his date's torso, he kicked his shoes off with his toes.

"Listen at you!" The tiger reached down with both his paws and lightly scratched through his husky's soft fur, "Talkin' like a pro all of the sudden: so comfortable, so sure! Almost like you've been on plenty of dates already." He leaned in closer, kissing Ell on the nose, "Tonight's certainly done WONDERS for you..."

Elliot chuckled lightly, not afraid to feel at least a little proud that he was much more at ease, "I also think the lack of other furs around helps."

Hunter smiled, "Probably so," and trailed his fingers through the husky's fur, down to his waist to begin unbuttoning his pants. And the husky looked down and watched as he did, his sheath already swelling with anticipation as to what was coming.

Hunter unzipped them first, revealing the front of a pair of boxer briefs, and let out an exaggerated huff, "And here I was hoping there'd be no underwear in my way!" He then lightly, teasingly, placed his paw on top of the husky's bulging shorts.

Ell shuddered and let out a shaky breath when he felt the tiger's strong paw on his crotch. By now his groin had become well acquainted with Hunter's paw, but it was no less welcome, and he only swelled more, until his tip was poking out from his sheath, "Did YOU not wear any?"

The tiger moved his paw away from the dog's bulge, "I can't remember. Maybe you should find out!" He leaned back, "I mean...I've already given you your present for the night," he raised an eyebrow, "so isn't it my turn anyway...?"

Elliot nodded enthusiastically, much like a child, and quickly sat farther up, hooking his paws on his friend's belt. He hurriedly unbuckled it and then slid down the pants' zipper, lingering for only a brief moment, before diving his paw into the dark opening of the fly. "No undies!" he smiled at the feel of the cat's sheath and balls in his paw, as he undid the button with his free paw and let the pants fall.

Hunter chuckled softly and lightly bit his lower lip, not having had the husky's paw on him like that since Wednesday, but already missing it. "Well...I wanted to make MY date's job easier, unlike certain inconsiderate huskies," he teased as he rose himself up onto his knees, causing his pants to call farther and putting his exposed sheath in line with Ell's muzzle,

The husky immediately put both his paws on his friend's hips, giving his tight ass a firm squeeze, "I'm sorry Hunter. How could you ever forgive me?" And with that he leaned forward, licking at the opening of the tiger's swollen sheath.

Hunter purred deeply as his tip slipped free just a hair shy of the tip of his date's tongue, "I dunno." He bit his lip again and feigned pouting eyes, "I'm just SO disappointed."

Underneath Hunter, Ell's own cock was sliding free of its sheath and uncomfortably tenting his underwear, but at the moment, all that was on the husky's mind was pleasing his date. And so he simply licked over his kitty's cock tip with his broad, slick tongue, happily lapping up what pre was offered.

Soon, the tiger's dick was sliding free as well, inches out of his sheath. Two licks were more than enough to bring it to life, since the cat had been neglecting it even in his private time since Wednesday. Without a word, he simply petted the back of his pup's head, and pulled him closer, his barbed dick brushing lightly along the side of the dog's muzzle.

Elliot continued licking at the tiger's member, testing the barbs once again with his tongue, and simply enjoying the cock's taste and texture. After giving Hunter's ass another playful squeeze, he finally took his tip and first few inches into his muzzle, suckling and rolling his tongue along the flesh. He curled his lips tightly around the kitty's barbs and pulled gently back on them, wondering if they were like his knot.

Hunter mewled at the attention to his barbs, and groaned deep down inside his chest, leveling off to his contented purr until it was the only noise left in the room. As his paw gently stroked the back of the dog's head, he held back the urge to push his large and still growing cock even deeper in.

The husky slowly sucked more and more of the cock into his mouth. Following a deep murr in response to a spurt of pre directly against his the back of his throat, he reached down into his underwear and pulled out his own cock, stroking it quickly while he prodded his throat with his friend's dick.

Hunter rolled his hips lightly as his rumbling purr grew louder and louder, nearly encroaching on a growl. He held back, still, from humping against the younger male, but he couldn't restrain his hips from moving at least a little bit. His head fell back as he breathed, and on every exhale his purring was just a bit louder than before.

And that's when the light filled the room.

With two quick knocks and no time to respond, Ell's bedroom door opened and the deep voice of a male adult flooded the room, "Elliot? Are you home, kiddo?" And as the voice of Elliot's father washed over them, so did the bright light from the hallway, illuminating the scene:

Elliot's paw around his leaking shaft and his best friend's cock buried in his throat...


There we go! The Masters continues!

* Starring: Oloroso Rhone as Hunter Thurman Michael Taylor and Doctor Stanley Jones Phil Anthro Pist as Elliot Masters *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at

**clears throat**


Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at theottercoon[at]

See you for the next 6 chapters of The Masters! ...for the next 4 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...and, in due time...Sibirskaia!