All About The View

Story by Bevan on SoFurry

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This is my second story, an idea I've been toying with for a while that I wanted to finally put into real form. I'd like to think the start of their relationship is, at least in setting, something that's 'different' be it for better or for worse. This story contains gay furry sex. If you can't legally read such a thing because of the laws of your state, then close the window or become a pornography bandit. The story is mine, the characters are mine, etc.

Five AM. The dim, green numbers stared out at him from the DVD player's display, telling him all that he needed to know at that time in the morning : It was far too early to be awake. John turned away from the entertainment center, away from the shelves upon shelves of dormant electronics and DVDs to head towards the kitchen counter. What was there to watch at five AM? News was the first thought that came to mind, news and stock reports delivered by ever chattering, ever talking heads perched upon multi-colored tickers. Those heads followed him in every restaurant, every lounge, and every waiting room he walked into. He didn't need their vacant, all too perfect smiles and false moments of grave sadness filling his apartment, his sanctuary from the outside world!

The rabbit opened his cabinet door and grabbed a half full bottle of scotch, knowing that even if he couldn't see the bottle that it could only be right where he left it. Who could possibly have moved it? He was thirty years old, thirty years old and he lived alone, dateless and mostly friendless, a man made social pariah by the demands of the business world. There wasn't time to socialize with regularity, no time to say 'Meet me at the bar at eight on a Friday'. His time wasn't his own to play with, for all he knew, his plans could change on the whims of one boss and shift back on the fancy of another. Not many friends would tolerate being ditched time and time again, let alone a boyfriend...

Whenever he did get his long feet back on the ground in his town, whenever he sat down at home... It would only be a matter of time, a brief respite before he was back out on the road. By train, by plane, by automobile, selling things to people who wanted to buy them to begin with but wanted their ass kissed by someone in *person* before they laid down the capital. Oh, it's nicer to call it a business deal, but at the end of the day... It was just a few thousand dollars, too many hours, and hundreds of miles traveled to kiss ass. Caviar, champagne, cigars, sometimes drugs or... Whores. Whatever it took to make the deal.

"Always be closing." The rabbit muttered to himself, closing his eyes as the twelve year old liquor he'd just poured himself spilled from his glass and across his lips. For a moment there was nothing, only the liquor leaking down his throat and the oh so beautiful silence of the empty apartment. His eyes opened when the glass, now empty, was set back down on the counter with a dull clunking sound. He smiled when he opened his eyes, his gaze sweeping across the expanse of his 'home' and the many things inside. At least the job had it's perks.

White walls, immaculate and lacking much of any decoration lined every wall of the impressively large living room and kitchen combo, the main room of his apartment. All the walls, except for one. The last wall was made almost entirely of broad panes of seamless, perfect glass that framed the sky and the city together as if they were paintings for him to look upon. In the distance, the street lights and shining pairs of headlights ran throughout the city like incandescent cells in the avenues that formed the veins of the city. Every moving pair was someone with a place to be, and every bunch that wasn't moving was typically a group that wished they were anywhere else.

However, the dim sky was starting to come alive with colors as dawn approached, colors that would paint the sky with such brilliant shades of red and orange that no simple bulb could ever produce. So it was that the lights of man would be cowed back into darkness, brushed aside by that which they couldn't hope to compete against. The view that the high rise apartment provided him was the real reason he bought it. Oh sure, the doorman and security features were nice, as was the fact that the building was wired for blistering fast internet...

But at the end of the day, or at the beginning in this case, it was all about the view. He walked up to the enormous windows, easily ten or twelve feet high each and smiled. Soon, maybe a half hour but no more than a full hour from now, the show would begin. Inside the pane of glass, his reflection looked back at him with the stony expression he wore, the brown eyed poker face of a business man ready to lay down the cards only when there were enough chips on the table. He lifted a hand up to pass his blunt claws through his brown hair, playing his fingers across the short, spiky, stylized waves that always seemed to fall into place no matter what he did to it.

As soon as the show was over, after the sun had ascended and he'd had time to smoke a single cigar it would be time to hit the sack. He turned his side to the window, reaching into a small night stand set next to it to pluck a single cigar from a simple wooden box left inside. A quick snip of a tool and a flick of his lighter later, the imported cigar was imparting it's intoxicating gift of tobacco into his lungs. He didn't smoke often, not nearly enough to make the apartment or his clothes smell, and if it gave him cancer... Well. Who the hell wanted to be eighty years old?

After enjoying his cigar for a brief period of time, he set it down carefully on a large, clean ashtray. It was time to strip off the monkey suit. The suit itself was nothing special, somewhere between a grey and a light tan made of some comfortable but not extraordinary expensive material. He had a dozen more like it hanging in his closet, all professionally cleaned and tailored to his body... Which is why it wasn't a big deal to leave it as a heap on his floor. The black dress shoes, the pants, the jacket were all cast aside on the floor in an unceremonious pile. The white dress shirt and the boxers beneath were where he spoiled himself. Cotton was replaced long ago in favor of the expensive but oh so splendid feeling of silk, why wear anything else when he could wear the best?

It wasn't as though he didn't deserve it, or that he had to justify himself to anyone. He had a Jaguar he drove once a month, a fully stocked kitchen he never used and a five thousand dollar television he seldom watched. The clothes he wore every day were the best investment he ever made. For a time it was a little difficult to 'control' himself in the silk boxers, to not squirm or shiver every time the cool silk brushed across his the white fur on his sheath... But then again, the feelings the fabric brought him was part of why he loved it so.

He shrugged off the shirt and sat down in a black leather recliner placed right beside the nightstand, closing his eyes as he leant back against the cold chair. His left hand coiled around his cigar, bringing it back to his lips while the right strayed down across the white fur lining his stomach. Light grey and white, a coloration not unlike a certain all too famous rabbit character that earned him all too many 'What's up, Doc?' lines.

He swore to himself under his smoky breath at the thought of another horrible joke, then simply pushed it out of his mind as his fingers snaked past his waistband and down across his sheath. There was some time to kill before the sunrise would be there, and he knew he'd be killing the time the same way he did every morning he waited for it. It only took a few passes of his fingers before his flesh slipped from his sheath and into his hand, his dick rising up at a steady, throbbing rate to fill his palm. He let out a smoky sigh and set the cigar back down on the ashtray, one paw reaching down to grab his recliner's lever while the other reached back into the nightstand's drawer.

When the hand drew back, along with it came a long black dildo that was not at all slender, the budding sunlight in the sky shining dimly off it's curving surface. He pulled the lever on his recliner, sending his chair lurching backwards into a very shallow 'v' shape. It was the perfect angle, the ideal position for him to use the toy in his hand while still keeping him upright enough to open his eyes every so often and see if the show at day break had yet begun. He didn't need to open his eyes now, not at this moment, not after all the times he'd played with himself in this same exact position.

It had become an integral part of his routine, the same as brushing his teeth or washing himself in the shower. John brought the toy up to his lips and plunged it into his muzzle, the thick, black silicone disappearing effortlessly between his lips until the flared base was resting on them. He didn't get to have sex often, but that didn't mean he'd forgotten how to swallow a big dick, real or fake. It wouldn't take too long to get a good, slick base of saliva on the toy, and after that...

He'd been up since twelve AM, and he'd been working since twelve thirty. It was the same every day, except on the weekends or when he decided he was going to call in sick. Wake up in the middle of the night, roll out of bed, grab a breakfast burrito and then jump into his shitbox car. It wasn't a long drive no matter what building he was working on any given day, nor was there any traffic given the hour, but it was all painfully similar. The city streets often looked the same with little variations, with no people or activities to watch. Only shadows pooling around the rows upon rows of street lights, waiting for one of the bulbs to burn out so the darkness could swallow it up. It wasn't much better when he started his work, either.

Row upon row of windows, often tinted black to help shield the occupants inside from the harsh glare of the looming sun awaited him. Though it killed his social life, there were two benefits to working so damned early in the day. The first was that he didn't have to deal with a supervisor, which meant he didn't have to wear the uniform at work. The other was that if he got his work done before the morning, he wouldn't have to deal with the sun blasting his black fur in front of what was in a way, a giant mirror of sorts.

The rabbit looked through the window he'd just finished cleaning, into an empty apartment the likes of which he could never hope to afford. Wooden floors, furniture and electronics that cost more than he made in a year of wiping filth off of windows, single rooms so large they dwarfed his entire apartment... Then he shifted focus to the reflection staring back at him in the glass, a lean young black rabbit with cropped black hair wearing nothing but a harness and a pair of tan cargo shorts.

He sat there on the edge of the lift, staring into his own brown eyes and wondering what could have been, what could still be if he'd just had the cash to go to a school. Even a trade school would get him something that paid better, something more exciting, something so much better than what he was doing now. If only he had the money the people on the other side of the glass had. If only. But he didn't have that kind of money, he couldn't swing a loan with his credit and his family wasn't about to help out.

Jeffery smiled at himself, shaking his head as he set down his squigee and fumbled off to the side for the scaffold's electronic controller. No time to be feeling sorry for himself, not if he wanted to be done with this last side of the building by seven. His thumb dragged over a worn, green button marked 'down' and the pulleys started moving until he let go. Jeffery grabbed his ridiculously long squigee in one hand and a large spray bottle of cleanser in the other, ready to scrape away the filth that gathered on the glass.

It was surprising, really, the amount of crap that would end up on the things. Bird droppings, bugs, hell, he'd even found a used condom on one once in the winter. Someone fucked on a rooftop and just dropped it off the edge like a slob, and when the wet rubber hit the freezing cold glass... It took him all of a minute or two to spray and wipe down the window with quick, precise swipes of the squigee he'd had close to a year to practice with. Like everything else in his life, it had become part of a well rehearsed routine.

Just as he was set to drift into another melancholy reverie, his eyes saw something he didn't catch before. There was someone or something moving on the other side of the glass, not more than four feet away from his precarious perch. He leant in closer to the glass for a look, one hand lifting to press against the cold, sheer surface in front of him. For the first time in a long while, he saw one of the 'beautiful people' on the other side of the glass. This one was probably one of the most handsome males he'd seen, easily six feet tall and clad head to toe in white and grey fur...

But nothing else. He was laid back in a recliner with his long legs spread out and bent backwards towards his chest, a pose that did nothing to shield the unsuspecting male of his new audience. Jeff could see just about everything from where he was, the way the male's runner-like body writhed with every jerk of the hand on his fleshy, seven inch dick. The way his asshole stretched beneath his teardrop tail around the dildo he was shoving in and out of it... Every little thing.

"Holy. Shit." Jeffery breathed out against the glass, when he remembered he had both the ability and the need to suck in air. The loose cargo shorts had become rather tight in an abrupt fashion, and though common sense was telling him to lean back from the glass and move on before he was spotted... Well. His dick was telling common sense to take a flying leap off the scaffold. It was also telling Jeff to let it out, to play with it, to pound away at the ebony flesh poking against his fly until he had to clean the glass all over again.

Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea, and if he was quick, he could easily be done before the guy ever noticed... What could be the harm? One hand brushed the squigee and the cleanser to one side of the scaffold, the other was rapidly undoing the front of his shorts to whip out his dick. It would be quick, he told himself as he pressed his nose to the glass and locked his eyes on the male who was now shouting so loud that the vibrations were carrying through into the glass.

His hand clenched the dick in his paw and began to pound away with all the furious zeal of a horny teenager on the internet for the first time. His own moans came out shallower than the other male's, accompanied by quiet pants and gasps that fogged the glass around where his muzzle was pressed up against it. The dry sound of his pink paw pad dragging up and down his black dick became an almost wet schucking one as a generous stream of pre-cum leaked down the head of his dick and worked it's way into his palm.

He didn't blink, he stared and he watched, waiting for one of the two climaxes that were sure to come any second if the way they were both stroking away at their own dicks with wild abandon was any indication. Jeffery managed to hit his peak before John did, biting down hard on his own lip to muffle his moans as he shot his load out on the glass in front of him. He jerked forward involuntarily as the pleasure shot up from his dick to his brain, and if he hadn't been so close to the glass it wouldn't have mattered a bit.

The jerk sent his head lurching forward where it bounced off the thick glass, making a distinctive, almost comical 'bonk!' sound. The blank state of mind that followed an orgasm was immediately replaced with terror as Jeffery became aware not only of the sound he'd just made and the dull ache forming on his forehead, but also of the other rabbit buck now staring directly back at him. Most people would have been shocked to find a stranger staring at them with their pants around their knees and their oozing dick in their hand. Others might have scrambled to cover themselves up with one hand, a futile attempt at modesty as they retreated out of view.

Not this buck. The grey stranger stood up from his chair without even taking the dildo from his ass, his dick swinging limply between his thighs as he walked up to the window. The way he was looking at Jeffery was not with the eyes of a man that just got caught jerking off with a fake dick in his ass. It wasn't a set of brown eyes that befitted a prey animal, no, they were the eyes of a predator that had it's prey exactly where it wanted it and was debating how best to devour it.

Run. That was the first thought that went through Jeffery's mind when it became suddenly aware of it's ability to think once again. It was a stupid thought, especially since his shorts were around his knees and he was at least three hundred feet off the ground. It would be a short run or a long drop, neither of which would be at all appealing even if he could take his eyes off the rabbit staring him down. The rabbit in the apartment stopped inches away from the glass, his eyes zeroed in on Jeffery's with all the allure and terror of a cobra's gaze.

John was the first to break off the eye contact, his head dipping as his vision roamed across the painfully exposed black rabbit in the window. It was almost as if he was being inspected by a potential buyer at a meat market, and though it caused him to blush he was still all too shocked to think to pull up his shorts. A dull knocking on the window snapped his attention away from his thoughts and back to the rabbit, who had extended his thumb and pinky and pressed his hand to the side of his face. He was mouthing something, but what was-

'Phone number'. Jeffery stared at the window and the now patiently waiting male, who had crossed his arms and was smirking with an air of devilish guile about him. Jeffery grabbed his cellphone out of his short's pocket, the cum on his hand nearly causing him to drop it off the side of the scaffold. When he lifted it up and showed it to John, the rabbit nodded his head and mouthed the same words over again. It took him a moment or two to think about how best to show the number, but something came to him before his brain idled too long. He grabbed the bottle of cleanser he had set aside before, and sprayed a portion of the window up and to the side. There he waited for most of the spray to drip away, before writing his number in the moisture.

The buck lifted his head and read the numbers, then gestured at Jeffrey with a single finger held straight up and mouthed another, single word. 'Wait'. Then he turned back around, his hips swaying slightly as he walked over to grab his pants off the floor. When he bent over, Jeffery could see the tell-tale flared base of the black dildo that was still deep within the male's body. From his pants he produced a cellphone, and as soon as his own rang Jeffery knew who he was calling.

"Tell me your name." His voice was a queer blend between authority and charm, one that made an order or a demand seem more like a request. He had to slow himself down to avoid stuttering as he replied. "Jeffery."

"Jeffery, my name is John. Listen to the words I have to say, and do not speak until I finish. I assume you're a window washer, because a joy rider wouldn't have taken all the cleaning stuff with him and he wouldn't have the key for the lift. So Jeffery, unless you want me to take a picture with my cellphone and send it to your boss... Stand up, and take off your shorts." His expectant and still mischievous expression said it all.

It was no joke, and if Jeffery didn't do what he wanted he was going to end up in the unemployment line. He didn't like his job, not at all, but there weren't many jobs open to a largely unskilled young man who got fired for jerking off on the windows of an apartment high rise. He carefully pulled himself up to his feet and turned away, unable to face the other male as he slid his shorts off the rest of the way and left his bare ass pointed at the window. "You have a nice body, and you don't look a day past twenty. So what are you doing without a boyfriend, washing windows?"

"How do you know I don't have a boyfriend?" Jeffery asked without turning around, a bit of agitation creeping into his voice.

"Because people with boyfriends to get them off don't whack off on the windows of a stranger." John replied, knocking down Jeffery's budding anger and replacing it with a heated blush.

"I couldn't afford college, and I can't get a job with no... Skills, no work history, no... You know, connections. I only got this job because my uncle knows a guy." There was a tint of shame to his words, as if Jeffery didn't want to admit to himself or to John that he couldn't get a decent job and couldn't afford any schooling. Even community college was expensive when one considered the cost of even a small apartment that wasn't in the crappiest parts of the sprawling city.

"Do you want a new job?" John asked, speaking in a tone that suggested he already knew the answer and was merely going through the motions.

"As what?" Jeffery asked in a dubious manner, peeking at John over his shoulder.

"As my assistant." John responded, his eyes not looking anywhere but Jeffery's face.

"Why? So I can get paid the same thing I do now, only for making coffee and fetching donuts?" Jeffery asked as he turned around, a little insulted at the prospect of becoming an office monkey.

"Oh, you will make more. Probably at least twice of what you make now. You'll be an intern for the first two or three weeks, working for free, but after I'm sure you aren't going to just up and bolt off on me... Last week, I was in New York City. Two weeks before that I was in Tokyo. Have you ever had a Kobe steak? It costs more than your weekly paycheck, two if you order it with drinks. You'll come with me if you prove you're smart enough, know when to speak and when not to, and can listen to what I say. Oh, and... "

John leant forward towards the window and Jeffery watched with wide eyes as his fleshy pink tongue pressed against the glass, running up across the cum Jeffery had shot on the opposite side. Though the tongue couldn't actually touch the jizz, it made for a hell of an interesting display. "It has a hell of a benefits package. If you decide you don't want to do it, I'll comp you for whatever you're making now as a window washer for your two weeks as my intern. If you do like it... Then I'll train you to be as good at what I do as I am."

Fly around the world, see sights he'd never see otherwise, dine like a king and fuck with a rabbit that looked like he could go for hours and hours and still want more... Versus sitting on his scaffold day in and day out, until who knows when... Was there any contest? "I want the job. As long as you aren't screwing with me, and you can prove you ain't lying... I want it."

"Good. Why don't we meet at the coffee shop down the street, over on Birch to discuss terms in say... Twenty minutes? I'll be waiting for you." He hung up without waiting for a response, turning his back on the window, walking away into the depths of the apartment that Jeffery couldn't see into.

That had been a year ago. John had showed up just like he said that he would, with a black attaché case fixed with a combination lock. He had in his case a set of papers that promised an internship under the terms he'd offered, all neatly held together by a single staple. Jeffery hadn't signed until he spent about an hour or two with John, drinking coffee and chewing on overpriced pieces of biscotti that the businessman paid for. In a way it wasn't unlike a first date, with Jeffery doing his best to glean personal information from John and John doing his best to charm Jeffery. The man exuded confidence like the sun exuded light, a trait that would have made him seem far more pompous and arrogant if not for his mannerisms.

Carefully timed compliments and jokes, flashes of his perfect smile, quietly whispered promises into Jeffery's ear... By the end of their little meeting, Jeffery was sitting side saddle across the other rabbit's lap with one arm draped across his shoulders. The man kissed as good as he looked, dipping Jeffery half over the table when his tongue plunged into his muzzle for the first time. He left abruptly after that, leaving Jeffery with a few hundred dollars to get some new clothes and luggage with and his half of his contract.

Since that time he had faithfully followed John as his assistant, learning the tools of the trade and developing a sense of confidence he never knew that he'd had. He was only an assistant and even still, he made more than anyone else in his immediate family and had been to more countries in one year than all of them had ever been to combined. England, France, Japan, Germany... Not just for business, but for pleasure. He'd spent a week in Okinawa with John for one vacation, resting on the beach in a pair of matching speedoes by day, eating fine sushi and downing it with sake by night.

His family actually thought he was involved in the drug trade for a while, as though he of all people would suddenly become a made man. Window washer to businessman was outlandish, but window washer to mafioso? There wasn't a lot of downtime between tasks for him and John, but Jeffery didn't regret it not one bit. It was hard to regret not having any free time when you were handed a once in a lifetime opportunity that many others would die for. Even if it was a really busy week with almost no time to rest at all, it was still better than being a window washer living in a tiny studio apartment.

"You daydream a lot." John's voice snapped Jeffery's attention away from the plane's tiny window and the sunset he'd been watching, pulling his mind out of the state of wonder it had been lulled into by the clouds outside his window and the quiet sound of the small jet engines perched on the plane's tail. There was no telling when John had woken up from his little nap, laying on his side across a brown leather couch set against one of the plane's walls near the pilot's door. The navy blue of his silk boxers were the only thing that interrupted the whites and greys of his immaculately groomed pelt.

"What else was I supposed to do while you were sleeping?" Jeffery asked with a bit of mocking exasperation in his tone, his eyes rolling upwards.

"Work?" John suggested, standing up to stretch out and yawn with his hands touching the ceiling of the plane.

"Already done. You hired me to work, didn't you?" Jeffery tapped the hard black case of the folded laptop in front of him, his eyes glancing away from his boss's face to roam over his stretching body. John walked down the length of the plane and lifted his paw, his hand cupping the side of Jeffery's face. The touch made him lean forward in his seat just a little, his eyes snapping back up to John's.

"You work so hard, sometimes I wonder if you work harder than I do." Jeffery blushed as the hand on his face circled around to grab his short black hair, pulling his head back as John leant in. He gasped quietly as the rabbit's buck teeth grazed across his neck and nibbled on a small patch of flesh lying just left of his Adam's apple. It had been a while since the two had been able to spend any real amount of 'alone time' together, and here they were, only three hours after takeoff on a long flight in a private jet. It wasn't John's, but the company let them use it for special deals whenever speed or their own personal comfort and state of mind were important. It was much easier to walk into a deal refreshed and ready when you didn't have to deal with all the hassles of an airport.

"What can I say? I have a very demanding boss." Jeffery murmured, lifting his hands to grab the waistband of John's boxers to send them falling to the floor. Though he'd been sleeping only minutes ago and he'd only been kissing Jeffery's neck, the rabbit was already full, thick, and practically poking the seated buck in the face. John didn't even have to ask for what came next. Jeffery put one hand on the prick in front of him and gave it a good squeeze, huffing his hot breath across the engorged flesh. The breath barely had time to wash across the flesh before it was swallowed up, devoured by Jeffery's hungry muzzle until his lips were resting against his hand. His muzzle worked from side to side as his hand pulsed in a series of squeezes, a practiced technique that John had taught him himself by showing him first hand.

It was enough to have the older rabbit standing up on his large toes, his head tilted back and his fingers pulling at Jeffery's hair. Jeffery glanced up and saw his boss's face, twisted with pleasure with his buck teeth biting into his lower lip to keep his moans muffled. There was only a single pilot and while he wasn't likely to leave the cabin, they didn't need to attract any unwanted attention or raise any questions from the company. After all... They probably wouldn't be happy to know how many times John and Jeffery had sucked, fucked and cum on the conference table in the plane.

He knew the contours of the dick in his mouth, of every little spot that would make John squirm on his feet, of the way he liked it when Jeffery squeezed just behind the head of his dick. John had been his only partner for a year, which was more than enough time for the younger rabbit to learn how to make him purr like a kitten. He lifted his muzzle back but kept pumping John's dick in it's absence, lifting his other hand to suck two of his fingers. Just long enough to get them nice and slick, then his muzzle was right back on the lovely pink dick hanging in front of it.

He carefully eased out of the uncomfortable seat on the chair and into a kneeling position, using John's hip for support with his other paw. As soon as he was settled down on his knees he snaked the hand around and under the rabbit's white and grey tail, shoving the two wet digits right into the other male's asshole. John nearly moaned out loud and the fingers laced through Jeffery's hair gave a semi-painful pull, shoving his dick forcefully forwards into his mouth. It was just fine with the younger male, he liked a little pain with his pleasure.

John yanked himself back rather abruptly and leant forward so fast it surprised Jeffery. He pulled his fingers out before he'd even really had time to tease, and didn't even have time to ask the older male what the problem was before he was yanked up to his feet. John picked him up again, this time by the hips instead of under his arms and he set the black rabbit down on the edge of the conference table he'd been sitting at. He was shoved back into the center of the table, and as John clambered onto it he pulled Jeffery's thighs apart and climbed forward between them on a single arm for support. Whatever the other hand was doing, Jeffery couldn't see it through the other rabbit's body.

"John, what the hell are you- " Jeffery barely had time to shut his mouth and grit his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut in order to keep silent as his body was wracked with pleasure. His boss had finally finished positioning himself and he'd mounted the rabbit and buried himself in his asshole without a single bit of warning. There wasn't any kissing or eye to eye contact, merely both males trying desperately to keep silent as John pounded away at Jeffery's asshole with a vigour that could make a stallion jealous.

John's breaths came out as shallow pants through his nose, his moans only reaching Jeffery's ears as grunts coming from the muzzle pressed against his neck. Every thrust back into his body was full and fast, enough to make him scoot along the table if John's supporting arm wasn't curled beneath his neck and shoulders. Every pull back was as far as John could manage without pulling his dick out of the rabbit's asshole, meaning every slam home was taking John's whole dick over and over again.

The older male surprised him again by pulling himself free of Jeffery's ass, his paws once again pulling and twisting the rabbit into a new position. He was too breathless to resist... Even if he wanted to, as he was bent over in the center of the table with his ass sticking up in the air. Rather than stick his dick right back in, John ran it through the rabbit's ass cheeks and started to draw his dick back and fourth between them and across Jeffery's pucker. John leant forward and circled one arm around Jeffery's collarbone, the other reaching beneath the rabbit's stomach to grab a handful of black dick. He was painfully close to the edge, teetering on the precipice of his orgasm and John knew it.

"You want my dick back in your ass?" He panted into Jeffery's ear, relaxing the grip on his cock as he spoke. Jeffery squirmed and spread his knees a bit further, leaning just a little bit further to prepare himself before he spoke the single word that would launch him into the throes of the orgasm he desperately wanted, that he needed. John knew his response before it ever left his lips, his dick drawing back until the head was pressing against Jeffery's asshole once again. His muzzle parted then immediately slammed shut after he whispered the one word that John wanted to hear as much as he wanted to cum.

"Y... Yes." He gritted his teeth as the dick ploughed right back into his ass even deeper than before thanks to the position, shaking, shivering, squirming on the table as the hand on his dick squeezed in time with the thrust. His dick shot out rope after rope of cum onto the laminated surface of the table below, while the rabbit above seized the scruff of his neck in his teeth to keep silent. Jeffery arched his back as much as he could into the dick that was now firing it's load, painting his inner walls with thick, hot strands of cum. John held him in that pose while they rode out the waves of their orgasms, the older male only pulling back when he was sure he was done and not a moment before.

As soon as his dick was out of Jeffery's ass, he pulled the smaller rabbit down on the table and wrapped his arms around him from behind. There they lay in a pool of their own cum atop the table, silent aside from their needy but muted pants for air. Love... Love was the wrong word to describe the relationship between the two. Loyalty was a word more suited to them, faithful to one another and the business agreement laid out a year ago.

Maybe someday, Jeffery thought, when they could be more open about their relationship the two might be in 'love'. Maybe further down the road, if they stayed together, if John still wanted him to be at his side... But for now, he was happy with what he had, with the life he was living, with the man he was laid side by side with. As he watched the clouds outside the jet window tick by, he thought to himself with a smile. 'It's a hell of a view from up here.'