He Was My Friend

Story by Shamsi on SoFurry

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#1 of He Was My Friend

The weekend had come at last, and with its arrival the foreboding clouds that had cluttered the sky since Tuesday were finally cleared, a calm but persistent wind having chased them away. The air coolly embraced the gentle white light of the afternoon sun; classes were ended for the day and Laila was glad to enjoy its embrace also, coursing through her short gray fur and humming in her long, sensitive ears. She waited alone behind her school, sitting in the deserted tennis courts--her favourite spot at which to await her ride. Cars full of students streamed by almost endlessly, the occasional hormonal high school boy cat-calling at her lewdly from a rolled-down car window, but such was her mood that she paid them no mind. She glanced back to the parking lot behind the fence she leaned on; was he here yet? As if on command, the maroon Fiero disconnected itself from the line of crawling traffic and pulled into the parking lot.

Argent's heart was beating faster than usual, such was his excitement; the moment he spied the gray bunny, the creature he had been desiring to possess for two painful years, his head felt light and giddy and a slight stirring tickled his loins. As he pulled up the details of her form became clearer to him, God, how she was gorgeous... though she was dressed in worn blue jeans, a black Evanescence tee, and an old but true pair of black flip-flops, her natural curves and slim figure were stunningly apparent. She approached the car with a smile, as always she greeted him; how he wished she did not belong to another! But that would not matter, after today. He had decided that, regardless of the consequence, she would be his today. Regardless of the consequence...

Laila was glad to see her friend, as always, but especially today--it was a Friday! Today she would be free to go to Argent's house and play video games, and, if she was lucky, to sneak a visit to see Sayeh. Her mother did not trust she and her boyfriend alone, for some old-fashioned fear for Laila's virginity (which had already been given to Sayeh, a mother can't control everything), but she trusted soft-spoken, well-mannered Argent. He was a good friend to her; she plopped down in the passenger seat, greeted by the armadillo's gentle, heavy-lidded eyes and calm smile. She grinned at him as she clicked her seatbelt on, greeting him and narrating the events of the day, being a creature who tended to babble when excited. Argent simply nodded as he drove; she absently admired his handsome profile and the slenderness of his body which, though not muscular, was accentuated by his natural armor. It was, however, only an idle thought.

The neat hedges of Argent's house were in sight, and he pulled up to the curb. He smiled when Laila surged with animation, jumping out of the car and practically skipping up to his door before she paused to wait for him to catch up. How he loved her! He would do it, would do it today. He took a breath and stepped out of the car, locking it before he strolled on after the energetic bunny, who hardly seemed capable of waiting for him. "Let's play Ehrgeiz!" she called. "If I can find it," responded he. The PS2 was in his room, where everything for today was already set up. She didn't seem to suspect anything. He was excited but also nervous about how well his plan was working; he was really going to do it! He tried to keep calm, though his palms were sweating, and allowed her to lead him up the stairs to his room. It was good that she was in front of him... that way, when she saw, he would be able to block her path if she decided to run.

Oh, I always loved the smell of his room, thought Laila as she opened the door at the end of the dim hallway, which belonged to Argent. Her senses were flooded with the light from his window and the sweet, familiar scent of his room, a smile spreading on her face, a smile that was swiftly killed when she saw the centerpiece of Argent's room, his bed, equipped with chains secured to each of the four posts. A wave of confusion washed over her and she took a very hesitant step forward--were those really chains? She turned to face Argent, a question in her eyes and on her lips, but as soon as she turned he shoved her roughly onto the bed and followed quickly after, pinning her smaller body to his bed with sheer weight as she struggled in shock. Her voice rose, high, terrified, "What are you-"

Argent silenced her with a hand to her throat, casting her a cruel, cold look which seemed to silence her as well as his strangle-hold could. They were long-time friends, and he knew very well that she feared strangulation... that as well as what he was about to do to her... but it didn't matter anymore, nothing would matter, he had been trying to fight his overwhelming love and lust for her for so long that he could die once he had gotten what he wanted and be fulfilled. He kept Laila pinned with his weight and tamed with his hand at her throat as he fumbled with the chains that would bind her paws. "Don't scream," he directed her, his lust rendering his warning into a growl. But even as he bound her wrists, he could not help but admire her wide mahogany eyes, though they were full of fear, the wavy cascade of her honey-and-brown hair, and the way she was beautiful without the use of makeup... Sayeh didn't deserve her! He would have her!

Confusion was all that Laila knew, and fear and confusion when she felt the cold of the steel sift through her fur and bite cruelly against her skin. Her head was growing faint, and she could not breathe through Argent's grip on her throat, which caused a shrill terror to seize her heart. Was she going to die? What was going on? This couldn't be Argent! What was wrong with him? Was he really going to-

"Damn it!" he exclaimed, "I forgot to take your shirt off! Oh, it doesn't matter." He turned his eyes to hers, unmerciful. "Now, I'm going to let go of your neck, but if you scream I'm going to choke you, and I'm NOT going to let go. Do you understand?" She nodded weakly against his hand, eyes gleaming with fear and perhaps the very beginnings of tears. He released her and she took in a sharp, urgent gasp of air, which caused her to cough afterwards. "Why are you doing this? What are you doing to me? Why are you trying to hurt me?" Her words were small, tremulous, but pleading, pleading as the fear that shone in her eyes and the slight sob that hid in her voice, but he ignored her as he slid down her legs to remove her jeans.

What was going on? Laila could hardly piece together a coherent thought; all she wanted was to escape, to run away, to race to the nearest bus stop and leave, never to look back. How could this be happening? She wanted to scream, but was too afraid... this new, strange Argent seemed capable of anything! Laila was able to breathe now, but was hardly comforted... she could feel the stiffness of Argent's member pressing against her through his pants as he slid down her legs, his eyes trained on her own pants. No, was he really going to-

"Before I chain your ankles..." growled Argent. As he laid his hand on her zipper, she put up quite a fuss, kicking at him and rolling from side to side, protesting-"No! don't do this!" But Argent was beyond reason now, he had resolved to do this, and how dare she fight him! He was at her throat in a moment, both hands crushing the already-disheveled fur of her neck. "Don't struggle." He said it very quietly, but very seriously, and held her throat for a long moment. Her eyes bulged slightly with the pressure, and she nodded as well as she could, mouth attempting to respond but having no air with which to do so. He released her and was down at her waist again, forcefully undoing the button and the zipper and tugging the worn blue jeans down past her hips. The anticipation urged him on.

What would she do? She didn't want him to take her! She was Sayeh's! What if he made her pregnant? What if he killed her? Her life played through her mind, quickly, and the many ways in which Argent could destroy it if he so wished. She felt the chill rush of air as he pulled her jeans past her hips, then past her ankles, and threw them against a wall; her white panties had been pulled down, also, leaving her mostly bared to him, leaving bare her mound, which was devoid of coarse human pubic hair but covered in a downy layer of rabbit fur. She was almost completely exposed to him, and her nakedness shamed her; she looked away, unable to watch what he was doing.

He could smell the scent of the shampoo she had used that morning, and he felt a certain giddy pleasure and further arousal as he saw her exposure, though it was partial... as it would not long be. He took hold of the panties, which were simple, soft, cottony white--but thin--and tugged them down, ripping them in his rush to get them off of her, hardly noticing her unhappy gasp. I've never done this before, he thought, grabbing her legs and spreading them open before him in his curiosity. Her sex was a pale brown-gold on the exterior but the flesh within her lips, as he saw when he opened them with probing fingers, was the same clean white-pink that could be found in the depths of conch shells. Her legs shivered and she tried to close them, a long, low whine voicing her shame, but one angry glance stilled her. He was quick about chaining both of her ankles.

Cold steel again met her skin, grinding against her ankles painfully. All of Laila's pride melted away against her fear and humiliation, and a low, fearful whimper again escaped her throat; perhaps he would release her now that his curiosity had been sated, perhaps if she begged and pleaded she would be able to awaken the long-time friend and gentleman she knew was in there, somewhere, perhaps- the pleads poured from her mouth, the possible compromises they could reach, and all the questions...

The anticipation was almost too much for Argent now, but the incessant babble his victim was creating was beginning to irk him. An idea struck him. "I told you to be quiet!" he hissed, "But now I'll make SURE you shut up." At that he undid his belt, then his pants, pulling them and his boxers down to his knees, adjusting to remove them the rest of the way; at last his member was freed, and though he'd hardly noticed it through his concentration on his victim, he was completely aroused. He turned cruel eyes on the bunny, whose eyes and expression shone fear and shock as she looked from his member to his face in what might have been disbelief. Argent smiled. "Yep." He straddled her and moved up her body, closer to her face.

She could not believe this. Not only was he really going to do what she had so feared but, even more terrifying, he had the hugest erection she had ever seen...he must have been ten inches in length, at least, but was probably more... and along his huge shaft were nine prominent, rigid rings. She had never seen anything like it... and, what was worse, it seemed that Argent was set on pushing it into her mouth. "No-!" she cried, but opening her mouth at all was, in fact, a bad move on her part. She felt the tip against her lips in a moment, then suddenly felt the thing being pressed forcefully into her mouth and struggling into her throat. She gagged and resisted, but it was no use. The thing had an awful taste and the ridges and mass of the member were terribly painful against her throat.

The sensation as his member was engulfed by her throat was like nothing he had never felt before; the warmth, the wetness, the pressure as her throat massaged his shaft while she gagged... he grunted and began to thrust very slightly, the pleasure urging him on. "Suck on it," he ordered, eyes focused intently on her. Her eyes rolled up from wherever they had been focused to look at him; tears were streaming down her face, but he didn't know whether they were resultant of pain or sadness. She didn't react any further. "Suck it!" he commanded, angered that she hadn't. The pleasure was driving him mad; he rammed unkindly as deeply into her throat as he could, throwing Laila's head against the headboard and feeling close already but not caring. Laila must have thought that his harsh thrust was a punishment for ignoring the command, and she began to suck weakly on him as he thrust, perhaps a bit more gently now that she had heightened his pleasure. An exultant grin spread across his face. "That's right," he practically hissed, laying his fingers gently beneath her jaw.

Laila was quite surprised that she had not vomited or suffocated by this point. Her throat was in great pain and she felt terribly sick and in urgent need of more air; even her delicate ears hurt from when Argent's forceful thrust had crushed them against the headboard. She felt Argent's pace quicken and hoped that he would soon be done with her taking a greedy gulp of air whenever he let her, watching as his face began to contort and sure that he had finally reached orgasm, but instead he pulled his member out of her throat and crouched over her, panting, but still very, very much aroused. "Not yet," he rumbled. Laila turned her head to the side and made a sound that seemed between a hoarse sob and a wail of despair. Her throat was in pain and she still felt quite sick; her world was a blur and she knew very well what was now in store for her. "Not yet," he repeated.

He had been so close, he had felt it, and he had so wanted to let it come-it felt glorious! But as long as he had her here, and as long as this was likely his last chance, he would not let her go until he had experienced her more fully. He panted as he crouched there, allowing his senses to calm although there seemed to be no discouraging his member, which was still fully hard. He felt the fabric of Laila's shirt tickle his groin. "Ah," he noted, "I'd forgotten about that." Slipping over Laila to the side of the bed he shot her a quick grin before rummaging in his desk; where were they? Ah. He turned back to the bed, a pair of scissors in hand, and watched Laila's face as she put two and two together, smiling at the frightened but weary expression when she did. He straddled her thighs and proceeded to snip a jagged slit in her shirt from one sleeve to the other, laying a thin line of cleavage revealed. He then cut a notch in the bottom of her shirt, let the scissors clatter onto the floor beside the bed, and tore her shirt all of the way open, up to the cut he'd made earlier. He took a special pleasure in it, smiling... that shirt had been a gift to her from Sayeh. "Where's Sayeh, Laila? Shouldn't he be coming to save you about now?" Laila sobbed openly.

She shivered as Argent pulled her entire shirt away, watching it as it arced through the air and hit the wall, falling limply to the floor. She saw her pants there and sobbed again, a wave of despair overtaking even her fear. She was helpless. There was nothing she could do. She wasn't even certain she was physically able to scream at this point; she noticed the bitter, metallic taste of blood on her tongue. She hadn't heard anyone come home, either. And if she did scream she was sure that he would kill her. She merely shivered when she felt Argent's finger trace her slit, laying it open, and shut her eyes as he probed her again, wishing only for him to be done with her, now certain that that would come before she would ever escape. This new Argent was a monster.

Argent again explored Laila, feeling the warm wetness that greeted his finger and wondering whether it was normal or whether it meant she was excited. Regardless, he would take her; he pulled his knees in, now fully between Laila's legs, and crawled up onto his hands, looming over her. His member nudged her opening slightly, and he cupped one of her breasts with a hand, smiling lewdly at her discomfort as he stroked her nipple with his thumb. Then he plunged into her.

Laila had expected it to be painful... and it was. She felt as if she had been torn in half as ten or more inches of an armadillo's shaft were pushed deep inside of her. Unfortunately Laila was ovulating... which caused her to be slick and ready regardless of her own preference. She cursed that she did not even have the ability to balk her attacker that much. The ridges felt strange within her and she bared herself for his withdrawal... only to find that she hadn't needed to. Her eyes went wide as she felt her own pleasure rising at her expense as Argent pulled out of her-the ridges! What, could she not retain so much honor as to resist a pleasure she did not even want? It seemed to be so... her pleasure multiplied with each withdrawal, then with each thrust, until her hips rose with his motions against her own will and a long indulgent moan escaped her lips.

Strangely, though Argent had sneered spitefully when Laila had begun to grow wet and urgent in her arousal, his own pleasure rose at the sound of her first moan. He sped his thrusting, waves of pleasure rushing over him, panting and loosing the occasional moan in his abandon, pleased to hear his victim moaning also, moans that grew louder and more urgent the harder and faster he took her. His pleasure rose to where it had been earlier, and he knew he was close, but if possible this felt even better than it had before; he closed his eyes and could see only shades of red, feeling the inevitable inch even closer, when Laila suddenly clenched down in fierce spasms around him. It was as if she had pushed a button as he was immediately pushed over the edge, withdrawing from her almost in shock as a long spurt of milky white seed shot from his slick member and onto Laila's downy stomach, followed by a few smaller spurts until he could come no more. The pleasure ebbed only slowly and he stared at Laila with wide eyes, sitting back on his calves as he panted, only just noticing the sweat that beaded on his forehead, crawled down his neck, and gleamed on his chest. Laila was panting also, her head on its side and her eyes closed. Her opening was a mess and the sticky, wild trails of cum clung to her fur, glistening. Was she unconscious? No, knowing Laila it was likely that she was too ashamed to open her eyes. Argent's erection calmed and he leaned back against the wall, his lungs feeling full and cool with his exertion. He had had her at last, but his plan did not extend past the act. Did her pleasure mean that she had enjoyed the act, and did her enjoyment mean that she forgave him for it--or did her shame and violation outweigh all of that? He tilted his head back into the wall, shutting his eyes. Had he just created a beginning... or an end?