Iconoclast reboot part 4
#4 of Iconoclast reboot
In which we go for a hunt, talk about making babies, and start a nudist colony.
I got forgetful with the Khajiiti accent, it's a bother to keep throwing extra RRRRs in there.
I don't know how long we were up after that, it's all a blur, but I woke up with the sun high and Makari snuggled tight against me in her old bed, her as the big spoon with her hands on my chest and nose on my neck. We were completely naked, in a corner of the tent only separated by a few hanging beads and curtains, and I could hear her parents and siblings snoring. After she has some time to wake up I have a random morning thought-
"So why were you a virgin all that time when everyone was having parties like that?"
She sighs "This one simply wanted love before lovemaking."
I kiss on her hand, saying "I understand. Cure disease potions and contraceptive herbs are great, but it can still lead to drama and babies- who wants that."
She snorts, and rolls out of bed, sticking her butt at me as she put on her clothes, a colorful loose shirt, tie-dyed skirt and calf-length suede boots. I playfully grab her tail, making her squeal, and she tugs her skirt down and throws my pants at me, so I get dressed and go get breakfast with her.
It is a better chance to meet her kin, at least the ones that know her best.
Radirr is her mother's older brother, looks like a tiger, but wears a budi as well- the quad Khajiit take pains to distinguish themselves from non-sentient beasts. Since he has no hands, he eats like a tiger as well, gnawing great hunks of meat, in this case a whole goat.
Ji'dargo is tall, handsome, strong for a Khajiit, tiger colored, and cousin on her mom's side. Krinrah is slender with girlish hips, has a sandy spotted coat with a blondish mane, dressed in woman's clothes, and her cousin on her dad's side. So they aren't close cousins to each other, which I should say as they are married.
Tsalani is the one she mentioned before, and is- a girl?
"Hey, she's a girl!" I whisper to Makari, and she rolls her eyes-
"Yes, so? I told you we did things with tongues!"
Jindargo says "Bath was mentioned last night- it has a nice big pool, yes, and this one would like a little trip with friends and his lover, we can go swimming."
Radirr sniffs- "No need to baby them, they're walked hundreds of miles, a few more in the desert won't hurt- if you go that way, we could go see the ancient city, S'azurr'khan. It is safe enough for kittens who have not walked on warm sands before."
Makari perks up- "Oh, I would like to, I have not been before, and it is not far- yes, we will do that."
Dar'Shadirr shrugs "Ah, why not."
He nods "Then we can tomorrow- this afternoon I'm taking the city cat hunting- who else would like to go?"
Jindargo says "We have some house work to do, for visiting later."
Makari nudges me and says "I had planned to visit with mom and talk about boring girly things- why don't you go do some male bonding, yes?"
We roll our eyes but agree, and once she is gone Dar'Shadirr says "Ha- whipped already! No worries, a third will be useful, we will hunt Khajiit style- Radirr can scout, I can kill, and Makari's wife can watch our back."
Radirr turns to me and rumbles- "I trust that you have gotten blood on your paws, kitten, a ranger must have hunted before, even if it was rabbits and deer."
"I've been hunting for years. In Skyrim we have saber cats, like you only not sentient, although not stupid either. I was nearly killed by a pair once, and I still have the pelts on my bed at home. Part trophy, part memento mori."
"Ah, yes, to face death is an important part of life. Is that the only time, child? I was in the Great War, I have killed more beings than I want to remember."
"Our land, it has a long history, but in short there is a tribe of humans there who are not Nords, but were conquered long ago- my family is mostly Nord, but also descended from some of them. During the Great War, they revolted and set up their own kingdom. They killed a few inconvenient people, but left most alone. Then Ulfric Stormcloak came in, killing everyone in the city and raping the rest. Our family lived far enough out to escape notice, but we were in danger from all sides... I was not in the battle like you were, but the terror was all around us."
After a pause, he says "Ah, yes. Rape and pillage. During the war the Khajiit raided far ahead of the main army, attacking small villages all around Cyrodiil. The Altmer enjoyed using us Khajiits as animals to rape and maul humans. When we broke into the Imperial City we slaughtered everyone, regardless of race. The white walls had a red splatter along the bottom, I waded in blood and gore over the tops of my paws... but I do not tell my family these things. We are alone, yes, males bonding, and I am sure you do not wish your woman to think of you as a crying baby, huddling in terror, as I do not wish to have mine think of me as a monster."
I can't argue with this- "Right. The past doesn't exist."
Dar'Shadirr shrugs "Eh, this one is not so experienced in war, I just kill tasty things."
"There are some predators as well- wild cats you can ignore, the ones around here avoid Khajiit. The nasty predators I have not seen in this area lately, but I am sure you know what oryx and such look like, and will be suspicious of anything with huge fangs, ha ha."
I have chain mail under my robes, but otherwise no armor, and am wrapped up Khajiit style to avoid being scorched. I take my ax and Dwemer crossbow, and the usual small collection of potions and snacks in my bag of holding.
We head north on foot to a small campsite with a tree, then into the hills after oryx, as they favor the desert. Radirr says something about how the nobles enjoy hunting them for pretty trophies, so they are careful to only let favored guests into the hills. Our path is moderately difficult, but the city cat and I are able to keep up.
Something very large and darkly colored slithered behind some bushes, and we froze to watch.
"Megalania..." Radirr growls, and I say "It's not hurting me..."
Dar'Shadirr grimly says "This one thinks hurting it would only make it hurt me worse!"
Radirr snickers "I only have claws, and it has a poisonous bite, so I'm not going near it... but I can run faster than either of you, ha ha."
The low slung lizard emerged again, its tongue flicking out, and I pulled up my crossbow... before realizing that it is over twenty feet long, and my little bolts would just tickle it.
It continued on heedless of us, so we went another way and found a small herd of ibex, and after watching for a while decide that everyone will take one, so Radirr and Shadirr slink closer from different directions, and I stay back with my crossbow, and when they pounce I loose my bolt. Radirr grabs the neck of one, breaking it, while Shadirr slices the head off another, and my target flops over with one less eye- a lucky shot.
We each bleed our kills out, then sling them on our backs to carry to camp. This is a test as much as the hunting, as they are not huge, it is still hard to carry nearly a hundred pounds of dead animal across three miles of open desert. We get water at the camp and rest in the shade before continuing back to the village.
We give them to the butcher, and I take the hides to tan, and Radirr eats some of the guts raw as a snack, which I pass on trying. The rest is cooked up for supper, and the rest of the night is lazy and full of conversation, with the clan gathered around the central firepit.
Someone starts making jokes about making babies, and I say-
"I've always heard different stories, I have no idea if we, uh..." I glance at Makari, and she says-
"I have not been very worried with you since you have that nice, smooth penis... supposedly the barbs are what triggers the seeding of the egg, although I have been taking the herbs. If you are more curious, ask my mom..."
The crowd snickers and leans forward, and clan mother's ears and tail twitch, but she calmly says-
"Ah yes, making babies... I have heard different theories on this, but to really understand you must know more about Khajiit..." then stretches and gets up, looks through her small collection of scrolls, and brings me one with a chart of moon phases, sitting next to me and pointing as she speaks-
"The first thing to know is our shape is determined by ja'Kha'jay, the Lunar Lattice, the phases of the two moons Jone and Jode at our birth shape us as we grow. At birth, we resemble Bosmer, and it is said we are kin to them, old Khajiit tradition that Azura, goddess of dawn and dusk, fashioned us in this shape, while they hid in the woods and stayed as they are. There is also the story that we were here long before the elves, either another branch of the ancient ones, or just cats. The Imperials always liked that story, possibly because it was convenient."
Everyone grumbles, apparently it is an old complaint, and she continues-
"Regardless, it is said that the moon-sugar we eat interacts with the phases of moons, so there are at least sixteen forms. There are half quadruped and half biped. Each has four main types, three are just variations from small to big, and one that's odd... and each of those has two forms! Yes, it is messy, just remember this: bipeds are cat people, small, medium, large. Quadrupeds look like wild cats, also small, medium, large. Ohmes look like funny Bosmer. Those are the ones you are most likely to see, and nobody really worries about the minor variations except when describing someone, like Dar'Shadirr is Cathay, I am Suthay-raht, Krinrah there is Suthay- see his feet are like wild cat instead of human- my brother Radirr is a Pahmar., he is a big panther... and so on."
I nod- "I've seen those different kinds lots of times, just never thought about it, I assumed it was like hair color or something."
She grins "Ah, yes, we often accept things as normal and don't think."
That is a lot to digest, but I ask-
"Can they all speak? What about breeding with each other!?"
"Haha! Slow down child. I think all can speak, though the small cats will pretend to be regular housecats. As for breeding, wellllll size matters. If you can get an eight foot long tigress to mate with you, let me know, haha!"
The cats around us snicker and whisper to each other.
Makari giggles "We say the cat house in Dune, he looked very interested, but was afraid to take up my offer of letting him try it out!"
I roll my eyes and say "I do remember one line from 'Racial Phylogeny'- 'Khajiit differ from humans and elves not only their skeletal and dermal physiology - the "fur" that covers their bodies - but their metabolism and digestion as well'... but if Khajiits change form after being born, would that prevent mating? What happens if the mother has no moon-sugar?"
Clan Mother frowns "We do not often ask such things, and we have heard stories of things wizards do when they get curious. Tell me though, do you think you can give me grandchildren?"
I shrug "It might be possible in the right circumstances, but I am not in a hurry to prove it."
Makari says "Well, there is that maternal dominance thing, where the mother's genes dominate for some reason, so any kids I have will be Khajiit like me."
They snicker and clan mother says "Ha! Yes I think it would look as Khajiit as us, and that is why nobody believes it for certain since there is no way of proving who fathered who. In a year or two if you plan to stay together and live here I will welcome a litter of kittens."
Makari huffs "Mother!"
And she says "What? A clan mother must know things, and you are two good test subjects. Also I am thinking of fawra, at'ja, and marra- virtue, wealth, and love. You have love and virtue, and if you live here you won't need much wealth."
Makari wiggles "You're just trying to get me to stay here, afraid of what other pets I'll bring home."
"Oh, you can have a harem of sexy males, one of each race! Sanguine knows this one would enjoy such a thing!"
I break in- "Litter!? how many is that? Would she like, pop out eight babies or something?"
and they both laugh, and Mother says-
"Oh, no, you're being silly, you've noticed we don't have that many kits! No, two is normal, in this clan- fraternal twins mostly, but sometimes one, sometimes three. Makari and Tsukari are twins. My son, well his twin died, var var var."
"That's still too many- I'm doing you in the butt from now on, dear."
Clan Mother snickers, "You've been doing it in the other place already, and if Miss Impractical has made any mistakes... well, we'll find out in a few months."
Which brings more than a few laughs and whispered bets, but Makari sighs- "I have been taking the potion, Mama, I'm not a dumb kitten."
The conversation trailed off after that, as I studied the various forms and the dancing began. I joined in the dancing, but there was no sex this time, just a little booze and lots of cakes.
The next morning we prepare ourselves- Makari, Radirr, Jindargo, Krinrah, Dar'Shadirr, and myself. This was a large enough party to handle any problems, but not too many to keep track of. Makari and Krinrah are the healers, and the rest of us can handle beasts and bandits.
The Khajiiti have their own style of light armor, leather with metal pieces, but I stick with my chainmail, as the morning is still cool. Makari's parents fuss over her armor and check her assorted weapons- throwing stars, bow, and such- but finally we get to walking, leading the camel down a dusty path out of the village. Beyond this oasis is stony brushland and for some hours we follow the nomad trails, until we have to head into the higher hills, snaking through a canyon until suddenly it opens into the side of a small valley.
Nestled in the hills at the head of the valley is the ruins of a well built village, limestone blocks and adobe bricks scattered, with some houses and a large domed building still standing just under the mountain rising to the north, with a channel lined with trees and bushes leading away from it. The winter is the wet season here, even if there is only light rain in the morning is often a heavy dew, so the grass was thick and trees were green. Water flowed from the dome, apparently it was built over a spring, and now there was greater flow, we saw as we got closer that it had flooded some recently, and the channel- about ten feet wide- was full of clean flowing water.
We explore the town, which has two stone roads down either side of the stream. On the west side are just a couple of buildings, the east bank has the walls of a dozen or more old houses and a small plaza. Most of the town is in ruins, but the bath house complex and a large house they call the Mayor's House is repaired, and we decide to camp in it.
There is a small garden on the north side, but otherwise it abuts hillside or pavement. There are containers for plants along the south side to provide some shelter from the summer sun. The side next to the ridge is carved into it on the ground floor, to provide natural temperature control. The kitchen is next to the garden, and has a large fireplace in a corner, with several shelves and room for a large eating area. There is a stairway in the middle, and the kitchen flows into another room that has small, high windows covered in intricate carved wooden grills for ventilation while keeping out the sun and curious eyes. The east corner has a wall hiding a dark room, as it is partly built into the hillside to take advantage of the constant temperature of the earth.
Upstairs are three rooms, one with access to the roof, and two bedrooms. The one at the south corner is largest, and has doors opening onto a narrow porch. The west room has bookshelves, which I browse- "Oh look- 'The Lusty Argonian Maid'... 'Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi to her Favored Daughter'... 'The Real Berenziah'- oh unexpurgated. Well we have plenty Khajiit penis here so moving on. 'Cherim's Heart'... 'Guide to Dune'... oh look, 'Making a Cat Cry', here you go dear, this is how humans fantasize about Khajiit girls, barely legal, bibulous, and prodigious at performing pineapple prestidigitation."
She huffs "You wish I had a pineapple!"
I go through a few more that are ruined, then the last book, small and plain, but with clever string-work keeping it closed. Makari deftly takes it from me, saying- "It's 'The Khajiiti Pillow Book'" and calmly puts it back, adding "I forgot I left that there... we'll look at that in private..."
then Radirr enters- "Do you want to explore or bathe? The water is chilly, so now might be better- well for Khajiit, a Nord might not mind."
I shrug, and Makari eagerly asks for a bath- "My fur is sweaty, you don't want me all crusty and dusty!"
The bath house is large, with a great pool in the middle- a circle about fifty feet across. My boots clomp on ancient tiles and mosaics, and echoes from marble pillars and carvings of animals and plants. Although clearly old, it is mostly preserved, and I spend some time looking at all of them.
Makari says "It's not as big as I remember, with more people here."
Radirr shrugs "Enough for all of us, we're all family- or close enough." and as he is technically naked already, he gets in first, and the rest of us go into the west wing, where there rooms for changing, and I go in one with my lady so we can get naked together. As we tease each other she says "You know, normally Khajiit refuse to show their body fur in public- there are private baths in this wing, but we never bother since we're all family, or fooling around, he he. In the old days the big pool was only for drinking, not bathing, but the old pipes are all ruined."
"I might fix them." I say, pondering how hard it would be to unclog and solder bits back together.
"Oh? Willing to move here now hmm?" as she gropes my bare bottom and I run my hands along her body, I shrug "I wouldn't mind a longer adventure... and I know cats like to stay clean..." and she smiles and leads me back, where the other guys are already lounging in the water.
There is a large hole on the north side of the pool, where cold water slowly flows out of a dark tunnel. We pass around sload soap and the cats shampoo their fur and brush it clean, loose hairs slowly floating on the surface and down the outlet to the canal.
Having established a disregard for garb, the cats were content to lounge nude in the sunshine to dry off. Since I had less fur I was content to use a towel and throw on a loose robe to keep my skin pale and not berry red. Makari wanted to show me the orchard there so I put on sandals while she went with bare pawpads along the empty street- although it is lined with date palms, the spring sun still makes the bare ground hot. Papaya, mango, and orange trees are packed in a few acres along the stream. She pointed out some spices as well- black pepper, chili peppers, a cinnamon tree, sassafras, ginger... a good place to cook, although within a mile the forest gives way to brush and the water sinks into the sands.
We make a spicy supper, and in the evening relax on the roof until we need to sleep. Radirr prefers to stay in the kitchen, and Dar'Shadirr takes the cool room downstairs so the couples can each take a bedroom on the top floor. We were still a bit unfamiliar with each other, so it seemed easiest to sleep apart to keep from annoying each other with snoring and such.