Passion Follows - Across The Hall

Story by EXos on SoFurry

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#1 of Passion Follows

My first story, so I hope it is at least readable.

If it turns out people like it I have several more chapters running around in my mind.

All characters are mine etc... etc... etc.

Dressed in a pair of frilly panties and an equally frilly bra, a young filly struts around her room before coming to a stop in front of a full length mirror. Her paws run through the short dark brown fur on her stomach and sides before she mutter to herself, "Amanda you're getting fat."

After she has prodded her body enough to quell the niggling doubt in the back of her head, she heads over to the small dresser at the side of her bed and starts working her long black mane into a braid.

As she puts the final touches to her hair the filly notices the clock on wall behind her in the mirror. Amanda's expression turns to that of sheer terror as she quickly grabs a dark green knee length skirt and thick black sweater before cursing herself, "Crap I'm going to be late." With the sweater obstructing the view she nearly runs head first into the door but she pulls it down just in time to see the door and stop. The young girl shakes her head in disbelief of herself before opening the door with one paw and grabbing the backpack on the floor with the other. "Shouldn't forget this."

As soon as she steps out of her room her behavior changes from exuberant to extremely careful not to make any noise.

Amanda glances at the door on the opposite side of the apartment and carefully listens for any kind of movement.

Once the filly is sure she hasn't been detected by the other inhabitant of the domicile she continues her way trough the small living room towards the front door. On her way there she passes a small table with a bowl on top and with finely honed skills she silently retrieves her own keys and another key dangling from a chain attached to a small bras 'm'.

Once outside the apartment she retrieves her smart phone from its pocket on her backpack before checking the time and letting out a sigh. "Still on time." With a confident shake of her tail she trows the backpack over her shoulder and sets out for her destination.

Three steps later she comes to a stop in front of the door on the other side of the hall and opens it with the other key she picked up.

The inside of this apartment is the exact mirror of her own, however the big flat screen and a discarded pizza box on the coffee table clearly indicating that a bachelor is living there.

Amanda makes her way to the small dinner table wedged into the corner between the kitchen and the couch. After placing her backpack on the table she takes out several books, a notepad and a pawful of pencils. Her ears swivel around as the sound of the shower reaches her from the bathroom. "Ah there he is."

With a smug little grin of her face she walks around the kitchen to the bathroom door and places her ear against the smooth wooden surface. And there just within range of her hearing she can her soft grunts over the sound of the cascading water. The filly clenches her lips to prevent a giggle from escaping and for a few moments she succeeds until she can hear a name being uttered by the source of the grunts. She quickly takes a step back an clasps her paws around her muzzle but after a few moments it is clear that she was not heard and a devilish idea pops into her head.

After tracing her way back to the apartments front door she brings her hands up before slamming on the door several times.

As the sound of the shower is replaced by several colorful word combinations, Amanda quickly makes her way to the dinner table and sits down, making sure to have a clear view of the path from the bathroom to the front door.

A few seconds later the filly is rewarded for her efforts when the apartments inhabitant steps into view.

At the very first glance he looks like a wolf with black fur and a large patch of white fur spreads down from the underside of his muzzle, across his chest and stomach, to the insides of his thighs and arms. But even before the first glance has passed his mixed heritage is clear for everyone to see as his black coat is broken up by large orange patches that in their turn sport a striped pattern.

With a towel covering his head the wolf/tiger hybrid tries to dry his long black and white hair as he stomps his way towards the door, unaware of the show he's is putting on for the young filly.

Amanda keeps her eyes on him until he steps out of sight, but he returns just as quickly after a quick look through the door's peephole.

Still oblivious of the other presence in his home, the hybrid keeps drying his hair, leaving the front of his body fully exposed as he keeps a steady stream of curses coming. "Damn frigging kids."

Tracing her eyes up and down the males body, Amanda fixes her gaze on the still erect phallus between his legs as she rest her head up on her paws. "Good morning Mikael. You're in a good mood today."

The wolf/tiger hybrid stops dead in his tracks as the sultry voice reaches his ears before turning his head towards the source of that voice.

With a smug look on her face, Amanda locks her hazel brown eyes with the viridian ones staring at her from underneath the towel.

As Mikael let's out a ragged sigh, he lowers the towel as he tries to keep what little decency he has left. "And that's one account of indecent exposure."

The filly gives her tail a playful shake as she cants her head to the side as if to think about what the male just said. "I don't think you did anything wrong."

With one hand keeping the towel in place, Mikael brings his other hand up to rubs his eyes as he shakes his head. "Amanda you're fourteen and I'm twenty-eight if the neighbors hear that you make it a sport of seeing me naked..." He exhales in a long and loud growl before leveling his eyes back towards his visitor. "What are you doing here this early in the morning?"

Reaching over, Amanda picks up one of the books she brought and gives it a shake for emphasis. "What else? You always tutor me on Saturday."

The Tigolf shakes his head as a almost inaudible laugh escapes his lips. "I tutor you Saturday's in the afternoon." He points over to the clock on the wall behind him. "That is that period between twelve and six when the sun is up." With a curious look on his muzzle, he crosses his arms in front of his chest before gently leaning back against the wall. "So what is the real reason. You are here at this time?"

As the males attention is focused on the filly, his towel attempts to escapes and succeeds in evading the grasp of its owner before reaching the ground.

In a quick motion Mikael picks the renegade piece of cloth off the floor and walks back towards the bathroom, doing his best to ignore the sound of hysterical laughter coming from behind him. As he steps through the door he turns and raises his voice to reach his tormentor's ears. "I'll ask you again after I get dry and dressed. Until then read chapter three of your physics textbook!"

Twenty minutes later Mikael returns, wearing a pair of black cargo pants, a white t-shirt that is clearly a size to large for him while his paws are up behind his head tying his long hair into a ponytail.

As he glances up towards the table he's pleased to see the young filly with her muzzle in the book he told her to read. That moment is short lived however as his eyes meet the mischievous gleam in hers.

After letting out a sigh, he drops himself unceremoniously onto the chair opposite Amanda before rubbing his eyes again and speaking up with a tired voice. "You know one of these days your schemes are going to backfire one you."

With a self satisfied grin on her muzzle, Amanda sticks her tongue out at her tutor before replying with a tone that matches her smug expression. "They haven't yet."

Mikael just sits there and stares at her for a moment before bowing his head. "I'm too tired for this."

After raising his head he glances over his shoulder at the clock before looking back at Amanda. "Let me ask again. What are you doing here at six in the morning on a Saturday?"

There is a slight nervous twitch of Amanda's ear but she keeps up her facade of innocence. "I've got plans for today but mom didn't want to me to skip my tutoring."

Not taken in by the lie, the male pulls the notepad towards him so he can start deciphering the filly's scribbles. With a raised eyebrow Mikael glances across the table. "She forbid you from going didn't she?" There is moment of deathly silence before he returns to decrypting. "I thought so. You know how important that test on Monday is."

Nervously bending the corner of the page back and forth, Amanda keeps her eyes down on the passage she was reading before speaking up in a whisper. "I know. But I studied really hard all week. I just want a day with my friends."

The sad tone hidden in her voice makes the hybrid shake his head as he gives the notes one last glance. "Well you do seem to have a good grasp on the subject. I'll give you a few problems for you to solve today so you're prepared for Monday."

Amanda nervously chews her bottom lip as she watches Mikael checks her answers. Every time his pen grazes the surface of the paper, her tail twitches and flicks around behind her seat, showing her discomfort.

After a few more excruciating minutes he puts the pen down before critically eying the desperate looking girl across the table. The seconds drag by until the hybrid's cool facade breaks and a small grin starts playing with the corner of his muzzle. "So what do you think you got?"

Letting out a disgruntled growl the filly stomps on the floor with her hoof. "Just tell me!"

Finally being able to get even with his tormentor, Mikael dangles the sheet of paper in front of Amanda's long muzzle. "What do you think you got?"

With a burst of speed the young filly snatches the paper from the male's paw before turning her back towards him as her eyes lock onto the grade Mikael scribbled at the bottom.

Mikael swivels his ears back to shield his hearing from the joyous outburst being emitted by the filly dancing around the room. "Seventy-nine points. That should please your mother."

He can't see Amanda grinning at the remark as she glances towards the clock. A look of panic comes over her as she takes note of the time before dashing back to the table to grab her bag. "Damn it I'm late."

Mikael watches the filly zip her bag closed and then dash towards the front door, her books, notepads and pencils still on the table. "Amanda!" He calls out after her as he rushes towards the door to stop her. "Your books!"

She already has a her hoof out the door before she turns back towards the hybrid male, giving him her best pleading look.

That familiar look sends chills down his spine and he immediately shakes his head. "No!"

Amanda pouts and she droops her ears as she start pleading. "Please? If I go back home mom won't let me leave again." There is a glimmer of hope as he doesn't argue with her, so she pushes on. "Just put them on my desk. Mom should still be asleep so you won't have to tell her."

Looking into those big hazel brown eyes, Mikael gives up and gestures towards the door. "Fine. But if your mother comes here I will tell her everything."

The filly flicks her ears as her familiar smug look returns. "I don't see why you are so worried about running into my mom. You know how she swoons about you when you but smile her way." Not waiting for a reply she gives Mikael a wink before quickly slips trough the door, leaving the very confused male behind.

It takes him a few seconds to gather his thoughts before sticking his head out of the door and shouting after Amanda. "What do you mean by that?" The shout echoes slightly trough the empty hallway, it's intended recipient long gone. Letting out an tired sigh he walks back into the apartment to collect the books that she left behind.

On his way back to the front door he collects a key from a drawer while precariously juggling the stack of books with one paw before making his way out of his apartment.

In a darkened room something stirs beneath the sheets of the queen size bed that stands in the middle. A dark brown furred paw comes up from underneath the sheets and slowly pushes them down, revealing a beautiful mare waking up, her long black mane a tangled mess around her. She stretches her arms out as her eyes slowly open. With one paw rubbing her right eye she peers towards the alarm clock with her left.

It's early, too early to wake up she reckons but after lying back down she can't seem to go back to sleep.

With her ears raised she listens to the sounds of the apartment, but she is greeted by nothing but silence. A flight of fancy begins to develop in the back of her mind as her paw starts to play with the hem of the, much to large, white t-shirt she is using as a nightgown.

With her eyes closed, the mare starts to run her paws sensually up her body. As she reaches her breast, she cups one in either paw before giving the large mounts a gentle squeeze.

Biting her lips, she stifles a moan when she brushes her stiff nipples through the fabric, seemingly unhindered by the cloth.

After a little while one of her paws wanders down and goes under the shirt to stroke the fur on her thigh.

Her fingers slowly traces up to where her thighs meet, ever so slightly disturbing the black hairs around her labia. A grunt and a long moan later her other paw leaves her nipples alone and sets off down her body as well. It stops on her stomach and grips the shirt before pulling it up.

With one paw still pleasing her she wiggles from side to side to get the t-shirt bunched up above her breast. This time not restricted by the cloth her other paw goes back to tweaking and pinching her nipples sending the undiminished signals through her spine.

The mare pants and groans as teases herself for little while longer until the fingers she is using on her groin are soaking wet. Her moaning becomes louder as she begins to push her fingers into her vagina, her thumb gently nudging her clitoris. As pleasure builds up; her other paw joins in, rubbing her thighs and smearing her juices everywhere.

Her peak is slowly approaching as she pushes her fingers deep and deeper. Her breathing deepens as she brings her other paw back up, grabbing the shirt on the way and pushing it and her dripping fingers against her nose.

As her juices start seeping into the cloth, she flares her nostrils and takes a good sniff. The scent makes the mare whine into the shirt as her arousal mixes with that of the shirts real owner, the one from her fantasies, the one pleasing her in her thoughts. She moans his name into the shirt as her climax closes in but the fabric muffles it even beyond her own hearing.

A loud thud of something falling sounds through the apartment, making her stop dead in her tracks. She can hear cursing following the sounds, a male voice.

The fear of a burglar in the house makes her jump out of bed and rush to the door, but not before retrieving the baseball bat from underneath the bed. Without making a sound the mare opens the door to peer into the dark living room just in time to see a shadowy figure close the door on the opposite side of the room.

Panic grips her heart as she hears the door to her daughter's room close with a loud audible click. In a matter of seconds she crosses the living room and now has her hand on the doorknob, she takes one last deep breath before bursting through the door.

About half way in to the room the door impacts with something and she can her a loud thud followed by a pained yelp.

The door has opened enough for the mare to step into the room and raise the bat to attack the intruder. However, unlike the living room, the curtains in this room have been opened giving her a good look at the male laying sprawled out on the floor. Her grip on the bat loosens as she lets out a surprised gasp. "Mikael? What are you doing here?"

With his world still spinning, the hybrid has his eyes clenched shut and his paws wrapped around his muzzle. A groan of pain escapes his clenched lips as one paw leaves his muzzle to shakily point at the desk behind him.

The mare's gaze shifts from Mikael to the desk before turning towards the empty bed. As all the pieces fall into place her confused look is replace by an angered one. "Why that little... I told her..." A pained groan makes her refocus her attention back on the male on the floor. "Oh god, I'm so sorry Mikael!" She squats down at his side to take a better look at the hybrid's muzzle. "Let go of your muzzle so I see if it's bleeding."

Finally opening his eyes, Mikael looks down his muzzle as he carefully removes his paws. His nose twitches as it picks up the coppery scent of blood. "I think it is."

The mare gently cups the male's muzzle and turns it towards her before running her fingertips through the fur. When she reaches a small wet spot she parts the hairs to look at the wound and after a few seconds of prodding she lets out a relieved sigh. "It's just a small cut. But we had better clean your fur before the blood dries."

When the woman in front of him took hold of his muzzle, Mikael shifted his gaze to her. After long seconds his mind finally starts to process what he is seeing. He takes a deep breath as he looks straight between the mare's legs where he can see her matted thighs. The penetrating smell of her sex makes his nose flare as he mouths a single silent word. "Natasha..."

Oblivious to where she is directing the hybrid's gaze Natasha gently rubs his muzzle as she uses a motherly tone. "Come to the kitchen and I'll clean you up."

As she stands up the mare suddenly notices where Mikael is looking. Looking down she is horrified to see that the t-shirt is still pulled up over her breasts, leaving her fully exposed to the male on the floor. Quickly pulling down the shirt she stumbles back a few steps. In her mind she is firing of apologies but her mouth refuses to move.

Seconds slips by in silence before Natasha turns and all but runs out of the room, her ears and cheeks burning as she finally finds her voice. "I'll go get some towels."

Still lying on the floor, Mikael just stares as the mare turns and walks off, the shirt not doing much to hide her shapely figure, leaving him transfixed on the sway of her hips until she walks out of view. He's careful to get back onto his feet and as he straightens his back; he feels something straining against the front of his pants. Not wanting to make a fool of himself he takes a deep breath and adjusts himself before stepping out into the living room.

The sound of running water draws him towards the kitchen where he finds Natasha lost in thought as she holds a towel under the faucet.

Unsure of what to say to her, he gently runs his finger over the cut on his muzzle and checks for blood. "I think it stopped bleeding."

Mikael's voice snaps Natasha out of her wool gathering and she quickly pulls the towel out from under the cascading water. She averts her eyes as she approaches him before bringing the towel up to his muzzle. With her left paw on the side of his muzzle she carefully dabs the fur around the cut with the towel in her right.

Trying to avoid her eyes, Mikael's gaze falls on the shirt she is wearing. There is a moment of recognition as he quickly glances down at his own shirt. "Is that one of my shirts?"

The mare suddenly stops cleaning his fur before turning around and moving back to the faucet to clean the towel. As she holds onto the towel with a white-knuckle grip her mind tries to find a believable excuse for her stealing his clothes. Her nerves are so tense that she nearly lets out a frightened yip when she feels his paws on her shoulders and his gentle voice in her ears. "Is that why you offered to wash all my white laundry?"

The towel falls into the sink as she releases her grip on it before giving her head a sad shake. "No I really wanted to just help you. I... I..." She stammers as she feels tears building up in the corner of her eyes. She takes a ragged breath to try and compose herself. "But.. when I started I noticed how much I liked the way you smell..." A tear rolls down her cheek as the sound of her voice is replaced by that of her ragged breaths.

As she brushes the tear away with one of her paws, the mare uses the other one to reach up behind her and runs her fingers through the fur on the hybrid male's cheek. "I'm sorry Mikael I'll never do it again. Please forgive me.."

Canting his head to the side, Mikael gently traps Natasha's paw between his cheek and his shoulder as his own gently trace down the woman's back before circling her stomach. "You're only thirty-six, that's not old."

Unsure about what to do she moves to place her free paw on top of his but stops, leaving her paw hanging in midair as she lets out a heavy sigh. "Please don't."

Despite her words, her heart drops when she feels him step back, letting go of her paw and drawing his own back.

But a second later she yips in surprise when she is spun around with a great deal of force and is pinned against the kitchen counter.

Letting a low growl, Mikael brings his paw up to cup her muzzle in a delicate touch before gently touches her lips with his.

With the feeling that she is dreaming Natasha closes her eyes and pushes deeper into the kiss as she slowly opens her muzzle to brush her broad equine tongue against his lips.

A happy rumble rises up from his chest as he opens his mouth to let her explore as he tries tries to do the same. Their tongue brushing past each other before doubling back to start their lover's dance.

Natasha moans loudly as she clutches at his back while his hands start roaming up her body, his fingers grazing the sides of her breasts. She tenses up and in a swift move she places her paws on his chest before pushing him away with a look of desperation on her features.

Confused by her actions, Mikael tries to closes the distance again but the mare keeps him at an arm's length, so he settles on putting his paws on top of hers. "What is wrong?"

She casts her eyes down to the floor as new tears well up in her eyes. "Why are you doing this? I just confessed to stealing your cloths for my own sick obsession." Ever so slowly, she tries to meet his gaze but she can't, so she settles on looking at his paws on top of hers. With a deep red blush visible underneath the soft inside her ears her voice barely loud enough for him to hear. "I don't need your pity." Her head snaps up as she starts shouting at him with tears flowing unhindered down her face. "I know you don't love me. So just leave me alone."

As silence besets the kitchen, Mikael flicks his ears back forward as he puts his paw on her cheek and running his thumb through the fur on the mare's muzzle. His heart pounds away in his chest as he tries to choose his words carefully. "Natasha..." He swallows hard before continuing. "I've had a crush on you since we first met."

He feels her paws twitch before they slowly take hold of his shirt and even the fur underneath it. After taking a deep breath he pushes on. "You're strong, smart, kind and I will not lie but you are incredibly beautiful to me." His ears burn as he presses her paws tighter against his chest. "Can you feel my heart? Every time I'm close to you it goes off like this."

Natasha lets go of him and steps out of his reach before turning around. Standing in a corner of the kitchen she wraps her arms around her stomach as she thinks about what he just said.

Standing in the middle of the kitchen, Mikael keeps his eyes on the mare in the corner and every time her tail flick it is mirrored by his own.

His mind is in turmoil, so much even that he doesn't realize that Natasha asked him something. He snaps out of reverie and notes that the mare in front of him is glancing over her shoulder, waiting for an answer. Looking down in shame, he utters and apology hoping that he didn't offend her too much. "I'm sorry Natasha. I didn't hear what you said."

She chews her lips as she turns around, one of her arms propped up under her breasts and the other playing with the hem of her shirt. Her movements makes the hybrid look back up at her and she looks into his eyes as she repeats her question yet another time. "In Amanda's room... Did you like what you saw?" Not leaving his eyes she slowly pulls the shirt upwards, the exhilaration making her tail flicking wildly from side to side.

Taken aback by the inquiry Mikael just stares into her eyes for a second before he glances down.

The fur on Natasha's thighs is darkened by the dried juices of her earlier activities but at the apex of her legs there are droplets glimmering in her pubic hair.

He takes a deep breath through his nose as he picks up the heady scent of her renewed arousal. Within a second his decision is made, in a single step he closes the distance between himself and the beautiful creature. Pushing himself against her, he breaths out his answer before kissing her passionately. "Yes."

Everything is just a blur as Natasha feels the warmth and the caresses of the body pressed against her.

After a minute Mikael breaks the kiss before pressing his nose in her shoulder and licks her collarbone with a lusty growl. "I love the way you smell too." Wanting more, his paws move in different directions, his left paw moving down and around her body to grip and squeeze her rump while his right pulls the shirt up so he can cup one of her breasts.

One loud moan follows the other as the mare's body craves the attention it had to live without all these years. With her arms around her lover's neck Natasha feels something hot pressing against her stomach through the male's pants, encouraging her to roll her hips against his as she breaths into his ears. "Don't hold back... Do it."

Reluctantly he lets pulls his left paw back and quickly opens the front of his pants and pulls down his boxers, nearly ripping the garments in the quick motion.

His paw moves to his groin and grabs his bright red member, standing up straight and already leaking beads of precum from its tip.

A lusty groan gets stuck in the mare's throat as she feels his tip slide up and down her labia, mixing their juices and filling the room with their combined scents. Her tail flick around wildly as his member brushes her clitoris, eliciting more and more moans from her.

With an agility Natasha didn't know she still had she wraps her legs around his body in one swift motion, raising herself high enough for him to penetrate her. She bites his ears as she growls at him. "What are you waiting for?"

Mikael lets out a little chuckles before he starts nipping and biting at her collarbone as he lines himself up with her love canal.

Natasha feels the hot dribbling tip press into her; but when it's clear that he's going too slow for her taste she takes actions into her own paws. As she tightens the muscles in her legs, she forces him deeper into her. Her long black mane whips around and throws her head back to let out a deafening cry of pleasure as inch by inch, centimeter by centimeter of the hot rod is pushed into her.

There is not a single thought in the hybrid male's mind as he focuses on the sensation of her passage gripping tightly around his penis. With Natasha's head raised, Mikael has perfect access to her breast and with a deep lustful growl he lock his lips around one of her sensitive nipples.

With his tongue working away at her nipple, he returns his left paw to his lover's rump as he tries to piston himself in and out of the woman in his arms.

Equally uncomfortably as him in the current position, Natasha pulls Mikael's head away from her breasts and turns it to look him in the eyes with a loving gaze. Their lips meet but after a few seconds she quickly breaks the kiss again before uttering a single word in an unsteady voice. "Bedroom..."

Mikael just nods as he secures his precious cargo and starts making his way towards her bedroom, hindered by the pants hanging from his tail.

Feeling the source of her pleasure slowly slip out of her she pushes her paw between their bodies and clamps her fingers around the growing knot at the base of his member, holding it in.

Even though hindered in his movement Mikael is motivated enough to make the trip for kitchen to the bed in record time, he even managed to lose his shoes on the way.

He lowers Natasha down onto the sheets before covering her body with his own. With his arms crossed beneath her shoulders he leans in for a kiss and lets out a happy murmur when it's returned with equal fervor. His gaze softens as his eyes meet the deep dark brown ones of the mare beneath him. A deep rumble of laughter vibrates through him as he feels her legs wrap around his waist, trying to push him deeper inside.

Breaking the kiss, Mikael rears his head up and snarls as he drives himself fully into the woman of his dreams.

Dazed by the sudden surge of please, Natasha gaps and moans as her fingers nearly rip the shirt of the male's chest. Her bliss comes when he stars rolling his hips against her, letting his still growing knot pop in and out of her. There is a moment of complete silence as her brain can't register any inputs before letting out a ear shattering nicker.

Looking down, Mikael can't help but smile at the panting female when he feels his crotch being drenched thoroughly in her juices as she comes down from her orgasm.

Leaning down he gently locks his lips with hers again before slowly starting to fuck her again.

Still reeling from her first orgasm, the mare's movements are instinctive, moving her hips in time with her lover's thrusts. After Natasha has regained most of her senses she starts to return the kiss, gasping every time his knot is pulled out and shoved back in.

With a snarl, Mikael breaks the kiss and raises his head, his lips curl up as another snarl escapes from between his clenched teeth.

Feeling him tensing up, Natasha runs her fingers through the sweat soaked fur on his before scratching the underside of her lover's muzzle. "Do it Sweety. Make me yours."

As his climax finally peaks, Mikael buries his muzzle back into the mare's neck and bites down as he rams his full grown knot all the way into her, making his tip bump against her cervix.

Jet after jet of the thick white liquid work there way deeper into Natasha's body as she comes down from her second climax of the day.

Perhaps not as powerful as the first but the sensations of being knotted and the bite were still enough to push her over the edge again.

With the mass of the sweaty, panting and still shivering male on top of her, the mare pushes her paw down between their bodies until she reaches where their bodies are joined. And there at the lowest point of her abdomen she can feel his knot through her skin, still pulsing, still adding to the already copious amounts of seed within her.

After a few minutes, Mikael stirs from his stupor and slowly sits up on his haunches. Everything is still a blur to him as he looks around. A pull on his groin makes him look down and in his drowsy state he is surprised to see himself tied to someone.

His paws run down the two strong thighs on either side of his body before bringing them together and spreads the out labia to marvel at this heavenly feeling place. However he doesn't linger that long before his hands set off again, feeling the abdomen of his lover. The contour of her muscles is hidden by a thin layer of fat; giving her a nice curve that flows down into her wide hips, giving her a stunning hourglass shape.

The top half of the hourglass makes a stupid grin appear on his muzzle as his paws move to cup the two mounds of flesh and fur. Even though they're not as perky as they used to be her breasts are firm enough to make the male let out a happy murmur while he softly kneads them, grinning like mad as even with his large paws he can't even hope to contain then.

As the buzzing in his ears slowly recedes, Mikael picks up a sultry groan, making him look up and as the face of this beautiful creature he is worshiping.

The initial shock, fear and confusion are replaced by a warm feeling of relief and a bit of insecurity as he looks down at the mare lying there beneath him. With her arms on either side of her pillow she looks almost mystical as her mane is spread around her head like a black halo.

Seeing the haze clear in her lover's eyes, Natasha slowly reaches up and affectionately runs the back of her fingers along the edge of his muzzle. "Welcome back to the land of the living."

Mikael shakes his head as he tries to reacquaint himself with his current situation. As far as he can tell he's in Natasha's bed, up to his balls inside of her and tied to boot, his paws on her shapely breasts and the woman that his fantasies have been centered around, looking up at him with love and admiration.

One of his paws leaves the mare's breasts and brings it up to cover the paw stroking his muzzle before bringing his other paw to her muzzle, trailing his thumb along her lips. "I haven't slept last night. So please don't tell me I've fallen asleep and that this is merely a dream."

A warm tingly feeling runs up Natasha's spine as she hears the desperation is his statement and can't help but notice how cute the hybrid's hopeful expression is. She grabs the paw on her muzzle and moves it so she can gently kiss his fingertips before nuzzling the palm of his paw. "I'll prove to you it isn't."

Grabbing the male's pony tail, that is conveniently dangling down his chest, she pulls him down roughly, smashing his lips against hers.

After a minute Natasha lets Mikael head go and feels him settle his muzzle underneath hers as his body rests on to of hers.

As they lay there, the mare gently runs her fingers through his hair before breaking the silence hoping he's up for some pillow talk. "So why didn't you get any sleep last night? Work?"

At first he just responds by nodding but he knows she wants a proper response. Mikael takes a deep breath before propping himself up on one arm to look his lover in her eyes. "I have two projects to finish and present this week. I haven't slept properly in days."

Reaching up, Natasha gently cups the hybrid's cheeks and scratches her fingers through the long tufts of fur there. "Well if this is what you can do when you're sleepy. I can't wait to see what you can do when you're rested." Her coy remark and the little wink she ended it with is rewarded by a warm chuckle from her lover.

After just gazing into the mare's big brown eyes for a while, there is a little niggling issue growing in the back of his head. He glances down before looking back up as he casts her an apologetic look. "Eeehm I need to pull out. My bladder is about to burst and I'd rather not 'go' inside..." His voice stammers as he comes to grip with the fact that her already emptied himself inside her in a different manner.

Pushing herself up on her elbows she looks down, glancing between his eyes and their groins before grabbing the sheets. "Be gently with me."

With one paw on her stomach and one on her thigh, Mikael lets out a low growl as he carefully begins pulling himself out.

His actions assault Natasha's senses, she leans her head back and moans loudly as she knot is pulled out of her vagina, followed by a lewd slurping sound as it pops free.

She can feel a flood of cum ooze out of her as she falls back down onto her back with a sedate groan.

A deep red burns underneath the fur on his cheeks as he looks down at the mess he made with a mixed sensation of pride and shame. The feelings only last for a split second as the pressure on his bladder spurs him back into action. He quickly sets off towards the door, pulling up his pants up take make it easier for him to walk.

The feeling of a thick glob of sperm traveling down from between her labia, across her tailhole and onto her tail makes the mare shiver as she props herself back up on her elbows in time to see the male that soiled her reach the door.

In a split second an idea pops up in her head as and evil grin curls up the sides of her muzzle. As another shiver travels up he spine takes a deep breath and raises her voice before barking out orders with the same authority as a drill-sergeant. "Where do you think you're going?"

Scared absolutely shitless by the shout, Mikael spins around and stares towards the bed with his tail fluffed out and standing up straight behind him. The confusion is clear on his face as he doesn't know what to do or what caused this outburst.

Her evil grin grows as Natasha reaches out her arm and points a finger straight down as she keep his eyes locked in her icy gaze. "Drop the pants. And lose the rest of your clothes while you're at it."

Twisting his body to keep relieve some of the pressure on his lower abdomen, his expression turns to sheer panic as he grips his pants tightly. "Now? But I really need to go Natasha."

With a flick of her paw she repeats the downwards gesture. "Drop them and kick them in the corner." She can see his hesitation and squints her eyes a little to complete her evil expression. "I'm not letting you go just yet." With roll of her hips she clenches her passage, pushing out another load of spunk that she combines with a soft and sultry moan.

Mikael's mind just can't comprehend that the gentle and shy mare from the other side of the hall has turned into the raw sexual creature before him. His eyes darts from her stained crotch to her face, where her cool and magnanimous expression is accentuated by her disheveled mane, making her the most beautiful creature he ever has seen. A shot of pain reminds him of the turmoil in his lower abdomen as his cock pulses with new vigor, stressing his bladder even more.

The pain makes his decision quick as he reaches above his tail to fully loosen his pants before pulling both them and his boxers down and throwing them into the corner. His shirt is discarded in one quick motion before he storms out of the room.

As she watches him scurry off Natasha slowly traces down her body with one of her paws until she comes to her tender vagina.

With her fingers idly smearing the evidence of their act of coitus into her pubic hair, she idly thinks back to all the fantasies that she had about him. She collects a good scoop of the sticky liquid leaking out of her enjoying the feeling as she smears it into her fur.. "Lets see if he's into this."

Standing in front of the toilet, Mikael looks down in frustration as his member is still standing up proudly in defiance, preventing him from relieving himself. He lets out a long sigh as he tries to calm himself down but every time he clears his mind the vision of Natasha lying on her bed returns, making his lower regions throb in excitement.

After minutes of this repeating cycle the hybrid decides it's time for drastic measures, he drops to his knees so he can push his groin onto the cold porcelain.

The reaction is instantaneous, making him clench his teeth as his knot begins to shrink rapidly from the cold touch. "Damn that is cold."

It takes only a minute for him to calm down enough to feel his juices starting to flow.

After flushing the toilet he goes to the sink and as he is washing his hands his gaze looks up at creature gazing back at him in the reflection of the mirror.

He traces a finger over the bags under his eyes, making him realize just how much of a mess he is. His expression is that of someone that should have gotten some sleep days ago and the fur on his face is a tangled and sticking out in every direction.

In mere seconds he straightens out the short fur on his muzzle and forehead with his claws, but he has a bigger chore trying to untangle the longer fur along the underside of his muzzle and neck. He is about to start with the large patch of even longer fur that goes from his cheeks up to his neck and down to his shoulders but decides it's not worth the effort.

Deciding his grooming is sufficient Mikael steps out of the bathroom and turns towards the bedroom but comes to a stop when he notices something glistening as he passes the kitchen.

He lowers himself onto his haunches, placing one paw of the floor for stability as his other reaches out. His fingertips traces along the vinyl floor collecting small droplets of fluid that seep into into his fur. After collecting enough of the liquid he brings his paw up to his nose and takes a deep whiff. A satisfied grin plays across his features as his nose is filled with the strong scent of equine arousal that makes his loins stir with renewed strength. Keeping his fingertips close to his nose the male stands up again as his red member does some standing up of its own.

With his eyes on the floor he follows the trail of droplets into the bedroom where they turn into small stains on the carpet. The sight makes him let out a giggle as his tail wags behind him in amusement, but when he looks up at the bed his tail goes limb when he takes in the sight before him.

Facing away from the door Natasha is resting on one elbow and her knees, her tail draped of one side of her rear that she raised as high as she could. Giving her lover the perfect view while she works two fingers in and out of her drenched tail hole. She casts a lusty gaze over her shoulder and lets out a short moan as stretches herself open a bit further. "I've been waiting for you. Are you ready to go again?"

Suddenly wide awake, Mikael feels his heart speed up as he slowly climbs up onto the bed/. Shuffling forward on his knees he positions himself behind the gorgeous creature before placing his paws on her luscious rump.

Moaning in anticipation the mare pulls her fingers out of herself. A slim trail of their combined juices dangling between the tips of her fingers and her stretched orifice.

The heated smell of lust in the air makes him pant, trying to fill his lungs with the intoxicating aroma. He inches closer and closer before angeling his hips and in a single thrust he buries himself deep into her vagina.

Natasha's looks back in disappointment but Mikael gives her a coy smile as he leans forward and breaths softly in to her ear. "I need a bit of preparation too you naughty filly." A smug little grin appears on his muzzle when she giggles at the pet name.

With his fingers squeezing his lover's luscious rear he uses his thumbs to spread them apart, giving him a good view of her insides and after a few seconds he pulls out of her, his cock dripping with the juices from the last time. The tigolf gently places his tip against her sphincter and can't help but laugh at how lucky he is.

Hearing him laughing, Natasha's turns her head and gives him a questioning look. "What's so fu..." She pushes her muzzle into her pillow before wailing into it as she feels him starting to penetrate her.

In her past she had done it once or twice but for some reason this time is blowing her mind away. Shivering like a leaf at the sensations traveling through her body, she gasps for air as when she feels him fully embedded within her.

Now that his hips are touching hers, Mikael releases his grip on her backside and starts sliding his paws down her back, his fingers tracing through her sweat soaked fur, leaving dark tracks trailing from her ass and slowly moving towards her shoulders.

Before long he reaches the mare's shoulders and goes on to plant his paws on either side of her head as he leans over her. With his chest pressed against her back gently starts kissing and nipping at her neck and it's not long before he grins into the kisses when he feels her tail swishing and whipping against his sides and stomach.

One of his paws moves back and wedges its self between his lover's body and the mattress to grab one of her breasts as he raises his muzzle to her ears. "Do you like that baby?"

With a wicked grin Natasha squeezes his shaft hard as she reaches back and grabs the hybrid by his hair. "Are you just going to talk to me? Or are you actually going to do something."

Letting out a loud snort Mikael starts pulling his member back out until only his tip is still in her and pauses for a few seconds before ramming it back in with high speed.

Even before the sound of their hips smacking together can be heard, it's drown out by the mare neighing at the top of her lungs

A simple smile appears on the male's muzzle as he enjoys hearing his lover's vocal outbursts, his long fur rubbing against hers, her breast squashed against the palm of his paw and the indescribable feeling of their bodies connected. The thrusts become harder and faster as every nerve in his body starts to overload. How often had he fantasized about mating the beautiful creature underneath him?

And now he not only has the satisfaction of doing it but also with her complete consent as he is bend over her, sweating and ramming their hips together.

In need of more pleasure, Natasha reaches down between her legs and unceremoniously rams her fingers into herself. Her mind floats on a sea of bliss until Mikael's thrusts slow down but increase in ferocity. After withdrawing her fingers from her vagina she reaches up and wraps them around the male's knot as she glances over her shoulder towards her lover. "Please, don't tie me there."

Hearing the hint of fear in the mare's voice, Mikael stops trying to ram his knot into her and settles on just using his shaft.

Relieved that the big hybrid isn't going to force himself into her she rewards him by squeezing the hot fleshy mass in her paw and is in turn rewarded with a deep grumbling moan from him. She squeezes him again as she looks up at him with those big brown eyes. "I'll help you if you help me."

Mikael lets out a chuckle as he runs his free hand down his lover's stomach before he reach her labia. There is another chuckle as the area is so hot; that for a second he's afraid to burn his fingers, but he presses on and quickly finds the little nub hidden between those fleshy folds.

Feeling his fingers play with her clitoris makes Natasha shiver as she lowers her head back into the pillow while squeezing his knot in times with his thrusts.

It's only a matter of minutes before he feels Natasha's body shiver and twitch as an orgasm rushes though her body. As her muscles tighten Mikael is glad he didn't knot her as her tail hole closes around his shaft with impressive force, sending him over the edge as well.

He wraps both his arms around the mare's stomach as he shoot rope after rope of his cream into his lover for the second time that day.

Everything after is just a blur until Mikael releases his grip and pulls his still twitching penis out of the mare, making a complete mess of her back side before rolling off her and onto his back next to her.

Feeling equally exhausted, Natasha stretches her legs so she can lie down on her stomach, breathing heavily as she has trouble keeping her eyes open. With a grunt she lifts herself up enough to scoot over towards the exhausted tigolf before cuddling him.

As he feels the mare wrap her arms and legs around his body Mikael grabs her around the waist and pulls her on top of him.

He waits for her to settle against him before running his paws up and down her back and letting out a happy murmur as he slowly falls asleep. "I love you Nat.."

From the depths of her slumber Natasha replies in a voice ever so soft. "I love you too Mikael."

But Mikael doesn't hear it as his mind has already been claimed by the sleep he so desperately needs.