Our Little Sisters: Love is Magic- Ch. 1

Story by Skorr on SoFurry

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#1 of Our Little SIs

Book Work, an Earth Pony living in Ponyville, has a story for you, one that he hopes you can keep a secret...

Our Little Sisters: Love is Magic:

Chapter One


Dear Reader,

Before I go into this tale and before you read anything below, I have to ask you a simple question. Don't worry, it won't be anything personal, just a simple question, one that I am sure you have probably have been asked many times before me. It's kind of important for me however, and I would love it dearly if you could just give me a simple, straight answer. My question is...

Can you keep a secret?

I know, it's kind of stupid, but please. I really want this to stay between me and you. A simple story for a simple answer, providing the answer is yes... fair trade, am I right? I should probably assume you have said yes and get on with my complicated story. It might take a bit, but I assure you, it is one that's worthwhile. Now, where to begin...

Ah, yes. I think that we should start with the first time I ever noticed it. 'Notice what?' you may be pondering. All good things come with time, friend.

I was a younger, though not by much, stallion back then in the town of Ponyville. I was in a built Earth pony body, blessed with the free-spirit of a Pegasus and the brains of a Unicorn. So basically, amongst my brethren, I was an outsider, a freak if you will. Nothing more than the smart kid in class who read books and dreamed of adventure, wanting more to life than tilling the land, servicing the weather, or unlocking the potentials of magic. Such a bland way of life just didn't seem right for me, so I basically stuck around the local library, reading to my heart's content and creating all sorts of trinkets and experiments in my spare time.

Eventually my cutie mark came when I had made a giant hourglass time piece after the Mayor had mentioned about it at Sugar Cube Corner. She had needed it for special events to keep track of, what else but, the time. The Mayor had known about me and my handling of different objects so I took a book out of the library and began my work. Eventually, it was complete and my cutie mark appeared as a book and hammer crossed together. My name of Book Work was finally fulfilled... though it definitely wasn't the name I chose. Rodolfo or Johnathan would have been cooler... but I digress.

Now, I was able to have one friend throughout my life. His name was Fire Feather and his name really matched his personality... Hot headed and lively. The only reason why I even met the guy often enough to be my friend though was through my little sister, Wind Dance, a Pegasus. She happened to be in the same class as his sister, Rose Petal, a Unicorn. Since we met up so often due to our sister's, we eventually became good friends, although he did remember me during school...

"Yeah, didn't I used to make fun of you, thinking you were going to try and raise Cerberus out of one of your books or something?" He smirked as he said it, both of us on a bench in the park.

"Yes, you did. I happened to be reading a lively tale at the time about the origins of Cerberus and the founding of Tartarus, the mythology behind the immaculate number of atrocities that-"


I had looked at him, glaring a little bit before I flicked him in the forehead with the tip of my hoof. He didn't open his eyes but he smirked again. "Big words. Put Fire. To sleep." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

It happened to be a few days later that Rose Petal's birthday was up and she was having a party. Naturally, me and her best friend Wind Dance were invited, though I was there mostly to make sure Fire didn't get bored to tears. Well, that was his excuse anyways. A bored pegasus? Why can't you just go up in the sky and do some tricks or something? Ugh... Anyways, it was at this party that I noticed it. Yes, I am referring to the same it as before, so sorry for the wait.

The party was at its height now, all the friends there and Pinkie doing a spectacular job as always for parties in Ponyville. I was chatting with Fire like usual, him very tempted to throw some water balloons around and me trying against the idea, when our sisters came up to us, laughing and such about something.

"Hey, Big Bro!" Wind Dance said as she hovered over me, plopping right onto my back and leaning a shoulder on my head. "Wazzup?"

"Well, now my cranium is having quite the headache in the cerebral cortex, thanks to you and-"

"Zzzzzzz..." I could hear the snoring on top of my head...

..."Zzzzzzz..." while this one came from a certain male pegasus in front of me.

Rolling my eyes, I chuckled, putting my attention at Fire. "Are you sure she's not your sister?"

Fire popped his eyes open and snorted, grimacing just a bit. "Aw hell nah. I wouldn't be alive if she was my sister! Not sure how the hell you put up with 'naggidy nag nag' all the time really!"

Wind Dance, in return, had fire in her eyes as she pounded her other hoof on my head and pointed the other one at Fire, her wings fully sprung open. He had said the wrong thing. "You- you take that back! I do NOT nag!"

A chuckle came from Fire's mouth and he stuck his tongue out at her. "Nahhhhh I think I hit it spot on really... right Petal?"

I knew this little trick Fire liked to pull, though I wasn't sure if he knew it or anybody else had caught onto it except Rose Petal. He tended to drag Rose into conversations, no matter what it was, simply so that she would actually say something to a group of others. The only time she was verbal was when spoken to, so it was hard to actually get input from her. Fire, however, wouldn't let his sister on the sidelines like that and pushed her into conversations, hoping it would somehow spring some life into her.

Rose Petal seemed to snap out of a reverie she was having and smiled dully. "Oh, uhm... yes I guess? I'm sorry Brother, what was the question?"

I cocked an eyebrow and pulled my head a little closer at her. "Hey, Rose. Are you alright?"

She gave a little nod and sighed. "I'm sorry, I've just been... out of it today. Think the heat's getting to me is all." I nodded and got a glass of lemonade from the nearby refreshment stand for her, which she thanked quietly. Thankfully, Wind Dance had got off of me by then.

Fire put a hoof around her shoulder and gave his sister a small hug. "Hey, remember. It's your birthday! Just enjoy the one special time of the year that's all about you! Maybe you can have another party better than this when you get your cutie mark, eh?" He smiled broadly, which only made Rose Petal's face seem even more down as she was reminded about her blank flank.

Biting his lip, Fire looked at me for words of encouragement and I rolled my eyes, intervening before it got worse. "Don't worry Rose, I was a late bloomer like you. It's not as if your talent just blares itself out at you one day. It's more of a... an experience, if I may say so. It's just this dawning you have and you realize 'Hey! I am really good at this!' So don't worry, you will get it one day soon... You have a great friend and fantastic brother who will help you see to that!" Rose Petal smiled, this one quite warm, and she nodded in response.

"Anyways," announced her brother, a slight tint of bravado in his voice after that compliment, "if you still don't feel good later, go inside for a bit and relax, kay Petal?" Rose Petal nodded and drank the cooling lemon drink. Wind Dance noticed Pinkie was starting to begin some games and grabbed Rose Petal, yanking her over for the fun.

I believe that the party went on for a few more hours, waning into the night time, and now there was a fire being lit, some of the ponies leaving and a small few others coming, mostly family who had traveled from a far distance. Being a little fancy, I had brought some homemade pyrotechnics I had built, using many resources and experimentations to get just right. If everything went well, we would have a very fun light show.

However, I noticed that the main filly missing was none other than the birthday girl herself. Of course, this was something that didn't happen too often and the birthday girl should at least experience her present that I brought her! Locating Fire, I asked him where she was, though he wasn't sure himself. After some searching, I found Wind Dance, who told me she had gone inside a bit ago to rest. I nodded at her and made for the household.

I had been in the house plenty of times before this and knew where Rose's room happened to be, right next to her brother's room. I traversed upstairs, mindful of the annoyingly squeaky step they had never fixed, and walked over to her room. However, before I could rap my hoof against her door, I could hear her inside and it aroused my curiosity.

Normally I wouldn't be the eavesdropping type, lying in wait outside somepony's door like a stalker after his prey, but something in the deep fathoms of my body told me to stop and just simply listen. I'm still not entirely sure if I should have stopped there that day, but I know that what is done will always be done.

So, there I was, listening on the other side of the door, noticing she was making some... odd sounds, mixed with some mutterings that sounded like words but were too muffled for me to make out. Eventually, I remembered that there happened to be a keyhole under the doorknob and, curious is as curious does, I peeked on through it, making sure nobody was around.

Instantly I could feel my cheeks flush a low red.

On a chair in her room, Rose Petal's peachy colored body was sitting there with her back against the chair and her legs spread wide apart. Her light red mane was a little more frazzled than normal and she occasionally had to pull it away from her eyes so that she could look down below her. That was the part, however, that caught my attention most.

With her hoof, she was lightly rubbing away at the opening to her vagina, using the very tip of her hoof to knead and prod at her clitoris. A small sheen could be seen where she was rubbing and small web-like tendrils of sticky liquid were lifted from her vagina as she pulled her hoof away occasionally. Every time she did that however, it looked like she was forcing herself, as if her hoof was magnetically pulled towards her clit and opening.

In all honesty, this was my first sexual experience ever, besides from romance novels or anatomy books I had read in my life. Ever fiber of me told me to turn away or interrupt her now, knowing this was your best friend's sister you were watching. And yet, I was curious. Curious and increasingly aroused the more I watched her. Just why would she be masturbating at a time like this? Couldn't it wait until tonight?

As this was going on in my head, she squeaked suddenly, giving out a low moan shortly after as she arched her back, her hoof now working furiously. I watched, more aroused now than curious, as I could tell she was going to hit climax fairly soon. Her hoof rubbed against her hard and fast in small circles, more and more liquid spilling out of her. I could feel my manhood being hardened under me as I watched but I dared not fall into temptation.

A little scoot up with her hoof and she had to cover her mouth as she moaned again, this one quite loud, though her hoof muffled it quite well. She kept on rubbing her clitoris however, much more fervently than before, and her moaning came it short bursts now but faster and faster as she kept going. Suddenly, she bit down on her hoof and her body tensed up, her back arching as a small stream squirted out of her vagina trailing a few feet away from her, her climax finally hitting her.

I was blushing horribly now and my erection didn't seem to have much of a plan of going down, the more I stared at her smooth body and labored breaths. Ponies where going to wonder where we were soon, and I forced myself to look away from the scene, immediately thinking of mathematical equations and a few stories I had read the week before to get my mind off of what had just happened. It took a little bit to finally get myself back to normal, but when I did, I went back over to the staircase and this time purposely stepped on the squeaky step. Making sure to make my steps loud, I went over to the door and naturally rapped my hoof against it, noticing some noises of a bustling Rose Petal inside.

"Hello? Rose? Are you feeling better yet? I have my gift outside and we are waiting for you."

"B-BW?" she said, calling me by my usual nickname. "I-is that you? Uh, oh, uhm... can you hold on for, like, a few minutes? Uhm... I'm sorry, I'll be out soon!"

I listened on her for a few seconds, hearing the shuffling of some sheets and clothing in her room. "Uh, alright then... We won't start without you. I'll be outside, alright?"

"Al-alright then."

With that, I made my way downstairs, still trying to think of anything but of what just happened in the room upstairs. As I made my way outside, Fire asked me of her and I told him what she said. He only nodded and proceeded to help me set up the fireworks in an array I needed them in. It took a few minutes and a lot of me directing Fire around, but soon we got everything in place just as I wanted it.

And, with perfect timing, Rose Petal happened to come out, looking incredibly refreshed compared to before. She even had sprayed herself with some rose scented perfume which gained her some compliments from her family, though I was the only one who knew why she really did it. Math equations quickly filled my head again as I looked away, trying my best to get the scene out of my head.

"Hey, BW, you can start them now." Fire whispered at me, still in my mathematical mode.

"Hurm? Oh, oh yeah." I murmured, snapping myself back to the combination of long wicks in front of me. With a small smile, I lit a match.



... PEW!



The fireworks went on this way for awhile, creating a plethora of colors in the sky above us that could be reflected off of every ponies face there. Blues, green, reds, and yellows highlighted the faces of mystified younger colts and fillies while letting the older ponies reminisce about their own younger years of life. I could tell that Rose was not expecting a gift like this on her birthday from her wondrous eyes and her gaze occasionally drifting towards me. Even I was quite amazed at how well the fireworks were blasting away in the sky and thankfully, not a single one failed to launch.

I was looking towards the sky, admiring my work, when a light body gave me a squeeze with her hooves, though the scent of her perfume made it quite obvious of who it was. I felt my face flush, my mind instantly remembering my guilty experience and I dared not look down, still focusing my eyes on the sky.

"Thank you, Book Work."

Most didn't call me by my full name.

"Uh, you are welcome Rose. It... it was not that difficult to make though..."

She gave another squeeze and chuckled. "It's the simple things that matter... isn't that right?"

Now I looked down at her, surprised at the sudden wisdom of the younger mare. A dark blue firework similar to my own coat, flashed up in the sky, followed shortly by a rustic dark brown, similar to my mane.

Rose Petal seemed to have caught on to that and, releasing me from her hug, nudged my ribs. "Heh... couldn't help but put a bit of yourself into your work, huh?" I chuckled in return and we both resumed watching the fireworks reach their finale. I had hoped that the wick measurements had been measured properly when I was there, but when the explosion of bright lights lit up of the sky in rapid procession, it felt like, for a minute, that daytime had invaded the night, relieving it of its duty for only a moment.

So, here we are and now you have listened. This is only the beginning of the many stories I have and if you would like, I would gladly share them with you. I've found that I am no longer bothered by sharing these secrets, so long as you can keep them as well. This secret, between you and me, is something I hope you stay true to because as long as you keep the secret, I'll keep speaking.

For now, I need to rest my mind. Farewell for now, and may you keep my secret safe with you...

-Book Work


So... I guess I am kinda back after a long ass hiatus~ This was an idea that was born out of a very... sensual dream I had one night. I took some concepts of it and- wa-lah! -you have this small part to a story~

As you may already know, I am not the best as updating and repeated posting on here, so please don't be upset if I don't come out with another chapter, though this story felt pretty good, so I might make some more chapters later on~

It's not as sexual as my others pieces but, hey, they can't ALL be like that, am I right?

I thought the conversational undertone of the piece fit well with the "letter-like" format I tried out. Yeah, I think I could have done better, but whatcha gonna do?

Anyways, I hope you enjoy a small taste of my newer writing. This is totally unedited so, if there happens to be some error somewhere, don't be a stranger about it and tell me so I can fix it up for future readers! :)