The Masters Chapter 11

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The Masters... ...of Fidelity

(September 22nd)

"Seriously, though," Kristoff Masters looked to the side, across the cab of his car at his son, "I can't express how important it is that you never say a WORD about this to your mother. Don't even mention it offhandedly if she's around. If you need to talk, get me alone, or wait for your mother to leave."

"Sure," Elliot nodded and, even though the older husky had already looked away, he smiled softly to his father. "Can I ask you a question, though?"

"Of course," Kris turned again, smiling back at his son. "Like I told you last night: anything."

"Why are you so worried?" The younger canine rubbed his paws together nervously, "Would I really get in that much trouble with her?"

"We BOTH would, kiddo." Kristoff took in a deep breath, "I love your mother to death...I really do...but this is an issue we've never seen eye-to-eye on." He took a right hand turn. "The uhm...the experimenting I told that you I did in high school? If she found out about that, for instance," he stopped, not wanting to scare his son with words like divorce. "God knows what she'd do! After you remember that old kangaroo friend of mine? I think you called him Uncle Stevie?"

Ell thought for a moment, not really remembering calling anyone 'Uncle Stevie,' but very clearly remembering a kangaroo he used to climb all over when he was a cub, "Yeah. I remember him."

"Did you ever wonder why he disappeared?" The older dog turned to his son again and waited for a nod, "That was because your mom found out that he'd experimented with guys in high school. And she didn't want a 'dangerous sexual deviant' near her son." He sighed. He hated telling his son things like this about his own mother. He felt like he was poisoning the boy against her. But it was the truth, and Elliot needed to understand the situation so he could stay they both could. "And I ended up spending a week at your uncle Will's place just because I tried to defend my best friend! Imagine how she would have reacted if she knew that I was one of the people Stephen had experimented WITH!"

Elliot nodded again, vaguely remembering a fight that his parents had had, but just as quickly, his mind switched gears hard enough to make him physically recoil. Didn't Will mention a kangaroo in that foursome story he told? And a second husky, too? Did that mean that Will and his dad had...?

His eyes widened at the thought, but he forced it aside. He was only barely comfortable with everything they'd already had to talk about, and wasn't ready to broach THAT kind of subject with his father at all! "Right. I understand." He turned to look out the window silently, and only then realized where they were headed. It was the same familiar route his father always used to get to Will's house. For a moment the teenager panicked! Why was his dad taking him there? "D-dad? Why're we going to Uncle Will's?"

For some reason, Kris was visually unsure as he answered. He was hiding something, and that only made his son worry more, "Uhm...Billy and I talked yesterday, and we both felt that it was best if you spoke to HIM about all of this, too. I mean, there's only so much I can say." He leaned back as he stopped at a red light, "I can give you my love and plenty of rules, guidelines, and warnings about your mother. But, you need more than that. There's all lot more to all of this than just rules, you know? And I think Will can help you with the rest of it, but as much as I want to...I just can't." He shook his head, intentionally avoiding explaining himself further...

The younger husky nodded yet again, doing his best to correct his puzzled and concerned expression. Did his dad know something about his and Will's 'encounter?' And if so, how much? Not that he could exactly find out, either! He felt it was best, after all, not to ask his father, just in case he didn't know anything! So, instead, he just kept his muzzle shut and simply gazed out the window. "So I assume Mom doesn't know where we're at right now?"

"Not at all! I gave her a story about some male bonding bull shit." Kristoff nudged his son with the back of his paw and let out a short chuckle, "As if you need more of that!"

Ell chuckled softly and blushed deeply in embarrassment, giving his dad a quick glance with a wide grin. It was a very new feeling to be able to joke and be at least slightly more open with his father. And even though it was more a little awkward, and at times it seemed like his dad was trying too hard...Ell was genuinely happy with the situation. He just wasn't sure about how to voice his gratitude.

Before he could try, though, the older canine's voice turned more serious and apologetic, "I really am sorry I didn't talk to you about all this right away, Elliot. I'm sure that the last thing you needed was to think I was...angry or something." He put his elbow on the door, where it met the window, and leaned on his paw, "I feel kind of like I fucked up as a dad, there. And I'm sorry."

Quickly, Elliot looked to his father pleadingly, "No! No-no! You didn't do anything wrong, Dad. I'm just..." He shook his muzzle, "I'm really glad you know, now. It's just that...this is all really new to me." He finished with a small chuckle, hoping his appreciation -- his happiness -- was apparent, despite his nervousness.

"That's not what I meant, Ell." Kris sat up so he could move his arm to put on his blinker, "This was...this IS about you. It's about you being happy, dealing with all of this, and adjusting to who you are." He smiled at his son, "Adjusting to the adult you'll become. And it's a father's job to help you grow into that adult...and that's not what I did on Friday night. This is supposed to be about you, and when I..." he rolled his eyes momentarily, the image still a little un-nerving, "...when I saw what I saw, I freaked out and I let it be about me. I shouldn't have."

"It's not like you yelled or did anything mean, though. You were just...really quiet."

"Which still couldn't have been pleasant for you."

"Well you're making up for it now!" the younger dog smiled widely, moving forward a bit in the hopes that his dad would catch a glimpse of that smile. "And to keep from making you uncomfortable again...I won't do it at the house anymore."

"Of course you will!" Kristoff, now merged into the correct lane, turned again, "I wouldn't expect you not to, nor would I be comfortable if you didn't! You're gonna' be doing it somewhere, and there's no safer place to do it than your home." He raised an eyebrow, "Just be more careful from now on...and we'll work together to make sure your mother doesn't catch you."

With a more genuine smile across his muzzle, Ell responded, "If you say it's okay...then okay!" He paused though, eyebrows arching high, "Wait. Did I just hear you say you're gonna' run interference for me??"

The older husky just smiled, "You wouldn't be the first person I've done it for! You and Hunter -- or whoever else -- are gonna' have to be okay being honest with me so I can do my job, though. Are you okay with that?"

Elliot considered that: the idea of having sex while knowing his father was just rooms away, and knew what he was doing. He was okay with that. He could barely believe is, but he WAS okay with it, "I am." He was pretty certain, though, that that was because of how unbelievably accommodating his father was being about this, "Thank you, Dad."

Kris smiled and nodded a silent 'your welcome' as he pulled to a stop outside of Will's apartment, "Now I'm gonna' leave you two alone for this, because there's very little I can add to the conversation. But I wanted to touch base on everything one more time before I let you go, okay?"

The younger canine looked out to his uncle's house for a moment, the looked to his left to his father, "Okay."

Kristoff held up a paw and counted off on his fingers, "One: Everything I told you back when I thought you liked females still stands, except you don't have to worry about getting anyone pregnant. Two: don't ever feel like you have to be ashamed of who you are, especially not with me. Three: don't let your mother find out anything about this until you've moved out on your own. And Four: for God's sake," as the forth finger rose, he rose his voice as well, like he was upset, but then smiled jokingly and lowered them both, "Don't ever be afraid to talk to me. Ever! I love you more than anything, Elliot...and this hasn't changed a thing between us, okay?"

As his father went through the points, Ell nodded along with each one, and by the time he had gone through them all -- particularly the last one -- the teenager had a yet another smile splitting his muzzle. "Okay," he said simply, undoing his belt and leaning over to give the older husky the tightest hug his arms could manage, "I love you too, Dad!"

Kristoff squeezed his son back, "You damned well better! My parents would have thrown me out on the street." He let the boy go and waved him away with his paw, "Now you go on. I'll be back in a few hours. And don't eat! I'll be grabbing us something."

With a nod, the husky exited the car waved goodbye before strolling casually up the walkway and the steps, to his uncle's apartment. He raised his paw up and knocked a bastardized emulation of his father's knock, before impatiently rocking on his heels, feeling an odd mix of joy and embarrassment while he waited for Will to answer...

William, though, had heard the car door closing and was only steps away from his own door when he heard the knock. Once there, he stopped to peek through the peep-hole anyway to see if he was greeting one or both of his expected visitors. And seeing neither, he assumed Elliot was standing with his nose nearly against the door as usual, and was just under the line of sight of the hole. Satisfied, he stepped back and pulled the door open with a smile, "Is it just me...or has this been the longest damn week ever!?"

Ell just gave Will a nervous chuckle for a response, "May I come in?"

The elder husky raised an eyebrow, "What's that look about?" He stepped aside.

Elliot stepped into the house, rubbing his arm, the red flag to all who knew him that he was embarrassed or uncomfortable, "Well, it's sort of been a long week, at my expense, you know?"

"I don't quite follow, kiddo," Will closed the door. "You're being all jittery and embarrassed, which isn't exactly new for you...but I don't quite get why you're upset TODAY. I mean, I know you and your dad's talk went well. Kris, I'm sure, was his normal model-father-self about this," he put a paw on his nephew's shoulder, "and I'd think you've no reason to be embarrassed in front of me, right? So, what's up? Why the blushing, and the arm rubbing, and the nervous-" Will replaced the word 'laugh' at the end of his sentence with an imitation of Elliot's earlier chucking.

"Well," the younger canine struggled for a moment to find the right words, "I'm glad my dad knows and that he's okay with it and everything...but why am I here? He said that you two talked. Does he know, about what we did?"

William sighed, "Oh, I get it now! Toffy didn't say anything." He took his paw off of the boy's shoulder and waved it at his couch, "Sorry. I'm guessing he did that for my benefit. I mean, this really is something I should tell you myself."

Ell sat down on the couch, biting his lip with anticipation, "So he knows? Or what?"

The elder dog joined him on the couch with a laugh, "Sure! He knows what we did, but he just left you ALONE with me!"

"Hey!" Elliot shot back. "It could happen! I mean, maybe he wouldn't have a problem with it." He paused for a moment, eyeing his uncle curiously, "Especially not after everything you two have done together."

Will recoiled, "He told you about that?"

The younger husky's smile spread wide at that, and he slapped the couch as he sat up straighter, "No, but I knew I was right! He was the fourth person in the four-way, wasn't he? You, Rimmer, Stephen, and my dad!"

"Fuck," William put his head in his palm when he realized he'd been caught. Too late to fight it now, though, "Yes. Your dad and I were friendly." He looked back up and pointed at his nephew, "But I didn't tell you that! You keep it to yourself."

"I will."

"How did you even find out?"

"Because he told me what he did with other people," Ell explained, "including Stephen. And I just figured it was pretty likely you two did something together too. Especially since Stephen is a kangaroo, which are really rare around here..."

"...and I told you about there being a kangaroo in the foursome," the elder canine concluded.

"Right!" Elliot chirped. "So how do you know he'd have a problem with what we did?"

"I don't," Will shook his head. "But you're his son, and there's a big age gap here, so it's a very different matter. At the same time, though, Toffy's really hard to read when it comes to this sort of I don't know HOW he'd react."

The younger dog smiled, half entertained by the thought of what his father and uncle had done, and half relieved to know that his dad didn't know about HIS OWN forays with Will. But if that's not why he was here, "Then why did he bring me over?"

"Well, it's not about last weekend, but it IS kind of about me and you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that your father can only give you so much advice on this kind of thing. But at the end of the day, he's still straight and married, regardless of what games he used to play." William raised a knowing eyebrow, "You need advice on what it is to be gay...and only a gay guy can help you with that."

Ell's eyes widened and he gave out an over-exaggerated, "O~oh! I get it now!" Still though, for the sake of clarity, he asked: "So, you're gay too, now? Like one-hundred percent? And you even came out to my dad?"

"Yes, yes, and even yes! It turns out I always have been; I just hadn't taken on the title until recently." The elder husky raised a finger, "But before you start thinkin' this is your fault: you had no affect on this decision. It was actually a little bunny I met this week...or, got reacquainted with, that is. He helped me realize that it's all the gay sex that makes me gay. Going to the trouble to not call myself gay doesn't change that."

Elliot smiled and relaxed into the couch, immediately feeling better and even more comfortable with his uncle than before, "So...who's the bunny? Just a fur from work or something?"

"Rimmer," Will responded matter-of-factly.

The younger canine nearly yelped, "No way! Really?"

William nodded with a giddy little smile, "The same one! But we'll talk about that in a minute, okay? I wanna' have a serious talk with you first."

"Ugh...more seriousness?" Ell feigned annoyance, even though he knew he wouldn't be unable to sway his uncle's decision.

"Yeah, I know, it sucks." The elder dog leaned on his paw, " seems you have yourself a new little friend, or boyfriend, slave master, concubine, hooker, or whatever he is -- we'll talk about him later -- and now your father knows about it. Over all, it sounds like in less than a week, you've already started smashing your way out of the closet!" He smirked, "I'd like to believe I helped you with that...but I bet it has more to do with this Hunter kid. Either way, though, facts are facts, and you're not exactly 'in the closet' anymore, right?"

Elliot shook his head, "Not anymore..."

"Well, I wanted to help you deal with this the RIGHT way." Will leaned forward, "There are a lot of ways you could go astray here, and I don't want to see you do that." He rocked his head side to side a bit, "Now, I'm sure it seems odd that I just decided I'm gay, and I feel I have any right to preach at you...but, labeled or not, I've basically been a gay man for years, and I've definitely been a part of the community." He paused and smirked a guilty grin, "Plus, I talked to Rimmer yesterday about what I should say to you."

The younger husky laughed at the last bit of that, but he didn't say anything, and simply waited for Will to continue.

"Being gay is a very important part of who you are. It starts in the bedroom, but it affects a lot of your life, because it affects who you spend it with." William pointed at his nephew to emphasize the next bit, "But it is NOT who you are, only a part of you. A lot of gay guys, especially when they're dealing with finally openly expressing themselves, tend to forget that."

"So you're basically just telling me to," Ell raised up both his paws to gesture quotation marks, "'keep it real,' and to not all of the sudden be all super dramatic and effeminate?" He perked a brown and tilted his head.

"That's a start. But also don't just immediately buy into any of the other stereotypes either. I mean...if YOU like show tunes, Madonna, techno, pointlessly shiny clothes, or if you've been physically straining to hold back a lisp for years, go right ahead and let it all out! You're free now!" The elder canine smiled and chuckled, "But don't start looking into the stereotypes just because you think you should, or because you want to be a part of the," he mimicked his nephew's air-quotes, "'gay community.' Just be yourself."

Elliot nodded at his uncle's advice. Even though he had always just wanted to just be himself he did genuinely appreciate his Uncle for trying to help by reinforcing it, "Thanks Will. I'll be sure to stay myself. But it's not like I can do any of that stuff anyway. Dad told me to try and keep this under wraps with Mom."

Will nodded, "Best advice you've gotten all day."

"Yeah. I've kinda known that she was a homophobe -- if that's even the right term for a female -- but I was hoping that, you know, if she found out about me, maybe I'd be able to sway her opinion." The younger dog looked up to his uncle hopefully, but highly doubtful after everything Will and his dad had said, "Do you think that's possible Will? Maybe?"

"It's more likely that she'd blame your father: accuse him of doing something to you, and maybe even unearth OUR forays in the process of her witch hunt!"

"Mine and yours? Or yours and his?"

"Both?" William shook his head, "But let's not talk about her; there are happier things to discuss! We've both had very eventful weeks: Hunter, Rimmer, dual coming out fun, both of us getting to make your dad talk about gay sex...this week has been great! And we've got a lot to fill each other in on!"

Ell smiled warmly and did his best to forget about his mom for the moment, "Yeah, I guess we do. So, uhm...who goes first?"

"Well, you do, obviously!" The elder husky leaned back in the couch lazily, "You already know a little bit about Rimmer, but all I know about Hunter is what I've heard from other people..."

Elliot didn't quite catch that 'other people' remark, assuming his uncle ONLY meant his dad. "Well, he's a tiger, a sophomore, and the athletic type but not a jock. Like...think about how gorgeous the preppy sporty type usually are, but without the snobby elitist attitude. And that's Hunter!" He looked down into his lap as he thought of how to put how perfect he thought his tiger was, "He's really sweet when you get to know him...uhm..." He chuckled nervously, finding it oddly difficult to describe the cat, "I don't really know how to describe another fur."

Will arched an eyebrow, "When I get to know him? So he' a pest, or an asshole or something before I get used to him?"

"No!" the younger canine jumped to his defense. "He's always nice. You'd have to try and hate him...or even to not LIKE him. I just meant, like, you know...the SUPER sweet stuff doesn't come out at first." The short white fur on his face, turned slightly pink with his blushing glow, "He's really nice, just for the sake of being nice. Like during our date Friday, he gave me a necklace which sort of commemorated our first date together. He just gave it to me because he likes me. But, then again...maybe that means he's just super sweet to me."

"I don't know what to ask about first, the date or the necklace." William scratched his chin for a moment, "He got the necklace with you?"

Ell looked away at first, but then sat up and reached into his pocket, "You know I don't usually wear these kinds of things." He pulled the simple dog tag and chain out of his pocket and held them up with pride, "But I DID want to show you." He let them dangle there for a moment, before using his other paw to have them over to his uncle.

The elder dog held out his paw and took the necklace, "You'll be wearing it when you see him, though, right? You don't wanna' hurt your kitty's feelings." He read over the engraving and mumbled it to himself, barely in a whisper.

"Yeah I'm sure I'll wear it." Elliot smiled to his uncle while he read it and looked over it with silence, "I just hope Mom doesn't ask me about it or anything."

"That's why you hide it somewhere, and just put it on when you get to school," Will held it back out to his nephew, "or wherever it is you'll be seeing him."

The younger husky took the necklace back and nodded to his uncle's suggestion while he thumbed over the engraving, "So...tell me about Rimmer. Might be nice if I learn his real name, too."

"It might!" William laughed. "So, I had a meeting with a new client on Tuesday by the name of Patrick Roark, this cute little gay bunny who asked me out. I had no clue who he was at first, but the next day, on our first date, he told me that Patrick Roark was only his pseudonym, and that his real name was," he motioned a paw as he made the big reveal, "Aaron Jones."

Ell smiled at the cute story, "Oh? I thought you would've stayed in contact with someone like him from high school, like Dad tried to do with Stephen. And you didn't realize who he was, as Roark?"

"Nope! Apparently I'm dense. And I stayed in touch with very few people from high school, honestly. I kept in touch with Josh for a few years, Stephen for as long as he and your Toffy stayed friends, and of course I still talk to your dad...but other than that, when I graduated, I just about stopped talking to anyone I went to school with. Going away to college will do that to ya'." The elder canine scratched his chin, just under his bottom lip, "But as for this past week: Aaron and I have seen each other a couple of times, been to each other's houses and's going well. No, amazing first dates, super sweet presents, or fun locker room stories -- which I know you have but haven't told me about -- but that kind of thing doesn't happen as much at our age."

"That's cool!" Elliot smiled and nodded a few times, but ignored the mention of the locker room stories for now. He has something else on his mind. He wasn't entirely sure if it was appropriate to ask, but following some fidgeting with his pants, he went for it, "So it's pretty serious then? Not just like a fling or anything?"

Will nodded, "It looks like it, yeah." He smiled, staring off a little bit, "We've had all the rampant sex and dating around. We've been kids. He's a sweetheart, and if things work out, it might be nice to settle down."

"So since you have him, and I have Hunter..." the younger dog smiled a bit nervously and then looked up at his uncle, "I guess that means no more fun for the two of us, right?" He forced out a nervous chuckle as he finished his question.

William just smiled, "Is that what you were getting at?" He slightly spread his legs and leaned his elbow on the arm of the couch again, "Well, I'm not exactly married to him, Ell. Like I just said: 'if things work out' then maybe we'll settle down. But we've just had a couple of dates. We haven't pledged our lives to each other or anything." He laid his other paw lightly on his own thigh, not far from his groin, "It all depends on you...and on how serious you and Hunter are."

Ell bit his lip and glanced about as he thought over his situation. He and Hunter had only one actual date, the rest was just fun. The tiger had even made it very clear only two nights earlier that they weren't a couple yet. He couldn't quite decide if it was 'right' or not, but as his paw slowly moved to the groin of his uncle' pants, he assured himself it would be okay. He and hunter weren't a couple, and besides: "He probably won't ever find out."

The elder husky lightly put his paw on top of his nephew's and rubbed the fur on the back of it, "The plan was that no one would...right?" He leaned in and lightly nuzzled the younger one's nose.

Elliot nodded and smiled more mischievously, "I guess it was." He gave the hidden package of the other husky a squeeze.

And Will murred, softly elevating to a growl, "Okay. So maybe I'm not quite as 'over' all the casual sex as I said I was." He slowly stood up, keeping hold of his nephew's paw, "C'mon kiddo. Let's go someplace more comfortable."

The younger canine stood quickly with his uncle and followed him closely as they changed location, the white fur on his face turning an even darker pink than before as he blushed. A thought crossed his mind, one that hadn't dawned on him before: his first pawjob and blowjob were both from and given to his uncle! As they made their way farther to toward the bedroom in the back of the apartment he giggled childishly...wondering if he'd have yet another first, today.

William opened up his bedroom door and stepped aside as he smiled at the giggling boy. "After you," he motioned his paw to usher his nephew.

Ell nodded politely and took a step into the room, and then took a moment to look around to sate his natural curiosity. It wasn't much beside an average bedroom: bed, dresser, and presumably unclean clothes strewn around. He was silently comforted to see that cleanliness wasn't as important to all adults as his father and mother had always made it seem. After getting his quick look around, Ell made his way over to the bed, sitting on it, and waiting expectantly for his uncle to follow.

The elder dog, though, just leaned lazily against the door frame. "Young man," he began, like a disappointed parent.

Elliot perked a brow and tilted his head in confusion, "Uhm...yeah?"

"You are far too dressed!" Will crossed his arms, "You know my rules."

The younger husky smiled widely and looked down at his clothing, "Oh yeah! I guess I am." He shamelessly removed his shirt, and then kicked off his shoes, leaving only his legs dressed, "Are you gonna' to join me?" With that, he stood and hooked his pants and underwear with his thumbs, but paused, waiting for Will to hurry and do the same.

William reflexively licked his lips when he saw his nephew's hips begin to show from the lowered waist of his pants. He said nothing, though, simply tugging on his buttoned shirt, this particular one having been shoddily made so that with even the slightest tug, the buttons came undone. With a step forward he rolled his shoulders and his black and white torso was exposed down to his loose fitting pants. Stopping a foot from the boy, he smiled as he lightly touched the button of those pants with a smile, "You first."

After waiting a moment, letting his blush only worsen, Ell pushed his pants and boxers down his legs then stepped back and out of them completely. One of the perks of his baggy teenage attire was the ability to undress quickly. He stood in front of his uncle naked for the moment, his sheath completely swollen and his cock-tip poking out...but after that moment, he nervously clasped both of his paws clasped together to hid himself.

"Nuh-uh! No hiding..." the elder canine chastised the boy, while intentionally keeping himself clothed.

Elliot chuckled and nodded, removing his paws from his groin. "Yes sir," he said with a tone of faux-sadness, and a wide smile.

Will finally unbuttoned and dropped his jeans, exposing himself with no underwear there for cover. His own sheath wasn't swollen as much as his nephew's, but still was larger simply from age. He sighed, a little nervous himself, "Long week. Seems like forever."

The younger dog stepped back and sat on the bed, noticing his uncle's slight nervousness and sigh, "It something wrong?"

William smiled and shook his head, "Not at all." He stepped forward, covering the boy with his body and forcing him to lean back, "It just seems like it's been a lot longer than a week since we've...been in this position." He chuckled and lightly brushed the younger husky's stomach with his fingers.

Ell leaned back onto his elbows, took in a deep breath, and exhaled a satisfied murr. He felt like responding, but his uncle's touch made him shudder and caused his mind, immediately, to lose its train of thought. He'd had more pawjobs and blowjobs than he had ever imagined he would have in a single week's time, but Will's delicate, experienced touch on his stomach still sent shivers through his body. "Lower..."

"But your tummy fur's so soft," the elder husky whimpered like a child being told he couldn't play with a favorite toy. With his eyes closed, he nuzzled his nephew's neck and continued to whimper against him, but his paw submitted, trailing lower to the boy's swollen sheath and lightly wrapping around it.

Elliot murred loudly and slowly let his head lay back, exposing his neck to Will. His sheath, getting any amount of attention, seemingly exploded with pleasure, sending shocks all through his body. He shuddered, and his fur stood on end, as a moan left his lips.

"Silly pup." Will squeezed more firmly and used his shoulder and his weight force Ell completely onto his back so he could lie atop him. As he completely covered his nephew with his body, his dick rubbed into the fur of the boy's thigh, having in those few moments throbbed to near full mast at joys of having this young, adorable blood relative at his mercy.

Innocently, the younger canine's eyes fluttered closed while his arms pulled his uncle into a gentle hug. His voice breaking with nervousness, he spoke between moans, "Will? Can you top me?"

William's eyes shot open at the shock of the question, and his cock tensed and left a trail of pre along the boy's thigh. Slowly, he leaned up, off of the boy but still over him, and looked him in the eyes, "Say that again?"

Ell gulped hard and nervously continued, laying his ears back with fear, "Uhm...c-could you top me?" He bit his lip after he asked again, not sure if his uncle was upset with him or what was the matter.

The elder dog lightly rubbed the pup's cheek with his paw, "You don't know how tempting that is." He smiled, "But we both know you don't want that."

Elliot shook his head quickly but smiled reassuringly as he continued, "No! I DO want it! I want it more than anything. And I was thinking that, since I want it to be with someone special, someone I love, who I know is going to do it right..." he trailed off, and then smiled again hoping his sincere plea would be accepted. "I HAVE done it before."

"Well, you've thought it out more than I expected. But I still don't think it's what YOU much as what," Will squeezed his nephew's sheath again, "HE wants." He smiled softly, "I know we love each other...but it's different, and you know it. Wouldn't you rather have your first time be with someone a little more special?" He smirked knowingly, "Someone orange?"

The younger husky shuddered at the sudden grope and murred aloud, his muzzle creasing with a wide smile, "Yeah, I know. I want it to be special, with someone special, but...I'm just so damn tired of waiting for it!" He reached a paw down and slowly rubbed his uncle's leaking dick in return, "This'll be fine."

William clenched his jaw and his eyes as his nephew's paw teased his cock. He pictured, hidden under the boy's tail, his nephew's pucker waiting. He pictured it spreading open around his dick, and his knot begging entry...but he forced himself to open his eyes, and choke back what his cock wanted him to say. He had to be stronger than the teenager beneath him. "Fine isn't good enough, and you know it. Now, come on...we have plenty of other things we can do."

Ell blushed and smiled an embarrassed, defeated smile. His uncle was right. Despite how much he wanted it, he knew he should wait for the right opportunity. Forcing such a special event to happen just out of lust would just ruin it. So with a gentle sigh, he smirked up at his uncle and pulsated his furry fingers teasingly around the adult's cock, "What else do you want to do then, Will?"

"Whatever else you want, kiddo!" The elder canine smiled a selfish, shameless smile, "I've gotta' say, though: I've been missing your lips all week. Or, at least...part of me has."

Elliot smiled widely and looked away with embarrassment. The suggestive talk was getting the better of him, and with Will's simple verbal suggestion his own cock jumped and leaked out a clear bead of pre, "And what part is that?" His paw slowly worked up and down his uncle's shaft, its own drops of pre oozing out near constantly and soaking into his paw fur.

Will leaned in close to the younger husky with a mischievous toothy grin. His muzzle barely missed the boy's nose as he leaned even closer, lightly licking his cheek on the way to his ear. With a soft, playful whisper, almost a growl, he spoke with his nose just inside of his nephew's earlobe, "Suck my dick, pup."

The younger dog pulled back and nodded playfully, "Well, since you asked so nicely!" He chuckled and removed his paw from the older canine's cock, letting it bounce free of his grasp and poke out into the air, teasingly. He looked down to it and as soon as his eyes went over the glistening shaft of meat the heavenly scent of his uncle's musk invaded his nostrils.

"You want it?" William smiled down at the boy's slightly flaring nostrils and smiled. "Let's make this easier for you." He finally moved off of the boy, rolling onto his back and looking expectantly at the pup beside him.

With a gentle smile, Ell sniffed at the scent again then rolled and lowered himself down to his uncle's pelvis, gulping hard as he put his snout just an inch away from the pulsing shaft. He watched it for a moment, and how it bob with the adult's heartbeat. Ell gulped again and with what very little time he had, did his best to remember how to proceed.

The boy inched his muzzle forward and kissed Will's tip, following the peck with a nervous lick, and then with broader and bolder laps until finally, he slid the first few inches of his uncle into his muzzle.

The elder husky's cock twitched in the pup's muzzle and he gripped the bed sheets to keep himself from grabbing the younger husky's head...figuring it best to let the boy go at his own pace.

Elliot continued his torturous pace, slowly easing more of the doggy-dick into his muzzle with each passing second. He very gently suckled on what was in his mouth as his tongue lapped at the tip, tasting every drop of pre as it trickled out. He murred softly and questioningly glanced up to Will, and as soon as he saw his uncle strain to keep steady, he smiled and sank more of the pole into his mouth, stopping only when it's tip poked his throat, and the adults bushier pubic fur tickled his nose.

Will finally relaxed as his cock sank completely in, unclenching his paws and opening his eyes to look down at the boy, "Am I the one who taught you to be such a tease?" He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes again as he petted his nephew's head.

The younger canine blushed slightly and looked back down to the task at hand. His eyes shut gently while he sucked harder on his uncle's cock, working his muzzle up and down. He wasn't moving any more than an inch, though, and repeatedly plunged its tip into the beginning of his throat. The constant rubbing of his throat irritated him slightly, but not enough to stop or miss a beat, at least not until he got some reaction, negative or positive from his uncle.

William's toes curled and his face strained; he was trying not to give in. He couldn't even relax enough to moan, not with his paw where it was, or he'd be in danger of face fucking his nephew. Finally, though, he couldn't control himself anymore and he moved his paw away from the boy's head, as his toes shot straight and he relaxed in a long, whining moan.

Ell enthusiastically continued the blowjob as he had learned from his week of experience. He slowly increased how much of his Will's cock he extracted from his muzzle with each bob as his gentle sucking increased in intensity, not nearly to the point of an over-eager first attempt, but still strong. And all the while, he murred more and more deeply, amateurishly trying to emulate the deep vibrating purr of a certain orange feline.

With every passing second, he was getting more and more into his task. He loved the taste that swirled around inside his mouth, and he loved the intoxicating aroma that simply rose up from the older husky's crotch. The moans of his lover were his drive, the thought of satisfying another male made his head swell with ecstasy, and his own cock gave out anxious but proud spurts of pre.

The elder dog beneath him breathed in heavy, rapid succession, trying to catch himself long enough to speak, but finding it difficult. After a few moments of deeper more deliberate breaths, though, he managed. "Ell, kiddo? Let up for a second." He put his paw on the boy's muzzle and lightly pushed at it to make him quit.

Elliot obliged and pulled up and off of his uncle's dick, giving its tip a teasing lick. His muzzle spread in a warm smile as his eyes opened and looked dreamily up at his seemingly exhausted uncle, "Is something wrong?"

Will let out a long, relaxed sigh, finally free from the boy's teasing, "Everything's fine. I just thought that a," he sat up and leaned forward, grabbing his nephew by his tail and thigh, "new position was in order." Between his manhandling and Ell's fumbled assistance, soon enough he had the pup turned around completely and on his side, his muzzle still in line with Will's shaft, as his uncle's nose brushed against his, "I doubt you object."

With the slight bump against his ignored, sensitive member, the younger husky let out a desperate yip, but his cock seeped out a welcoming droplet of pre. "Uhm...yeah. This'll work," he smiled down at his uncle and then focused his attention back to Will's tasty red meat. He swallowed his excess saliva and what pre was already in his mouth, and then leaned forward again, beginning the blowjob anew with renewed energy.

Wasting little time, himself, William licked from his nephew's leaking tip, down across his still forming knot and his bunched sheath, and finally to his tightened balls. He nuzzled and licked there for a moment, enjoying the smell before planting small suckling kisses from there, back to the tip, and letting it slide in between his lips.

Ell gave out a muffled whine of pleasure, and his suckling's ferocity suddenly increased. His cock finally getting the attention it had been begging for flooded his senses and made him writhe against Will, pushing his shorter cock into his uncle's muzzle, as his paws on his uncle's ass pulled the adult deeper into his own.

The elder canine did nothing to fight his nephew's thrusting or his more aggressive blow job, instead simply allowing the boy to have his fun. With one paw on the small of the pup's back, and the other lightly caressing his teenaged sack, he just bobbed and twisted his head, allowing the boy's cock in as deep as it would go. On one deep, prodding penetration into the back of his muzzle, he even gave the boy's balls a firm, encouraging squeeze and tug, for the reward of a burst of pre as his nephew's cock withdrew.

Elliot whined again, pushing his uncle's cock into his cheek to more easily verbalize his pleasure -- or at least whine -- more easily. He whimpered loudly and prodded the insides of his muzzle with Will's tip, coating the entire inside of his mouth with a thin layer of pre. Feeling his own knot harden painfully, he brought his paw to Will's cock base and teasingly petted the older knot with his furry fingers, coaxing a large rewarding spurt of pre into his own maw, just as his uncle had done with him.

Will wondered how much more of this he could take before giving his nephew a real taste of him. He'd always loved to 69. The smell, the taste, and everything else he liked about giving head mixed in with everything he liked about GETTING head made it one of his favorite things to do, and doing it with his own nephew was even better. He didn't feel like he was getting close, but he'd been surprised before.

The younger dog choked down another inch of his uncle's pole into his throat, sucking on nearly his entire length all at once while his lips kissed and rubbed his knot. It was becoming too much for the boy, and what little bit of his rational mind was left, was soon overrun with the urge to climax and to get Will to do the same. With both paws, he took a firm grasp of the older fur's ass and pulled him close, as he draped a leg over his head, trying to hold the adult tight to get more of his cock sucked. His desperation getting the better of him, he even completely ignored the courtesy to warn his uncle of his rapidly approaching orgasm, but his uncharacteristic roughness and his river of pre were probably good enough signs.

William simply returned in kind, pushing his hips against his nephew's muzzle, and trying to feed him even more of his dick, while at the same time allowing Ell as deep into his muzzle and throat as the boy could go. He wrapped his arm around Ell's waist and held on tight as his other paw, wrapped around the boy's leg and rubbed his knot and balls. He felt himself growing closer and closer, now, and he knew Ell wasn't far either, as both his and the younger husky's hips were grinding into each other's faces.

With a muffled, wet moan around the shaft in his mouth, Ell signaled audibly to the world of his climax, followed immediately by a strong jet of his cum into his uncle's mouth. Realizing it was useless to moan, the husky jammed his uncle's maleness into his maw, sucking on it hard while his tongue roughly rubbed Will's tip, urging his cum to come out as well. He murred deeply as he continued, several more jets of his thick cum shooting from his own cock as his knot hardened and pushed against Will's lips, trying instinctively to tie with his muzzle.

The elder husky let the boy's tip in as far as it could go, and swallowed the flow of cum as quickly as he could. He could feel it going down his throat, his nephew's scent peaking as it invaded his nose, and the boy's knot pulsing against his nose and lips; it, along with the warmth and suction of the boy's muzzle and throat, was more than he could take, and he felt himself humping against the boy as his own cock erupted in his mouth.

Elliot kept right on sucking as the first globs of cum invaded his mouth and throat. Unfortunately, though, after managing to swallow the first strands, he stopped for a breath and immediately choked on the increasing volume of the musky canine spunk in his mouth. A generous amount of his saliva and Will's cum leaked out of his muzzle, soaking into and staining his puffy cheek-fur, but he didn't care. He pulled back and simply let his uncle shoot through the air and into his open maw, as the spurting slowed, trickled out, then stopped completely.

Will slowly eased the pup's dick out of his mouth as well. Ell's ropes of cum had finished firing long before his own, but he'd kept the boy in his muzzle, milking it for all it was worth as he rode out his own orgasm. Done now, he let Ell fall out of his muzzle as he rolled over, basking in the afterglow and letting his nephew go about his gentle licking to clean the older husky's cock and groin.

Both his paws' grips had softened into a gentled kneading as the younger canine continued to clean Will's softening cock, sheath, balls, and pubic fur. His slick tongue lapped up all of the cum off his cock, then groomed the fur around his crotch, making sure it was clean and presentable before he finally pulled back.

With a soft, contented sigh and a smile, the boy looked down at his uncle, watching him rest gently for a moment before he spoke, "Better than before, right?"

William smiled softly at the pup, "Well, it should be!" He took a deep breath and stretched a bit, "You've had a weeklong crash course from a pair of very sexy, very experienced, and very horny furs." He, without sitting up, opened his arms wide and beckoned his nephew with his fingers to come into the hug.

Ell smiled wide, like a child with a new toy, and crawled up into his uncle's loving grasp, his spent cock still hard and bouncing around with his every movement, "Thanks Will! Sorry I didn't say anything this time, you know, before I finished." Hesitantly, Ell laid on the older husky's chest, not sure whether or not to fully put his weight on his uncle.

"Yeah...a week ago, I would have cared." The elder dog held the pup close, "Since I've finally relaxed and just let me...I'm starting to find I actually like it. Though...honestly, I think Aaron tastes a little better than you." He lightly tickled at his nephew's sides, "No offense."

Elliot's muzzle broke in a smile as he squirmed slightly, fighting the urge to be ticklish, "It's okay. Hunter tastes a lot better than you. No offense." He winked and laid his head onto Will's chest, absently continuing as he snuggled with his uncle, "'s only gay if you like the taste?"

Will chuckled and responded jokingly, "Exactly! See? You're catching on." He snuggled closer to the teenager in his arms and started to close his eyes, only to have them shoot back open, "Shit!"

The younger husky's ears perked up, but he didn't move, "What's wrong."

"It's just...with everything else, and then us coming in here," William shook his head, "I completely forgot about something I meant to talk to you about!"

With a confused, concerned look Ell turned to his uncle, "What's that?"

The elder canine smiled a wide and mischievous looking grin, "I met someone very interesting yesterday. And I thought I should tell you about him." He raised an eyebrow and continued slowly, "Aaron's older brother. You know him?"

Elliot thought for a moment then shook his muzzle, "No. I don't even know Aaron. In fact, I didn't even know Aaron was his NAME before today."

"Well, his brother seems to know you." Will paused for another moment, "Are you sure you've never met him? Polite guy, big for a rabbit, goes by the name of Stan?"


There we go! The Masters continues!

* Starring: Oloroso Rhone as William Masters and Kristoff Masters Phil Anthro Pist as Elliot Masters *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at

Yeah...this was TOTALLY just an excuse to make Elliot and Will fuck again.

But in other news, Elliot just found out about the Hunter/Stan/Aaron connection! I bet next he gets to find out about what gossip has been spread about him behind his back...

Though, shouldn't the most important news be... What would Hunter & Aaron think about what Will & Elliot just did together?

SIDE NOTE: My friend Shultz and I worked very hard on coming up with this title. We settled on Fidelity because it has multiple meanings. It can mean trust (like how everyone is growing closer and more trusting of one another with who and what they are...except Will & Elliot are still hiding their relationship, and no one trusts Robyn)...but it's most common modern meaning is being faithful in a relationship, which Ell and Will aren't doing a great job of right now. ^_^

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at theottercoon[at]

See you for the next 4 chapters of The Masters! ...for the next 4 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...and, in due time...Sibirskaia!