How To Get The Guy You Like

Story by Sci the cheetah on SoFurry

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How to Get the Guy You Like

By Sci the cheetah

Adrian sat on the couch watching television. About twenty minutes earlier, he broke up with his boyfriend. This was the seventh time the young fox had broken up with someone within the past two weeks. There was a slightly sad look on his face as we watched the movie, Brokeback Stallion. His roommates, Alex and Nathan, knew he was gay. Nathan was also gay, but he had been in a committed relationship for a few years now. Alex, on the other hand, seemed to be straight, but very unhappy with every girlfriend that he had ever brought home.

"Hey, Addy," Nathan said as he walked in. The wolf was wearing his lion boyfriend's arm around his neck. Adrian looked up but didn't say anything. He just gave a small little wave at the two and went back to watching the movie. "I'll be right in, Hun," Nathan said as he gave the lion a kiss on the cheek and sent him to his room. "What's wrong, Addy?"

"He just wasn't right for me. None of them are right for me. I'm going to be lonely forever, aren't I?" Adrian said sadly. The wolf sat down next to him and rubbed his back. "I guess I just want what you have with your boyfriend."

"It took a long time for me to find the sexy beast," Nathan said. Just then, Alex walked in. Nathan noticed a small smile on Adrian's face as the other, larger fox walked into the apartment. "How was your date?"

"It was terrible. I mean she had great breasts but her table manners were horrible. And she forced me to pay a $10 tip for a meal that cost $17," Alex said as he sat down on Adrian's other side.

"So, I'm guessing you're not going to see her again, are you?" the younger fox asked with a smile on his face.

"No way...So how are thing with you and...what's his name?" Alex asked. The smiled disappeared before Alex even had a chance to look over. "Was it that bad? That's the seventh one in the last two weeks. Well, I'm heading to bed," he said as he got up from the couch and headed into his bedroom.

The entire way into his bedroom, Adrian was watching him. Nathan, on the other hand, was watching his younger fox friend. "You like him," Nathan said. Adrian's head spun around and he looked to the wolf sitting next to him. "The entire way into his room, you were staring at his ass."

A slight blush rose on Adrian's face. "Well...maybe I do...but he's straight," the shy little fox said.

"I don't know about that. He's always talking about how miserable he is with women. Perhaps, he is gay and doesn't know it. I think you should try and get him to like you, Addy," the wolf said.

Adrian thought for a minute. It was true that he had had a crush on the year older fox. But how was he going to get him to like him? If he went up to Alex and told him, the older fox would just run away. "I don't think it will work, Nathan," he said.

Nathan smiled for a minute. "I'll be right back. Stay here, cutie," he said before he snuck off to his room. Adrian sat there for about five minutes before Nathan finally returned. "Sorry it took so long. It would have been sooner had my sexy lion not been groping my ass the entire time. This is what I used to get the big sack of sexy I have in my room. I want you to use it as well. It's an old book that has been passed down from gay guy to gay guy. So, take care of it."

Adrian smiled as he accepted the book. How to Get the Guy You Like was written on the front. "Are you sure this will work?" the shy fox asked.

"It always works, Addy. But you have to go one step at a time. If you try to skip ahead, he will hate you forever. Do you understand?" Nathan asked. He was answered with a hug from the fox. "Good. Now, I've got some sexing to do. If you hear some noises, just ignore them."

Adrian nodded as he looked at the book. Nathan went back to his room where Adrian was sure that he and his lion mate were going to fuck all night. The nineteen year old fox opened the cover of the book and noticed the words in the front of the book:

To those who seek the man they want:

Follow these instructions word for word.

Each page will lead you to your happiness.

So take each page seriously and you shall receive...

Adrian shuddered with excitement as he flipped to the first page and read out loud. "The way to your man is through your head. If he knows you're gay, he may not mind if you rest your head on his lap. Once he's let you do that for a while, then you may continue with the next step." Adrian giggled as he remembered the first time he laid his head on Alex's lap. It was right after his first boyfriend broke up with him. The two of them had been together for a few years, so Adrian was really hurt. Alex knew this and didn't mind letting his gay friend's head on his lap.

After that, Adrian would lay his head on Alex's lap if the two of them were watching a movie. Adrian heard Alex's door open and he quickly hid the book. Alex sighed heavily as he sat down on the couch next to the shy fox. Adrian noticed that another movie was starting on HBO. He always got distracted at the end of Brokeback Stallion. The next movie was a horror film, Night of the Undead Foxes. This movie always scared Adrian.

"Um...Alex...may I rest my head on your lap?" Adrian asked nervously.

"I don't see why not. You seem to enjoy it and it keeps my lap warm. Go right head, Addy. Just don't play with anything," Alex said.

"Thanks. This movie always seems to scare me," Adrian said as he lay down and stuck his head onto Alex's lap. Alex then did something that surprised Adrian. Alex put began to gently rub the younger fox.

"Oops...sorry...I guess I have a habit of doing that with girls who rest their head on my lap during scary movies," the twenty year old fox said before stopping.

"It's okay. I don't mind. Please continue," Adrian said and Alex went back to gently rubbing him. Alex didn't notice the blush on Adrian's face as he petted his friend.


For the following few weeks, every night ended just about the same. Nathan would be sitting in between Adrian and Alex as the three started to watch a movie and within ten minutes of the movie starting, Nathan's boyfriend would show up and the two of them would sit on the ground. Adrian would then lay down with his head on Alex's lap and Alex would pet him.

Finally, Adrian thought it would be time for him to find out the next step. After that first night, he had hidden the book in one of his gay porn books, knowing that Alex wouldn't dare look in there, at least not yet anyways.

Adrian opened up his "gay" drawer, as Alex called it, and took out the book. He flipped to the first page. It still read the same thing. He flipped to the next page. "Now, that he's been letting you rest your head on his lap, he shouldn't mind if you cuddle up to him. Gently rest your head on his chest and continue from there."

Adrian quickly hid the book as Alex walked in. "Hey, we were just about to start watching a scary movie. I know that you don't necessarily like them, but..." Alex started to say, but was quickly interrupted.

"I'd love to watch it with you. As long as you don't mind me cuddling into you a little bit. I like scary movies even though they scare me a lot." Adrian said to Alex.

The older fox laughed. "I guess it would be okay. You can be such a cute fox sometimes, Addy."

"Wait. You think I'm cute?" Adrian asked.

"Wait. I didn't mean it like that. I know what I meant," the older fox said. There was a slight blush on his face as he started to do a fake laugh but it turned into a real laugh as the younger fox started to laugh as well.

The two of them walked out to join the lion and wolf who were already watching the movie. Alex sat down and murred softly as he felt Adrian cuddle into his chest. He then resumed the petting that he had always done. There were many times within that movie that Adrian squeezed Alex tightly that rewarded Adrian with a "murr."

By the end of the movie, Adrian's head was on Alex's shoulder and Alex's arm was around him. Once the movie ended, the two noticed the position they were in and quickly moved to opposite sides of the couch, their faces beet red. Nathan and his boyfriend had gone to their room for some "cuddling" halfway through the movie.

"We...uh...just got caught up in the movie...that's all," Alex said nervously.

"Um...yeah....that's it..." the younger fox agreed.

"Well, goodnight."


The two foxes went back to their rooms quickly. But it didn't stay that way for long. In the middle of the night, Adrian woke up to Alex crawling into his bed.

"What are you doing?" the younger fox asked.

"Look...I kinda had a nightmare and I need to sleep with someone next to me...and I think that that lion might go and rape me or something. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, of course I don't. And I promise not to rape you too."

Alex giggled a little at the last statement and crawled into bed. The two of them slept happily. Adrian because we was in bed with the guy he liked and Alex because he didn't have any more nightmares.


For the next few weeks, whenever they all watched a movie together, Adrian would start off by cuddling into Alex's chest happily and then ended up with his head on Alex' shoulder. Adrian felt it was time to take another look at the book.

Nathan had asked the two if he could have the apartment for the evening, so Alex offered to take Adrian to the movies. Before they left, Adrian quickly snuck off to look at the book. It was then that he noticed that the book only had three pages. He flipped to the first page and it still read the same, as did the second page.

Adrian took a deep breath as he flipped to the third page. His eyes widened as he noticed that there were only two words and he smiled as he saw what the two words said.

"Hurry up, Addy. The movie will start soon."

"Coming, Alex," Adrian said as he quickly hid the book again. He ran out to find Alex all dressed up. Adrian blushed as he looked at the handsome fox that stood in front of him.

"You look good."

"You don't look bad yourself."

The two smiled happily as they went out of the apartment and down to Nathan's car. Neither Alex nor Adrian had a car of their own, so Nathan offered to let them borrow it. Alex was in the driver's seat as they went to the movie theater. Alex paid for their tickets and their food.

"Why are you paying for my stuff? You know that I have a job too."

"I want to. It's my treat. And I have another treat for you later."

Adrian looked over to Alex who was obviously avoiding his gaze as there was a slight blush on his cheeks. The two of them walked into the theater that the movie was playing in and sat down. Alex took the arm rest that was between them and moved it out of the way.

"I know you like to cuddle," Alex said to the younger fox who just giggled and put his head on the older foxes shoulder.

The two sat there in that position for about half an hour as the movie played. The two of them were getting bored with the movie and both of them obviously wished that they had chosen a different movie to watch. They know knew why they were the only ones in that specific theater, which reminded Adrian of the book.

He looked over to Alex and Alex noticed out of the corner of his eye. The two of them sat there looking into each other's eyes for a few minutes before either of them said anything.

"Do I have something on my face?" Alex asked.


"What is it?" Alex asked again.

"Me," Adrian said before he leaned in and kissed the older fox on the lips.

Alex was quite surprised by this movement and quickly moved away. "Um...I think we should go..." he said as he got up and Adrian followed with a sad look on his face.

The book had lied to him. It told him to "kiss him," so that's what he did. He walked about seven paces behind Alex as the two of them went back to the car. As soon as he did, Alex opened up the door to the back seat, which confused Adrian completely.

Suddenly, Alex grabbed Adrian and gently threw him into the back seat. A second later, Alex was on top of Adrian, making out with the surprised fox. Slowly, the young fox began to melt into the kiss and after a few minutes, the two broke the kiss.

"I don't get it. I thought you didn't like me," Adrian said.

"I do like you. I like you a lot. I just didn't realize it until the first time you cuddled up to me. And to tell you the truth, I was starting to think that you were just being a very cuddly friend and I was going to give up tonight if you hadn't made your move."

"I've liked you for a while, Alex. I've really wanted to be with you, but I thought you were straight."

Alex blushed slightly. "I thought so too. But I finally understand why I was never happy with any of the women that I was with."

"Why is that?" Adrian asked happily.

"Because they weren't you," Alex replied before kissing Adrian on the lips.

As they kissed, Alex snuck his hand into Adrian's pants and began to fondle his sheath and balls a bit. He slowly broke the kiss and blushed slightly. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this."

"Perhaps my bedroom would be a better setting," Adrian suggested. Alex smiled and nodded as they climbed into the front seat and Adrian drove home.

The two of them were kissing the entire way up the stair and into the apartment. They were so into each other that they didn't even notice that Nathan and his boyfriend were in the middle of having sex on the couch.

The two stumbled into Adrian's room and fell onto the bed as they kissed. They momentarily broke the kiss to take off each other's shirts then they resumed the kiss. As they kissed, they sent their pants flying across the room along with their underwear so that they were completely naked.

After a few minutes of nude kissing, Adrian broke the kiss and went over to his...

"Are you getting something from your 'gay drawer,' Addy?" Alex asked.

"Just need some lubrication."

"Wait...this is my first time...I don't think I'm ready for that just yet..."

"Who said anything about you? This is for my tail hole," Adrian said with a wink. He went back over to the bed and sat down. Alex then smiled as he pulled the slightly smaller fox onto his back and blushed as he looked at the other fox's now hard cock.

"I can't believe I'm turned on just by looking at your cock," Alex said.

"Um, Alex...before we do anything else, I have a question for you."

"What is it, Addy?"

"Um...are you...are you my boyfriend now?"

Alex smiled before giving the shy fox a lick on the cheek. "Of course I am. And I don't want any other." He then went back down to the cock and licked from the bottom all the way up to the tip and shuddered slightly, hardly believing that he had actually just done that and enjoyed it.

Adrian looked over to Alex's cock and took the entire thing in his muzzle, making Alex gasp and moan out from the sudden warmth of the welcoming muzzle. Alex did his best to take Adrian's cock into his mouth as well and the two began to suck on each other. After a short amount of time, Adrian thought his new boyfriend was ready to fuck him.

Adrian moved his body away from Alex, causing his cock and a whimper to come from the older fox's mouth. Adrian sat up and opened up the bottle of lube. He then squirted some on Alex's cock, causing his boyfriend to shudder slightly as the cold liquid hit his hard member. Adrian smiled as he rubbed the lube all up and down the shaft before he got on all fours and lifted his tail hole up.

"This is my first time, so please be gently," Adrian said with a slight blush on his face.

Alex blushed a little as well and smiled. "Don't worry. I will be." He then took some lube himself and put some on his fingers. Over the past two and a half weeks, Alex had started to watch gay porn in his room. He found that he loved it and he knew that he'd need to know some stuff when this time came. He pushed his lubed up fingers into Adrian's tail hole and made sure that it was well lubed.

Adrian gave out a few pants, murrs, and moans as Alex lubed up his tail hole. He then felt the fingers leave and another warm appendage was soon up against his tail hole as he felt Alex hold onto his hips for support. Adrian shuddered in excitement as he was finally going to lose his virginity; especially since it was to the person he wanted to lose it to.

Alex took in a deep breath. There was no going back now. He slowly pushed his cock into the tail hole of his new lover slowly. He moaned out as he felt how tight the passage was. It felt amazing. He had never had sex with anyone before, and he was glad that Adrian was his first. He slowly bent down and began to nibble a bit on Adrian's neck as he slowly pushed in.

Adrian grunted as he felt some pain as the cock began to enter him. He soon felt Alex stop and realized that he was hilted. "Stay there for a moment. I need to get used to your size for a second."

"Didn't you stretch out with a dildo or something?" Alex asked.

"You're much bigger than any of the dildos I have. You may not be as long, but much, much thicker."

Alex blushed before he nuzzled into Adrian's fur. He then reached around and started to paw off the younger fox.

"O-okay, I think I'm ready," Adrian said after a few minutes.

Alex began to slowly pump in and out of the young fox as he continued to paw him off. After a short while, the movements became faster and faster until Adrian was being pawed and fucked a decent rate. Finally, the two moaned in unison as they came. For hours, the two experimented with each other. Alex even tried to take it up the ass once, but as soon as Adrian tried, Alex screamed out in pain and they decided that they needed to stretch him out first.

Finally, after a few hours, the two finally became too exhausted to do anything else, so they fell asleep, happily curled up in each others' arms.


The next morning Adrian came out in his boxers with his tail wagging nonstop. Nathan and his boyfriend were making breakfast.

"Good morning, Sweetheart. It sounded like you had fun last night," Nathan said.

Adrian blushed slightly. "Yes. I did. I wanted to thank you for the book."

"What book?" Nathan's boyfriend asked.

"It's a....uh..." Nathan started to stutter.

"It was a cook book. And it had just the recipe I needed," Adrian interrupted to help hide the secret of the book. He realized that no one but the people it was passed down to was supposed to know about the book.

Just then, Alex came out of Adrian's room, yawning. He opened his eyes and looked over towards the others just in time to see Adrian pouncing at him. He quickly caught his mate and the two kissed for a minute. " some for us, we'll be out in a minute," Alex said as he dragged his boyfriend back into the room.


Two Years Later...

Alex and Adrian were living happily together with a rabbit and a cat. All four guys were gay, but the rabbit and the cat seemed to fight all the time. One evening, the cat approached Adrian with a slightly worried look on his face.

"Hey, Addy, I have a question for you?" Sam, the cat, asked.

"Yes? What can I help you with?" Adrian asked his young friend.

"You's about Tracey. I can't get his cute bunny face out of my head."

Adrian smiled. "I have just the thing. It helped me to get with Alex. I'll be right back," the fox said as he went to his room and pulled out the hidden book.

"This book has been passed down from gay guy to gay guy. It is guaranteed to work for you. Just don't tell anyone about the book," Adrian said as he sent the cat off smiling.

Just as he was leaving, Alex walked in. "What was that about?" he asked Adrian.

"It was nothing. By the way, Nathan and Roaring Fur are finally getting married. Nathan told me the other day that his 'sexy, native American lion' finally proposed. We're going to have to get some good suits for their wedding. We're the best men," Adrian said before kissing his mate happily.