An Eternal Rose:pt.1:Broken Hearts

Story by DarkWolfie on SoFurry

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*****i wrote this story awhile back, it has very very angsty romance, haha. i think its not that great. but lets see what you think***

The rain fell upon the streets with light splashes, creating puddles on the sidewalk. A 16-year-old fox, with long purple hair that reached his shoulders, was walking along the streets, alone and cold. He walked with his head down and his cold painful tears dripping off his face mixing with the rain. He had no one to talk to so he ran; he left with nothing but the clothes he was wearing. He wore a black long sleeve shirt with thumb holes to keep at least some of his paw warm, and very baggy pants that were tight around his waist and got bigger as it went down to his foot paws, which were bare, as he never wore shoes. His pants rattled because of the buckles and chains hanging off, rain dripped off of every part of it. His whole body was soaked from the rain. He wore black lipstick and black eyeliner, and he also had on mascara, which was running down his face in black streaks as it stained his red fur, from the rain and his heavy tears. He stopped running and looked back at his house, all the bad memories from that day came flooding back into his mind, then he began to cry harder and he started to run.

He stopped running when he saw his old hangout spot, him and his best friend would spend hours there, it was a quiet little cement ledge, they would sit there and make fun of all the normal furs, living there redundant normal lives. They would literally sit there for hours just talking about stuff, and they loved to be around one another. Perhaps that's the reason their friendship became a little more than that. So he just sat there and hung his dripping wet bare feet off the ledge and cried his eyes out, as he thought about him. And he whispered to himself through his tears, "Oh...Kory...why did he have to walk in, why couldn't he just leave us alone?" His whisper slowly became a horrid desperate cry; his frustration was mirrored in every word that came from his mouth. "Why does my father have to fuck up everything in my life?"

"Z-Zack? Is that you? Zack, are you there?" Zack heard the voice from behind him, and then he quickly jumped to his feet and spun around. Then he saw him. He saw his beloved feline, Kory, with his rain-soaked, glossy black fur, which glimmered in the blue moonlight. He was wearing all black, and a long-sleeved fish net shirt. Then they took each other in a warm embrace. Zack looked into Kory's eyes and kissed his rain-moistened lips. As the rain fell hard around them the clouds parted just for a short time and Zack looked at his beloved and the blue moonlight glimmered in Kory's eyes, "You look so beautiful." Zack said with a happier tone in his voice.

Kory looked at Zack with worried eyes, "Why did you run off in this storm? Its so cold out here. You should go home and face your parents."

"NO! I can't go home, I can't face my father. You heard what he said, and what he did. He fucking hit me," he said as he put a paw to his mildly bruised cheek, "just because I said that I love you. What the fuck else am I supposed to say after he walks in on us? And it's true. I love you, Kory. I fucking hate my father! Fuck him!" Zack screamed, as tears stream down his red fur from his dark eyes.

"Then go home for your mother. She's worried sick, she's the one who told me to find you, though she didn't even have to tell me, I was on my way anyway. Your dad doesn't know she talked to me. She loves you and is glad that you are happy with me."

"She is?" Zack raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Yes she is, now come home. Please, for me and your mom, I love you and she loves you." Kory said as he warmly took his love's hand and kissed him again. Zack smiled as he kissed Kory, but he still didn't want to go home.

Zack sullenly looked back in the direction of there houses, "I'm sorry, Kory, but I cant..." He looks down to his feet, and considers for a moment, "I can't stay here." He finishes talking and wrapped his warm arms around Kory, "Come with me." he said as he hugged Kory.

Zack looked up into his beloved felines eyes, and he nearly collapsed in his arms as he saw how beautiful he was, the blue glow of the dim moonlight shimmered in Kory's eyes. "Please, I need you, I love you so much, and you're so beautiful. I never want to leave you. Lets run away together. Please, please come with me. I can't go home, my father hates me. Do you really think he would want me back?"

"I'm so sorry, I love you too. But I can't come with you." Kory said.

Zack began to cry in Kory's arms as he clung to his shirt, "Please I need you, and I could never live with out you. Please come with me."

Kory held the fox tightly in his arms. "Umm...ok, I'll go with you, only if you stop crying." Kory sighed as he smiled a bit and wiped some of Zack's tears away sweetly.

Zack began to jump up and down in excitement, "Oh, Kory, I love you, thank you." Then Zack took Kory into a passionate kiss. And then pulled away, "I love you so much."

Then Kory took his beloved fox by the paw and kissed him, "I love you too, my dear." Then they walked paw-in-paw down the sidewalk smiling at each other.

The pouring rain had stopped a bit, and then they found a fairly dry bench, in the park, on which they laid for the night. They stared into each other's eyes, which glistened in the dim moonlight that shinned through the clouds. Then they kissed once more and then they drifted off to sleep wrapped in each other's warm arms.

* * * * *

As Zack drifted off to sleep his thoughts became clouded as he thought of the painful occurrences of that day, his thoughts turned to pain. He tried to think of other things, but he soon fell asleep in the comfort of his dark thoughts. And his dreams turned to nightmares.

Zack and Kory were in Zack's room working on a project for school, and then they sat down to talk about the next part of the project. Then Zack got closer to Kory and put his hand on his leg and their eyes met. They both started to breath deeper and move closer to one another. Eventually their warm lips touched and then Zack opened his mouth and slid his warm tongue into Kory's. They began to rub each other's crotches and they could feel their shafts hardening under there clothing. Then Zack moaned a bit as he explored his beloved Kory's mouth with his tongue, as he felt the other's paw opening his pants and pulled out his hardening shaft. Zack moaned again as Kory stroked his hard member. All of a sudden there was a loud banging on the door and the door was knocked down, and Zack's father barged into the room, twice as big as he actually is. His father's eye's widened as he saw his son with another boy, kissing him with passion. He was disgusted to see that the black cat had his paws wrapped around his son's hard cock. Then he angrily ran up to Zack and Kory, and pushed the black feline to the ground and smacked Zack, his own son, across the face. Then he looked at Kory and threw him out of the house and then he hit Zack again as he yelled at him, "Fag, you stupid fagot, you aren't my fuckin son. Get the fuck out of my house. You little shit! Fagot!!"

Then as his dad threw stuff at him, he ran as the tears ran down his face, leaving streaks of black down his red face fur. His dad chased him down the street with a knife in hand wet from the rain and gleaming from the streetlights. He yelled and cursed at Zack as he ran after him. He eventually caught up to Zack and raised his knife wielding hand into the air and plunged it down into his back and ripped it through his flesh. The blood ran red and shimmered on the sidewalk in the blue moonlight. Zack fell to his knees in pain, as he screamed out his loves name for comfort. His father thrust the blade across his face and the blood soaked his red fur, darkening it in the dim light. He screamed and shouted as he pleaded for his life. Then everything went black.

Then his eyes shot open and he hugged Kory tightly as he whimpered a bit and he slowly fell back to sleep and cuddled with Kory for comfort, as he whispered, "Don't ever leave me, Kory, please."

* * * * *

The dim orange rays of the morning sun shined through the trees and the morning fog as the dew dripped off them onto Zack's face. He yawned as he kissed Kory, "Good morning sweetie. Sleep well?" Zack said, as his voice held a hint of sarcasm. He knew they were both very uncomfortable as they slept on that bench. He smiled and looked into his loves eyes as Kory woke up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, "Good morning," he smiled. "Oh, yeah, hell yeah I slept well, hehe." he said sarcastically. "So what do we do now, were do we go?" Kory continued.

"I don't know. I don't have any money, do you?"

"Yeah, I have 20 bucks." He said as Zack got off him. Kory then took out twenty dollars, and held it up as if it was a cherished item, which it was. But he was overly dramatic about the whole thing; he was trying to make light of this whole ordeal, which he usually does in these types of situation. Especially when his beloved fox was feeling scared. "This is the only money we have, just look at it shine in the light. Its funny its just meaningless paper, yet it means so very much to furs." He laughed. "Nations wage war over it, and furs die in vain for it, hehe. It makes us so stupid. Anyway what the fuck should we do with it? Burn it?" he laughed, then Zack looked at him and smiled, but then his smile quickly faded as he closed his eyes and got closer to Kory, "Yay, I made you smile, hehe, so what should we do?"

Kory began to cry in Zack's arms, as he started to think of what they should do, he had no idea. He had never run away before. He had no reason before now, he had such a great relationship with his parents, but now his father hated him for being a 'fag', as so lovingly said by his dad. Zack held on to Kory's black coat, and wept into his clothing, "I don't know what to do, I've never ran a way before..." he started crying too hard to speak as he wrapped his arms around Kory. As he was crying he squeaked out a few words, "I-I love you..."

"I love you too, I'm right here, don't cry..." Kory said as he held Zack in his arms and rubbed his back, as Zack began to cry harder, "Shhh... don't cry, I'll never let anything happen to you, we're going to get through this, somehow, we're going to get through this." He held onto Zack tighter.

As Kory held Zack he saw a car drive by, and to his horror he realized who it was, "Oh my god, Zack its your dad..."

Zack wiped the tears from his face and whipped his head around, and whimpered a bit in fear as he saw his dad in the car. He new his father was looking for him. Zack sniffled and screamed, "Run!"

He and Kory took off as fast as they could across the due soaked grass, almost slipping a few times but managed to control their balance. Zack looked behind him as Kory pulled him by the hand, and he saw that his dad had seen him and began driving in their direction.

As Kory lead them down the street they realized there was no where to hide, and he screamed out, "Damn it! No, he saw us! We have to hide somewhere, anywhere." Tears welled up in his dark eyes, as he looked around frantically for somewhere to hide, but there was nowhere to hide. So he let go of Kory and just stood there in tears as he slowly turned around as he watched his father's car get closer.

"Zack! What the fuck are you doing? Lets go! We need to get out of here!" Then Kory stopped yelling and stood there with his beloved fox and kissed him on his muzzle, and looked into his eyes then he turned his head and looked at Zack's father growing closer, and turned to Zack, "I love you, I understand what you're doing, but think about it. What if he takes us away from each other?"

"I love you too, but I have to do this, I have to show him that I wont let him control me, even if he breaks us up, it wont be forever." He said as tears began to fall from his eyes and trickle down his muzzle. As he saw his dad park at the curb next to them as he clung to Kory.

Zack's father stepped out of his car and came over to his son, "Get in the car, Zack!" he ordered to his frightened son.

"No, you don't scare me, I love Kory and there is nothing you can do about it." Zack said as he let go of Kory, and faced his father.

Then, without saying anything, Zack's father grabbed him by the arm as tight as he could, and pulled him over to the car. And threw him in the back seat, and then locked the door. His dad had the child safety locks on so Zack couldn't open the door. Kory stood there in shock as Zack's father turned to him, "This is all your fucking fault, I always knew you were a fag, why I ever let my son be friends with you, I'll never know. You are never to see my son again!" and with that he got into his car and started it, ignoring the desolate, and sorrowful cries of his son, "Dad let me out of here, please, I love him! Damn you, you ignorant fuck, I hate you!" Zack cried at his dad, as heavy tears streamed down his face.

Kory stood there in horror as he watched his love fall away from him, like a beautiful star falling in the sky. He took off, like a bullet, down the sidewalk as he tried to catch up to the car that was ripping him away from the only thing that ever made him happy in his life. "No, Zack...You can't leave me! I love you!" his desperate cries were unheard and ignored, just as Zack's had been, as he ran down the white pavement the world seemed to blur as he ran faster than he had ever ran before, he became dizzy, and weak. His legs were about to give up, but he wouldn't let them. He was too determined, but he was weak and fatigued, and he was starving. He soon became too weak to run. As he let his legs give out under him, he fell to the pavement with one out reached arm, as if reaching out for Zack's paw. He fell to the ground with a thud, and sobbed, his tears dripped from his dark eyes, and under the bright sun, shimmered in the orange light.

* * * * *

As Zack pleaded to his dad to let him out, his dad just ignored him, and drove faster. Zack could see Kory bullet down the sidewalk in tears, and yelling. As he saw this it made him cry harder. He screamed and screamed at his dad to let him out, but to no avail. His dad sped him away from his beloved as fast as lightening, his body felt numb with fear, as he saw Kory pass out on the sidewalk with his out reached arm. Zack reached his paw out as to take Kory's in his. And he fell lifeless upon the seat and wept in total misery. As he looked up at his dad through blurry eyes, he had never felt more malice towards his dad than before now. He wished his dad would just die. "I hate you! You fucking asshole! Go to hell!"

"Don't you dare talk to me that way! I'm your father, and you will do as I say! And I wont allow a faggot in my house! When we get home, I want you to get ready for church."

"I'm an atheist, remember? You don't know anything about me!" he screamed at his dad, his voice filled with hatred. His eyes were lit up like an ominous blaze in the dark forests of his mind. He could feel nothing for his father right now other than hatred.

"No, you are not going to be an atheist, you will be a Christian." He yelled at his teary eyed, hate and sorrow filled, son.

"Fuck god, fuck Jesus, and Fuck you! I hate you!" he screamed at his father, and with that he curled up in a ball and sobbed silently on the seat.

"You know what it is? It's that fuckin music you listen to, Anti-what ever, and AFI...that's the first thing to go. I'm gonna rip that damn poster of that little fag of a singer off your damn wall." The words being spewed from his fathers lips couldn't even penetrate Zack's thoughts, all he could think about was Kory.

Then the car pulled to a stop and Zack looked out the window and they were home. Then as his dad got out of the car, he forgot to close his door, so Zack hopped the seat and jumped out of the car, and tore across the lawn to the front door and opened it and ran as fast as he could to his room. He could hear his dad run after him, but he was no mach for the speed of the younger fox. Zack made it to his room before his dad could even catch him, and he closed and locked the door. He curled up on his bed and cried. He could do nothing but think about Kory, and how angry his father was. He eventually fell to sleep from terror and sorrow, as he heard his father's angry footsteps growing closer to the door. His heavy eyelids closed and he fell off to sleep.

***coments are welcome***