An Eternal Rose:pt.2:The Blood Runs for You

Story by DarkWolfie on SoFurry

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****As with the other one, i wrote this along time ago, so dont hate me, hehe. this one is even more angstier than the last. enjoy***

Three months had past since Zack's father shattered his happiness. He lay on his bed thinking about Kory, as he stared into space, all that stared back at him was the desolate walls of his, now, near empty room. His father took his posters down, leaving his black walls desolate and empty; he took all his CDs away, too. Everything was locked in the closet down stares; so many times he had tried to break into the closet, but to no gain. He took his favorite Davey Havok poster, and the rest of his AFI, Anti-Flag, and Tiger Army posters. He missed all his CDs the most; whenever he felt like this he listened to music. When he has no other outlet he does something else. He cuts himself. He kept a box under his bed, containing make-up and razor blades. That's the only way he could ever keep anything from his parents. He had cut his left arm 9 times in the past six months. Every time he did it he thought of Kory, and how he longed to see him. Whenever he did he always licked the blood off his wrist. He liked it, which was weird because he was a vegetarian, and even that his father didn't like.

Zack turned his head to look at something that was lying on his pillow. It was a razor blade. He had tears running down his face. He picked up the razor and slowly put it to his wrist, as he cried deeply. He ran the sharp gleaming razor across his wrist, and whimpered at the pain, but he loved it. He cried harder, and he got another idea. "What if I killed myself?" he said quietly through his tears. He had often thought of suicide before, but he never could bring himself to do it, or he changed his mind. This time was no different; he changed his mind just as he had done many times before.

He just lay there and watched his blood seep from his wrist and he held his wrist to his muzzle and licked the blood from it, just as any animal would to a wound, though he enjoyed the taste of his own blood. He looked at his arm; through the red fur he could see about 20 scars from years before to now.

He lay there in the dim light of his room; he stared blankly at his ceiling and cried harder at the thought of his love. He thought what Kory might be doing right now. His dad made him get home schooled. He hated it, all of his friends were at school, and so was Kory. Once in a while Kory would come and talk to Zack late at night, but now those late night visits stopped weeks ago. Kory told Zack that his father caught him one night and threatened his life, Kory was so deathly afraid of Zack's dad. Kory's parents were supportive of the way he lived his life, but there was nothing they could do about Zack's father.

Then there was a knocking on his door and his father said in a stern voice, "Bed time, turn off you light. And don't you dare try to sneak out." Zack heard the anger and disgust in his voice. "Ok, dad," he said, then he whispered under his breath, "Stupid heterosexist Christian." Then at the top of his lungs he screamed, "You fuckin homophobe."

Then he let things settled for a bit, just incase his dad had heard him, and then he stepped out of his room to get ready for bed. He crept down the hallway and on his toes so no one would hear him, he never wore shoes, which made him much more quieter on foot. He brushed his long purple hair out of his face and wiped a lingering tear from his eye, and he saw his mom at the end of the hall. So he turned his head, as he despised both his parents, but his mom seemed different this night. "Mom? Did you want to make some snide remark to me like dad is always doing?" he said with a sneer, she hadn't been too happy about him being gay either, though she didn't seem to take it as bad as his father did.

"Oh, Zack, please don't be like that, you know I love you. I will always love you; you're my son, my only son. I don't really care how you live your life, which is a choice only you can make. Don't let your father get to you. Oh, here, I brought you something." His mom held out her paws, in which she held his CD player, and a few CDs.

"Oh, mom, thank you. I thought you were on dad's side." He said as he took his items from her paws into his.

"I was but I realized, what does your sexuality have to do with anything? You're still my son." She said as she took him into a warm embracing hug.

"I love you, mom."

"I love you too, darling." She said as he slowly pulled away from her. Then that is when she noticed it. "Zack, you're bleeding." She had noticed his cut; he usually had a long sleeve shirt on. He pulled away quickly, "Its nothing, I have to get ready for bed now." And with that he ran into the bathroom. Then he slammed and locked the door. His mom said with a sigh, "Ok, if you say so." As she finished speaking she walked away, and left Zack alone. He set his CDs and CD player on the floor, and then he got ready for bed and ran to his room, he wasn't wearing a shirt, just a pair of baggy black pants. He regretted not putting a long sleeve shirt on before leaving his room, but what is done is done, his parents new that he cut himself. They cared but they did nothing about it.

He took his pants off and he left his black boxers on. Then he through himself into bed and put AFI-Black Sails in the Sunset into his CD player and turned it on. He lay there burrowed under his black blankets, and cried to himself, he soon fell off to sleep and his tears dried. There he lay surrounded by darkness and shrouded in misery. The cut on his wrist still wet with blood seeped into his black sheets, making the dark material even darker with the crimson tears.

* * * * *

There he lay in the in a shroud of darkness, soaked in a pool of his own blood. He could hear Kory's voice calling out to him but he was nowhere to be seen. He could also hear his father's angry voice in the background, but the loudest was Kory's wonderful voice. His voice seemed to shine down on him like a solitary light meant for him, and him alone. He never wanted to wake up, but alas awaking was inevitable. He could see Kory come to him out from the crimson light that shone down upon him. It was an angle, a dark fallen angle. Four solitary words came forth from his mouth and whispered into Zack's perked ears, "I love you, Zack." Kory said as he began to fade away into the darkness.

"No! Kory, don't leave! I love you!" Zack pleaded to Kory to stay, but to no avail. Kory was soon gone. He faded into the darkness. And Zack was left alone in this desolate place.

Then Zack's eyes opened wide and tears came streaming down his face and soaked his pillow. Then he shut his eyes tightly and fell back off to sleep. In his sleep he whispered, "I love you, Kory."

* * * * *

Kory sat in his dimly lit room, alone and crying. His heavy blinds and dark purple curtains blocked the morning sun out. His door was locked, so his parents wouldn't try to come in and try to comfort him. He hated when they tried to console him, he knew they meant well, but they always just wound up annoying him, plus he just liked to be alone when he was depressed. He was listening to his music loudly so no one could hear him sobbing.

He was listening to Tool, and laying on his bed crying into his pillows. There was a loud knock on his door, "Kory, son, do you want something to eat?"

Through his heavy sobs he managed to get out a few words, "No, thanks. I-I'm not hungry." Then he put his head back into his pillow.

"Ok, dear, tell me if you need anything." His mom said as she left.

He hadn't left his room in months, except to go to school. Ever since he had to stop sneaking to Zack's house. His black pillows were stained with tears. For months he thought of nothing but Zack, and he wondered what he was doing. He had cut himself, though not as much as Zack had. Kory cut himself three times. He hated being away from Zack, he wish he could just go to his house and push his way into Zack's room and rescue him from his evil dad. So many times he had dreamt of that. He constantly dreamed of being with Zack, holding his warm body close to his, wrapped in a blanket of warmth. He had dreamt of light kisses in the dim blue moonlight, and gentle caresses in the darkness of their souls, lit by their love.

He had written tons of poetry in the past six months. All were inspired by his sorrow. He had some drawing too; again they were inspired by his ever-growing sadness.

As he lay on his bed weeping into his dark pillows, listening to Tool, he got an idea. He remembered that Zack's dad got a new job. He works on Saturdays, this was his first day of work, and so he could call Zack. He wiped the tears from his eyes, and ran to his phone, and quickly dialed Zack's number. It began to ring and he heard Zack's mom say, "Hello, who is it?"

"Umm... It's Kory..." he said, with an unsure tone.

"Oh, hi, Kory. Umm...Zack is in his room, he's probably listening to his CD player, he won't hear me if I call him."

"I thought he got all his stuff taken away."

"Yeah, he did. I gave him back his CD player and a few CDs. If you want to come over you can. I won't tell his father."

Kory's eyes lit up ecstatically, "Really? Ok, I'll be over in a few minutes. Don't tell Zack, I want it to be a surprise."

"Ok, hurry up and get over here." She laughed.

"Ok, I'll be over there in a few minutes." He said as he hung up the phone. A huge smile formed on his muzzle, which was something that he hadn't done in what seemed like forever. He grabbed a tight black shirt, that had the bottom ripped off it so it showed his belly, and he pulled it over his head, and put on a pair of baggy pants. Then he put his studded belt on. He grabbed his rings, bracelets, and necklaces. And then he went to his mirror and put on his make-up, purple lipstick, dark blue eyeliner, and dark purple eye shadow. He never wore black make-up, like Zack does, because it wouldn't show on his black fur. Then he turned his stereo off and opened his door, and told his mom and dad that he was going to Zack's house. They were surprised to hear that, so Kory explained it all to them. Then he said good-bye to them and went out his front door.

It was a beautifully windy, autumn day. The days were getting colder and the leaves were turning to orange and red. The morning sun shined through the leaves and it laid an orange blanket of light across the glossy grass. Kory walked bare pawed across the lawns; he liked the feeling of the wet grass between his toes.

He was growing closer to Zack's house. And his smile was getting bigger. All his sorrows were gone, now that he could see his beloved fox again. He looked all around him at the trees with all their orange leaves. He loved to look at the trees in autumn, which was his favorite season, as was winter.

Finally, he reached Zack's house. He took a deep breath as he knocked on the door. Zack's mom came to the door, "Hi, Kory. Come in, Zack's in his room. Go and surprise him. He's been so depressed." Kory didn't say anything; he just smiled at her and ran off to Zack's room.

When he reached the door to Zack's room, he tipped toed silently to it and knocked. He heard Zack yell out, "Go away, I don't want to talk to anyone right now!" Kory didn't say anything; he just knocked again. "I said go away, please go away mom." Then Kory knocked again, "Fine, I'm coming. Hold on." Zack yelled, he sounded very depressed.

Zack opened the door, and as he laid his sad eyes on Kory, he was left speechless. He just wrapped his arms around Kory. He finally squeaked out a few words, "I missed you so much, Kory. "

Kory smiled and spoke into Zack's ear, "I missed you too, my dear, but could you sort of loosen up, I cant really breath. Could we go into your room?"

Zack laughed and loosened his grip on Kory, and pulled him into his room, and then he closed his door and locked it.

They both laid on Zack's bed and look into each other's eyes. "So how have you been?" Kory said.

"Well, horrible. But I'm good now, sweetie."

Then Kory leaned in and kissed Zack on the muzzle, and pulled away, as he said, "We should go out. When does your dad be back?"

Zack blushed at the kiss, "Umm...he doesn't get home till pretty late." Then he got off his bed and went to the door and opened it a little, "Hey, mom, what time does dad get home?"

"Like 11 o'clock. Why, honey?" she yelled back.

"Zack and me wanted to go out, is that ok?" he yelled to her timidly, he thought that she would say no.

"Sure... Just don't be back too late. I don't want your father to find out." She yelled back to Zack.

"Really? Ok, I'm gonna get ready and then we'll be off." He yelled to his mother and he shut the door and looked around for a shirt to wear, then he found his tight black shirt with a pink heart on it, he had made a while ago. Then he got all his jewelry and went to his mirror and put his make-up on; black lipstick, black eyeliner, and purple eye shadow. Then he changed out of his pajama pants, and put on some baggy black pants. Then he turned around all sexy like and grinned at his cute feline, "Well then, shall we?" he said with a happy feminine tone to his voice, as he reached out his paw to Kory.

Then Kory grinned at him and got up and took his paw. "Wow, you look really good in that, hehe." He giggled and walked out of Zack's room with him.

"Mom, we're probably just gonna be at our hang out spot. We may get something to eat."

"Well how much do you have, never mind, hehe, I'm just glad your get out of the house. You two have fun, and remember you should be home by nine to ten. Ok." She said as she gave them thirty dollars, and kissed her son good-bye. "Bye."

She waved to them as they waved back and walked down the street paw-in-paw. Zack's mother watched them walk away and she smiled, relieved that her son was finally happy.