Fox and Krystal's Holiday

Story by RzrBlader on SoFurry

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"Out standing job Team Star Fox! Thanks to your efforts, the Lylat System has been saved from the Aparoid invasion!" General Pepper was speaking though a hologram on the Great Fox. "The Lylat System is deeply in you debt and extremely greatfull for you help."

"Well, it IS what we are paid for." stated Fox in a tired, worn-out voice.

"Haha! Quite true Fox, quite true!"

"But that aside, we were more than happy to save our the planet. Although...." Fox trailed off from his exhaustion "...We wouldn't mind having a few days off for some R&R." And it was true, they all were battered and bruised and even Falco, as hubris as he is, showed his tiredness.

"Ah! What a coincidence. I was just about to tell you that we have declared today to be a 'holiday' you could call it. We know that we've had you team's services for quite some time now, and we wanted to return the favor."

"Is it more money? I got some things I've been looking at." As usual, Falco always brought up the case of money and his personal needs.

"*Sigh*, no Falco, the money has already been sent to your account. But the real surprise is that we've decided to give Team Star Fox a week vacation, and to continue to train our fighters so that we needn't rely so much on you in the future."

"Well, that is quite nice, but we really don't mind our work, right?" Krystal showed a little enthusiasm to cheer the team up a little and everyone gave a little nod to agree with what she said.

"And I'm sure you do. But I am fairly sure you don't mind a few days off now, am I right? Well, you vacation starts tomorrow, so feel free to do whatever it is you want. This is all I have to report. Have fun." And with that, the hologram disappeared.

"Well, as long as we have some free time, I'm gonna take an Arwing and fly around a bit." said Falco.

"What? All this fighting and you want to get back in an Arwing? You're pretty crazy Falco." Slippy said in his constant high-pitched winny voice. "It doesn't matter anyway Falco, you can't take an Arwing, they're too banged up. But I'm sure the Flight Academy will lend you one."

"Alright, thanks Slip..." with that, Falco left the room, leaving to do who-knows-what.

"Alright, well I'm gonna head on out to the repair shop and pick up some parts to repair the Great Fox and the Arwings. I'll be staying in a little place near the shop for the convienance. I'll see you guys in a few days." As usual, Slippy never faltered when it came to repairs, and never took his weariness into consideration.

"Jeez...5 minutes and already 2 team members gone" Fox said.

Peppy rose out of his chair and walked toward the sliding doors "I haven't seen my daughter in months, I think it's about time I saw her again. I'll be back tomorrow. And don't be gettin' in any trouble while I'm gone, ya' hear?!" Peppy left leaving a smile showing that it was just a joke.

Fox and Krystal were left alone, besides R.O.B sitting aside looking at some moniters. "Sorry to leave you Krystal, but I'm just gonna sit in my room and relax for a few hours. Is that OK, with you?"

"Of course Fox, I was just thinking the same thing. I might just go to sleep for a little while. I'll probably catch you in the morning."

Fox and Krystal walked together down the corridor to where their rooms were. Fox went left, and Krystal kept walking until she reached a room on the far side of the hallway.

Fox opened his door and instantly slide onto his bed. After sitting there for a few minutes, he got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He stripped off his clothes and folded them neatly on the counter to his side. He walked into his shower and basked in the comforting warm water.

After about 15 minutes, Fox heard a knock on his door.

He quickly dried himself, put a towel around his waist and opened the door. It was Krystal.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Fox, I didn't know you just came out of the shower! I'll just leave then and let you finish."

"No, it's alright Krystal, I don't mind. Sooo...what can I do for you?" Fox felt that the conversation was getting awkward, so he asked the most obvious question.

"Oh, well, I was just going to see if you wanted to do something....together?"

"...And Fox, feel free to say 'no' to this, but.......can I...take a... shower with you?"

Fox was totally caught off-gaurd with this and showed his expression. He soon regained his bearings and looked at Krystal. "Oh, I'm so sorry Fox! That was a stupid question. Please forget I said tha-" she was cut off.

"I don't mind Krystal. Come on, the shower is over here."

Fox and Krystal both had mixed feelings of what was going on, and neither knew what to say or do. They walked into the bathroom together and Fox started the water to get it warm again.

"Are you sure you don't mind Fox? You can always say no."

"Honestly, I don't mind at all Krystal." They both stripped off their clothes rather hesitantly, but they faced opposite directions and moved into the shower.

They finally turned around and starred at each other. They just starred deeply into each others eyes and knew instantly. They deeply loved each other, and they knew it. They pulled into each other, hugging and kissing, not ever wanting this emgrace to end.

As they held each other, Fox couldn't help himself but feel Krystal's breasts press up against his chest, and he knew what was going to happen. As Krystal held Fox, she could feel his endowment slowly becoming erect and pressing up against her thigh. They knew what was going to happen.....

They walked out of the shower without saying a word and dried themselves. Fox picked Krystal up and carried her to his bed and genlty laid her down on the right side of the bed, then he did the same.

"Fox, I love you. I've known this ever since we've met, but I never had the courage to say it to you directly."

"I've felt the same way. I was afraid you'd reject me, and I'd be left crushed."

"I would never dream of doing that Fox. I care for you too much." After talking for a few minutes, they just sat on the bed, Fox's arm stretched out across her shoulders. As they sat, Fox's wrist involuntarly twitched, and his hand brushed up against Krystal's right breast. Gently touching her nipple.

"Ohhhhh... Fox.." he became totally alarmed immediatly.

"Krystal! I'm SO sorry, I didn-" she cut him off.

"It's ok Fox, it felt very nice. Please, do it again." Fox was torn between making love to the woman of his dreams, and rejecting her because of his shyness. Fox decided to do as she asked and he gently massaged her breasts and lightly pinched her nipple.

After a while, Fox stopped and Krystal got underneath Fox and whispered in his ear: "Please Fox, I've wanted this ever since I met you. Please." He understood what she meant. Fox got above Krystal and waited until his penis became fully erect.

"Are you sure Krystal?" All she did was nod.

Fox ever-so gently put his penis to the lips of her vagina and slowly, but gently pressed. Krystal started moaning already. He kept going until he reached her hymen.

He stopped immediatly, and looked at her. She opened her eyes and softly said "Please Fox, it would mean the world too me." He didn't need any further instructions.

He slowly pressed against her virginity until it broke. Again, he stopped and looked at Krystal. She had a look of absolute pleasure on her face. Despite her hymne breaking, she felt no pain, just pure love for Fox. Seeing this, he kept moving into her vagina until he could go no farther. He pulled back out, hearing Krystal moan and pushed back in. He continued this until they were both panting and sweating. "Fox, please go faster." And he did. He started off slow, and gradually increased his speed. He loved every second of it. Making love to the vixen of his dreams, feeling her walls enclose around his penis.

Krystal loved how Fox's penis filled her up and made her body spasm continuesly. "Krystal, I'm getting close. Is it ok if I...?"

"Of course Fox. Please, I want this too. I know this is what we are supposed to do." Fox picked up his speed and leaned toward Krystal and started kissing her.

She stopped the kiss and let out a shrill cry and clenched hard on Fox's penis. Her juices completely covered Fox's crotch, and he knew he wasn't far behind her. He picked up speed once more and felt a rising pleasure until he knew it left his member. He could feel his cum flow through his penis and enter Krystal's vagina. At that brief point, he felt nothing but pleasure and love for the woman beneath him. As he finished his orgasm, he pulled himself out of her and lyed their next to her and they both fell into a deep sleep, each of them murmering soft word of their love.

Fox woke up and looked beside him. There was no Krystal.

He suddenly looked around and found a letter on his dresser next to him. He read aloud:

"Fox, thanks you so much for last night. It truly meant a lot to me, and I know you feel the same. I am truly glad we had this time together. I hope the love between us never breaks. I will always be your lover, and nothing will ever change that. I will always be there for you, through thick and thin.

We still have a few days until our break ends, so I'd like it if we spent more time together. Just you and me, no interferences, no fighting, no work.

This experience let me speak freely to you and not be embaressed to be with you. That makes it all worthwhile.

Now get your butt downstairs and meet me for some breakfast!

Your forever lover


Fox just smiled. He put on some clothes and left the room knowing this was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

My first story on Yiffstar! I'm not surprised if it isn't that great, but hey, I'm learning. Positive and negative feedback is always welcome!