Xenomorph x Human ~ Chapter 4

Story by Tarian on SoFurry

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#4 of Xenomorph X Human

The next scene in my Xenomorph x Human series.

*As promised... More soon, I am finding it easier to write now that things are actually happening. Incase you don't read to the end. Fav and watch to keep up with chapter updates. Please comment!! I love your comments... Maybe to much. Anyway, I hope you like this new chapter. No lemons again, and probably not much next chapter. She is sore and I won't write a penetration lemon until she is ready.

Taking the plate out of the small glass oven, his nose was struck with the scent of fresh, well-seasoned steak. Steak now in hand he turned to the table and saw that his friend had already taken a few healthy nibbles at her own steak; which she preferred raw. He smiled at her as he sat at the table, noticing a minute amount of blood on her chin; made barely visible on her black skin only by lights' slight reflection at the moisture.

He looked down at his steak and taking his fork and knife cut into it. It once again was not the perfect rare he was promised by the advertisers of this miracle oven: "30 Seconds and you're done. Any and all meats and vegetables, cooked just the way you like in 30 seconds or less with the push of a button. " The ad had said, and though it took less than 30 seconds, which was handy, "Just the way you like it" had been a bit of an over statement meat wise; it did vegetables pretty good though.

Taking a bite of his steak was seemingly the assurance his other-worldly friend needed to begin gratefully eating her meal. He did likewise, though with a little bit more ingrained etiquette.

"So good," She thought to herself as she ate the meat before her. She had not lived long, and for most of life she had eaten only what the white clothed men had given her; a strange mush of things, drenched in blood; it was revolting. She had even tasted a small amount of human flesh, the flesh her kind was always so hungry for. The taste of human flesh was not bad exactly, which felt terrible to admit. But the memory attached to her first taste of human flesh saddened her when she thought about it, as it was full of regret. This meat though, was so much better than human flesh that she was sure that she could eat this tender and flavorful meat for the rest of her life and not grow sick of it. So perfectly chewy and deliciously juicy, with the perfect amount of fat and surprisingly tasty blood.

Yet she wondered what her mate had done with his. This was the second time he had had meat with her and she wondered why his meat came out of that thing looking differently than it was when he had put it in; and furthermore, why he even did it in the first place. It was definitely hotter, and it smelled different though not badly, especially after he covered it with strangely strong smelling... stuff. So strange was her mate, and yet she knew he must think similarly of her.

"What is it you do to your meat?" She asked him, feeling like asking him about his strange eating might perhaps be a good way to start talking to him.

He looked questionably at her for a moment then looked to his meal, swallowing the portion of it that was in his mouth. "I cooked it." He said. Though he felt rather like a dunce when he realized he had for a moment expected her to know what that meant.

"Cooked?" She asked him curiously.

"Um, I used that that thing to heat it, which cooked it, or um, heated it until it was like this." He said.

"Why?" She asked.

He thought of why for a moment. "... Well humans, that is my species, started doing it a long time ago. I suppose because it tastes better cooked, and it was easier to eat." He said. "It is also safer for humans to eat because the heat can kill things on it that might make us sick." He finished with. He hoped that was adequately informative enough for her to understand.

"Oh," She said, she didn't understand why heating it might make it easier to eat or why someone might get sick by eating relatively fresh meat without heating it. She guessed that heating it helped them eat it with their pitifully dull teeth. The first reason he gave to heating it though caught her attention the most.

"It tastes better heated? I mean cooked." She asked him, very curious to the fact that this delicious meat could possibly taste any better.

"Yeah, well, for humans it does. Um, would you like to try it?" He asked her.

"I, um." She wasn't sure if she should impose on her mate's meal. She wasn't even sure if she would like it but maybe, if her mate liked it.

He used his eating tools and cut her a piece of his steak and sticking it on one of the tools he offered it to her. She took it carefully, feeling its warmth and juices on her fingers. He was watching her as she took a bite of it. It was, different; very tender, too tender. But it was interestingly flavorful and juicy.

She swallowed the piece cooked meat, noticing that he was looking at her awaiting her thoughts of it. "It is good." She said... "That stuff you put on it tastes good." But it doesn't have enough chew. He smiled and nodded his head. "Maybe next time you could put that, stuff, on mine?" She asked him, hoping to be polite.

"Sure." He said, "If I am to be chef then I suppose I should know what my quests like. I'll let you try the spices next meal and we will figure out your preference." He said kindly, smiling as he imagined her tasting his variety of herbs.

"Okay." She said shyly "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He said, returning to his meal as she did likewise.

They continued eating, she was nearly finished her meat. It was then he asked her one of the heavier questions that hadn't been asked yet.

"Where are you from?" He asked her casually, as if asking any other person where they hail from.

She wasn't quite sure what he meant by where she was from, did he mean to ask what part of this world she was from? She wasn't sure where she had been born and raised, even after she escaped with the others she still only knew roughly _where it was. But there was one word, or perhaps a name that came to her mind when she thought of that place; perhaps because she had heard it said so many times while in captivity._

"I am from, Lab." She told him, not sure whether that was even the name of the place.

"Lab?" He almost wondered at the strange name. "Wait, you're from a lab!?" He exclaimed, his excitement causing him to lose control of his voice.

She shied at the small outburst. " No, maybe." She thought about it for a moment, a little confused that lab was not its' name but what it was. "Yes." She said.

He had noticed her shy at his loud exclamation and he mentally berated himself for it. If she is from a lab..._He thought about the implications of that. If she was from a lab, then whoever was running the lab knew of her existence. _But was she made in a lab, or she just taken to a lab?

"How long do you remember being in the lab?" He asked her.

How long?_ She thought. Since she was born... but when had that been? She didn't know; she thought of her first memories. She didn't remember her birth, but she could remember, she wasn't sure how long after, being in a clear box; with men in white coats looking in at her. She remembered that she was constantly falling into the blackness of dreamless sleeps, before waking up in a different place. Sometimes if she was awake for long enough she would try to understand what the creatures imprisoning her were. Their faces were always covered though and only once did one ever get close enough without a mask; it was an old man, who tapped the glass and smiled at her, though his smile felt strangely malicious. That was just while she was young though, as she got older she begun trying to break the glass; and soon received an entire room to herself. It was rectangular and had large glass windows on 3 of the 4 walls. There were two strange places on the smaller walls which she later knew where closed entrances to the room._

The first day in the room she was free to move around in it, she remembered running around along the walls; stretching her cramped limbs. But she soon fell unconscious once more, and when she woke was close to one of the windows forced to look at it as her every limb was bound. It was excruciatingly uncomfortable.

_ Sometimes humans would come in and forcing her mouth open, would take large amounts of her saliva and would stick long tubes so far down her throat that she didn't know where it might come out. She could feel it in her stomach and perhaps farther and it would stay inside her for a while before they began pulling it out; Making her insides feel like they were coming out with it and she would throw up stomach juices._

_ Other times they came and taking sharp tools they would cut small patches of her skin off, never going deep enough to make her bleed; but the pain from them cutting her sensitive skin was almost unbearable. She would scream at them and beg them to stop as they cut her slowly and carefully, but they would not hear her words or care for her screams; leaving her trembling in pain as they left her_

_ Other days were terrible in their own ways as they invaded her lower areas with strange devices. Sometimes it felt as though they were forcefully mating her, but she could smell only their fear and not their arousal. What they did had made her screech and want to flail her limbs in pain but the binds restrained her, making her whole body only able to shake in pain. Even when they finished she would still be trembling and instead of screeching in pain she would only be able to whimper from the exhaustion._

One of the most terrifying things she remembered about being there was waking up with excruciating pain in certain parts of her body. The pain was from her bones being broken in her sleep; and for the next couple visits from the humans they would observe her wounds, always touching them cruelly, making her yelp in pain.

She knew for certainty that the pain, fear, and constant shaming would have been enough to draw her into madness; or cause her to become rage bent with hate as it had to some of her siblings. If it hadn't been for her mother keeping her constant company, keeping her strong. Her siblings, though they felt her presence would only ever communicated with her to tell her how weak she was. They would feel her pitiful suffering as she tried to cling to them for support and they would only hate her for being so weak.

"STOP IT!!" She heard, and then a crash then a thud. She was brought out of her mind immediately by the suddenness of it. She had not realized how hard she had been trying to figure out a sense of time from her time in the lab; and had ended up deep in her own mind not noticing the outside world for who knows how long. As she came out she saw to her horror her mate had fallen from his chair. She got up fast, and rushed to him. He was shaking horrifically on the floor, his heart was beating erratically and every muscle in his body seemed to be spasming. His nose was bleeding as well and she could smell the blood, making her scree in terror; he mate seemed to have no control over his body.

_ Getting on her knees she reached out to touch him and try to keep him still, she ended up with a crude whack in the face as she touched his arm and it flung out. Not undiscouraged she went to him again, this time not relenting when his arms flung out. She flung herself over top of him, holding his arms down. His spasming started to get worse, his head started to move side to side, and his eyes which had been closed, opened. She saw then his eyed had rolled back leaving only the whites of them, she didn't understand and yet it scared her and she feared for her mate; even more so when she saw something strange in the whites of his eye._

"My mate please, stop it. Calm yourself please." She said, not knowing what else to say, she was so scared for her mate. He had never done this before, and it didn't feel like it could be something normal for humans; the sound of his heart the most made her scared that he might die. Sitting on him she to start crooning softly in sadness. "Don't die, please don't die." She told him. "I can't go back to living without you."

"She doesn't deserve that, no one deserves that, she doesn't deserve that, no one deserves that, she doesn't deserve that..." He started chanting quietly, his spasming started to stop. His eyes closed then opened, revealing they were no longer rolled back; but they quickly closed again, his entire body suddenly went limp. She heard his heart stop.

*Fav, watch, vote and review please. I hope you liked this chapter, Evil laugh...

P.S. Don't worry, I think I know what i'm doing.