Born to lose, Chapter two
This Chapter is a small leap forwards in Dilan's life before I continue where I left off in chapter one. There'll be a third chapter that ties the two together, rest assured.
Author's Notes: Hello everyfur! this has been a long time coming, I know, but I finally found the mojo to make another set of stories =3 Again, as in the first chapter, it' p. o. v. from Dilan; a young German-shepaerd. In this chapter many he's all grown up (mostly) and a teenager struggling with a really BIG problem. Dilan has bed-wetting troubles. Fortunately he has remained best friends with Tomas through thick and thin. Now their relationship will be tested in ways he never have thought possible.
~Willace <> ________________________________________________________________________ ~Born to Lose~
Chapter two ________________________________________________________________________ Intro: Impulses are ever present, even in the calmest of minds. I, of course, am of no exception to this. The only control we have is to decide either to act upon them or not. Let it be know that will it is impulsive, Love is always one of those eradicate emotions of which we should indulge. ________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Two: Getting Old with This ________________________________________________________________________
It never fails... I start thinking that I've finally accomplished something and the weights of my efforts come crashing down upon my back yet again. Struggle as I may, life is fraught with disappointment none the less. It comes in many forms; from my peers, from my teachers, from my parents. But at sometimes more so than anyone else, it comes from myself. * * *
"Goodnight, Tommy." my words echo through my mind like the pounding rain outside, crashing down on the window pane that is my fragile mind.
"Why again; why now?" I thought, grimacing at the smell. The acidic scent of urine burned my nose and I tried desperately to strip my make-shift bed. Bundling the soaking sheets into a ball I turned to the door. That was all the further I got. Well, admittedly I did gain a few inches of ground when I fell to the floor sobbing uncontrollably. I was just so sick of it, a canine my age shouldn't have this problem.
God how it hurt, having to suffer through this each week. The worst part, I never knew what night my 'accidents' might occur. Only figures that it would happen the one night I actually got to spend alone with Tomas. Even if he and I were friends since our summer daycare years, I was sure there'd be no way I could share this with him. Looking back over the years, he had always been the leader. Always the first to break through any boundary that tried to stand in our way. Hell, he and I even had sex when we were still very young. Before we really knew what sex was. Before before we could understand the consequences that it brought. I huffed a laugh at the notion. Currently we hadn't seen each other naked since the middle of grade-school. Not like the opportunity had been readily available though. We just weren't really living in that type of town where openness was okay. Besides, the parents always suspect on some level and never seem to let fate take its allotted path...
Sitting hunched down in the dark of Tommy's living-room I dug my caws into the blanket I was holding. A troublesome thought drilled through my head. I was only sleeping on Tommy's couch. Sure I had the blanket spun around me like a spool of thread but my 'mess' had to have soaked through. This was going to be a problem that would resurface come morning light. I just prayed like hell it wasn't that big of a stain.
Tearing open my overnight bag I sat out fresh gym-shorts and a clean pair of boxer-briefs on the coffee table next to me. Once that was done I stripped naked, stuffing both my soaking pj-pants and the stained sheet into my backpack then slid the zipper shut. My sniffling had finally died down, but that was the least of my worries. Reluctantly I turned a tired head to the all-white couch where tragedy struck. What terrible idea, I mused sadly. White rug, white furniture, white wall, black appliances. Why couldn't it have been the other way around? Tommy's mom really needed help with her interior design skills, I sulked silently. Bet that would have been funny in any other situation. Such a cut and dry gay stereotype that I just happened to fill.
Drawing my attention back to this half of the room, I cringed. Even my god-damn fur reeked of it. Though I suppose that was no surprise. Somehow I worried that Tomas would walk down on me, putting on these stupid spare clothes. Would he smell it, even after I had changed? Maybe I could sneak RRREEEEAAAALLLL quietly upstairs and slip into the water-closet. Oh wait, what about the couch? Social ostracism would be an inescapable fate if I didn't tend to that first.
Slowly I finished redressing, pulling the gray cord tightly around the mesh shorts. Stupid things didn't even fit right. Walking with one paw on my against hips to the kitchen, I began to feel my stomach gurgle. Uncomfortable as it was, I did my best to ignore it while searching under the sink for a cleaner with a discreet scent. ~GROOOOWWWLLLL~ Ugh, it felt like I was going to die! Clutching my gut with both paws I dropped my weight to the ledge on the left. On the very verge of fainting my head was drenched in a cold sweat, my stomach persistent with its violent stirring.
"No, god-dammit, I have to get up..." I moaned hoarsely into my arm. Luckily I had used it to hold on to the sink's edge. That and bury my face into my elbow to help stop the world from spinning. Making it to just my paws and knees, I heaved dryly, doubting if there was any way thing could get worse. At least I didn't actually puke. But god, did my mouth felt dry.
Was I sick? No. My stomach was just in knots from the stress, something which I never handled well. Shaking off the queasiness I reach over, snagged some bleach and said to hell with how it smelled. Nothing would be worse than piss, right? Afterall I could always just say that I spilled like a soda or something and use the bleach to clean that. Naturally I wouldn't be allowed to ever eat on the couch again but it beat the alternative option of never being invited over again. Stigma like that would crush what little remains of an ego I might have had left after tonight.
Back in the den, avoiding using too many lights seemed like a the smart thing to do. Old houses like Tommy's had really shotty wiring. light-switches were always turning on other things if someone flip one in the wrong order. Using instead light from the illuminated fish-tank I doused the entire sofa in my friendly labeled spray-bottle's contents. While I flipped the cushions around a noise came from upstairs. I froze and my stomach lurched about. Tommy had woken up and was walking somewhere. I prayed it was only the bathroom. Almost to the point of sickness again I buried the bottle under the loveseat close to me then collapsed onto the couch as if asleep. Great, just great, I thought sourly. As I listened for my friends steps, my crotch felt moist. Yet I knew that it was from the first event, NOT a repeat of it.
"Fuck," I whispered after hearing the half-asleep wolf's steps descended the stairs across the room. They rounded at the last few steps, leading into the far right corner of the room. With how the staircase had been designed it offered me practically no shielding.My only choice was to play 'fast sleep' the best I could, as quickly as I could.
"Dilan, you awake yet?" the last stair creaked as Tomas let his weight disperse on it. Not daring to respond, I hoped he'd just return to bed. "Come on, Dilan, I need to talk to you 'bout something." Concern was in his voice, but it had a softness in it I would never resist. "What's on your mind?" I asked, propping myself up by my elbows. Lights blinked on overhead and scolded my eyes for adjusting to the dark.
Pathetic tears hid just beyond a moment in time, I waited for his answer. Subtle glances, his lack of a smile worried me. He knew, he had to know somehow. Time crawled to a stop, the clock on the far wall ticked seconds by as hours and a lump formed in my throat. "I... Dreamed about you... just now," He confessed at last, putting my concerns to rest for the moment. I got up, walked across the shag carpet over to him, and lead him into the kitchen by the paw. Tommy's fingers almost didn't want to let go.
Something in the way I locked my eyes to the floor alerted him. "Did I cross a line telling you that? I just needed to see how it landed with you, needed to know if it bothered you to realize," Cutting him short I gave a friendly punch to the shoulder. "What, was I your bitch or something?" I joked. We both needed cheering up right about now.
As funny as we both found it, I knew Tomas probably did dream it that way. A couple times the week before I caught him scoping out my rump, eying it like a cupcake. Still I didn't mind the idea of being ogled by him; it was a little flattering actually. Maybe we sat down because he was blushing, maybe because I felt like I was flushed too. "So, Tommy..." getting lost in thought for I second I paused to assemble my thoughts. "It's not that I don't like you, it's just... I dunno if that would feel good. Hear me out, yes I think you're umm, smart and 'sexy' and...." I paused for a moment after putting a humorous emphasis on the word 'sexy.'
"Basically all in all you're a great guy, but it's been nearly a year since we even kissed." 'Deep breath,' that took a lot of my energy to get out. Exhaling I began again. "Besides, I'm dealing with a lot; right now's not the best time to star..." Wood creaked from a chair moving and I laid with my back on the floor. His breath was hot and still smelled like mint toothpaste. "Don't let me kiss you Dilan, I might not stop there."
Avoiding his eyes I made the only move I had left that would stop this, even if I wanted it. "Tommy, I havta' piss right now!" Sure enough he stopped; I only wish he hadn't. And it was the truth, my bladder felt like it might explode with his knee digging into my stomach. Gleaming, a gentle smirk filled his face. I almost forgot about my problem for a split-second. Extending a paw he helped lift me off the floor and then just smiled at me. 'Stop giving me that ridiculous grin,' I thought darting my eyes to the floor. Still I felt bad about just leaving him out on the ledge like that. Here he was confessing his love for me and I blurt out about my bathroom needs.
"Be right back, two seconds," I promised slowly backing away while looking his direction. "Hahaha, not going to get there in time if you don't hurry." Was he only teasing? I had to assume so. Honestly I'd really rather not think about it if he wasn't. Excusing myself I dashed upstairs for the tiny restroom; nearly tripping on a floor-rug. "dammit," I exclaimed under my breath so as not to wake his parents. Cursing myself was mostly because that stumble was the result of my own stupidity and forgetfulness. I knew that thing was there. I had to have done that at least a hundred times earlier that night.
Regaining my composure I shut the door carefully. As it latched I pondered if Tommy heard me fall coming in. No sooner wondering how strong his hearing was did I dismiss the thought. If I wasn't careful my head would 'rabbit-hole' off into some stupid philosophical debate and leave me standing there wasting time.
Setting to work, I yanked my ugly green gym shorts down below my sack and lean forward over the toliet, my arm supporting my weight against the wall. A few dribbles lead to a solid stream then I shook myself dry. Don't ask me how I could always piss a river and still have more. Guess I'm just gifted like that. After an idle washing of my paws for the show of it and I glanced at the clock. It was close enough to a tiny plug-in night-light that I could see it. Fuck, it's only three? This was going to a long night, dodging the whole love thing and making sure the watery topic was avoided.
So I tiptoed back through the upstairs and glanced down the stairwell. 'Deep breaths,' I told myself descending then pivoted around the corner. "Miss me?" I said trying to throw his attention off any lingering smells. Oh my, how he missed me. A purely lustful smirk consumed his face like a blazing wild-fire. The look he wore threw my confidence for a spin, unsure of what might arise next. "Come here, Dilan. I want you to look at a little something with me." Shitty choice of words, I laughed. Or would have if it didn't scare my tail into drooping. He was sitting right next to that spot, motioning seductively for me to sit upon it. But what else could I do? Begrudgingly I slowly sulked my way over to him and collapsed my rump onto the very place that could destroy me. Humility streamed through me and left me utterly defeated.
"We both know that everyone has to know by now, or at very least they should have caught on. I mean how often can a guy get a hard-on during gym-class and simply wave it off as nothing?" I loved Tomas for this very reason right here. I could be totally depresses but he could resurrect a happy heart in an instant. Effortlessly it took nothing more than mere words and that sly, special little grin he seemed to reserve just for me. "I was just hoping..." He paused. And not a normal 'my mind's a bit spacey' pause I had grown accustom to."REALLY hoping you and I could..."
'Oh my god, is he afraid to say what he wants for once?' I asked myself. It was either sex or a publicly known relation ship. That much was painted on his sandy face. Now I had to play the guessing game to determine which of the two it was. Tomas was still frozen in uber-concentration mode. The inner workings of his brain trying so desperately to de-tangle the mess of words that were ensnared there. For a change I chose to do it for him. "Buddy, yes. Just yes. Whatever has your big mouth finally sealed for the first time since birth, consider it done."
Appreciation was easy to read in those strong eyes and Tomas let out something of a growl. It felt too pleasurable to deny or question. Instead I let it drift into my ears and wrap around my senses. "Thank you Dilan. Come up to my room, okay? I want us to spend the night together. Just like we both planned to since yesterday." Mindlessly my thoughts swayed back to him inviting me over; him welcoming me in with just the most predictable smile smeared ear to ear. Had he been planning this? Secretly scheming for advancement beyond reason? Maybe, but all the same I obliged, allowing his paw to engulfed mine like the days of our earlier youth.
His room; a sacred line in the sand. I crossed over and never looked back upon, not even when I heard the door shut behind us. Nothing says 'I trust you' more than letting your best friend walk in on dirty underwear laying at the end of your bed. Still I wasn't taken back by it. He did say he drempt about me. Perhaps it was a really satisfying dream afterall.
"Still wanna' be a fireman?" I asked looking at the assortment of safety and rescue gear my closest friend had amassed on his walls. "Maybe, that or I just want-tah be your hero..." Even if it was slurred out, (with several syllables running together it) my face scrunched up with tearful empathy. To say I forced a hug next would only be half true. You can't really force the willing. "Lets...... Sit?" Temperament in his voice; soft and sweet. That wasn't really a suggestion but a plea.
"Yeah, okay." I responded sounding like a jerk. Our fingers left one another and our bodies touched side by side on painfully cliche' flannel sheets. What happened next? Let's say it could only be described as someone turning off the lights and then turning them back on a thousand times stronger. A tongue glided boldly across mine and our gums brushed at a intimacy that rivaled molecules. When the kiss ended I sat in a star-struck haze, insanely craving more.
"Hey, you've got a boner." I heard someone tell me back on earth while my head floated ten miles higher in the clouds. "I... ummm, sure..." Not the strongest reply but given the current lack of cognitive thought it was flawless logic at the time. "Hey, I kinda' got one too. That was pretty nice huh?" Reality sunk in like the Titanic taking in water. "What the hell was that!" I nearly shouted, my defense jutting up like castle gates.
"Awe, come off it. You got the bigger dick anyway. Real big secret there mister bulge. Now... hush up. I kissed you and, well, you really sorta' let me do it. Now that can be that and we can call it only a kiss or..." God damn that charming wolf! When he left things open ended like that I always got screwed. Who'd know it'd be literally this time around?
"Well, I am horny." Unable to believe I just said that, to anyone, I grinned sheepishly while adjusting a growing member through my jeans. "Boyfriends then?" Tomas just did it. That little voice in everyone's head that warns them what not to say went on vacation form there on out. "Touch it," I whispered in the same voice Tomas gave me earlier. Solemnly he stood up, turned off the lights and the soft patter of paws grew closer again. "I think I'll do more than just touch it..."
When the world went dark around I heard clumsy paw-steps growing close. Tommy must have had his paws outstretched as he approached because I felt his touch two seconds sooner than I expected. His gentle fingers glided across my shoulders, making me murr. Yes, I said murr. I might not have the same ferocity as wolves but I maintain the strong canine features that we all are said to share. My new "boyfriend's" paws soon landed upon another canine feature that I personally am glad that genetics has given us; my knot. It was an obvious jump, from my torso to my crotch, one that spoke of inexperience. I didn't come to realize that until much later though. You see, my mind was clouded at that moment by a immense pressure about my loins.This proved to be so distracting to my bumbling brain.
"You certainly are horny..." he whispered and gave a tug at my stiffness through my mesh shorts. The barrier between his paw and my parts was unbelievably thin. It was at that moment I found myself thanking the inventor of gym-shorts for making them so damnably reveling.
Yanking away at my member, Tommy's breath began to pick up. Perhaps it was for a lack of knowledge pertaining to where I had found myself but I was unsure of what to think. Sure it was damn hot to have him hunched over me, stroking my pre soaked shorts. But what of his sexual needs? Was there an predicate here? Was it touch for touch or would he, as always, initiate the next escalation of things? For that matter, how long did he expected me to last under such circumstances? His paws seemed unrealistically prepared. Informing him of my 'closeness' I rested my paw on his now sticky fingers.
Tomas slowed, probably knowing why I had done so. Afterall I was making a copious amount of fluids at the time. "Dilan?" he asked, feeling my weight shift away from him a few inches. I gave a smile despite the darkness and giggled. That told him all he needed to know and then pecked a kiss to my cheek. In return I nipped his ear playfully and asked him if I might 'play' with his length. Obvious consent was spoken and Tommy helped guided my grip into his pjs and over to his girth. Without much hesitation I gingerly caressed its entirety from base to tip. Modesty took hold and I let go briefly. But only before happily rubbing him down again. His appreciation was a plain as pine-trees in a corn-field.
For so long I had masturbated using a cupped paw rather than a full grip. This was a 'tradition' I attempted to pass along to my recently declared boyfriend. It gave me a chance to feel the difference in our sizes and easily adjust to the new task that was before me. "Hey, goofball. Why's your thumb rubbing the bottom of my dick and not around the top?" he asked through his continued pants. Telling him that's how I preferred to pleasure myself only made him laugh. "Weird. Never thought about doing that. Gotta' say it sure puts a whole new spin on jerking-off." Tommy replied but didn't tell me to change tactics. Figuring that me pulling on his meat for any reason was a blessing, Tomas let it slide. Within time his knot began to form. I noticed it really develop after we had fallen silent and Tommy's breathing switched to an irregular huffing through his cracked muzzle. "Feel good?" I inquired with cub-like enthusiasm. Humping upwards into my coned fingers I heard him mutter affirmation. It was so indescribably seductive to have my best friend thrust his flopping tool at me that I breached the edge of climax then and there.
Swiftly I dragged my grasp faster and faster. It made me feel crampt inside my shorts and Tommy was growing dangerously close. Each trip up and down his throbbing dick let me privy to this. The noisy wolf's veins were tantalizingly defined, the pads on my finger tips teasing them delightedly. "Ooooohhh, fuck Dilan...." He moaned through clenched teeth. This was it; my very first paw-job! I loved the very idea that any second this sandy-furred lover would be spurting his load because of me. My fingers pulled up the pulsing vein amidst his shaft and then trailed back down again until I hit his knot. Engorged with excitement I brought my thumb around and pressed firmly about either side before forming a mock 'tie' around the base. The tighter I clamped, the louder Tommy begged for more. Even how he humped vigorously was fuel for the fiery lust raging inside me.
Sweetest sensations took full hold of my gyrating lover and he erupted! Now I have had 'good days' when it came to cumming but his seemed to be on a whole other level. Just rope after rope of his semen shot high into the air then spattered against my far arm and even past. After what seemed like an endless supply of wolf-juice had been spilt out Tommy's breathing had fallen back to a normal pace. No doubt he had enjoyed thoroughly.
"Dilan... dude... fuckin' great!" he whispered, too caught up in the moment to form sentences. It really was amazing; for both of us. My only problem was that I did not reach the same ending as he did. That and I was far to shy to ask him to assist. "Bet you didn't expect your night to bending like this." He remarked with a chuckle. Me, in my best friend's bed with a massive hard-on? No, I really didn't see that one coming when I arrived this morning. Still, why fight the good things in life? So taking it as just the first of many orgasms that I'd give him, I decided to call it a night. To my luck, Tommy had other intentions.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa; Dilan... Just whaddya' think you're doing? Passing out in such a sorry state like that? I think it's only fair if I go tit for tat; right?" Oh sweet heavens, I thought feeling his arms at my side once again. Tomas was really going to get me off too. Apparently he was an even bigger sweetie than I had expected. "Sit up, let me have a sniff at it." Instructed my companion and so I did just that. My spine went as straight as a board and my 'stiffy' bobbed along. "Suck or just fuck?" he asked me and I nearly suffered a massive heart attack; no lie. "WHAT?!?" I spat out in utter panic. Now don't get me wrong, I had wood that not even a chainsaw could crack but that was a little abrupt of a thing to hear.
After surely giving me that sly smile in the dark, Tomas repeated. "Suck... or just fuck?" inquired the yellow wolf starring me down with perverse intentions. An 'oh shit' moment if I ever had one occurred. Before we came up here I had willing assumed that he would be the one to do the actual 'fucking;' so to say. Therefore I was at a total loss of understanding with what he was asking me. Did Tommy mean that I could have my way with his tail-hole? Or had he meant that he was ready, able, and willing to slip it into mine?
"Not sure if I'm much of a... of a 'top,' buddy." I began to explain and again he chuckled devilishly. "Maybe just a lick instead?" Obviously I felt like a complete idiot at this point. Young love is such a fickle thing and it certainly had a way of ruining itself. Even still, Tomas seemed just as pleased to have me in his bed despite constant spots of less-than-romantic banter. In seconds after the word 'lick' had left my muzzle I felt his between my hips. Hot breath careened down my doghood, making me shiver.
At long last I felt him dive nose first at my unit, giving it just the most wonderful nuzzling ever. Pushing face first he smeared his mouth with my dick and pre undoubtedly moistening the fur above his lips. After he had gotten a good drizzle of fluids across his sandy face my friend went to work, lapping at my length. Shuddering, every nerve ending down there buzzed with enthrallment. How perfectly wonderful of a sound his tongue made while slurping my already drenched rod. Carefully I guided a paw through the darkness and rested it in his head-fur; caressing it as gingerly as he kissed me below.
Heat began flowing through me and my blood boiled over. I was going to cum. Plain and simple. To say I had wanted him to taste my seed was like saying the ocean is wet. Tommy let me tighten my grip in his fur and took it as a sign to slow down. Or so I though. His slobbery mouth withdrew and I heard his lips smack. "You're a drippy pup, ain't ya'?" he asked and I nodded. Whether or not he could see me bobbing my head like a moron wasn't important. He knew I was enjoying this and he clearly had no intentions of stopping. This he was amendment about voicing.
"You know Dilan, when I asked you suck or just fuck it wasn't what you thought. I was asking if you wanted me to suck BEFORE we fucked or just skip straight to the good stuff. But since my boyfriend tells me he isn't such a great top I chose to help him by offering a little... 'inspiration' shall we say. Now then, get on your knees!" Unable to tell if I was excited or terrified, I instantly repositioned myself on all four. With my boner slowly dispersing I felt Tommy's paw rest on my rump. A little voice in my head began to tell me all sorts of terrible things but then a subtle reality hit me. This was Tomas; my best friend since ever. There'd be no way he'd hurt me. Fate proved this to be true.
"Not what I mean," Tommy giggled and tugged at my flank. "I want you to have the first go at us having sex. Dilan, dude, seriously. Like..... you're the only guy who would ever let me boink him. 'Cause of that, I want you to have the privilege o' tail tappin' first. And don't give me none of this 'sexual role' bs." He gave my butt a light smack and I felt his weight recline. Readjusting myself I knelled infront of him and reached out. Fingers brushed against a leg on either side of me and immediately I know where this was going again. Tommy, my best buddy since our cub years, wanted me to plow him while looking him right in the face. While missionary style really didn't strike me as his style it would work and then some.
Like magnets we pulled together until body met body. Slowly our frames wrapped together into one until I rested at his puckered opening. "I... I'm not going to last long..." I said thinking about emptying my spunk into his inners. "Good, considering that we're not using lube. Now come on buddy, fuck my brains out!" Hearing Tomas practically begging me to nail him made my 'little solider' jump back into action. The tip pressed against a tight wolf hole and my tail flailed in the air.
Pressing about an inch into him I heard Tommy suck air through his teeth. No real wonder why, though. Penetrating him was like pushing a finger into an under-sized glove. So I did my best to be courteous while forcing myself deeper in. Moaning escaped my lips and I could feel his heartbeat on my chest. It pounded so furiously in time with mine and I could smell his sweat scent thickening in the air. Three inches, four, five, I didn't think I could honestly push any more in! Tomas was tight as a vice, his muscles gripping down on my meat, working it from every side. Even after I squeeze all seven inches in the sensation was the same wonderful thing as the very first second my tip poked inside. "Are you holding together down there" I asked into his neck. Tomas petted me on the back and made another grunting-like noise. I could tell he wasn't really enjoying his time as a bottom but wasn't about to tell me to stop.
"Alright, I'm gonna' fuck you for real now... Nice and sloooooowww... No funny knot business either." I promised him pulling my butt backwards. When my shaft began to slide out of his now accompanying hole I felt the massive amount of pre I had spilled out. It might have offered a little lubrication but that wasn't what I was thinking about. I wanted to know, wanted to feel, how amazing it would be to grind my dick back down his wet hole.
Mere breaths later I had began a steady pumping motion, my tip still spilling out a fine amount. Tommy had grown okay with my plundering his booty (butt-pirate joke aside) and actually began to breath steadily. I knew he'd probably never like how I crammed my prick into such a sensitive and constricting hole of his, but still he was game for it. Every once in a little while my thrust would get a bit too much for the wolf to bear and he'd cringe. I could feel fingers grow tense in my fur and I always paused and checked to see how he was. "I'm... okay..." He would huff and then we peck a kiss before I continued my dirty work; feeling myself getting close. I squeezed my eyes shut. I had to focus with every bit of will power NOT to my know inside him. But how I desperately wanted to. It had certainly inflated so plumply, just begging to be mashed deep inside Tommy's taught tailhole. He must have felt the drastic change in my humping. Because no sooner did I start to jack-hammer into him Tomas moan again and again. "Such a cute noise," I said to myself. "I'll show you a cute noise!" Tommy retorted through huffs and gasps. His words fell upon deaf ears as I could feel the inevitable orgasm become an unstoppable event. With it came the unmistakable dread of not knowing where to let my load land. Would he be mad with me if I just let 'it happen' with my pulsing rod prodding his hole? I didn't have time to ask, it was to late. The flood-gates opened. I began to cum.
"Oh...Oooooh... Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.... Tah... Tommy...Tommy, Tommy TOMMY!" I was soon shouting his name at the top of my little lungs. He did his best to cover my muzzle after the second 'oh fuck,' yet I was still rather loud. Evey inch of my body had been covered in the warm fuzziness of mind-shattering pleasure. Not only until I finally stopped spewing out semen did the reality of my verbal slip came to light. "Fuck," I whispered once more. He licked my cheek, laughed, and then guided me the rest of the way out of him.
Laying on top of him, I dared not to move. Both he and I had realized the full gravity of the night and what we had just did. More so what I had just done. Fearing that I just 'outed' Tomas by screaming during sex was really, really bad. I think the only thing worse that might have happened was if his parents actually came to check on the ruckus I just produced. So, naked and bathed in each others scents, we laid their quietly waiting. Praying with all our hearts that no more paw-steps might have been heard that night.