A New Companion, Ch4

Story by jimkoyot on SoFurry

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#4 of New Companion

OK! a little story progression, a little back story. here's the next chapter!

After their meal, Claire and Dylia headed out for their walk. Jim seemed worried though so they said they'd be back in about an hour but he smiled once Claire whispered something in his ear. Dylia couldn't hear what she said

but apparently it worked. Jim glanced at his clock on the wall before heading into the other room and getting back to work.

Dylia and Claire talked about random things for a while as they walked up the street but nothing was relevant enough to have gone on a walk. Dylia's curiosity was getting the better of her though and making her impatient, "so... what was it you wanted to talk to me about anyways?"

"Hmm? Oh ... I, umm..." she sighed as she composed herself, "in a word? Jim."

"Really? What about him? Is something wrong?" Dylia was a little worried about her expression.

"Oh! No no. Don't worry, nothing is wrong with Jim, not that I know of at least," Claire found what she was looking for on their walk, a pokemon park that, thankfully, was empty today. She guided Dylia in to sit on a bench.

Dylia knew this park well. The professor had brought her here a few times to play with others, "so if it's nothing bad, then why did we need to get away from the house? That couch of his is much more comfortable than this old bench..."

Claire picked a few stray leaves off the bench before sitting down, mindful of her fluffy tail. "That may be, but it is rather hard to talk in private about someone who is in the other room and has the hearing of a wild Mightyena."

"Yeah..." Dylia blushed as she remembered when Jim caught her on his computer that night, "so..."

"So what do you think of him? I know you've only been with him a few days but I'm curious."

"What? I... I don't know yet. I can't help but feel happy around him though. It doesn't matter what I'm doing... and I can't explain it."

"Yeah, it was the same way when I first found him. He was cut, bruised, and had a couple broken ribs but once he came to..." she trailed off as she remembered that day. "Well, the reason I ask is because Jim means a lot to me. Always has and always will and I can assure you, you are in good hands in his care. Just... don't break his trust in you." Claire looked down at her hands in her lap and was playing with a ring Dylia hadn't noticed before.

"Break his trust? Does this have anything to do with the five years ago he had mentioned?"

Claire sighed and looked to Dylia with tears forming in her eyes but a smile on her face, "yea... we were together for almost a year before I royally screwed up. You see, we were close. Very close, actually, but I was also carefree and reckless. Long story short: I went out with a different man, a human that he didn't like, and he got hurt very deeply. I never realized just how much he really cared about me until later that night when I showed up at his house. The guy I went with had only wanted to claim me for sex like all the other guys that we had known since I always turned them down, sex hungry pigs they were. When I got to Jim's he let me in, made me a meal but slept on the couch that night instead of in his bed with me."

Dylia spoke up in the break, "that's all that happened?"

"No, there is more to it but I was just giving the general descriptions. When we woke up the next day I asked him about it and what he said still hurts to this day but I know I deserved it. He said 'do I mean so little to you? Was this love I felt for you merely in vain for you to run off with another man?' " she shivered and let a tear run down her cheek, evaporating in seconds from her hot fur. "It took me almost two more years for me to get Jim to trust me again but I know I could never be with him again the way we were. I lost that chance but I was hoping for a chance for something else. Something only he could give me."

Dylia noticed a group of kids walk into the park but they took a different path than the one they were on, heading to the other side of the hill in the middle.

Claire spoke up before Dylia could comment though, "for the past years all I've wanted was to have someone in my life. And the past few months, I realized it wasn't a lover that I wanted, but a child, and I was hoping Jim would grant me that one last wish..."

Dylia was shocked to say the least, "you want... a... child? With Jim? Really? Wow..."

"Are you really so surprised?" Claire looked like she was trying to raise one eyebrow like Jim always did but was failing miserably.

"Well, I... I'm not sure. I honestly had no idea what it was you wanted to talk about. And now I'm even more curious as to why you wanted to talk to me about it instead of just asking Jim himself?"

Claire just sighed, "I know, you haven't had much time to get to know him but I just wanted to have a girl to girl chat about what we've been through so far, me and Jim. But what do you think, should I bring up having a child with him now or wait?"

She watched as Dylia mulled it over for a bit before smiling and looking back up to Claire, "I have the perfect idea, ask him about it after you two celebrate the anniversary of your meeting! I guess you saved his life that day and he just might feel he owes you for it! Either that or the idea will backfire totally and I'll get in trouble over it... but I think that is a risk I'm willing to take." Dylia heard a squeal and looked up to see a small group of pokemon on top of the hill. She knew the three who were sitting talking at the peak well but the two headed down the slope to them she didn't, a vulpix and riolu, one of which she was guessing made the squeal. They seemed excited as they got close enough to be seen though.

"Hello there, how can I help you two?" Claire was leaning forward to look at them at her feet but mainly focused on the small vulpix that practically sat on her feet.

The Riolu looked up to Dylia, curious about Claire but more interested in talking to the Espeon, "soo, what is she?"

Dylia guessed it was female based on the squeaky voice, "hmm? She's a flareon! Can't you tell?"

"Well, I guessed that but... I've never seen one like her!"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. So far I've only met one other like her and he's my owner."

"You mean, there are others? Why haven't I seen any?"

Claire and the vulpix were talking still but at some point he ended up in her lap and she was scratching behind his ears, "I'm pretty sure there are others, but I don't know where they are."

"Oh, that's a shame. Can they fight?"

"I don't think Claire here can. But I know my owner can! He's pretty strong too."

"Uh oh. That might not be good then. They were talking amidst themselves about something and kept glancing down towards you guys," she nodded her head in the direction of the three on top of the hill, who had started their way down already.

Dylia's heart sank. The Gengar, Manectric, and Machoke were headed straight towards them. They were always causing trouble. She knew she wouldn't be able to survive against all three either and made a last ditch effort to contact Jim, hoping he could make it to the park soon to help, or if all else get to a hospital. There was no way of knowing if she was successful since she wasn't used to her new powers just yet but hope was still in her heart.

Claire wasn't paying any attention to the pokemon approaching until the gengar floated a few feet away from her, "heya toots! What do you say we ditch these losers and get 'acquainted'!"

She had heard cheesier pickup lines than that but this one just pissed her off, "excuse me? And just who do you think you are?"

The manectric spoke up next, "what, you've never heard of us? We're famous around these parts!"

"Famous? HAH! Try infamous fro boy," this one came from Dylia.

"Hey you stay out of this midget! We aren't here for-"

"I am not a midget! But I am well aware of what you are here for, Manectric. And I guarantee you aren't going to get it."

The machoke eyed Dylia for a second, "and what is that supposed to mean? Do you think you can stop us?"

Claire didn't like the way this was going and, judging on Dylia's expression, she really didn't like it either, "what the hell is going on here! What do you guys want!?"

"In a word toots? You." All three sets of eyes turned towards her with wicked grins on their faces.

"And we always get what we want!" manectric yelled as he lurched for Claire who was standing and edging away from them. The second before he hit her a blast hit him from the side throwing him a good distance away and hurting, "oooh ow...what the hell was that?"

The gem on Dylia's forehead was glowing and her eyes burned with emerald fury as she stood on the bench, "like I said, you aren't getting what you want today."

Gengar threw a shadowball at her, cursing all the while, and machoke lurched after her with a karate chop. Both missed as she charged another psybeam for the Machoke, aiming for right between his eyes. He was still recovering from his missed chop when he saw the beam head for him and being only half Dylia's level sent him flying backwards out cold. One down, two to go... the gengar had faded from view and she was trying to find him but failed to notice the manectric sneak up behind her and land a bite attack on her lower back, throwing her to the side in the process, "Gyaahh!!" She noticed him charging for a spark attack and hit him with a confusion hoping it would keep him away from her for a bit.

Thankfully it worked and she slowly got up, feeling blood running down her legs from where she was bitten. The manectric was stumbling away from her now but where was that gengar!

Gengar was a little way behind her before he faded back into view to charge a dark pulse. He got a little over confident and started to chuckle though, alerting her to where he was right as he was throwing it towards her.

Dylia tried to use a quick attack to get out of the way but was still hit with a glancing blow and sent off to the side and having a hard time moving. Gengar moved in closer with a wicked sneer on his face, "you have caused me no end of grief today shrimp. Now you will pay!" With that he charged another shadow ball and leveled it off at her, over charging it to make sure it did the job. The look of pure horror on her face made him laugh like a maniac as he fired the ball from 20 feet away, wanting to avoid the blast himself. "Now, where did my new toy go? I need to relieve some of this stress!"

Once he turned around a branch swung through his body, startling him but not doing anything. "How dare you! She was my friend!" a few more swings of the branch and gengar was getting tired of this but before he could do something about the annoying branch, Claire launched a small ball of fire at him, catching the branch on fire as well as hitting him square in the face.

"Why you little-!" before he could finish a dark growl came from behind him, much deeper than the Espeon or either of his lackeys could have made. Him and Claire turned to still see the dust cloud but a small breeze was picking it up, only to reveal the back of a rather large Mightyena hunched over the espeon. There was a slightly smoking scorch mark on its back which apparently is where the ball hit instead of the intended target. He also noticed the beast was wearing jeans?

The dark growl changed to a very pissed off voice, "if you value your life you will leave now."

"And just who the hell are you?"

"Your worst nightmare if you don't leave..." Jim turned to look the Gengar in the eye, showing the yellow rings on his arm and forehead which were glowing with his rage.

"Oh lookie here! The half-bred half-breed is trying to scare me! HAH! Eat shit and die fucker," he charged up another shadow ball aiming for Jim's head.

Jim saw him start the ball and charged a ball four times larger than the Gengar's. Gengar lost his permanent smile when he saw the size and could feel the power emanating from it; without a word he dissipated his own and phased out of view.

Once the gengar was gone Jim dissipated his own ball and turned back to Dylia who wasn't feeling all too well, "anything broken?"

"I don't think so, I'm just... ow... sore," trying to get up wasn't the smartest thing she had done so far, but at least the three hooligans weren't bothering them anymore.

Jim slowly picked up Dylia and cradled her in his arms as he looked to Claire, "hey, you alright? You're shaking."

"Shaken, but not stirred..."

Jim waited for Claire to walk up next to him before heading out the park to his car. He had seen the dark pulse hit Dylia and moved as fast as he could to intercept the last attack, oh how he wished he could use quick attack. "Dylia, I know you want to sleep right now but, do you want me to take you to the hospital? They can have you patched up in no time."

Dylia was having a hard time keeping her eyes open with her energy spent from that fight, "hmm? Oh, no that's okay. I just need some rest..."

"Jim?" he looked over to Claire, she seemed worried about something and was walking a little ways behind him, "are you sure you aren't the one who needs to go to the hospital? Your back is pretty hurt..."

"Hmm? Oh that? That's nothing. Just a little burnt fur is all. Might be a bruise by morning but nothing to be concerned about."

"But... how? That blast would have killed most people! And yet, here you are, walking with me without even a limp..." her eyes were slightly glazed over, possibly thinking about what she would do if he really did die.

He slowed his pace to walk next to Claire, "do you really want to know? Know the reason why I can take a hit like that without flinching?" her eyes seemed almost pleading as she looked up to him so he just sighed, "I told you I was seventeen when you found me, but it wasn't seventeen years spent amidst humans," he just let this soak in a bit before continuing with his life story. He had known he would have to tell this at some point to Claire and had been delaying it as long as possible, "I was born an eevee-poochyena hybrid. A pokemon, not anthro. I lived my life and even evolved to an umbreon-mightyena hybrid. It seemed fitting but I could've gone for a dual type instead of just being dark. But anyways, I was actually captured by some people for experimentation, mainly because of how strong I was, but also because I was a hybrid. After months of tests and experiments they decided to put me down since I was more trouble than not but when they strapped me into some machine one of the employees slipped and I got to bite into his shoulder when he accidentally activated the device. Whatever that machine was meant for, I don't know, but it changed me and the other scientist in the room was perplexed by what happened. I was able to get out of the complex though but not without a fight and then that's when you found me. So that's why I'm so strong. It's because I'm not a real anthro. I'd say I'm actually three-quarters pokemon still... where you can do your cute little puffs of fire," Claire huffed and her mane poofed out, "I have the full capabilities of my original form still plus the dexterity gained with the change."

The car was in front of them now and Jim asked for Claire to open the back door for him so he can set Dylia down. All three were silent on the drive back home aside from the occasional cough from the espeon who was trying to rest. When they pulled up at his house she tried to get up so she could walk inside on her own but was scooped up by Jim before she could even get all of the way to her feet. She tried to protest once in his arms though, "aww come on Jim, I'm strong enough to walk into the house."

He just shifted her weight into one arm and fished out his keys he put back in his pocket out of sheer habit, "no no. You need to rest. I don't want anything else happening to you."

She could hear the strain in his voice. The inner struggle he was having with himself was so bad it was practically causing him pain and she could feel it radiating from him. Once he set her down on the bed she was able to look up at him, only to see the pain wasn't only showing in his voice. She tried briefly to get into his head to see but he was actively blocking her but managed to send her a message "I can't let you see what is in my head" while she tried. He walked away and came back with a first aid kit that seemed a little more extensive than for home use. He just told her that martial arts can cause "problems" when you make a mistake and started cleaning the puncture wounds on her back. Thankfully they weren't deep but the alcohol solution he was using was anything but gentle. HOLY SHIT! THAT CRAP STINGS! She just clenched her jaw as a soaked cotton ball was pressed and wiped over each of the four holes quickly but not quick enough for her. A wet gauze was next to clean the blood out of her fur and soothed the burn on her back.

"Can you stand up for a minute?"

She looked up at him and nodded, standing up on shaky legs while Jim was quick about wrapping some ace bandage around her with a fresh gauze under it. Once he was done he sat down next to her and scratched behind her ear, making her purr and lay back down. "Today has been a very... interesting day. And to think it's only 11 in the morning."

"yeah..." her purring stopped and Jim settled with running his claws through the thin fur of her neck.

"Get some rest. I'll be back in a little while with some food for you." She didn't reply to him, instead she rolled onto her side and let out a sigh as she closed her eyes. He took this as his cue to leave and walked into the other room with Claire who was sitting on the couch. He sat down next to her which was something he usually didn't do; he usually sat on the floor so he could look at you while he talked.

"You really like her don't you?"

"Yeah, I do. And I can't explain it either."

"So Jim. I'm curious now. What was life like in the wild? I've always wondered..."

Jim eyed her for a second. Thinking of the wild brought back a mixture of good and bad memories but made him smile none the less. "It was nice. The only cares you had in the world were when to sleep and what to eat that day. Sure it wasn't as easy as walking down to the supermarket and buying some food but with a nose and ears like mine it wasn't too hard."

"If you could go back, would you?"

His smile didn't last very long after that comment, "in all honesty, I couldn't. I lost everything the day they caught me, and I mean everything. Going back would just be too hard."

"Oh. Can I ask a personal question?" she waited for a denial but nothing came, "what did you lose?"

Jim saw this one coming from a mile away but just thinking about it brought a tear to his eye, "love... my mate of four years that was finally pregnant with our pups. We were both happy as can be and just two weeks before she was due they took me and killed her. I will never forgive myself for not protecting her better but I can't change the past." Claire apparently had not expected that answer and hung her head in shame for asking. He just put his hand on her shoulder before standing and walking back into the bedroom he took off his pants and slipped under the covers of his bed to sleep. He was emotionally exhausted and just wanted to rest for a bit.

Dylia noticed the bed move and was shocked to see Jim curling up to sleep. Every time she'd seen him he was on his back but had a pretty good idea why he was on his side this time. She had already napped but was still pretty tired and waited for him to settle in before slipping under the covers and laying against his chest for warmth. She was rewarded by him pulling her closer and holding her there as he slipped into slumber. Soon she joined him.

Dylia wasn't much of one for dreams but for some reason she had a dream a shadowy creature was with her. For some reason it didn't frighten her and actually comforted her with its presence. She walked an autumn woodland path with the creature for some time before they came to a warm clearing. It rubbed up against her and strolled off through the clearing in another direction. She smiled and began the chase, easily catching it and tackling it to the ground but somehow wound up with him next to her laying there. She didn't complain though and was rewarded with a tender lick behind her ear, one of her favorite turn ons. She nuzzled into him and he pulled her closer before running his claws through the split in her tail which was not far from her head. Before she knew it she felt something that she hadn't in a long time; the warm tip of an erect member rubbing against her womanhood. For some reason something clicked and she realized it just felt way too real to be a dream. Her eyes started to open groggily when she noticed a dark hand stroking the split in her tail. The prodding of the cock at her hole didn't stop though and before it clicked in her mind it found what it was looking for and plunged quickly past her moistening sex. The dream came flooding back to her as she teetered on the edge of sleep and wakefulness as she was enjoying the best sex she ever had.

Jim was having a similar dream behind her but his partner was what he thought was his old mate Xegony but she was just a little too blurry to see clearly. Though once he plunged into her he had a random thought of "wow she is tighter than I last remembered" but never stopped in his humping. He was having a hard time moving the way he liked from his side so he shifted enough to hold himself over his lover who remained on her side below him. His knot was formed by now and he was pressing it hot flesh against the folds of his lover below him, slowly trying to work it in but can't seem to get past the tight grip she had on his cock, trying to suck the seed out of his cock before he even finishes. His vision was starting to slowly clear and he noticed the right ear of the hot flesh beneath him wasn't missing the tuft of fur that was bitten off years ago and had a silent realization it was Dylia beneath him but was too groggy to stop or think for that matter. She started moaning out, wrapping her tail around his leg rubbing the split end against his balls and rubbing the underside of his knot in the process. He was getting close to finishing with her ministrations but didn't want to finish before she did. Little did he know she already came twice but was working on a mind shaking orgasm that just needed a little push to set off the bomb. Trying to get her to finish soon he moved his hand down and rubbed her lips around his cock which was just the push she needed as she called out his name and clamping down on his cock hard, causing him to lose control and cum himself with a growl of his own. He lay there for a minute, not wanting to move as he slowly returned to a wakeful state laying there. He started to think to himself of what a great dream that was until he realized he had a furry body in his arms panting for breath and a warm feeling wrapped around his cock. Oh fuck...