Imperial Slave: Part 1

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

The hot air brought with it the taste of dust and dirt that filled the nose and made it impossible to keep cool. It was hard to breathe, hard to think, hard to do anything except pant with his tongue lolling out from his jaws and his chest rising and falling in great gasps. Liyoht did his best to keep himself contained, he did his best to stay alert despite the exhaustion that was starting to take its toll. The rest of the slaves weren't faring any better, most of them were swaying in place and trying to keep on their feet. No one was forcing them with whips or threats, they could have collapsed at any time, but then they would have been unchained and dragged to the pits and the gladiatorial games. No one wanted to end up as bait for the beasts hiding there, so they stood and watched as the auctioneer barked out their crimes and their assets to a crowd of nobles and merchants.

They aren't suffering. He growled to himself and looked over the gathering with narrowed eyes. They had canopies and sun shades to keep them safe in the inclement weather. Bastards. All of them, well born bastards without mercy.

_ _

He shifted and tipped his ears back against his head, grateful for his white fur. It didn't gather the sun like the poor jaguar's had. The beast had been dragged off just an hour ago after he collapsed, he wouldn't be seen again. The white shepherd gave himself a shake and refused to think about it. It wasn't going to do anyone any favors if he got attached to the other slaves, he'd only feel sympathy and he couldn't afford that any longer. The only possessions he had to his name now were a set of manacles around his wrists and a battered pair of pants that had been washed so often that they had turned into a green-grey color that made his fur look almost yellow. Granted, some of that was likely the dust and dirt from the road. He would have loved to be in the line of slaves taken from the North and the wild woods there, the strange barbarian creatures that were painted and pains taken to ensure that they were kept clean and healthy.

They were valuable. They were exotic fighters and could be trained to serve in households without fear of families coming to rescue them or their own knowledge of the city offering a way of escape. They were unique and well cared for, even offered water and shade. The debtors, thieves and murders were treated much more harshly. The canine growled to himself and resisted the urge to show his teeth as the line moved up and the heavy bodied lion in front of him was pulled onto the stage to be sold. They were cattle to the nobles, cattle and amusement for them and nothing more. The debtors would be offered good work, most likely, if they were intelligent and could write and read. They would work as tutors or assistants to some large household and be given a gentle servitude. The murderers would be harshly treated, but at least they would die fighting. They would become gladiators, or soldiers at the front lines.

And thieves. Thieves such as Liyoht would look on a life filled with misery as they were given the foulest of jobs where they could steal nothing. They were branded as cowards and liars, lower then dirt, lower then anything. As if he could help that he had been born hungry and only known that hunger all his life as his family tried to work at odd jobs and fought to find a place they could claim land. It wasn't his fault that there was nothing left for the growing population. It wasn't his fault that he had fallen to crime just to feed his family. His fur roused up along the back of his neck as he was tugged forward and his paws scraped against the ground. His eyes narrowed as his anger grew, unable to quite stop himself from baring the tips of his fangs as he was hauled up onto the raised wooden platform. It was their fault, the rich, the haughty.

"Here we have a white dog, underweight, but could be fed up to weight at a Master or Mistress' indulgence." The barker called out as one of the slave handlers forced him forward to the front of the platform so he could be turned about. "His charge is theft, minor theft, but still punishable by five years in servitude to the crown or sold to one of you noble folks. Lineage is unremarkable, but he would make a fine stable hand or groom. With that white fur he would be remarkable once cleaned and bathed!"

_That's right, damn you. Go ahead, look at me, look at what you made. _ He glared out at the group watching him and turned about before some of the bids started to come. Small ones, barely a silver.

"Come now! He's in his youth, a fine looking creature that might be kept on for years to come once he's fully trained!" The barker seemed bored as he spoke, it was the same phrase he used for nearly every criminal being sold. "A bit of food and a bath and he'll be yours for only one silver and five coppers, do I hear it?"

Yes, make me fetch like a damned dog. Like your spaniels and pets! I hate you all. _ The ones looking at him ranged from a portly looking ram to an elegant looking jackal who looked more than a little bored. _You made me this. You and all your kind who take food from our mouths!

_ _

"Look at this fur, gentlemen! Take him to war, paint him up, make him your servant on the front lines with your color. Ladies, he would exceed your wildest expectations if you were to tame him to being a proper hunter," The barker wheedled, trying to get more money.

_ _

"Two silvers, and let that be an end to it." A drawling voice spoke up, a lazy sounding tone, but the bid had jumped up high enough that the barker stuttered to a halt.

"Show your colors, we will accept no jests within the marketplace!" The barker snapped out, the worn looking squirrel looking annoyed. Liyoht turned his attention unwillingly towards the crowd that shifted about, not quite entertained, but curious.

"I trust that my colors are good enough?" The voice drawled out again and an azure form stepped out of the packed assembly. The silk so pure a blue that it could have come from the depths of the ocean and wrapped around a gleaming silver and white form.

The unicorn stood with his head canted to one side, precious gems worked into the twirling beard that spilled down towards his chest. Liyoht gaped at the buyer and snapped his jaws shut with a snarl as the stallion stepped forward on golden hooves that boasted anklets strung with bells. Each movement chimed and was a study of grace with his alabaster neck arched as if well aware how lovely he was. He flaunted it before the crowd with his deep sapphire eyes looking from one side to the other, his horn towering above them into a deadly need sharp tip that flashed in the light like a sword. Not that the Prince would ever do battle or risk himself, it was not allowed. The Duke of Northumbria, the Prince of Ellysian Island, Heir to the Holy Triistian Empire. Lyrian.

"M-M'lord, yes, yes your colors are welcome! He is yours!" The barker didn't try to raise the price, no one would bid against the Prince.

Liyoht felt fear uncurl in his belly as those pure blue eyes turned to look at him. Those eyes should have been warm and peaceful, but they weren't. They were cold and considering, something that made his foot paws scrape against the ground as he was tugged from the stage and the chains unwound. He had been bought into the royal household, somewhere that even the sanest of creatures spoke of in fear. Not of the Emperor, but of his son, who was ruthless, calculating and merciless. And the dog's new Master.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Not bad... Not bad at all.... " The chiming of bells and the faint click of cloven hooves walked around Liyoht as he strove to hold still and not show his disdain.

His skin still ached from where it had been scrubbed over by a set of servants who didn't seem to care about his feelings at all. He had been washed to the point that he had lost every last hint of his winter coat and felt as if his paw pads were raw from the rough rock that had been rubbed over them to soften the callus. He kept his ears up and alert despite his desire to pin them down flat as the unicorn looked him over. He hadn't been offered any clothing, instead he stood nude in front of the Prince who seemed to be inspecting every last bit of fur he had on him. Not that he thought there would be anything dirty left on him, for the first time in years his coat was the pure gleaming white it was meant to be instead of lightly coated in dirt of mud.

"Speak, boy, are you clean?" Lyrian stepped in front of him and caught the shepherd just beneath the chin so his head was forced up to stare at the strong equine features.

"Yes, Master, I am clean," The words were like bitter ashes on his tongue, but he forced them out. He didn't want to be punished, he didn't want to give his new owner a reason to abuse him.

The stories he heard about Lyrian were chilling at the best. The stallion wasn't allowed to go to war, the unicorns were too rare a family to risk them, but he commanded from afar with a ruthless eye that people spoke of with fear. He was still young for his kind, but rapidly starting to control the city as his father was at war and starting to grow older. The slaves that he had rarely lasted long, they were constantly being changed out for new exotic ones, ones from the far east or north, dragons and phoenixes, rare creatures that the Empire never saw. And now Liyoht was counted among them, a dirt common dog standing in the Imperial Palace fresh from a bathing chamber that was larger than his family home.

"You know, I've never had a dog before." Lyrian gave a rub right along the underside of his chin. "Father always said you were a smelly lot that would bring fleas to the palace. Do you agree?"

Liyoht flinched and the fur along the back of his neck bristled, but he forced himself to answer calmly. "I think what pleases you, sir."

"Do you have fleas, dog?" The fingers rubbed back and forth, back and forth, circling and caressing him in a way that made him want to snap at the digits.

"I do not have fleas, Master." His voice held a trace of a growl while the unicorn whickered laughter, a musical sound that made the gems wound into his beard jingle.

"You say what I wish to hear, but the tone tells me to go fuck myself." Lyrian drawled the words out before the palm gave a light slap against his cheek, not hard, almost a pat.

"I would never say that, Master." He spoke honestly, trying to will the earnestness to come across in his voice.

"Oh you do not need to be so polite, dog." The unicorn stepped away and gestured. "I've never bought a common slave before, but that's what I wanted. I saw that lovely white fur and knew you would be mine, you match me, you see." The stallion let out a snort and wrinkled his lips back delicately. "Not that you could compare to me."

"No, Master." Liyoht nearly growled the words out, but Lyrian didn't seem to pay attention to it, he only moved aside and gestured.

"Come with me, dog, you are clean enough to enter my chambers now."

The unicorn didn't look back, didn't stop to see if Liyoht was following, he just walked ahead with the calm assumption that he would be forced to follow. It made him bristle, but he didn't remain behind, now was not the time to try and face up to the stallion. He followed the twisting leonine tail that curled and twisted, the white rings and silver ones clattered together musically so that the creature moved in his own song. He was beautiful looking, something unearthly and unique, as if someone had spun the sky and clouds together to create this being. It made him twist his lips back in a growl as they walked through the hall and he was left still nude, his sheath still in plain sight and he was given not even the comfort of a blanket or rag to cover himself with.

This was where the wealth of the people had gone, it had been spent ruthlessly in this place to build a palace carved to silver and alabaster. Not because they wanted it to be powerful or awe inspiring, but to match their forms. They ruled because they had always ruled, because the people allowed them the position to rule, they ruled because they could. And this stallion would inherit it all, his aging father would step aside so he could continue on their squandering of riches. Everywhere he looked there was something of value, statues and carvings, brilliant looking gems set into stone and metal. Servants of the most fantastic species' worked as lowly slaves in the cold halls. And he was one of them.

"Ahh here we are, dog, my rooms." A matched set of gryphons pulled open two double doors that led into the only place he'd seen that was white and silver and pure.

Black marble, black veined with gold with furniture of dark cherry wood that had been polished until it glowed. Black, purple, and crimson silk pillows were thrown on a bed, covering a chair. Color that ran in a riot when compared to the purity of the rest of the palace. It made Liyoht blink wildly, his ears pinned flat to his head and he wrinkled his nose up a little while the Prince strutted into the room with his whiteness standing as almost an affront to the dark room. He sprawled out on a dark red couch with his arms spreading open to rest along the back of it and his eyes moving up to look at the shepherd, his eyes bright and interested while he came to a stop and moved his hands in front of him.

"Now, I'm sure you're wondering why a creature like you should grace the palace." Lyrian murmured and ran his fingers against the silk. "And I'm sure eventually I'll tell you all of it, but for now all you need to know is that it was time that I have a pet. It's time for me to claim a creature as my own, dog. My Honored Father has told me that I must make my choice among the slaves he has bought, but today I decided I would make my own choice. You are mine now, dog, my beloved pet. And for now, you'll need a name."

"I am Liyoht, Master." He spoke up and kept his eyes looking away from the creature, hearing the doors shutting behind hm.

"No, such a horrible name. A peasant name. You are mine, dog. You must have a name that suits the Imperial Family. Hmm..." The blue eyes continued to watch him, bright and interested. "Rex? No, far too common. Loyaolis, Brutus, Snapper..."

Liyoht stood there, unable to protest what was being done, his ears burning with humiliation as name after name was brought up and discarded. None of them were the sort of names one would give an intelligent creature, they were pet names. Frivolous names that were given to pets just to ensure that the owner was given some recognition for it. A name that reflected the owners wants, no the animals real personality. It made the shepherd dog bristle and draw in a breath, his tail almost tucking down between his legs while he tried not to let them know how he felt. He tried not to let his emotions show, but he couldn't stop a soft growl coming to his lips when the unicorn finally rolled a name over and over on his tongue.

"Cesar, that is a name for a pet of the royal family. Not so rough and common as a gladiator name, but something to reflect what you will be to me." Lyrian gave his head a slow nod. "I will call you Cesar. A lovely name for a lovely dog, a white hound at my own personal command, a ruler among your kind. What is your name, dog?"

"I am Cesar, Master." Liyoht nearly spit the words out, they tasted bitter on his tongue, but he got them out.

"Yes, yes you are..." The unicorn purred the words out. "Your bed is in the corner, you will rest while I go to dinner, when I return I will be eager to begin your training. An untrained dog is not tolerated here."

The stallion stood up with a fluid ripple of muscles, his back arching a little bit while his long tail curled behind him. He gave an impatient gesture towards the back of the room, one that drew the dog's eyes to the one thing that looked a bit out of place in the luxuriously appointed rooms; a pile of thick leather pillows larger than his body. He blinked for a moment at them and a hot flush crept up his cheeks when he realized what it was An oversized dog bed like the nobles kept for their pets, the leather pillows were thrown into a thick woven basket. Above the bed was a wrought iron ring set into the marble wall and a chain was hanging down from it. His new master made no move to attach his collar to the ring, the unicorn only slipped away without a backward glance.

Liyoht swallowed and for a moment stared at the doors that closed firmly behind the silver and white creature, his stomach tensed up slightly while he drew in a shuddering breath and let it go. He couldn't run, not out of the Imperial Palace, it would be more than his hide was worth. Five years. He had five years of his sentence and he would legally be free, as long as he obeyed the rules and kept his nose clean he would be released. That was the theory after all, justice in motion and what kept them from needing prisons and the state to support them. In practice... Very few slaves found their way to freedom, they were often charged with varying degrees of offenses to ensure that they would remain as servants. Those who bought slaves weren't entirely sympathetic to that plight and were eager to keep their workers.

With a sigh he padded over to the pet bed and winced as he dropped down into the pillows and cushions, the leather creaked a little, but they were at least soft and filled with feathers. He curled himself down onto his stomach, hiding his nudity as he tried to keep his eyes on his surroundings. He had assumed he'd be slaving away in a stable or field or a mine, and in many ways that would have been better to serve in such a lowly position. It would have made him retain some of his dignity. Some of his pride. Liyoht lowered his head down to his forearms and swallowed miserably. He would find a way to freedom, he would find a way out of this, somehow.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Darkness crept through the palace as the hours passed, servants came to light the candles and draw down the sheets on the bed, and still Lyrian did not return. Liyoht was left reclining on the bed uncomfortably aware of his own nudity. Several times he got up to stretch and wandered around the room, exploring the elegant furnishings and cabinets, but each time he stood up a servant would come in. They made no move to stop him, but their presence was an obvious deterrent to any attempt to escape or steal from his master. He always retreated back to the dog bed, better to hide himself from their eyes. They didn't seem to look at him, but he'd never been comfortable nude and a few of them seemed to be amused at his state.

When it was nearly midnight and the guards were changing shift, Lyrian came back from his dining. The unicorn entered with a whickering laugh and his clothing already half stripped from his body. The moment the male came into the room he went tense and dug his paws against the leather pillows. The creature wasn't alone, but came with a lovely little palomino filly that had her arm linked through his own. They were leaned in close against each other, talking in low voices as the servants hastened into the room. No one tried to speak to him or glanced at him, they ignored him like he was a dog in truth as the bed was left illuminated while the rest of the world was plunged into darkness and shadows. The edge of light barely brushed against the dog bed, leaving him partially hidden and allowed him to almost feel secure.

"Pricilla you are as lovely as I remember," Lyrian murmured and leaned in close to the mare, his hands gliding over her body. "I had nearly forgotten how gold your coat was, like spun coins.."

"How you flatter me, Lyrian," The mare slid her body against him intimately, allowing the touch to glide along her clothes, slipping beneath the edge of her shirt. "You have never forgotten, not since I was first brought to you."

"Mmm.." The stallion allowed her hands to slip against the edge of his belt while he ran his lips down the curve of her neck. "You wouldn't allow me too."

Liyoht flinched and shifted his head away from the bed as the stallion started to undress his partner, his cheeks flushed a hot angry red. They weren't even paying attention to them as they pressed against each other, embracing with lips wandering and the soft noises of passion starting to come from both of them. He kept his eyes away from them, his nose nearly burrowed against his arms while the mare let out a groaning cry of pleasure and the bed creaked from behind him. They were treating him like he really was a dog, not here, not watching, not even able to know what was going on. He closed his eyes resolutely and tried to find a way to sleep, or at least block them out as he heard the mare let out a short squeaking noise before the unmistakable sound of something wet squelching into her body.

His ears burned a hot red, his cheeks darkened beneath his fur as the noises of sex filled the air, the stallion's grunts picked up pace along with the sound of flesh slapping flesh. It was horrible to hear, even more horrible to smell as the room started to smell sharply of lust and female. He could keep himself from seeing it, but the scents filled his senses and made it impossible to ignore. He drew in a deeper breath, unable to stop himself as the mare's voice started to rise up in pitch. She wasn't in heat, but gods the scent was wonderful. It had been a long time since he'd had a lover, one that made his stomach tense up in reaction as he pinned his ears back at the faster thrusting noises echoing from behind him.

The scents, the sounds, everything was uncomfortably humiliating and uncomfortably arousing all in one go. His mind and emotions were horrified at the casual fucking they were giving each other in front of him, but his body started to tense up. There were no clothes to hide the fact that his dark red cock started to push out from his sheath and edge into the light. It slid right along the curve of his belly while he flattened his ears even further and heard the stallion's groans coming faster and the wet noises growing with the mare's arousal. He tried to think of something else, his rage, his helplessness, the fact that he might be doomed to live here forever, and all that happened was a few more inches of his cock pushed into view. Lyrian suddenly shrieked out an equine scream of pleasure as Liyoht tried to breathe through his mouth, to do anything other then give into the primal parts of his mind.

"Gods..." The mare whickered out while Liyoht cringed unhappily to himself and kept his ears tucked close to his head.

"Mm my my, father always did hire the best." The stallion's voice came with a rough laugh followed by something wet and suction sounding. "CESAR! Here boy!"

Liyoht stared at the ground and kept his eyes shut, trying to relax his body. He was not going near those damned creatures. He wanted nothing to do with it. He didn't even flinch when Liyoht called again, this time a bit louder. If they thought he was asleep maybe they'd leave him the hell alone.

"Your dog is disobedient, lord," The mare laughed to herself.

"Yes, he is. Cesar! You will come here or I will come there. And if I must come there I will assume that you must be neutered to be a proper pet." Lyrian's snarling voice snapped through the dog's mind and made him flinch. He could have withstood anything except that threat, crude as it was, but it did make him move and push up to his feet and turn towards them, but only his upper body. He didn't want to show his partially aroused shaft to them, his humiliation.

The stallion's cock was still mostly inside of the mare, the thickened tip rested just inside of the passage while her inner thighs were slick with arousal and a hint of thick seed. As he watched Liyoht pulled back and popped out with a wet noise, the thick flare flopped out and spilled out a thick creamy rush of cum from her folds. Pale pink it drooped along his inner thighs, slimy with mingled arousals and his own cum, with the tip spread open so wide it was nearly the size of his fist. Even as he watched it started to soften a bit more so the medial ring became a roll of flesh that started to pull it upwards. Even soft, it was large, incredibly large, twice as long as his own cock and thicker at the tip then his knot.

"Mmm Cesar likes you, Lyrian, do you always conquer so quickly, My Prince?" The mare asked with a purring voice that made the heat rush to Liyoht's face.

"On your hands and knees, Cesar, you have disgraced your position so you will crawl to us. Now HERE!" The unicorn snapped out the last word with a flash of his horn, a spark of silver that caught the light so brightly it took him down.

His body dropped to his hands and knees while he let out a soft noise in his throat. It wasn't that he was blinded by the light, it struck his mind and forced him to obey the order he was given. He curled his tail between his legs to try and cover himself as he stiltedly crawled forward. He couldn't make himself stop, he had to obey, his body needed it and couldn't stop itself. It was like something had shoved his will out of his mind the moment the horn had sparked and there was only the voice that told him to keep moving. His tail wasn't enough cover to keep his shame hidden, he could only keep it in place so much, but his tip was high enough on his belly that it was impossible not to flash himself to the room. The mare noticed as she rolled over and showed off the gleaming seed that was spilling from between her used folds.

"Mmm look at the puppy, he's not as sleepy as he made us think." She licked her lips a little while his Master moved a hand down to cup the tip of his own cock and squeezed it.

"No, they have keen noses don't they?" The stallion caressed himself lightly as Liyoht continued his crawl of humiliation to them. The scents were growing more and more intense as he stepped forward and came to the cloven hooves. "I believe it's time to start your training, my sweet pet, I do not tolerate untrained creatures and I have a special interest in you."

Liyoht turned his head to one side and ignored the stallion above him, but the only other place to look was the darkness or the mare who had moved a hand down to caress right along her used folds. Her fingers played with the cum slicked lips and trailed back and forth lightly. He didn't' want to look at her, but he was drawn to that movement, at least until Lyrian moved his hand away from his cock and gripped just beneath his chin and forced him to look up at his Master. He flattened his ears down as the cum and mare honey coated fingers smeared over his muzzle in wet streaks, the scent rubbing right through his fur and sticking to it.

"Cesar, my beloved dog, you only have to understand my rules. You want to obey me, I am all that you should strive to follow. " Lyrian drawled out softly, trailing his thumb upwards to spread along his lips so he was forced to lick out against the digit. "Do you not wish to obey me? Please me? Please my partners? Isn't that what being a dog is all about, following the alpha?"

The last word was mocking, but the horn had started to glitter and show an edge of bright shining light along the whorls that trailed around the base. The glow pulsed and caught his eyes as the fingers teased around his muzzle and the words started to sink into his mind. Alpha, dog, obedience, it was all coming together and capturing his mind until he could barely push past it. It was as sticky as the cum smeared along his muzzle, but this stuff clung to his thoughts and mind. They wrapped around them and dragged him down until he found it harder and harder to speak properly. He wanted to obey, he should obey, a dog followed the leader of his pack, that's how it always had been. Lyrian wasn't a dog, but he was powerful, so powerful, he should obey, he wasn't worthy of leading the 'pack' he wasn't supposed to disobey.

His mind clutched to those thoughts and embraced them, he couldn't stop himself, he tilted his head and started to rub his muzzle right along the palm of the hand. He licked with powerful strokes of his dark red tongue to sweep up the thick creamy cum. The salty sweet taste of mare was mixed into it as the voice murmured how good it was to please the most powerful male, he should strive to please him. Yes, that was it. He should strive to please him. His tongue licked up again along the digits as one pushed into his muzzle and smeared along his tongue.

"That's right... You understand now, don't you? Animals. You are patterned after living animals and so you must follow those paths." Lyrian murmured softly and Cesar whined softly to himself. "I am the strongest, I am the most powerful, I am the one that has the right to order you, command you, lead you and breed. You are below me, you have no reason to breed, you are only here to follow me."

Liyoht struggled and battled against the voice, but it was Cesar that rose up to answer the voices in his head. Yes, that was right. The pack alpha was the one that bred, he was the one that hunted, it was the way things had been since the start of time. An instinct that had been buried beneath years of civilization and learning and it was torn to the front. It was forced into every fiber of his being until he couldn't tear away from it. He could only fall into it and allow Cesar to push to the front. He suckled along the finger tip, pulled and gripped around it with slow bobs of his head, pushing downwards and drawing back in a hot slick line while his entire body started to revel in the taste on his tongue. The taste of the mare and stallion.

"Clean my mare, Cesar, go and clean her, use that long wonderful tongue to push my seed deeper into her body." His Master commanded him and pulled his hand away.

"Mmm how did you know I love their tongues?" Pricilla laughed softly while he turned his head towards her. She rolled over, revealing those soft folds, part of him cringed in disgust at what was being asked of him, but Cesar gave him no quarter. He wanted to help.

The hold on his mind flexed and gripped, clutching tightly so he couldn't get away from it so he crawled towards her. His cock had started to push further out of his sheath while he struggled to keep himself away from her, but it didn't work. There was no working from it. He wanted to push that thick seed deeper, he should do it, he should make sure that the Master's cum did its work inside of her. With a soft whine he crept up to her and lowered his head between her folds and the scent of her flooded his nose. His cock pushed up higher along his belly, dribbling out a bit of precum as he moved to hold her hips with his hands and pushed his tongue out. He stroked right along the outer folds in a single powerful drag that forced the outer lips to yawn open wide and scooped up some of the slippery seed on his tongue tip.

"You have no hands, Cesar, you are a dog, all fours only." Lyrian purred the words out and something dribbled against his back. He obediently dropped his hands down to the ground and pushed his tongue forward with a soft rolling push of his tongue tip.

The mare was so rich tasting, not even the taste of the seed stopped him from seeking it out, his nose pushed up against the outer lips. His nose came out in short hard puffs while he pushed harder and wriggled his tongue into her body. He tried to use his tongue to push the cum into her body, plunging and wriggling ever deeper to try and push it into her womb. The mare's inner walls clamped down around him and contracted as he pushed his nose right up against her plump clit. He was shameless as he licked, there was no longer any place in his world for shame. The hold on his mind wouldn't allow it. He whined softly and licked upwards before his tongue slipped out with a wet slurping noise and licked his muzzle eagerly before nosing up against her again.

Pricilla cried out again and something drooled down along the edges of his rump cheek while a hand moved to cup against the edge of his rump. The stallion's whicker was teasing with laughter as it trailed down and cupped right along the edges. The fingers curled down while he pushed his tongue forward and tried to wedge deeper into the mare. His breathing came out in a trembling rush, panting against the folds as Lyrian's hand trailed down and suddenly cupped right up against his white furred orbs. They flexed tightly and squeezed while he keened out a soft wind and tried to struggle through the hold on his mind. He pulled his lips back and let out a breathy cry and bared his fangs with a growl, Liyoht pushed the hollow shell of Cesar away from him.

"Not.. no... Stop that.." he panted out and jerked away from the touch as much as he could. Lyrian ran a thumb up just behind his balls and flicked back and forth lightly.

"No? My mare needs tending, dog. Do you so wish the lash and pain?" The stallion whickered out laughter. "I give you pleasure and a female, and all you can say is no?"

"I don't want.." He started to protest, but a hand moved down and suddenly wrapped around his cock, the palm pressed just beneath it and squeezed hard enough that he humped forward automatically, splurting out some precum.

"That's a shame, I prefer it to be pleasant..." Lyrian let out a low laugh as the hand moved down towards the base and made Liyoht let out a rough cry. "But I am not adverse to it being less so."

"Please, Mas- ERK!" A hand gripped the base of his tail as he spoke and yanked him back away from the mare, her arousal still clinging to his muzzle.

He barely had time to try and struggle as the unicorn pushed him forward so that he had to catch himself on the bed with his hand paws. It was hard, but he didn't go onto his stomach, not even when the hand on his cock slipped away and tried to push him down. Lyrian slipped behind him with a low laugh, almost a purr, so that he felt something spill into his fur again and this time he was conscious enough to know what it was. He twisted his head back to see the pale pink equine spire jutting up along the pale white belly. He tried to get away from it, writhing a little bit with a twist back and forth, but the hand that was trying to force him down suddenly clutched his scruff and balled it up. The shepherd yelped out and felt the finger digging in harder so that he was well and truly pinned in place, no matter how he tried to twist away.

"STOP! PLEASE!" He went wild eyed as his Master gave his head a toss and a slow smile curled around the edges of his muzzle.

"I tried to offer you pleasure, dog, but I will take panic just as easily. Pricilla, distract the dog, we don't want him to forget how much he has enjoyed it so far," Lyrian ordered while the free hand kept Liyoht's tail up high behind him.

The mare laughed softly before rolling over onto her belly and slipped along the silk sheets so that she wriggled in closer and nearly beneath him. He twisted wildly and tried to move away, but he couldn't get out from the hold on his scruff and tail. What was more, the golden head of the mare moved beneath him so her soft lips brushed right against the tip of his throbbing cock. Her silken tongue flicked out to catch along the tip and then stroked down along the edges, forcing his body relax even through his fear. It was what his master was waiting for, the unicorn released his tail just long enough to grip the base of his cock and drew his tip downwards. He tired to drop his tail down, but the glans moved it away and slipped beneath it to smear the slippery wetness right against his pucker and trailed in a slow circle.

"Please.." He whimpered out, and the word turned into a groan as Pricilla's hot muzzle pushed upwards and engulfed his girth in a slow suckle.

The stallion's cock pushed forward against his pucker, dimpling it inwards while the dog let out a short sharp cry, his entire body tensed up as he tried to clench down to stop the beast from pushing into him. A thick dribble of precum spilled around the edges and trailed right behind the edge of his orbs. He did his best to pull his hips away, but the powerful hips pressed forward, driving and bowing the cock behind him as the cock tip started to wedge inwards. He'd never had anything done to him like this before, not even his own finger, so the feel of his anal ring yawning open sent a stab of pain through him. He cried out in a high pitched shriek of pain as the slickened cock suddenly plunged into him with a wet popping sound and his muscles clutched down tightly around him.

The stallion shifted forward, his weight sliding along his back while one hand slipped up to glide along his chest, caressing in a teasing circle as his entire body was torn between pain and pleasure. His muscles were being stretched open wider and wider, clutching around the cock that was wedging into him and the mare beneath him was pulling his cock in deeper. She suckled and pulled around him, dragging from the base all the way to the tip while his hips gave shuddering pucks forward. Lyrian plunged forward harder and harder, yawning his inner wall open until his body started to squeeze and wrap tightly around the shaft. He could feel the tip edging in deeper no matter how he struggled to try and push it out the stallion's body continued to push his ass up higher in the air.

The mare's fingers moved to tease his balls and tease back and forth, rubbing and stroking in slow circles while his body started to pulse and throb. His body twisted a little bit before Lyrian let out a short squeal and lunged forward, driving his cock deeper so that some of the slippery cum and mare's arousal were pushed up along the edges of his pucker. He could feel it smearing along the edges, clinging there as he yelped out wildly in protest. His ears turned dark red while the hands left the scruff of his neck and teeth replaced them. The stallion yanked back roughly and pulled his head up high in the air as both hands moved to grip his pale furred white hips. They clung down and yanked him backwards, nearly pulling the mare's muzzle from his cock as he drove himself forward.

The medial ring popped in with a lewd wet noise that made his entire body jerk in reaction. He clamped his muscles down tightly around the girth and started to squeeze tightly, gripping from the base all the way towards the tip. Thick dribbles of precum oozed out of the tip and splashed into his body, spilling along the inner passage while he bit back a short howling cry. The medial ring pushed through him and caressed a spot that made his cock start to pulse and thicken under the teasing mare's tongue. She suckled right around his tip lazily, swirling further up until he teased right around the base of his cock and gave it a firm squeeze. His knot spread open in reaction while he tried to grind forward and buck against the touch.

It was painfully deep as the stallion started to thrust in hard firm movements, driving his hips forward and dragging backwards again. The medial ring caressed along him lightly, pushing forward and dragging bout again so that he kept feeling the sudden spasms of arousal as he was claimed. It was too big, too long, too everything, but no matter what the unicorn kept bucking forward forcing his body to stretch one inch at a time. The mare started to slowly bob her lips, moving in time with the thrusting stallion so that he began to buck forward against her as well. Every draw back hilted him harder on the Lyrian's cock, forcing precum around him as it oozed out along the edges and spilled down to his orbs. He let out a choked frustrated sob as his body was in control of him, claiming him, forcing him to react to everything being done to him.

He drove himself forward in a short bucking push and then pulled back only to feel the stallion's hands gripping him harder before dragging him back. He shrieked out as every last pale pink inch of equine cock plunged into his body and forced him to stretch open. He writhed and twisted as the sheath pushed itself right up against his pucker and then he was drawing back again. The mare started to work him harder, bobbing her hand and using her hand to wrap right around his swelling knot and squeezed down with growing pressure. The moment Lyrian hilted himself he let out a shrill squeal of triumph before starting the buck in hard short thrusts. His back arched as the movements started fast and hard, clapping against him over and over again, driving against his rump cheeks.

Liyoht dug his paws down against the silk sheets and cried out an angry denial as his own body started to betray itself with him. His inner walls suddenly contracted down, clutching so tightly that the unicorn's teeth dug harder against his scruff and had to force himself back in through the contracting muscles. He twisted and jerked forward only to feel his knot swelling as wise as it would go, his balls started to tense up as that damned hot silken mouth started bobbing faster and faster. The tongue pushed upwards and caressed just beneath the edges as she began to suckle eagerly. He couldn't stop himself, she forced him over the edges. The canine snarled out a curse and pleasured cry mingled together as the first watery rope of dog cum erupted from his tip.

The mare's lips gripped down tightly as he pumped into her muzzle over and over while the stallion started to drive in shorter harder strokes. His hot breath was ruffling the back of the canine's fur as drove himself in harder and faster, the brutal strokes plunging the cock tip deeper and deeper as his walls contracted and squeezed. He felt the heavier orbs clapping up against him over and over, and through it all the suckling maw milked him for his cum, drinking it down and rolling her tongue up and right over his glans, blurring the lines even further for him. He lolled his tongue out as the tip started to thicken and spread open wider and wider, straining the walls open too wide, too far, until he thought he was about to be torn in two.

The stallion's hands suddenly convulsed along his hips and yanked him backwards, pulling the mare's muzzle from his still pulsing cock as Lyrian ensured that every last inch of his cock was hilted into his achingly stretched anal passage. He barely had time to get used to the thickness of the flared tip before the balls suddenly pulled up tight and the next throb forced up the first thick jet of cum from the equine shaft. The canine's eyes bulged slightly as the felt the warmth erupting out of the tip and spilling into his bowels, spilling out deep into his passage in thick oozing ropes. His inner walls continued to contract and squeeze around the girth, milking and clutching while the stallion seeded him. The first cum he'd ever had within him was flooding him in such a wave that flooded deep into his belly.

The mare's fingers brushed right around the edges of canine's tip and teased out more of his own cum while he dropped his head down and his tongue lolled out. His ears reddened hotly in utter humiliation as the stallion slowly rolled his hips back and forth, some of the come squelched from his anal ring and oozed down his inner legs in a thick creamy spill. It made his stomach turn, but there was no escape, the stallion only released his neck to nip him sharply on the shoulder, digging in hard enough that he cried out in protest. When the teeth released him he felt the burn of a starting bruise on his shoulder.

"Pleasure or pain, Cesar, that is your only choice in my service." Lyrian whispered hotly in his ears as a thicker dribble of cum oozed into Liyoht's aching passage. "Learn pleasure well, my pet, and perhaps you will find your rightful place in my household."

With a groan the stallion pulled backwards while the mare's tongue licked right against the tip of his cock with a playful flicker. Inch by inch the pale pink equine girth pulled from his aching passage, he tried to contract the muscles even as the flared tip passed through him. He let out a short squealing cry as the girth pulled backwards and suddenly the hand moved to grip right at the base of his tail and used it as a brace. The cock tip pulled and tugged against his pucker, forcing them to yawn open wider and wider, the canine shuddered and then let out a harsh cry as the flare suddenly popped free and his muscles tried to contract. A thick spill of cum ran from him as his muscles refused to tighten up right away, leaving his pucker gaping from the abuse it had taken.

"Pricilla, go fetch me that box by the table, would you? And do stop that." The mare moved away as Liyoht collapsed panting and trembling on the bed, his entire lower body ached while he tried to use his tail to cover himself.

"This one?" He didn't even twitch his head to see what was going on, he was humiliated, raped, and his cock was still throbbing against his belly with the knot pushed out.

"Ah yes..." The stallion moved to one side while Liyoht moved his head up enough to see the unicorn settling down beside him with a leather box in his hands.

The canine's eyes flicked downwards automatically, flicking towards the shaft that was draped along the white inner thigh and the flared cock that was drawing upwards. The flesh was softening, but still large, and the knowledge that it had all been inside of him made his stomach contract painfully. He shifted and tried to edge away, but the mare was pressed close behind him preventing him from moving. As he watched, Lyrian opened the box and brought out a pure silver collar decorated with white diamonds that caught the light. It was a work of art, expensive and created by a master, complete with a latch that looked like the sort one would place on a jewelry box to keep out thieves. And it was not meant for a person, but it was entirely based off a dog collar, just done with great expense and detail.

"Here we go, Cesar.." Lyrian drawled out lazily and moved forward to catch him under the chin. "You are mine now, my seed is in you, my mark is on your shoulder and now...." The cold metal snapped down around Liyoht's neck with a loud click. ".. my collar is on your neck. Wear it with pride, my pet."

The collar felt heavier at those words, it weighed him down while he shifted onto his side, Lyrian's fingers glided down to stroke his neck lightly, caressing in slow circles. He shifted away, but that only put him closer to the mare. He wanted to be clean, he wanted to bathe and get the scent of the stallion and mare off him, he wanted away from them both. He swallowed his pride and forced his ears to splay in a submissive position as he lowered his head.

"May I please go to my bed, Master?" The words were barely growled as he fought to sound subdued, he managed it... barely.

"Hmm... yes, go and rest well. In the morning I will test what I've taught you, after all, a lesson must be repeated with those that are stubborn." Lyrian gave a slow grin while the canine clung to the reprieve and crawled down from the bed.

He could feel the sticky mess beneath his tail and he had to keep it tucked down low as he walked to cover himself. His knot was slowly going down so he could start to pull it back into his sheath. It was a small comfort and one he clung to as he felt their eyes on him, watching him slink away full of stallion seed.

"So he's the one, is he?" Pricilla murmured as Liyoht crawled onto his makeshift bed. "I would have thought you'd go for a doe or at least a stag."

"I thought of it, but no... Things are weak enough as they are, it is time to bring new strength into the household." Lyrian's eyes lingered on him. "He has spirit, anger and depth to him that others' lacked. Cesar is a treasure."

"Of that I have no doubt, but your last attempt did not meet... with success." Pricilla seemed to choose her words delicately as Liyoht strained to catch their meaning.

"Because they had no will, no spark, no fire. This one has a fire that I will forge his very being against and create him anew." Lyrian's eyes hardened and his teeth curled back in a slow smile.