Blind Prince Ch 1 & 2 *Working title*

Story by Cerabret on SoFurry

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First time upload yay.

So a couple months ago i started doing some writing as thought excersise, starting with a skyrim based short story. Wanting to create something from scratch, i decided to combine my love of animals and fantasy (in other words because i like zoology and D&D) in to a story involving anthromorphic character. My friend always lavishes praise on my writing, but a sample size of one isn't any way to really improve. So here i present my first original work to get some feedback and improve myself as a writer. So feel free to let me know what you think.

Note: I'm a gamer at heart so if something sounds like gaming reference or influence...yeah it probably is.

2nd Note: being my first submission i'm not exactly sure how thorough to tag this, or what level of content to rate it. kept it adult because like all armchair comedians i enjoy some good innuendo and dick jokes.

Chapter 1

His waking came about as it often did, jerking upright only to feel the warm light of the sun upon him from the cracks in the curtains separating his room from the large balcony open to his room. Also wafting in was a light breeze, feeling cool and refreshing upon his sweat soaked fur, the only reminder of the night's dreams, as the images were already wiped from his mind. But he knew what they had been about, for there was nothing else they could be. Throwing the light silk sheets off of himself, he twisted to plant his feet on the cold stone floor and rose up in a magnificent stretch. He fumbled around his bedside table, finding the simple robes and attempted to don them as he meandered towards the curtains, their lazy billowing causing the small flapping sound that also greeted him in the morning. Reaching out he grasped the curtains and gave a flick, causing them to creak as they slid across their tracks. Upon his body he felt the full force of the golden suns rays, it was then the rest of the morning greeted him. The wind bringing the fresh salt of the nearby sea, the birds chirping and clattering in their wall side crevices. The door out to the hall creaked open, and the sounds of claws upon stone made its way towards him, the sound was familiar, and he didn't bother to turn to greet the visitor. "enjoying the morning my son?" his father asked, his deep voice echoing in the large room as if the walls themselves bowed to his heed. And why shouldn't they? He was king after all. "Aye father, it looks to be a grand day, wouldn't you agree". He quickly sensed the frown spread over his fathers face. His father hated such phrases, solely because they reminded everyone one in the room that which was blindingly obvious about his son. Taros Sahenti, the prince of the kingdom of Alakaha, was blind.

Chapter 2

dammit dammit DAMMIT!! she thought as she barreled down the stone halls of the palace. Damn Galen for keeping me. The leader of the Dark blades had made her stay late for morning training and now she was late to greet the prince as he woke. Being his personal assistant and responsible for his care, being on time to help him was paramount to her duty, not that Galen cares she thought in anger. It was as she passed the arch to the training room that she broke her stride and backed up to look in. Standing in the middle of the large open room stood the prince himself. Dressed only in his loin cloth and the familiar dark red bandana he wrapped around his face to cover where his eyes were sadly gone, the prince was already performing his kata. She watched as he drew his leg up high and bring it smashing down, followed by an uppercut with his right paw, proceeding in to a counter clockwise advancing pirouette, lashing out with his left elbow, then dropping in to a defensive crouch. Despite his disability, the prince's moves were smooth and beautiful, enough to rival trained masters who had the advantage of watching the moves. She walked forward, feeling the sudden shift of the floor. The king, ever caring for his son's disability, had commissioned a special floor, from the center out lines had been etched just deep enough to be noticed by touch of the foot's pad. As the circle lines flew out from the center, the spacings changed, allowing the prince to maintain awareness of his position within the room. She brought her body up against his, position her paws and feet up against his, entwining her body with his. "you clamp up too much on you follow through my lord, after the elbow smash, bring your arm back in a more sweeping motion and position it here". As she gave instruction, she used her body to move his in to proper form. She stepped away and the prince performed his finish kata and bow. "Thank you Kali, your instruction is always welcome".

"shall we spar my lord?"

"Desire to kick your prince's ass I see"

With the duel impending, she dropped all pretense of formality "Always looking to put the high and mighty Taros in his place". She strode across the large room to the other wall and removed the special gear from the floor. She strapped on the gauntlets and anklets, another special commission ordered by the king. Their specialness came from the small modifications that caused a moderate whistling as the wearer moved them. The faster and harder the wearer tried to move and attack, the larger the sound produced. This effect was produced by the short openings, in the dark leather gear, much like a simple musical pipe. She adopted her stance, a small whistling, followed by a large scream as she threw herself at him.

A short time later the prince signaled to quit and she gladly dropped her stance. Both combatants were damp with sweat, and each would have new bruises to nurse later on. "It was an exhilarating match my prince, you could easily rival any enemy"

"As long as we convince them to wear whistling armor, I think I'd manage." he lightly joked. "would you care to spot me on the weights?"

"would you rather not take a break?" she asked as she unstrapped her gear. "Kain shall be arriving soon, I'd like to have time to bath before he gets there" he replied.

"you wouldn't want him to join you in a relaxing soak?" "If I wanted my ass grabbed while naked, I'd just have you do it right now. Quicker and less perverted innuendo"

"fair point" she said, stifling a laugh. Kain was certainly special, she had never met someone so reserved and respectful when it mattered, and yet so playful and mischievous when it didn't, and she had no doubt in her mind he would do exactly that. She grabbed his hand and assumed her role has his eyes and guide and lead him out of the room.