The Demon's Labyrinth - Part 2

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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#2 of The Demon's Labyrinth

Originally I was just gonna make this a two part series, but the story is turning out to be longer then I expected so it looks like there's gonna be a part three.

If you find yourself lacking in background information, its probably because you didn't read the first part.

The story will contain sex between a male werewolf and a male human. If this isn't your thing, don't read.

There's also a small vore scene at the end. Enjoy!

The Demon's Labyrinth: Part 2 - Seth

Seth and Allison stood outside the entrance, watching as Marvo disappeared into the dark tunnel leading inside the structure. As he vanished, both Allison and Seth turned to face each other, separated by about ten feet of empty space.

Seth started forward, extending his hand and saying "look, we really need to work together on this...," but stopped as Allison quickly backed away from him.

"No," she said, eyeing him suspiciously, "you just...stay right where you are!"

Crossing his arms, Seth obeyed, stopping his advancement. With an exasperated sigh, Seth gestured towards the structure. "What exactly do you think we'll find in there huh? This is a demon who has us enslaved here: with powers like his, he could've made a deal with any number of creatures to do his bidding."

Allison didn't move. She hated the way this man looked at her. There was something evil hidden within them but she couldn't place it. It was the same look Gerald would give her on the nights he came for her, his eyes burning with unspoken lust. She couldn't trust this man.

Seth returned her stare. "Not very talkative are you?" He said. When Allison just kept glaring at him he threw up his hands in frustration., saying "Look I know what you're scared of alright, I can see it in your eyes. I'm NOT going to take advantage of you ok? I prefer men, willing men! Alright? You might not trust me, but that doesn't mean we can't be reasonable. We will need each other's help in there, and we can't waste time talking here while that little shit Marvo is making progress!"

Continuing to stare at Seth's rugged face, Allison began to see the reasoning behind Seth's words. She knew that the trials of the labyrinth would be difficult, and it would be best to have someone with her; however, she couldn't do it. She spent the last two years living with a man she thought she could love. Allison might be able to trust certain men again in the future but not this one, not this man. He reminded her too much of her vicious husband.

Standing firm, Allison narrowed her eyes and said, "No." Trying to sound as intimidating as possible.

Shaking his head, Seth made his way over to the archway. "Hopeless," he muttered, "fucking hopeless." Stopping in front of the tunnel, Seth turned around looking at Allison. "If you change your mind, run and catch up cause I'm not waiting."

With that, he turned and disappeared inside, the sounds of his footsteps fading into the darkness. Allison was alone.

Standing on the stone platform, Allison looked around and studied the environment around her. There was endless, unnaturally thick woods spread out in every direction, the canopy of trees blocking any shreds of light from reaching the forest floor. She considered trying to cut through them, but in some ways, the forest seemed more intimidating and evil then the structure in front of her. Perhaps it was the demon's words echoing in her head, saying that he'll kill her if she doesn't go through.

Waiting a few more moments to hopefully distance herself from Seth, Allison walked up to the arch of the labyrinth and disappeared inside, hoping she wouldn't run into him or any creature as she made her way through.


Stepping as cautiously as she could, Allison travelled down the length of corridor, scanning its length for any sign of Seth or Marvo. Her bare feet barely made any noise as she tip-toed down the stone hallway, her tattered nightclothes sliding gently and silently over her skin as she moved. She didn't want to have to deal with her two violent companions almost as much as she didn't want to deal with any monsters.

The look Seth had given her outside the entrance, that predatory gaze that flashed across his face before the demon showed up, it unnerved Allison immensely. Gerald had been a monster, their was no other way to describe him, and ending his life was the right thing to do. But if that was the case, then why was she here?

Allison had her own doubts as to how much the demon actually knew about her. She regretted not being able to save the Gryphon: that horrible moment had etched itself into her memory forever; Gerald however, had gotten what he deserved.

After a few moments Allison stopped, finally reaching the end of the corridor, which broke off into four different passageways. Just as she was about to continue walking straight ahead, three of the four passageways closed with an incredibly loud bang, a hefty wall of stone slamming down in front of each one, causing Allison to scream and back away with fright.

Bending down and putting her hands on her knees, Allison felt her heart pounding in her chest with shock as she struggled to regain her breath, which rose and fell in quick, rapid gasps. Collecting herself after a few moments, Allison stood up, took one last deep breath, and began walking, directly to her left down the only passage that remained open to her.

Walking about twenty more paces and turning right, Allison found herself staring at what looked to be the remains of some sort of eating area. Large stone tables were arranged in a square pattern around the room, a small set of silver utensils and cutlery covering their surfaces. Against the far wall, a large fireplace festered, its flames casting an eerie light over the features of the room.

Walking to the right, Allison crept silently around the room, staying on the outside of all the tables. Scanning the room for intruders, she spotted an open doorway on the other side of the room, and decided that she best head for it in as direct a route as possible. Allison walked through the small maze of stone tables, and was about halfway through the room when Seth jumped at her from the shadow of one of the tables to her left, hitting her and throwing her to the floor.

Allison hit the stone ground with a painful thump, lying stunned as Seth crouched over her, holding a small knife in his hand.

"Look at what I found," Seth said, grinning manically as he waved the knife under Allison's nose. "People just seem to leave these lying around, anybody can just pick them up."

Grabbing Allison by her hair, Seth pushed the girl onto one of the stone tables, his eyes filled with lust. Allison gasped in fear: she knew that look. Looking into Seth's eyes, Allison felt rage building up inside her. Never again!

Snarling, Allison grabbed a silver cup off the table next to her and threw it at Seth's head, who nimbly dodged it and ran up to her, pinning her to the table and holding his knife to her throat.

"I don't know what a pretty little thing like you is doing here missy, but I sure know why I'm here," Seth said, backing up and tearing off Allison's silk pyjama bottoms with a quick, savage yank, leaving nothing but her underwear to cover herself "I know I said I prefer men, but I'll have a pretty thing like you any day. I always get what I want missy, even if I have to TAKE it!"

Brandishing the knife, Seth took a few steps back from Allison, his face twisted into a sneer. "Take off the rest of your clothes bitch, or I'll gut you and do it myself!"

Glaring at Seth with vicious anger, Allison considered attacking him again. Looking at the knife in his hand however, she decided it would be unwise to test his patience. Seth was accustomed to this sort of thing, the scars on his face a permanent testament to his prowess in a fight. Allison would have to wait for a better opportunity.

Gripping her shirt with both hands, Allison began to undress for the man, taking her shirt off and letting it fall to the floor. Watching her with wide eyes, Seth kept the knife raised, while using his other hand to untie his pants.

O God, Allison thought, not this, please, ANYTHING but this!

Allison lay still on the table, trying to buy herself some time while Seth was struggling with the string at his waist. Raising the knife even higher, Seth glared at her, saying "keep going bitch, I haven't got all day!"

Letting her hands fall behind her back, Allison pretended to begin untying her bra, only to lunge for a heavy, silver plate a few feet away from her on the table. Standing up, Allison raised the plate above her head, preparing to use it as a weapon should Seth come any closer. "Stay back!" She yelled, her eyes wide with fright.

Grinning, Seth brought each of his hand up to shoulder level, holding them out in an offensive combat stance. "I'm going to get you down from there now," he growled, moving foreword with a predatory grace "and when I do, you're going to regret your little tantrum bitch."

Seth took a few, measured steps forwards before stopping in surprise, casting his gaze over to the right. A large part of the wall slid open, opening up to a dark tunnel, its length hidden in inky blackness.

As Seth stared at the opening, wondering what to do, Allison cried out in alarm as a large, furry form melted out of the shadows of the passage and lunged straight at Seth, who cried out as a giant, clawed hand knocked the knife out of his hands and threw him to the ground. Seth's head hit that ground and he lay there, stunned from the impact.

Still standing on top of the table, Allison gave a sharp intake of breath, letting the plate she held fall to the floor with a noisy clang as she studied the creature in front of her.

The monster that had intervened was a werewolf. Standing tall on two, muscular legs, the wolf was covered in grey, wiry fur, with black stripes lining his back, forearms, and thighs. Allison could tell he was a male: looking between his legs the wolf had a rather large set of furry testicles that hung low underneath a long fold of skin that must've been the creature's sheath. Allison's nose twitched as the sent of the monster reached her, his heavy, smoky odour hitting her nostrils as the wolf stood but a few feet from her. Looking over at Allison, the wolf stared at her with deep, yellow eyes, his ears pointed forward and muzzle twisted into a snarl, his teeth gleaming in the firelight.

Not knowing what to do, Allison froze, staring into the eyes of the wolf in front of her. She had seen how fast he could move despite his size, so Allison didn't think it would've been a good idea to run. She wished she hadn't dropped the plate.

The wolf stepped forward, bringing the nose of his muzzle up to Allisons face and giving a little sniff. Allison stepped backwards, and before she realized what she was doing, she smack the werewolf across his nose, running backwards to pick up another plate and hold it above her head.

Barely feeling it and snorting with what Allison could only guess as approval, the wolf stepped back, all hostility gone from his features. Stooping to gasp Seth's leg with his clawed hand, the wolf nodded in Allison's direction. "You have spirit, little human," he growled, turning and making his way back into the dark tunnel, dragging Seth with him. "It will be interesting to see how you do in the trials to come."

Still groaning on the ground, Seth didn't struggle at all as the large wolf pulled him into the doorway. Turning, the wolf glared at Allison one last time, growling, "And you're welcome." Remaining perfectly still on top of the table, Allison barely dared to move as she watched the wolf and Seth disappear into the dark, the brick wall sliding back into place behind them.


Seth and the Wolf

Barley conscious as the wolf dragged him across the ground, Seth couldn't tell where he was. He could only feel the cold, stone floor sliding across his back, and the furry, clawed hand that dug into his lower leg in a firm grip as it pulled him.

After a few moments of sliding on his back in the darkness, Seth started to regain consciousness. Feeling the werewolf let go of his leg, Seth opened his eyes and found himself in a well lit chamber. The chamber was large, circular, and barely had anything in it but a large wooden table in the center surrounded by a few wooden chairs, with a small vial of purple liquid resting on it and a patch of straw in the corner. Finishing his scan of the room, Seth directed his attention to the werewolf, who had walked over to the table and bent down to study the purple vial.

As he regarded his captor for the first time, Seth had to admit he was an admirable specimen, even from behind. The entire body of the wolf was greatly toned and muscular, his powerful legs flexing as he stooped low over the table. The beast's back was heavily corded with muscle, visible underneath his grey fur. Seth watched as the wolf's tail twitched back and forth, offering quick glimpses of the furry rump hidden behind it, and the beast's large testicles that just barely showed in the gap between the his legs.

Turning, the werewolf regarded Seth with his piercing stare. Noticing the human staring at his waist, the wolf gave him a little smirk, and walked slowly over to where Seth lay on the ground, purposely swinging his hips and running his claws down the sides of his body. The muscular, furry body of the wolf towered above the human, its heavy, smoky musk filling Seth's nose as it stood close to him. The wolf then sunk down into a crouch, resting his haunches on his back legs, letting his balls hang in midair only a few feet from human, who was having trouble taking his eyes off them.. "You can close that now," the wolf grumbled.

Seth's face twisted in confusion, wondering what the wolf was talking about when he heard the entrance behind him slam shut. Craning his head around, Seth let out a tiny yell of fright, for standing next to the doorway was a giant lizard.

Almost as tall as his companion, the scaled beast also walked on two legs, but unlike the werewolf, was covered in smooth, light green scales that had the occasional blotch of red, except for its belly and inner thighs, which were white. Walking over, the lizard grinned, showing a set of fearsome pointy teeth, punctuated by two, large fangs jutting from the front of his upper jaw. A set of red frills lined each side of the lizard's head, while a trail of spines stretched from the top of his head, down his back, and all the way to the end of his thick, muscular tail. As the reptile got closer, Seth's nostrils were filled with yet another scent: a dry, tangy odour that grew heavier as the monster approached, mixing with the smell coming from the werewolf. The lizard stared down at him with its red eyes, which burned with a ravenous hunger, making Seth extremely uneasy.

Standing to his left, the lizard cross his arms and looked at the werewolf, who still remained crouched in front of Seth. "So, did this one fail?" The lizard asked, his voice coming out in a rattling hiss.

"Spectacularly," the werewolf replied, shifting his weight slightly, "he didn't even make it past the first room before he tried to take the girl." Upon hearing this, the lizard opened his maw, letting his tongue hang out in a nightmare of a smile.

Seth felt his panic rising as his heart pounded in his chest like a hammer. What were they talking about? Fail? Pulling himself up slighty, he faced the two monsters and said, "Wait what? No! That's not fair, I was supposed to get through the labyrinth, not play the gentleman to some stupid woman!"

Eyes narrowing with hatred, the wolf glared at him from across the room. "That woman was a better warrior then you," he growled, fangs bared, "You prey on the weak, the helpless, taking pleasure as you see fit. You are no true hunter." Standing up, the wolf continued, "You have taken the lives of many, human, never once showing remorse or granting mercy, and yet you expect it of us?"

Seth pulled himself upright, standing up and backing away slowly, hands raised into the air. "No please, just...just go away!" Seth yelled, turning and running to the wall, trying to find the opening that would get him out.

The lizard walked slowly towards Seth. "The girl was your test you know, human." The lizard hissed, pausing to let the message sink in. "The demon told us that if you left the girl alone, that we were to show you the passage to the next set of rooms, but since you can't seem to resist even for a few moments..." The lizard lunged, his form a blur as he grabbed Seth and threw him to the ground. Landing face down, Seth hit the pavement with a grunt. "We get to do whatever we want to you."

Walking over and standing behind him, the wolf bent down, slipped his claws into Seth's pants, and sliced them in two, ripping them from his body. Completely naked, Seth tried to stand but the lizard had moved in front of him and put his scaled foot on Seth's back, pushing him back down.

Standing behind Seth, the wolf let out a deep rumble. "I know you desire me human. I can see it in your eyes," the wolf said, fallings down onto his knees behind Seth. "You were after the woman, but its me you want. I'm going to make you enjoy this, which is more then what can be said for the countless people you've hurt in the past."

The lizard crouched low and settled down onto the human's back, his scaled, green tail stretching out over the back of Seth's head and onto the floor. Sitting down, the lizard let his weight push Seth into the ground while keeping the human's ass upright.

Crouching low, the wolf went down on his hands and knees and began to lick the human's asshole, wetting it with warm, slimy drool. Seth winced as he felt the warm tongue begin to massage him, but could nothing to pull away with the heavy lizard on top holding him in place, its scaly tail resting on the back of his head.

Sitting on the human's back, the lizard watch the werewolf, eyes widening with lust as he watched the beast lap at the human's asshole, lathering it with a thick layer of saliva: the sight was definitely arousing. Groaning and letting his hips sink lower on the human's back, the reptile let the tip of his penis poke out of the slit in-between his thighs. In seeing the flared tip of his companion's dick poking out, the wolf stopped licking the human's anus and let out a growl of pleasure. Standing up, the wolf moved forward and brought his hips close to the lizard's face, expectantly holding his maleness right in front of the reptile.

Moving his face forward, the lizard inhaled the werewolf's scent, letting the familiar, smoky musk fill his nostrils, before opening his mouth and exhaling, letting the warm air flow from his maw onto the wolf's privates, causing the beast to shudder. Then, letting his tongue slowly slide out of his mouth, the lizard gave the wolf a long, sensuous lick, starting at the base of his balls and leading up to the top of his sheath.

The wolf began to show signs of arousal after that, the tip of his penis emerging from the folds of his sheath. Seeing that his tongue had an effect, the lizard cooed softly before sliding his tongue into the wolf's sheath, rubbing it slowly around the inside of the folds of skin while simultaneously coiling it around the tip, massaging the red, pointed length. The penis of the wolf jumped at the touch of the lizard's tongue, which was slowly being squished inside the sheath as it grew steadily larger.

Growling and whining in delight, the wolf closed his eyes and relaxed his face in pleasure. "Ahhhh, you know what I like," the wolf hummed, standing a little taller and shifting his legs wider to give the lizard better access.

Seth was still face-first on the ground. He couldn't see what was going on, but he could hear the soft, wet slurps coming from behind him as the lizard used his tongue to play with the wolf's member, which grew bigger with every passing second. The sounds were greatly arousing for Seth, who reached one of his hands back to grab his penis, which was already rock hard due to the werewolf's stimulations.

As the member of the wolf in front of him became fully exposed, the lizard slurped his tongue back into his mouth, before gleefully engulfing the entire length into his long muzzle, being careful to not use his teeth. The wolf felt immense pleasure wash through him, his tail swishing back and forth as his knees buckled slightly, causing him to huddle lower in his stance, and place his clawed hands on the lizard's head.

The lizard gave a small hiss of amusement in feeling the wolf grasp his head for support, the clawed hands of the beast resting on each side of his frills. He put both of his scaled hands on the werewolf's ass, letting his own weight hold the human down while he pulled the beast's hips closer into his face, burying his muzzle into the furry crotch. He loved the taste of the wolf: the bestial, salty tang of the furry beast's penis as it swelled within his maw. Feeling hornier by the second, the lizard stooped a little lower on the human's back and began to slowly drag the tip of his penis along the smooth skin underneath it, his hips slowly grinding back and forth to massage his moist tip.

Still held down by the weight of the lizard, Seth closed his eyes as he felt the reptile sitting on him begin to slide his hips across his back, feeling the soft flesh of the lizard's member leave a small trail of moisture as it rubbed across him. The dry scales of the reptile's tail scratched his back as the creature moved, but not in a painful way: it actually felt good. The heavy, animalistic scent of the creatures above him grew in intensity as they lost themselves in their passions. Seth gripped his penis tightly, stimulating as best he could, completely turned on by the movements of the beasts overtop of him.

Involuntarily bucking his hips slightly, the werewolf's eyes closed as he lost himself in the reptiles undulations, finding himself barely able to remain standing as he spread his muscular thighs as far apart as he could without losing balance. Tongue lolling and tail stretching parallel with the ground, the wolf let the pleasure wash through his entire body, letting himself purr and moan with delight. With one last drag of his tongue across the wolf's shaft, the lizard pulled back and settled back down onto the human's back, pinning him to the ground more firmly.

The wolf was now standing fully erect thanks to his partner, who couldn't help but stare at the giant member that bobbed in front of him. Sprouting out of a furry ring of flesh, the beast's long, thick shaft was bright red, with a rounded knot at its base and a pointy tip. The reptile inhaled, savouring the primal musk that assaulted his senses with his nose so close to the werewolf's maleness. The reptile's own penis had also fully emerged from its slit, it lengthy, moist length glistening as it rested on the human's back.

Falling down onto his knees, the wolf crawled forward until his waist was right up against the human's back. Panting, the wolf eased his hips forward against the human's backside. Looking at the lizard seated right in front of him, the wolf licked the reptilian face in front of him, which the lizard returned in kind. Seth's eyes widened as he felt the wiry fur of the wolf brush his lower back, and the moist flesh of the wolf's penis bump into the skin of his rump. Seth's mind raced as the werewolf shifted behind him: he knew that he had to do something but he could only freeze in anticipation, part of him wanting what was about to come. "Will, will you let me go if I cooperate?" Seth asked.

"Well, at least he's not begging anymore," the reptile said, turning his face to observe Seth once again. Standing up, the lizard walked away from the two on the floor and over to the table, letting the wolf lunge forward and grab the human by his shoulders, the massive furry arms of the beast easily holding Seth in place.

Walking a few feet over to the left the lizard grabbed one of the chairs at the table and dragged it over to the werewolf and Seth's position on the ground. Sitting sideways in the chair, letting his tail hang of the end, the lizard spread his legs and let a large gob of spit fall onto the palm of his hand. Gripping his shaft, the reptile began to slowly stroke himself, his eyes focused on the show that was about to start in front of him. The scales of his hand were rough, but the mixture of fluid from his slit and mouth had made his member slimy and sticky, allowing himself to slide his hand up and down in delight.

His teeth showing and lips twisted into a snarl, the werewolf held the human's shoulders down and thrust his middle foreword, grinding his length against the backside of the human underneath him. Arching his back, the beast gave the human a few experimental humps, stimulating his member against the soft skin of the human's rump. Seth's whole body moved as the massive, furry form rocked against him. Putting both hands on the ground, Seth braced himself against the ground, no longer being able to afford stroking his own member at the risk of being driven into the ground.

Stopping his thrusts, the werewolf slid his hips back, sliding his wet member across the human's anus before shifting his waist, crouching lower and doing his best to line up his penis with the clenched hole in front of it. Glaring down at the human, the werewolf noticed that Seth wasn't even trying to resist, even with both his hands planted on the ground for stability. "So, you want this then do you?" The wolf rumbled, taking one clawed hand off of Seth's shoulder and grasping his own throbbing member.

Seth didn't respond for a moment, shocked into silence as he contemplated what was coming. "Wait, can you let me...please just show me the way out and I'll do whatever you...gahhhh!" Seth yelled as he felt the werewolf rub the tip of its penis against his anus before pushing it in.

Closing his eyes and clenching his teeth, the werewolf slowly inched his hips foreword, his large member sliding easily into the tight space of the human's asshole, the reptilian saliva acting as the lube. The beast stopped when the top of his knot met Seth's anus, burying his entire length within the human, who murmured in a mixture of pain and pleasure as his rear involuntarily flexed on the intruding member. "What were you going to say?" The werewolf said, rotating and grinding his hips into the human's rear, "just be quiet and enjoy this, weakling, I know you will." Hunching down over the human's back, the beast pulled his member partway out, its shaft glistening in the low light of the room, before plunging it back in. Continuing the motion, the wolf began mating with human underneath him, his giant furry body humping with a primal savagery. The wolf panted heavily as he made the human his bitch, his mouth hanging open with joy and letting small droplets of saliva run off the end of his tongue onto the human's back.

Seth winced as the invading member spread him once again. The slickness of the reptilian drool helped immensely in lessening the pain, which slowly vanished and turned into pleasure as the werewolf continued to take him. Feeling the furry balls of the beast slap into the back of his own with each hump, Seth closed his eyes and curled hands into fists, enjoying every second of it. He could hear the wolf panting above him, the warm drool pooling on his back. The scent of the beast violating him filled his nostrils, the smell of bestial sex and musk wafting through the air like a thick cloud.

Watching the entire event unfold in front of him, the lizard stared at the scene in front of him, taking in every detail with supreme concentration. The smell of sweat, sex, and musk filled his reptilian nose as he gripped his shaft, watching and listening to the savage grunts and moans of the couple on the ground in front of him. Running his scaled paw over his saliva covered member, the reptile gripped his penis with his left hand while holding the chair for support, running his hand along the length of his dick and pausing occasionally to give his flared tip a light squeeze. Spreading his thighs wider and sinking lower into the chair, the lizard continued to jerk himself off, his lustful gaze never wavering from the werewolf as the beast pounded his length into the human's backside. From his viewpoint, the lizard could see the immense bliss that stretched across the werewolf's face with each thrust, the beast's furry countenance scrunching together with clear pleasure. As he saw the wolf hunch lower, raise his thick tail into the air, and begin to hump the human with quick, small pumps of his hips, the lizard knew it wouldn't be long.

Putting his back paws on the ground and opening his furry thighs as wide as he could, the werewolf hunched low over the human and began to thrust into the human as hard as he could. He quickly pumped his shaft in and out of his human bitch, feeling the tight, moistened asshole periodically clench down or spasm around his dick as it entered. "I'm about to cum, human," the wolf snarled, "don't try to move or I'll rip at your back."

Seth gave a soft whimper of understanding, raising his backside higher. If he had any hopes of getting out of this alive, he had to give these monsters what they wanted. And its really not that bad, Seth thought, feeling his dick jump in time with the beast's thrusts, the furry balls of the wolf smacking against his own.

Scrunching his face and letting out a grunt, the werewolf ground his hips into the human's backside, pushing his waist foreword until he felt his knot squeeze into the human's ass. The beast squeezed and flexed his thighs, the heavy muscles of his legs straining as they squished the human's cheeks together. The human cried out in surprise as the knot forced itself into his rear. Feeling the werewolf tense above him and clench its furry thighs against his buttocks, Seth knew what was coming. The werewolf yelped in pleasure above him and Seth let out a moan as the first blast of semen from the beast's dick warmed his insides.

Tied to his newest bitch, the werewolf ground his teeth together, and closed his eyes as his body exploded with ecstasy. Waves of pleasure washed over his body, resonating from his hips as the werewolf shot his seed into the human's ass. The beast let out a low pitched whine and arched his back, pushing his hips foreword with all his strength, shuddering as his long shaft continued with its ejaculation, pulsing as heavy ropes of cum blasted from its length. The werewolf's tail stretched parallel to the ground and moved downwards with each pulse of the beast's member, flagging in time with each shot of seed.

Pushed into the ground, Seth moaned as he felt the warm semen of the beast coat his insides. Huddled overtop of him, the beast breathed heavily, its moist breath washing over Seth in ragged huffs. Clenching down on the werewolf's member, Seth squirmed in delight, rotating his backside and pleasuring the beast as best he could. He felt his own member jump under his hand in response to the beast cumming in his rear. Seth ground his teeth together and put one of his hands on his penis once again, rubbing his shaft as best he could. He wished he had some sort of lube.

From his chair, the lizard watched the beast orgasm. The werewolf stopped whining and descended into a deep growl, dropping his head and closing his eyes in bliss, his tongue lolling out of his mouth once again. With each flag of his tail, the werewolf squinted and let out a soft whine amidst the continuing growls, a sound the lizard knew to indicate pure satisfaction. Feeling his penis jump under his grip, the lizard grunted continued running his hand up and down his shaft. He was close to the brink, but he wanted to last a little longer.

The pumps of his dick fading, the semen slowing down to a small trickle, the werewolf let himself collapse on the human and roll over to the side, his entire furry body shivering with pleasure. Being tied to the beast, Seth had no choice but to roll over as well, the large body of the wolf pulling him over to rest against him. Getting comfortable, the wolf lifted and draped his massive leg over the human's body and waited for the swell of his knot to go down.

Seth felt the warm cum in his backside swirl about as he tipped over, the vast quantity of liquid being held in place by the werewolf's knot. No longer in need of his hands for support, Seth grabbed his penis and started to massage it, squeezing it and stimulating it as best he could.

The lizard watched from his chair as the werewolf collapsed onto his side, utterly spent, dragging the human with him. The reptile squeezed his member in a delightful hiss, humping the air from his sitting position as he witnessed the arousing scene come to a close. The scent of bestial sex and semen filled the room like a heavy cloud, and the lizard took it all in, sniffing the air as he went over the brink. Pushing his hips into the air and teasing the flare of his penis one last time, the lizard let out a soft shriek as his member jumped under his hand, shooting semen out of its tip and onto the stone floor.

Grinning as he watched the lizard cum, the werewolf pulled the human close, giving him a few more soft humps in the behind from his sideways position on the floor, hoping to ease the lizard's orgasm along with something else to look at. The wolf also gave his paw a long, sensuous couple of licks, coating it in his drool before reaching down in-between the Seth's legs and grasping the human's shaft. Letting his hand drop in slight protest, Seth jumped in shock as the werewolf's clawed hand closed around his dick, but slowly relaxed as it began to squeeze and slide over his member.

The hand of the wolf stimulated him in ways Seth never would of thought possible, the slimy drool and the soft fur of the wolf's hand combining to massage his penis. Feeling the furred hand around his length squeeze tight and rapidly pump up and down his shaft, Seth let out a cry of delight. "O fuck...O...I'm gonna...Ahhhhh!" He managed to yell before his first shot of semen cannoned out of his dick. His entire body flexing and pushing back into the furry body behind him, Seth shivered as he orgasmed, watching his cum leap onto the floor in front of him, while a little bit dribbled on the furry hand grasping his penis.

Letting out a low growl, the wolf pulled back, letting his member slide out of the human's ass, a small trail of semen following in its wake. Standing up and licking the semen on his hand, the wolf picked Seth up by the leg, lifting him as if he were a child and carrying him over to the reptile, who was just finishing with his lengthy orgasm.

Panting in a ragged hiss, the lizard collapsed in his chair, letting the last few drops of fluid drip from his length onto the floor. Making eye contact with the wolf, the lizard let out a weak smile, "You put on quite the show," the lizard commented.

"Speak for yourself," the wolf snarled, raising the human's leg up, "what do we do with him now?" He asked.

Seth whimpered, his penis hanging in the air as the werewolf held him up. "You could let me go couldn't you? I was good wasn't I?" He asked, staring pleadingly at the wolf. "I learned my lesson, so how about you let go of my leg, and I'll be on my way."

The wolf tilted his head, contemplating his options.

"We could just leave him," the lizard said, gesturing towards the human's pathetic form, "He is quite pathetic."

"Or just give him to Mhyrdal," The werewolf answered, teeth opening in a slight grin.

"I like the first suggestion." Seth whined from his position of the floor. He didn't know what a 'Mhyrdal' was but he doubted it was something good.

Just as the lizard was about to answer, the demon's voice echoed around the room. Seeming to come from everywhere at once, the voice sent shivers down Seth's spine, its tone dripping with lust and envy. "Make him drink the vial," the voice whispered.

Only standing still for a few more moments, the werewolf shrugged his shoulders and picked up the human on the ground, easily lifting him as if he were a child. Picking up the liquid with one hand, the beast slammed the human down on the table, grabbing him by the neck and digging his long claws into Seth's neck. "Drink," the wolf growled.

Eyes widening, Seth squirmed under the beast's grasp. "No," Seth choked, "it'll kill me, please, just let me go!"

Twisting his mouth into a snarl, the werewolf gripped the human's neck harder, nearly drawing blood with his long claws. "If you don't drink it, we'll kill you for sure," the wolf growled, "open your mouth, prey."

Feeling the sharp claws dig into his neck, Seth obeyed, opening his mouth so that the wolf could pour the liquid in. He wasn't sure that the liquid would do to him, but the wolf could kill him easily if he refused. Gulping the contents of the vial down, Seth made a face of disgust: it tasted like the worst bear he'd ever had. Seth sat on the table, waiting expectantly and preying to the gods the purple liquid wasn't lethal. The werewolf backed away from him, a curious expression etched across his face. Apparently he didn't know what it was going to do either.

Just when Seth thought nothing was going to happen, the room around him began to grow larger. The circular room that had once been a mere twenty feet of so in circumference seemed to expand outwards, the table underneath him growing to impossible proportions. In a matter of seconds, everything around Seth had become gigantic, the wolf and lizard included, who stared at him in surprise.

From the werewolf's point of view however, it was apparent that the human was shrinking. Now lying naked on the edge of the table, the human couldn't been bigger then a mouse. With a little yell, the human leapt up and started sprinting across to the other side of the table, his tiny feet tapping across the wooden surface as he ran.

The wolf was about to give chase when the lizard behind him stood up off his chair. Opening his maw, the reptile's tongue shot out of its mouth, stretching across the length of the room and coiling around the human faster then the werewolf's eyes could follow. Just as fast as it had went, the lizards tongue snapped backwards, dragged the screaming human with it. Yelling the whole way, Seth flew through the air, waving his arms frantically in useless panic.

The human's screams cut out as the reptile slurped the little human into his maw, slamming his jaws shut with a sharp clack. Inside the lizard's mouth, Seth felt himself pulled to the back of the lizard's throat, the warm, moist flesh of the lizards mouth enveloping him in a tight cocoon.

From the outside, the werewolf watched, grinning as the reptile tiled its head upwards, closing it eyes and swallowing with a soft 'glick.' The lizard's throat rippled as the human was pushed down the scaled neck, his little form making a distinct bulge as it travelled downwards before disappearing into the creature's chest.

Screaming, Seth found himself sliding down a warm, moist tube that was coated in the saliva and mucus of the lizard. The stench of the reptile was overwhelming, the dry, tangy odour from before was now moist and powerful in Seth's nose as he felt the muscles of the lizard's neck push him down. The sides of the tube squished his body together, pushing him deeper and deeper into the warm contents of the monster's innards. Unable to breathe, Seth felt himself losing consciousness as he slid into the lizard's stomach, which churned , gurgled and squeezed his body in delight. Closing his eyes, Seth slowly passed out, the gurgling sounds of the lizards gut and the flexing of the muscular stomach wall on his body the last thing he experienced before fading into blackness.

The werewolf grinned at his companion, who answered by opening his mouth slightly and running his forked tongue along his scaly lips. "He tasted good," the lizard cooed, patting the white scales of his stomach, releasing a small burp and letting a small trail of drool leak out of his lips. "He tasted a bit like you."

"Of course he did," the werewolf said, smirking and running his clawed hands down his furry body, "Even you can't wash the smell of me off yourself." At that the lizard gave a tiny smile and sauntered over to the chair, his fleshy member now only half-peaking out of his slit. Moving the back to its place by the table, the lizard looked over to the wolf. The beast's penis was also retreating back into its sheath, its red length disappearing back into the furry folds of skin.

"Wait just a second," the reptile said, moving over to the wolf, who turned and regarded him with curiosity. Bending down, the lizard put his snout close to the werewolf's groin once again. "You make a messss every time you cum," the lizard whispered, licking the inside of the wolf's thigh to clear away the semen left in his fur. The beast lifted his leg to let the lizard clean him, enjoying the feeling of the tongue once again. Of course now his leg was wet with lizard drool, but it was better then walking around with his own seed on himself.

Finishing and dragging his forked tongue one last time over the werewolf's balls, the lizard closed his maw, swallowing the small amount of cum he had slurped up. Walking back over to the wall, the werewolf pulled one of the torches downwards, allowing part of the wall to slide open and reveal another long, dark tunnel. "Rest and digest your meal," the wolf said, "I'm going to go see how the other contestants are doing."

Turning and walking into the tunnel, the werewolf vanished, his giant form moving incredibly silent for one of his size. Moving over to the straw in the corner, the lizard laid down and curled up in the makeshift bed. Closing his eyes, the lizard sighed with satisfaction and ran his tongue along his teeth, remembering the taste of the human once again.

"I need to ask Mordinith how to get more of that liquid," the lizard thought, before drifting off to sleep.
