Master's "Perfect" Mare-Boy

Story by Noah Creek on SoFurry

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Here is a story about a mare-boy who has a naga master for all you readers who like naga on horse action. THERE IS NO VORE so I can make it better enjoyable without any death involved. Please comment, vote, fave and watch if you haven't already. Thank you and enjoy! Errors and mistakes are welcome to made clear btw!

"Ash! Are you done dusting yet?"

The young seventeen year-old jumped in his hoofs from the loud call. He wasn't done cleaning the den actually, only halfway just to measure. It wasn't like the place needed to be dusted anyway since everything was spick and span, so shiny that you could even eat spaghetti off the floor. The tile flooring had been triple-waxed and had a great reflection to them while the furniture around the room was neatly placed as well as dusted and vacuumed.

Nothing seemed to be out of place. The Maplewood coffee tables in the center of the room looked as shiny as the floors, the large white leather U-shaped couch had been vacuumed (and cleaned with a leather cleaner), the expensive rubs around the room had been power-washed, twice, and the black glass entertainment center with a large seventy-two inch flat screen had been cleaned of any dust particles. The windows that the horse could reach had been polished to the point of perfection while the ceiling needed a little dusting itself.

Jeez, being a clean freak perfectionist was a ton of work.

Ash wiped his forehead, which held no sweat. He had been up since...eight o'clock? Nine? He lost track of time. Cleaning the house seemed to be the only thing on his mind at the moment, which seemed to be the only thing he did when he wasn't doing his other past time. The penthouse had to be clean at all times, at least, that was what he told himself in his mind. Maybe he got it from his mom, or from his aunt, or from his grandmother, but he had no clue. There was no way he took after his dad though, the stallion was a messy equine and usually left his shirts and shoes everywhere, leaving the job of cleaning up to the young boy horse.

He was usually alone in his free time, which seemed to be all the time when he wasn't trying to be the house "maid" as he referred himself to as. His dad worked as a lawyer in major courts in Las Vegas, which was where they lived, while his mother was a nurse in the nearby hospital down the road. They had bought the penthouse months before, leaving young Ashe there by himself with butlers, servants, and regular maids alike to cater to his every word whenever he called for them. Did he call for them a lot? No, but he made an occasional call every now and then but was never unreasonable was his demands. He didn't need the maids, those sweet things, since he was usually the cleaner while the servants were free to cater to anyone else's whims who were just as high as they were.

Ash took after both his mother and father, more so to his mother. He stood only at five-foot three inches, weighed usually one-hundred ten pounds, and was very slim, lithe, with a slight femininity to his figure. His fur coat was a light chestnut brown color while his tail had an odd dark brown hue with a predominantly red color to it, along with his long flowing hair that streamed past his shoulders. His hair, tail, and body fur were all neatly brushed, his tail sweeping from side to side while his hair flowed right behind his head like a bellow of wind. He wore tight jeans and a tight T-shirt that showed off his lithe, thin frame along with his slight curved hips that gave him a slight feminine look. His hoofs had been washed and cleaned thoroughly so as to make sure he didn't track any filth anywhere, which seemed to help him a lot.

He had finally finished dusting off the marble kitchen countertop by the time his father came into the room. He had to only hope his dad had cleaned his hoofs enough so that they didn't track any dirt or grime, else the young horse was going to get a little aggravated, and the dad knew it. Having a son who was a neat freak then making a mess was only going to bring out the diva inside him.

"Good morning, daddy," Ash welcomed his father, pouring an already hot cup of coffee for the stallion just as he took a seat at the table.

The stallion yawned before replying. "Mornin', son." He took the cup from his son generously then took a sip. He wore a black business suit consisting of a black coat, pants, a white button up shirt tucked into his waist with a belt and black tie to fit the look nicely.

"So, what's the case today, daddy?" Ash asked, actually deciding to take a seat with his father at the table, taking an energy bar with him for his "breakfast".

The stallion let out a long sigh. "Rape case apparently. Apparently this coach bear named Jack has been secretly having sex with his young swimmers in training. He seems to have been doing it for a dozen years, and he's only been caught now. The grizzly seems to be a crafty one since he's been able to keep his secret buried for a pretty long time." The strong looking horse sipped his coffee before chuckling lightly. "He didn't count on one of his own players turning him in however. We had undeniable evidence that he has had sexual intercourse with many of the..." the horse trailed off then sighed. "..the eleven year-olds. A monster is what he was. We found traces of his sperm inside of the players and that is enough to prove him guilty for the crime."

Ash listened carefully and nodded, taking a bite of his bar while somewhat feeling a little guilty. He actually had met the coach one before, believe it or not, since he used to play a few sports. He wasn't on the bear's team however, more like on the rival team, but the horse had heard from the rival players that their coach "took care of them real good". Could they have meant what he thought they meant? Maybe. Could he had understood while he was young? No.

This man deserved to be put behind bars.

"Seems pretty legit to me," Ash replied. "Does he have any way to defend himself?"

"With the evidence we have, he's going to need Jesus by the time the case has been closed," the stallion chuckled, smiling to his son.

"I don't think Jesus favors rapists," Ash giggled softly, covering his mouth just a little.

He patted his son's shoulder then smiled again. "I suppose you're right. Let's move on, eh? Are you doing alright? I know I've been gone for a few days and your mother works long hours..." the horse looked away. "I sometimes don't like leaving you here alone."

Ash waved his hand aside. "I'm fine, don't worry, daddy. If I get too lonely, I'll just call Jason and we can cuddle and watch movies."

His father nodded. "I trust you and Jason are doing well? I know he is a long worker..."

"It's okay, daddy. No complaints." He replied, smiling.

His father nodded again. His parents were okay with him being gay and supported it, much to the young horse's optimism. He had felt scared at a time during his life, knowing for a very long time that he was gay and accepted it, that his parents would resent him and push him away. However, it was the complete opposite since they told him that they had always known. At that moment, he finally felt free, he finally felt like he had been welcomed, able to be himself no matter what so long as he had the acceptance of his parents.

Yet there was one thing he never told his folks. They would probably blow their fuses and probably kick him out, son or not. Telling them wasn't an option, it wasn't a choice, it wasn't anything.

And that was all they needed to know.

His father checked his watch then sipped his coffee again before getting up. "I have to get going, can't be late for the case. Call the maids or the butlers in case you need anything and, if you need to, call your mother or me but make sure it is an emergency." The stallion walked over then gave his son a kiss on his forehead. "I love you, son. Bye."

"Bye, daddy," Ash replied, waving goodbye as his strong father walked out of the penthouse.

The horse let out a long sigh of relief. He finally finished his energy bar before he checked out the place. The sun was already high in the sky, it was a bright and shiny day, and the penthouse was clean as a whistle. Nothing seemed to be out of place, nothing at all.

He pushed his chair in then went over to pick up his phone, flipping through the contacts before reaching a certain number. THE number. It wasn't his boyfriend, Jason; it wasn't his dad or his mom or his uncle or whoever. This was a special someone he had had tons of wonderful times with, the same person that gave him the attention his parents and busy boyfriend couldn't do.

He pressed the number and waited, hearing buzzing on the other end a few times. He hoped his friend wasn't busy like everyone else apparently; else his was sure his afternoon plans were sure to be ruined. He would've cleaned the house for no reason if his friend wasn't home, making the whole thing look pointless.

Just as the phone almost cut off, someone picked up.

"Assssh," the deep, yet smooth as water voice sounded over the other end, causing the horse to shudder lightly as the voice drew out his name like a snake's hiss. "A pleasure to have you call me again. Isss sssomething wrong? Do you need help?"

_ _ Ash covered his mouth with a soft giggle to follow. He leaned against one of the leather recliners, smiling. "Of course not, sir." He had his voice slow, with a sweet, seductive undertone to follow it. "I just wanted to know if you had time." He had his fingers walking across the surface of the leather, licking his lips as he waited for a response.

There was silence until the voice spoke again. "Mmm, I sssee what you're getting at. Tell me, hasss my little girl been a good girl while daddy has been away?"

_ _ "Yes, of course... 'daddy'," Ash replied, giggling softly. "I'm soo terribly lonely, and I was wondering if you wanted to, I dunno, have a little fun?"

There was light chuckling on the other end, the other male sounding pleased with the question. "You know I am always ready to sssspend time with you. When would you like me over?"

_ _ "How about...five tonight?"

"Mmm, keeping me waiting, I ssssee?"

_ _ Ash giggled. "More along the lines of...let you really show me where my place is."

Chuckling filled the other end. "You already know your place. It ssseemsss I have to show you your role for the ressst of your life, again."

_ _ "Oh, daddy..." the horse whispered to himself, closing his eyes as he slowly moved his hand down to his groin, rubbing at his crotch teasingly. " me my place..."

"You belong to me, remember? I am your massster, your mentor, your dominator, your owner...your everything. I am going to show you what it really feelsss like to be controlled by a ssstrong man, undersssstand?"

"Oh...yes...daddy...please..." Ash moaned to himself, snaking his hand into his pants. He slipped his hand farther into his set of white panties, slowly rubbing up and down his slowly hardening member that was getting stiffer during the conversation.

There was nothing like this man's voice in the world. It caused Ash's hair's to stand on end with slight fear but also with pleasure, feeling that voice almost travel up and down his skin and fur with a gentle caress. How he wanted to be with the man right now! His urges were starting to kick in, and he really didn't want to wait anymore. But things were always better at night. More soothing, exciting, and...intimate.

"Be ready, little mare," the man hissed out. "And no cumming without my permission, undersssstand?" Only the whimper and moan on the other end of the phone gave the man an answer in reply. He chuckled, sending even more pleasuring ripples down the equine's slender body. "Five o'clock. Ssssharp."

With that final order, the line shut off and all that was left in the room was a horny horse with a very hard stiffy. Ash had to catch his breath then take a seat. He knew his master had a way with words, that much he already knew about the man, yet it still had a profound effect on him and his body. There had been at least a dozen times before that they had spent intimate time together, all of which were exciting and blazing with passion and the heat of pure sex.

Ash didn't care that he was still a little young. Truth be told, sex fueled him more than his parents knew. Sure, he played the "house-maid" act very well, but the act his parents never knew about was his sex-life with his master. In the beginning, he wasn't sure if he would be a good pet/slave for the male but as time went on, his part continued to grow better and better and he became the mare-boy--which is what his master referred to him as--his master wanted him to be.

Ash looked at the clock. Not even close to the time his master would be here. He sighed in annoyance. Sometimes time could just be way to slow, especially on his more hornier days like now. He digressed, at least he had something to look forward to tonight now.

And there was no way his master was going to come inside a messy house! Well, it wasn't even close to messy but in the mare-boy's eyes, it was still dirty enough to have his nerves going.

"Better start cleaning, again," Ash said to himself, walking to the kitchen to grab one of the half dozen bottles of floor cleaner and a rag.

Being a mare-maid was a tough job.

"It's almost time," Ash said to himself, finishing up final preparations for his master's arrival.

The floor had been triple waxed (yes, he was that kind of neat freak) and he made sure no dust had accumulated on the furniture or tables. The windows had been cleaned twice and the dishes had been cleaned, twice, and rinsed, twice as well. As far as the horse could see, the place was so clean that he could literally eat off of the floor...Not that he wanted to, but it was just an expression.

Maybe he took his job/role too literally. Of course his master used to call him a mare-maid and had the boy cleaning the floors as a form of punishment when he didn't follow orders, but he didn't have to do it when his master wasn't around. Force of habit, he guessed. It had been a state of mind for a while, one that didn't leave his mind for one second. Hell, even when he went to bed, he felt the urge to clean. Okay...that may be taking his role too seriously. Toning it down was probably a good idea. Besides, his own room was about to get very messy very soon anyway, a minor detail that he would overlook this one time.

Before his master arrived, he had to get himself changed. He knew exactly what to wear. The mare-boy clopped as quickly as he could to his room, searching through his dresser for the outfit he knew his master would appreciate.

"There you are," the boy giggled.

A maid's uniform. One that he had worn on many occasions. Because it had gotten...messy during a few of their times together, there were hard to see stains that couldn't really be seen, yet to the boy's eye they were there. No matter. He quickly changed himself, slipping the black lace panties up his legs and around his slim waist, letting the underwear hug his bubble-butt nicely. Next was the dress, which he let float down over his body, tying the white ribbon around his waist into a pretty white bow right against the crack of his rear. Before putting the white, cloth-covered tiara on his head, he made quick work brushing his long, scarlet hair until it looked like silk--all the knots and curls out of the picture. He quickly brushed his tail, knowing that it was probably a mess as well, so he used a white ribbon and tied the hair at the base of his tail down, brushing it until it resembled silk as well.

Just as he was about to put the tiara on, the doorbell rang. The mare jumped but caught himself, grabbing the tiara and placing it on his head like a little princess. He gave himself a look in the mirror, finding that his hair, body fur, and tail were perfect. He hoped his master would be pleased.

With a flick of his hair, he trotted over to the door, trying his best to keep the floor as clean as possible. As he neared the door, he looked through the peephole just in case it was someone else waiting on the other side. Nope, it was his master all right. He knew those eyes when he saw them.

He adjusted his skirt just as he opened the door, revealing himself to his master instantly. Once Ash's eyes fell on the other male's, he had to keep himself from fainting at the sight of the hunk.

He was the hottest naga on the face of the world.

He was the color of a boa constrictor, with his scales being the color of dry mud with messy, wavy dark brown rings around his body. He was slim for his size, the male being two feet above the poor mare boy, if not more, with a slim yet toned build for his upper torso area. His lower half was just tail with the same scale pattern, eight feet long with the thickness coming close to just the size of a full grown, feral husky lying down. His eyes were the color of amber, shining just in the low light of the penthouse. He didn't have a hood like most other nagas, not needing to rely too much on the enticing view of his matching hood. He wore a simple black business jacket with a white button-up shirt underneath, along with a red tie tied securely around the collar of his neck.

All in all, he was a pure hunk. Sure, Jason was very handsome and good looking to the mare, but this naga was like man candy whenever the mare needed him. His eyes were like a soothing summer day, lying down in an open grass-field with only the wind blowing around the boy's body. His coils were as smooth as the silkiest fabric on the planet, winding around you, enveloping you in a smooth, soft hold that even the young equine didn't even want to leave.

Finally, the mare-boy spoke. "Hello, Master Ulrich." The horse greeted with a gentle curtsey.

The naga smiled, hissing out a chuckle that made the horse shudder. "A pleasssure to sssee you once more, Asssshley." He hissed, making the boy smile with delight, loving it when his master called him the girly name "Ashley" instead of "Ash.".

"Please, come in, master," Ash welcomed the reptile into the penthouse, using his arm to wave the snake forward. The young teenager was sure to keep a smile on his face, lest his master think he was not happy in which he was very happy.

The strong naga man smiled back to his pet slave, flashing his amber eyes to the boy before slithering forward. His scales almost seemed to sparkle in the room's light, not one of them out of place in any shape. He looked like a god, a snake god who had all the power over his pet slave. He was strong, swift, quick, and smart which was exactly what all master's should be with their pets. If a pet knew exactly that their master or mistress wanted, there would be no fun in a surprise change of events, and the man was sure to change up things at any point during the night.

This was the only way to keep the boy on his toes, or hoofs.

Ulrich let his hoodless head scan the entire living space. Being nearly nightfall, the sun was setting but the lights in the penthouse remained bright and vibrant enough for him to check for anything that could be out of place that the boy had missed. He loved a nice, tidy, clean home that smelled like it had been sprayed with Fre-Breeze twenty times, only so he could taste the cleanliness. Nothing seemed unusual to him though. The floor was spotless, all the furniture seemed to have been vacuumed many times, and the windows were so clean and shiny that he could see a casino's name from the streets like it was in HD.

He nodded in approval, bringing his tail into a set of four thick coils that could crush anyone in a second's notice. They were also quick when they were lashed out, something the boy had figured out when they had a little role-play session called "Catch the Mare". No bones were broken but it did leave the mare maid with a new tip: never try to out run his master, ever.

Ash just couldn't help but look his master up and down over a dozen times. Nothing about him was wrong. He was gorgeous, strong, toned, and had a sex-filled mind like the boy had, making them compatible. He admired the coils and scales most of all though, finding the colors and patterns reflecting off of the light in a beautiful way that had the maid seeing stars. He had to literally fan himself due to the fact that he was feeling hot while admiring his master's form. He may have seen it over a dozen times but it never got old, and it was one of the most beautiful things he had seen in his life.

Just as Ash had done admiring, Ulrich spoke with his deep, hissing tone that made the mare-boy shiver with delight. "Very good, Asssshley. Very good indeed. Not a sssspot missssed, and you do know my keen eyessss can ssssee many thingssss." He turned his hunky, smooth face towards the boy, flashing him a smile. "Ssssomeone wantssss to overcompensssate for me."

Ash spoke next. "N-never, master. I only want to do as you say, and I want things to be completely perfect when you arrive to put me in my place, sir." He admitted, showing full pleasure in doing what he did in his face.

The naga man hissed, much of it sounding like his usual snake chuckle. He slowly slid back over to the mare-maid, looking the teenage boy up and down. His physique was still feminine and girly, the curves at the hips staying just as rounded as a regular female's and his rump--which he gave a playful, yet firm swat with his tail, getting a moan from the boy back--was still round and juicy, plump yet not too large, making it delicious for the snake's taste. His fur was sleek and smooth just like velvet while his hair on his head and tail were straight with only slight curves at the shoulders.

Ulrich brought his hand up and cupped the boy's face, letting his palms slide against the neatly brushed fur, allowing his mare maid to let out a murr and blush of pleasure. Horny thing he was, Ulrich thought to himself. It was the exact reason he claimed the mare before anyone else--other than that bothersome Jason--did. He always wanted a femboy, their attitudes, likes, and physique all the same as that of a female. And there was the like that Ulrich knew his boy wanted.

The mare wanted to be bred, just like all mares.

Ulrich couldn't help but chuckle lightly, seeing the boy in this position with such willingness and eager. Never had he met someone like the child and, though he was older, constantly thought about new ways to pleasure or torture him. He never went too far with his methods. If the boy did good, he deserved a reward and, if he did bad, the exact opposite.

And the feminine male made it difficult to spot flaws. When had it been since he had had to punish the boy? Three weeks ago? A month? He had lost track of the days so easily which told the naga that his pet was on the mark more than he expected him to be.

Perfection. That had to have been what his pet was going for. Just as he looked into the boy's eyes, making the child blush that adorable crimson red, he saw it--the lust, the need, the want to be a perfect slave to the naga. Ash would give up his freedom and rights to the naga in a heartbeat, Ulrich made an educated guess, just knowing the boy and his personality.

Eventually, the boy would slip up, as do in due time, and the naga would have no other choice but to punish him. There was nothing wrong with being perfect was there? That thought, no one was exactly perfect. The boy just wanted to be on his game for his master which had to have been it. Ulrich made another guess from this. His pet slave was willing to do anything, and it was because of his free will. Would he jump off a building if the master gave the word? Would he kill himself? Would he run away with the man? So many questions with all of them having a possibility of having the same exact answer the snake man so desperately craved.

He mentally sighed to himself. There was no time to think anyway. Right now, he had to focus on his slave and think of an appropriate way to make the night interesting. It had to be clever and without warning. But he needed something to punish the boy for. There would be no honor in punishing someone who had done no wrong.

That was when it hit him. He knew exactly how to "punish" the mare.

He slid his hand across the boy's smooth face, almost as if in a caress, before he smiled slyly. The naga turned his head to look around the room once more, checking if he was right on his account. With a nod of approval, he turned his scaly face back to the boy and spoke after a few minutes of thinking.

"Tsssk, tsssk, tsssssk," Ulrich scolded the boy. "It ssssseemssss that I have sssspotted sssssomething I do not like." The older man hissed out slowly, making sure the mare-boy heard every word.

Ash felt his face go hot, his cheeks burning like fire had been placed next to them. Had he forgotten something? Did he forget to sweep again? Was the floor too smooth? He wanted it to be smooth enough for his master to slither around with ease, but he saw nothing else that would condone a punishment.

"W-what is it, master?" Ash asked the snake, tilting his head to the side in a confused manner. "Everything seems to b-be perfect as f-far as I can see." He said with truth, no seeing anything that looked out of place.

Ulrich looked at his pet, smiling his cocky, sly smile that made the boy shiver. "That is it, my slave. It is...too perfect for my taste. A smudge or two here and there is fine, the floors do not have to be waxed a million times each time I must visit, and..." he looked over at the countertop before sliding his finger across it. He then showed his pet the finger. "I do not see any dust, either. A house needs dust whether it bothers you or not, and I must say I do not approve of this house being too clean. It may be clean to the point where it sparkles, but I do not see a reason as to why you must make it so clean to the point where I could literally eat a sandwich off the floor." The man said with his sly smile, watching as his pet fidgeted, shifting from one leg to the other nervously.

"B-b-but, I...I just wanted things t-to be perfect when y-you arrived, sir," Ash replied sincerely, fearing that since Ulrich had been holding off on punishments that he would make this one the most painful, ass-numbing one yet. And he did not want to be in a lot of pain.

"That is where I must punish you," Ulrich responded. "I do not like perfection that much, but you may be...excellent. Not perfect, but excellent. Think about that after your punishment and our fun." The snake man chuckled out in a hiss.

"B-b-b-but..." Ash started before he was cut off.

"Would you like me to double your punishment for defying your master?"

"N-no! No, no, no, no! Never, master!" Ash begged Ulrich, quickly dropping down onto his knees in the position of a bow, almost saying that he was not worthy. "I promise to be...excellent for you! I promise! No more perfection! I promise! Please, take pity on me, your most loyal pet! I beg you!"

By the gods! This was unbelievable! Truly, he had never expected his pet to be bowing down before him! It reminded Ulrich of the stuff from snake legends of hypnotist nagas who would control their slaves to do their bidding. True, he too possessed the ability of mind control but he had only used it twice before on the boy, only allowing the effects to last a mere night or longer, if the pet asked. This was not a time to use it for it wasn't required--his pet was doing everything entirely with his free will. The begging, the bowing, it was all with his free will still active with no hypnotism involved.

Ulrich placed his fist over his mouth, nearly stopping a chuckle-hiss that escaped his mouth. Once he had regained himself, he looked down at the bowing boy and smiled. "I am sorry, Ashley. Please, follow me." Those were his only words before he turned around and slithered to the boy's room.

Ash looked up as he watched his master start to slither towards his room. The boy gulped, knowing that he was about to be punished because of his perfectionist attitude. He should've known to slip up on a few waxings of the floor or a polishing of the windows, but he wasn't thinking. Pleasing his master was his main priority, and he failed to do so.

He deserved to be punished.

Ash straightened out his clothes and untangled his hair which had curled during the bowing. He followed closely behind Ulrich, the naga having his arms folded across his chest in a very regal and powerful gesture. The slither and clop to the room was a short one with no words exchanged as Ulrich opened the boy's door.

Dark blue walls colored the room with a white trim, three desks--one being a make-up station for "special" nights, with a large oval-shaped mirror and a make-up set scattered across the desk--with the other two, one of them housing a Mac and various electronics and the second one being mainly for books and homework, were placed on opposite sides of the room close to the bed. The bed itself was king-sized with a dark-blue comforter draped over the bed--which was oval-shaped. There was a large walk-in closet with very expensive, designer clothes and other accessories, and finally the one wall with windows and draped looked over the city, giving Ash a perfect view of everything.

Tonight, he was going to be seeing stars, Ulrich thought, nearly chuckling again.

He turned to his pet, keeping his arms crossed over his chest. "On the bed, Ashley. Clothes off." He said before slithering past the boy, letting the last part of his tail coil around Ash's leg before he let it slowly slide off. A teasing gesture no doubt, which did make the mare-boy shudder.

Ash didn't question him however. In his mind, he knew he had done wrong by being too perfect for his master, and he accepted it. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do to ensure his master was pleased. If he was to be punished for being too perfect then he was going to accept it with no complaints, lest he earn an even more severe punishment.

He clopped over to the bed then sat on the edge, slowly taking off his maid's uniform. He hoped wearing the uniform would also please his master, but it seems he was wrong this time, which was a first for him. He pulled the skirt and top off, revealing his flat chest, smooth stomach and hourglass hips. The mare-boy then slid off his gloves, keeping his lingerie fingerless, white gloves on. He took the tiara/hat off and set it on the floor next to the bed with the outfit. He kept the black stockings on and gloves, but removed his panties, slipping out of the silk with ease as he sat back down and waited for his master.

He was practically nude, aside from the stockings and gloves, and his horse hood stayed inside his pouch. He hoped this was nude enough because he really did love the gloves and stockings, and maybe Ulrich would at least spare him these.

What would his punishment be? Ash wondered. Would he be tied to the bed with the biggest plug his master could find and keep him full for the entire night? Would Ulrich punish him by not letting him cum for a week? Or two? Or an entire month? It seemed a very severe punishment for such a minor thing but Ash didn't question his master's motives. Ulrich never whipped him, so would this be the night he did it? Would he be milked until he had nothing more to give? The possibilities were endless for the older and more knowledgeable naga, and Ash knew that his master had many more secrets than he told his pet about.

He waited in silence, holding onto his knees as he sat on the bed. The sound of sliding hit his ears like a brick, making him gulp in fear for a moment. Ash dreaded the wait, his heart racing every second as the snake took his time.

Then the door slid open.

In came his master, undressed completely. His toned, manly bare chest was exposed to for the mar-boy to see, his eyes soon worming their way down his ribcage then down his faint six-pack abs that almost made Ash's mouth water with lust. He was glad his mouth was closed otherwise his master would know he was gawking, and it wasn't lady-like to stare.

Ulrich was like a god, Ash compared him. He looked and felt regal and powerful in everything he did, and he did it with poise and grace which many others did not always do. He held himself slightly above the common people but not too much and yet remained very godlike in his words and his stature.

"Now, we musssst correct yoursssself," Ulrich stated, his arms behind his back. "Do you know what I have behind my back, mare?" He asked Ash.

"Um...Mister Jock?" Ash replied with his best guess. Mister Jock was the naga's largest sex toy he owned. It was a thirteen inch horse cock with a three inch diameter, incredibly thick and stiff that once when Ash had used it, his tail hole had been sore for three days.

Ulrich shook his head then revealed his empty hands. "No Mister Jock for your punishment." He said, coiling himself into a spring. "Since you love keeping things clean, you punishment will be..."

Before Ash could react, Ulrich's tail shot forward with lightning speed and wrapped around his exposed ball-sack. The teenager quickly gasped, his eyes rolling back in his head as he let out a moan of pleasure, feeling his member slowly start to slide out of its pouch to harden up. The master let his tail tease and tickle the sensitive ball-sack, letting the mare-boy moan and squirm in his grasp, giving the pump orbs firm yet gentle squeezes with his tail tip as the mare's nine incher quickly hardened to its full length.

As Ash moaned, Ulrich's tail made one loop around his balls then slid up the member, making more and more coils around the over-sensitive flesh that had the equine squirming and moaning in deep pleasure. The smooth scales, combined with the slimy feeling on the smooth skin, almost brought Ash on the brink of his orgasm but with a very tight squeeze of the coils, Ulrich cut off the orgasm. Ash moaned and groaned, panting quickly as the tail tip finally made it to his flared cock head, the tip of the naga's tail slipping into the boy's cock slit.

The horse hissed out form both pleasure and slight pain, pre forming around the naga's tail tip inside his cock as he felt himself almost buck into the snake's coils. Ulrich smiled, watching as he teenager horse squirmed, using his strength to flex his tail muscles around the equine's cock, teasing the horse further.

As the boy tried to compose himself, Ulrich spoke. "Your punishment is to keep yourself from making a mess, since you so hate them so much." There was a light chuckle in his voice, only getting a delighted moan from the teen in response. "If you can hold yourself off from an orgasm for ten minutes then I will consider letting your punishment slide, but only if you hold off. Am I understood, Ashley?" Ulrich asked, nearly squeezing his tail tighter.

Ash squeaked in a high pitched voice, finding it almost impossible to reply. "Y-yes...s-sir." He stammered, suppressing a moan that almost escaped his mouth.

"Good, let's get started, shall we?"

This was just starting? Ash thought to himself in a panic. He thought it had begun once his master had entered his cock slit, not just right now. He was already finding it hard, through the snake's flexing and sliding coils over his member, to keep off his orgasm but with a shot-clock involved...he wasn't sure if he could make it.

He had to try at least, there was no turning back. He formally accepted the challenge and would take the punishment that led to it in the event he failed. He was already in the master's grasp, so he really didn't have a choice. Okay, maybe he did. He could cum right there and take the punishment or he could holding himself off as long as he could to keep it from coming. He didn't want to do any punishment, even if this is what his master considered it. But a deal was a deal, and the mare had no other choice but to comply.

As always.

The test began right there. Ulrich started off with slow strokes with his tail, letting his full force stave off as long as possible until the last second where he would throw out all the stops. The scales and muscles moved along the horse-cock slow, the slight slime to the scales lubricating the cock which made the member slicker and easier to stroke. He continued to flex his muscles along his tail, letting the tip inside the cock probe further and further until he felt a spot where he could go no more. The horse's member flexed and throbbed inside his grasp, more and more pre began to drip out, onto the wooden floor.

Sssshouldn't count that, Ulrich thought to himself, sitting back in a seat he had pulled up while watching the boy squirm. I sssshould count the real prize. He smiled.

While the snake continued his bombarding of Ash's cock, the horse himself forced himself to try and relax. The sensation of pleasure and lust ran throughout his body like a river of sex, graphic images of him and the naga began to fill his mind like a flood, soon making the mare moan louder and louder. He could feel the scales sliding against his cock, driving his hips to buck into the primal rhythm that soon began to fill his body as the snake man drove bliss into it. Ash ground his hips into Ulrich's tail coils with an urge that had him softly whinnying in pleasure, his member flexing itself while in the naga's tail embrace.

Ash could feel his body trembling with intense pleasure, feeling the mounting bliss smooth over his feelings, his urges, and his lust. The snake man's tail constantly stroked along the meaty flesh, tightening his coils just a little more with each stroke as he brought the scaly muscles forward then backwards, almost making Ash follow his rhythm. The mare gave in eventually, the pleasure surging throughout his body as he placed both hands on his member and started bucking into the coils, the scales so tight... out... Ash thought to himself, still moaning and whinnying. He gripped his member just as hard as the tail was constricting, squeezing more and more drops of his pre onto the cold floor, gradually making a small puddle. Ash felt his tongue flop out of his mouth, grounding his hips hard into the coils in accordance with the tight stroking, pleasure and lust taking over his body while still holding himself off.

Ulrich knew his mare was taking notice of the time and took things up as hard as he could before time was up. The naga man sunk his tail deeper inside the horse's cock, feeling the warm insides full of pre and built up cum just coat the appendage with slickly lubricant. The naga flexed as tightly as he could on the cock, not enough to cut off all blood but enough to have the mare-boy squirming like a worm. He also got up from his seat and slid around the boy, draping coil after coil around the boy, before constricting. He wasn't going to eat or kill the mare but this was a position they had done before and it had driven the boy onto the brink of his twisted fantasies. He left out Ash's arms and only wrapped around his stomach and chest--with a smaller coil just teasing around his neck for added "comfort".

He chuckled, squeezing teasingly while still working the horse's thick and pulsating member as hard as quickly as he could. Ash, realizing that he was nearing his release, tried to hold off and think of non-sexual images to try and stave off the orgasm. But with the strong coils wrapped around his feminine and slender body, the same coils that were working his cock like a milking machine were just so good and comforting to him. Ash bucked his hips into the coils, wiggling and squirming in the coils as he relished in the ecstasy that was holding him in place. The naga dug his tail as far as he could into the cock little by little as the man soon found the sweet spot that made the mare cry out in pleasure, shooting pre cum onto the floor, but not the full load.

Very clossssse indeed, Ulrich thought impressingly. I don't have much time left...thissss ssssshould hopefully work...

Shocks and jolts of pleasure shot throughout his entire body once he felt the naga drag his slimy tongue across the back of his neck. Ash whinnied his best girly whinny of pleasure, throwing his head further back as he laid the neck against the coils that slid over and across his body. He squirted another load of pre, feeling the warm cum gradually start to work its way around the naga's tail and up to the tip of the mare's cock head. The slick tongue then found the side of the boy's neck, getting a delighted moan of pleasure from the boy in response as Ulrich found his mouth and shut the mare up. He deeply kissed the boy, the equine returning the kiss as he slid his tongue around and under and with the naga's own slick tongue, dancing in a passionate and fiery dance that had the boy seeing stars.

He couldn't hold off any longer sadly. The tail working inside his cock and the coils around his member and around his body were things he could take, but the kiss was just too much for him. He broke the kiss as he let out a loud cry of intense pleasure, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he let out his large load onto the floor. Thick and warm streams of cum rushed out of the equine's member, splattering all over the floor in a large pool of semen that stretched from the bed to the door. He felt his ball-sack drain almost completely as he let loose his torrent of seed, soon finally letting his climax begin to die down after a minute of relishing in the pleasure.

Ulrich smiled delightfully, keeping his body around the boy in a loving and warm embrace that he himself didn't want to break just yet. He continued to squeeze the boy teasingly yet slowly removed his coils and tail from the horse's member, feeling the thick seed that coated his scaly appendage drip onto the floor in large globs.

Ash panted, gasping for air as he tried to catch up with himself. Had he won or lost? He hadn't even been keeping track of time during all of this. It all felt like a massive blur of pleasure--which he enjoyed--but at the same time he felt that he hadn't made the cut. There was no telling if he had or not, but there was just no way he could stop himself from cumming.

He panted, looking up at the snake man. "D...did I...make it...daddy?"

Ulrich, smiling a warm smile, cupped the boy's cheek and caressed the smooth fur. "Yessss, my breeding mare, you have. Tell me, Asssshley, do you remember what I ssssaid to you thissss morning?" He asked, the mare-boy shaking his head only in response. The man chuckled, still smiling. "I sssssaid I wasssss going to ssssshow you your place, and I think the bessssst way to do that isssss to..."

Ash watched as his master leaned forward, flicking his forked tongue inside the femboy's ear, earning a moan from the panting horse in reply.

"...breed you, truly."

Those were the only words Ashley needed to get the point across. Ulrich had been preparing Ash to one day carry his snake babies, as what a slutty mare like Ash should do. Ash had said he would do anything for his master, and he meant it, even if it meant he would be pregnant with the naga's children. He didn't care if he was underage since he had had sex many times, and he didn't care if he got pregnant with the naga either. He was a breeding mare--Ulrich's breeding mare for life. The snake had told the boy that if he was to get pregnant with him, Ash would never grow old as the way others do but would still die a regular mortal age at around one-hundred. It was mainly because of the naga's abilities, granting lasting physical effects up until the regular dying age of mortals.

It was a deal that the boy couldn't pass up on. He would look young and breedable for his entire life, eye candy to all men who wanted a go at him. He had been trained for this moment, and there wasn't going to be anything that was going to stop him from letting it happen.

Ash leaned forward and pressed his lips on the naga's cheek, giving Ulrich a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Please, master, breed me. I want to be bred like the mare I am. Let me carry your children and be your mare for the rest of my life. Don't hold anything back, master." Ash pleaded with Ulrich, smiling as he spoke the words, telling the naga that he was serious about this.

Ulrich chuckled, hissing as he pushed the boy onto his back firmly and in a dominant fashion. "Prepare, Asssshley. You're going to be my mare for life. Are you ready?" He asked the boy, using his strong hands to hold the teen's wrists in place while the mare-maid-boy lay down on his back.

Ash smiled towards the naga, spreading his legs apart to reveal his still hard and throbbing cock that was ready for a second round. Ulrich didn't even need a response to tell the boy was ready, so he once again squeezed firmly but not too tight around the boy but this time rubbed his genital slit against the equine's bubble-shaped rear end.

The mare-boy moaned deeply, taking notice of the new strong musk that was starting to fill the room with its fragrance. The smell intoxicated the horse, sending his thoughts into a frenzy of horny images that brought his arousal back up to his sex needs. The smell came from Ulrich and his scent of pre cum starting to form around the slit as his cocks slowly started to slide out of the slimy slit.

The naga hissed out of pure pleasure, flicking his forked tongue just to taste the scent of the air. Just ripe, Ulrich thought lustily. He started to feel the length of his tapered hemi-penises start to slide out inch by inch, soon reaching their maximum length of nine inches. Equivalent to the mare's own cock but only bigger by a slight millimeter. The tips were already forming pre cum from the rubbing, dripping it against the mare-boy's tail hole as the snake brought his rear higher.

The naga then thrust his throbbing members inside the tight passage way, feeling the tight rings clench down almost immediately upon entering, earning a cry of pleasure from the mare-boy in the process. He hissed out loudly from pleasure, gritting his teeth while he tried to fit both of his cocks inside the boy, the tight passage just sending shivers of pleasure coursing through his body with each passing second. He shifted his body until his coils lay tightly around the horse, squeezing only tightly for a few moments before he relaxed, still digging his cock deeper and deeper inside the equine's tight tail hole.

Ash struggled to keep his cool, finding it hard with the two thick cocks buried deep inside his ass-hole. He couldn't stop himself from letting out girly moans and whines of pleasure, gasping as his master found the sweet spot that made him squirt pre onto his bare, flat chest. He threw his head back once he could feel the thick cocks finally bury themselves fully inside his hole, the two hemi-penises soon shooting small loads of pre cum inside the tight passage to allow for better lubricant. Ash felt his own cock start to throb and twice violently, his own cum starting to build up again after those cocks started to slide out.

Ulrich started to slowly pull out, letting the warm and moist anal walls squeeze and contract against his warm cocks as he neared the exit. Before his cocks made it out, he then shoved them back inside the tight hole, slowly at first to let the boy grow accustomed to the thrusting while still making him moan. The naga himself hissed and moaned, the tight and warm passage massaging his member like a fox slut's mouth, which would be very convenient at the moment.

Minutes upon minutes of slow and careful thrusting passed by quick, Ulrich realizing that he needed to start picking up his pace. He pulled his members almost out then slammed them back inside, earning a gasp and moan that came out of the mare-boy's mouth. He bucked in and out of the boy's hole, sending ripples of pleasure and bliss shooting through both his and the slave's bodies, shooting thick streams of pre deep inside the hole to help the breeding process start to quicken up.

The poor boy felt the full brunt of the thrusting and squeezing, the tail of the naga slipping into his mouth suddenly to shut him up, the more accepting the tail while soon starting to suckle on it like it was a regular cock. The master thrust the tail and his member's in as opposite times, letting the mare-boy take the full force of the fucking and sucking while not missing a beat of either. The equine sucked long and hard on the tail, wrapping his slick, warm tongue around the scaly muscles as he bobbed his head back and forth along the appendage.

The both of the horny things lost track of time, the sounds of moaning and groaning, and panting and hissing soon starting to fill the penthouse completely. The boy soaked himself in globs of pre that he shot all over himself during the time while Ulrich felt sweat start to form around his forehead, his breathing sharp and frantic while he pushed harder and harder into the tight hole. They both moaned and panted, the tail plugging the boy's mouth working its way in and out of the mouth while the naga fucked just as hard inside the tail hole. The bed itself rocked and hit against the wall, the hinges and bolts creaking with each hard thrust the naga made into the boy.

I can't hold out... Ulrich thought, finally reaching his maximum point for his orgasm. He could feel the cum build inside his balls which started to tingle out of pure pleasure, knowing good and well the femboy was already ready to let loose his own load everywhere.

Knowing that he couldn't hold out anymore, he went brutal with his thrusting while still building up his cum, stretching the boy's tail-hole far and wide with each hard and painful thrust. He hissed, frantically grinding his hips into the boy's loose tail hole, feeling the lubricated passage finally give way to his orgasm, which he finally unleashed. Ulrich hissed out before he howled, shooting a thick and strong torrent of warm snake seed deep into the equine's insides, letting the seeds start the breeding process.

The naga's orgasm triggered the horse's orgasm, Ash having to take his mouth away from the tail to cry out as he let his own seed shoot from his own cock, the thick and warm seed shooting onto the naga's bare, scaly chest before landing onto his own slender one. He finally drained himself clean of his cum, letting his balls deflate until they had nothing more to give, his cum soaking his stomach, groin, chest and parts of his face.

Ulrich then collapsed onto the boy, panting while flicking his tongue out to taste the air. It was still ripe enough and the new scent, the scent of a bred mare, mixed into the air, making Ulrich grin. It had been done.

"M...m...master...." Ash panted out, gasping as he felt his own voice go raspy. " I...?" he panted before he was cut off by the naga.

"Yes...yes, my are perfect mare-boy," he responded, looking up to meet the boy's gleaming eyes.

", master," he thanked in reply.

"You're welcome...Ashley..." the naga breathed before he closed his eyes along with the horse, finally going to sleep after a long night of teasing, fucking, and breeding.

All had been accomplished.

All was perfect.