Love Finds a Way

Story by ColinLeighton on SoFurry

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Male-to-Female gendershifting stories seem to be fairly common on this sight, but Female-to-Male stories show up much less frequently, and when they do, it's usually a duel gendershift, and so still ends with a hetro relationship. Hence, I decided to write a transformation story that included a Female-to-Male change and ended up with a gay couple. Its been close to 18 months since I've submitted anything to this site, and I feel my writing skills have improved greatly since my last story "Job Tryouts." Happy reading.

I might as well say that this includes dramatic gendershifting and shapeshifting elements and M/M sex between consenting adults. If you are under 18 or otherwise not the intended audience for this story, please find something else to read. Jointly, if you find such material as this story contains to be offensive, know that you were forwarned.

** Love Finds A Way**

"See you this afternoon."

"Alright, honey. Watch yourself out there."

And so it went. The same meaningless farewell they'd said yesterday, and would say tomorrow.

Jessie had hoped that moving to a remote quadrant of Alaska would improve the problems with her marriage. Secluded deep within Denali National Park, surrounded by miles of wilderness, Roderic wouldn't have anyone to turn to other than her. Yes, there were the other park rangers that they saw every two weeks or so, but most of them were married men or young women, neither of which were likely to prove a distraction. Without any of the "distractions," their relationship should have been prospering.

But it wasn't.

They'd been married only six months or so when the truth came out.

Up till then Jessie had believed she'd married the perfect man, the sort every teenage girl dreams of finding, a handsome, caring, dependable sort of guy, who remembers your anniversary and leaves the toilet seat down and brings you flowers or chocolates for no reason in particular. With Roderic's college degree and secure job with the National Park Service, money would never be a problem, and perhaps someday children would come along. But for the time being Jessie was content just to remain in the blissful honeymoon stage, being a good newlywed and pursuing her dream of being a writer for nature magazines, waiting patiently for Roderic to home each evening and kiss her and take her to bed in the same way he always had. So it had been from the time they'd met in their junior year of college; through graduation and dating and engagement. And so it would remain. Or so she believed.

All until the day when Roderic couldn't hold it in any longer. As they lay on the silk sheets, relaxing in the afterglow of lovemaking, he had held her hand. "Darling? There's something I have to tell you."

She'd thought it wasn't something serious, but the look in his eyes told otherwise. "Yes honey?" she'd said sleepily.

"I'm bisexual."

And the picture perfect utopian ideal of her world came crashing down with two words.

It wasn't that she was bigoted or homophobic. No, her family had raised her to be a good, open minded girl, open to all sorts of relationships, but as Roderic tearfully explained how he'd noticed, over the past year, his increasing interest in other men, realized how he was becoming more and more attracted to them, to the point that his bedtime fantasies no longer involved women, not even her.

"I swear to you, Jessie, I love you, you alone, and I want to make this work!" he'd said, as they held each other, not knowing what else to do. "But I can't lie to you anymore."

They'd moved along quickly after that. Roderic's confession included that he'd been attracted to several of his coworkers, one of which was openly gay, so he and Jessie agreed that in order to preserve their marriage, a move was necessary. So Roderic quit his job at Yosemite and they put the house on the market. Two months later, and Roderic had accepted a survey job in Denali, Alaska, traveling about between a scattering of employee cabins inside the park while he accessed wildlife populations. Jessie brought along notebooks and pencils, hoping that in the wilderness she'd find the inspiration to write something worthy of publication. Alone in the backwoods, just her and Roderic, where he could hopefully find the passion he'd had for her again, and send the gay part of him packing for good, or at least banished to a far corner of his soul.

Who am I fooling? Jessie thought ruefully as she laced up her size six Gore-Tex hiking boots. If Roderic was truly gay, as she was beginning to suspect, or at least 75% so, then no amount of reclusive behavior was going to cure it. She did not believe homosexuality to be a choice, and it wasn't like he'd rejected her - if anything, since his confession, her husband had tried more than ever to be the perfect spouse, deferring to her in everything without argument, treating her like a queen. The only difference was when they tried to make love. With time, Roderic had found it increasingly hard to become aroused, and when he did, Jessie suspected it was only because he fantasized about other guys out of desperation. She jerked the last bootlace impatiently and sighed again. She couldn't find it in her heart to be angry with him, and she respected the marriage vows, for better and for worse. But what to do when your perfect husband turns out to be gay?

The cabin door thudded shut as she left it. The morning's breakfast dishes still needed washing, and today was laundry day besides, but she needed a short reprieve from the chores first. Something to clear her mind. The past evening's exhausting attempt at a normal coupling between husband and wife had left her emotionally and physically drained. Perhaps nature, which had saved her before, would act as an antidote to her troubled soul.

She walked for a short while through the short scrub spruce trees before emerging at the end of a wide, open space of mossy tundra, which spread outward over the remainder of the valley. Her eyes swept the valley, combing it for animals, but the expanse was devoid of fauna, and the dark skies indicated a coming summer rain. Best get moving then. She walked away from the open tundra, following the treeline to where it slacked off as the ground grew steeper as the elevation climbed upwards toward one of the craggy, rock strewn hillsides that formed the lower walls of the valley. A few warning drops of rain fell. Somewhere a marmot squeaked a warning.

She stopped when she'd reached a large rock formation which jutting outwards, forming an overlook over the valley below. She peered over the edge, eyeing the ground 40 feet below, and sat down. Not moving, even as sporadic rain fell, leaving wet patches on her jacket. The weather really was mirroring her mood.

She was watching the far end of the valley, where a grizzly had wandered out into the tundra, when the voice startled her.

"Good morning, child" the voice said, sounding anciently old, like dry leaves rubbing together.

Jessie jerked away from the edge of rock face, glancing back. The speaker had appeared out of nowhere, a very old Indian woman, dressed in furs and a wool blanket, her hair pure white, eyes black, a necklace of reddish beads about her neck. The woman was smiling, apparently unperturbed by the rain, leaning on a carved walking stick.

"Who are you?" Jessie demanded. "Where'd you come from?" So far as she knew, no other humans were supposed to be in this area - there were a few native villages inside the park, but all were over 100 miles away.

"Where you are from does not matter, daughter" the old woman smiled. "It is where you are going that is important."

"Who are you?" Jessie repeated.

"I am called Old Grandmother. My name..." the woman tilted her head as if trying to remember something. She waved a claw-like hand. "I had one, once, but I have forgotten it. I have been called Old Grandmother so long that that is all the name I have." She smiled broadly as if this made perfect sense, showing very worn teeth.

Jessie eyed the old woman warily, not sure what to make of her. If she was senile, and had wandered off from a village somewhere, then she had a problem. The only person-

"I'm perfectly sane, child" Old Grandmother said, the smile not leaving her face. "I am as harmless as a spring flower."

Jessie stared at her.

"You are troubled, young one, for lack of love, or love misplaced, as it is."

Jessie sank back to her seat on the rocks, staring at Old Grandmother with wide eyes. Was this a dream? Some crazy hallucination brought about by depression and lack of sleep? How could a real person be able to guess her feelings so easily?

Before she was aware of what was happening, the old woman's hand was on her shoulder. Instead of feeling like an intrusion, the touch was comforting, relaxing, like a mother with a restless newborn. She breathed in deeply as Old Grandmother sat beside her.

"Daughter, tell me what troubles you."

And so Jessie poured out her heart, hardly realizing what she was doing, letting every little detail flow from her lips, of Roderic's mental infidelity, of his lack of interest in her as a woman, of how he tried so hard to be the perfect husband and yet failed, of her underlying feeling that she was not what he wanted. She poured it out, sobbing, and the old Indian lady just sat there, hand on her shoulder, never saying a word, until Jessie tearfully mumbled "I just don't know what to do. Should I let him go? Should I go?

The old woman was silent for such a long time that Jessie thought perhaps she was asleep.

"This problem is a deep, troubled one, child. Many would have given up by now, fled in search of a less painful, easier path." She paused, eyes gazing into space, before jerking back to lock eyes with Jessie. "But you and your Roderic had not given up. You are leaders, the strong ones, who look trouble in the eyes and say 'Trouble? Bah, I do not fear you, be gone.' The problem is not of the love, you see. It is of the body and soul, the body and soul." She rocked backwards, smiling again. The drizzle had increased to a downpour and the drops slid into the wrinkles of the old woman's face and downwards, her face tipped upwards into the rain. Jessie whimpered again. "My soul?"

"Yes, your soul. Your soul and your body are not connected properly. Perhaps even wrong body, wrong soul, maybeso? This is your problem." She nodded knowingly.

It was all over Jessie's head, this new age spiritual talk, but to her surprise, she found herself nodding. "Is there a cure?" She mumbled. Realizing that she was not ready to give up on Roderic yet. He was still trying, and she would not give up so long as he still wanted to fight for her.

Old Grandmother clicked her tongue, nodding. "There is but one. You must fight off this soul-sickness, and soon, before it destroys both of you. Here. Take this."

Glancing down, Jessie saw the old woman holding a tiny clay jar, grey with black charcoal stains. "Take this, and make tea. You must drink, and so must he. Only then will you be mated for eternity." Old Grandmother stood, leaning heavily on the walking stick. "Go now, child. Go and find love."

Still feeling dizzy, as if just having awoken from a dream, Jessie nodded, took, the jar, and started carefully making her way down the slope. She'd gone perhaps 10 paces when her foot slipped on a rock, and down she went, ankle bruised. She carefully pulled her jeans down over the scraped skin, realizing what had happened. The pain was clearing her head. What was she thinking, talking to a strange old Indian?

"What exactly is this stuff?" She called, turning. But the Indian woman was gone. Old Grandmother had vanished as surely as if she had never existed at all. And surely she hadn't. How silly, falling asleep on a cliff! Jessie thought, scolding herself.

It was then she realized she was still holding the grey jar. Solid clay, very real. Not a dream.

Jessie walked back to the cabin, trying not to think too hard about what had happened. She'd met a strange old Indian woman, who'd given her a supposed cure for the holes in her marriage. A cure for Roderic's gayness, perhaps? But the woman had said both of them had to drink from tea made from the contents of the jar.

Jessie felt like she was in a trance as she pushed the dirty skillet off the stove and replaced it with a tea kettle of water. Why was she doing this? She was a 21st Century woman, who believed that medicine was Aspirin and Aleve and that relationships were fixed by committed people or through counseling, not by tea made by crazy old Indian women. But nonetheless. She was committed to fixing her relationship, even if that meant trying something that was crazy by modern definition.

It took a little work with a knife to pop the lid off the jar, as it was sealed with something sticky - pitch, maybe. She examined the contents. A grayish powder filled the jar, smelling faintly of ash and moss and dried berries and other scents she didn't recognize. Carefully she emptied the jar into two mugs, sat down, and waited for the water to heat. Willing herself to go on, to avoid questioning her actions. Wondering if she was going insane.

Presently the tea kettle's loud whistle announced that the water was boiling. Taking the kettle with an oven mitt, Jessie poured each mug full of water, and stirred them until all the powder had dissolved into the liquid. The resulting brew was a concrete gray, smelling strongly of no scent in particular. She eyed it cautiously. Passed the hot mug from hand to hand to table and back again. But it was now or never.

Careful not to burn her mouth, she sipped the hot liquid. The taste was odd, but not repellant. She took another sip. And another. And another.

In seemingly no time, the mug was empty.

Jessie got up from the table and poured the rest of the water into a dishpan to wash the dishes. She didn't feel any different, just the normal warm cozy feeling one feels after drinking a hot drink. How silly she was to even believe that a simple tea could change her.

It hit her at breakneck speed.

One second Jessie felt perfectly normal, health wise at least. She was picking up an enamel plate, pouring a dash of dishwater soap into the basin, when instantly her body was wracked by uncontrollable shivering. One instant she was freezing cold, the next she was burning with a raging fever. Her head ached like nothing she'd ever felt. Her stomach heaved like a landlubber on a storm-tossed fishboat. The plate and the bottle of dishsoap fell from her hands, the plate landing with a clatter and the soap spilling onto the wooden cabin floor, but Jessie ignored it. The pain overwhelmed her consciousness, filling every atom of her being.

The bone-chilling shivers passed after only a short few seconds, but as Jessie lay on the hard floor, clutching her knees to her chest, she knew something was terribly wrong. Could it be poison? She was burning up, her forehead hot, same as it had been when she'd had strep throat last Thanksgiving, but now she was hot everywhere, on her face, on her torso, on her legs, in her groin. Her head was still wracked with aching, feeling like her skull might split at any moment, and her heart pounded in her chest. She breathed in jagged, gasping breaths, trying to push herself up from the floor. If she could make it to the bed without throwing up - maybe if she lay still for a while, this horrible pain would pass.

Unsteadily she held herself, leaning onto the table, her stomach cramped tight. Maybe she just needed to throw up, to get the poison out of her system. Anything to make the heat, the pain, the aches go away. Tears streaked down her face as she tried to keep from screaming.

Like the pain, the first change hit her without warning.

She had both hands placed on the table, holding herself up, when her fingernails suddenly begun to grow. She had never been the kind of girl who had long, manicured nails; hers were trimmed short and neat. But now they were lengthening, and growing narrower, and claws. She gasped in horror.

As Jessie stared in shock at her growing claws, another wave of aches hit her, and she fell to the floor, her claws leaving long scratches in the wooden tabletop. She crouched on the floor, eyes drawn back to her hands. She suddenly realized that the hair on her arms, which she'd just shaved off the previous evening, was back, and it seemed to be thicker than before. Her arms begun to itch. Then her legs. Then her torso. Her skin ached with itching, like wool clothing worn too tightly on skin.

If that wasn't bad enough, the heat in her body seemed to be concentrating in her groin. She hadn't felt this aroused in years, or perhaps never before; none of her "sessions" with Roderic had caused such raging libido. Feeling only partially in control of her body, she unbuttoned her jeans with shaking hands, pulling the flaps apart and pushing down her panties.

Rather than relieve her, the cool air on her womanly parts only seemed to make the heat increase. Forcing herself to ignore her hands, which had grown more hair than most men had, she peered down at her groin, past the pubic hair, to her mound. It seemed more swelled than usual, which wasn't surprising. But what she saw next was.

She was reaching to finger herself when it happened. From inside her, something pushed up, spreading her folds from the inside out. A pointed piece of flesh poked through her, spreading her, bringing mind-boggling pleasure that brought a moan to her lips before she could stop it. As more of the new body part emerged from her depths, she stared in absolute trepidation as her aching mind realized what it was.

A penis.

She was growing a penis.

And not even a normal one at that. This new appendage looked only vaguely like Roderic's member, or those of other men's she'd seen. In fact, the only place she'd seen a penis like this was on her brother's German Shepherd. Her brother's German Shepherd!

She was growing a dog's penis!

"What's happening to me!" Jessie shrieked, knowing there was no one around to hear her, and who could help her anyway? Was this possible? Or was she merely losing her mind?

Her new member had continued to grow upwards, getting redder and thicker and longer by the second. By the time it had reached five inches, her female organs seemed to melt away entirely, growing into her skin and into the thickening base of the shaft, until nothing remained in her groin but her hard, throbbing shaft. It ached too, a demanding presence that she couldn't ignore.

Her body was still consumed by itching, and her arms were beginning to look like they had black fur on them rather than hair. Her back begin to ache, a place that had previously been spared from discomfort, and she stood again, stumbling towards the bedroom, where her mirror was. A sudden jab of pain in her spine brought her to her knees in the doorway, gripping the walls for support, trying to ignore the persistent throbbing of her cock. She glanced over her shoulder.

The tail was already covered in black fur, and growing faster even than her shaft. It stretched outwards like a plume, the hairs growing long and luscious, the tail bushy and, if she'd been looking at it on any other creature besides herself, beautiful. But a tail, on her! The tail drooped low between her legs, reflecting her discomfort, and she hobbled into the bedroom. Her head felt like it was about to explode, and her ears and nose felt fuzzy and numb, like one's mouth does after being numbed for cavity treatment.

The creature in the mirror looked nothing like the girl Jessie was accustomed to seeing in it. This pathetic being stared with fear-struck eyes, out of a face that was darkened by faint patches of peach-fuzz black hair, on the cheeks and neck and chin, and by an darkened, pronounced nose. Her hair, previously strawberry-blonde, was rapidly blackening, and the ears had changed most of all. They slowly inched upwards, longer, longer, the tips pointy and the entirety of them covered in black fur.

As for the rest of her body, the strangest change was clearly her cock, which stood fully erect, longer and thicker than any human males' could ever be, red and hard and aching. The thick base had swelled even wider, so that two rounded mounds bulged out on either side. Her knot. A drop of liquid had appeared at the end of her shaft, and it took every amount of effort to keep from grabbing that member and squeezing. She couldn't give up now. The old Indian had clearly cursed her, in some horrible, primeval way, something that the scientists hadn't discovered yet, but she had to believe that she wasn't too far gone. She could go back; could be saved, could return to her life as it had been. It hadn't been this bad.

The cock wasn't even all, of course. There was the bushy black tail, which still remained between her legs, and there was the fur spreading over her arms, and her increasingly pawlike hands. The cramps and aches had lessened to some extent now, replaced by the raging libido centered on her cock. Jessie's eyes drifted from the mirror to her new member. It looked oddly appealing, in some sick, disturbed way. Or it least it would have on anyone other than herself. The drop of liquid fell to the floor and was replaced by another, and another. She stared at her dripping shaft and found herself wondering what it tasted like.

I can't do this! She thought, wanting to slap herself. Her arms were feeling stranger yet, almost completely covered with fur, and by the strange sensations on her torso and legs, she suspected that more changes were going on inside her blouse. Her head ached again as her mouth and jaw and nose begin to grow outwards. Her lengthening tongue lolled out of her mouth.

Suddenly, the pressure was too much. Her hand, claws and shortening fingers and fur and all, flew to her cock and grabbed it tightly, gripping the base, even as some shrinking part of her brain screamed at her to stop. A wave of pleasure echoed through her groin, and she wrapped her hand around her huge knot and squeezed.

With that squeeze, every ounce of resistance left Jessie. She hung her head back and reveled in it, welcoming the change at last. Her socks tore as claws emerged where her toenails should have been, and her nose grew outwards to the point that she could clearly see it in front of her face. The black fur spread outwards in ripples, covering all. Her blouse and jeans begun to tear.

Maddened with pleasure, Jessie continued squeezing her knot, panting heavily as her teeth begun to change, growing sharper, longer, more canine. Her jeans stretched and slid off her ass, and her growing torso tore away her blouse. She watched her changes with relish, seeing her breasts begun to shrink into her chest, her bra getting looser and looser and until it fell away, no longer needed. The black fur was everywhere, and her tail wagged happily. She swayed unsteadily. Standing on two feet suddenly felt wrong and unnatural.

And inexpertly, it was clear. She was turning into a wolf. The fangs, the fur, the lupine cock. All pointed to her becoming a wolf. And surprisingly, she couldn't think of anything she wanted more.

An abrupt stretching of the skin between her legs brought another moan from her deformed face, and she saw that below her cock, a pair of heavy, fur-covered balls had descended. Like her cock, her balls swelled, each the size of a large baseball, heavy and unable to ignore. Her butt begin to realign to accommodate the lupine sexual equipment between her legs, and her butt cheeks melted together to form a wolf's hind end, her plump tailhole becoming easily accessible below her tail. Her hand finished its transformation into a paw, and the amazing sensations from squeezing her knot ended. No longer able to pleasure herself, she panted with need. Her arms were longer now, oddly proportioned, and remaining on two legs was almost impossible.

The pain of becoming a quadruped was worse than anything she'd ever felt. She lay on the floor, whimpering like a puppy, feeling her legs and arms readjusting themselves awkwardly, her cock forgotten for an instant. And then, just as quickly as it had begun, the pain vanished, and she pushed herself up on her new four legs, feeling her body becoming stronger, more masculine, a male's body. Her muzzle grew further outward, now covered in black fur like the rest of her body. Her nose was awakened, and the scent of horny male wolf filled her nostrils, the musk overwhelming.

And it was over.

The aches, the pains, the cramps, the itching. All were gone, replaced only by a blissful feeling of happy afterglow, and by the ever persistent throbbing of her hard wolfcock. Jessie looked into the mirror with wolf's eyes, meeting the eyes of the black wolf that stared back at her, a large, overwhelmingly sexy male wolf, with glossy black fur and a beautiful tail and green eyes and a big red cock.

Jessie realized that she wasn't a she anymore. She was Jesse. HE had realized his true form, connected his soul with the body it was really meant to be in. He turned easily and ran his long tongue over the glistening surface of his shaft, catching a few drops of the dripping pre. The taste was sweet on his tongue, and he licked it again, whining with need. He needed a mate. An Alpha male wolf is nothing without a female at his side.

But he didn't want a female. As Jesse's mind, still sharp even if now a wolf's, contemplated a mate, he remembered Roderic. Roderic! What would Roderic think when he returned and discovered that his wife had turned into a horny male wolf? Jesse's mind quickly conjured the image of himself atop Roderic, thrusting his hard cock into Roderic's ass. His cock throbbed at the thought.

The other mug! Roderic had to drink it. Jesse couldn't even consider the idea of returning to his previous life. No, he was a wolf, not a human, and definitely male - and he wanted to remain that way. Why had he even fought the transformation? Being a male wolf was so much better than before. And now to discover that not only had he transformed to a wolf, a male wolf specifically, but to be a gay wolf on top of it? For it was true that the idea of mating female wolves brought no interest to his mind; rather, he visualized himself humping another male wolf, or being humped himself, or tasting the seed of another male, letting the other male lick his cock and balls and tailhole. Of course, the other wolf had to be Roderic. They were mates, after all.

The wolf ignored his erection and sat down to wait.

Roderic was beating himself up. Mentally, anyway. Why couldn't he control his thoughts? It was bad enough to have fantasies of himself and other men when he was out on the job, but to be doing so while in bed with Jessie, to the point that he had to fantasize to even keep his erection up, now that was just plain pathetic. Why me, he thought. Why did he have to be gay? He no longer believed himself to be bisexual. He had discovered his true orientation later than others, and it had taken a marriage with a wonderful woman, who he did love, to bring it to the surface. He was not made for a heterosexual relationship, but he had to keep trying, for Jessie's sake. She hadn't given up on him, hadn't even been angry, even though he could not give her what she needed. Anymore than she could give him what he needed.

The day's surveying was typical to the past few weeks. Data entries on his clipboard of the numbers of caribou, dall sheep, wolves, grizzlies, and other wildlife that he'd seen, along with a scattering of notes. He signed as he reached to open the cabin door. What to say to Jessie? He hoped she wasn't "in the mood" tonight.

_ _

He realized something was off as soon as the door opened. The fire in the woodstove was dead, the counter was still cluttered with dirty dishes, a plate and a bottle of soap lay discarded on the floor. Had Jessie ever returned from her morning walk? He shut the door and called. "Jess? Are you here?"

_ Instantly he heard a shuffling in the bedroom, and a sound that was oddly familiar, remembering the sound his dog's claws had made on linoleum, back in his childhood. "Jess?" he called, confused._

The creature that emerged from their bedroom was certainly not Jessie.

Roderic frowned as the wolf walked out of the bedroom, stopping in front of the fireplace. It was a big black wolf, a very pretty specimen, the kind nature photographers liked to take pictures of for selling in tourist shops and at art conventions. The wolf's green eyes met his, staring him down with a regal expression. After a moment of silence, the beast's tail started to wag, slowly at first, then faster, and it barked a happy "woof."

"Well you are oddly friendly for a wolf, boy" Roderic said, unsure what else to say. What to make of this? Had Jessie ordered in a wolfdog as a surprise pet? They'd spoken of getting a pet at some point, but dogs and cats were not allowed within the park borders. Perhaps Jessie had found a way to get around it.

_"Okay Jess, where are you hiding?" Roderic grinned, edging past the wolf. It licked at his hand as he stepped past it into the bedroom. _

_He froze. Jessie's torn and mangled clothing littered the floor. It was torn with rips and shreds, and the room stank of animal musk. Roderic's eyes flew back to the wolf. There was no blood on it, Jessie's clothes, or the floor, but his eyes narrowed in suspicion. Had Jessie somehow fell victim to this beast? _

He was wondering if he should retrieve his pistol from the sock drawer when the wolf met his eyes again. And his time he really saw.

The wolf had Jessie's eyes.

They were wolf eyes, yes, but somehow, they were Jessie's eyes. The same iridescent green that he'd noticed the day they'd met, staring out of a wolf's face.

"Jess?" It seemed so ludicrous, crazy, and yet he gawked like a fool.

_The wolf wagged its tail and grinned, showing sharp white fangs. _

" are...a wolf?!"

The wolf nodded, unmistakably, something no normal animal would do. It howled a little wooooo wooo note, that sounded vaguely like "I love you." Roderic's mouth hung open in shock and disbelief. It was impossible. How could be believe? But how could he not?

Tail still swinging lazily, the wolf - Jessie? - turned broadways, leg angled a little, exposing a long, red wolfcock. The animal was male!

"Jessie? You are...a boy?" Roderic's amazement increased. Jesse's tail wagged harder, the grin widening, leg lifted a little to show more of the impressive erection. The wolf was flirting with him?!

_"How did this...." Roderic didn't bother finishing his question. It wasn't like she...he...could answer him anyway. His wife was a male wolf! What did that make him then...his husband? He was married to a male wolf? Wasn't that the scandal of the century! His eyes swept over the whole of Jesse's anatomy; the regal muzzle, perked ears, thick, glossy fur, fluffy tail, long, strong legs, the balls hanging between his legs, and most of all, that wolfcock. He felt his own member tightening in his pants. He'd never been attracted to animals in that way, but the sight of his wife's - his husband's cock was turning him on like nothing he'd ever seen. _

Feeling more and more excited, Roderic crossed the room and knelt by Jesse's side, kissing the wolf on the snout, and being rewarded with a warm tongue inside his mouth. Jesse licked his face, and he hugged the wolf. His eyes flew back to Jesse's hind end. Jessie had been a pretty woman, but Jesse the wolf was even more attractive. He had a really nice looking ass, Roderic thought, looking at his husband from behind, and those balls were really something. Human guys would give a lot to have balls that big. Inspired, he knelt further and bringing his lips to the soft fur, kissed Jesse's balls softly, cradling them in a hand, which was really too small to take the wolf's entire sac. Jesse made a purring sound, lifting his tail high and to the side, giving Roderic better access to his rear end, and exposing his tailhole.

If Roderic hadn't been feeling aroused before, he certainly was now. Quickly he unzipped his jeans and pulled his shaft out, leaving it unattended, but free to expand unrestrained by cloth. His hand still massaging Jesse's balls, he moved upwards, towards the dark round patch of flesh under Jesse's tail, which seemed to draw him in. He sniffed the wolf's hole, finding the musky scent not unpleasant. It was now or never.

Heart pounding with excitement, he kissed Jesse's tailhole softly, his tongue tenderly coating the area in saliva, listening to Jesse's soft breathing, mind focused only on what he was doing. Another swirl of his tongue, and he pressed inward, ever so carefully. The muscle barely resisted as his tongue, short though it was, slipped through the wall and into the wolf's butt. Pressing his face into the furry ass, Roderic stretched his tongue as deep as it would go, rubbing the tip over the narrow passage, tasting his wolf. His wolf. That thought was so incredibly sexy. Actually, what was incredibly sexy was that he had his tough up the ass of an extremely hot wolf. If that wasn't hot, what was?

_ _

_ _

Jesse could not resist letting out low whimpers, unable to hold back the incredible sensations that Roderic's tongue was bringing about. Jesse had never considered that such pleasure could come from that portion of his body, but he was now dead certain that having his tailhole licked was now near the top of his list of favorite things to do. He pushed back into Roderic, not wanting the sensations to stop, wanting that caring tongue deeper, needing it to touch him in dark forbidden places. His cock throbbed, almost painfully. The increasing need for sex hadn't let up now that Roderic was home; it was running full force. He seriously needed to fuck something, preferably Roderic.

Jesse forced himself to pull away, hard though that was. Behind him, Roderic sat up and licked his lips. "Pretty swell, that" he said, grinning. His human member was throbbing too, although not to the point that Jesse's was. Giving Roderic a lick on the nose, Jesse trotted over to the table, hopped his front paws up on the surface, and looked back at Roderic. "Woof"

"What is it, babe?" Roderic panted, pushing himself up.

"Is this what turned you?" Roderic asked, eyeing the mug of cool gray liquid. It had long since grown cold, and in the darkening room, looked like wet ash. Certainly not appealing. But Jesse barked happily, nodding, and Roderic found himself lifting the mug to his lips. He did not take the time to consider the possibilities, reasoning with himself that if he could be a sexy wolf like Jesse, he wanted to take that opportunity, no questions asked. He'd always liked wolves, liked the free, simple lives they lived, and if he could have Jesse as his mate, then nothing could be more perfect.

He drained the glass.

_ _

Jesse sat with Roderic all through the aches and the pains and the shivering and itches. Ignoring his libido, he licked the moaning human's face, offering nuzzles and low growls of encouragement, barking confidence when he saw the grey-brown fur begin to grow on Roderic's legs, when he saw his mate's cock turn red and double in length and girth, when Roderic's teeth turned to fangs and his spine lengthened to a tail, when his balls grew larger and his feet turned to paws and his head melted into a muzzle and through the wracking pain of the realignment. When at last the grey-brown wolf lay panting heavily, examining his new anatomy with wide, excited eyes.

Jesse really only had one thing on his mind now, but he couldn't rush his mate, not after just undergoing a life-changing transformation. Instead, he settled for giving Roderic's erection a long, wet lick, from tip to knot. Roderic whined softly, grinning a sexy grin and thwapping his tail against the floor. Jesse offered another lick, this time being rewarded with a drop of sweet pre. Encouraged, he took Roderic's shaft into his muzzle, feeling the firm hardness slick under his tongue, more pre dribbling onto his tongue and down his throat. Roderic whimpered louder, legs spread wide to give the other male better access.

Jesse's tail was wagging steadily as he savored the wolfcock in his muzzle. Roderic's shaft was too long to fit entirely in his mouth, but he had enough to handle as it was, his nose filled with musky wolf scent, his tongue wrapped around the shaft. He curled his tongue around it and pulled tenderly, sliding his tongue around and back, caressing it, swallowing pre. Roderic's whines increased. His eyes were closed and his tongue hung from his muzzle, as Jesse's assault on his cock continued.

Roderic's knot had swollen to full size, each side the size of a large lemon, red and veined and perfectly designed to tie with the behind of another wolf. Jesse released his mate's cock and instead wrapped his tongue around the knot, squeezing, pulling, teasing. His own cock begged for attention, but Jesse ignored it. For so long he had been unable to give Roderic what he needed; a male mate. Now he could provide that, so he focused on pleasuring his wolf. There'd be plenty of time for his own needs.

He was sure that Roderic must be getting close to climax, as the grey-brown wolf was tensing and the volume of pre had increased dramatically. But just when he was sure that Roderic was about to release, the other wolf pulled away, looking pained, desperate. Was something wrong? But Roderic's next action removed all chance of that.

The grey-brown wolf stood proudly, his erect wolfcock jutting from between his legs, his plumy tail held high. He stretched, legs stuck far behind him, and turned to give Jesse the sexiest, naughtiest grin he'd ever seen on his husband. Roderic turned his back on Jesse. And lifted his tail. He swept the bush far to the side, upwards and away, like a bitch in heat trying to get a male's attention. He whined a long, low whine of need.

Neither Jesse or Roderic could speak English anymore, but Roderic's message was as clear as if he'd said the words. Fuck me. Please! Jesse licked his chops. Finally.

Tail wagging, cock erect in anticipation, Jesse sniffed at his mate's ass; the sizeable balls, the soft fur, the dark tailhole. He leaned in and placed his tongue on Roderic's balls, tracing the tongue up, over the wolf's jewels, over the downy fur, to the center of Jesse's focus. Earlier, Roderic had brought incredible pleasure when he'd licked under Jesse's tail; now he'd return the favor. Most importantly, this would act as preparation for the mating that would follow. Jesse's tongue reached his mate's hole.

The instant his tongue touched the dark flesh, Jesse begun a series of steady, careful licks, bathing the other wolf's tailhole in kisses. He could feel Roderic tensing under the attention to this most private spot, but the grey-brown wolf soon relaxed, gasping with need, as Jesse's slowly circling tongue stopped in the center of the ring of muscle, and pushed inward. Carefully, slowly, but surely.

A few seconds of resistance. Then, a moment of triumph as his tongue entered Roderic, followed by steady-thrusts of his tongue. Roderic whimpered uncontrollably, completely beside himself with feeling, as Jesse stuck his tongue deeper and deeper, feeling the other wolf's muscles clamp down when his tongue tip touched overly sensitive places. He felt around with his tongue, pressing here and there. Roderic howled lowly. The taste of Roderic's ass filled his mouth, a musk that was all Roderic, and which he loved.

Finally, the tension was too much. He retracted his tongue from the tight passage, licking his chops, giving the hole one last kiss. The time had finally come. Shaking with desire, Jesse mounted his mate, feeling the fur of Roderic's back under his paws, gripping them around the other wolf's sides. He felt the tip of his cock touch his mate's entrance, pushing up slowly. And finally, at last, he felt his cock sliding slowly into Roderic's ass. Below him, Roderic tensed as Jesse's cock sank further into his depths, deeper still, until Jesse felt his slightly swollen knot pressed against Roderic's hole. For a moment, he relaxed, relishing the feeling of a tight ass squeezing his cock. He could think of nothing better than this, no better place for his cock to be than up Roderic's butt. It felt perfect.

Perhaps a minute passed as the two males panted happily, adjusting to the feeling of their joined bodies. Soon enough, though, Roderic turned his head and offered a whine of encouragement, letting his mate know he was ready to continue.

Jesse pulled out faster than he'd gone in, pulling all but the tip of his cock from Roderic's rear, then pushing back in. Nearly beside himself with crazed lust, he forced himself not to go to fast, not wanting to hurt his mate. But Roderic's happy whimpers indicated that if anything, he wanted Jesse to hump him faster. He whimpered and whined and pushed into Jesse's thrusts, and Jesse decided it was time to turn it up a notch.

Jesse's eyes glazed and his tongue hung, focusing every particle of his concentration on one task: breeding his bitch. Putting it simply, that's what Roderic was, what they were; two wolves mating, and he was the Alpha, the dominant male of the two, and Roderic was the eager bitch getting bred. Every thrust sent him deeper; the tight walls embracing his cock every time, his mind running in overdrive to process the endless pleasure. He'd noticed that Roderic's incessant whimpers increased when he hit a particular spot, and aiming his cock to repeat the connection, he'd succeeded, so that with every stroke, Roderic almost howled with glee, his muscles contracting on Jesse's cock again and again and again.

_Roderic was in heaven. It was difficult to entirely process thought, what with being a wolf, a wolf having hot gay sex no less, but in a small part of his mind, he was in absolute glee. He'd turned into a wolf, an amazingly sexy wolf. Even better, Jesse had also become a wolf, an equally attractive wolf, and most important of all, a male wolf. And now they were in love more than ever, two male wolves, mated, and they were sealing their bond with a mating that was hotter and more fabulous than anything in Roderic's wildest dreams. He was finding it hard to think or feel anything beyond the feelings; they'd taken him over, reduced him to a willing bitch, eager to be bred and to feel the full extent of the sensations brought about by the breeding, and he accepted it willingly, gladly. He was perfectly happy to be the bitch of the relationship; it felt just right and natural to have Jesse's strong paws clasped around his underside; Jessie's chest resting on his back; and best of all, Jesse's cock in his behind. _

Roderic had never had gay sex before, but he had read enough on the topic to know the focus points of pleasure. He was certain that Jesse's cock had made contact with his prostate; what else could bring such maddening pleasure? Jesse must have been aware of that, because no sooner had he first hit the spot, than he begin hitting it with every stroke, and if Roderic could have cried tears of joy, he would have. His wolf muzzle hung open as endless whimpers and whines poured from it, eyes closed, for feeling was seeing, and that was enough.

_ Jesse's cock was reaching places deep inside him that he hadn't thought could ever be touched by something foreign, sinking ever further into his depths. It was so big, that wolfcock, and the pain of its first intrusion had been great, yet with every minute that passed and every new thrust from Jesse's strong hips, the lines between pain and pleasure blurred more, until the pain had been reduced to nothing but a distant memory. Not only that, but his cock seemed to be getting closer and closer to release, though neither he nor Jesse had touched it since their coupling begin. He'd never believed that a hands-free release was possible, but now it seemed very real, as every time Jesse's cock rubbed against his prostate, Roderic felt closer to spilling his cum, closer to the goal._

He felt Roderic's knot push partway in, then pull back again. It was close. The knot was huge, but he knew he wanted it. There could be no other way. He wanted the complete tie, the joining of two bodies as one that would seal their matehood forever, more so than even marriage could, making he and Jesse mates for all time. It had to be.

He pushed back harder.

_ _

Jesse could feel his release in the distance, not quite there yet, but coming. He needed to tie. He humped Roderic faster, fucking the other male with wild abandon, the jackhammer thrusts creating an inconceivable friction between his shaft and his mate's passage. Roderic's tight ass had loosened only a little, still tightly caressing Jesse's wolfcock on every pass.

The crazed humping was enough to make Jesse's partially swollen knot begin to push harder at the grey-brown wolf's tailhole, which stubbornly refused entry to the larger part of the intruder. Growling with frustration, Jesse squeezed his paws harder around Roderic's middle, grabbing the furry scruff of the other wolf's neck with gentle but firm teeth, his hindquarters moving at breakneck speed. Just a little more, a little harder, a little more pleasure.

And suddenly, he was there. A final, agonized thrust, and the engorged knot enter Roderic with a pop, jerking them together. So powerful was Jesse's humping that his knot passed not only the outer ring of muscle, but sank deeper as well, tying them so tightly that it would be entirely impossible for them to separate until the swelling had receded. Roderic's muscles clamped down hard on Jesse's cock.

And it was over.

The transformed male gave a long, triumphant howl as his cock spasmed within its tight prison, pumping a generous load of wolf seed into his mate's ass, staking his claim to the area, marking Roderic as his bitch, his mate. The pleasure radiated throughout his body, short-circuiting his mind, but the howl of satisfaction was not only an expression of the physical pleasure; it was one of mental, spiritual joy as well, for his first male orgasm as a wolf sealed not only his matehood with Roderic, but his physical self as well; locked him into existence as a wolf, as a male wolf, acceptance of his new form complete. In some distant part of his subconscious mind, he thanked Old Grandmother for her fit, and he embraced his new life as a male wolf, knowing then that this was what he wanted, what he was meant to be. This was why life as a human, as Roderic's wife, had never worked out. He'd been trying to live a life that wasn't his, and now his true destiny, and true form, had been revealed. He was himself at last. The howl echoed throughout the cabin, one long, lovely note expressing all the physical pleasure and spiritual joy that he felt.

_Roderic was in ecstasy. The moment that Jesse's knot had entered him had been painful, yes, but the pain had ended almost immediately as it had begun, and feeling that huge knot pressing against his prostate had caused the greatest explosion of good feeling that he had ever known. His orgasm had been spontaneous, and as his body and Jesse's convulsed together, he felt his wolf juices shooting from his cock, splattering over the floor and bringing a tangy scent to his nose, adding to a the scents of a room which already smelled strongly of musky male wolves and sex. The feeling of Jesse's big cock in his ass was so perfect; he wanted it to stay there forever; for this never to end. The orgasm didn't even end quickly like his human climaxes always had; instead it was long and lengthy, rising and falling. He could feel heat in his inner being as Jesse filled him with hot wolf cum; the thought of it was too much and more cum sprayed from his cock. _

_ He knew from his college years that mating canines could stay locked together for anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, or even longer in rare cases. But that was in the case of male-female pairs, so perhaps a tie between two males would last longer. He could always hope..._

For a few minutes the two wolves just panted in exhaustion, reveling in the fireworks of their orgasms, until instinct kicked in and Jesse turned around, lifted his leg, straightened out, leaving them tied properly, butt to butt, tails raised high to reflect their soaring spirits. Jesse's cock periodically continued to pump wolf seed into Roderic's behind, smaller loads than the first, but pleasant nonetheless. Mostly though, the two of them just stood, joined together as one body, living in the moment. Twice they turned to lick each other's muzzles, but neither doubted that they were mates; they had love for no other being but each other. Neither cared for the cabin around them, or of anything human for that matter. While they remembered their past lives, and had not lost a human's comprehension of reality, their desires were simpler, more naturist, primeval. Each knew that when at last they separated, they'd leave the cabin without a backwards glance, setting out into the paradise that was Denali National Park, where they'd find a wolf pack to join. Neither doubted that they'd be pack Alphas together someday; instead of the traditional Alpha Male and Alpha Female, they'd be two males leading equally. Of course, breeding females in heat would be necessary to maintain the pack, but that wouldn't matter, because they had each other, and a male wolf does not have to wait until a heat cycle to physically express his love for his mate. And, somehow sensing that their human life spans remained intact, they knew, somewhere in their subconscious, that they had decades of happy years together to look forward to. As wolves. As mates.

All the months of troubling confusion over whether their love was meant to be seemed like nothing but a bump in the road. When two souls are meant to be together, nothing is impossible. Love finds a way.


A year later, the following article appeared in the Anchorage Daily News, the top newspaper in Anchorage, Alaska's largest city:

Alpha Wolves Lead to New Theories on Animal Love

By Jennifer Coltrane

Denali Park, Alaska - With the debate on gay marriage now having reached the Supreme Court, the rights of same-sex couples have become a table-side conversation topic for millions of Americans and has brought about world-wide debate about marriage equality, but little attention has been dedicated to the study of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. Turns out, hundreds of species will participate in homosexual relationships, many forming deep bonds, very like those found in male-female pairs. According to biologist Peter Thornton of the University of Alaska, a prime example of this phenomenon has recently been found in Denali Park.

While observing a particular pack of wolves deep within the park's borders, Thornton discovered a shocking surprise: the pack leaders, traditionally an Alpha male and female, are both males. "It was quite a surprise" said Thornton, 35. "No one has ever seen anything like this before with wolves, and especially not with Alphas. These two lead pack hunts together, feed puppies, even seem to breed the same female, so it's unclear which is actually the father. On one occasion we even observed - and caught on tape - the two males engaged in sexual activity with each other, which is also very rare. We'll be keeping an eye on this pack from now on."

With the gay rights community using the slogan "Homosexuality is Natural" and showcasing examples of same-sex pairs in nature as part of its awareness program, stories like those of the Denali wolves may soon become widely known.

Additionally, the especially caring and devoted nature of the wolf pair has led researchers to requestion previous theories on animal love and the bonds between mates. "Many scientists have advocated the belief that animals are incapable of love and operate purely on instinct" said Dr. Anastasia Belmont of the Adolf Murrie Think Tank. "Now some researchers are suggesting that primates may not be the only mammal family which can feel love and bonding with one individual."

Tucked away on page 7, unnoticed by most of the readers of the wolf article, a short note appeared.

Search Abandoned for Couple Lost in Denali

The Alaska government has officially closed the file on missing persons Roderic and Jessie DeMott, who disappeared from their remote cabin a year ago.

Job Tryouts

So here's a early Christmas gift for all my watchers who love feral transformation which, a naive young man goes to work as a dog handler for a famous musher, only to learn that handling isn't what his new boss has in mind at all.... I...

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