Streaks of Gray and White- Chapter 1

Story by Yukon on SoFurry

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#1 of Streaks of Gray and White

Not any real yiff in this story, just some minor stuff, but there will be some in the next part, if i decide to post, depending on the demand.

Understand that writing never really was my strong suite, and don't expect greatness. But any constructive criticism and tips will be greatly appreciated.

Also, I know this is pretty short, but the next chapter is longer(if i decide to post it)

The door opened and in walked the tall, white wolf. Removing his jacket, he yelled that he was home loud enough that it could be heard throughout the house. The soft sound of paws scurrying across the hardwood floor reached his ears. As a few seconds passed, the noise grew louder, and soon a beautiful Siberian husky trotted through the door into the entryway of the house. He was a few inches shorter than the wolf, but was relatively tall rounding out at 6' 3'. The wolf was greeted with a soft kiss on his cheek from his fellow canine and was also informed that dinner was also already cooking. The duo walked together back to the kitchen. The husky told the wolf that dinner would be ready in about 5 minutes, and the he also requested that the wolf set the table. The wolf happily agreed. The hamburgers sizzled on the grill and wonderful smells filled the house. When dinner was finished, the two sat down at the small kitchen table.

"So how was your day?" the husky spoke up.

"Fairly slow and boring, we didn't have any calls," the wolf replied. He was the deputy chief at the local rural fire station.

"Yea same, I did nothing," the husky said. He worked from home and traded stocks online, but today he choose not to work, and just watched television.

"The bad thing is that I have to work tomorrow, the fire danger is supposed to be high," the wolf added in.

"Well, that sucks. I hope it goes quickly," the husky was disappointed. Tomorrow was Saturday and he was looking forward to spending the day with his mate.

"Yea...So I thought maybe we could catch a movie later," the wolf suggested between chewing.

"But you have to work tomorrow," the husky replied with concern.

"Well yes, but it's still Friday night, and I don't want to put a damper on your fun," the wolf explained.

"I guess, but only if you're sure you'll be fine."

"Of course I will hun," the wolf reassured.

The two finished up dinner quickly and had some chocolate cake for desert. The husky pulled up the show times on his computer. The next show time for the movie they wanted to see was about 45 minutes away, which left them the perfect amount time to get to the theater. The pair walked into the garage to the cars.

"Can I drive?" the husky asked.

"Sure," the wolf agreed and tossed the keys to his 1967 Shelby GT 500 to his fellow canine, who got in the driver's side and fired up the beast of a car.

For the 25 minute trip into the city to the movie theater, the couple made small talk about the latest sports and politics news. When the two arrived, the bought their tickets and went to the food counter.

"Can I get some candy hun...pleeeeezz?" the husky asked, making the cute 'puppy face'.

"Of course you can," the wolf replied giving the dog a soft pat on the head.

The pair purchased candy and a couple of sodas. They then headed down the hall toward the theater when they were stopped as a much smaller fox walked up to them.

"Umm...hi," he began, "I think your really cute, and I-I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime," he said nervously to the wolf, obviously not realizing the two were a couple.

"Well...," he started to explain but was immediately stopped when his mate stepped between him and the fox.

"Back off! He's mine!" the dog yelled, growling at the much shorter and small canine.

"Umm yea....I'm sorry," the fox said, completely terrified of the much larger husky.

"Get lost!" the husky yelled again, and with that the fox went the other way, almost running.

"Well, you sure made your point Mr.," the wolf commented, placing his paws on his hips.

"Just guarding what's mine," the husky replied with a toothy grin.

But the wolf couldn't help but feel a bit concerned for the fox as the two continued into the theater. But as the movie began, he quickly forgot about the fox as he was entertained by the comical adventures of the main character.

Two hours later, the movie finished and the pair padded back into the hall. Their attention was drawn as they noticed the fox sitting against the brick wall a little ways down the hall. His small form was sobbing and crying with his head hanging between his legs, tucked into a ball.

"I think you were a bit hard on the poor guy," the wolf suggested.

"Yea, I'm thinking that too," the husky replied as they walked over the the sobbing fur. He sat down to the side of the fox while his mate sat down on the other. "Hey little buddy, I'm really sorry about earlier. I just get over protected of my wolfie."

"It-it's ok, it's's just I can't seem to find anyone who likes me," the fox replied.

"Hey man, don't worry. I'm sure you'll find someone," the husky said.

For the next few moments, the two larger canines reassured and comforted the fox.

"Oh and by the way, my name's Dacono," the wolf said.

"And I'm Yukon," the husky added in.

"I'm-I'm Jamie" the fox replied.

Even as the couple tried to comfort the fox, he still continued to sob and tear.

Then a small grin formed on Dacono's muzzle as he got an idea. "Hey Jamie, how old are you?" he asked.

"Twenty...twenty-one," Jamie managed to get out between sobs.

"Well, so is my little bro, and he's been looking for a mate now for a while. And I'm sure he'd love a cute little fox to hold in his arms."

"R...really?" the fox asked with a new hope.

"Yea, his name's Dakota. He looks just about the same as me, just a bit shorter. He's really kind and compassionate; he'll make sure all of you needs are met and that you are happy. I can give you his number, and I'll give him a call later tonight to put in a good word for you," Dacono replied with excitement. He pulled out a napkin and a pen and tore the napkin in half. On one piece, he wrote down his brother's cell number and handed it to the fox. By now, all of the tears had left him and huge smile was spread across his muzzle.

"Oh thank you so much," Jamie exclaimed and gave the wolf a tight hug, but then let go when he realized what he had done. "I'm...I'm sorry," he said to Yukon, all of the terror and fear returning to him.

"Hey bud, it's ok," the husky replied with a smile and gave the fox a soft pat on the head.

"So does Dakota live with you?" Jamie asked.

"Naw, me and my husky over here got our own farm about a half an hour out of town,"the wolf replied.

"Oh, so what do you grow out there?"

"We don't grow anything, we just wanted to move out of the city," Dacono explained.

"That's nice. So if you're little bro is 21, then how old are you?"

"We're both 25," the wolf answered.

"Cool," Jamie replied simply.

"Well, we better get going, Dacono has to work tomorrow," the husky finally spoke up.

Dacono then wrote down his cell number down on the other half of the napkin and handed to Jamie. "That's my number," he said, "call me if you ever need anything, ok?"

"Alright, and thanks again to both of you," Jamie said.

"No problem," Dacono said and the three shared a group hug before going their separate ways.

On the way home, the two canines discussed the evening.

"I'm glad we were able to help the poor kid out," Yukon said smiling.

"Yea, I hope everything goes well with him and Dakota," Dacono replied.

When the pair arrived back at the farmhouse, they quickly headed to the bedroom since Dacono had to get up for work. They both stripped down to their fur, as they like sleeping naked in the summer heat, and climbed into the big bed together. Dacono set the alarm and switched off the lamp. After a few minute of trying to sleep, Dacono felt a soft paw rubbing across his sheath and balls. He let out a soft growl, "not tonight hun, I need to get some sleep."

Yukon simply responded with a quiet whimper.

"Oh relax, I promise we'll have some fun tomorrow."

Yukon smiled and gave the wolf a lick on the cheek.

"Now there's my husky," Dacono said, licking back. The white wolf and the gray Siberian husky pulled each other into a soft hug and slowly drifted off to sleep in the warmth of each other.