Spike Part 1

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This is my first yiffy story. I hope it is good =3. This story contains sexual actions between two male furries. If this isn't what you like to read, then turn back now!!!!!! All characters and scenarios belong to ME!!!!!! All scenarios, if any, resembling real events, and all characters resembling real people are purely coincidence. Read and have fun! =3

Spike Part 1

Spike walked down the hallway, as drearily as usual, he thought today would be a normal day. A normal, gloomy, hate-filled day. He couldn't have been more wrong. Spike was a fourteen-year-old goth-punk fox with black fur. His fur was lighter only on his stomach, the inside of his arms, the inside of his thighs, and the bottom of his tail.He Wore a T-shirt, a fishnet shirt over that, and a leather trenchcoat with spikes on it's shoulders and a metal cross on the back. He wore a pair of black pants with chains on them, so baggy that you couldn't even see his spike tipped boots. It was winter so it was around twenty degrees outside, and that's pretty damn cold.

All of his teachers gave him hell for wearing his spiked collars and wristbands, but he didn't care. He stopped caring what others thought long ago. Everyone else was an asshole anyway. Everyone made fun of him but he couldn't care less. They all knew he was gay. He used to care though. Before he was gothic. Someone at school would slap him with a bunch of cut-downs. Back then they hurt like razors. Sometimes he would run away into the bathroom and cry for as long as he could without getting caught. But no more. He gave up on having a social life, or fiends. He still had a few friends, but they weren't really frinds. Just people to headbang with, or people to skateboard with. The few things he did care about were: his guitar, his skateboard, and bullying. He absolutely HATED it when people were getting picked on. He got suspended at least eight times for taking up for people he didn't even know.

He walked down the hallway toward his homeroom class ,gaining a few hateful glances and rude comments from furs getting their books or just hanging out. He stepped into Mr. Lamore's classroom and sat down to read as usual. He didn't even notice a new fur was sitting across from him, reading the same book he was. But the raccoon noticed him, he is kind of hard not to notice. "Hi." the raccoon said, his voice with a hint of a British accent in it.

"Huh?" Spike said back, looking up from his book confused. When he did look up, he saw the most beautiful raccoon he had ever been this close to. 'No one ever talks to me...ecspecially if they're this hot....' he thought.

"I said hi." the raccoon said back, who was now looking Spike up and down, examining him.

"Uh hi..." Spike replied. 'This raccoon is smiling.' he thought, 'But not the regular develish smile he got when people were playing a mean trick on him. "So uh... are you new here?" he finnaly worked up the courage to say.

"Yup." the raccoon said, "Just transferred today in fact."

"So where are you from?" Spike prompted, wanting to know more about this beautiful raccoon that had just entered his life, and pretty soon, would change it forever.

"London. But Ive been in the States fo about a year. Just not in this state."

"What made you want to come here?"

"My dad got offered a job here." the raccoon said "Wow, I see you have no problem expressing your induviduality." . Spike was about to say something back, but he finnally looks at the raccons clothes instead of his face. He wore wristbands similar to Spikes own, pants almost identical to his, shoes that looked almost exactly like the ones Spike used for Skateboarding, and a Black T-shirt with one of his favorite bands on it. "My Chemical Romance".

"Well, you would know alot about induviduality wouldn't you?" Spike said in a friendly, almost happy, voice.

"Haha! What can I say?" the raccoon said.

"How about your name? Or shall I just call you raccoon?" Spike asked.

"It's Alphonse. Call me Al. Or Alchemy if we're on stage together." Al said.

"On stage? What do you play?" Spike said, curious.

"Drums. Alchemy is my stagename. That is before Matt and I broke up."Al said. 'Oh? So he's gay too huh? Oh Gods, im gonna die!! This is to good to be true!!!!' Spike thought.

"Really? I play guitar. Maybe we can start a band." Spike joked.

"Maybe." Al said. 'What? He sounded serious!! This just keeps getting better and better!!!' Spike thought. Another thought filled Spikes head.

"Hey, what classes do you have?" Spike asked. Al fumbled through his pockets until he came upon a crumple up paper, and offered it to Spike. Spike guessed that this was his chedule, and he took it, un-crumpled it and read it.

"Hey You've got every class with me exept for.." Spike looked at the paper once more, and groaned loudly.

"What?" Al asked.

"Third period. You've got Mr. Allaster for math and I have Mrs. Baksam." Spike said "Damn it I hate that bitch!!"

he yelled loudly. A little too loudly. Furs around the classroom were staring and laughing. Spike blushed a little and handed the paper back to Al. Just then the bell rang.'Thank the Gods...' he thought.

"I'll see you in first period!" Al yelled over the voices of all the furs all around him. 'If I don't pass out from the joy first.' Spike thought. Then he walked off to first period ,after getting his books, and tried to catch up with Al.But he didn't. When he got to first period, Al was already there reading. Spike sat next to him and he closed his book. They talked a while until the teacher came in and demanded silence. Spike spent the rest of the morning, exept for third period, talking and working with Al. Then lunch came. Spike sat at his regular spot, alone, until he spotted Al, looking for a place to sit. Spike waved him over and he sat down across from Spike.

"So is the food here always look this bad?"

"Hahaha! Not all the time, this is only chicken and rice day." Spike said. Al poked around in the main course.

"This is chicken!?" Al asked sarcastically. They both laughed. It reminded Spike how long it had been since he laughed. 'I'm actually happy for once...' he thought. They talked and finished thier almost in-edible meals when......

"BBBBBBBRRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!" the ear-shattering bell signalled it was time for fourth period.

"Well see you in class Spike." Al gave a wink and walked to his locker. Spike almost got a boner thinking about why Al winked at him. He went to his locker and got out all his books so he didn't have to come back after class to get them. Fourth period was gym. 'Wait...I have this class with Al.....and we have to shower.....Oh yes!!!!!!! I get a peek at that cutie!!!!' Spike dreamed. He walked into the locker room and saw Al opening the locker right next to his. 'Oh gods!!! His locker is right next to mine!?!?!?!?!? ' he almost melted at the thought of getting to see that cute raccoon naked twice in one period. He walked to his locker and greeted Al.

"Hey what's up Al?" he asked

"Not much. Hey is that your locker?" the raccoon asked.

"Yup. It's cool that we get to be locker neighbors." Spike said sarcastically.

"Cool." Al said, now stripping. 'Oh my god!! He isn't even paying attention to me!!' Spike thought, sexual images popping into his mind. They all stopped when he realised he was getting a boner and had to change too. He hurriedly opened his locker and changed as fast as he could, trying not to show the pink flesh between his legs. When he was done, he quickly headed out to the gym, sitting next to Al. The talked for a while before they heard a loud "TWEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!" announcing the coaches arrival. They did stretches and exercises, each time Al bent over Spike would get as low as he could to try to look up his pants. Once he caught a sign of a furry sac, and grew very aroused. He did all he could not to get a boner, and was succesful. For the most part. After they played basketball...

"TWEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!" the coache blew on the whistle and said " Alright! Hit the showers you smelly lot!". All the furs crowded into the smelly locker room and began stripping. Most furs stayed as far away from Spike as they could, thinking he might grope them because he was gay. But Spike had long since gotten aroused in the shower. He had gotten used to being around naked male furs. But today was diffrent. Today Al was there. Spike did all he could not to think about it. Just then Al walked over, completely nude exept for the towel he was holding, which did little to hide his sheath and furry balls.

"H-hey Al" Spike said trying not to look down at the raccoons sheath.

"Not much. I was wondering, are you free after school?" Al asked.

"Uh....yeah I've got no plans that I know of." Spike said, praying 'Don't invite me over. Don't invite me over.'.

"Well you want to come over to my place? It's not far from the school." Al asked. 'Dammit!! Thought Spike 'I know something will go wrong!'.

"Sure that'd be great." Spike said now stripping himself. He stuffed all of his clothes into his locker, and that's a hard thing to do considering his trenchcoat.

"See you then." said Al, smiling. ' Good' thought Spike, walking toward th showers. ' Oh please gods don't let me get hard in here!!!' he prayed. The last time he got an erection in the shower everyone went nuts and ran away. Spike pushed those thoughts out of his head and turned the nozzle, sending a wave of warm water cascading down his back. He used his own fur wash, that's how he kept his fur at it's darkest and at it's best shine. He began to wash his sheath. He thought about Al. His pink member started slipping out of hiding. Spike quickly realised what he was doing and rinsed off as fast as he could.

He ran to his locker and all 7 inches were out. 'Oh gods!!!' he thought 'What if someone sees!?!?!?'. He quickly reached to the towel rack and grabbed a towel. Lucky for him, most of the furs were still in the shower. All exept for one. A big bear by the name of Kyle.

" Well what do we have here?" he said tauntingly. " A horny little fag? Hahaha! I knew you couldn't resist your sick little urges for long! Hey guys, this little...Murph!!" he was cut off by Spikes paw and a sharpened claw at his throat.

"Hurk! What the!?" he choked, fear growing inside of him. 'Has the fag finally snapped?' Kyle thought, fearing for his life.

"Heheheh... I knew it would come to this Kyle." Spike said grinning. "Tell you what, I'll let you go on three conditions. One: tell no one about this. Do you agree to that?" the bear nodded furiously. "Good. Two: never make fun of me again and tell all of your friends to lay off. Agreed?" the bear once again nodded. "Great. Now, for the fun part. Three: let me suck your cock." the bear looked devastated until Spike pushed his claw onto his throat harder.

"Ow!! Okay! Do whatever you want!!" Kyle whimpered.

"Great! Now let'so somewhere private shall we?" Spike said, closing his locker and dragging Kyle into a bathroom stall.

"Now, you stand here," Spike pointed to the rim of the toilet, " and I'll stand here." he said pointing to the ground. "Any questions?" the bear shook his head no. "Good.". Kyle got up onto the toilet rim and looked scared. He shook and shivered, afraid of what might happen if he didn't do what the fox said. Spike looks at the bears sheath for a moment, considering if he should do this. He decided that Kyle would enjoy soon enough. Spike licked Kyle's sheath and got a whimper from the shivering bear. He continued to lick the bears sheath, and moved up a paw to carress his balls. Kyle yelped when Spike touched his balls but moaned when it started to feel good. 'Hey,' Kyle thought 'I'm not gay! Why am I letting him do this to me? And why does it feel so good?'. Spike didn't care wether Kyle liked it or not, because he sure was. He licked the bears sheath, and fondled his balls until he saw the pink head finally start to emerge from the bears swelling sheath.

"Oh? Enjoying ourselves aren't we? I thought you weren't gay?" Spike said. Then he looked into Kyles eyes and saw he was crying. "What's wrong?" Spike asked, feeling considerate for once.

"I-I-I thought t-t-that I w-wasn't gay. B-but now I know. I'm gay."Kyle said through tears. He started sobbing, and sat down on the toilet bowl.

"Aw, I'm so happy for you Kyle." Spike said putting an arm around his shoulder.

"How could anyone be happy about being gay? Now everyone will make fun of me. I won't have any friends anymore!" Kyle sobbed out

"Kyle, if your friends stop hanging out with you just because your gay, they weren'y really your friends in the first place." Spike said, still patting his shoulder. "Look, I'll make you feel better" Spike said, still rubbing his sheath. Now more of Kyle's lenght was out. Spike licked the tip of his member making Kyle stop sobbing and moan. Spike sucked on what was out of the sheath. The rest of Kyle's meat eventually came out. Spike sucked his cock, and bobbed his head up and down on it, only pausing to suckle the tip and lick along the bottom of the eight inch bear cock. Spike made a rythem. He would suck a little, then lick the bottom, suck a little, then suckle the tip. Kyle started breathing heavily and thrusting into Spike's mouth. Spike knew he was close, so he began to speed up his rythem.

"Ooooohhhhhhh......" Kyle moaned as he got closer and closer to his climax. He put his paws on the back of Spikes head and thrusted into his mouth.

"Oh, Spike I'm gonna cumm!!!!!" Kyle screamed and thrusted one final time into Spikes muzzle shooting his load into it. Spike swallowed all of the bear seed an took his muzzle off of Kyle's cock.

"Well I see you had a good time. Be good and I might do it again sometime." Spike said with a wink, and walked off to his locker to get dressed.

Well I hope you enjoyed it. I hope to be posting a part 2 sometime in the future so keep an eye out! =3