Shandow Manor(Commissioned by Deiser and pappagobbastoppa)

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

A piece commissioned by deiser and pappagobbastoppa. Two young men go on a haunted mansion tour, not knowing that they may become permanent residents themselves...

This is a piece commissioned by Deiser and pappagobbastoppa from me. If you're interested in commissioning or just sending a little something yourself, you can find the details here.

In the meantime, I hope you guys enjoy Shandow Manor. Who knows; maybe you could make a visit yourself sometime...

"Here you are, boys. The Shandow Mansion, in all of its glory."

The cab slowly pulled to a stop in front of the wrought irons gates as the two passengers in the backseat stared with wide eyed amazement. The gates were covered in rust to the point that it was a small wonder how they held together at all. Vines covered the archway the gates and along the tops of the walls that surrounded the property. The walls had been a bright white at one point, though years of neglect showed through in the form chipped paint and spots of faded coloration. The gates prevented a clear view of the building within, but the outline of the property screamed, "haunted" to even the most causal of observers. The advertisements around the gate for the Shandow Haunted Mansion Tour seemed almost redundant.

"Those ads weren't kidding; this place really does look haunted." Tobi let out a low whistle as he climbed out of the cab. His brown eyes scanned the exterior of the mansion, a cool breeze blowing his white skin and short brown hair as he examined the outer wall. He'd chosen slightly formal attire for this visit, wearing a purple sweater vest over a white dress shirt, paired with brown slacks and black dress shoes.

Deiser nodded as he stepped out from the other side of the cab. He'd chosen more casual attire for this trip, the black coat he wore over his white t-shirt rustling in the wind along with his thick black hair. The color black was a recurring theme in his outfit, with black boots and the same colored belt holding up his light brown pants. Soft brown eyes looked through his glasses as he reached into his wallet, paying the cab driver for the ride.

"I guess this is where we check in for the tour." Deiser pointed a light brown figure at the small wooden booth in front of and to the side of the gate. just big enough to hold a single person. A sign etched in gold lettering above the both simply read, "Start of Tour". It was very neat and new, and considering what it sat in front of, seemed a bit out of place. Behind the glass partition sat a middle aged man who offered the two a bright smile as they stepped out of the cab.

"Hello there, gentlemen. I'm Mr. Ashdown, and this is where the Shandow Mansion tour begins." The blue eyed man straightened out the collar of his dark brown jacket as the two boys approached him, and as he stood they could see his pants were the same color. A brown ivy cap covered most of his head, the edges of jet black just visible underneath. "Interested?"

Tobi nodded. "We've heard a lot about this mansion, and Deiser and I have always been fascinated with ghosts and the supernatural. We're really hoping it lives up to its reputation."

"Don't worry, gentlemen; I'm sure you won't be disappointed." Mr. Ashdown took their money, placing it in a till underneath the counter in front of him. The boys looked puzzled for a minute when he reached up and pulled down a wooden barrier. After a moment, they heard the back door open to the booth as Mr. Ashdown stepped out. "All set?"

"Wait..." Deiser seemed confused as he looked back at the closed booth. "You're our tour guide? But who will watch the booth while you're gone?"

"Oh, don't you worry about that, gentlemen. I have to wear a lot of hats here; manning the booth, tour guide, caretaker, but it's all worth it. The staff will be growing soon enough." Mr. Ashdown certainly didn't seem bothered by all the work he had to do. If anything, he was practically glowing as he looked toward the gates. "Now, let's get these gates open."

As if in response to his statement, a sudden gust of wind kicked up from behind the pair. With a rusty protest, one side of the gate slowly swung and held itself open as if to beckon them in. Tobi and Deiser exchanged a look of surprise as Mr. Ashdown exited the ticket booth through a back door and strode through the gates as if this was exactly what he had expected to happened.

"If you'll come this way, gentlemen, we can begin the tour." Mr. Ashdown motioned for the two men to come along as he held the gate open for them. "Please stay on the stone path for now, and do not worry about your transportation back. Arrangements will be made."

Tobi and Deiser nodded as they stepped through the gates, eager to begin the tour. Mr. Ashdown watched as the two men took in the initial sights with wide-eyed wonder while their taxi went on its way behind them. As the two newest guests taking in the view, Mr. Ashdown retrieved a smart phone from his coat pocket. A few button presses later and it was back in his pocket as he followed the young men inside, another gust of wind blowing the gate closed behind him with a solid clank.

Down the road, the taxi driver's phone buzzed to life. He smiled as he saw the new funds that had been added to his account, and quickly set to work deleting all records of the two boys from his taxi's computer. The arrangements had been made for the young men, after all, and they wouldn't be in need of a ride back home. In fact, it was unlikely they would ever be leaving the Shandow Mansion ever again.

"So how did the owner discover this place?" Tobi asked as he and Deiser walked through the courtyard. The pathway split around a fountain in the middle of the courtyard. The state of disrepair on the outside continued within, as the pair had to be careful not to twist an ankle on the uneven and broken path. The fountain had also seen better days; a green film of some sort of slime coated the bottom of a basin filled with dirty brown water. A pair of stone cherubs stood atop the column in the middle, the vases they held in their tiny hands pouring nothing into the pool below.

"The owner has always had a taste in things that some might consider... eccentric." Mr. Ashdown explained. While the two visitors had to watch their ever step, he moved with such ease it was almost as if he had the ground itself memorized. "Supernatural phenomenons, the afterlife, the true potential of the human mind, and magic have been areas of interests for him since he was a child."

"So he was basically a nerd?" Deiser asked as he looked over trees that dotted the landscape, all of them either overgrown or dead. Mr. Ashdown didn't explain if his duties as caretaker involved repairing the property or preserving it exactly as it was to maintain the spooky atmosphere, so it was hard to tell if he was doing a really excellent or really terrible job.

"That would not be an unfair assessment, but unlike most of his peers he was not content with the mere fantasies of television and books. Casting spells and finding treasures in a fantasy world was nice, but why did it have to stop with just fantasy? Surely there must be some grain of truth in between all the fiction, something that must have inspired all these stories. He wanted to find real supernatural occurrences, real magic."

"Real magic?" The skeptical tone might have been little hypocritical for someone on a haunted mansion tour to ask, but the words were out of Tobi's mouth before he could catch himself.

"Yes, real magic." If Mr. Ashdown was upset or even noticed the skepticism it didn't show as they arrived at the large wooden doors leading into the mansion. The outside of the three story mansion had faired a bit better than the rest of the property. All the windows of the classic Victorian mansion were still in one piece, although many of them were obscured with layers of dust. A few shingles had fallen off the roof here and there, but compared to the grounds and surrounding walls, the mansion was in fairly decent shape.

Mr. Ashton pulled on the heavy oaken door and ushered the men into the foyer. A red carpet lay across the checkered tile floor and led to a large vintage glass clock that seemed out of place smack in the middle of the foyer. Beyond the clock sat two hallways, one on either side of a plain wooden door. A small velvet barrier stretched across the door, with a small wooden sign similar to the one at the ticket booth, although this sign simply read, "Private". To the sides and a little in front of a clock was a set of staircases that led up to the second floor.

"Indeed, it was not an easy search. From the beginning he found little support from his peers, and there were times that he would begin to doubt himself. But every time he was on the brink of giving up, he would find something to reaffirm his faith. A few pages of a spell book, a meeting with a spirit, or a prophetic dream would renew his resolve. He never became the all powerful mage that he dreamed of as a child, but he did discover a good bit of power and wealth over the years. It was during his travels and studies that he happened across this mansion and its clock."

Mr. Ashdown stood next to the clock as the two boys stepped closer to the gently ticking long, glass case clock. The clock had only one long hand, currently frozen on the large 10 on the face and lacked any of the weights or mechanisms normally needed to operate it. The only sound and motion was that of the swinging pendulum, gently ticking back and forth.

"This is the Peace Timer, created by the mansion's original owner, Professor Paul Tergeist." Mr. Ashdown smiled as he saw the young men eyes slowly wandering back in forth in time with the pendulum. "He was just as interested in parapsychology as Mr. Shandow, though he focused almost exclusive on spirits and the afterlife. Among other things, he wanted to offer the peaceful spirits who wandered the world a safe place to reside, without fear that their evil counterparts or overambitious humans would hunt them down."

"Peaceful spirits? You mean there are both good and bad spirits?" Tobi asked, his eyes struggling to focus on Mr. Ashdown and not the swinging pendulum.

Mr. Ashdown nodded. "Some spirits are not ready to move onto the next world, yet they have no particular grudge to satisfy or need to be filled. They just don't want to let go of the world they have spent so much time in. This clock serves as a beacon to them, letting them know this is a safe place for to stay while driving away those with evil intents. Its effects are not limited to the departed, however. People have been known to fall under its spell as well, slowly becoming more relaxed and peaceful in its presence."

"Y-Yeah..." Deiser mumbled sleepily. "Something about the way it swings back and forth... it kinda reminds me of something..."

Tobi just nodded his agreement, stifling a yawn as a sudden bout of sleepiness came over him.

"Yes, it is quite a wondrous piece. But, it is only a small part of our tour. Come along, gentlemen." Mr. Ashdown gently turned and led them off to one of the doors on the side of the hall. "Just follow the sound of my voice to the lounge area, the first room of our tour."

Tobi and Deiser followed as requested, blinking and trying to shake off the tired feeling that had suddenly crept into their bones. They had been looking forward to this trip too much to let the sudden need for a catnap force them to leave early.

The large picture window facing outside was the first thing that caught the visitors' attention as they followed Mr. Ashdown into the first room. The sun shone through brightly and gave the room a very warm, inviting feel despite the layers of dust that covered everything. A fireplace stood off to one side, in front of which sat a small table containing an old chessboard with worn out padded chairs on either side for players. An old bookcase that sat on the other side of the room bulged with the rows and rows of tomes and classic literature it held. Another chair facing directly opposite of the window made up the last piece of furniture. Everything was sitting on what was once a white carpet, though it had now become more of a grey now from years of neglect.

"This is where the Professor liked to relax after a long day of working with his equipment. Here, he could rest his mind with the spirits, enjoying a quiet book or game of chess. Feel free to explore, but please do be careful with the books. Some of them are very valuable texts." Their tour guide warned as the two men stepped in.

Tobi and Deiser stepped into the room as they listened to Mr. Ashdown's directions. It felt strange; even though the room was fairly bare, there was a strange, almost electric like energy in the air. Tobi found himself drawn over to the bookcase and withdrew one of the books, slowly flipping through the yellowing pages. Deiser decided to admire the antique chess set and its finely crafted pieces.

So enthralled were the two with their chosen objects that neither of them seemed to notice the soft purring sound. At first the noise seemed to be coming from nowhere, but as the seconds passed a shape began to take form near each of the boys. It started as little more than a shimmer in the air, and might have been passed off by most observers as a trick of the light. As the seconds passed, though, the shimmer became more solid and distinct. Soon Mr. Ashdown could clearly make out a pair of cats, one drawn to each of the guests. Neither of them seemed to notice the either the sudden arrival of the faint felines or the amazing things happening right before their eyes.

One would be forgiven for thinking the snow white cat that had begun to form and around Tobi's legs was a ghost even if it was alive. As the faint feline began to wind around and rub against Tobi, Mr. Ashdown could make out a brown cap at the tip of its tail. It seemed content to purr and rub against Tobi, who had stopped flipping through the pages of the book and was simply holding it in his hand as he read. He appeared unalarmed or surprised by either the feline visitor or the pages of the book that began to turn on their own as he finished reading them.

Deiser had, in the meantime, taken a seat at the table and moved one of the pieces on the board. His other hand was idly stroking the brown furred cat that had quietly leapt into his lap. It was a yin to the yang of Tobi's cat; the fur patterns and colors were a perfect match, with only their placement inverted. The white tip at the tail of Deiser's cat flicked into view as it purred contently under Deiser's stroking hand. The noise or the fact that the pieces on the other side of the board had begun to respond to his movements went unnoticed by Deiser as he soon entering a game of chess with an invisible opponent.

Mr. Ashdown smiled as he saw the spirits were taking toward the two guests. He said nothing to either of them, the caretaker and true owner content to watch both of them become entranced from his spot near the entrance. It's true that the spirits that resided here were benign and friendly, but some of them desired a body after centuries of never having a physical form. When Mr. Ashdown first discovered this place and how it drew spirits in, he immediately purchased it and began to formulate a plan to help the spirits achieve their desires and his own.

For a spirit to possess a human being takes a lot of strength, something that the spirits here were severely lacking in. Even the most weak-willed of individuals would be able to shake off their feeble attempts at possession, and on their own they wouldn't be able to do much. With some of the skills Mr. Ashdown developed over his years, like his spell casting and master level understanding of hypnosis, he could break down and reshape people to the point that even the meekest of spirits could take control while he served as both their tour guide and their guide to their new lives as residents of the mansion.

Mr. Ashdown waited until Deiser had finished up his game before gently calling to the men. There was more of the mansion to explore, and he would be better able to shape them in some of the other rooms. The two put everything back before joining Mr. Ashdown. Their feline companions faded away for now, but Mr. Ashdown knew he'd be seeing more of them very soon.

"Hey..." Tobi's eyes were immediately drawn to the glass clock as they returned to the main foyer. "Did that clock move?..."

Deiser nodded but didn't say anything as his eyes went back to the swinging pendulum. Considering the clock seemed to be just made up of a broken clock face and pendulum, it was a wonder how it worked at all. There was no way it could move on it's own, and yet no matter where or from what angle either of the guests looked at the clock, it silently turned to meet their gaze, the large brass metronome swinging back and forth as they watched.

"You like that clock, don't you boys?" Mr. Ashdown spoke softly as the two continued to become entranced. "Yes, something about the way it swings back and forth, back and forth... it's so easy to just watch the pendulum and relax. It's easy to just forget everything and relax. Don't worry; I'm your guide, and I'll take you exactly where you want to go. You trust me, don't you?"

Both boys nodded, and Mr. Ashdown had to fight down a smirk. These two were coming along very nicely. After a few more moments in front of the clock, Mr. Ashdown began to lead the two boys to the other room on this floor. They followed in a something of a trance state; they were still awake, but they were starting to get very tired. The easiest thing for them to do was follow their guide, though they were still somewhat aware of their surroundings.

"Mr. Ashdown?" Deiser glanced over to the "Private" that they passed as they walked across the hall. "What's in there?"

"There? Oh, I'm sorry, gentlemen, but that's an area reserved for our special guests." Mr. Ashdown apologized as he gently tugged the two along with his voice. "I'm afraid you two aren't ready for that yet."

"Not ready?" Tobi sounded disappointed as they followed Mr. Ashdown to the next room. "What do we have to do to be ready?"

"We'll have to complete the tour first. But, if you two do a good job following me, maybe I can get you behind the velvet rope. Do you like the sound of that?" The boys smiled as they followed Mr. Ashdown into the next room, a smile he matched as they entered the kitchen.

Tobi and Deiser stepped upon a dusty wooden floor as they entered the kitchen. An old iron stove was bolted to the floor on one side, several pots and pans hanging on hooks on either side. A large stone water basin sat across from it, a basin that was currently fully. The sunlight streamed in through one door to the backyard area, while another doorway led to a pantry, though a quick glance showed it was in desperate need of restocking.

"Mr. Tergeist used to have many servants, though admittedly it was a little tough to find servants willing to work with spirits." Mr. Ashdown narrated as the boys began to explore. Tobi was drawn toward the stove, while Deiser seemed fascinated with the water basin. "Those that could, however, found the spirits to be quite helpful."

Tobi gently blew the dust off one of the pans as he examined it more closely, while Deiser marveled at how crystal clear the water was in the pool. Both became locked on their reflections as they listened to Mr. Ashdown. Soon the world outside Mr. Ashdown's voice and their reflections were lost to them. They seemed totally fascinated and at peace, even as their reflections began to change before their very eyes.

In fact, it was in their eyes that the changes began to focus. The longer the two brown eyed gentlemen stared into their reflections, the more the eyes that looked back were changing. With each blink, their round pupils began to take on a more oval shape as the irises that surrounded them changed as a pink color seemed to fill and wash away the browns of their eyes. Maybe they should have been alarmed, but the soft pink feline eyes that looked at them were so bright and warm that any who looked into them for long would feel their worries washing away. Those new eyes were soon taking in the sight of more changes.

It looked at first as if invisible hands were adding highlights to Tobi's hair, blond streaks slowly starting to mix in with his natural brown. As time passed, the highlights slowly became a dye job as Tobi slowly became a blond. He smiled gently at his reflection, just catching the hint of cat-like fangs that were slowly reshaping from some of his normal teeth.

Tobi's eyes drifted away from the pan to the small pile of ingredients sitting on top of the stove. Were those there a second ago? He couldn't really remember, but quickly decided that didn't matter. There was a meal to be made, and it just seemed right for him to get into the spirit of being in the kitchen and making a meal. It never crossed his mind that Mr. Ashdown, with some help from the spirits of the house, had constructed the whole scene in his head. While he continued to stare blankly into the pan back in reality, Tobi imagined himself preparing a meal for the owner of the mansion. The further he went along with his meal, the more the idea of being a good servant was being planted in his head.

Deiser seemed to be going through a similar transformation on the other side of the room, and seemed to be just at peace with what was happening. The color change of his hair was more subtle than Tobi's, a brunette color slowly beginning to bleed into his normally black hair. His hair also began to grow as he shook his head gently, growing in waves until its length began to match Tobi's. He removed his glasses, his new eyes no longer needing them as he got a clear view of the new cat fangs that were starting to come into view. Soon his purring matched Tobi's.

The longer Deiser stared into the water, the more the scene that stared back at him continued to change. Soon he wasn't just staring at his reflection in a dusty old mansion; instead he had just drawn a fresh pail of water from the basin. He set it down next to his brush and soap, and quickly set to work scrubbing the dusty floor clean. It felt like a first person shooter, with millions of dust particles and germs being slaughtered by his deadly brush. He could feel a sense of satisfaction and relief as dirt and grime soon gave way to a sparkling clean floor. A clean home is a happy home, after all.

Mr. Ashdown watched the boys going about their tasks in their mind, even as in reality they continued to stare blankly into their chosen reflective surfaces. They didn't seem surprised or scared about what was happening to them or the strange ideas that were suddenly popping into their head. They even seemed to be enjoying themselves, yet on some level seemed totally unaware anything was happening at all. Was it just something about the spirits of the house that kept them in such a state, or did the hypnotic trance he had them under keep them calm and also uncover some deep rooted desire? He'd need to get some more test subjects to get a better idea.

"You're doing good, gentleman, but I'm afraid we need to keep moving along." Mr. Ashdown gently touched each boy on their shoulders, bringing their attention back to him. "We have one more stop on our tour."

"We do?..." Deiser sounded almost disappointed to be pulled from his imaginary cleaning duties as he and Tobi followed Mr. Ashdown back into the main foyer. The two moved with an almost zombie-like shuffle as they followed their guide.

"Yes, we do. Let's take a quick breather here, first. Just breathe deep, and relax..." Mr. Ashdown stood beside the clock, which had once again been moved to face the boys as they exited the room. "You want to go deep, nice and deep, and find out everything this mansion has to offer, don't you?"

"R-Right..." Tobi mumbled, his half lidded eyes struggling to stay open. "Everything... deep and relaxed..." Deiser just nodded his agreement.

Confirming they were still deeply entranced, Mr. Ashdown began to ascend one of the stair sets. It wasn't until he was halfway up did he realize he'd made a serious error in his planning. Following him on flat ground was easy enough for the duo, but with the trance making their bodies feel so heavy and tried, climbing up the stairs was a serious challenge. Mr. Ashdown literally had to guide the two step by step to keep them under trance and guide them up the stairs at the same time. It was a slow, agonizing process. Tobi even stumbled at one point and pitched forward into Deiser during the climb.

A scene flashed through Mr. Ashdown's head this time, one of him standing in the foyer as he tried to explain to paramedics what two battered and bruised partial cat-men were doing lying in a heap at the bottom of his stairs. Luckily for all involved, Deiser held firm and Tobi was able to right himself while still staying under trance. Mr. Ashdown's tone and voice remained soothing and guiding the whole time, but when the two had both feet firmly planted on the second floor, he couldn't help but let out a little sigh of relief.

"Follow me to the last part of the tour, gentlemen." There were several doors on this floor as well, but the double sided white doors that dominated their view as they stepped onto the second floor landing is the one Mr. Ashdown went to. Their changes had accelerated a bit more during their climb, as their human ears had now been replaced with a pair of cat ears; brown for Deiser, and white for Tobi. He started to open them, but paused for a brief moment. "And one of you, please remind me for future tours; the stairs should come first."

With that, Mr. Ashdown threw open the doors to the servant quarters. The room was set up in a dormitory style, with privacy screens sprinkled randomly throughout. A small dresser and attached vanity mirror sat beside each of the beds, and Mr. Ashdown explained that the doorway at one end of the room led to the personal baths. The beds themselves were brand new, and while not spotless, this was definitely the cleanest room in the house so far.

"While we try to preserve the history of the house as much as possible, some renovation here was necessary. Exploring a haunted mansion is one thing, but a clean living space is important for all living things. After all, you wouldn't want to sleep in a dirty room, would you?... if you were a servant here, I mean." Mr. Ashdown corrected himself as Tobi and Deiser shook their head.

Mr. Ashdown smiled to himself as Tobi and Deiser slowly shuffled around the room. Deiser took a seat on one of the mattress, his sleepy eyes staring as much as they could at the freshly painted pink wall in front of him. The same color as their new eyes, it made both feel invited and safe in this room. Meanwhile, the sound of running water drew Tobi toward the showers. In his head, the hot water had filled the showers with a thick steam. Through the haze he could make out a trio of people, though it was hard to see details through the fog.

"An interesting fact you gentleman might appreciate..." Mr. Ashdown couldn't see exactly what was happening, but he had an idea from previous rehearsals with the spirits as Tobi was encouraged to join the group in the shower. "All the servants in the house that worked here, and the spirits that reside here, are all female."

As Tobi stepped through the steam, he found himself surrounded by a trio of very beautiful women. One was a human, her short black hair slicked back and dotted with the white foam of shampoo as she stood on one side of Tobi. Another blond haired girl, who was human save for the orange fox ears and tail capped with a white tip, approached from the other side. Directly in front of him, with a large brush in her hand, stood a raccoon morph. Her slender muzzle smiled at him, her auburn eyes looking up and down the visitor.

"Oh; it looks like we have a new servant to help us out. Let's get him all prepared for the master, alright girls?" The two giggled and nodded their agreement to their raccoon companion's statement. Tobi smiled dimly as he felt their hands moving over his body, seemingly able to reach through his clothes to the flesh underneath. As the girls lathered him with both soap and attention, they began to accelerate the young man's changes.

The two more human girls split between the upper and lower half of his body. The pure human one started to massage his feet, the bones reshaping and becoming more slender and daintier. The sliming feeling continued as her hands worked up his legs, brushing away the hairs and any imperfections as her hands continued toward his center. The fox girl was repeating the process on his arms, his hands and arms slowly becoming slimmer as she gently massaged him. His shoulders and core received a similar treatment soon after. It was getting harder and harder for the average observer to tell if Tobi was male or female.

Not content to just downplay his masculine features, the raccoon soon got in on the act. She started to work the soapy brush over his body, covering every inch of his skin in a thick lather. She also made sure to get some on his hair as well, which the fox girl began to work into his scalp gently. As they bought him over to the nearby shower head and began to wash away the soap, the skin that had been underneath washed away as well, revealing a thick coat of snow white fur underneath. Tobi felt both the soap on his head and any remaining resistance getting washed away as the water ran over him. While still functionally male, by the time the spirits finished their wash job and departed all one could say for certain was that Tobi was a cat person of some sort.

"Come along now, sleepyhead." Deiser was getting a slightly different treatment back in the bedroom. The portly cowgirl that had suddenly appeared at his side gently tugged him up from the bed and led him to the nearby dresser, gently sitting him down in front of the mirror. The chubby checkerboard colored cowgirl wore a simple blue dress under a white apron as she grabbed a comb and began to straighten out his hair. "You want to look good for the master, don't you?"

A dim smile crossed Deiser face as the motherly cowgirl got to work. She started to hum a happy little tune as she quickly replaced the brush with a powder puff, though this one was about the size of an average baseball glove. She began to apply it liberally to Deiser, quickly covering the young man in a fine white powder. A slight tingling sensation crawled over Deiser's skin as the powder began to coat his entire body, almost as if something was starting to emerge from underneath the skin.

"Looks like you're almost set, honey." The cowgirl mooed softly as she began to dust Deiser off. As the powder was blown away, it revealed that the tan skin that had been underneath had been replaced by a deep brown fur coat. It also seemed as if a portion of his manliness was being blown away with the loose powder as well. His face looked a little more rounded, his neck a little thinner, his hands and forearms smaller and daintier. He even looked like he'd lost a little bit of height, now hovering only a few inches over five feet tall.

"That's should do it. Now, you girls run along..." Tobi emerged from the shower as Deiser stood, the two cat people following Mr. Ashdown back to the door. The two were now a pair much like the cats that first rubbed against them. Everything other than their fur color's matched, even down to their height as it appeared Tobi had lost a few inches as well in the shower. The cowgirl giggled slightly as she watched the group leave, slowing fading from view as she corrected herself. "Well, maybe not quite girls. Not yet..."

Mr. Ashdown had to fight to keep himself in check and keep the anticipation out of his voice. Not wanting a repeat of their misadventure up the stairs, he instructed each of the cats to stand at the top of either staircase as he prepared them for one last deepener.

"The tour's almost over, gentlemen. It's just ten steps back down to the ground floor. I'll count you down as you go down, deeper and down. Focus your eyes on the clock and your ears on my voice as I walk you down. Starting with, 10...9..."

Mr. Ashdown guided the boys down the steps, each step accompanied by the soft chime of the Peace Timer. His subject's eyes were locked on the pendulum as the hand of the clock started to move, counting down in time with each step. As the descended the staircase to the foyer, so too did their minds descend to a deep sleep, a sleep that they wouldn't be able to, nor want to ever wake up from again.

"3...2...1, and..." Mr. Ashdown let the final number hang in the air for a moment, unable to keep from having a little chuckle to himself as each of his subjects stood on the last step. With one foot on and one foot halfway to the floor below, neither one would move until he finished, "0."

Tobi and Deiser remained perfectly still as Mr. Ashdown made his own way to the ground floor, gently moving around Deiser as he did. The two were clay in his hands now, and he was about to finish molding his new servants.

"I must say, you gentleman have been wonderful guests. In fact, I've decided that you two are perfect for the private viewing area. Now, I must warn you that there is an extra fee involved. It will cost..." Mr. Ashdown didn't even have to finish before the two were pulling out their wallets. Tobi withdrew all the money and let his wallet drop to the floor; Deiser just held out his entire wallet. Mr. Ashdown smiled gently and took both before removing the velvet barrier. The boys slowly made their way down the carpeted steps, Mr. Ashdown chuckling softly to himself as he followed behind.

Between the solid wood paneling, ornate lamps every few steps and soft carpeting, it was clear this part of the mansion had seen a lot of renovation. A door sat at the end of that hallway, and opened up into a very well furnished bedroom. The red sheets that covered the bed were made of a very high quality satin, and was easily large enough to hold three or more people comfortably.

"Welcome to my private chambers, gentleman." Tobi and Deiser offered no response, standing still and staring blankly ahead. Satisfied with their lack of response, Mr. Ashdown called out to seemingly no one. "They're all yours, girls."

The white and brown cat spirits from before emerged from the walls on either side of the boys seconds later, approaching their anthropomorphic counterparts. Their tails swished back and forth, apparently satisfied with what they saw. They leaned back, coiling their strength in their legs before leaping at the two boys. Tobi and Deiser gasped as the two cats seemed to disappear inside them.

Both boys moaned softly as a warm feeling began to spread from where the spirits entered them. The warmth seemed to wrap around and constrict their midsections like a corset, their bellies flattening and firming as the heat grew. The warmth began to radiate in all directions from there, soon encasing both of their bodies like a furry robe. The heat concentrated at a point right above their rears, tapering to a point and growing longer and thicker from there. The feline tails soon came into view from underneath their shirts, white with a brown tip for Tobi and brown with a white tip for Deiser.

Though the feline changes were finished, the transformation was far from complete. Their waists started to tighten as the warm crept downward, pushing in and narrowing as their hips began to flare out. Deiser's hands went to his chest as it started to grow warm, getting a little jolt of surprise as his hands ran over his newly sensitive nipples. He moaned softly as the weight on his chest started to grow, his voice reaching a higher pitch than before as his new breasts started to fill his hands.

Though their transformations were nearly identical, Tobi's hands went in the opposite direction of Deiser's. Sliding past his newly widened hips, he found his already reduced maleness starting to disappear all together. His testicles had been sucked back into his body like a vacuum, soon leaving only a fur covered patch of skin and a rapidly shrinking penis. Tobi's soft moans seemed to indicate there was no problem with this; he, or rather she now, seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit. Tobi's voice reached a fever pitch as her new vagina opened up, right behind the newly formed clit that had once been his cock.

"Alright, girls. I know you must be excited to have a physical form after centuries without one, but we do have some things to go over first." Almost regretfully, the two furry cat girls bought their hands down to their sides, slowly regaining their composure as Mr. Ashdown set his coat down on a nearby coat rack. "Did the possession go as well as it seemed?"

"Of course, Master. Thank you very much for my new body; it's just purrfect!" The catgirl that had once been Deiser purred happily. "Oh! We should introduce ourselves properly to you, Master. I'm Chocolate."

"Yes, thank you, Master." The white furred girl that had formerly been Tobi bowed gently. "My name is Vanilla."

"Well, it's very nice to finally meet you girls in the flesh." Mr. Ashdown gently stroked the cheeks of both girls, getting soft purrs from them both as they nuzzled into his hand. He'd have to see about getting a pink furred girl named Strawberry next; that way he could make a Neapolitan.

"I'm very glad you enjoy your new bodies, but you do remember our deal, yes?" Though it did make him glad to see the girls happy, he didn't agree to help them out of the goodness of his heart.

"Of course, Master. You shape and mold a person enough for us to take over their bodies..." Vanilla started, glancing over at her fellow catgirl as she started to slide out of the now oversized sweater vest.

"... and we use those bodies to help service all your needs." Chocolate smiled gently as she slipped out of Deiser's coat, with his white t-shirt and Tobi's white dress shirt soon making a small pile on the floor. Both topless girls moved to either side of Mr. Ashdown, pressing their C-cup breasts against him as he slid an arm around each of them. "ALL of your needs."

The trio soon fell back onto the bed, the girls sharing the task of stripping their Master. Chocolate focused on the upper half of his body, slowly sliding her hands under his sweater. She tugged it off quickly, tossing it aside before going to work on his undershirt. Trying something a little different, she grabbed the collar in her teeth and pulled, straddling his belly as she stripped him bare.

"Oohh..." Chocolate gently ran her hands over her Master's chest, admiring the lean, firm muscle that covered the upper half of his body. While nowhere near bodybuilder proportions, he clearly made some effort to keep himself in good shape. "Master's very handsome."

"Thank you, Chocolate." Vanilla was being much less subtle than her companion, undoing Mr. Ashdown's belt and practically tearing his pants and underwear off him. She watched with an intense fascination as his cock, already firm from their previous ministrations, continued to harden and lengthen before their eyes.

"Not that I'm complaining," Mr. Ashdown motioned toward his growing erection before continuing, ", but you are two very eager kittens."

"Well, Master, when you've been without a physical body for several centuries, there's a few things you start to miss." Both the girls began to strip off the last of their clothes as Vanilla spoke. "The taste of good food, the smell of fresh cut flowers, the touch of a man, a mind numbing orgasm..."

"Yes. I've REALLY missed that last one." Chocolate kicked away her clothes, all three now fully nude. Mr. Ashdown could practically smell their arousal as Chocolate slid down next to Vanilla. The two exchanged a sly smile before leaning forward, each licking at his ten-inch cock like it was a fleshy lollipop.

Mr. Ashdown moaned as the two cat girls lathered their attention on his cock. He had some experience with women, and two girls at once weren't new for him. What was new was the feeling of feline tongues against his sensitive flesh. It had a strange contrast of being both rough and soft at the same time that sent shivers up his spines with each lick.

Sensing he was near his limit, Chocolate removed her mouth from her Master's shaft. Vanilla moved her attention lower down his shaft as Chocolate positioned herself above her Master, lining up the tip of his shaft with her needy pussy.

"You just relax, Master." She gasped softly as she began to lower herself onto him, just reveling in the feeling of being able to feel as she was slowly filled. "We're here to serve you, after all."

Mr. Ashdown watched intently as more and more of his shaft was wrapped in Chocolate's warmth. Vanilla continued to lick and caress her Master's shaft, going lower and lower as Chocolate was being filled. Chocolate felt like she might burst when Master's cock was fully within her, the tight muscles of her vagina having an almost vice-like grip on him. Placing her paws on his shoulders to steady herself, she slowly began to ride her Master for all he was worth.

It was hard to see Vanilla from his position, but Mr. Ashdown could still feel her tongue eagerly at work. If she was bothered by Chocolate's juices covering his shaft, it didn't show; if anything, it seemed to increase in intensity. He groaned gently when she started to nuzzle his testicles, his hips bucking upward and causing Chocolate to gasp in surprise.

Mr. Ashdown couldn't hold out much longer. With all the attention the two beautiful women were giving him, it wasn't long before he felt himself nearing the edge. When Chocolate started to rise up again, Mr. Ashdown grabbed her hips and pulled her firmly down onto him. The rough pulling and twitching length within her was enough to send Chocolate over the edge. Her cries of pleasure were cut short as Mr. Ashdown pulled her down for a deep, passionate kiss. The two continued to make out even as his own orgasm washed over him, his tongue gently running over her fangs as his cum start to pump into her.

Vanilla was feeling a little left out as their Master made a cream-filled Chocolate. Still, she eagerly lapped up the mix of Master's seed and Chocolate's juices that leaked out from Chocolate's pussy. The two continued to orgasm for a good minute before both started to relax. Chocolate slowly slid off as she let out a happy sigh, letting Vanilla see that their Master was still as hard as ever.

"Master has some staying power!" Vanilla purred as she rotated herself, Chocolate sliding over so Vanilla could be in a sixty-nine position over her Master. "Please, allow me to clean up this mess."

Mr. Ashdown's length quickly disappeared inside Vanilla's short muzzle, her hot breath and mouth making his already sensitive cock twitch again eagerly. His own mouth began to lick at the glistening pussy in front of him. His attention was soon rewarded with a trickle of Vanilla's cream, which he slowly licked up before pushing him tongue deeper into her.

Vanilla's head bobbed up and down slowly on her Master's cock, her tail gently flicking across his face. His hands found their way to her rear, getting a firm grip on her nicely rounded rear while his tongue probed deeper into her pussy. Not wanting to be left out, Chocolate nuzzled and licked at her Master's ear, her soft purrs music to his ears. She and Vanilla made a beautiful pair of girls, and they truly loved serving him. As Vanilla trickle of juices turned into a flood, it was clear they also loved being served by him.

Vanilla mrowled and purred as she came atop her Master, taking him as deep into her throat as she could. The head of his cock pulsed and twitched heavily as his second orgasm soon started to wash down her throat. Like an eager kitten with a bowl of cream, she slurped and licked up every stream of seed that her Master offered. Being the good servant she was, she made sure to clean every last drop before snuggling up on the other side of her Master.

Mr. Ashdown looked down at his two beautiful servants, gently kissing both of their heads as held them tightly to them. Seeing his two servants resting peacefully against him, he decided to close his eyes and get some sleep himself.

Chocolate and Vanilla slowly woke a few hours later to find their Master was gone. Chocolate went into a big feline stretch, her cute little butt sticking up in the air as she let out a big yawn. Vanilla was about to join her twin, but her pink eyes were drawn over to a set of clothes and a note lying on a nearby table.

"Wow!" Vanilla slid off the bed as she held one of the matching dresses over herself. It was a typical maid's outfit made of a simple black dress and a frilly white apron. Underneath each dress were a set of white panties, bra and stockings, and a simple white maid's cap. A pair of cute black shoes sitting on the floor near each dress finished off the ensembles. Vanilla's eyes scanned the note as Chocolate joined her fellow catgirl at the table.

"Master wants us to get dressed and go upstairs. He says there will be more guests coming soon, and he wants us to be ready for them." Both girls purred softly as they quickly got dressed, excited at the thought of helping their Master with his work.

Both took a quick moment to admire their outfits. Just having bodies after being so long without one was exciting for them, and the cute outfits just made them even happier. After donning their caps, both girls made their way up the stairs to the main foyer.

The girls positioned themselves in front of the clock just in time to see the main doors opening. Mr. Ashdown came in with two new guests.

"Good evening, girls." Mr. Ashdown held the door open for the young couple as they made their way in behind him. The man that came in first wore a brown flannel shirt and jeans, looking absolutely thrilled to be welcome into the manor. The curly haired redhead that followed looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here, though her green eyes went wide when she saw the furry maids.

"Good evening." The two girls spoke together, giving a polite bow to the new guests. "Welcome to Shandow Manor."

"Good evening, girls." Mr. Ashdown spoke for the two guests, who seemed to be at a loss for words at the sight before them. "I'm about to start a tour for our new guests. Why don't you girls clean up and prepare a meal? I bought some food earlier, and I think our guests will be staying for dinner tonight."

"Of course, Mr. Ashdown." Both girls turned and started to head toward the kitchen, but Chocolate stopped and turned back toward the group at the door. "Oh; don't forget, Mr. Ashdown. You wanted to start with the stairs next time, remember?"

Mr. Ashdown smiled and nodded, thanking her for the reminder. Vanilla, in the meanwhile, knelt down and picked up something she'd found on the floor. It was a credit card, one that must have fallen out of someone's pocket or wallet.

"Looks like a Mr. Tobi lost his card." She could hear Mr. Ashdown explaining the history of the clock behind her as she slipped the card into her pocket. She'd give him the card on the unlikely chance she ever saw him again. As she smiled gently to herself and joined Chocolate in the kitchen, she doubted she or anyone else would ever see him again...