Chapter XII: Eclipse's Corona

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#13 of Incendius

Chapter 12 of Incendius.

We catch a glimpse of Incendius' capital city and the seat of the Church's power, Corona. Harm's plans seem to be far-reaching and the Church is at last feeling the tight grip of the noose around its neck. So much so that they decided to bring out an old friend...


Chapter XII: Eclipse's Corona

"The political storm that had hit Incendius was worse than anyone could have ever anticipated. Chronos worked fast. A group calling themselves Vox de Sole - Voice of the Sun - arose. They started citing events in the past when the Church and oppressed the other races. They claimed the Church was human-centric.

"I knew that to be false. General Solomon - my idol - was a Wulfun, that much was known. Half of the Generals were non-human. But when people are angry, they tend to forget what contradicts their claims and just eat up what supports them.

"Flames of Passion indeed."

The enormous doors swung open with a loud bang. The Custodia Solis, knights of the Church's army on Incendius, were shouting for her to stop but Aria ignored them all. Desperation was in beating in her heart.

The news was grim.

Tanar and Elena were the only ones capable of keeping up with her hurried run while Andy and Smallfang lagged behind, caught by the Solis. She was confident Andy would convince them to let them go but at the moment, she couldn't care less who was flanking her.

"Your Holiness!" she shouted, waving her left hand wildly, Gungnir in her right.

The large precession of Solis and Custodia Puria ahead turned to her, lifting weapons.

"Your Holiness, please!" she begged again.

The hulking figure of an Inquisitor pushed through the ring of soldiers. Dorthango's red eyes shone upon her as she approached.

"Templar Valkyrie," he sneered. "How good of you to finally join us."

Aria came to stand face to face with the immense soldier, trying to keep herself from panting. Running all the way from the city's gates, across the entire city to the Sun Spire and finally down several floors had left her extremely exhausted. Sweat was rolling off her brow. Her perfectly braided platinum blonde hair was a mess and her posture was slightly slouched. Every fibre of her being wanted her to just fall to her knees and rest.

"I need to speak with the Apex Clericus Solis," she panted.

"Concerning what?"

Her patience was already extremely thin. "You know very well!"

Dorthango's one good eye flashed. "The decision has been made, Lady Valkyrie. I suggest you live with it."

"You were not there!" she shouted, her voice breaking under the strain of her mad dash and her desperation. "You do not know what they are capable of! By the time most of them were imprisoned, they had already devoured the Time of thousands! That equates to over millions of years of Time! They are almost god-like in power!"

The Inquisitor was unmoving. "Had you been more prompt in your return -"

"We were attacked by Harm Chronos! Do you know who he is, Inquisitor!? He is the Last Chronomancer! He was the one that gave the Church the tools to defeat the Chronomancers during the Purge of Time! He served the Church for two and a half millennia! He is the strongest -"

"Lady Valkyrie."

She balked.

Dorthango bowed respectfully aside. Tynvandar emerged from the tight circle of guards, arms folded together and wearing his cap of office. He still looked as strong and impressive as ever but his eyes were hard and determined. Beneath it all, however, she could see that the Apex Clericus Solis was shaken and afraid.

"Your Holiness..."

Tynvandar nodded briefly. "Regardless of who may have caused this, the fact remains that Incendius is in a state of turmoil. The Generals believe that releasing one of them is necessary. Whether I agree or not is of no concern to them. I only do as they ask." He lifted his hand to stop the protest she was building. "In the few days since we were separated, Corona has been swamped with protestors. Their faith has wavered. They believe that Dalzemor's appearance frightened the Church and it was we who destroyed Mirecragg in a desperate attempt to quench his rising flame."

The Apex Solis gestured that they follow and Aria staggered forward past Dorthango with her companions. The precession began moving once more with Tynvandar at its centre.

"An organisation known as the Vox de Sole have arisen and are gathering supporters. They are claiming that the Church is obsessed with human superiority and could not stand the idea of equality between humans and Vampiri. Dalzemor's appearance would have furthered equality so he had to be eliminated... or so they say. Further, they are citing events of the past to fuel their agenda. Events such as the Burning Rebellion, the Bloodfyre Incident and even the Phoenix Uprising."

"The Uprising occurred almost a millennia ago! How could they possibly use that as evidence!?"

Tynvandar shrugged. "People ignore fact when they are hungry for fuel to keep their flame burning. They are quickly gathering supporters and it is in my opinion that adding another flame to the inferno - especially and everlasting one - is a bad idea."

Aria placed herself in front of the man. "Then please, do not unleash the monster!"

She only received a sad shake of his head in return. "I am sorry, Lady Valkyrie. The Generals hold ultimate authority and the longer I delay, the more likely they will grow desperate and not just settle for one."

General Solomon could only keep the others pacified for so long. If Tynvandar did not act, then more support would be given to the release of the other Chronomancers. She still could not see the logic in it. The Chronomancers would rise up against them. They could cleave through the Church defences with ease...

"How are we to keep them contained?" she asked. "What is to stop them from turning upon us?"

"Faith," answered Tynvandar softly. "Faith... and technology." From his right sleeve, he revealed a jet-black collar with the golden insignia of the Church of the Tower settled as a clasp.

Aria recognised it for what it was. "A Siphon of Infinity..."

"Yes," answered the Apex Solis softly as the boarded a large elevator. The Custodia Solis were left behind but each member of the Custodia Puria and the Inquisitor were allowed in. "We are to offer him a deal." The doors shut and the elevator began a silent descent. "This collar will contain his powers but also ensure that it is maintained at a certain level so that when he engages the Last Chronomancer, he has an advantage. Not to mention allow us to directly track his movements. You are also aware of it's secondary function, yes?"

Tynvandar lifted the collar to his lips. "Mori."

Sharp blades of light suddenly sprang out from the inside of the collar. Anyone wearing it would have instantly had their throats ripped to shreds. Aria knew full well what those blades were made from. Their light bluish hue betrayed them as being infused with fragments of Harm's Anti-Time energy. Even a Chronomancer would instantly die when exposed to one such blade.

"He made those..." she whispered softly, her eyes half-closed in the distant memory. "One of his later inventions."

"I had heard," Tynvandar answered, lowering the weapon. "I also heard from the Generals that this particular Chronomancer will need specific instructions on engagement."

Aria lifted her gaze. The elevator had been descending from some time. She was aware of the secret facilities beneath the Sun Spire. Centuries ago, she and Harm had used them for various campaigns. She had never been this deep before, though.

"Who are you freeing?"

"Not one of the Thirteen if that is what your concern," Tynvandar responded. "No. This is a minor Chronomancer at best. A character who created a tool to amplify and channel various forms of Chronomancy instead of simply creating his own. An inventor but one that is nonetheless incredibly dangerous."

Even a 'minor Chronomancer' was equivalent to Demon Lords. Though given the choice, she would prefer the spawn of the Void to an eternal, quasi-immortal madman.

"Why would he need instruction?"

Dorthango's rumble answered. "Because the lunatic was very inventive in how he unleashed hell upon the populace of this world." Is lips curled back in disgust. "He hired practitioners of various other arts to help him perform terrible acts across the world. He hired Haemomancers to create Homunculi for him so that he could played Mother Goddess with people's souls. Transplanted souls of his victims into eternal bodies even going so far as to create an army of them and using them against us. He tried fragmenting souls to power even more of his Homunculi, managing to isolate four key components he could use for war; Rage, Envy -"

The elevator shuddered to a halt and the doors hissed open.

"... Sorrow and Pain," Aria finished, realising the Chronomancer. An ominous mist spilled into the elevator. Elena and Smallfang both backed away while each of the Puria were instantly on edge. Beyond the mist, she could make out the humming machinery and countless tubes rolling across the floor. Canisters as large as her hung from the walls, bubbling quietly.

Lights flicked on with a thunderous, earth-shaking boom. One by one, they illuminated the path through the forest of machinery, peeling away the mist. Five, six... seven... eight lights flickered on before the steps to a raised dais was shown. A golden plaque rested at the base.

_ _

In loving memory of the

One million, forty-seven thousand six hundred and thirty-two people

Who suffered under this vile creature's greed and avarice.

We, faithful devotees of the Mother Goddess Athena,

Under the guidance of the Sun Goddess Apollia

Leave here Titus Shockarm

To forever feel the agony of all those he had tormented.

May the Mother Goddess have mercy on his soul.

Aria swallowed loudly as the last light flickered on.

"Holy Mother Goddess..." Tanar whispered.

Suspended in a jet-black ring with his wrists and ankles restrained by glistening, crystal manacles was the remnants of a long-dead corpse. The emaciated Goatex hung flesh completely devoid of fur and long-turned to a leathery texture. His face had been reduced to just his brownish, rotted skin hanging off his skull. Dozens of black, unholy spears punctured his nude form while tubes inserted themselves into sections of his spine.

Elena let out a soft scream when Titus Shockarm's chest rose very slowly and a ragged breath escaped him. "He's alive..."

"Yes child," Tynvandar said softly. "Chronomancers cannot die. Every Chronomancer is Time Locked ensuring that their bodies will always revert to the same state it was when they were Time Locked. The machinery you see around you nullifies his use of Chronomancy in any way. The tubes in his back funnels nutrients into his to maintain his brain and spinal cord. Something like a nutrient bath within the body."

"A - And those spears?" she asked, clutching Smallfang tightly.

"Spears of Longinus. Weapons against Chronomancers. Constructed specially to deal keep a Chronomancer from recovering. All in all, this machinery ensures that our esteemed prisoner is completely aware of his suffering, can never recover and can never die."

Tynvandar's eyes turned towards the Goatex. His voice echoed across the vast expanse of the chamber which, Aria realised, was much larger than she had expected. It was dome shaped and from all appearances, there were plaques mounted on every panel of the walls. Each one a memorial to those that had died under Titus' hands.

Tynvandar broke the circle of Puria and approached the imprisoned Chronomancer with determined steps. Dorthango was quick to flank him. Aria followed shortly after, reaching behind her to retrieve Gungnir. The air was freezing to the point where it made her teeth chatter. The closer they drew to Titus, the more anxious she became.

For a moment, she imagined it was not the emaciated goat that hovered in the centre of the ring but a white Wulfun. She hesitated... The Apex Clericus Solis mounted the steps, the Siphon of Infinity in his hands. Slowly, he bound the collar to Titus' neck and took a step back.

It seemed that even he was hesitant.

"Do it," he commanded.

Dorthango was not one to hesitate. His eye clicked and let out soft whirling noises.

Clang! Clang!

The Spears of Longinus embedded into Titus' frame suddenly retracted becoming little more than rods. They slipped out of his wounds without a trace of blood. Each of the tubes embedded into the Chronomancer's spine sprang off with a vicious hissing. The crystal manacles immediately released the Goatex, leaving him to fall to the ground in a slump.

Aria gripped her spear tightly and Dorthango shared the sentiment, reaching for his gun-scythe and readying himself.

If she recalled correctly, the rate a Chronomancer healed was proportionate to how much damage they had taken; the greater the damage, the slower they healed. One of the greatest - yet most expensive tactics against them deployed by the Church - was to keep up an endless assault. Only when Harm Chronos stepped in were casualties stalled.

But with the Siphon of Infinity...

Right before her eyes, muscle that had died off centuries ago began to reappear. Rotten, leathery flesh was pumped with blood once more, dried veins and arteries crackling to life as blood once more pumped through them. Strands of fur sprang from the bare flesh, growing like weeds that spread across his frame. Bone disappeared beneath layers of strong, athletic muscle. A carefully styled, layer of black hair sprang up between two leaf-shaped ears. Strength began returning to strong, calloused hands used to working with machines.

Titus Shockarm, after two and a half millennia of tormenting imprisonment, opened his eyes with a gasp.

"Chronomancer," Dorthango growled.

Before anyone of them could blink, Titus was gone and Tynvandar was being pulled back, a strong arm across his neck and the Chronomancer's hand resting on the side of the Apex Clericus Solis' head, primed to snap Tynvandar's neck.

"Only fools would free a man imprisoned for two thousand, five hundred years, seven months, ten days, six hours, forty-seven minutes and thirty-three seconds," the Goatex snarled, shining, golden eyes blazing with hatred. "Give me one reason I should not kill this man right now? No, give me one for exactly every minute I have spent in agony!"

Aria scrambled for one. She could not afford Tynvandar's death. If he died, Incendius would be plunged into total anarchy. A Chronomancer loose while another waged war in the south? The Station would be primed for Purging by the Inquisition and even then, Titus and Harm were likely to survive!

Why did the Generals think this was a good idea?

"I will give you one," Tynvandar answered, lifting a finger. "And one is all you will need." His eyes narrowed. "Harm Chronos."

The Goatex's eyes widened and he stared at Tynvandar with incredulity. "Never mention that name in front of me!"

"I will mention it as much as I please," answered the Apex Clericus Solis defiantly. "Because the Church has decided to offer you a chance at redemption by killing Harm Chronos."

Titus was visible shaking in rage.




Corona was not exactly as Hunter had envisioned it. In his fantasies, he had seen a glistening, white city living underneath the light of the Sun Spire. Everyone was dressed in some sort of religious attire and everything was clean, pristine without a hint of grime. What he forgot was that Corona, like Mirecragg or Clockwork, was still a city.

And cities had people.

"Shit," he murmured.

"What has the Church done about this!?" shouted the Vulpunus, holding a megaphone to his muzzle. "War ravages the south and a great city has been devastated all due to the Church's fear of a nonhuman uprising! We are the future of Incendius, we are the future of Tower Thirteen!"

Pennants and banners of red were everywhere, fluttering in the cold winds. On one of the pennants was the emblem of a sword wrapped in chains. Hunter remembered seeing the symbol back at Clockwork.

Dalzemor had a diamond in chains as his emblem...

... and now this...

Damnit Chronos, what else did you foresee...?

What aren't you manipulating?

The Vulpunus was standing on a pile of rubble. It appeared that it was built entirely out of trashed furniture. Thankfully, there were no bodies. An enormous crowd surrounded him, all of them cheering and baying for blood.

"It looks like people heard of Mirecragg," Eton murmured softly. He seized Hunter's shoulders and gently guided him away from the crowd into the shadow of one of the nearby buildings. "I guess it's just as Chronos said. Revolution has begun."

A revolution to occupy the Church... while Chronos and his armies ripped Incendius to shreds.

"Damn... I hope Aria can come up with something to stop this shitstorm."

Eton said nothing and flicked an ear to the right. "Come on. Let's go down this way. Avoid the crowd. I'm still wearing Paladin attire and I'd hate to think what they'd say if they saw me in this."

Hunter could have made a joke about discarding his incriminating clothes but he decided this was not the time for it. They slipped through the back streets, avoiding the various demonstrations that littered what would have been pleasant plazas and gardens. The Sun Spire had long since dimmed for the 'night' so it was relatively easy to sneak around.

The Solarium hotel offered Paladins and Templars free lodging. Eton reasoned that if there was anywhere the others would stay, it would be there. Admittedly, they could go to the Church lodgings within the Holy District but neither Elena nor Smallfang were part of the Church. Regardless of Aria's pull, they would not be allowed to stay.

It had a rustic feel to it. The atrium was circular and had a ring around it that formed a sort of enlarged fireplace. Warmth radiated from it while large couches lay in front of them with various patrons waiting or simply lounging about.

Hunter caught sight of two familiar faces.

"Andy! Smallfang!"

The two were staring into the fire and both were halfway out of their seats by the time Hunter was approaching. Eton said he was going to book them a room and departed.

"Hunter!" exclaimed Andy, leaping up and grinning broadly. "Lucky you found us!"

"The streets are a mess," Smallfang agreed. "We were worried you might have gotten caught by the mobs or worse."

"Don't worry. Between Zero Hour and having a Paladin for a boyfriend, I'm good," he answered, hiking a thumb at Eton. "What the hell is going on out there anyway?"

Smallfang shook his head sadly. "Protestors. Apparently been causing trouble since the Lupus civil war but only really gained traction recently when Mirecragg went down. Calling themselves the Vox de Sole."

"Voice of the Sun," Andy supplied in his innocent, matter-of-factly tone. "They are entirely pro-nonhuman. They are accusing the Church of blatant racism and ignoring the fact that half of the Church's armies are made of nonhumans over two thirds of Incendius' population is entirely nonhuman."

Hunter shrugged absently. "They're just blowhards. Bastards trying to get heard. In all honesty, you can just ignore them. They'll die down eventually. The best the Church can do is make an official speech."

"Or a video." Hunter had completely not noticed the presence of a third person sitting in the circle of three. The moment he saw her athletic figure, the figure-hugging leather attire and the great, green trench coat, he instantly snapped to attention. His heels clacked together, his spine snapped straight and his paw went instantly to his temples.

"Ma'am!" he shouted.

Captain Lucinda Rushwater rose from her seat, brown eyes regarding him. Her posture was military-perfect and everything about her screamed 'obey me'. Her straight, blonde hair was arranged in such a way that it hung in an almost boyish ponytail behind her. As a Tigris, her orange fur was striped with black with only a small splotch of white on the underside of her jaw. She moved with grace, precision and authority.

Hunter felt his balls receded into his crotch as she approached.

"It has been well over a week, Engineer Chronos," she said, one meticulously maintained eyebrow raised. "You were due to report back."

"Ma'am!" he barked. "My deepest apologies, ma'am. I was... er... drafted into -"

She lifted her paw in a sharp, slicing gesture. "I have already been briefed. My arrival was greeted by Admiral Aureas himself who conveyed Lady Valkyrie's recruitment of your services." She visibly relaxed. "I am torn between relief to hear that my top engineer is safe but somewhat annoyed that he found himself at the very centre of the chaos occurring in this world."


Rushwater gestured at Andy. "The Initiate informed me about your doppelganger."

Hunter's tail fluffed out and he stared daggers at Andy without moving his head.

The Leomian shrugged helplessly. "She scares me."

No! Don't say that you idiot!

"Glad to see I can scare even an Initiate," Rushwater said, her tail looping blissfully. "I have also been informed that this does not count towards your leave. According to Admiral Aureas, this is an 'independent commission' from the Church. You will be happy to know that they are paying for your wages." Her eyes slipped to the left. "And three new Seraphim fighters..."

"Seraphim!?" Hunter exclaimed, grinning brightly and breaking his stance. "Holy shit! Really!? That's great! I was getting tired of fixing those goddamn Alacrities every time someone sneezed in the cockpit!"

Rushwater gave him a sharp look and he instantly snapped back into attention, sealing his muzzle shut.

She appraised him, nodding in approval. "It is still good to see you in somewhat casual clothing, Harm. It suits you. It was certainly better than what you wore in that video." She finally gave him a salute in return, prompting him to drop back to the 'at-ease' position. "When you have a moment, I would like to speak with you in private. I am staying in room 15D."

A thick arm suddenly appeared out of nowhere and wrapped around Hunter's shoulders. His tail instantly fluffed out again as he detected the scent of pine and hazelnuts.

"Video?" Eton asked. "There was a video of my wolf?"

No! No! No! Don't tell her that!

And Goddess please, Captain, do not tell him about -

"A military recruitment video," answered the Captain dismissively. "Our engineer is quite the performer. He possesses a wonderful voice. We never had so many new female recruits sign up after that went live." She glanced to the left again thoughtfully. "Come to think of it, we had an almost equal amount of male recruits after the live performances."


"Live performances? Oh really?" Eton asked, a mischievous look on his features.

"Quite." Rushwater tapped her lip absently, smiling. "If you are interested, it is in the public access records of the Havenese military. I believe it is entitled 'Recruitment Video 69'."

Gah! Mother Goddess, if you have any mercy, strike me down now!

"I'll have to look it up," Eton said, grinning broadly. Hunter could feel everyone grinning equally as broadly.

"I doubt you will have the access."

Oh thank god...

"I shall give you a copy," Rushwater added.


"I especially enjoyed the performance at High Garden," added his Captain. "You took your shirt off, did you not?"

What have I done to deserve this? I got people to join the Church sanctioned military!

Doesn't that deserve a reward not a punishment!?

Rushwater nodded and went back to her seat, crossing one leg over the other. "Now enough of the past. Are you curious to know why I am here?"

Yes! It it'll take the topic away from my music videos!

"Yes, ma'am. What are you doing on Incendius?"

The Tigris leaned forward, staring intently into the fires. "The H3C1 Lasting Armageddon has been called to Incendius to be part of the Incendian 4th Fleet. Admiral Aureas has requested a meeting of the captains on-board the fleet's flagship, the H2FS Sunlight Storm." Her eyes darted immediately to Hunter. "I have only very minimal official reports from the Admiral and my sources but from the protests here on Corona, I'd have to say that most of them are true."

She leaned towards Hunter. "Is it true that the Church saw a duke of Mirecragg as a threat and destroyed the entire city for it?"

"Of course not!" he exclaimed. "That's bullshit! Conspiracy theorists at their best!"

Rushwater shook her head sadly. "Sadly, that is who the people listen to. Everyone is afraid and they are looking for someone to blame."

"Blame Chronos!"

Her eyebrows lifted. "Are you not a 'Chronos'?"

He hesitated, recalling that he had not officially changed his name. "I... uh..."

Eton's grip around his shoulders tightened and he brushed up against the big Lupus' strong, bouncy pectorals. "We've taken to calling him 'Hunter Hart'. Stops us getting confused with the psychopath that's causing all this."

Rushwater chuckled and gave him another nod of understanding. "I see you have grown much since you went on shore leave... Hunter." The smile on her face was... strange. It almost looked... proud. As quickly as it came, it was gone. "The Admiral wishes to brief us on the situation. Why we need an entire fleet assembled, I cannot fathom." She rose to her feet, stiff and rigid as always. "Unlike the other captains, I am not content to simply listen to the words fed us by the news or hearsay. I would like to see things for myself."

She fixed Hunter with a firm gaze. "Be careful out here, Hart. I do not know the specifics but I have a feeling this goes beyond my understanding. I can only hope you succeed where I fail." She nodded again to each of them. "Andrew, Smallfang..." Her eyes went to Eton.

"Eton Slater, ma'am," answered the Paladin casually. "Paladin of Incendius and..." He squeezed Hunter's shoulder tightly. "Your engineer's boyfriend."

All the tension, all the humiliation and the panic faded in that instant. The word 'boyfriend' flooded Hunter's brain like a sea of letters, washing away all other cognitive thoughts and reducing him to a drooling idiot. Eyes half-closed and a stupid smile on his muzzle, Hunter leaned against Eton and just took in the pine and hazelnut scent.

"He has grown a lot," Rushwater said with a bright, pleasant smile. "I am very glad to hear it." She gave Hunter a quick salute. "You are dismissed Engineer Hart. Do remember my meeting request."

He snapped out of his stupor and gave her a quick salute back. "Yes, ma'am!"

Then she was gone, striding away from the small circle and sweeping up the stairs to her room.

Hunter relaxed and nuzzled Eton affectionately.

Boyfriend! He called me his boyfriend!

Then the gravity of the situation hit him.

Holy crap... I have a boyfriend...

A Paladin too...

... wait... aren't Paladins meant to be celibate...? No, Solomon retracted that... Hang on... How many gay Paladins are there...?

What will Eton's friends in the Lupus say? Wait... will I be forced to become a Lupus_...? Where are we going to live?_

How does a boyfriend even act? Do I have to pull out his chair every time we have dinner? But wouldn't he have to do the same for me perpetuating an infinite loop? How many scented candles will I have go get?

Oh crap! I need to learn how to cook!

Outside of Hunter's mental breakdown, Andy was leaning towards him, waving a paw in front of his face.

"What's wrong with him?" Eton asked worriedly.

The Leomian shrugged. "He's seeing that 'ghost' he keeps claiming haunts him or he's finally short circuited." When he got the strange look from Eton, he said, "I have this running theory that he's actually a robot with a highly complex AI that Harm Chronos created for the purposes of throwing up a smokescreen and to spy on us."

At the mention of 'AI' Hunter blinked and stared incredulously at Andy. "What?"

Andy shrugged. "Hey, we've never really seen your brothers. Just a rather revealing show of one of them in mid-coitus with some girl that looked dangerously anorexic."

Eton's grip around Hunter tightened and his other paw quickly navigated to Hunter's crotch, giving the package there a tight squeeze. "Trust me. He's flesh and blood."

Shrugging again, Andy said, "I didn't say it was a good theory." Then he grinned broadly. "Oh, by the way, Hunter, can I borrow your Telecube?"

Relieved somewhat, Hunter reached for his phone. "Sure, what for?"

"I want to use your internet connection to look up 'Harm Chronos strip recruitment video'."

Hunter immediately yanked his Telecube away. "Not a chance in hell!"


Hunter slumped onto the bed with a heavy sigh. He ran his paws through the smooth, silky covers and pressed his paws against the soft, feathery cushions.

"I'm really starting to learn the value of beds," he commented. "After a week of riding and then sleeping on a couple of cushions, this is pretty nice." When no response came save for the shutting of the door, his eyes went to Eton who was regarding him with ears perked. "Something wrong?"

Oh god... Something's wrong...

Was I not acting like a boyfriend? Did I say something bad? Shit... I'd kill myself if it's because of the video...

"That music video of yours..."


"It was one music video and twenty live performances," he pleaded, rising to his feet. "I only took my shirt off because we were doing the same thing over and over again and by the third performance, everyone was getting bored! We had to spice things up! It was for the good of the military! For what it's worth, I got reprimanded for non-military conduct!"

Eton broke onto a smile. "You're really cute when you get all flustered."

He blinked and sat back down on the bed. Eton caused the bed to sag towards him when he sat down. The big Lupus' paw rested on Hunter's, squeezing it tightly.

"I was just going to say that given the fact that you made an amazing apology to me the other day, I was really curious about this video of yours. Think I could see it sometime?"


I think I would have preferred it if he dumped me over sort-of-stripping in front of a live audience...

He winced, angling his head away. "It's really embarrassing... I'd rather no one see it..."

"Come on," Eton laughed softly, tugging at his paws. "You're an amazing vocalist! How bad could it be?"

"Trust me, it's bad." He gripped Eton's paw back. "I'll make you an entirely new music video if you promise never to bring it up again."

Somehow, he realised he had just sparked the fire in Eton's curiosity. "I realised you didn't ask me to promise not to watch it."

"That was on purpose. I know you'll find it eventually. Andy or Tanar will sniff it out. Just please don't mention it to me. Ever. On pain of death."

Eton snickered and pecked his cheek lightly. "Aw, come on. An amazing voice like yours? What's to be ashamed about?"

Try what led up to that... My dad pressuring me... the teen years... the reviews... and then the rumours...

He decided not to mention any of that and merely said, "I just want to leave that part of my life behind me."

Avoid the expected corny line... avoid the expected corny line... avoid the expected corny line...

"Wanna have sex?"


He slapped is forehead and turned away, burying his muzzle deep into the pillows just in time to drown out Eton's laughter. A few moments later, he felt Eton's hot body press up against his back, warm, muscular arms wrapping around his chest and holding him tightly.

"I think you're a little overstimulated right now," answered the Lupus, licking his ear tenderly. "I'd love to stick my cock in you but for some reason, I get this feeling you're really not in the mood."

He's got that right.

Despite the massive, muscular Lupus on top of him, he was not really feeling in the mood for the carnal act of sex. His mind was racing with the possibility of the Lasting Armageddon joining a fleet that was on standby by command of Admiral Aureas, the former pirate king turned Admiral of all the Church fleets. It frightened him. Close colleagues were on board that ship and considering the devastation Chronos had caused... he didn't want to see them dead.

"I'm just worried about Incendius falling apart," he muttered. Eton rested his muzzle on the crook of Hunter's neck. The Lupus' breath wafted down his cheeks, making him shiver. "And this is just the beginning. The Church is drawing attention to the Station. I'm afraid that whatever happens here is the prelude to the rest of Tower Thirteen. What if Incendius is the Mirecragg of Tower Thirteen?"

Eton had no response save for a gentle nuzzling.


He snuggled backwards into Eton's embrace.

...I'm worried too...




Hunter pushed the door open slightly, peeking inside. He wasn't sure what he was expecting to see. Maybe a completely militarised room with guns everywhere, the furniture bland and metallic and some medals here and there. What he saw instead was a perfectly normal room with Captain Rushwater sitting upright in her bed, back against the headboard with a book in her paws.

"Harm... Or is it Hunter now?" she asked.

He opened the door and saluted sharply. "I'd prefer Hunter, ma'am."

"Come in then, Hunter. We have much to discuss."

We do? Oh crap...

He stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

Lucinda Rushwater set down her book and reached for a folder sitting on her bedside table. "When I received news of your independent commission for a Templar, I was at first dubious... and, quite frankly, surprised."

Like a good soldier, he didn't speak unless directly asked.

"You've never shown much initiative outside of your given field," she said, waving the folder lightly. "In engineering, you always push to get things running at optimum efficiency but you never go beyond that. You do not improve on them, just get them working. When it comes to promotions, you just wait for them to come to you." Her eyes darted to him. "Feel free to object."

Hunter shook his head. "No objections here, ma'am."

It was true. His rise to a Level 4 Engineer was based entirely on people recognising his skill and patting him on the back for it. Many times, people had told him that he could be a Level 5 if he just applied for the promotion and attended officer school.

He never did.

"You realise, of course, that this commission has put you in the crosshairs of upper echelons."

Hunter remained silent but his heart was racing rapidly in his chest.

"Depending on your performance, of course." She slipped off the bed and handed him the folder. "These are letters of inquiry. I've got three from various Inquisition branches, several from Church diocese requesting you be tested for Valour synchronisation and a Custodia are asking about your training for potential as an officer. I even have one from Admiral Aureas."

The Admiral...?

"He seems to know Lady Valkyrie very well and has informed me that should this mission succeed, if you want to remain within the military and as far from the Custodia or the Church as possible without being conscripted... that you take officer training and join fleet command... as the Captain of your own ship."

Hunter's eyes widened. "You've got to be kidding me! I don't have any training on how to run a ship!"

"The Admiral begs to differ," she answered. "He's seen your record. You command your engineering team extremely well."

"Running an engineering team is different to running a ship!"

"Hence the officer training."


She turned her back to him and strode back to her bed. "I do not want to give you up. You are an extremely talented engineer with a head for command once you have your headphones on but we are talking about politics here not merely skills." She sighed heavily. "You know there is nothing I can do about the Inquisition. If they request you undertake their training, I will be forced to comply unless I give another alternative. If the Church asks for you to be tested for a Valour, we will both be branded heretical for refusing."

Hunter swallowed loudly. "What... What if I already have a Valour?"

Rushwater straightened and spun towards him, her eyes hard and unreadable, a frown on her muzzle. "Be careful what you say, Hunter..."

He reached for his pocket, taking out Zero Hour. "The time is now, Zero Hour."

In a golden flash, the weapon activated.

Captain Rushwater didn't lose a second of her composure. "I see. Then I suppose the question is, what do you want to do?"

So many possibilities opened up for him. The Inquisition was closed, thankfully. Inquisitors were not allowed to have Valours. Plus, he liked his eyes where they were. But if people were enquiring about his compatibility with a Valour, they would discover he already had one. Paladin training would be forced upon him. It seemed that he was being cornered.

"I... I don't know."

"The decision is ultimately yours, Hunter," Rushwater said softly. "However, I would suggest you keep the presence of your Valour a secret for as long as possible. Know that if I am asked, I cannot lie."

"I understand, ma'am."

As always, she was utterly unreadable. "I would suggest thinking about it long and hard, Hunter. Clearly you were made for great things but it is still up to you to make the leap to accept such a gift. Initiative outside your tunnel vision has always been your weakness."

"I understand. Thank you, ma'am."

Rushwater nodded severely. "I do not know where this Station stands but I can only hope it will see you alive, Hunter Hart." A genuine smile crossed her features. "The world would be poorer to have lost you."

A wave of relief washed over him. "Thank you, ma'am. I -"


The door suddenly burst open. His tail fluffed out and some part of him wanted to leap comically into Rushwater's arms and hold onto her for dear life. Somehow, he managed to keep himself rooted firmly in position.

"There you are!" Aria exclaimed. "Come. We are leaving."


"Leaving?" Rushwater asked, one eyebrow raised. "Did you not just arrive here last night? Were your belongings not destroyed in the devastation that overtook Mirecragg? Shouldn't you at least spend a day shopping to get some new clothing?" She gestured at Hunter. "You don't expect him to be wearing military-esque clothing the entire time, do you?"

Oh crap...

Hunter suddenly found himself sandwiched between two very strong, very commanding women. Both were shorter than him but both were infinitely more intimidating. Aria looked agitated, her brow creased and a frown on her features with her eyes blazing. Rushwater remained calm, her features stern and expressionless. It was like staring at the two sides of a mirror.

"And who are you?" Aria demanded.

"Captain Lucinda Rushwater. Captain of the His Holiness' Heavy Cruiser Lasting Armageddon. Hunter's commanding officer."

"Ah, you."

I don't like the way she said that...

"As you should no doubt have been informed," Aria continued, "Hunter is currently under my employ. Therefore, he is under my command."

Hey...! I'm not -

"I was merely offering a friendly, logical decision, Lady Valkyrie," answered Rushwater calmly, curtly. "If you are leaving, won't you need supplies?"

Aria stiffly nodded. As she did so, Hunter caught sight of a Goatex leaning casually against the doorframe behind her. Something was just off about the man. Maybe it was the amused smirk on his broad, square muzzle or the way he was dressed in an all-white attire including a white trench coat and a similarly coloured fedora hat with holes for his horns. His eyes were firmly closed like he was just barely trying to keep in his laughter.

"Supplies will be acquired, rest assured," Aria responded stiffly. "Do not worry. I will take care of your engineer."

Knowing his Captain, that was far from the end of the conversation. Rushwater was brutal. Whenever she saw an opening, she capitalised upon it without hesitation. She pounced without mercy. Aria had just shown her an opening.

Please don't pounce... please don't pounce... For the love of the Goddess please don't pounce...

"Why do we not make a day of it?" asked Rushwater, a pleasant smile on her muzzle. "Sure you and your companion would enjoy a day free from the stresses of the world? Last I heard, you were running from a devastated city."

Hunter wanted to warn Aria not to rise to the Captain's bait but he was still partially paralysed by the presence of the two very intimidating women. He could imagine a lot of the guys back on the Lasting Armageddon would have loved to be in his position, particularly without any clothes. As of the moment, however, it felt like Aria was shooting lasers from her eyes and Captain Rushwater was blasting liquid nitrogen out of hers.

"We did not run."

Bad mood, Templar, really bad move.

"Oh. So that means you were defeated then?" countered the Captain.

Hunter could hear the imaginary whip crack.

"It was a tactical retreat."

No it wasn't. We had our asses handed to us.

"Of course you did." Rushwater shrugged and had the gall to turn her back to Aria. "I am sure you are busy. Why don't you 'retreat' and be on your way? I cannot imagine someone as busy as yourselves to be a match for a day worth of shopping, eating and relaxation."

Gah! No!

Aria bristled and - again - rose to the bait. "You dare to call me a coward?"

"I'm sorry, Lady Valkyrie?" answered Rushwater without a hint of remorse. "Care to prove me wrong?"

"As you wish!" Aria slammed her fist into the doorframe, cracking it. "Hunter, bring your wallet! You are paying!"


"Brilliant idea!" Rushwater exclaimed, beaming brightly. "I know this brilliant café near here."

I need help... I can't hold my own against these two!

He considered asking Eton to come along but recalling his eagerness to see the video, he decided against it. Smallfang was still an unknown and Andy and Tanar would be a source of torment. That only left...

Of course!

"Can I bring Elena?"

"Elena?" Rushwater asked, eyebrow raised.

"She's my girlfriend."

Wait... What!?

"Hunter," came the impressed tone from his Captain, "keeping a prospective mate from both genders? I am somewhat impressed."

"No! Nothing like that! She's a girl that's a friend!"

The Tigris tapped smiled coyly and pressed a finger against her lower lip. "Ah, a female confidant. How appropriate." Rushwater picked up a coat from a table and swung it over her shoulder. "Very well, bring her along. I am sure she will enjoy a day out at your expense."

At that moment, he realised he had just volunteered to pay for another female companion to go shopping.



Elena was actually a greater help than Hunter at first anticipated. It surprised him just how 'one of the guys' she was. When Rushwater urged them into a rather expensive jewellery shop, Elena commented how any form of jewellery was just a waste of money especially in battle. They still went but Hunter was glad there was no pressure to buy anyone anything. After some shopping, Elena helped carry the heaping stack of clothing and shoes that Aria and Rushwater had bought.

The two female leaders seemed to be having a contest of who can buy the most expensive articles of clothing... or making Hunter cry. Whenever Rushwater bought an expensive, leather wallet Aria would trump her with a much more expensive, stylish bag. Shoes were an even greater issue. Thankfully, neither of them went for any dresses, they weren't the dress type. Hunter carried Rushwater's pile while Elena carried Aria's and as they travelled from store to store, the competing piles grew and grew.

All the while, the mysterious Goatex remained silent and just followed along.

It's like they're having a pissing contest... but with clothes!

"You know, we haven't gotten you any clothes yet, Hunter," Elena said, smiling brightly but her eyes revealed she sensed his distress.

"Of course!" Rushwater said, gearing towards a men's clothing store. "Let us get you some new clothing before you run out of money."

"He will not," Aria retorted sharply.

Wait... I'm getting paid by the Church... and Aria probably through Aria's connections... So in a way... I'm not really paying...

He almost dropped the bags in his paws in shock.

That sneaky...

Rushwater is using me to rob Aria of money!

And Aria had no idea being simply too caught up in the competition to realise.

Once again stunned by his Captain's diabolical nature, Hunter followed numbly into the clothing store. Aria and Rushwater immediately split up, beckoning him over at the same time. Confused, torn, he just stood still, unsure whom he should follow.

Elena provided him with an alternative.

"This looks to be your style," she said.

Thank the Goddess!

He immediately went to where she was fingering a glossy black, collared shirt. The back had a dark grey stitching of an emblem featuring a single heart sprouting six, feathered wings. The initials 'HH' were imprinted over the heart in stylised lettering.

"HH?" he read.

"Heavenly Heart," Elena supplied. "It's apparently a fairly popular brand in the upper Stations." She began rifling through the rack of similarly designed shirts. "What size are you? Wulfun medium?"

"Wulfun extra-large, actually."

She smiled and plucked on such shirt from the rack. "Sorry. Hard to discern sizes for other species. Here you go. Try it on."

Taking the shirt, he thanked her and went straight to the change rooms, purposefully avoiding Aria and Rushwater's scrutinizing gaze. He made the mistake of picking a path that placed him right between the two and he could feel the intense, laser-like beams from Aria's eyes and the chilling blast from Rushwater's. Thankfully, the moment he passed them, their attention was turned to trying to glare one another to death.

He retreated into a change room, a sigh of relief escaping his muzzle. The shirt really was nice and he really owed Elena for being a saving grace in the war between Aria and the Captain. Guilt stabbed at him for not buying her a single thing. Maybe he'd get her something. A Telecube maybe? He didn't want to lose contact with her if and when they defeated Chronos.

Too bad there wasn't a decent technology outlet anywhere in Corona. He might have to travel to the Gate Cathedral for that.

Regarding his reflection in the mirror, he realised he was due for a wardrobe change. His flight jacket was tattered and torn, his pants ripped in multiple places. Plus, his plain white shirt had that hole in it from where Chronos had stabbed him. Surprisingly, there was no blood. He recalled the blade had been afire when it had punctured his chest. It was possible that the flames had cauterised the wound, preventing bleeding. The damage was still done but at least he didn't suffer from blood loss.

Huh... It's almost like Chronos didn't want to kill me...

Of course he didn't... He wanted me to decide where I die or not... sick bastard.

Hunter eagerly tore off his flight jacked and shirt, removing his singlet and tossing them aside. He slipped on the shirt, buttoning it all the way up. It was a little tight around the shoulders and chest but it hugged his figure well, showing off the muscles where it needed to. Contrasted with his white fur, it did wonders to bring out his eyes.

Elena had good tastes.

He stepped back out into the store, into the anticipating eyes of the three women and the mysterious Goatex. Spreading his arms, he asked, "What do you think?"

Elena nodded her approval. "It looks good on you."

Rushwater bobbed her head from side to side. "I don't know. You want to be wearing this into battle not a fashion show. It seems... constricting."

If that's the case, why don't I just grab some new military fatigues?

The Tigris approached and suddenly dug her claws into his right shoulder, enough to pierce the fabric but not his flesh.


She tore the sleeve right off and before anyone could react, she went straight to the other sleeve and ripped that straight off. The noise of the fabric shredding cut right through the store bringing unwanted stares.

Rushwater was far from done, however.

She positioned herself in front of Hunter, innocently unbuttoning his top collar button before -


Tearing the collar completely off. She had to spin him around to seize the remnants across his back but once she was done, he was left without sleeves and without a collar.

"There," she said, tossing the shreds aside. "That's much better."

Elena's jaw was wide open, her figure hunched by the weight of her hanging mouth. Aria was stiff as a board and her left eye was twitching in incredulity. The Goatex, however, hid a chuckle behind a carefully placed hand.

"Captain," Hunter began. "I -"

"Isn't that more comfortable?"

"Yes, but -"

"Good. Now let's do something about those pants." She went straight to another rack and pulled out a pair of military camouflage cargo pants. Nothing like what the actual military had but still very fashionable. "How about these?"

"I -"

"Do you not think that would me counterintuitive to the rebellious design of his shirt?" Aria countered haughtily. "A shirt you forged?"

Rushwater's eyes flashed. "Then what would you suggest?"

Before another curt, piercing yet oddly politely phrased, Elena stepped in and gently took the legs of the pants. "I like it but not the colours. Hmmm..." She pulled a similar pair of pants from the same rack only instead of the black and green splotches of camouflage, it was black as well and had another Heavenly Heart logo in white emblazoned on the left thigh, reaching all the way across the seat of the pants and down to the calf. "What do you think, Hunter?"

"God yes," he exclaimed, taking the pants and bolting straight into the change room.

He practically shut the door behind him, still processing the idea that Rushwater had actually torn clothes that he hadn't bought yet in front of everyone. Admittedly, he did look good... Shaking his head, he took his time to take off his torn pants and slip on the new pair. Once he was done, he braced himself for the scrutiny and possible mauling.

As he stepped out, he found the three women once more at peace like the previous episode hadn't even occurred.

"It brings out his fur colour," Aria commented. "But as an entire ensemble, it is far too monochrome. He appears far too... gothic."

Elena crossed her arms. "Hmmm..." Then she snapped her fingers. "I've got just the thing!"

She darted away for a second before returning with what appeared to be a white scarf with golden edges. Hunter stood perfectly still with his arms up as Elena wrapped the scarf around his waist, tying it in such a way that only one of the arms hung by his right thigh, giving everyone a good view of the Heavenly Heart emblem on his left thigh.

As she did so, Hunter whispered, "Thank you" out of the corner of his lips.

Elena smiled and said, "You're welcome."

"Perfect!" Rushwater exclaimed. "What do you think, Lady Valkyrie?"

Strangely enough, there was an odd look on Aria's face. Her lips were partially parted in a smile and her features had softened, her amethyst eyes glistening.

"Lady Valkyrie?"

Aria snapped out of her revere and nodded. "Yes, yes. It is fine. Pay for it Hunter."

Of course...

Thankfully, there was no charge for the scene and Hunter was allowed to walk out of the store with the clothes.

The rivalry between Rushwater and Aria seemed to have ebbed and they all agreed it was time for lunch. The Captain led them to a café near the hotel which hurriedly brought up an outdoor table for Aria. Strangely, Aria didn't make a comment about how her prestige and rank got them the seats. Her eyes were on the distance even as they sat down and ordered their meal.

"And what can I get for you, sir?" she asked the Goatex.

"Nothing for me," answered the man, his first words since the entire encounter. In that moment, Hunter got a good look at the man's eyes.

There were gold.

Not just a naturally coloured gold, they shone... like Chronos'.

Wait... He... He's not a...

Then he thought back.

The reason for their rush to get to Corona was to stop the End of Time Protocol... which would release the Chronomancers. Now they were leaving... Did that mean...

No... It can't...

"Hey, you're a - YEOW!"

At almost the same time, two heels stomped on his feet.

"We never got your name, kind sir," Rushwater said, grinding her heal into Hunter's left foot.

The Goatex smiled wanly. "Titus. Titus Shockarm."

Hunter's eyes widened.

Titus Shockarm. A Chronomancer. The Chronomancer that devoured the Time of an entire family and then proceeded to torment the mother and child for thousands of years. The very same creature that was ultimately responsible for forcing upon Eton the task of killing two tormented people to free their souls. At the same time, he was responsible for Eton's evolution away from Serena.

He wasn't sure if he should strangle or thank Titus.

"You - YEOWCH!"

"He is hoping to travel to Ironfrost with us," Aria interrupted, stomping on Hunter's right foot again. She straightened and regarded Elena. "That is right, you are not aware. Hunter, myself, Andrew, Tanar and Smallfang will be travelling to Ironfrost with Eton's entire squad to discuss the terms of the Lupus' secession from the Church."

Elena blinked in surprise. "The Church is willing to let the Lupus become independent?"

Hunter forgot his pain for the moment and just sat by, listening and trying desperately not to cry.

"It is a sign of good faith," Rushwater replied, eyeing Aria closely. "So the rumours are true then... In a desperate attempt to have the Station back at peace, Tynvandar is going to force Leandros to end his war by giving in to Moonclaw's demands. This should placate the Vox de Sole as it would show the Church is willing to approve equality despite the vicious rumours floating around Mirecragg's demise." She leaned back, smiling faintly. "And if my sources are correct, Tynvandar is also willing to hasten the Sunrise Festival to bring this brilliant union and age of peace to a spectacular beginning."

Aria eyed her warily. She did not speak for a few moments and Hunter could feel Aria's Compulsion starting to bubble to the surface. Strangely, she did not act upon it. "Your sources are very well informed. Tynvandar is going to be taking his capital ship, the Sunspot on tour to the Sunless Lands for a week or so before travelling to Mirecragg with a fleet of ships to carry the refugees back to Corona. In a month's time, the Festival will be at its peak. Hopefully by then, Leandros will have seen reason and we can all celebrate the Sun Goddess' triumph as a single Station."

The Captain leaned back, smiling smugly. "And I suppose the fact we are openly talking about this is part of the process?"

"Let news spread. This is a time for celebration. An end to a war and a great change for all of Incendius."

She did not sound convinced at all. There was also a lot to be said by the fact that Tynvandar wasn't going straight to Mirecragg. Hunter postulated it had to do with easing tensions in the one flank that wasn't openly raising their voice against the Church.

Aria's eyes turned back to Elena. "I am unsure where you would like to go. If I recall correctly, you received your answer from Harm Chronos. You were merely a pawn in his game."

The former mayor of Clockwork shook her head. "I don't think he told us everything. There is something else and I intend to find out what." She smiled and tilted her head slightly. "Call me curious but I know an opportunity when I see one."

"Opportunities are double edges swords." Titus lifted his golden eyes to her, one side of his lips curling upwards in an arrogant, knowing smirk. "There are consequences to every action."

"And we must all live with those consequences."

Hunter jumped at the sound of the tiny, girlish voice. He bumped the table slightly and tried not to stare at Shinniah who stood right beside him.

"The consequences of our actions don't affect just us either," the ghostly girl said sadly. "It affects others. We must live with the guilt of either resolution."

"Is something wrong, Hunter?" Aria asked.

"N - No," he stammered, managing a shaky grin. "J - Just hungry, is all. When's that food going to get here?"

"You did order three helpings of the house special. I doubt it will get here so soon."

"Not like the instant food services back on the ship, eh Captain?" Hunter asked, eager to keep the conversation going.

The conversation continued... but not in the direction he was hoping.

"You are a starship captain?" Titus asked, one eyebrow lifted. That arrogant smirk was still on his face.

"Captain of the H3C1 Lasting Armageddon," answered Rushwater pleasantly. It was hard to tell that she was quietly shooting venom at the Chronomancer but Hunter could see it in the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled and how her tail looped around the leg of her chair. "Why do you ask?"

"I was actually looking for a ship to take me to Ironfrost."

Aria banged the table with her fist. "That was not our agreement. You were to -"

"Aid you in your endeavour and protect you from a certain renegade," answered the Goatex, staring at her through half-closed lids. "It was never agreed that I had to ride for two weeks on horseback to the cold lands of the Custodia Lupus."

Two weeks!?

Aw man... I barely lasted one...

Aria's jaw clenched tightly.

Ignoring her reaction, Titus turned back towards Rushwater. "What do you say, Captain? Are you able to lend your assistance in finding me a ship to take me to Ironfrost?"

Strangely, there was a cocky smirk on Rushwater's muzzle. "Of course. I promise to find you a ship."

Captain, no!

Shinniah chuckled softly. "She is clever. She promised him a ship. Not a crew."

Oh... Oh!

"Your captain is a brave woman to be tempting the fate of a Chronomancer. Very brave." She sighed and leaned back. "If only I was as brave."

I'm still not going to destroy the Sun Spire_._

The girl smiled gently at him. "You will. Trust me, you will."

Not bloody likely.

Their food arrived shortly and, as usual, Hunter had the largest helping. He wolfed it down with some dignity, fully aware of the presence of three women. The Goatex just watched them all with a sort of bemused smirk on his muzzle. Chatter had been reduced to idle status with a few barbs shooting between Rushwater and Aria but nothing as heated as earlier in the day.

Elena mentioned that they should get Hunter a coat considering it would be getting cold but he declined saying that he would be fine. Ironfrost was not so cold that it was covered in snow or frozen so he reasoned he wouldn't need a jacket. Somehow, he knew he would regret that decision.

After their meal, Aria stood up and bid Rushwater a good day, beckoning Elena and Hunter to follow her. Titus was left with the Captain. Hunter gave Rushwater a salute before hurriedly chasing after Aria who seemed in an hurry to leave.

The moment he caught up, he said, "Was that really a -"

Aria nodded grimly. "Yes."

"But -"

"I know."

"And you -"

"I know, Hunter," Aria snapped harshly. Her voice lowered sadly. "I know. I could not stop them. I had hoped to keep him in my sights but there is little I could do. Either I agree with his terms or he proceeds to attack me and we fight, killing thousands in Corona."

Elena lifted her chin slightly. "Titus Shockarm... He is going to die."

They both stared at her in surprise.

"How do you know?" Hunter asked.

She frowned, her eyes hard. "I don't know. When you look at him, you can see that he is guilty of thousands of crimes. Yet he does not feel remorse over any of it. He bears it all proudly like a badge of honour. I am fairly sure he even justifies it somehow in his head." Elena shook her head, curly tumbled of red hair shaking. "The Mother Goddess would not allow a creature like that to survive for long. I just know it."

It was both a frightening and comforting thought. Frightening because it almost made the Mother Goddess to be as manipulative as Chronos; freeing Titus only to eliminate another Chronomancer only to have him die some other way. Comforting for the fact that he wasn't the only one that sensed the 'remorseless killer' vibe Titus emanated.

"Were that we could act purely on those feelings," Aria responded wistfully. "Unfortunately, the Mother Goddess gave us Valours so that we may enact her will. Should she will us to be rid of Titus Shockarm, she would have given us a tool to obliterate him."

"But we have one." Hunter didn't like the way she was looking at him. "Zero Hour."

For a moment, Aria looked stunned and her head slowly turned towards Hunter. Equally as slowly, a smile crossed her features. "That is correct... Zero Hour can obliterate anything from Time."

He groaned audibly. "You must be kidding me... So it falls to me to kill the second psychopathic Chronomancer that the Church released? I'm starting to see a pattern here."

"Do not complain. It is a tremendous honour."

He wouldn't exactly call it an 'honour' but it did fill him with a degree of pride that he was given the only Valour in existence capable of killing a Chronomancer. Maybe the Mother Goddess did have a plan for him.

"I better be paid double for this..."


Early the next day, Hunter met the others at lobby of the Solarium hotel. Eton had admired his new clothing and they had fun the previous night examining it very closely... well, not so much once they were both naked. When he told Eton about their next mission, he was eager to get going. They were showered and dressed with their belongings packed.

Hunter had bought spare clothing of a similar style and some basic toiletries which he carried all in a heavy duffel bag. Before they left the hotel, he quickly messaged Daniel.

'Going on my next adventure. I'll take pictures.'

As they were heading down the stairs, Andy and Tanar emerged from their floor.

"Hey! Morning!" Andy exclaimed. "I was just looking for you."

"You were?" Hunter asked. The Leomian stepped up to him and pulled out a familiar looking sword that rested inside a black scabbard. "What's that?"

"Ashwing. It was the sword Harm used to stab you."

Hunter immediately recoiled from it. "And you're giving it to me!?"

Tanar snorted and began padding down the stairs. "How fun would it be to stab Chronos with the very sword that he drove into your chest?"

Admittedly, that did sound entertaining. He was a little wary of picking up the sword but it looked quite well-crafted. If anything, it would be an additional weapon that he could use without the fear of instant death that Zero Hour posed. He took the weapon and slung it over his shoulder.

"Where'd you get it?"

"We pulled it out of you," Andy responded brightly. "I kept it ever since we left the Lumbra. I needed to find a scabbard for it though." His features brightened even more. "I think I've got the chapter of you stabbing Harm with that sword already planned!"

"I thought it was meant to be a biography, not a work of fiction."

Andy shrugged, turning and following Tanar. "I may have embellished some details. Cock size for instance."

"Wait... what?"

The thought was left unfinished the moment they entered the lobby.

Aria, Elena and Smallfang stood waiting for them with three other Paladins. Hunter recognised one of them but the other two looked like siblings.

"Hey! I know you!" he exclaimed, approaching the maroon-eyed, human Paladin with the boyishly cut, raven hair. "You were escorting Tynvandar back at Mirecragg! Glad to see you survived!" He held out his paw. "I don't know you remember me. I'm Hunter Hart."

The woman smiled back in return and squeezed his paw in a firm shake. "Serena. Serena Whitefeather."

Wait... Serena...

Her eyes darted past Hunter. "Good to see you again, Eton."

Uh... oh...

"Likewise," grunted Eton dismissively. His big arm wrapped around Hunter's shoulders almost possessively. "Hunter didn't finish introducing himself. Neither did you, Serena. You forgot to mention that part that you're my ex-girlfriend."

Serena remained cool. "We were never a couple."

"My mistake. Hunter... This is Serena. The girl I pined over and who crushed me heart." He had an almost malicious grin on his muzzle as he turned back to her. "Serena, this is Hunter..."

Please don't say it. Please don't say it. Please don't say it.

"My boyfriend."