Autumn Hours

Story by GreyKobold on SoFurry

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#2 of Touch of Shadow

So, how was your summer?

August Hours - A Touch-of-Shadow's Erotic Short

My septims were short, and my belly was hungry. My attention was paid to the road that I walked and the nearness of Riften, where the gates stood as proud sentinels, visible miles off. I would reach it by nightfall, but my pack was heavy and my shoulders weary, my bones tired from the long, long hours of walk and travel. Though it was a peaceful route, despite spying battle occurring miles away between the Rebellion and the Empire, I stayed unmolested, without having to draw my sword a single time. I had hunted well enough, but my septims would be short by the time I got myself a room, with perhaps a days food at purchase. I gave a frown - but carried on. Riften, work could be had at the fisheries, and who better to touch the water than we scaled folk? Riften, city of criminals and city of dreams, where one could make and lose a fortune in the span of heart beats. Riften, a criminal enterprise and a stalwart ally of the empire. After all, war was bad for business, if one was a smuggler. I passed the gates with a cursory inspection, and passed a gruff looking bear of a nord, whose arms were as thick as my thighs, and his glower could turn a werewolf. I paid little heed as I entered into a tavern, the "Bee and Barb", and settled myself down to get a mug of ale and dinner - breakfast would catch itself. The fair eye of a nordic maiden caught my own, and I smiled up at her - to which she laughed gaily, and served me my bread and stew. Fish stew - not bad. Worth the few septims I had. With a stretch of my tired legs, I curled my toes into my boots and dug into my meal, thick with vegetables, garlic and onion both. I gave it a taste over and decided it worth my time, and dug in with a hunger that I hadn't felt since I was a youth. Such it was, hunger was always a bitter companion to those of us who walked the roads. The butter was thick, I smelled honey which had been used to make the bread still thick on my tongue. A good crafted meal. "New to town, Marshbrother?" My attention was lifted, a voice of a river-swimmer. I looked up from my soup and took a look at the young lady across from me, who had decided to sit herself down without asking. I was surprised - I hadn't even noticed her approach me. She was good, or she was a mageling. Either one was trouble. Her figure was curvier than most, a heavy set female with a bit more wiggle to her tail that caught my eye. She was in the middle-stage of her life, at most. I still gave her a smile, and lifted my bread in greetings. "Yes." I said, after swallowing the soup on my spoon. "Up from the north. Coming for warmer weather in the winter - maybe better work." I wasn't lying, it was colder than a troll's ass up north, and the pay could do much better - though I'd long sold the few things I'd stolen from the manor before fleeing. "Know anyone who could use a strong back?" "Maybe." A smile that sent a shiver down my tail, as her eyes lowered across my figure, then up again with an appraising nod. I wasn't sure if she was apraising me for my work potential or for making boots. Possibly both. It was Riften, after all, I knew the rumors. "What are you good at? Magic? Swordplay? Satisfying maidens after rescuing them from rampaging monsters?" "No. Yes. Sometimes." I touched my brow and leaned back - giving her another look. She'd spotted me for a swordsman, even with the blade on my back I dressed in comfortable cloak and loose clothing over my leather armor. I shouldn't have been THAt easy to pick out. But maybe I was. "One pays better than the others. But one has a lot less risk." "Maybe. I could use a strong back for some labor out in the fields - if you think you can do it. It's not glamorous, but it'll be a sure sight better than having to borrow or steal. And let's be honest - there's competition for thieves jobs. Not that you look the type." "I'm not. I'd rather earn it through hard work." She smiled, the thin rings attached to her horns glittered in the pale candle light. "So, may I have your name, yon employer?" "I am Seeks-the-Lilies, and you?" "Touch-of-Shadow. A pleasure to meet you."

Her farm was smaller than I'd expected, but the plants growing were ones as often used to flavor as they were in alchemical challenges. A simple four-post home, it had signs of being worked on, though not in recent years. I gave it a pleasant appraisal before knocking at the door. I was greeted by the companionable presence of my mistress, whom invited me inside. Inside was unfinished but serviceable, with a cooking pit available for a large stew pot, and a bed to one corner. She did not appear to have a lot, but she guarded fiercly what she had, with small jewels twinkling in a jewelry box, and necklaces of gemstone worth hanging from small hooks. An enchanter? I was not surprised. "Welcome." The red-scaled beauty said, while serving me a cup of stew, fish with potato and onion mixed in. I ate of it sparingly, but gladly. Free food was never to be turned down. She sent me to work as soon as I had scraped the bowl clean - and kept to herself inside, where she watched me, on occasion, from an open window. She really had a nice smile - and I hoped I'd impressed her with my scars when i stripped down to my breeches and stooped to pluck and weed. The garden was well kept, but could have been better. I set it right as best I could - though I knew some alchemy (especially crafting poisons), I was hardly an expert at it. If I managed to pass her grade or not, I did not know - but I was proud of my simple work. The hours stretched long until shadows grew deep, and I rose up, to find her sitting on her porch, a smoke coming from a pipe and a bottle of wine in front of her, on a table. Her eyes had been quick to roam the scars on my back and shoulders, matching in depth if not intention the one on my face. I knew battle, and I knew hardship, and I had survived blows that would have slain those without the thick scales of a fighter. "You lead an interesting life. Those aren't the simple blows of training, are they?" She asked, as I approached her and sat down with a heavy thump on the wooden seat beside hers. She poured me a glass of wine and I lifted it - the refreshing white cleansing the dirt from my mouth, and helped me cool with the gleam of perspiration upon my torso. "No mistress. They are from a long, hard life." I replied, stroking a burn along the inside of my arm. That one had been from cooking. I'd been paid to kill a chef who had poisoned a baroness for pay. He'd thrown burning oil onto my arm. I'd thrown him into his own oven and stoked the flames in repayment. "Just a hard life." "Outlaw marks, hm?" She asked, gazing onto my chest, and letting her eyes linger onto my belly. I was trim, I'd never had the luxury of growing fat in my days, and I'd kept it, even with age creeping upon me. One could not guess my age was beyond forty summers, even with the greying of a few feathers. "No, none there. A mercenary?" "For pay, for profit, sometimes for justice. Never for the thrill." I tapped a scratch long healed on my shoulder. Several blades had met me. None had slain me. "Always working for justice." "Hm. I see." She smiled up at me again. "Well, the hour is late. May I invite you to stay tonight?" "I would not wish to make scandal for you, mistress." I said, looking up to her with a lift of my brow. I had arrived with everything, blades and boots and everything between. I didn't trust the inn as far as I could throw it. Which I couldn't. "I would also not want to make scandal, a stranger in the house of a lone farmer woman? What would the neighbors think?" I teased, and smiled. She laughed then, a great sound as she threw her head back. She might have been tipsy. "My dear, I am an enchantress - I already scandalize by dabbling in magic, you have not heard the rumors of the beasts I am said to conjure!" She smiled though, and gave me another look over. Her voice dropped in pitch, growing husky. "Please, I insist. I have payment due, and more beside. You did good work for me. It deserves a reward." My mouth hung open. Her eyes had darkened, growing with a hunger inside that sent me to shiver in a way I hadn't felt in almost a decade. I certainly could not refuse her, not when it was obvious she wanted it. So I smiled. I smiled, and then lifted my glass. "Well. Alright. If you insist, Mistress."

We finished our wine in silence, before she rose herself up to the tips of her toes, and turned, swaying her lush hips from side to side, in a way that drew my eye. I could smell the sweet aroma of her need on the air, and felt my crest rise up despite my self control. She knew what she had planned to do - and would do it. I followed along behind her, eyes tracking her tail tip, that fluttered and danced. Her tail was short, but full - she was very healthy. Inside she drew me to her, and her cheek brushed my own, softly. I heard her whisper and kiss against the ear-fin, then flutter her tongue along it. I groaned - and rolled my head back to bare the red of my throat. I was not long experienced with this kind of company, this contact. I may have mastered a blade, but I was not even a novice when it came to these touches. I was afraid I would not last long with her, if I was not careful. "My dear Shadow, it's been ten years for me. I soon grow too old to have eggs." She said, holding me. I held her back, my bare chest against the soft cloth against her breasts. She smiled down, to my chest, then looked up at me and rose to give me a kiss. I returned the favor, eagerly. "So I ask of you - will you give me some? I ask nothing, not your hand, not your life, not your passion. I just ask that you fertilize me. As a duty unto your people, and as a favor to a woman who needs." She looked up at me. Vulnerable, gentle, soft. "Please. Help me have children." I pulled her in against my front, and touched my snout atop her own, brushing tenderly there with a gentle soft sigh. My nostrils flared, took in her musk, and I pulled her against my front, gently. She was soft, though not human soft, and her body trembled with need. I pulled her down and settled onto the ed, and drew her atop me, holding her. She drew her hands up and caressed across my face, letting her digits trail and stroke this way and that on my scars, over my lips, over my brow. Her head bent, and we shared a long, sweet, biting kiss of each others mouths. Her teeth were blunted and mine were no better. I liked it. I liked feeling her. "Are you sure?" I asked, lifting her face with my fingers, and holding her there. "If I don't do it now, I'll never be able to. Youre the first in a long time - and I want to return to my homeland, heavy with eggs and life. I've been away too long." "You could leave. Just go - walk away and return, find a suitor, a mate. A male to hold you close every night." "Please, Shadow. Please." I surrendered.

I rolled her onto her back, and drew atop her, grinding my weight down and pinning her to the down-stuffed mattress. Her hips tangled with mine and her legs wrapped my hips, clutching me to her greedily, grinding her heat against my passion, rubbing her want against my need. I pinned her down and bit her throat, I clutched her in my claws and slid in deeper, cursing the pants that held me restrained, tight. I pulled them open - she fought me for it and all but tore my belt from me, and shoved my garments down. I was pushed back, and her head bent, to engulf me into her mouth. I cried out. She may have lost her youth, but she retained all of her flexibility. As I gasped at her tongue wrapping my member, her hips pivoted, and she rolled onto her side, then over-atop me. Her tail wrapped my face as she pushed her head down to the root of my turgid shaft, and she nursed upon me. I groaned, and felt her atop my face - her haunches tight, her thighs firm, her sex slick with honeydew. Her nose bumped my scrotum and I kissed hungrily at her vulva - tongue dancing the flesh, and burrowing deep enough to explore what made her female. Hands on flanks, hips moving, we rutted together against each others faces. I knew heaven, and she knew bliss. Her scent reminded me of rosemary and lilacs in bloom. I hoped she liked my flavor, because I loved how her mouth twisted, and her throat gripped me like it knew what it was doing. Up and close, we bonded, I rolling to rut her mouth from atop her, and she struggling for control, to keep me placed on my back in this tug, this tussle, this fight for dominance. But I clutched her, my snout firmly wedged between her thighs and let myself dig deeply, tasting every inch of her inner heat, feeling her grip and flutter against me with her need. I savored it- wonderful was her presence and pleasure and wetness that soaked my face, that made me shudder and cry out in near release. Fingers found under my tail, and lifted my testicles. She was hungry for me - devouring me, and I lost the fight as she rolled atop me, and shoved me deep and heavy. My balls contracted and flooded her throat, which she caught each spurt into her mouth, each shot of my legacy into her gullet, and happily swallowed it. Joy flooded me from head to toe, and I quivered like thunder beneath her touch. I was lost in the pleasant, perfect bliss. I savored it all, every last moment. Her feathered loins held my face close, and I snuffled for breath, and just hugged her. She had gone a decade? I couldn't remember the last time I'd savored a female, or even a male. Her head rose with a wet, sloppy suck from her lips, and she drew her head around to look at me. I kissed her sex and smiled to her, before giving a nod. She puled atop me and straddled me, her thighs squeezing my hips while her fingers traced along my chest, my belly, my face. She loved touching my face. "Been too long." I couldn't deny that. I gripped at her hips and nudged my spent shaft against the softness of her sex, and leaned in, to kiss her again, a third time, a fourth. She allowed that, I tasted my seed, she tasted her sex, and we both found satisfaction in the other. I panted, leaning back. "Not done are you?" She asked, challenging me with a perk of her brow. I laughed brightly, and drug her in closer, grinding. "Hardly. I just need a moment. My head's still spinning from your mouth." "And I have butterflies in my belly. I want you to impregnate me, Shadow. Fertilize my eggs, seed my clutch, breed me like a mare in heat." She held me, needing, demanding, vulnerable and afraid. How could I refuse such an elegant request? "Please." "You realize it may take a few days. You know, to make sure. Magic can fail and you wouldn't want to be disappointed." I challenged, pulling my head to a breast, and taking ahold of it with my mouth. I suckled, I bit, I roughed her nipples and made her back arch in protest. SHe could complain, but she knew I wouldn't stop until I was satisfied with them. And heavenly, they were ripe, beautiful breasts - so lovely to toy with. "It might take all season." "Yes." She hissed out, eyes a-slit and body urging against mine. "Please." "Good."

I rose from the bed and pulled her to hang her hips off the edge. Drawing her legs up and pressing her ankles to my shoulders, I looked long across the body, so long spent in magic, in beauty, in glittering enchantments that it made my head spin with need. I looked down that curved, soft form and found her worthy - as my penis sprung to full mast again, and I pushed the tip against her sex. I would not stop - I had no intention of preventing her from being bred. THere were no other suitors around, no other males to challenge me for her. It was not the rational mind, but the primitive need that held me, and I pushed in - watching the opening expand, and the hot flesh behind part, welcoming my plunge with a spasm of muscle and need. She wanted this. I would give it. I sank, four inches, six, the full length of me into her, and did not stop until my groin was flush with ers, and my balls were at rest on her tail base. Looking down and watching her writhe around me, feeling her insides grip and flutter and spasm, I knew I had made the right choice. A mageling mother, an unknown father - she would raise them well. And I would make sure that she had a belly full of life before I left, be it a day, a month, or the entire winter season to see that she would end up pregnant. How I wished I could go with her to Blackmarsh. But now was not a time for regrets. Now was a time to make egglets. I withdrew and plunged in again - and withdrew a third time, only to sink deep and feel her contract, and make slick my belly. I groaned from the heat that dribbled my thighs and length, and lay over her, clutching her body with a pump and shove of my hips in eager need to make this female mine. The bed rocked and groaned under the strain as I pistoned and pumped - giving her what I had inside, and hugging her legs close. She was bent double and absorbed my impacts with a shudder, each one making her clench tighter, tighter, tighter yet. I buried into her deeper, a knee on the bed for leverage as I impacted her flanks with my hips. She yielded to me her heat and heart, and I devoured her strength greedily. I loved how she responded, reacted, quivered. I loved how this lovely female made me feel so alive and so young. I was growing close, the knot in my belly told me this story. I impacted harder into her, making her cry out, perhaps loud enough to awake a neighbor. I didn't care, I had my female to fuck. And all too soon, too long, all together I felt myself tighten, then explode, the stars bursting behind my eyes and a shout running my brain, my orgasm rippling through my body and my energy out of my skull - I came into her, filling her again, a second orgasm in less than twenty minutes. I came in her, and gave her my essence and my life, and I felt the heat travel deep into her. I held her, I clutched her, I bred her. I knew it made her pregnant. But I would not leave until I was certain. I don't think she would have let me, until her belly would begin to show. I had a pleasant winter to look forward to.