Ellen - Chapter 2: A Freak

Story by WittyOverload on SoFurry

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                                     Ellen                              Chapter 2: A Freak   "Kids! Time to get up!" Mrs. Middleson yelled. Jake's eyes shot open. Today was the first day of school! Jake had been waiting to show his friends Ellen all summer! It had been about 1 month since Ellen had entered his life, and he hadn't seen any of his friends since July. Still, he loved his time with Ellen. She was still kind of shy, constantly apologizing for the smallest of mistakes. But they were the best of friends. Quickly he got out of his bed and changed in the bathroom. After so, he went and shook Ellen a little too fiercly... Ah! Why am i getting attacked! Ellen opened her crystal blue eyes and seeing her best-friend smiling down towards her "Oh, hey Jake" She mumbled. She didn't know exactly why she had been shaken this morning (Well, harder than normal). "Ellen! It's the first day of school! Come'on!" Jake yelled, tossing her some clothes. Soon she was hit in the face by a pair of jeans. The white wolfess (or so Jake had called her.) Gave a growl as she made her way to the human. Jake began to cower before her as she bared her teeth before breaking out into a fit of laughter. She took the clothes from the now smirking boy After changing, the two headed downstairs. Mrs. Middleson had already begun some waffles (Besides pizza, they were Ellen's favorite food). The two then grabbed their backpacks and headed out the door. Topic of the day! Companions (or hybrid's, as people began to call them) Are only allowed to schools if their master's O.K. it. Most don't. But the Middleson's had allowed Ellen to go partly because of Jake's begging, but mostly because they wanted Ellen to get an education "Will your friends like me?" Ellen asked. She was rather self-consious, always thinking Jake secretly hated her or was going to eat her or something. "Oh i'm sure Biggs and Wedge will love you! But i haven't seen them all summer, so they might've changed...." Jake told her. Biggs and Wedge were his friends since 1st grade. Bigg's, the tough impulsive one and Wedge, the idiot-lackey. They were both best friends (although their relationship sort of Master-Slave like) and were never apart. Soon the hissing of the bus was heard and the clunky yellow machine made its way to the two as excited children looked out the window to see who was next to get on the bus. Jake lead Ellen to the bus and helped her on. Soon they were standing next to each other facing the kids All the children, instead of greeting him and asking of her, they all began whispering to each other. Jake caught words like "Why is a fur-" or "Woah look at it..." he turned to Ellen who was looking away and almost about to cry. Obviously she could hear everything and it was getting to her.

He continued to lead her to an empty seat, letting her sit on the inside. She was still a little bit stung. Jake gave her a hug, telling her it was fine. The kids still talked about her, beginning to mock.

Soon the two were getting off the bus, Ellen clinging to Jake, basically clawing into him. She was still scared of the other kids (it didn't help one of them tried to trip her). Luckily since the schoolboard was a bit afraid of Ellen, they put her in all of Jake's classes. They got to their first class: Science. They both took a seat together by the window while other students filed in. Jake saw another table, a group of 3, wave him over to an empty seat. The only problem: There was only one seat. They continued as he simply shook his head. He didn't want to leave Ellen on her own. Plus, what kind of friend would he be if he left her? The others gave him a dissapointed look, then Ellen, a scowl. Thankfully, she was too busy looking around the room to notice. Soon the teacher entered the room. He had gray hair, glasses, a tweed jack and an overall old look. "Hello and welcome to 6th grade Science, I am your teacher, Mr. Mcdonald. Now, i would like to-" The teacher stopped as he stared at Ellen. She was a bit worried he'd insult her too. "Um sir?" Jake questioned, wondering why this guy was staring at her. "Yes- Well... Sorry, i didn't know any Hybrids went here..." He said looking away. "Well, back on track."  He continued, clearing his throught. After the class was over, they continued on their day together. Before long, Jake had to head to band while Ellen to gym. After finding her way (No help from asking the others, as they all ignored her) she made her way into the girl's locker room When she entered, all the girls gave her a (slightly mean) look, then went back to their tasks, mumbling. She quickly got changed into some shorts and headed out. The gym was large. A few kids were in it, playing about. She decided to sit on the bench in the back, too scared to talk to anyone. "Can i sit next to you?" a voice asked. Ellen looked up and saw a girl. She had long raven-black hair and green eyes, glasses and a rather thin figure. "Uh- Yeah- Yeah sure..." Ellen replied looking down "I saw you in history today, I was gunna saw hi but I just didn't want to ...intemidate you. You weren't making eye contact with anyone... " the girl said. The wolfess just gave a simple nod. This girl seemed nice... nicer than anyone else here (except for Jake). Plus Jake said she should make new friends... maybe she could be... a friend... "Cece" the girl said, extending her arm "Ellen." Ellen said, shaking her hand "I saw you were with that guy..." Cece said. She hadn't seen her without him. It was like they were joined at the hip! "Jake" Ellen replied "Yeah him..." Cece said "He's my best friend..." Ellen replied smally, with a blush. Over the past month, they did everything together. While she thought she was needy, he enjoyed her company. "I can tell..." Cece muttered. Cece really didn't have any friends. She had a few, like 2, but she never really liked anyone outside the two. Cece was unpopular because she wasn't into the whole 'who likes who' etc. stuff. But this girl seemed nice. Since it was the first day, the 'coach' (or so he wanted to be called) just explained what was going to happen while Ellen and Cece talked. Ellen learned that Cece liked film and wanted to make movies while Cece learned that Ellen liked cooking and didn't know what she wanted to do yet. After Gym, she found Jake and hopped on the bus with him. Ellen told him of Cece and how they really clicked. Jake had told her he'd seen her around somewhere, and he'd like to meet her. Jake was happy for her. He liked it when she giggled, a thing she didn't do too much. She did so with her whole body and always had the largest grin he'd ever seen, even for a wolf.

The two hopped off the bus and headed up to their room to do homework. Jake helped Ellen with her math homework which she didn't understand. After they finished they both played some video games, both laughing and having fun

A couple days later,  Ellen seemed... less nervous. She had a new glow. This time, when they went on the bus, she didn't mind that all the other kids staring at her, giving her mean looks, she was just happy. Lately she'd been talking alot with Cece. She and Jake even sat with her at lunch. There, the two met the rest of Cece's friends. Shawn was a geeky, pimply-faced blond haired who liked video games. Jules was a red-headed, energenic girl with an interest in journalism. Jake and Ellen were quick to make friends with the two, especially Jake. Ever since becoming friends with Ellen, he'd lost basically all his friends, all calling him a 'fur-lover'. Truthfully, he didn't mind. If they couldn't accept that Ellen was his friend, they weren't his friends. Right now, she was sitting on the benches with Cece talking about random things. "Attention." Coach said with his intimidating voice. "Today, we'll be playing Dodgeball." Everyone was divided into two teams, each at either sides of the court. Unfortunantly, Cece and Ellen were on opposite teams. "Okay... Begin!" Coach yelled The game started innocently enough. Everyone was getting everyone else out, the normal stuff. "Hey Ellen, i'm gunna go to the bathroom. Are you going to be alright?" Cece asked as Ellen just nodded and went back to the game That is, until Coach got a call. "Really... okay, be there in a second." The coach stopped the game for a second. "Okay kids, i'm going to be gone for a few minutes, some stupid kid fell from the second story window. Just... play the game until I get back." After he left, Ellen went to go grab a ball until... WHAM! She was hit straight in the face with something! Looking up, she saw a rather big boy with a triumphant smirk. "Ha! Gotcha, Freak!" The boy yelled She began to cry, mostly from the pain, but also from the fact he tried to injure her. "Nice shot Biggs!" a small, lacky-looking boy yelled. Biggs? Wasn't that... Why had Jake's friend attacked her? Did Jake put them up to it? Soon, most of the kids started to laugh, a few even started to throw more balls. They started to call her names, laughing at her for crying. "Hah! look at the Freak crying!" By now, she was crying openly. The kids began calling her "A freak". She ran out of the gym, straight to the nearest room girl's bathroom. She backed up against the wall and sunk down, clutching her knees. She began to let it out more, the tears hitting the floor. She cried for about ten minutes before hearing a familiar. "Ellen?" She heard it before - it was a male voice. Looking towards the door, she saw him - it was Jake. "Jake..." "Oh god Ellen, what happened?" Jake said, sitting down next to her. "W-well..." After she explained her situation, Jake tried to comfort her. "Ellen, i'm so sorry..." he said giving her a hug "I promise i'll take care of Biggs and Wedge - and ALL of them." "I-It's okay... You don't have to.." "Ellen, listen to me. I would do ANYTHING for you." Jake said, shaking her a little (Jeez he likes to shake me...) "Thank you Jake. Now... Get out of here, i don't want anyone to think you're a pervert."

"Okay, i'll go, but you're coming with me. We're going to the prinicple... or the guidance councillor... or whatever... and we're going to bring those jerks to justice" Jake said, jumping to his feet in a comical way and helping her up. They headed for the office, Ellen clinging to Jake similar to the first day.

"That's horrible!" Jules yelled, almost loud enough for the entire lunchroom to hear. Ellen had just retold her story to the entirety of their table: All four of them (one of which had heard it). Jules ran over to the wolfess and gave her a tight hug. "Hey, Ellen, i'm.. i'm sorry for what happened." Shawn said. "Good thing those kids got what they deserved." Jake stated as he went back to eating his corn. "...And i gave a few of those kids a bloody nose." Cece stated. Although she was a geek and rather skinny, she was very strong.

"Hey, i know the perfect way to make you feel beter. We'll all go to my house!" Jules said/screamed "Ya! Movie night! Sleep over tommorow! We'll eat pizza and play games and..." The rest of the kids began to tune her out and think how great it'll be.

"This is gunna be awesome!" Jake exclaimed. Right now the two being driven by Mr. Middleson to Jule's house. "Well you kids better behave." He stated, staring into the road. Soon the kids were at the front door of the Jule's residence (Jules never actually gave her last name, just called herself 'Jules') and were awaiting a parent to answer there knocking "Oh hello!" a red-headed woman with a few gray hairs greeted them. "You must be Julesy's friends!" The two started snickering at 'Julesy' nickname. "MOM! I told you not to call me that!" Jules yelled from stairway. "Oh hey guys! Come on upstairs, everyone's here" The two ran up the stairs to the room that was (obviously) hers. They turned the knob to reveal something: Pink. Jules' room was filled top-to-bottom with things that were... pink. It was almost blinding, Jake swore his eyes would start bleeding at any minute. "It's so..." "Pink." "Ya..." "Ya we had that same look in our eyes..." Shawn explained "We call it 'the pinkeye'" Cece said "Oh come on guys! You'll get used to it. Now let's watch that movie." The movie was good enough. It was a cop movie about a human and his wolf partner taking down some drug lord. They all got pizza halfway through - a cheese, a pepperoni, and a mushroom (Cece liked mushroom.. for some reason). And they had fun and a good amount of laughs all the way through. Afterwards they all played 'Ultra Smash Fighter 2000' which they found Ellen was very good at. "UGH! How're so good with the claws!" Shawn said as he threw the controller. "Well actually, i can remove my claws on whim... so you just stink at video games." Ellen said with a smug smirk. Soon the kids were at in their pajama's and sleeping bags, even Jules who found it only fair to sleep on the ground like everyone else. They all talked about what they would do tommorow, their hopes and dreams and pretty much everything in their lives. Soon everyone fell asleep, even Ellen who slept with a smile on her face.

End of Chapter 2

Sorry it took so long, got a lot of other stories to write. Chapter 3 will be about highschool, unconfessed feelings and more bullying.