The Masters Chapter 13

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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The Masters... ...of Commitment

(September 27th)

Hunter Thurman laughed into his cell phone, "Thanks a lot. Yeah, just let him know I'm almost there, so he can wait out front for me." He paused while the voice on the other end of the phone chattered back at him, "Yeah, I figured that way would be a lot easier on us, over all. Thanks a lot, Mr. Masters." He paused again time as stopped at a stop sign and turned his car to the right, "Kris? I thought you'd prefer Toffy? Okay, okay! Bye." With a final chuckle, the tiger hung up and dropped his phone into the passenger seat.

Mere blocks away, at his destination, bounding energetically into the living room, Elliot Masters looked frantically for where the phone was after hearing it beep off, and then turned to his dad, "Was that Hunter? Is he outside?"

Looking back to his son, the older husky sat the phone down to respond, as his wife joined him from the kitchen, "He'll be here any second. But first: you know what we want to hear..."

Ell hurriedly went through the fake details of what he and his friend were planning that evening. He answered his parents' questions with half-truths and careful wording, ensuring he gave enough detail to give them some idea of who he would be with, and how long he might be gone, but not much else.

Kristoff, of course, knew that all of it was tailored to make the situation sound just a certain way...but it was okay; it was all for his mother's benefit anyway.

As the franticly thrown together explanation was finished, he bid his parents farewell for the evening and exited the house. With the energy of a pup, Elliot made his way down the sidewalk and directly to Hunter's car as he pulled up.

Hunter barely had a chance to stop the car and unlock the door before Ell had opened it and flung himself into the passenger seat, "Whoa! Lift up for a second."

"Oh...whoops!" Ell did an awkward half-stand, holding the still open door for support while he let Hunter retrieve whatever it was.

The tiger snatched his phone from under the husky, and dropped it in the cup holder...but only after 'fumbling' for a moment so he could get a nice feel of the dog's rear end, "There we go."

With a wide grin, Elliot sat down comfortably, and closed his door and buckled in as he looked over to the mischievous tiger, "You grab what you wanted?"

"More or less." Hunter grinned back at his date, "So, you seem rather excited this evening."

"Well," the husky looked away from his tiger and into his lap where his paws fidgeted with each other, his grin not fading, "I'm glad my Dad let me see you tonight, is all. I mean, all things considered, I'm just glad to see you at all..."

Hunter reached over and scritched at the back of his boyfriend's head, "I thought he was cool with you...and with us. Why wouldn't he want you to see me?" He let off of the brake finally, and began making his way away from the Masters' residence.

Ell shrugged and shuddered happily after the scratch, "I don't know. It's just weird that he's been THIS cool about me...and you. I'm not complaining, though!" He chuckled after the correction, "It's surprisingly easy to be open."

"So far..." the tiger took the closest left turn away from his husky's house.

Elliot tilted his head at that, "You're saying it's only gonna' to get worse?"

Hunter shook his head, "No. But it definitely won't always be easy." He reached his paw across and held the dog's, "But don't worry! No matter what bad might come, I'll be here."

The husky's grin weakened into a soft, affectionate smile, as his thumb lovingly petted the top part of the tiger's paw, "I know. But so far, with the furs that matter, like my dad and most my closer friends, they're all cool with it." His voice broke down a bit from its usual upbeat tone, into a more solemn tone, "I know my mom is going to be upset, and I'm dreading it becoming even bigger news with the other kids at school, though."

"Don't you worry about them. With your dad, Will, and I on your side -- and Stan and Aaron for that matter -- you have nothing to worry about." Hunter smiled wider, "Now...aren't you gonna' ask where we're headed?"

Ell looked up and out his window, noticing, finally, that instead of going toward the city, Hunter was driving the opposite way, directly adjacent to suburbia, near the outskirts of town, "Where ARE we headed?"

The tiger just smiled in response, "That's a good boy!" He rubbed the husky's hand like Ell had done for him, "Someplace...special. I think you'll like it."

Elliot watched reluctantly as the houses began to drift further away, replaced soon after with familiar construction sites for more of the same kinds of neighborhoods, and then after a minute or so of driving further still, Ell again questioned Hunter's plans, "Are there like...horses where we're going?"

Hunter just chuckled, "That depends on whether you mean evolved or feral."


William Masters put his forehead against his mirror and sighed.

Why did he always do this to himself? He looked fine, and Aaron certainly wouldn't mind if the shirt wasn't perfect, if his fur -- hair for hair -- wasn't in exactly the right place, or even notice which pair of pants and shoes he wore. But, just like any other time they planned to meet, here he was again, worrying over every little thing so he could look perfect for his date.

Outside, up the sidewalk and to the doorstep, Aaron Jones skipped with every step towards Will. He thought for a moment about simply letting himself in, but his manners insisted to be welcomed first. So with a very enthusiastic knock, he signaled his arrival, before smiling wide with anticipation and rocking himself on his large feet.

Inside, Will hurriedly messed with his face-fur again, before rushing out of the bathroom and to the entry way. Once there, he forced himself calm, and walked the last few feet to the door more slowly.

With one more nervous pat-down of his cheeks, he opened the door to the sight of his date, "Hey there!"

The rabbit smiled wide in return to the husky, "Hey yourself." He looked the husky up and down as he took a step in, noting how much more than casual he was dressed in comparison to the dog, "You're looking good. It's kinda' making me re-think what I had planned for tonight..."

William tilted his head, "What you had planned? What does how good I look have to do with what you had planned?" He looked down at himself.

"I'm takin' you somewhere I used to go back in high school." Aaron reached his paw out and gently took Will's into his own, "C'mon! You'll have fun. I promise."

The husky smiled, already having forgotten about fussing with his clothes, "I can't say I'm a fan of surprises, but...hell, I couldn't say no to you in high school, and I can't yet, either." He nodded at the paw gripping his, "Lead the way, Rimmer!"


"Like I said: careful with the back window." Hunter reached out and helped his date up onto the roof of his grandmother's car, "Don't worry about hurting anything else, though. That's the beauty of old cars: they're sturdier."

Elliot crawled carefully onto the roof, next to his tiger, still nervous that he'd break something, "How did you get your grandma's car? I thought she didn't want you driving it or something."

"Stan finally helped convince her I wouldn't wreck it...and that, after all the trouble we went through to get my hardship license, I should be using it for something other than school," the tiger sat down on one side of the roof, by the back passenger door with his feet hanging over the rear windshield. "Here," he guided the husky to sit beside him, and then laid himself back.

Ell nodded and smiled, carefully positioning himself similarly to how Hunter was, but nervous about putting too much pressure on his paws and feet as he moved, still expecting the roof to cave in. "That's good. So that means Stan can have his life back, now that he's not driving you everywhere!" he chuckled softly as he settled on his back, finally getting a good look at the crisp view of the night sky.

Hunter chuckled in response, "Yeah...I'm sure that's why he actually helped me." He turned his head a bit to the dog to his right, watching him stare at the sky, "Looks prettier out here in the country, away from all the lights, huh?"

The husky took in a deep breath of the cool, clean country air, exhaling loudly through his mouth before he responded, "Yeah, all that electricity stuff sucks anyway." He turned his head to his left and smiled warmly at his tiger, "I'm glad you brought me out here, Hunter."

"And I'm glad my gramma's so well off that she didn't have to sell the land after my grampa died." Hunter turned his head back skyward, "I always liked it here," he glanced back at Ell just with his eyes, "and always wished I'd have someone to share it with, too."

Elliot continued smiling and leaned over to Hunter to give him a gentle nose to nose peck, "It's good to get away from everything: all the crap that other furs usually bring with them."

The tiger twitched his nose lightly and kissed back, "Especially together...knowing we can just relax and be ourselves."

Ell pulled back and looked up to the surprisingly cloudless sky, thinking for a moment to look for constellations like he used to do as a pup, but a question that he'd been worrying about came to mind, instead, "Hunter, are you wish that our friends at school still didn't know about you? Or us?"

"I...I don't know." Hunter kept his eyes on the sky, "What about you?"

The husky shrugged and clasped his paws together over his stomach, "I don't know. It's weird, but it's not all bad. Most of my female friends think I'm cute like, extra cute, now...except for the couple who I didn't know had crushes on me. They're upset. And there are a few guys who I thought were my friends, that aren't talking to me anymore. But I guess that just showed me who my real friends are, right?" He turned again to his orange companion, "But when it comes down to it, it's not as big of a deal as I was expecting. It's just my friends, you know? Not the whole school. Coming out to my dad was a much bigger deal."

"I'll bet!"

"Now, it's your turn. Do you regret it?"

"Well," Hunter looked away from the sky somberly. "It's nice, y'know, being honest...but..." he twitched his nose and let out a bit of a sigh.

Elliot's ears perked with curiosity, sensing easily something was amiss: "But what?"

The tiger took in a breath, "Well...I just wish everyone wasn't treating me differently." He looked his boyfriend in the eyes and turned onto his side, "I mean, I was expecting some of the guys to be assholes, and I was ready for all rude comments and for getting made fun of. That's what I was prepared for, you know? That and for defending you from it. But...that's not what happened. Instead, all the guys I fooled around with," he paused, "you know, the 'straight' ones...are all awkward and weird around me now. I guess the fact that a gay guy, or whatever I am, played with them makes it seem gayer than if it was just another curious straight fur, y'know? But that's not even the worst part."

Ell raised an eyebrow, "Then what it?"

"The nice ones are driving me crazy!" Hunter chuckled. "Even though, for the most part, our friends are the only ones who've gotten wind of this, somehow, the news made it into the ear of every open gay guy at the school! And now it seems like every damn one of them, especially the freshmen, either wants to be my new best friend...or to take your place." He rolled his eyes, "And it's not that I don't like having new friends -- it's really cool, in fact -- and I like the idea of getting be the big cool sophomore when I'm hanging out with the freshmen but, I mean...I'm the same person I was two weeks ago! Nothing's changed, but everyone's acting like it has, y'know? My friends had no problem with what we'd done, and the gay guys didn't do anything other than eye me when I wore tight clothes! But now that I have this gay label...everything's changed. It's not all for the bad, of course, but it just seems silly."

The husky smiled and reached his paw out to pet Hunter's cheek fur comfortingly, "I'm sorry you're more popular." He sighed and put his paw back against his side, "There's no going back to how things were, though, is there?"

Hunter shook his head, "And I wouldn't want to! If the gay population of the school thinks I'm their new hero, if my old friends have too much trouble with accepting what they did with me...that's fine. It's worth it to just finally be honest." He stroked the husky in return, but his hip instead of his face, "And to have you."

Elliot could feel the blush rising in his cheeks, "Th-thanks."

The tiger chuckled at his boyfriend's continued shyness, and then continued, "My only real worry is that people are gonna' treat you bad. But even that seems to be working out okay, since not everyone knows yet. And I bet you'll even have your own slew of gay friends soon, too."

Ell scrunched his muzzle in an overly dramatic look of disgust, "Neh! None of the open furs at school are my type...not even as friends. They're...loud, girly, and annoying."

"Eh, they're not so bad. Some of them can be a little grating sometimes, and bit too effeminate, sure...but they're mostly really nice." Hunter smiled, "Especially the group that's trying to take me in! They've got some nerdy straight friends with them too. I love having friends that I can express my long hidden nerdy side with."

The husky sighed and glanced up to the sky again, waiting a moment for a few long breaths before he kept going, "After all of this...we're really lucky everything's turning out like it is, aren't we?"

Hunter looked up at the sky, himself, "Give it time. It'll get complicated again."


William stood on a high crop of ground in his boxers, clothes littered around him in the grass.

Feet before him, the land ended, dropping off and falling for two yards to the pond below. Past the short excuse for a cliff, spread out a dark pond, reflecting and scattering the moon and the stars of the night sky, until it tapered into a muddy bank far away.

Will's eyes, though, were on a much more inviting sight, closer to him than the edge of the pathetic cliff, or the starry water. At his side was a dusty, tan and white bunny, slowly bending over as he slipped off his bright red briefs, to reveal the white fur of the underside of his spade-shaped tail...white fur which trailed down his ass and inner thighs, and to his balls peeking from between them.

The smaller, thinner rabbit held his bent position for a few moments beyond his undressing, knowing that the husky behind him was watching. In time, though, he stood and turned to Will, taking a step towards him to give him a small, gentle hus around the waist, "Enjoying the view?"

William just smiled in response, "Always have." He ran his paw down the rabbit's side and softly nudged him away, with a embarrassed chuckle, "Y'know, I haven't done this since I was a pup." He hooked the waist of his boxers, "Somethin' to be said for nostalgia, though, I guess." He tugged down on his silk boxers, but only on the right side, revealing the black and white fur of his hip, before tugging down on the left as well, causing the waistband to catch on the top of his sheath, showing every contour of his genitals for the bunny's benefit, "We just dive in from up here? Deep enough not to hurt us, I assume."

Unashamed, Aaron reached forward to help pull his date's boxers over his sheath, and took that opportunity to playfully run the knuckles of his index and middle fingers down either side of Will's sheath, "Actually, no. Don't dive. You sort of just step off and away. It's only like seven or eight feet deep and if you dive, you'll risk bumping your head." He pulled his paw away from the canine's crotch and brought it up to pat his face, "And not the good kind of bumping your head."

The husky smiled and stepping out of his boxers, as his tip peeked from his sheath, "You first." He looked down and tilted his head to watch the bunny walk away.

Aaron stepped back, keeping his smirk, and then gladly demonstrated the procedure. He looked down, then much like he described, simply stepped off but with a gentle kick from his large foot. A brief moment later he was gone, and a splash filled the air down below. After the water fell back into the pool from the splash, the bunny resurfaced, spewing some water off of his lips, "It's a little cold!"

Will ignored his date's warning of the cold AND the warning to not dive, and strode forward quickly. He jumped up and tucked into a cannon ball with no call for his date to move, and splashed into the water just over a foot behind Aaron's head. The water flew and spread high, covering Aaron as Will's ass lightly tapped the pond's earthen floor...before he extended his legs and pushed his way back to the surface. With a shake of his soaked, fluffy head he smiled, "Nah. Not too cold."

The rabbit floated in the water next to where Will had resurfaced, ignoring that the canine had rewetted his muzzle for him, "Having fun so far I see."

William just kept smiling, "Been a long time since I've been able to a kid, y'know?" He floated away from the bunny just a little ways, his head lying back, "A lot about my life has changed since then."

Aaron gave a slight nod, mostly to himself, as he swam a bit to remain by Will's side, "Since you were a pup? When you skinny dipped last?"

The husky let out a short huff of a laugh, "Yeah. But hell...a lot's changed just since high school."

"Yeah I noticed." Aaron smiled at the husky reassuringly, "You and Kris both, you two...grew up or something, I think."

"Well, I grew up." Will shrugged lightly, "Kris more...ran away."

The rabbit nodded again, much more obviously in agreement, his smile fading lightly, "Yeah, I didn't want to say anything about him, because he's your brother, but he's REALLY different."

"Yeah, but there's nothing wrong with him." William smiled a smile of pride for his brother, "He's a great father, a very responsible adult, has raised a great son, and has a...taxing wife to deal with. Either way, though...he's changed a lot since high school. If anyone could see it as well as I can, it would be you. I think you and him almost had as much fun back then he and I did!"

Aaron smiled wide at that, vividly remembering how much he envied the two of them back then. He always wished his OWN brother was so...friendly, "He's really down to earth nowadays. I'm guessing he doesn't get out and do anything like this anymore, though, does he?" He splashed the husky to demonstrate.

The husky chuckled and splashed back, "No." He moved closer to the rabbit, brushing their legs together under the water, "He doesn't mind us being together, and handled Ell being gay WAY better than I thought he would, but Kris...he just, I said, he runs away." The husky lightly rubbed the top of Aaron's foot with his own, "He ran away from our very conservative parents as a kid and rebelled by way of gay sex just like I did. But then he started running away from himself. He's finally accepted what he did back then...particularly with me...but it was him trying to distance himself from all of that stuff that turned him into what he is today: gave him a wife and a kid."

Aaron kicked at the playful foot against his own and, in response, he put his paw against Will's hips, pulling him closer, "Do you think he's happy, Will?"

"He's gettin' there." Will put his own paw on Aaron's hips, "He's happy with himself, now, which is what's most important. Not sure how happy he is with his wife...but that's his business, not mine." He nuzzled the bunny's nose, "Don't be too hard on him for changing, though; I've changed a lot too. I just never ran away from who I was. I mean, before you came back," he paused for a quick kiss, "I wasn't ready to admit who I was, but I never went running scared of my gay side like he did. Other than that, though, I'm nothing like I was in high school. Not everyone can have the luxury of never changing like you."

The rabbit's short muzzle broke with an embarrassed grin, "I'm sorry. During high school I was probably more attracted to Kris than you." His eyes went wide and he stuttered to amend the statement, "N-not that that's how I feel now, of course! It's just that he was, you know, the hot older guy back then. And that...that's why it's especially painful to see him so different. But that's his life." He shrugged and he looked a bit to the side, "For you though, I think you've changed for the better. I mean, this time, when we have to work together, we actually work instead of just going straight to sex all the time!"

"That's not because I've changed," William scoffed. "That's because we have sex so damn much when it's NOT work time. Have we seen each other even once outside of the office when we haven't?"

Aaron shut his eyes and grinned wide, showing a bit of his teeth proudly, "Nope!"

While he wasn't looking, the husky grabbed a hold of his rabbit and pulled him tight against him, hip to hip, "Well then, let's not break the trend now."


Hunter dropped Ell's t-shirt aside and gently pushed his boyfriend back, until his gray furred back was rested on the cool evening grass, just to the right of the small dirt road and his grandmother's old car. "Always forget to bring a camera," he grinned as he took in the sight of his date before climbing over him and straddling his waist.

Elliot chuckled softly and lay back against the ground. He knew no one would be by and catch them, but the freedom the countryside allowed them, still left him nervous. "Oh? You want nudes of me?"

"Maybe I do. You'll know for sure when you find them online." The tiger winked and leaned down to nuzzle the pup as his paw unbuttoned and unzipped the husky's pants.

Ell smiled and raised his ass up to help remove his own pants, then his legs as his orange boyfriend slid them off. He shuddered and blushed, smiling nervously up at his cat, feeling a bit overexposed.

Hunter smiled back, much less nervously, "Why are you blushing? It's not like it's the first time I've seen you in your cute little undies." He punctuated that with a light stroke atop his boyfriends tight white cotton bulge.

The husky's smile widened and he shrugged, not exactly sure why either, "I don't know. I know nobody's going to come by, but it's weird to be all out in the open like this."

Hunter chuckled, "I don't think you have anything to worry about." He slid down his date's body slowly until his muzzle was at Ell's stomach, "But I'll have you forgetting about it either way in a second." He playfully nibbled at the dog's stomach before biting the waistband of his briefs.

Elliot giggled at the gentle nibbling and fully leaned back into the grass, one paw draped over his stomach, while the other hesitantly reached down and petted Hunter's head.

The tiger tugged on the waistband with his teeth for only a moment before realizing it was an effort in futility, and then grabbed the briefs by the sides, pulling them down just enough for the husky's sheath to show. He'd planned, from there, to take things slow...but the temptation was just too great, and as soon as the not-yet-full sheath came into view, he assaulted it wish his tongue.

Ell bucked his hips reflexively and yelped in surprise, his sheath immediately beginning to thicken with his rapidly emerging meat. His paw, already on his boyfriend's head, tightly gripped his scalp, his dulled claws tracing through the short fur.

Hunter chuckled at the reaction as he nuzzled the filling sheath, taking in his pup's scent, "I always love how much you enjoy even the littlest things." He rooted his nose into the briefs to get a better sniff, and licked his lover's balls as he did.

The husky tried to more consciously keep himself still, but the simple attention from his tiger's unique tongue was difficult to ignore. He shut his eyes and moaned loudly through his throat, holding back every urge to bury the cat's face in his crotch.

Hunter removed his muzzle, "I'm sorry I can't make this last longer for you...but I just..." He zeroed in on the pink of the emerging member and, without another word, lowered his head and sucked it into his mouth, forcing back the sheath with his lips and coaxing more and more into his suckling maw.

This time, Elliot couldn't help himself, and as his tiger began to suck on his tip, he wrapped both his paws around the tiger's ears and humped up into his muzzle. He moaned so high pitched it was nearly a yelp, as his throbbing, growing shaft cock slipped out of his sheath, right into the hot, wet muzzle.

The tiger allowed himself to be pulled down, but silently reminded himself to ask Ell, next time, to not be quite so forceful. Not that it wasn't fun, from time to time...but he liked to lead, too. For now, though, at least his pup was enjoying himself, which was all that mattered. So with a muffled moan, the cat took the swelling member as deep into his muzzle as he could manage, bobbing his head with the aid of the husky's paws, and exploring the cock's every vein and contour with his rough tongue.

Ell kept a firm grip on his lover's head for just a moment longer, before it occurred to him that he could be choking the cat. And so finally, he released Hunter ears and dropped his paws to the grass below. Hunter knew what he was doing and forcing it on him was never necessary, so the younger teenager just laid his head back and relaxed beneath the orange cat, letting him go at his pace.

Finally free to move, Hunter pistoned his head in longer, more fluidic movements, twisting and tilting as he went down, and sucking harder as he rose. He repositioned himself, his left paw gripping the base of his boyfriend's dick, where the knot was slowly forming, and his right snaking inside the dog's briefs to wrap around his balls.

The husky took in a sharp breath and released a deep stuttering sigh while he tensed himself. His cock twitched and his pre jetted out, while his balls retracted from the paw and then relaxed again. Breathlessly he shuddered out something probably intended to be a word, tingling and blinded by the sensitive skin of his burgeoning knot being teased by soft furry fingers.

Hunter squeezed the growing lump of the canid's knot, and felt it immediately swell in response. He'd always been a fan of canines; there was so much more to play with. With a twist and a quick drop, the husky was in his throat, as his paws gripped both the nearly formed knot and his lover's balls.

Elliot loudly moaned again and squirmed against the grass. Hunter was doing an amazing job, not that he had expected anything else, but like every other time these past two weeks, he was astounded at just how good another fur could make him feel. He draped a paw lazily onto the tiger's head, not forcing him down this time but simply petting him in silent encouragement.

The tiger felt the knot swell more and more against his paw, but kept his pressure on it as the rest of the pup's cock slid in and out of his muzzle. From experience, he knew the husky wouldn't last much longer and he bobbed faster and sucked harder, trying, even though his neck was growing tired, to push his date over the edge.

Holding back a moan, Ell eagerly bucked up into the cat's maw time and again, until he drove up and into Hunter for a final time, his paw gripping his boyfriend's headfur, but not forcing him down. His knot pulsed and his cock twitched, as his balls reeled back from the furry fingers caressing them. And on the cue of a deafening bark, his cock rocketed out stream after stream of his thin canid cum, soaking the inside of his lover's mouth.

Hunter wrapped his lips tight around the throbbing member, his paw still kneading its knot as he happily swallowed down each and every drop of his lover's seed. Shot after shot hit his tongue, the roof of his mouth, and his throat until they tapered off, leaving the tiger's suckling lips to nurse and milk the marble-red member for its last drops.

Panting heavily, the husky fell back into the grass in content, his tail thumping against the ground like an over-excited puppy. He released Hunter's head and used both paws to prop up his upper body, exhaling a groan as did, "That was amazing Hunter. That was...amazing!"


"Then I think I deserve a reward for it!" William wiped his bottom lip clean of a stray drop of bunny cum, "I don't swallow for just anyone, after all." He smiled at the nude rabbit in front of him, laid out on his back along the sandy, earthen bank of the pond.

Aaron hummed out a soft moan and trembled against the shore, his limp body simply lying there in exhaustion. As his semi-hard cock twitched and gave a final spurt of cum, he summoned the strength to speak, "Even...even if you didn't're getting your reward. That's for sure." He looked down at the big bog, a small mischievous smile across his short muzzle.

The husky chuckled in return to the sly smile, "Yeah. You never were stingy with me." He moved back off of the rabbit with a wink, "Now let Daddy see his bunny's fluffy little tail."

Slowly Aaron turned himself onto his stomach and raised his ass into the air, keeping his knees on the ground. He looked back again and shook his ass enticingly, the white fur of his inner thighs and tail making his tight pink hole all the more obvious, "C'mon Daddy, punish me. I still haven't learned..."

Will just chuckled in response, "Oh? You're playin' the bad boy today? I can handle that." He moved forward, his eyes glued to the pink pucker standing out from the stark white fur and its slightly wet, sandy surroundings. "Daddy's gotta' teach his naughty bunny cub a lesson," he climbed over Aaron's back, "for cumming in Daddy's muzzle without even asking, like that." He couldn't help but chuckle as his muzzle neared his date's ear.

The tan and white bunny returned the chuckle, though as more of a childish giggle, and murred as he pushed back against the husky affectionately. As Will began to mount, the smaller rabbit shuddered and moaned again, his entire body trembling in anticipation. "Oh yeah...teach me a lesson," he begged shamelessly.

Already out of his sheath, William's tip pressed against the hot waiting flesh of his bunny's hole, still wet from the pond. With a shudder of his own, restraining himself for a moment from thrusting in, he chuckled and licked the rabbit's pinned right ear, "Can't even pretend you don't want it, huh?" Without another word, nor waiting for a response, Will wrapped his arms around Aaron's narrow, soft furred chest, and pushed forward, burying his tip into the hot, wet tailhole before it.

Feeling the hot pole enter him once again, Aaron let out a long, drawn out, almost effeminate moan, and pushed his ass back against his date's pelvis with his strong legs. "Have I ever?" he growled out, putting his forehead against the crushed foliage beneath them, as his paws gripped his headfur in bliss.

With the eager rabbit's aid, the husky's cock, slight nub of its unformed knot and all, buried deep into the that ass. "Dirty rabbit," he nipped at Aaron's long ear as he pulled himself out of the heat of the tailhole only to slide back in...slowly loosening the bunny with the first thrust, before he began riding his 'bunny cub' properly.

Aaron continued his soft moaning, working his own thrusts back in time with the dog's. Within no time, his spent cock was stiff again and bobbing beneath him with every thrust. He repositioned his paws, putting his left forearm against the ground in front of him, while his right paw wrapped around his cock, in turn forcing his tailhole to grip down on his date.

Will moaned aloud as he thrust against the very willing bunny in his arms, "God damn! I love much you love this!" He gripped his old friend even harder, knowing Aaron would have no problem with him forcing in harder, and began to pull him back roughly into the thrusts. As his knot, too big now to simply slip in unintentionally, slammed against Aaron, the dog kissed and nibbled on the tan and white fur of his date's neck.

The small rabbit sucked in a breath through his clenched teeth and exhaled with a weak attempt at a growl, "Harder Will!" He raised himself up a bit higher, using his feet to anchor himself in the ground instead of his knees. His paw by now was beating his own cock viciously, and he was going to cum again, hard.

"No, no." William kept his thrusts just as hard and quick as before, rolling his hips as he went to intentionally force the tip of his cock to dig into the bunny's prostate again and again, "I don't wanna' tie yet. So...I can't go too hard. Wanna'...make this last." He dug his claws into the bunny's torso as he gripped him and unmercifully suffed his cock inside of him time and again.

With the urgency of claws digging into his flesh, Aaron let out a sharp, audible cry, though the thrusting caused him to break it with a hiccup. He could hear himself whining and whimpering for more, but despite what his body was begging for, he released his cock, placing both paws on the ground and using his upper body to push back against Will as well. His cock slapped against his stomach with the thrusts, painfully rigid, begging for release, and dribbling lines of pre against the leaves beneath them. Aaron was nothing if not obedient, and he would cum...when Will decided he could cum.

The husky loved the way his bunny rabbit, without ever having to forced, would do anything he could so the husky would enjoy himself. And he loved it even more that he could tell Aaron loved every second of it. Rimmer was the consummate sub, and Will definitely didn't mind dominating him. His own cock was growing sore, though, his knot swollen, twitching, and begging to be buried inside the rabbit. He wanted it to last, but before long he knew he'd be locked tight inside of his bunny's hole.

And if he was gonna' do that...he was gonna' do it right. With no warning, he pulled out of his date completely and flipped him swiftly onto his back on the pre-cum soaked ground. "Lift your legs," he commanded quickly and plainly.

Aaron, again running low on breath, nodded just once and lifted his strong, well defined legs into the air, without the aid of his paws. He did reach down and pull his cheeks apart though, so Will could more easily find his target again. He looked down at his own cock and at the canine's ruby-red, pulsing, drooling length. Although he didn't say it verbally, Aaron wanted it more than anything.

Will took a moment to look at their cocks too, one pink and one red, before moving his eyes down to the waiting pink pucker, below Aaron's tightened white balls. He moved himself into position, his shoulders behind Aaron's knees, and his dick, with no hesitation, right back inside Aaron's ass, harder and deeper now than any earlier thrust.

The rabbit groaned loudly and leaned his head back against the ground, letting out a throaty moan as they began anew. He quickly released his ass and put his paws, instead, on Will's forearms, holding them tightly and rubbing them encouragingly with his soft paw pads. "Oh yes, Will! Hard! Just like that!" he encouraged, despite knowing the husky didn't need it.

William growled deeply as his cock pistoned in and out of his bunny's upturned ass. Slowly he rolled Aaron up underneath him, until the bunny was on his shoulders and his cock was only inches from his muzzle, pre steadily dripping down onto his nose and into his opened mouth.

"Paw off!" he barked, but with no hint of malice in his voice. "I want you to cum in your muzzle for me before I knot you."

Aaron just whimpered submissively. His small paw quickly wrapped around his dick and he rapidly pumped his cock again, opening his maw wide to catch his drops of pre. And combined with the canine fucking him so roughly, he didn't last long. With one last pathetic little whimpered to tell Will he was close, he came.

Though it felt as if he exploded. His cock twitched and unloaded a thick rope of cum onto the side his muzzle, and then again into his mouth. His tailhole clenched down tightly as he hummed out a satisfied moan, tasting his own spunk filling his mouth.

Watching the rabbit shoot his seed a second time, this time into his own mouth, and feeling his date's hole tighten around his shaft, finally broke the husky's willpower and he thrust in as hard and deep as he could, forcing his knot into the rabbit's hole with a wet, muffled, pop. As he growled and gripped his old friend, the rabbit's face covered in cum, his cock expanded even farther, twitching and unloading his balls into the waiting warmth of the bunny's ass.

Aaron's whines faded into breathless gasping, while his toes and fingers unfurled back into a comfortable position. His body fell limp in his date's grasp and his desperate panting stopped only when he'd swallowed the last of his load.

After a few moments of basking their combined panting, their sweat covered fur mingling lewdly with one another, Aaron finally spoke, "That...was great..."

Will laid heavily on the younger fur beneath him, panting right along with him, and struggling to keep them in a comfortable position, or to keep his eyes open, "It was...perfect." He lightly petted Aaron's ears back, "Like always."

The bunny rabbit finally released his cock, letting it bob, soften, and slowly slip back into his sheath. He licked his paw and what he could on his muzzle clean, lying there in the afterglow and catching his breath, while flashing the husky cute, coy little looks in the moonlight.

"Aaron?" William hesitantly spoke up, "...can I...ask you a question?"

Aaron craned his neck up and forward, playfully pushing against the canid nose with his own, "Anything."

"I know I have you stuck in kind of an awkward position for this. So maybe it's not the best time. But do you think it's about time we...uhm..." the husky averted his eyes for a moment, "Made things a bit more serious?"


"M-more," Hunter breathed heavily, still basking in his afterglow, and looked down across his now naked body at Ell, as the husky nuzzled his stomach, "...more serious?"

Licking his lips clean yet again, Elliot smiled reassuring at the cat, hugging his thigh comfortingly and hoping that the hesitant clarification would be silenced by his affections. "Y-yeah. You know..." he added with a raised eyebow, hoping, but knowing he wasn't making this clear enough.

The tiger took a deep breath so he could speak more easily, "I thought we WERE serious." He smiled softly and tilted his head, "After outing myself, getting you the necklace, breaking down and confessing my love..." He chuckled, "I could announce it over the school intercom if it helps."

Ell nodded as Hunter explained how serious they already were, but shook his head afterwards, "No. Emotionally, I don't think we can get any more serious." He kneeled up at Hunter's pelvis to get a better look at the cat, using the opportunity to take a better grasp of his softening cock, slowly rubbing his paw pads up and down the sticky wet length and teasing his barbs purposefully to bring life into it again, "I meanr more serious...physically."

Hunter twitched and giggled, despite himself, pushing the paw away. "Physically?" he sat up and raised an eyebrow. "The only thing we haven't done other than really kinky stuff is," he blinked and smiled softly, "Oh! You're asking for...?"

The husky nodded and smiled, his paws instead rubbing the well toned tiger's legs, "I want it to be with someone special."

"Well uhm...I'm kinda' spent right now, sweetheart," Hunter smiled wryly and rubbed the back of his neck.

Elliot nervously bit his lip, worried he'd asked something he shouldn't, but pressing on anyway, "It doesn't have to be tonight..."

"If you're sure you're ready," the tiger reached forward and pulled the husky to him until their noses touched, "then I'd love to be your first! Very next chance we have." He smiled and kissed his boyfriend softly, "You know it'll make you MY first, too, though, right?"

Ell blinked in surprise, "You've never?"

"Like I told you in the gym. That's for serious relationships...and all I've ever done is fooled around," Hunter smiled shyly, "until you."

"Do..." the husky couldn't help but clarify, "Do you WANT me to be your first?"

"More than anything!" Hunter smiled excitedly and gripped the dog tighter. "I've been thinking about it ever since our first date!" He looked him in the eye, "But...I haven't said much about it, because...when we do it, I want it to be completely up to you. I want you to be ready."

Elliot smiled wide, "And that's why I am! And why you're the right..." he paused to correct that, "the ONLY choice!"


William could barely contain his smile enough to speak, "Yes!? So then we're together now? Like serious and exclusive? We're...?"

Aaron nodded furiously a huge smile of his own on his tan and white muzzle, "Definitely!"

The husky couldn't soften his smile, no matter how hard he tried, "Oh God! I've got a boyfriend!" He chuckled, "And two weeks ago I 'wasn't even gay!'" He bit his lip, trying in futility to hold back his excitement, and leaned in, kissing Aaron softly and tasting the bunny's cum for the second time that night.

Aaron did his best to kiss the dog back, but their still-tied position and wide smiles made it difficult to be very romantic about it, "I hope this doesn't mean you're going to stop being such a horny doggie."

"Ha!" Will licked his lips in an exaggerated, cartoonish show of hunger, "Now that you're all mine, I'm only gonna' get worse!"


There we go! The Masters continues!

* Starring: Oloroso Rhone as William Masters and Hunter Thurman Phil Anthro Pist as Elliot Masters and Aaron Jones *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at

Just a happy little porn chapter where our two lead couples have, in two very different ways, deepened their commitment to one another. Hope you enjoyed it!

SIDE NOTE: This used to be called "The Masters of Double Dating" but I didn't like that title anymore. Even though I still like calling the events here a "double date."

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at theottercoon[at]

See you for the final 2 chapters of The Masters! ...for the final 2 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...and very soon...Sibirskaia!