An Interminable Pageantry

Story by spug on SoFurry

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Legal: Lupin III Characters are © Monkey Punch, used without permission, and for the sole purpose of entertainment. Anthro Versions are © Spug2k2-2k4 This fic may be distributed but not altered in anyway.

Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]


Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Yaoi, Explicit sex, Anthros, Violence

Pairing: Goemon Kitsune X Jigen-Lion

Author's Note: This story strays away from the concept of Session one, in one aspect. ( beside the whole furry thing ) Goemon states his knowledge in his age, being that he's over a couple hundred years old. In Japanese Kitsune lure, A tail is earned every hundred years or so ( depending on the source ) And Goemon has three of them. Please Read and Review. I love Comments.

// An Interminable Pageantry //

It was like a ritual. Almost clockwork in how the events went down each time. One would ponder wither they'd grown tired of the routine and perhaps see how utterly pathetic it could seem. One horrible Obtuse love triangle and it's main point was a selfish and egotistical wolf.

Goemon loved Jigen loved Lupin loved Fujiko. Wait. That wasn't a triangle at all. It was a hideous line of angst and mistaken passion, and the kitsune hated being at the beginning.

Watching this theatrical tragical comedy play out on center stage, and neither of the rest of the actors knowing that he secretly had biggest scene of them all. The kitsune sat on the floor. The Zantetsuken pressed to one broad shoulder. Triple tails splayed behind his kimono laced form. Dark chocolate brown fur bristling on occasion as things were tossed about. Eyes closed in the white fur that traced in a mask from his face and slid down his neck to that lean chest. Strands of black long and untamed in his face down to his shoulders. Black laced paws hidden in the sleeves of his gi. Occasional those black tipped ears flickered as Lupin spat another line in his lionel partner's face.

" Jigen-chan, common now.. You can't possible expect me to turn down an offer like this? I mean .. " Lupin was a handsome wolf, no questions asked. His light brown fur was short and well groomed. Etching black buzzed to perfection sideburns. His fangs white and straight. Long lanky and fit well in his fire engine red blazer. Bushy tail giving the occasional wag. " She's good on her word.. Aren't you Fuji-cakes? "

" Of course I am. " The busy albino feline with long heavy brown hair winked her long lashed eye and cuddled even closer to the wolf. One of her hands occasional brushing his chin. Perfect silky white tail slipped around his waist as he slid an arm around hers. " Jiiigen. " She purred. " Goemon already wussed out, don't tell me you don't feel like the heist of the century too. "

The Kitsune let out a low grunt at the sound of his name. An eye peeking open to get a better glimpse on the scene, especially now that all attention was on the final fur in the thieving party. The lion.

And oh what a pathetic king of beasts Jigen was at the moment. His long wiry reed-thin body slunk over the back of a chair. Sitting in it the wrong way. Trademarked fedora pulled low over his long golden tanned face. Mane thin and silky hanging to his shoulders, chin etched with black. The gray suit he wore hung like broken wings off his tawny frame. Whip like black bobbed tail lashing, dangling off the chair behind him, dusting the ground. Smoke puffing thick form a bent cancer stick. triangular ears mooshed against the sides of his head. " Go to friggen hell, the both of yah. I anit going either. Yah can both kiss my ass. "

Such a spirit. But he had every right. Or so the kitsune believed. After last weeks drama, how dare that female show her face around here? She'd cheated them out of two point seven million dollars, and promptly lost it at the tables. And now here she was. Whiskers curled, cleavage pushed, One little scratch to Lupin's fuzzy cheek and he was dragging his ass in the dirt after her. It made Goemon angry, but that was cheese fodder to how it made the lion feel apparently.

" But Jigen-chan.. "

" Don't but me, Lupin! " Smoke hissed out as Jigen rose from the chair. Hands shoving deep into his waistcoat pockets. He promptly approached the two and delivered a well aimed poke into the wolf's chest. " What happen to ' I'm through with that woman.. It's the last time she sticks us.. Promise! ' Eh Lupin? "

The wolf canted his head and his brows rose in an apologetic gesture.. " I know.. But I didn't mean it.. HEY. I don't hold your anger promises to you, every time you say you'll stop drinking, Mister poke-a-lot. " As always quick to find a loophole. A promise was nothing when it involved giving up something. Even if it was sealed with a night of vigorous mating.

' What the? That.. Isn't.. OH FUCKING HELL. " Jigen whipped around so fast his tail stung a hard lash across Lupin's chest, and he stormed out of the living room, slamming the door on his way out. Lupin had won again.

" Someone's ah little prissy today. " Fujiko gave a toss of her hair as Lupin gave a scratch to the top of his head and grinned stupidly. He didn't know she didn't care that Lupin used Jigen's emotions and love against him. Because she did the same thing to Lupin, but Lupin never saw past the two fluffy breasts she flaunted at him.

But Goemon did. The kitsune snorted, the hot air hissed out his nose and ruffled the edges of his gi. An awkward silence.

" You sure.. You don't wanna come, Goemon? " Lupin finally gave a shrug and with his hand on Fujiko's lower back started for the door. Casting glances over his red coated shoulder to where the three-tailed kitsune sat.

Goemon shut his eyes again. Becoming quite and solid as a rock. This would be his answer to the wolf. There was another long silence, only broken by another hard itch to the buzzed fur on Lupin's head. " Ooookay, we'll be back later... Um.. Check on Jigen in a while, would you? "

A ear flickered on the kitsune's head. " Go. "

Another roll, another itch, and the wolf let out a sigh, and stepped out the door with Fujiko. Steps sounded out the passageway, and soon, the roar of the Yellow Fait into the distance. The kitsune finally let his lean form slump slightly forward with a grunt. Eyes reopening. Alone in the room now. The main show was over. A few hours or days would pass. And he knew how this play ended.

The wolf would come back, the female having cheated him out of the spoils. He'd be moody, pissed, hurt and crushed. He'd ignore all Goemon had to tell him about what he'd done to deserve it. Lupin would go and find Jigen. Lines well rehearsed, and by that time, the lion will have played his tragedy out in the bottom of a bottle of whiskey. Lupin would whine, apologize, stroke and coo till the feline forgave him. A host of empty promises that would be broke as soon as Fujiko returned with something new to plot against them.

Jigen would forgive Lupin. Because the lion loved the wolf, even if the wolf didn't love him back. Lupin's trickery and lies would be rewarded with tired loyalty, and sex. Yes. The mating. When the other feline left the wolf hard up, teased and horny. Lupin would treat the thin lion like he wanted to treat the busty feline.

And the sounds they made. A encore chorus. Respectless. Loud. Beautiful. Oh the noises that lion made. It always made Goemon cringe with anger and other things. Jealousy. Confusion. How could someone love another so much when it was hopeless lie?

It always ended with a howl.

Goemon hated the ending.

He desired to change it. Longed. Like a bad movie seen one to many times. You don't ever want to see it again, or you haplessly try and rewrite it yourself. This was how the kitsune felt. But what could he do? Love was a blind and deaf as a waterbear, clinging to mornings dew and washed away forgotten with the heavy fall of an idiot's footsteps. This was how Jigen's love for Lupin was. Love saw only one thing. In this play, Goemon had only a monologue. It was the greatest monologue of all, but he still performed it on his own.

A low low growling muff drifted from under the close door where the lion had gone. Goemon perked his ears and turned his head toward it. He knew this part. Jigen was looking for his booze, beaten down to sorrow now that his anger had flinted away. He'd find his comfort and happy ending in his booze. Later Goemon would carry him away from what ever cranny he'd drunk himself into and tuck that drunk wiry frame to bed.

It was almost easy to treasure those moments. The thrall of the felines lanky from in his arms. Head cradled against the kitsune's strong shoulder. In three hundred years of his life, the Samaria kitsune had never felt a more whole then when he pieced the young lion back together slowly when the wolf tore him apart. Long moments, watching him sleep off the pain. Sometimes.. He'd even press a kiss to that damp golden furred forehead. Jigen never remembered.

Another muff from the door and the kitsune growled lightly. Not again. He could not play out this scene again without any retribution. Someone had to take a look at this script and make changes. Perhaps if he couldn't make the wolf see the error in his ways, the lion could be given a new outlook.

So with another grunt, Goemon rose from his seated position. Holding Zantetsuken in one black paw, he dusted off his gi with the other. Stocky lean frame began the short walk toward the bedroom door. Triple tails fanning out behind him. Eyes half lidded. As he drew near his sharp ears picked up the idle cursing and the tap of the feline's shoes on the carpet. Pacing back and forth no doubt, a bottle in hand. Black furred fingers reached for the doorhandle, hoping it not locked.

The resounding click as the door opened caused a sigh from the kitsune, he had hated to have had to cut the worthless object down. He'd made up his mind. Door was swung open and Goemon's large frame filled into it. Eyes searching the bedroom for the lion.

And there he was, his pacing had ceased, and he'd slumped his tawny frame into a chair by the double bed he occasional shared with the wolf. Overcoat and tie had been tossed to the floor, the top three buttons of his silken blue shirt had been undone, exposing just a hint of beautiful gold beneath. Currently a bottle of Jim Bean in one paw, gnawing at the cap, fedora tilted sideways. When Goemon entered, the felines visible ear flickered and he gruffed out a weak. " What the friggen hell do you want? "

The kitsune shook his head at the lion's attitude. It was to be expected. He was wounded. Emotional along with his pride. Goemon knew it tore Jigen apart that he couldn't make the wolf see up or down when Lupin was busy stairing at a pair of busty tits. He wasn't really attempting to piss Goemon off with his gaudy disposer. This was how Jigen dealt with his problems. Anger, grief, whiskey. His signature line in the tragedy.

Well. Not this time.

" Put the bottle down, Jigen-kun. There is no need for you to waste yourself because Lupin has an untimely libido. " Goemon spoke sternly, eyes fixed on that thin drooping form. The slow draw of his breath, the fang still digging into the cap of the bottle.

Of course the feline couldn't be persuaded with a single sentence on what he should or should not do. Cap was spat out and he took a generous swig of the liquor, shoulders cringing as it burned it's way down. " Listen, G-man what I do to myself is my own friggen business, I don't need yer wise words right now, just.. Leave me the hell alone. You don't know a fuckin' thing about what's good fer me. "

Sometimes, the lion could be such a kit. Undisciplined and unrespectful. His words caused an angry clench in the Kitsune's chest. Black eyes narrowed dangerously. " Apparently neither do you, Jigen-kun. Every time Lupin remotely displeases you, to wind yourself into this pathetic drunken stupor. " A few steps were taken into the bedroom as the kitsune continued to talk, ignoring the twitch the felines lip gave as he obviously dislike the conversation. " This has to stop, it does nothing but repeat itself. Do you actually enjoy being Lupin's doormat? "

That hit a nerve. With a growl, the lion rose from his chair. The second time in under an hour he'd displayed his annoyance with such a gesture. " I don't have to fuckin' take this! " Head was thrown back, mane tossed and he gulped down a few swigs, gasping loudly and began making his way around the bed. " Get outta me way, I'm outta here. I need yer friggen assumptions like I need third nut. "

Before Jigen knew it, he was wearing the contents of the bottle. There was a shig and a slice. So quick it was like white lightening, the kitsune lashed out his sword and cut the bottle of booze in half, and even before the bottom half of the bottle hit the carpet, Zantetsuken was sheathed again. " You are not leaving, Jigen. "

And there stood the lion. Holding the upper half of a now empty bottle of whiskey in one paw. His blue silk shirt soaked clean through with the strong smelling booze. The one visible eye under his hat wide with shock. Maw partly open. His tail gave a confused whip. And then he snorted.

" Well THAT did it! " With a thunk the other half of the bottle was thrown to the floor with a haughty flick of his wrist he reached up and tugged that hat lower of his face. Mouth twisted into a sneer. ' Yer getting out of fucking way, Samaria, right now! Yer not my fucking boss. " Paw flew to his hip, quick as anything, the magnum he treasured was unholstered, the safety clicked and drawn in a blinding display, the barrel aimed at the Kitsune's head.

But in the same amount of time. Goemon drew Zantetsuken again, the length of the blade slide against the metal of the gun, and the deadly tip squared evenly with the lion's throat. Steadily aimed just under the feline's chin. " You're *not* leaving.. Jigen-kun. "

A deadly face off. The kitsune's eyes were narrowed so hard they had become dark slits. Face hard as a rock. The warring gun the lion pointed at him only angered him more. This was not how it was suppose to go. This wasn't making the play any better. A revise, a bad script. Jigen's unrespectful ways only made the kitsune want to teach the feline a morale lesson. And the silence only drew out his angst.

No movements save for the slight quiver in the felines hand. Tho if fired, that bullet would find true it's mark. As would the sword. It's razor tip would make short word of that delicate throat. The harsh sound of their breaths in the silent room. A long long minute of statued gull of whits.

But this along with everything else, was just an act. Nobody ever got hurt. It only lasted till one of them got the upper hand.

" If you leave.. " Goemon started slowly, his eyes never leaving the felines face, waiting for any chance he had. " ..and get promptly wasted. What then? You know what will happen. It starts all over, Jigen-kun. "

" So what? " The feline's tail lashed behind him. Mouth twitching around his smoke, long since burnt out, the butt grinded between two white fangs. " So fuckin' what! Maybe I like it this way. "

" You like being used? Repeatedly, Jigen? " The kitsune raised a brow, his own mouth pulling into a sneer. He needed something. Something that would break the felines concentration. Something he couldn't handle. Like.. The truth. Yes. The truth. Goemon wrinkled his nose. . " By someone who doesn't love you? "

It worked like a charm. Jigen snorted loudly and let out a gasping growl. " What the FUCK do you know about LOVE? " He snarled, and his hand jerked.

Goemon reacted like crack of lightening. The sword, already nudge against the gun, flashed upward and knocked the magnum out of that well trained golden paw. Simotaniously the sheath was flinted forward, bashing the feline across the side of the head. It was a good enough ploy, and Jigen, swearing, stumbled forward, nearly into Goemon. The kitsune quickly sheathed his sword and lashed out with one paw, grabbing the lions gun hand in a tight grip. " More then you! Now Jigen-kun liste- "

Goemon was unprepared for what happened next. " LET GO OF ME! " Jigen snarled, and in a feral wild action, his free paw swiped upward, needled black claws slashed against the Kitsune's face, hard enough to jerk his head sideways in a stinging snap.

And it feel quiet again. The lion slumped in the kitsune's grasp with a low groan. The paw with it's claws still bared was dragged back against his chest. Hat knocked ascue during the fight, his eyes wide and visible. Flinting up toward Goemon's face. The kitsune's jaw was pulled tight, eyes closed, head still canted to the side. Four distinct lines on his left white furred cheek had started filling up with red, and quickly began spilling over.

" Go.. Goemon.. Shit. I didn't mean that.. " Jigen flinched. The anger had died. It had gone too far in his eyes, when he saw what he'd done to one of his partners. They were not great wounds.. But it was still the same. Noone was suppose to ever really get hurt. " .. God.. I'm sorry.. " He nearly whimpered.

But it had indeed gone to far. Something in Goemon's head snapped when Jigen had clawed him. Everything he'd been trying to work for to change this tragic drama's storyline had slithered it's way into the same humdrum. His head slowly returned forward, eyes opening and narrowed at the feline. He could feel the hot blood dripping down his face. Eyes hard on the now cringing form of the lion he still had in his grip.

Goemon realized the only thing Jigen understood. Disrespect. Prelaid angst. It took violence to deem any reactions. Addicted to an abusive relationship with disloyal son of a bitch who did nothing but use him. What love? Maybe he didn't want the love. Just needed the attention. The kitsune felt his heart sink with a blinding rage. And something else. A horrible pulling urge that swirled in his groin.

" Goemon.. Ow.. Common.. I'm sorry. " The feline started tugging. Shoed paws scrapping against the floor. His arm was trembling. Goemon remained unmoving. The realization of how this Act went. Of how the only way he could insert himself into the main plot of this sad sad theater was to take the place of the main actor.

" G-man..I said I was sorr- "

Jigen was cut off mid-sentence by the vicious backhand the kitsune delivered him. Letting go at the same time, the blow sent the thin feline crashing to the carpet. Sprawling down with a yowl of pain. Long wiry legs kicking up in the air. Losing his fedora under the bed.

And before the lion could contemplate what the hell had just happened to him, Goemon had him by his soaked shirt, lifting him up off the ground. His stone faced expression cold and dangerous. A look that caused the feline's form to quiver even as his black button nose began leaking crimson. " G-oe. "

" Silence! " The kitsune leveled one paw off the shirt and gave the thin lion another hearty smack across that wild black maned head, and then returned to his shirt. Jigen was shaken, and Goemon growled. " If you so desire to be treated like a piece of property. Useless and trampled on, you'll get no more ' wise words ' from me. I'll give you what you truly want. "

A confused protest escaped the felines maw. He was doing nothing to keep his body upright, mearly held tight by the kitsune's gripping paws. But he had no time to conduct a reply to the allegations the Samurai spat in his face. Wide eyed. He was totally confused, and obviously afraid. Even Goemon had never felt like this before. But it didn't matter anyway.

" ..what I want? " The feline gasped.

" I'll you.. " Goemon's eyes narrowed harder, and then he violently jerked the feline up and slammed him onto the bed.

Even before that thin feline form had time to bounce on impact, the three-tailed kitsune was on him. One paw thrusting forward, catching Jigen by the throat and pinning him to the creaky bed. The other paw began ripping into the lions booze soaked shirt. The sound of fabric tearing and buttons popped off and littering into the air. And he didn't stop there, once that tawny golden chest was exposed, those needle sharp claws were ripping into those dingy gray pants. Shedding the belt loops.

For a few moments, the lion only laid there. Eyes wide with terror as his clothing was promptly stripped from him. He let out gasps and gagged against the pressure on his throat. Soundless meows. Even as the kitsune yanked his pants, underwear and shoes off his body in one vicious tug, the only movement he could muster was a weak flick of that black bobbed tuff at the end of his tail.

It was almost like he was in shock. It confused the kitsune. What had happened to the feist? The fight? Goemon growled as he tossed the shredded garments to the floor. A moments pause with harsh hisses between his front teeth as he looked down at Jigen. Naked now, stripped down to that beautiful golden fur that covered his entire body. So long, thin and tawny sprawled out on the bed where he was pinned. He was beautiful, feral, sexy. Ever since Jigen had clawed him, he'd been aroused. But this.. It only doubled the dishonorable desire. Made him licked his white furred maw as he gazed down at that trembling form.

The kitsune rested on his knees to one side of the lions body. His triple tails continuing to dash. He stared for a moment more, and then his other paw, which had just finished ripping the clothes off his stage-mate, began fruitlessly tugging off his own clothing. The gi fell free without a struggle. Exposing the lean muscled form he'd kept for a couple hundred years now. And in those long years, he'd never felt lust like this. This horrible desire that had simple been love once, but Jigen had proved to him that love wasn't necessary more.

Chest wraps flung off, he leaned forward as he went to work on the baggy leggings. Strands of black scrapping against Jigen's golden fur as he removed his paw from the other's neck, he opened his maw, bared his fangs and clamped down with a vicious bite, pulling fur and flesh between his teeth with a growl.

This is what the play was all about.

The bite seemed to help the feline find his voice. He yowled, And his thin form withed under the kitsune's. Goemon kicked the last of his leggings off, and moved so that he straddled the felines hips. Knees keeping Jigen's legs trapped. Tho, the lion didn't fight very hard. He seemed lost in his confusing, and stuck in the obvious reality of what was being staged out. Gasping out as Goemon continue to sink his fangs into that tawny neck. Blood welling up under a fang or two.

" G-goemon..s-stop. " Jigen finally whined out. Paws pressing into the soft fur against the Kitsune's chest. But Goemon ignored him. Those black dipped paws reached around and snagged those thin golden wrists and pulled them up over the lions head. Tongue now lashing against the blood on his neck. It tasted.. wonderful and awful at the same time. The beauty of it's signification of the act and how much it really meant.

" Be quiet. " The kitsune moved his maw, traveling up the scruffy mane that framed the lions face, tongue dragging, till he reached Jigen's panting maw, violently he closed his own mouth over the other's. Tongue darting inward, Snarling into the kiss.

Now Jigen fought hard. With a heightened whimper. He thrashed underneath the kitsune. Legs kicking out. Back paws. Scratching at his knees. Tail thrashed so viciously it left stings on Goemon's side. No. This wasn't how he was rewriting. Bad lines.

With another snarl, the kitsune shoved one of his knees into the lion's stomach. Causing the feline to double up. As Jigen whimpered, Goemon rose off him. Keeping a paw locked around the other's wrist, he tugged backwards, searching with his back paw, clever black furred toes finding his cloth wrapping, and snatching it up.

" Goemon.. Please.. " Jigen coughed, eyes screwed shut from the blow. He wasn't even aware of his paws being tied to the headboard until the kitsune was knotting the binds so tight it left his wrists throbbing. " ...stop.. " Another hard jerk to the binds, the kitsune seemed pleased with they would hold, and he moved off the bed.

The kitsune stood there for a moment. Only his loincloth left upon his perfectly toned body. Triple tails waving behind him. He crossed his arms over his chest, and gazed upon the lion. What a sight he was. With his paws bounded up over his maned head. Thin chest raising and falling. Tawny golden thighs splayed open. Back paws digging into the bed sheets, shoving them to the end of the bed. His tail slapping the mattress in a distressed thump thump thump. Between those delicious furred thighs, despite his obvious fear and confusion, the visible slide of his pink cock beginning to poke it's way out of it's golden sheath. Proof of his obvious need of such treatment. But what caught Goemon's attention the most, was in those beautiful deep black eyes, staring wide and hard back at him, were verging with tears.

It made Goemon depressed and utterly horny at the same time. Why did it have to be like this? He loved Jigen. And the lion didn't even know how much it was almost like his love for Lupin. Surely Jigen would understand lusting for an individual that didn't even know how much you loved them. The anger slowly faded, and the Kitsune lowered his head. " Jigen-kun. "

With a heavy sigh, he approached the bed, slowly this time. Reaching up with one black pawed finger, he fought the feline's cringing face and wiped away the tears from each eye. " Jigen-kun.. Don't cry. " What a brute he was being. This wasn't the glorious new act he wanted, it was a perversion on the original storyline. This wasn't how it was to be.

The lion continued to pant, blinking for a few moments. Swallowing hard. Ears that had been flattened against his head, slowly began to perk up. " G-goemon.. Why.. " He breathed out.. " What stop you? "

The kitsune shook his head, and sat down on the bed. The mattress creak and sunk under his weight. He stroked one paw into Jigen's mane, and closed his eyes. " Because I cannot use you, Jigen-kun. "

The lion swallowed again, but the petting seemed to relax him. His breath slowed, but the confusing still hung in his eyes. " Goemon? "

A hard sigh left the Kitsune's chest, and he turned on the bed. Facing the lion. Sad eyes looked down at Jigen. " I can't use ones that I love, Jigen-kun. " There. When Jigen opened his mouth to speak, Goemon laced a single furred finger against his lips to hush him. " Yes, I love you. More then you realize. Early, our fight, it was so horrible true. I don't think either of us knows how love should go. Even in my near three hundred years, I've never felt like this before. "

Jigen shook the finger away from his mouth, and canted a brow. He seemed awful confused. " You.. Love me? G-goemon? But.. How.. " And then he let out a sigh and closed his eyes. Thin frame shaking lightly. "Friggen Christ.. .. Why didn't you ever tell me? " Something changed in the lion right there. Maybe the acknowlegement that *someone* loved him. Or maybe it was just winding down from the attack. But if was different.

The kitsune shifted again, and gently sprawled on his belly next to the feline. His paw continued to stroke the felines head, the other reached up and took hold of Jigen's scruffy chin. " .. It wasn't my place. You.. And Lupin. You have your thing. I always sat back and watched him play you like a fool, trample your emotions.. Break your heart.. it angered me. "

Goemon's mouth tightened and he gazed deeper into the lions eyes. " Do you have *any* idea Jigen-kun how much I hate how Lupin treats you? How obviously he doesn't deserve your loyalty? Your Love? How many times I've laid awake at night and listen to you two mating? How fake it is? "

" I didn't know " Jigen's chest heaved, and his eyes began to water up again. But the kitsune leaned forward and kissed the tears away. " You never..I mean.. Not even a hin- "

" Shhh. I never wanted to come between you and Lupin, but that wolf is a fool. He'd rather chase Fujiko and her tease of riches then know what real treasure he had waiting for him here. He doesn't deserve such unrequited love. "

The feline gasped lightly and pulled his face back. He narrowed his eyes slightly. " .. And you do? " It wasn't an insult, or an accusation. Honestly, it appeared Jigen wanted Goemon's reasons for all this. He let out another light gasp as the Kitsune threw an arm around his thin chest and tugged him closer.

" For so long, I've wanted to hold you. Treat you in a way that would make you feel save and warm. And I blew that in a moment of anger.. " The kitsune's ears folded down, and he nuzzled the feline's neck, tongue soothing over where he'd bitten early. ' Jigen-Chan. I want another chance. I want to love you. I want to make love to you. And I promise, I won't go anywhere, because I want you to want me to stay. "

" Goe - " Again a furred finger laced against the lions lips. The kitsune reached up and cut through the binds he'd recently tied with his claws, and set the feline's paws free. Shuffling in the bed, Goemon pulled himself to a sitting position, and tugged the lion against him. Strong arms wrapped around that thin golden furred frame.

The lion let out a heavy sigh, eyes overflowing despite the Kitsune's best attempts to wipe them away. Perhaps it was too much. Or he wasn't use to the display of emotion. But he curled his head into the Goemon's chest and cried silently for a few long moments. Tail dangling limply off the bed. The kitsune's hands stroked against that tawny back, his best attempt to comfort the feline. Goemon had seen Jigen cry before, when he thought Lupin was dead. But this was different. Way different. " Jigen-kun. I can show you that love doesn't have to be heartbreaking. "

The curtain on this act had finally not dropped with it's monotonous mobius circle. It was simple to be improvised from here on.

When Jigen finally pulled from the kitsune's chest with a finally sniff. He lifted his head and looked at the kitsune with unknowing confused black eyes. A silent moment of just gazing and then their lips met in a passionate kiss that would have put any actor to shame.

When breath was needed, Goemon pulled away and coiled his arms tighter around that tawny frame, dragging in deep breaths of Jigen's scent. The feline rested his head on the Kitsune's chest, panting softly. Finally the lion pulled away and looked into the kitsune's eyes again.

" G-goemon. "

" Jigen-kun? " A furred black finger traced the felines cheek.

" Show me. "

In one moment, Goemon realized that this sad horrific production was going to have a glorious second act. More then just a few well place lines, but a scene that would forever be remembered as the moment that changed the way the story went forever.

When the feline doubled back, despite what the kitsune had just put him through, and allotted Goemon another chance at redeeming himself, offering to accept his love, the kitsune felt more alive and freshly born then he had in his odd scores of years of thieving. Perhaps only when he'd first picked up Zantetsuken for the first time, had he felt so much joy and power.

Black furred fingers slid up and gripped gently to each side of the scruffy felines face, the kitsune tucked his own down so that they were nose to nose, looking hard and deep into those vivid black hues Jigen possessed. God his eyes, always hidden under that silly hat, Goemon now knew why he hid them from the world. So much emotion, how much of his soul could be seen in them. How obviously delicate he could be when the hat, the gun and gruff exterior were all stripped away. Simply Jigen. Goemon's hot breath washed across the lion's maw as he made a mockery of everything Lupin ever promised, the stars, the moon, with a simple truth.

" Jigen-kun. I will show you more love, and make you feel unexplainable things, I am about to honor you. " Furred fingers slid upwards into that silky black mane, and he tugged Jigen forward for another kiss. Mouths slanting together deeply. A low murr escaping from the feline as the kiss continued on for a good solid minute before the lion pulled back again. A long slow breath drifted out of him.

" It's odd. " Jigen whispered as Goemon continued to lay little kisses to his nose and furry golden cheek. " Even tho you scared the livin' beejeeves outta me a moment ago, I feel like I can trust you, G-man. " He gave another light murr as the kitsune tugged him gently and laid him down on his back against the sheets.

The Kitsune smiled as he slide himself lengthwise along the felines body, one black tipped paw still ruffling into that silky mane. His slanted eyes half lidded as he pressed a kiss to that tawny throat. " I apologize greatly for that.. I don't know what came over me, after you clawed my face, for a moment, despite all my training, rage took me. " His tongue lapped coating over where he'd bitten the feline earlier. " I never wanted to hurt you. "

The feline let out a light sigh, and his black lined lips curved a small smile. One of his golden paws reached up and brushed lightly over the four gashes in the white fur. They had long since ceased bleeding, and he shook his head. " I would've been friggen beaten the livin' shit outta someone if they did that to me. S'okay, Goemon, it's.. " His eyes closed for a moment, and then he simply butted his head against the other. " ..let's not worry about it, let's just.. y'know. "

" Yes. " Goemon answered and nudged his head back, feeling his heart beat stronger, his body tighten with a eager breath. " Let's. " And with a happy murr of his own, he tugged that long tawny frame against his and reslanted his mouth over the felines. This time, instead of forcing open the feline's mouth and jamming his tongue inward, it was inviting into Jigen's maw, and welcomed to a dance with that scratchy item there. With rage depleted and nothing but love and desire to surge him forward, the kitsune had time to savor the flavor of the other's mouth. The sharpness of the booze, the underlay of tobacco. Tangy and completely unique. It caused a hungry growl, and an extra twing in his loincloth.

A low etching purr rumbled out from Jigen's throat as the passionate kissing continued. Maws scraping together. Goemon's back legs pushed against the bedspread and he pulled himself on top of the feline, Nudging himself between those slender lovely golden thighs. Jigen's back arched as their positions settled for the moment. Tawny arms raising and wrapping around the kitsunes back, the insides of his thighs brushing against the outside of the kitsune's legs.

Goemon murmured deeply as he pressed himself downward against the lion. The thrall of his white chest fur scrapping against the soft goldenness of the feline. His arms curled up under the feline's armpits and around to run those well trained hands into the back of Jigen's mane. Holding his face still as he ravished his mouth. Triple tails giving the occasion flicker behind him. Noticable erection, hard and heavy already predominate beneath the loincloth, was slid against the feline's slim stomach.

Jigen arched under him. Mouth pulling away to gasp, the ragged purr disrupted by a pant and a moan. Furred fingers pulled at the Samurai's shoulders. Goemon licked his maw between the moment the kiss ended, and before he attacked the other side of the feline's neck with soft nips and suckling kisses. The feline tasted good, his fur, his flesh, his scent. Everything was so arousing. Everything he'd always been jealous that Lupin got to taste and touch was now sprawled out beneath him. He'd finally gotten to steal the part from the star. And it was wonderful.

Goemon enjoyed each lick, nip and taste. The thrill as Jigen's chest rose with each breath, the feel of his fur scrapping against his lean torso. The slip of softer inner thigh fur to his legs, The feline's own cock, slightly moist and nudging against the wrappings of his loin cloth. And that tail, it's long whip like virtue had entwined itself around one of his back paws, the floofly black bobby end tickling his toes. The kitsune groaned and rubbed himself harder against the writhing form below him. Tongue dragging down to a shoulder. He wanted to lick and caress ever inch of that long tawny form.

" g-goe. " The feline moaned, Back arching as the kitsune kissed and nipped his way down to that thin golden chest, nuzzling around till he found one of those small nips of flesh, and began teasing it. Washing over it with his tongue, enjoying the way the feline gasped, his purr heightened, his claws etched out against his shoulders in a begging knead. He was so responsive to everything. How in Buddha's name could Lupin find anyone else more inciting then the lion was beyond the kitsune. The way Jigen was arching against him, made him want to roll the feline over, press that sexy lithe form into the bed, and yiff him like he'd never been yiffed before. And when it was over.. He'd do it again.. And again. He'd make Jigen forget that he ever loved that greedy wolf.

Moving to the other nipple, the kitsune nipped and lapped till it perked as well under his ministrations. Ears perking to the delightful noises the feline made. The purr was modern music, it was so unsteady and broken with moans, a different kind of score to act to. Goemon was interested in learning what other noises he could produce from his newfound mate. So a black dipped paw was pulled from it's stroking at the felines head, and trailed it's way back around between them. Goemon slid his practiced furred fingers along the feline's stomach till he reached that arching hardness that was pressed between them. Thumb flinted out, against the tip, and Jigen let out a hard gasp, tail squeezed the kitsune's leg, and he let out a delicious squeak of " God! "

Goemon grinned as he pulled his body off the felines, resting his triple tails on his own back thighs, lowering his head to Jigen's stomach and gave little nips as he wrapped those black furred fingers fully around the feline's moist cock and gently stroked it from sheath to tip. " No no.. Jigen-kun. " He chuckled out between a couple of nips. " Just me. "

Oh it was beautiful the way the feline reacted to that. Paws that had slipped from the Kitsune's back kneading into bed sheets. Hips slipped off the bed in a upward jerk, eyes closed for a moment as his purr was broken once again by a straggling moan. Not even his haughty mouth could disrupt the wondrous scene as the pleasure from the movement faded. " Cocky bastard. " With a tremble the feline attempted to rise to his elbows, but was set withing back on the bed as the kitsune suddenly pumped his paw up and down vigorously on the feline's cock.

" Not at all, I just mean to please you. " Goemon smiled as he stroked the feline for a moment more. But certainly not wanting to end this way before it's time, his paw gave another flick and then slid it downward, one finger trailing across those heavy furry orbs and then the downy soft fur that lined the inside of the felines ass. And then circled around to where some of the length of that whip like tail laid between them. " But greater then this. "

He allowed Jigen to raise this time, licking his lips as the feline panted and gazed over at him, the action was mirrored with a quick dance of that scratchy tongue over black lined lips. Jigen drag in a few hard breaths and rolled his hips. Calming himself as the kitsune stroked idly against the inside of his tail. An action that caused little trembles in his spread thighs. His head tossed once, a fruitless attempt to get some of his mane out of his face, and he latched one of those dark eyes to Goemon.

" Won't be pleasin' either of us with yer diaper on. " The feline's normal nature sneaking in for a moment, as he gave a nudge of his head in the direction of Goemon's loincloth and the bulge straining against it.

The kitsune smirked and patted the feline's rump for his sarcastic nature. But he was right, and Goemon finally reared himself back and reached behind himself to untie the cloth that was keeping him hiding from the feline's view. The wrappings came off with a flick of his wrist and the cloth joined the rest of the garments on the floor. He gave a hiss of relief to the freedom, and let off a big fanged grin as he witnessed the feline's wide-eyed stare.

' Jesus Friggen Christ! " Jigen sat up with a gap maw. One brow raised, and he tilted his head. Obviously examining the girth of the kitsune before him.

Goemon let out a chuckle. Yes, the new main character had a big part. And it wasn't pertaining to the script either. Prop? An important one. The kitsunes cock was thick and heavy, and with a single pump from his black dipped paw, fully extended to it's magnificent. It throbbed and glistened in the light of the bedroom, moist with arousal, straining with lust. And the look on the other's face, and the instinctively, trained way Jigen's thighs parted just a little more, only caused a hungry almost uncontrollable surge of horniness to shoot up the kitsunes spine.

" Intimidated? " The kitsune asked as he began to move toward the feline again. Eyes narrowed with lust.

" A.. Little. " Jigen swallowed, but his purred heightened even more, when Goemon reached forward and took hold of the feline's hips. With eager motions, those black dipped paws guided the feline to roll over, and then coaxed him up on his knees. One hand resting on the small of the felines back. When Jigen was in position, Goeman sat back again, just to have another good look at him.

Oh how easy it would have been to play the part of the vicious predator, and mearly push the feline down and simply dominate. But Goemon wanted this to be more then a simple yiff. This was the beginning of their relationship, it was to be founded on trust and love. Even if the kitsune felt a little more then dishonorable as his gaze was stone locked on the feline's ass. The pert tightness, the subtle swish of that long whip like tail over those tawny cheeks. That tiny puckered pink orifice that all but made him drool as he moved forward again. Groaning as he steadied his self. One paw reaching up to curl furred paws around that tail and pulled it up. " I'll go slow. "

' I trust you. " Jigen whispered from between his arms, face now nuzzled into them.. Relaxed save for the idle quivering of his thighs as Goemon tugged at his tail. Breath quickening as the kitsune leaned down and murred hot breath across his backside. The other black dipped paw gripping to one rounded furry cheek and spreading it a bit more. Then the kitsune's head dipped down, and he breathed in deeply against the lion's backside.

A low lustful growl uncontrollably escaped Goemon. Eyes rolling back as he nearly lost his control when he swallowed down the feline's overpowering scent. It went straight to his cock and caused it to leak with precum. He had to catch himself again from just simply shoving and fucking. " Do.. " Goemon hissed out as he nipped gently just below where that whippy tail connected to the felines lower back. " .. Have any idea how wild you are making me, Ji-kun? "

Jigen's response was to arch his back, hips pivoted and what was plaguing the kitsune so much was promptly nudged against his face. " Noooo. " The feline teased.

Goemon flatted his ears. Triple tails gave a thrash as the feline pressed his ass to his face. Again he nearly lost it. With another lusty growl, he pressed his face into that arching backside, Muzzle buried between those taunt cheeks, and he lashed his tongue against that tight little entrance. Hand dropping Jigen's tail, he gripped both paws to the felines hips and held him in place as he got to taste what he so desired to penetrate. Tongue dashing and licking, and soon probing inward, slicking as deep as it could go.

The feline moaned hard, all cockiness lost as he scrapped against the pillows. Face muffled into one of them as Goemon teased him with his cleaver mouth. Tail danced above Goemon's head, trembling. Goemon growled into his tasting, getting his full on how delicious the feline was. When he lifted a paw and brought it around to join his mouth, lashing his tongue against two furred black fingers before he slide them up to the knuckle, the feline began to beg. As if some restraint had been broken the second the kitsune had touched him like that.

" Godddd,,, Goemon, please.. I can't.. Uhh.. " Hips pivoted again, pressing back. A high mew escaped the thin lion as he panted. " .. I want. .. Uh friggen god.. Please. " A beautiful performance. It not only made the kitsune's heart throb with pride, but his cock nearly exploded with that. Fingers slid out and he pulled away from the lion with a happy mur. One couldn't imagine how much pride and joy erupted inside him with Jigen began begging for him. Not Lupin. Him. This was the rewrite the tragedy so sorely needed.

" Jigen-kun. " The kitsune licked his lips as he used one paw to urge the lion more comfortable on his knees, his other hand wrapped around the base of his cock, his tails thrashed behind him with anticipation. " I've never wanted anyone more then I want you right now. " Pulling himself closer, he pressed the tip of his weeping cock to the lion's asshole. " May I take you? "

Jigen was panting, His head buried in his arms, his own cock straining against his stomach. Tail gave another whip and then settled with it's black bobbed end resting between his own shoulder blades. An strange mewing escaped him, and he gave a vigorous nod of his lowered head. " Yes yes, friggen yes. Hurry. I want you NOW. "

The kitsune let out a hungry loving lustful moan to the felines words. And it was time for the Final Act. No more subplots, no more improvising, they both knew their roles for the remaining of this performance. Goemon was not going to tease the lion anymore. Not after that, after hearing Jigen's untainted beg to feel the kitsune inside him. Gripping the base of his cock hard, and gripping to the feline's hip, he pressed the tip of his length forward, demanding leeway into that tight passageway. It yielded for only a moment, before the feline's muscles gave in, and Goemon felt his cock slide inward into tight tight heat.

A loud long moan escaped the feline as the kitsune continued to push forward, inch by delicious inch, as every moment passed and the kitsune's cock slid deeper into the lion, Jigen's moan became a trilling yowl. " Big.. Oh gawd.. Big.. " But Goemon didn't stop, not till his entire length was buried completely between those tawny thighs. His lean stomach pressed up against the base of the feline's tail. There he paused to absolutely savior his triumph.

It felt.. It was... There were no words for the Samurai to express how it felt to be so snug and deep inside Jigen like that. Well maybe except for " Tight.. Tight.. " Issued with a low groaning growl. It took all his willpower and determination not to come right there. He had everything he's wanted now. His love and desire for the feline had been answered. And it felt so god damn wonderful to be inside him like that. Goemon's maw parted with a long moan. Both paws gripped to the feline's hips. He had to.. He had to..

He had to move!

Apparently Jigen would second that notion. As soon as he'd gotten over the initial penetration and the girth of the kitsune inside him, those wonderful little begging moans and whimpers had started. His hips nudging backwards with little hints, desperate for a rhythm, and Goemon was not going to disappoint. As soon as he got his wits about him again, he pulled back with a low growl, sliding his cock nearly fully out, holding just a second, and then shoving it back inward, all the way to it's furry hilt.

And the feline gave out a delicious muffled scream. Goemon's ears perked and he yipped in delight. Yes. Those noises, how he'd longed to hear those noises that Jigen made all for himself. If not the tightness and the wondrous feelings that rocketed up his spine to the motion, it was the sounds his mate made. And eager for more, another thrust soon followed, just as full and deep and hard as the last one. And then another, and another. Each one was rewarded with either a moan, yowl or beg for more.

The samurai threw back his head and grinned widely as he began to treat Jigen to a steady hard yiffing. Hips pivoting forward as he tugged that tawny noisy form back against him. Delivering his cock unyielding to the core with each movement. No doubt nailing the place inside the feline that caused him to writhe and bellow as much as he was. And soon the now choreographed play had it's own chorus of delicious lion noises, growls, and the offtune complaining of the squeaky bed. A better score could never have been conducted.

" God.. God.. Fuckin' oh god. Goemon. Harder..yes. " Jigen's face was pressed into the bed, arms now splayed on either side of him, black needled claws ripping into the sheets and bedspread. Every new thrust that Goemon gave him was greeted with begs and pleads for more. Harder, deeper faster. Everything and anything the Kitsune could give.

Goemon was in heaven. Mouth parted wide, tongue luring out of his mouth as he tugged and pushed the feline back and forth upon his cock. All his mannerism and properness of his Samaria and Kitsune upbringing was gone, replaced with a secondary part of a wild feral animal. A snarl escaped him, and with a sudden flip of his paws, and just a momentary pull out, he forced the feline onto his back, Shoving his thighs apart even more, and landing on top of him.

" Tsukiao! " The kitsune snarled as he brutally shoved himself back inside the feline, who yowled and wrapped his arms and legs around his thrusting frame. Claws dug into his shoulders as the mating continued. He probably shouldn't have been so rough. But he couldn't help himself and it didn't seem like the feline minded. In fact those sweet noises he made only heightened. Gasping loud as the pace became hard and vicious.

Goemon latched his mouth to Jigen's neck once more, the same side he'd attack earlier. Growling loud as he continued to pound aggressively into the feline. The sounds, the feel of those needle claws drawing blood on his back, it all made it more real, heightened completely. His tails slammed against the bed as he thrusted his cock fully and unchained inside his willing lover. Jigen was gripping to him tightly, each thrust met with back press of those tawny hips and an arch of that thin back. Those dark eyes were closed tight, and there was nothing by incoherent sounds from his maw.

So close now. Goemon could feel it, in the ache of his own body, in the way Jigen was tightening around him. Any moment now, this scene was going to explode into the greatest single moment anyone could have ever reached. And the kitsune strived to reach it. Arms wrapped fully around the feline's long tawny form, and he shoved both of them forward, so that Jigen curled against the headrest, reared with his back to the hard wood. Hips rocketing upward into that tight heat at a blinding sped. Two. Six. Fifteen, Twenty. No one really counted. But each thrust made it's little number to the total. Till the feline couldn't take anymore.

Jigen came like Goemon always heard him do so. With a long yowl, those needle claws tore long lines in the kitsunes back, that tight passageway became impossibly tighter, and there was the gushing of sticky hotness against Goemon's stomach and chest. The feline cried out the kitsunes name. It was better then any hundred reviews on his performance.

Encore. Encore. Encore.

The tightening was too much, and certainly hearing his name uttered at the moment of such ecstasy was more then he could take. With a hard snarl, the kitsune's hips delivered a few more deep thrusts of his cock into that tawny body, and he let out a howl that put the wolfs to utter shame. Hips jerked hard as he shot stream after stream of hot pent-up seed deep inside his mate, and then topped them both down onto the bed.

Long long moments afterwards, Goemon didn't move, save for the harsh dragging of breath, panting viciously into Jigen's damp neck fur, and the slow gentle menstruations of his cock, still clinging to the act they'd just completed. The Kitsunes arms crushed the feline to him, and nothing else mattered. Jigen's claws stung in his back, but it was worth it. Just being here now, listening to his mate pant and whimper with the aftermath beneath him.

Eventually, Goemon finally pulled himself out of the feline. Moving off him to lay at Jigen's side, Arms tugging the feline to a soft hug. It would be then that Goemon let his eyes focus and he gazed to Jigen's face. He looked so tired but wonderful. The feline laid in his arms, breaths still coming in deep pants. Eyes half lidded dark and glistening. Ears relaxed against his head. Jigen gazed back to Goemon as he finally caught his breath.

" goddd " The feline finally breathed out. And gently butted his head against the kitsunes. Relaxing deeply against him. Tail gave a tired flick. Goemon smiled lightly, and reached behind him with one paw, fumbling on the night stand where obviously he found a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. One was dragged out and he shifted it between Jigen's lips and lite it for him. The feline sucked in gratefully and hissed out smoke as he nuzzled his cheek into the kitsunes chest. " Thanks.. "

" You're welcome. " Goemon reached up with one paw and stroked the felines mane. Content to watch Jigen now, so satisfied and warn out. Happy to let the few moments of silence pass, while Jigen sucked down half that cancer stick.

Eventually the silence was broken when the feline gave a relaxed sigh and curled up against the kitsune. " Well you sure showed me.. " He said with another, this time loving, sigh.

Goemon reached over with one paw and took Jigen's face in it's furry grasp, thumbing over his cheek. " No Jigen-Kun, I've shown you nothing yet. "

To this the feline raised a brow, pulling the smoke from his mouth. He let the fumes puff out as his tail twitch in confusion. " What do you mean? That had to be the best sex I've ever had. "

The kitsune smiled, and placed a kiss to the feline's lips. " Yes..but it was just that. Sex. No, Jigen-kun, I said I would show you that I loved you. " Strong arms coiled around the felines tawny form, and the kitsune nosed strands of damp black out of the felines eyes. " And I can't show you that till perhaps days or weeks or even months from now, you are lying in my arms, just like this, happy, satisfied and never once worried that I'll leave you. Then I'll have truly shown you that I love you. "

Shakespear himself couldn't have written a better line. The feline's mouth parted with a surprised 'O', and his eyes watered up again. With a sudden shake of his head," Yer a friggen godsent. " and a happy chuckle, he let out a murr and pressed a deep kiss back to the kitsunes lips. Cigarette flicked into a nearby ashtray, the kitsune and the feline curled together passionately. Love couldn't have found a better pair to write a brand new pageantry with.

And no longer a tragedy, but a romance instead.

~ Fin ~