An Old Friend, A New Lover

Story by dark_moomba on SoFurry

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In case you didn't catch the hints, this is a yiffy story about two males having sex. It is also, i reiterate, very long. In microsoft word it took up seventeen pages. I had fun writing it and i hope you have fun reading. If you know, based on what i've said that you won't enjoy reading it, then don't. This is completely unrelated to the Day After Day series, and i think that its much better written. It is however my first M/M story ever so be gentle. Other keywords include: First Time, Rimming, Spooning, Teasing, Underage Drinking, more Spooning, and its still really bloody long.

Jake sat on the couch in his friends living room, letting his eyes wander around, taking in the details of the architecture and décor. He was a grayish wolf. He was fairly tall, at five feet eight, but he didn't have a really strong build. He was dressed in a pair of loose black jeans with dark blue designs running down the seams and pooling around the hem. He also had on a tight black, sleeveless shirt. Around his neck was a simple silver chain. His eyes were a marvelous blue color that sometimes shifted to a blue-green or a purple color depending on how the light took them. His hair was black, but not the black hair so often found in stories. It wasn't raven-black or midnight-black, it was just black. It was, however, long enough to be pulled into a ponytail; and it was. As he was examining the fireplace for the third time his friend Andy came in with two cups full of coke. Andy was about four inches shorter with a slim but strong build. He was a cat. Not a lion or a cheetah, just a cat. His fur was grey and black, with flecks of brown, except for boots and gloves and his underbelly which was a soft, pure white. He had yellow eyes and didn't let any extra hair grow on top of his head. He was almost seventeen, a full six months older than Jake. He was dressed in olive green pants and a bright orange shirt. Jake had never been overly impressed with his fashion, but he always had girls chasing him so it must have worked well. "Here. The popcorn's still in the microwave." "You really should invest in an air-popper. The popcorn tastes a lot better." He took a sip of the soda and tasted an extra kick that the carbonation couldn't account for. "Did your sister get you some more vodka?" "Yeah, but it's a lot better than last time." The last time they had drunk together, the vodka was cheap and tasted funky; neither had drunk more than a few sips. "I can taste that. And you actually figured out that its not one part vodka to one part coke, I'm impressed." "Bite me." Jake knew a lot more about mixing drinks than Andy did. "Once you become a bartender, you can give me lessons about mixing, but until then, I'm older than you and I am always right." "...of course you are..." said Jake rolling his eyes. "By the by, what movie are we watching today?" Most days after school, Jake went over to Andy's house and they watched a movie before working on their homework. They were in the same classes the entire day. Fortunately, today was Friday so there was no homework that needed to be done today. "You're going to watch Pulp Fiction." "And you'll be watching...what?" "I'm gonna be making sure you actually watch Pulp Fiction. You have to see this movie. I can't be associated with you if you haven't." "What if I don't like it?" "How can you not like it? Its pure senseless violence with a comedic background!" "Dude, chill." The microwave interrupted him. "I'll get it. You shouldn't be exerting yourself while you're so upset." The remark earned him a glare. He started to get up, but at the last second remembered to call seat check. "If I'm getting your popcorn, you sure as hell aren't stealing my seat while I do it." Andy was waiting with the movie cued up when the wolf returned. "Here you go." They both settled down to watch the movie, eating popcorn and drinking spiked coke. When the movie was over, Jake glanced at his watch. "Shit! I need to call my dad and see if he can take Sarah to her voice lessons. I'm not gonna make it home." He stepped out of the living room into the parlor and telephoned. Sarah was Jake's little sister. His whole family was musically inclined, but Sarah wasn't content with the church and school choirs, she wanted to be an actress in a musical and she was already working at it. Fortunately, Jake's dad was available. When he returned to the living room he noticed that Andy had left. "Andy! Where are you?" "Basement lounge!" The return cry was muffled. Andy's house was huge and Jake loved spending time over here. In the basement was a lounge that was filled with couches, tables, chairs, a bar area, and even outfitted with XM radio coming out of hidden speakers in the walls. All of the furniture was against the walls so there was a large amount of space in the center. Andy said they were going to put a pool table down there soon. "Have I ever told you that I'm going to steal this room someday?" But as he walked in the room he found that it was empty. "Are you playing hide and seek? Don't most people stop playing that when they're twelve or so?" He made a circuit of the surrounding rooms but still couldn't fine the annoying feline. Standing a few feet inside the lounge door and staring at the center, he just barely heard the kitty paws on the marble tiles behind him. He didn't have a chance to do anything more than brace himself as the silly cat pounced on his back, both arms around his neck. "GOTCHA!!" "We'll see," Jake muttered into the feline's arms and then grabbed them in his paws. Bending over quickly and pulling his own arms down, he managed to flip the cat onto the floor in the center of the room, twisting his neck to avoid being dragged down with the smaller fur. Andy knew that it was coming and in an absolutely amazing display, arched his back more than Jake thought possible and hit the ground with his feet long enough to plow back into the wolf with all his weight. This drove Jake into the wall fairly hard and the rebound of force was enough to allow the kitten to catch his feet again. He spun around and moved back into the middle of the room. The wolf followed him, grinning. Andy's slender tail was flicking the ground behind him. The wolf held his thicker tail steadily behind him. They stood, motionless for a little while, then without warning, or even shifting, Jake lunged at the smaller cat. Andy had played football for one year before deciding that he didn't like it. He had always been the smallest kid, but that year had taught him one good thing about fighting bigger animals. Right before Jake hit him, Andy ducked. He caught the wolf's rear paws with his body and the wolf fell to the floor. Both of them spun. Andy pounced again on the wolf and managed to catch him on his back. They struggled further, both seeking to gain dominance over the other. It went on for a few minutes until one of the rolls took them both straight into the wall. Without the constant spinning, Andy landed full on top of the wolf. The cat's leg was pressed in between the wolf's thighs, high enough up to feel a stiff bulge in the wolf's pants. "Wow, this got someone all excited." Andy appeared to be uncomfortable with the situation and trying to make a joke out of it. "Natalie and I wrestle sometimes and I guess that now just wrestling turns me on. Sorry Andy." But the cat didn't make any move to get off. The wolf looked confusedly up at the smaller feline and only got a grin back. Suddenly the cat lowered his head and planted a kiss right on the end of the wolf's muzzle. Jake was now more confused and shocked than ever. Andy was the guy who always got the girl. Even if they had had a bad relationship before, he could still get her topless in a matter of minutes. 'He couldn't have kissed me. I'm going crazy.' Andy grinned again, this time with malicious intent obvious in his glowing eyes. He moved down to kiss the wolf again. This time once they had made contact, he punched the wolf in the stomach hard enough to elicit a grunt from the larger animal. Forcefully, his slid his tongue into the other male's muzzle and began exploring. It only took a few seconds before Jake realized that he was enjoying the attention and let the feline have his way, for now. He began to kiss back, their tongues mating inside their mouths. When they finally broke their kiss, Jake immediately began panting. Earlier, he had been too confused to realize just how warm it had become with the wrestling, but now he felt like he was boiling inside his own skin. "How did I know that you'd enjoy that?" The multicolored cat didn't appear nearly as exhausted as Jake felt. 'Maybe because he just used whatever I used back against me...' Jake felt too tired to think. "I have no fucking clue." Jake further stressed himself by rolling onto his side, depositing the kitten roughly on his side. "Hey, that was rude." Jake noticed now that the cat was panting, he was just doing it quietly enough not to be noticed. "Whatever." The cool tiles under him felt fantastic. He just laid there on his side feeling sleep approach him. Before he was completely gone, he saw Andy curl up on his side and pull his tail around in front of him. He woke up once as Andy moved to lay on the floor right next to him. The back of the kitten's shirt was pressed up against the front of Jake's, and Jake's arm was wrapped around Andy. The cat's head was also resting on the wolf's other forearm. Jake didn't move, not wanting to disturb the kitten in his arms, and didn't even let him know that he was awake. He didn't wake up when Andy heard his mom coming down the stairs and slipped back several feet away and pretended that he was still asleep. "Jake...wake up, Jake." Jake shook his head and tried to curl up away from the annoying voice that was trying to rouse him. He felt a sharp rap on the bridge of his nose and jumped. "OW! That hurts!" He shook his head back and forth trying to get rid of the dizziness. It took a few seconds for his sight and smell to realign and a little bit longer for the dizzy feeling to go away. "Don't do that!" Andy sat next to him, Indian style, gazing at him with mischievous eyes. They were his normal eyes. "Then get up the next time I tell you to." "I don't want to... I want to go back to sleep." "Jake, it's already eight. I called your mom and she said that it's okay for you to stay here overnight." "Awesome, now why did you wake me up?" "Because you're gonna catch a cold or something sleeping on the tiles in the basement. If you really want to sleep, there's a couch in my room that you can sleep on. My mom doesn't want you using the couch in the living room." "But your room's all the way upstairs..." "I can make things very uncomfortable..." The words carried more than a hint of a threat. "You suck." "I have not, but maybe we'll try that later." The reminder of what happened before he fell asleep crashed down on Jake all at once. The force of the revelation woke him up completely. "You're that excited about this?" Andy obviously thought that the wolf had woken up at the prospect of a blowjob. "No, I just completely forgot about after the movie till then." His stomach growled. "He-he... I don't suppose I could get some food?" He looked pleadingly at the feline over him. "You probably could, if you went up to the kitchen." "I loath you." "I love you too." With much further grumbling, the wolf got to his feet and ascended the stairs into the main level of the house. "Mom, I'm gonna make one of those microwave pizzas." "Okay, I'll clear my stuff off the table so you two can eat." "You don't need to, Mom. We'll just go up to my room and eat." "Alright, just don't forget to bring your dishes back down." "We won't. You can head up there; I'll get the pizza ready. You just find something to watch on TV." "Okay." Jake walked up the stairs and down a hallway to Andy's room. It was one of the coolest rooms that he had ever seen. It was also a reminder of how wealthy his parents were. He had a huge king-sized waterbed with an oak frame sitting in a corner with vibrant blue bedding. The remotes were sitting on a wooden bedside table, so he went over and sat down on the bed, loving the rocking motions the mattress gave. He had a huge TV with a built in DVD player and VCR, they had satellite TV and a backup cable line for bad weather days. His computer desk was sitting in a third corner of the room. Brand new, it had been a gift from both Jake and Andy's parents. They had supplied the parts and Jake had put it all together, and Jake new its power probably more so than Andy did. It was connected to a private line to the internet. His dresser was cedar and his closet was cedar-lined. The room was painted primarily green with a pale blue ceiling. The walls were decorated with paintings of trees and brush that stretched up to the ceiling, giving anyone in his room the impression that they were in a forest. Even the ceiling lights helped continue the illusion with yellow shades over each bulb. The windows were worked in such a way that the branches of trees parted to let sunlight in. This was just another room that Jake wanted to steal. He shook his head out of his dreams of owning this room and flipped on the TV. He also grabbed two sodas out of the concealed mini-fridge before lying back on the waterbed. Before he realized what was happening the soft rocking motion had knocked him out and he was being awakened with a freezing cold can sitting on the outside of his pants, right above his balls. "AH!" He jerked up and knocked the can away. "That is so fucking freezing, dude!" "You really want to sleep don't you?" "Sorry, I guess I'm still kind of jet-lagged." The previous week had been spring break and Jake and his family had gone down to Florida. "It's okay. The pizza's done." "Sweet." Jake struggled to sit up and was further impeded by the cat jumping onto the bed just as he was almost up. "Whoa! Shit, dude, that's not cool." In stead of a verbal response, Andy just grinned and handed him a few slices of the piping hot pizza. He had already grabbed the coke from the table, leaving Jake to find the can that had so rudely awakened him. "So what are we watching?" "I don't know. I passed out before I figured that part out." It was some funny old movie. Jake ate his pizza quickly and was soon content lying in the waterbed with a full stomach. His thoughts drifted on the waves. Going out, but always returning to the same spot. 'What am I supposed to do about Andy?' He rolled his head to the side and looked at the feline watching the television. 'I have a girlfriend. I've never been attracted to guys before, so why did I enjoy kissing him so much?' Then his thoughts would drift to Natalie. She was a sexy fox with a very nice body. She had amazing orange fur with a soft white underbelly that Jake could spend all day running his hands through. Midway through his reverie, the orange fox would transform into the mottled feline lying next to him and he would wonder if his fur would be so soft. This, in turn, would bring him back to wondering what he was going to do about Andy. With his circuit of thoughts, he dozed uneasily into a fitful nap. A warm rough touch on the top of his nose roused him. "You take more catnaps than I do." Jake looked up at the cat with a sad, distracted smile. "What's wrong, puppy?" "What the hell am I supposed to do?" "What do you want to do?" "I don't know. That's the problem. I love Natalie and I don't want to hurt her and I definitely don't want to break up with her, but at the same time..." Jake trailed off, uncertain that he wanted to vocalize the thought 'I love you too.' He rolled over to face into the center of the room away from the TV and from Andy. Andy lowered his head and rested his fuzzy chin on Jake's shoulder. After a pause Andy said softly, "I don't know what you should do, but I think you have to follow your heart or you're gonna make a huge mistake." "I think whatever I choose to do will be the worst thing possible." Jake's voice was miserable and bitter. Andy gently rolled the wolf over so he could look into the younger wolf's eyes. They were filled with unshed tears. Andy made a move to brush the tears from the wolf's eyes but Jake rolled away again. The cat turned the gesture into reaching over to scratch behind the other male's ears. Jake made as if to move farther away, but decided that it felt good to be comforted, even if it further increased his confusion. Neither one of them noticed when Jake fell asleep again. Eventually Andy's head too hit the pillows and both males fell asleep, bare inches apart. Around midnight, Jake woke up and wandered down to get a glass of water, still half asleep. When he returned he slipped off his jeans and tee-shirt and socks. He crawled back into the waterbed without any further thought besides the warmth and snuggled against the furry form of his friend, then pulled a blanket over him and curled up in that as well. A little while later, Andy woke up because of the cold. He got out of bed carefully and removed his pants and shirt as well and slid back in. He didn't realize his stomach was pressed against Jakes exposed back until he had the blanket firmly wrapped around himself as well. He opened his eyes and ran his paw down the wolf's back, testing to see if he was really feeling what he thought he was. He couldn't believe it. He had thought that Jake would sleep on the couch because of his apparent confusion. Jake had gotten up, taken off his clothes and then lied down pressed up against Andy. "I hope he finally trusts me." The words were barely audible. He slipped an arm around his friend and discovered that the lighter fur of the wolf's underbelly was amazingly soft. He smiled to himself and lay his head down next to the wolf's and fell asleep. Early in the morning, well before sunrise, Jake woke up again. He felt like he was sleeping on a stick. He reached behind him to remove the offending object, but jerked his hand back with a start when he realized what he had touched. The realization and remembrance was a bucket of cold water thrown right in his face. It was then that he felt Andy's arm gently but securely fastened around his midsection. Caught in a tempest of confusion, he lost his chance for an unnoticed escape. Jake's start had apparently rousted the unconscious feline out of sleep. "Morning, sunshine," he said groggily. "What time is it?" "I don't know where you keep a clock." Andy was starting to rub the top of his head into the back of Jake's neck and shoulders. "It's well before dawn. I can tell you that much at least." "Oh okay." Andy rolled away from the wolf causing the water to roll underneath them. Simultaneously, Jake felt relief that Andy wasn't pressed against him and regret for the same fact. The conflicting feelings were too much for the young wolf to bear and he began to whimper. Andy turned and propped himself up on his elbow. "What's wrong?" "I'm so fucking confused right now. I can't figure out what I want and I keep feeling so many conflicting emotions. I can't stand it!" The wolf's eyes shimmered. In the dark they were a magnificent glowing sea-green. Andy knew right then that this was the moment that decided what was going to happen. He wanted to reach out and comfort the wolf, but he knew that that would be the deciding instant. At that touch, either love or hate would win and there would no longer be any conflict within Jake, but there might be conflict with Jake. The tears had started to leak out despite the wolf's best efforts to hold them back. The feline's heart stretched out with his arm and gently brushed directly beneath the wolf's right eye. Jake collapsed sobbing into Andy's arms. Andy held the larger wolf awkwardly in his arms until the loud sobs had been replaced by quiet breathing. His shoulder was damp from absorbing the wolf's tears and he was getting sore from holding himself up in such a strange position but he didn't shift until the sobbing had been gone for a full five minutes. He loosened his hold on Jake and shifted so he was sitting more comfortably with Jake leaning on his chest. "Do you feel better?" "I do. I'm sorry I broke down like that. I just-" "Its okay," Andy hushed him with a whisper and a quick caress of his shoulder. "I love you, Andy." "I love you too, Jake." Jake turned around and flicked his tongue out to tap the feline on the nose. Then he laughed softly. He sat quietly in the kitten's arms until he fell asleep. Andy softly petted the sleeping wolf cradled in his arms. He didn't know when it started but the realization that he was in love with the wolf had hit him some evening long ago, while he was trying to sleep. He had known for a while that he wasn't quite straight, but he had never guessed that he had a crush on his best friend. Andy was, by nature, a cautious creature. He had a cat's curiosity, but he generally managed to contain it. It had been one of the largest gambles in his life when he had kissed Jake for the first time. He wasn't afraid of people knowing he was gay, society accepted that from furs if reluctantly, he was afraid of losing his best friend. Even know, with his dream-wolf cradled in his arms, the cat knew that it wasn't over. Jake still had to settle his feelings with Natalie. Andy sighed quietly. Andy was sitting in an awkward position, Indian style with Jake stretched out in front of him, leaning on him. Andy gently shifted the wolf to where his head was lying on the pillow. He saw the clock and noticed that his mom would be up there to wake them up in a few hours. Andy gave another sigh, this one regretful and tucked Jake firmly in with a heavy blanket. Then, he got up and walked over to the couch across the room. He lied down so he could still see Jake, sleeping peacefully on the bed. He smiled to himself and let sleep overtake him. He was awakened by a soft knock on the door. He rolled off the couch and grabbed his pants and pulled them on before answering the door. He looked groggily into the face of his mother, a face that closely resembled his own. "Morning, Andy." "Morning." "What time does Jake need to be home by?" "I don't know. I don't think it matters." "Well, it's nearly ten-thirty so I think he should at least get up and call." "I'll grab some breakfast and call for him. He's still dead tired." "You want some eggs?" "That'd be good." Andy gave a sleepy smile to his mom. "Could you make some for Jake too?" "Of course. Just make sure he's up in time to eat them." "I will." He quietly closed the door and walked over to the phone. "Hello. This is Andy. How soon does Jake need to be home? ... Well, he's still sleeping. ... No; we went to bed really early. I think he's still exhausted from the plane trip. ... Okay, I can make sure he gets home by then. ... Okay, bye." "Andy! The eggs are done!" "Be right down!" He walked softly over to where Jake was sleeping. Placing a paw softly on his shoulder, he whispered quietly in his ear, "Jake, you need to get up." Jake didn't hear the words but he felt the whiskers tickling the inside of his ear so he rolled over. Andy climbed softly onto the bed, being extra careful to avoid rousing the sleeping wolf. He slowly leaned towards his friend and kissed him softly on the lips. Andy had never figured out why this always worked, but he remembered that he used to do it to his mom when he was a little kitten. Jake's eyes opened slowly straight into Andy's. A small smile slid across his face. He stretched his neck out and gave a kiss back to the small feline. Then he rolled over again and curled up into the blanket. "Not today, puppy." Andy grinned, grabbed a pillow, and dropped it on his head. Jake groaned. "Next time I'm actually gonna hit you with it." "I'm up." Jake got up and pulled on his clothes. Glancing in a mirror, he grimaced. "Can I borrow a brush before I go embarrass myself in front of your mom?" "Yeah there's one in the bathroom." As Jake left, Andy did his best to clean himself up as well. He licked the back of his hand and rubbed it through some of the rougher areas of his fur. He also grabbed some clothes that hadn't been lying on the floor all night. He looked in the mirror and felt satisfied that he could now eat breakfast comfortably. He did, however, have to use the bathroom. The door was unlocked so he walked right in. Jake was brushing his tail. It looked like he had finished everything else. Even his hair was neatly pulled back into a ponytail. Andy walked straight over to the toilet and started going to the bathroom. Jake just walked back into the bedroom. He still looked tired. Jake rummaged around through Andy's closet looking for some clothes that would fit. The shirts probably all would be a little tight, but so were most of the clothes that Jake bought himself. The pants were going to be a problem. He found a pair of blue-jeans that were longer than all of the others, but it still had the same waist. He pulled them on and checked out his appearance in the mirror. They were pretty tight and hugged his legs their whole length, especially his backside. He buttoned them around his tail and pulled on his belt, then grabbed a dark green shirt. It barely reached his waist but it was one of the longest shirts he could find. It hugged his chest more than the pants hugged his ass. He started to head downstairs to the food but stopped when he saw Andy admiring him from the doorway. He shrugged uncomfortably. "They're a bit tight." he said weakly. "I like them. Well, I like you in them. He grinned and began to approach the larger wolf slowly. "ANDY!" "Saved by the mom," muttered Jake under his breath. He motioned for Andy to lead the way. He didn't feel comfortable enough to walk all the way down to breakfast with Andy eyeing his behind the whole way. Once they got down to the breakfast table, Andy's mom gave a start at Jake's appearance. "Mine got dirty," Jake said apologetically. "I'll take care of them. I was just about to start doing laundry anyways." Jake smiled in thanks. "The eggs are still on the stove; hopefully they haven't cooked too much." Andy's mom left the two of them to eat. The two talked about random things like school, sports, videogames. Jake subtly steered the conversation away from last night. "Oh, by the way, I called your mom this morning to ask her when you needed to be home." "...and?" "She said sometime before noon tomorrow. She thinks that you deserve some time to spend with your friends." Jake laughed with delight. "Um, can you at least say I'm spending the night tonight, whether I do or don't?" "Why?" "I want to go se Natalie this evening and we might end up staying out all night. I've done it before but I usually just use one of my friends that my mom doesn't know the number for." "Oh, sure I can do that." Andy hid his disappointment in another mouthful of eggs. "Thanks, I'll call her sometime this afternoon." "Okay...There's something I want to show you sometime before you go. It's a really cool spot back in the woods." Andy's family owned about ten acres of land around their house. "What's there?" "You'll see." They finished up the last few bites in silence, then Andy when to pack up a few things for the trip, leaving Jake to amuse himself in the family room. Andy grabbed half a loaf of bread, some lunchmeats and a bag of ice. He also grabbed two of his swimsuits and two towels. He packed all of this into a backpack, putting the ice and the meats into an insulated lunchbox. He also grabbed a small boom-box and some CDs. "Jake, are you ready to go?" "Yeah I'm ready. How long will it take us to get there?" "Probably about half-an-hour." They left the house by 11:15. Andy's guess proved to be accurate despite the bulk he was carrying. Jake was moving more slowly, trying to get used to the tight pants. "We're here!" Andy said in a singsong voice. 'Here' was a large, clear-blue lake. The sun glinted off of the cool surface, making it difficult to look at. "Gods, it's gorgeous." Jake loved to be outdoors, especially when he didn't have to go very far before he was in places like these. "I thought you'd like it. Wanna go for a swim?" "I didn't bring a swim-suit." "I know, I brought one for you." Andy displayed a small pair of trunks. Jake groaned. "That's way too tiny." "I don't have anything bigger." "Fuck it. I'll swim without it." Andy's eyes widened in surprise. He looked at the wolf as if questioning whether he was really up for it. The wolf grinned back, his eyes, in the bright light had faded to a deep blue-purple. "What? It's not like we've never done this before?" There had been various episodes where they and a few more of their friends had gone skinny-dipping. It had been fun. Andy watched Jake peel off the green shirt. He really did have to peel it off, it hid so little. But even with how much it revealed, there was still a lot of definition that it couldn't portray. Andy found himself staring at this wonderful hunk of wolf. It had been a while since he had seen the other male without a shirt, and Jake had only gotten sexier. Jake reached up and pulled his hair-tie out and shook his black hair around, letting it fall free. Andy felt himself becoming aroused and did his best to hide it, but he couldn't take his eyes of the wolf. Jake grinned as he turned away and began working with the belt. He was going slowly, knowing that the feline's eyes were glued to him. He could barely contain a laugh, knowing how much this was getting to the cat. He made a show of slowly undoing the buttons and pulling down his pants. Pretending to forget the button in back so he had to stop and reach behind him. As he turned, he caught a glimpse of the feline's face. He almost burst out laughing when he saw that his eyes were glued to Jake's tail. Sliding the pants down, making sure not to actually turn to the wolf, he laughed softly to himself. Turning his head only, keeping his tail covering up just the dirtiest bit of his rear, he called to the comatose feline, "You coming?" He turned and walked slowly to the edge of the water, making damn sure that the cat was watching him the whole way. "Almost," the cat breathed heavily. He had hidden his arousal by digging out the towels and the other bathing suit and holding them in front of his bulge. He pulled off his shirt as fast as he could and sat down to take off his pants so the wolf wouldn't catch a glimpse of his throbbing member. As soon as the wolf went under for the first time, Andy sprinted into the water, hoping that the cold water would inhibit his arousal. The results were only partly satisfactory. Just as Andy was wondering how long the wolf could hold his breath, he burst out of the water just a few feet away, shaking his head to get the hair out of his eyes. The cold water wasn't helping Andy at all. He was wearing a pair of shorts, but it was very obvious to him that if he ever moved close to the surface, Jake was sure to notice. Jake started swimming on his back, just underneath the surface of the water, slowly circling the awestruck feline. 'Gods, but he's beautiful.' He was so stuck on watching the wolf swim that he forgot to swim himself and was rewarded by swallowing a mouthful of water in place of air. He spluttered and resumed treading water. Jake couldn't help but laugh. He let himself go and treaded water like the cat. "Is that why most cats don't like water?" "Stop laughing at me! It's entirely your fault anyway." The last sentence was inaudible to the wolf. Suddenly the cat dove as deep as he could, until he was lost to the wolf's sight. Jake glanced around trying to predict where the feline would surface. He figured that it would be fairly close but he couldn't see to any depth in the water. Just when he was about to get out and look for the cat that way, he was pulled under the water from below. Soon he was the one spluttering while Andy looked on and laughed. Still coughing, Jake swam slowly for a flat rock just above the waterline. He grabbed on and felt the rock's warmth beneath his pads. The water that was stuck to him cooled it off enough to be bearable though. He slowly drew himself out, using only his hands, letting the cat drool over him as his shoulder muscles worked to pull his mass up onto the shelf. He was still careful not to reveal his sheath to the cat. 'I'll wait till he asks to see it.' He laid down on the rock, flat on his stomach, letting his back dry off first. He would have dried off and put his clothes back on, but the tightness of the jeans scrunched up his precious bits to a most uncomfortable degree. Within a few moments he could hear the feline pulling himself up on the same rock. The feline also lied down on his stomach a few feet away. Jake affected that he was asleep and took this opportunity to examine his friend's body, while he was unaware. Andy had rested his head on his arms facing away from the wolf, but still lying flat on his stomach. His grey and black fur was still glistening with water from the lake. Jake could just barely distinguish a hint of soft white fur on his chest and more on his upper arms. Andy was slimmer than Jake, but still well-muscled and would almost always be considered sexy. He drooled over this male, not really ever noticing before how drop-dead gorgeous his friend was. 'Maybe he won't have to ask.' Slowly, Jake rolled over onto his back letting his sheath and balls feel the warm sunlight. He very, very carefully controlled his thoughts so he wouldn't become aroused. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes, positive that the feline was almost ready to lose it with anticipation. Andy stretched out on his stomach, his gloved front paws stretching far over his head before curling back up to cradle it again, this time facing the opposite direction. He opened his eyes slightly to check on the wolf but they widened almost immediately. With the eyes came a sudden intake of breath. Andy couldn't help but stare at the wolf. His stomach was even more pronounced with the water shimmering in his fur. His legs were very well developed with almost no fat. But his eyes weren't drawn to either of these aspects; they were drawn to a spot in between his legs. He had almost completely mastered his arousal by then, but this sight made him completely forget any control of his thoughts. 'They're almost as big as Easter eggs!' Jake stretched out flexing his front paws and his back paws and every possible muscle in between. Andy couldn't conceal a groan of anticipation. Jake's eyes opened lazily, their purple glow turning seductive. He opened his mouth just slightly and ran his tongue over each and every tooth in his mouth just barely touching his top lip with the tip of his tongue. Andy shifted without realizing it and only discovered that he was now lying perpendicular to the wolf after he realized that he was kissing the wolf as passionately as he had ever kissed anyone ever before. This was completely different than before. The first time, Jake had been too shocked to do anything and had just let Andy do whatever he wanted. This time, Jake took control right away, exploring Andy's mouth with vibrant fervor. Andy moaned in his friend's mouth and gave himself completely over to the domination of the wolf he had fantasized about for what seemed like forever. Neither of them knew quite how, but when this first kiss had been broken, they were pressed up against each other. Andy had completely lost control of his emotions and Jake only had enough control to stop himself from fucking the fantastic feline next to him right away. Andy slid his head down to start licking the soft fur on the wolf's chest, zigzagging his way down and making sure to spend extra time on the wolf's sensitive nipples. These he caressed with his sandpaper tongue and bit softly, eliciting moans from the wolf below him. Soon he slid further down to the object of his insatiable fantasies. The puling red cock before him was magnificent. Andy had to guess that it was at least eight inches long. He flicked his tongue out hesitantly, tasting the pre that was so thoroughly coating it. This sent a shiver of exhilaration through Jake's entire body, also causing him to moan Andy's name. Andy began fully devoting his attention on the shaft bobbing in front of his face. He ran his tongue the entire length, bringing forth another moan from the wolf. His paw shifted to fondle his sack, rolling the egg-sized testicles between his digits. He felt Jake shift underneath him but didn't know what was happening until his legs were lifted off the ground and he ended up with his groin right above the larger male's face. Jake practically ripped off the feline's shorts and tentatively licked the smaller sack that now dangled above his face. He shifted to the rod sticking out above them and ran his tongue down the length of it several times. This didn't seem to excite the feline so he shifted tactics. Pulling Andy's entire backside down further he began to lick the sensitive area between the feline's sack and his anus, varying the pressure and the stroke with every lick. This drove the smaller male crazy. Andy began to purr, the vibrations causing Jake to shudder with pleasure. Jake soon shifted his focus to the small pink hole. Licking around the entire ring, he only slightly penetrated his friend. The taste of the other male was so completely different than Natalie. Every fiber of his being urged him forward. Soon he was eating out the feline above him, driving Andy into a further state of enraged lust. After a few minutes of this Jake knew that he couldn't stand much more so, with a grin, he smacked Andy's ass as hard as he could. This caused the kitten to glare reproachfully over his shoulder, giving Jake a much needed respite. Jake slid smoothly out from underneath the other male. He crawled around to where he could kiss his friend again. Jake sat spread-eagle with his swollen meat an open invitation for Andy who attempted to dive straight on it again. Jake grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and pulled him up and kissed him again. This caused Andy to press his full body against the wolf, rubbing both of their cocks together as their tongues continued their exercise. Without warning the feline straddled Jake and sat down with Jake's prick nestled against his tail. "I want you to take me. I've dreamed about it for almost as long as I can remember. Please." Jake grinned, eager to please his sex-kitty. Andy lifted himself up and, with the help of the wolf, managed to begin impaling himself with Jake's member. He slid down slowly, only an inch at a time, but Jake wanted more. Reaching out he bit the feline at the base of the neck and forced him down. At first the cat felt white-hot pain flash through his anus, but soon that faded as the wolf hilted him. With phenomenal strength, Jake picked the smaller feline up and carried him over to a tree that could be used to cradle him. Once they were situated, Jake began to mercilessly pound in and out of his friend. Soon he found a rhythm and was using the full length of his cock. Andy's paws were settled on top of the wolf's broad shoulders as his ass was violated. He felt like he was in heaven. Jake was marveling at the burning hot pressure completely suffusing his groin. In and out, using all eight inches up to the knot, he continued, moving faster then backing off when he neared climax. Soon the kitten was whining and scratching the tree in his effort to relieve the burning tension in his own organ. Soon, even Jake had to admit that he wanted to get off more than anything and he increased his speed further. Andy was emitting an almost constant stream of moans along with his loud purring which was now causing his entire body to vibrate. Finally, when Jake couldn't stand it anymore, he thrust forward as hard as he could. His knot slipped inside and Andy cried out. A flood of wolf-cum shot into Andy just as he went over the edge. He shot ropes of cat-seed onto his own chest and that of the magnificent wolf that had so marvelously made his day, his week, and quite possibly his life. Jake absently licked some of the sticky fluid off of his chin before lifting Andy off of the tree and lying back down on the rock. Andy tried to get off, but discovered he was stuck. Or maybe he just didn't have the energy. He simply leaned forward to rest on Jake's chest, falling asleep almost instantly. Jake drowsily looked out onto the lake, still completely confused about the past two days in his life. He didn't know what he would tell Natalie, but it didn't seem to matter nearly as much anymore. He thought that he would like to try this again sometime that afternoon, but right then, he was content to lie there, basking in the son, lying underneath his old friend, his new lover. * * *

I told you it was a long story. Questions, comments, concerns, death threats, can all be emailed to [email protected] Please, please vote, i'm begging with the puppy-dog eyes. There's a Sequel called "Everything's Jake" Its in the Bi section, go figure.