Violent Beginnings

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#1 of The Otterly Sinful Stories

Jon-Tom was only one character in the Spellsinger series. There are many others, including Mudge, the otter. This starts his stories.

Mudge, for those familiar with the spell-singer's good friend, is known to have had a history of stealing, wenching, gambling, and otherwise living a less-than-noble life. We have learned little of his years before he met up with Jon-Tom that fateful day, when he tripped over the stoned human youth just after he had been pulled over from his own world to this one. Of course, even after they met, they would often go their own ways, sometimes for months on end. Jon-Tom rarely asked what he had been doing, and Mudge rarely told him. There was usually a good reason. The tales that follow are some of Mudge's exploits.

A lonely young otter was sitting on a log, sharpening his rapier. His hat, complete with a lovely green quetzel feather, sat nearby. He stood after several minutes of honing the steel and practiced his swings, guiding the tip of the blade into the soft bark of a nearby tree. He imagined it as his upcoming victim. He sat back down. His death could come none to soon.

The otter remembered vividly back to those days. As an orphaned otter, he was sent to live with other homeless children at the Drombery House. It was a run down, filthy, decrepit old building operated by an equally disgusting old hare named Grillum. There were others who worked there, some living on the premises, but most away. Grillum, he could clearly recall, was neither good nor bad. What he was, all of the time, was falling down drunk. And what worked for him he thought worked for everyone. If the children got to be too noisy or rambunctious, he poured brandy down their throats. It was where Mudge first got a taste for the stuff.

Since there was little discipline outside of the bottle, the stronger kids ruled the place. They made life even more miserable for the others. The gang leader was Moredec, the hyena. Oh, he put on the facade of being a good guy, and as long as he got what he wanted, and you stayed on his good side, things went OK. Piss him off and you suffered. Most of the cubs there stayed out of his way, hoping that he never chose them for his entertainment. His idea of entertainment was simple; rape. It didn't matter to him if his victim was a boy or a girl. If he chose you, there was nothing anyone was going to do to save you.

The otter remembered those time all too well. The screams at night, the sobbing and the moans of pain. The next morning, regardless of the child, or the pain, or the bleeding, Grillum poured a dose of alcohol down their throat and said, "This will fix everything." It never did. Mudge wished that he had more courage back then, though he had had plenty. He even tried to come to the rescue one night, to the aid of pretty little Corriet, a gopher girl newly admitted to the place. She had no idea of the terrible things that took place here. She learned quickly. Moredec's gang grabbed her from her bed and dragged her, screaming, down to the basement. Mudge followed. Her cries were awful to hear, but the older boys just laughed all the while the hyena forced his cock into her. Even from a distance Mudge could see blood. It made him furious.

He ran into the group, kicking and biting and punching. He was good, but they were too many. Moredec watched it all with fascination, right down to when his gang had him down on the floor, half senseless. "Look at you 'ittle man! And to think I actually admired you. I didn't bother you because you never gave me any trouble. But look at you now! So you wanted to save this little piece of fuck-meat, did you? That can be arranged." With a slurp he pulled out of the gopher, who screamed in pain. "OK boys, ditch his pants. He wants to be a 'ero, let him." Mudge struggled, but too many hands held him down. His pants came off in shreds. "Well now, will ya look at his." The hyena was poking his finger into the otter's ass. "This 'ere is the tightest "ole I've seen in a while. You're lucky boy. Had I known how tight you were, we would have had this meeting a long time ago."

There was no warning. The hyena's cock was slick with  blood and cum, and he went straight in in one hard push. Mudge screamed. The pain was unbelievable. His cock was twice as big as anything that had ever come out of his backside. "Gawd!" cried his attacker. "This little cunt is the tightest thing I've had in a while. Look's like I got me a new 'obby!" The other boys turned their attention to the gopher. The sounds from the basement were awful to hear. Every child  up in bed pulled the covers up around their ears and quailed at the thought of their next turn.

The next morning, plenty of alcohol was poured down two throats. Corriet sat silent on her bed, a red stain on the sheets. It was the same for Mudge. But his silence was in brooding. He would get those bastards back, for everything they had done. All day he planned. Then it struck him hard. He knew what he needed. He snuck into the old hare's room and purloined several bottles of his brandy. He walked up to Moredec and not saying anything, handed him the booze. "What the hell is this for, you little cunt?" Mudge shrugged. "This is to say I'm sorry for going against you." Moredec laughed, a hideous sound. "You mean, you're sorry I buggered you ass all night! You're a sweet piece, little otter, and I have no intention of forgetting it. Now get the hell out of here!"

But as he had planned, the ruffians drank the alcohol down to the last drop. He sat on the stairs watching them. They were all sitting in the basement, too drunk to do more than think about rape. One by one they drifted off, snoring and slobbering. He went to the kitchen, picked the lock on the door, and went back down to the scene of his torture. He made quick work of it. Once he was upstairs he gathered his stuff, stole a few more things and slipped out the window, never to return.

He had really wished he could have been there the next morning. He knew how it would have happened. Grillum would have had roll call, and that group of degenerates would have failed to respond. A search would have been conducted. They would look sooner or later in the basement. What they found should have sent the strongest stomach fleeing. It might even turn that old hare off of drink forever. Mudge never knew the truth. He drank himself to death that very day.

In the dim light filtering through the side ground-level window was a grizzly scene. There were bodies everywhere. There was blood everywhere. There were no stab wounds to the chest, no slit throats. Each gang member had his cock cut off. The severed members were nowhere to be found, not until later that is. It was discover by the physician who examined the mess, most of whom had bled to death, that their cocks had been rammed up their own asses. A search was going to be conducted by the local constables to search for the culprit, but that proved fruitless. The old hare had never kept any records of his wards. The children who remained behind said nothing, knowing full well how to repay their savior. But that was years ago.

Mudge was back playing with his sword. Had he known sooner that Moredec had survived his attack, he would have returned to deal him the final blow. But in the back of his mind, he felt that perhaps this had been best. The sadistic hyena had to live his life without his weapon of choice. But Mudge would not be satisfied until the creep was dead. He put away his sword, his last souvenir from the orphanage (it had belonged to old Grillum) and headed off for the nasty little town of Sheethal. It was no wonder Moredec had managed to stay under his radar. No one except the lowest of the low went there. Mudge wasn't high class, but he did have some morals.

Before getting there, there were several towns to travel through, or bypass, depending on his moods and needs. He stopped at Chismore to get a drink and hone his courage. He got downright dead drunk. Instead of bracing his courage he drowned it in booze. He woke up the next morning in a stable. He rubbed his neck and groaned, "Where the hell am I?" He felt a snort on his head. "You're in my home, little otter. Apparently you stayed past closing at The Tiger's Fist. They threw you out on the street. I was heading home, so I grabbed you by the neck and hauled you here." Mudge looked up at his rescuer. "Thanks?" Then he did a double take. "Morlein?" The horse focused a bit better. "Hot damn! Mudgie?" The otter kicked out his foot and nailed the horse in the leg. It had little effect. "Dammit Morlein, don't call me that. You know my reputation. And everyone knows yours." The horse looked offended. "I'm gay. So what? I'll have you know that some of my best friends are gay!"

"Yes Morly, I know. But I'm not. You're a good guy but I'm not into that sort of life." The horse snorted. "I am well aware of what you do in your life, Mudgie pie! Whoring, stealing, boozing..." The otter kicked him again. "Shut up, you monstrosity. At least I stick to women like nature intended." The horse got a hurt look on his face. "You cuts me to the quick you do." "Oh, knock it off, you big baby." Mudge got thinking. "Hey, what are you doing in Chismore? I thought you were living west of here?" The horse looked abashed. "I was. I ran into a little trouble of my own when I seduced the son of a grain merchant in Rockhaven. He was the finest little colt with the finest haunches and tightest little..." Mudge cut him off. "I get it. So what are you doing now?" "Oh nothing much. Sadly, I have to make like I'm the big stud stallion here. The people in this town are nice, but not too understanding. I haven't been able to get a piece of ass in months."

"And why are you here, my little otter friend? I know you roam a lot, but there isn't much in this area for the likes of you." Mudge sat down on a stool and looked around for his stuff. Apparently his friend had managed to recover all of his effects. He pulled out his sword. "See this? Remember where and when I told you I got it?" The horse nodded. "Remember what I told you I did that night?" Another nod. "Well, Moredec lived. I just heard about him a few weeks ago. I had hoped it wasn't the same one, but when someone referred to him as the Eunuch Hyena, I know it was one and the same." The horse eyed him. "And you intend to kill him?" "Oh yes, as slowly as possible. That bastard ruined a lot of lives, and who knows how many more since he left the home. I intend to make him pay in pain for a long time before he dies."

"Well Mudgie, be careful. I don't know this fellow, but I would think he has a grudge against you too. I know that I like having my cock intact, even if there isn't anyone around for me to use it on." Mudge fought down the mental image. He was too much a lady's man to consider his friend's lifestyle. He wasn't knocking it, as long as he left him out of it. "I'll be careful. If I have to, I'll just kill him and leave. But I have so many things planned for him." His friend thought for a moment. "Hey, you know Mudgie, I've got nothing going on. What say I go with you. With my legs it's a short trot. I've never been there, so who knows? Maybe I'll find a friend!" Mudge slapped him. "Fine. Now quit calling me Mudgie!"

The two left shortly thereafter. Morlein put on his best stud facade, lowering his voice and walking with an exaggerated step. Once they were out of the town, he reverted to normal. "Gawd, I so hate that! It makes me as frustrated as, well, as you must be over this jerk that's still alive." Mudge patted his shoulder. "Yes, I suppose that may be. But for now, we must find 'im. I don't want to be too obvious and tip our 'and though." The town came into view. Seethal was a dump. It was nothing more than a shanty town, with open sewers and dung heaps. Here and there, a prone body lay in their way, covered in flies. "Is he dead?" asked the horse as he stood over one of them. Mudge sniffed the air. "Who can tell in this fetid stink? "e's not a hyena, so 'ho cares?"

It was then that they heard the scream. It ran shivers up Mudge's spine. He had heard the type before, even if this time is had more of a resigned-to-my-fate quality to it. He jumped down from the horse's back and oriented himself. It seemed to come from a chunk of buildings that had rudimentary defenses. That stopped him. Morlein strode up behind him. "In there? Seems the style for a penny-ante despot. What say you and me break in on him." Mudge twirled on his friend. "Look you big lunk. We can't just barge in. He's likely to have a gang, just like before." Morlein wasn't perturbed. "Remember back in Osterwell?" The otter's jaw dropped. "You lovable little misfit. You know, that just might work.  Let's see if we can find what's we needs." They went searching the streets and back alleys. Trash was everywhere. He soon had everything gathered up.

"Are you certain you want to do this Morly? A lot of this stuff is covered in filth." "Oh, I'm not into feces, but I think I can handle it for a bit. Make certain you've got those rags around me tight, and then pack the mud. Pack the next layer of cloth over my back.." Mudge hushed him. "Hey, remember who did this before? Me! I think I know what I'm doing." When he was done, the horse looked awful; gross, fetid and grotesque even. He fit right in with the town. "OK Mudgie, pour the brandy all over my back, and throw on the metal filings." A pile of ground iron bits landed on the mess. The piece de resistance was a smattering of pitch.

"Well Morly, are you ready?" "Hell yes. This is going to be fun!" Mudge managed a few sparked from his flint. The concoction on the horse caught fire. "Wait for it, wait for it," Mudge called, allowing the flames to build. "!" The horse took off, roaring and bellowing like a mad beast. Guards came out of the building, dropped their weapons in terror and ran for the outskirts of town. Morly turned, kicked his heels and smashed in the closest door. The screaming from inside grew faintly louder. He raced in, followed by Mudge. As he ran, the flames and sparks lapped the walls and ceiling, here and there setting fire to the few curtains. Outside of a door deep inside the building he stopped for just a moment. "I think this is it. You go in. I have to keep running or else my mane will burn." He took off racing down the corridor.

Mudge kicked in the door. There inside was the hyena, torturing someone on a specially constructed table. A quick glance could tell neither species nor the sex of the victim. Moredec, for it had to be him, was holding a large wooden spike, shaped roughly like a canine cock. He whipped his head around at the intrusion. "What the hell do you think... He faded off. His eyes lit up. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the little 'ero of of the orphanage. I never thought I would ever get the chance of repaying you for your modification to me parts. You know, it was just twisted enough to earn my respect for you. I didn't think you 'ad it in you." He looked down to his victim. ""ere, 'ave this to keep ya company while I deal with this cunt-meat." He shoved the spike up somewhere. The scream was deafening. "Oh, that's music to me eyes, it is. Soon you'll be doing it too." Mudge whipped out his sword. The hyena pulled an even larger one out from under the table.

"I'd hate to kill you before having some fun" growled Moredec,  "but I have the feeling that you won't cooperate." He made an experimental thrust. Mudge parried the blow, but knew right away that his adversary was much stronger than he was. "Is that fear in your eyes, little otter-cunt. It should be. You know, I was the only one to survive your lesson. I never went looking for you. I 'oped that one day you'd find me. And 'ere we are." The otter had retreated into the hallway as the hyena  made slice after slice at him. Mudge was quicker, but he had terribly underestimated his opponent. The hyena was sniffing the air. "What the hell did you do, you ass-cunt? Did you set my house on fire?" Mudge smiled. "Pretty much, yeah." The hyena made a cut at him. "You'll pay for that!"

The sound of bellowing made him turn. There, coming straight at him was the most terrifying thing he had ever seen. A flaming black horse looking for everything like something from the undead, with flames, sparks and smoke coming off of it, was charging down on top of him. He dropped his sword to run, but the apparition reared, and with a swift kick from a front hoof, laid him out. Without saying a word, Morly grabbed the hyena in his teeth and ran for the exit. Mudge started to follow, ran back into the room, pulled the poor victim from the table and ran out dragging them behind. They vacated the place none too soon, for flames were licking up the sides from broken windows.

Morley was still burning. He dropped to the street and rolled in the noxious mixture that was the pavement. The flames went out. "OK Mudgie, you owe me!" "Morly, like hell I do!" The horse pouted, "It's going to take forever to get this shit out of my hide. I expect you to help!" "Fine! Whatever!" The otter was looking at the hyena. Without another word he pulled out some rope he had scavenged an trussed him up. Then looking to the poor thing he had dragged out from the house, he carefully pulled the spike from her privates, causing her to scream, and proceeded to shove it up the hyena's ass.

The horse looked on approvingly. "Well done Mudgie. But what of this girl. We can hardly leave her here." Mudge looked her over. "She's kind of cute, but she's in a bad way. I'd probably do her a favor if I killed her." The horse snorted. "Nothing doing. She can come back to my place. Once she recovers, if she want's to end her own life, then that will be her decision." Mudge wasn't about to argue. As long as he didn't have to take care of her, he did mind. He found a cart and rigged it up so that the horse could carry the two back to his home. Once there, it was unloaded and hidden near the outskirts of town. Morly walked down to the river, and between the water and Mudge, was able to get most of the bandages and layers of mud off. Only a few of his hairs had gotten singed during their rescue/kidnapping.

Returning to his place, they found the girl on her feet. She was beating the hyena with a whip. Better yet, Moredec was awake and screaming in pain. She stopped and hid the whip upon hearing them enter. Mudge made a bow. "Young lady, you be my guest. This pervert needs a dose of what he has done to others." Her eyes brightened. "Do you mean it?" Morly whinnied. "Oh, most definitely." They watched her as she laid dozens of stripes across his back. The horse whispered to the otter, "I think she has it in for him." Mudge whispered back. "The girl's got spunk. If I have the choice between being friends with her and being enemies, I know which one I'm picking." They watched her as she grabbed the end of the spike and ripped it out his ass. He howled. She wiped it off, making certain it was dry, and rammed it in again. Both males winced, while the hyena howled ever louder.

Her eyes lit up. "I think I like this. But don't you have anything bigger?" She eyed the horse. "You! You've got to have quite the cock hidden under that sheath. What say you bring it out and put it to use?" Mudge started to run interference for him. There was no need. Morlein's pink tip was already sliding out. "You know young lady, I like the way you think. I haven't had a piece of ass in a long while. " The girl pulled out the spike and grabbed the hyena's tail, She pulled it forward so hard a bone cracked. His ass opened up, but not nearly enough. "Hey horse man, you got any fly-bite ointment?" Molry looked towards a shelf. The girl eyed Mudge. "Hey otter, whatever your name is, go get it." He didn't like being ordered around, but he wasn't about to argue. He handed it over. The girl shoved her fist into the pot, rotated it until it covered the back of her hand and then shoved it in the hyena's ass. She sank in past the middle of her forearm. He screamed in pain, which was only heightened a moment later. She shoved in her whole arm, right up to her shoulder. When she pulled it out, she turned to the horse. "Okee Dokee, horsey. Have a go." Morly mounted the hyena. The girl grabbed his cock and guided it in. "OK, push!"

The hyena let out another scream. Several feet of equine cock was now tickling his insides. As much as he wanted to see this cretin suffer, Mudge found that he didn't have the stomach for it right now. He stepped outside. The girl followed. "Look otter, I appreciate you saving me, really I do. I also appreciate you allowing me to return to this bastard everything he did to me and more. I'd like us to be friends, as long as you don't read too much into it." She stuck out her hand. "Deal?" The otter looked at her hands. He then looked at the rest of her. She was a mess of welts, scratches and bruises. Her hair was matted and gross. It was a tangle of browns, blacks, reds, with a few fleas crawling in it. But she was till pretty under all of it. He grabbed her hand that hadn't just been up the hyena's rectum. "That's fine with me. The name's Mudge, and my big gay friend in there is Morlein." Well Mudge, I'm glad to make your acquaintance. Everyone just calls me Talea."


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A Re-Greta-ble Happenstance

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Set Down in Black and White

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