The Lion King Revisited - Chapter 1: Intro

Story by TheTiger on SoFurry

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#1 of The Lion King Revisited (Old)


For all those who were waiting for this, sorry it took so long. I have been realy busy lately and (for the sake of sharing good news) Im going to work with tigers and lions in a while :). Anyway, finaly its here. The pilot to a new story series ;).

_ Note: This story features erotic lion king content. If your not into that, please stop reading now._

A golden sun against a clear blue sky was shining over the grassy and sandy plains of the pridelands. The river streaming trough, dividing the pridelands up in two halves, was casually following its path to the ocean and the green grass and vegetation were dancing in the mild afternoon breeze that was flowing over the plains.

In the cool shadow of priderock sat a young cub, a young playful lion cub chasing a butterfly as it flew trough the warmth of the air. The unlucky strike of the cubs paw however, soon ended the butterfly's flight, sending it crashing against a nearby rock.

'Oh no...' the cub said worried and ran over to see if the butterfly was alright. 'I'm sorry mister butterfly, are you alright?'

The little critter stayed motionless on the solid hard rock it smashed into as the cub showed her grief and guilt by lowering her head and ears.

'Sorry... I didn't mean to do that...'

She turned around to look for more critters to play with, preferably not knocking them out this time. But her quest was interrupted by a load yell.

'Kiara! Where are you! Its time for your bath!'

'Oh no, mom!'

She looked around, a large rock provided good cover for now. She quickly ducked behind it.

'I'l be right there, mom!' she yelled back at her mother. Immediately after that she lay down on the ground and reached her muzzle over to the area underneath her tail to clean it up down there herself. After a few quick licks over the area she stood up and casually walked over to her mother, who was already patiently waiting for her daughter.

Kiara swallowed her nerves away as she came closer to her mother.

Please don't notice, she thought. Please don't...

She had been able to keep it a secret so far, but every time she had to get close to the others she was scared.

'Oh,' Nala said with a teasing smile as she saw her daughter approaching. 'Looks like I will be making overtime on you today. Just look at your dirty you are.'

'Sorry mom...'

Nala smiled at her and invitingly laid down waiting for her cub to get next to her so she could clean her.

'So, what have you been doing all day?' Nala asked in-between her gentle cleaning.

'Nothing...' Kiara said on a nervous tone as she received a lick over her head. 'Just playing around I guese.'

Nala gave her a pleasing smile for a moment before continuing.

'Why are you never playing with Timon or Pumbaa anymore?'

'Their boring...' Kiara reacted as if that made sence.

Her mother had a loud laugh for a moment.

'I've known them a lot longer then you, I can not imagine being around those two ever gets boring.'

'I just wanted to be alone for a while...' Kiara said as her mother was cleaning her belly. She made a difficult face.

'Mom, have you seen dad anywhere?'

'Yes dear, he's at the waterhole.'

'Can I go see him?'

Nala looked down on her daughter.

'Your not clean yet...'

Kiara put up a begging face, making her eye's the most cute and irresistible as can be.

'Please mom, I can clean myself! Im old enough...'

Her mother had a laugh.

'I'm sure you are, little rascal. Well, alright. Go see your dad, go.'

Kiara jumped up from her mother's paws and gave her a purring hug. Then carefully made her way down priderock. On to the waterhole!

'HEY DAD!' Kiara screamed out as she pounced on her no suspecting father.

Simba hit the ground in absolute confusion and tried to look at his daughter who was 'swimming' around in his mane.

'Kiara... hey you. Your getting good at this pouncing, I actually didn't hear you coming!'

Kiara had a proud grin.

'Thanks dad!'

'Your welcome, now what can good old dad do for you?'

'Oh nothing... I just want to play with you.'

Simba looked at her still confused.

'Eh... well sure... why not?'

Before her father was even done talking Kiara had already made a second pounce on her dad, landing on his soft mane. Simba shook her of him and started poking her with his paw. But Kiara quickly got up, playfully purring at her dad and pouncing on him again, this time Simba gave in and let himself fall back on the ground. While on his back he puffed when Kiara jumped right on his chest and took her comfort there. She used her dad as a bed for a moment. Then again, who wouldn't use the softest mane in the pridelands as a bed, especially if their your dads.

Both of them stayed relaxing for a while in that position, Simba closed his eye's and enjoyed the warm breeze trough his mane. Kiara was still on his chest, though he could feel she was slowly wiggling down his body.

'What are you doing girl?'

'Just getting comfortable...' Kiara reacted, still wiggling down, now reaching Simba's hind legs and moving on. Simba started to get uncomfortable the closer she came to his business.

'Eh, sweety. That's enough...'

Though, Kiara didn't listened to it. Instead she crawled down further and it was when Simba felt Kiara's wetness rubbing against his sheath he threw her off of his body and quickly stood up.

'What in the world are you doing?'

Kiara put up the same puppy dog eyes as she did with her mother.

'Dad will you pretty pretty please mate with me?'

Simba's eye's grew in confuse. Mate her?

'What?' he asked unbelievingly. 'Ma... mate you? Have you lost your mind Kiara? I'm your father!'

'Dad, please! I need this. Just once!'

Simba's mouth hung open, not knowing what hit him.

'Absolutely not Kiara! Why in the world do you want me to mate with you?'

Kiara looked to the ground in what seemed to be shame.

'Because... I have this really strange feeling in my stomach and underneath my tail. I had that ever since I saw mom and you mate once.'

'You saw us?' Simba asked.

'Ehm... well I kinda wanted to asked mom something. But then I saw you two... doing that... and I suddenly got that strange feeling and I can't shake it off. And worst of all, I have a really hard time hiding that scent I'm carrying with me...'

Simba had an admiring look on his daughter and smiled at her a little goofy.

'Heh... I guese seeing me and your mom mate got you in heat a little early...'

'Heat?' Kiara asked.

'Yes,' Simba said and sat down to explain. 'When a lioness reaches a certain age, she gets in heat. Which is what your going trough right now. That's natures way of letting the males know she wants to mate. And the males are attracted by the scent.'

'Are you attracted to it to daddy?'

Simba smiled down on Kiara and rubbed his paw over her head.

'Not in the way your hoping, dear.'

Kiara lowered her ears and head in shame but kept an eye for her dad. It was very clear to Simba that this was more then just a want from Kiara, it was a problem for her. Which wasn't so strange since she was way to young to be in heat already.

'Its no big deal, Kiara. There is no need to be ashamed, I understand this is strange for you. It being your first heat and all.'

'There's going to be more?' she asked on a scared tone.

'Oh yes, a few times a year.'

Kiara looked at the ground and sighed in way that would intend how she disliked the idea.

'What's the matter?' Simba asked. 'You look like it's the end of the world.'

She sat down with another sigh and looked up to her father, who was grinning his usual friendly grin at her.

'Well, no. But its just... its such a great feeling and such a pain at the same time... It can't come out, its just trapped in my body with no way out.'

Simba nodded and raised an eyebrow in question. This was unknown territory for him, being the male and all.

'Have you asked your mother about this? I think she will be a lot more helpful in this subject then I am...'

'I'm embarrassed to ask...'

'Right,' Simba nodded in an understanding way. 'But asking me to mate you was not embarrassing?'

Kiara kept silent for a moment as she searched for an answer.

'I was hoping that mating someone would make the feeling go away...' Kiara sighed and looked at her father. 'Please daddy, just this one time. I know its out of the ordinary but I promise I won't tell anyone.'

'No Kiara,' Simba said in a harsh and firm manner. 'Absolutely not. Besides your way to small to even take me without it hurting, and even if you weren't, what am I going to do if you get pregnant?'

'You just said I'm to young for that...' Kiara reacted sarcastically and stood firm in front of her father.

'Your early with your heat as well aren't you?' he asked without waiting for an answer. 'But that's beside the point. Your way to small in the first place, so no Kiara I'm not going to do it.'

Kiara looked up, then turned around and stood on a nearby rock, watching over the pridelands, which stretched endlessly in every direction. In the distance she could see priderock and the little activity which was going on there. As she stood there, with her back turned to her father, she had her tail erect straight into the air.

'Kiara, don't even bother with trying to seduce me like that,' Simba smiled at her as he come closer and nudged her tail down. 'It won't work.'

Kiara jumped down from the rock and lay down on her belly in the tall grass, looking up to her father.

'Can't you help me out some other way...' she said almost begging. 'I want it gone...'

Simba sat down on the rock and thought about it. Suddenly and idea popped into his mind, a little something he used to do with Nala a couple of times.

'Have you ever tried licking yourself?' he asked.

'Like... cleaning?' Kiara asked confused. 'Yea ofcourse. I have to hide that scent somehow...'

'No no...' Simba said and jumped down the rock, laying down next to her. 'I mean licking yourself in a way that it feels good.'

Kiara shook her head.

'Not really, I've never felt anything when I cleaned myself.'

'Well try to do so, if you do it a certain way it will give you the same feeling as mating.'

'For real?' Kiara asked and looked down on her puss. She leaned over and ducked her muzzle in between her hind legs and started licking. Running her tongue over her sensitive puss in different ways, different speeds, dry and wet.

'Ah! Dad its not working!' she said and sat up again. 'That was just plain stupid.'

Simba sighed and looked down on her. He gave her a gentle smile as he searched for words.

'Your not doing it right,' he said confirming. He was moving his paw a bit, in confusion. 'You have to... eh... like...'

He sighed again. This was hard...

'Will you show me, daddy? Please?'

Simba swallowed something away. A bit of fear, doubt maybe. Adrenaline shot trough his body. Eventually he lay down again with a big sigh. It sounded relieved.

'I guess there is no harm in showing you...' he gave her a faint smile and spread his paws so she could lay down in between them. 'Come, lay on your back.'

Kiara was overexcited. A big toothy smile decorated her face as her big eye's almost teared up in happiness. She searched for words to thank her father, she couldn't find any. So instead, she just flopped down in front of him and rolled on her back. She felt Simba's heavy breathing as his muzzle got closer to her wetness. Her own breathing started to accelerate as Simba made his first run over her sensitive slit.

Kiara moaned at the great feeling her father managed to give her. His warm tongue running trough the area underneath her tail.

'Ah dad... yea I feel it now...'

Simba looked up from her and smiled as he sat up.

'Good... now you know how to do it.'

Simba licked his whiskers as Kiara looked up to him, disappointed.

'Eh...' she said doubting with a sigh. 'Okay... thanks, I guess.'

She eyed her father once more as she got up. She turned around to walk off, back to priderock to take the things her father learned her into practise.