A Little Practice

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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#7 of Mother and Son

Warning: the incest tag is there for a reason,

A little piece of a mother wolf and her raccoon son in the a.m. Just a bit of naughtiness before the day fully starts.

Soft breathing could be heard along with a running fan in the master bedroom. It was a nice summer Friday morning, digital clock reading 7:42, where a small family had the day and the whole weekend to themselves. But they would have to get out of bed first to enjoy it. Nate's eyes fluttered open as he yawned starting to wake up. The sight of a ceiling greeted him, and out the corner of his eye he could see sunlight filtered through the window's curtain. Aware of his surroundings, he had a secure arm wrapped over his chest as his head rested on a shoulder. He knew the body partially under him was his mother, so the raccoon settled back down and closed his eyes. It was too comfortable for him to bother waking her up yet as his thoughts began to bubble around for dreaming. This was how he wanted every morning to start, with her right beside him. His little return to sleep in paradise was interrupted as a hand slid over and rubbed over his slim tummy. Murring noises were made as the raccoon enjoyed the caresses. Nate grinned keeping his eyes closed as the hand continued its smooth circular motion going lower just a little more with each rotation. He didn't keep track of his mother's actions as her hand ventured lower still, until a finger brushed up against his sheath.

Nate parted his legs invitingly, hoping that the hand would stay in that area. One digit, followed by three others trailed along the item of interest before tracing over it. A grateful sigh was breathed as the few fingers moved massaging over his male organ indicating their goal. Nate grabbed onto the strong arm that held his chest as he wiggled a little bit from the arousing sensation. A few claws tickled at his sheath attempting to coax his hidden organ to come out. It felt nice as he let Karen continue while laying there in her motherly care. Her nimble hand started having an effect as the tip slowly poked free. His hips wiggled once feeling more edge out as his body became aroused. Her fingers continued their erotic dance, teasing him delightfully all over his wanting member. Then just as he reached full hardness, her hand disappeared leaving him to throb in open air. Before Nate could even question what happened, another familiar sensation attacked his senses. A light warm pressure surrounded his throbbing flesh that began to slowly stroke up and down sending waves of pleasure through the pre teen. His heart was thumping with speed and he knew it.

The raccoon's face grew heated in a red blush, but then Karen retreated again for a few seconds. Nate took her momentary leave of absence as a time to catch his breath. Then an index finger started rubbing small circled just below his tip, a very sensitive spot. He couldn't help but moan out as his head turned to its side. His nose found itself in a tuft of fluffy fur that poked out from around the collar of her night shirt. A giggle was heard from above as his breathing visibly deepened. The mother kissed his forehead, but didn't stop her ministrations in the slightest. One of Nate's hands found his mother's thigh as the other continued to hold onto her arm. Her hand changed direction heading lower to run circles around where his sheath was pulled back. He whined breathing a hard breath as she toyed with him.

"Mmm-mom," he moaned out writhing in pleasure from her adroit hand. Her soft fingertips then moved encircling his fully fledged erection. Nate grunted opening his eyes this time only to find a white furred hand stroking him again. It was almost hypnotic how her hand slowly moved causing his hips to rock at an equally slow pace. He groaned steadily climbing closer, watching her hand pleasure him. Despite his high prospects, the moment wasn't quite destined to last. Blinking twice, he saw her hand leave completely for a final time. He arched his back trying to make her hand return but was soon left throbbing in open air again, and this time the hand went away for good. Nate partially sat up with his mom as she moved.

"I didn't finish yet mom," he said feeling his body still shaking a little with arousal from being sent so close to the edge. She wore a kind smile and gave his cheek a kiss before giving her son an answer.

"It's called orgasm denial," she explained. "And since you had some interest in it, I decided that we should give it a try."


"So that good feeling will last longer," she explained. The excited raccoon's heart was fluttering at the thought of making that wonderful feeling last a lot longer. "But first I wanted to try something else with you sweetie," she said with a warm smile pulling off her t-shirt, slowly exposing her tummy then well rounded breasts before tossing it off to the side. Nate couldn't help but stare, he loved looking at her naked figure no matter how inappropriate it was supposed to be. Her two stiff black nipples poked out of the messy white fur as if to reach out towards him.

"What are you doing mom?" Nate asked as the white wolfess cradled him with an arm supporting his upper back and head. His head was slowly brought towards her left breast, more specifically her erect nipple. His mom didn't respond verbally but brought his lips to the furless spout. Catching the idea, Nate wrapped his mouth around the warm skin and began drawing forth the tasty liquid hiding inside. The mother wolf loved the sensation that his tongue produced while suckling, almost tickling her areola and nipple with its slight roughness. It was as physically close as a mother could be with her son, and the smile planted over Karen's muzzle was a testament to that. She closely watched with an interested eye as his organ slowly began retreating back into its protective sheath, being forgotten by Nate entirely. The young coon busily drank what he could get to smoothly come out before parting his lips to lick the teat clean.

"Does that count as a good breakfast?" She asked rubbing his belly.

"I need more to fill me up mom," he said giving a coy grin. She pet his head between his ears with a kind smile and moved her son giving him an angle at the other one. Nate happily latched on and suckled from his mother's right breast while she soothingly pet his head.

"Ooh!" She jumped feeling a hand grab onto her breast with a slight squeeze. 'Such an eager one.' Karen relaxed again cradling him close. This time he only lasted a minute or two before finishing with a wipe of his mouth.

"I'm do-NE!" He said with a hiccup before closing his mouth shut with a hand. His mother giggled and patted his back hearing him give an internal burp.

"Thanks," he said a little flustered. She hugged him and gave a quick kiss, letting him know it was alright.

"For a second I thought you were going to pleasure me earlier when your hand went on my thigh," she said spreading her legs a little underneath him

"At the same time?" he questioned her unwavering smile.

"Of course! There's plenty of different ways to make yourself or someone else happy," she said rubbing his chin. "But we will just have to wait another time for that." Karen picked him up and scooted to the edge of the bed where he hopped down to the floor. Nate then helped his mom make the bed neatly before the left the bedroom hand in hand. Karen led her son downstairs to the living room and directed him to the leather chair next to the sofa that wasn't used very often. "How much longer do you want the good feeling to last?" She asked as he sat down in the leather chair making himself comfortable.

"How long can you make it last without me reaching a climax?" he questioned, proud that he used the new word properly in a sentence.

His mom chuckled, "Well I can keep you on edge for a long time, but it's also up to how much your body can take." The young raccoon cocked his head slightly not quite sure what she meant. 'I need a good example,' she thought looking around seeing his tail tapping beside a leg. Karen grabbed his footpaw and held it up for him to see. "It's like this," she said starting to tickle him with a few clawed fingers waiting for him to laugh.

"H-Hey, stop!" he squealed unable to move from her strong grip. It didn't take long for him to break down giggling as he gripped the arm rests to endure the momentary torture. After a minute passed, she released him as the laughter died down.

"It will be just like when you laughed, your body had no control over it," she explained receiving an understanding 'Oh!' from him. "And if it lasts too long, it might start hurting," she remembered how short termed the ring was for what he wanted. "But with practice you can definitely build up a good endurance," his mom added reaching over to pull in a stool to use.

"I love you mom," he said with an adorable smile of anticipation completely trusting her. Karen's heart swelled a little from the prideful moment.

"Just tell me when to stop er-finish," she rubbed his thigh reassuringly making him giggle out an okay. Readjusting herself on the foot stool, she dipped a finger into her folds and lathered it up with the potent juices from inside before pulling it back out. Reaching up, she smeared the liquid across his sensitive nose hearing him take a sharp breath in response. Her ploy worked like a charm in only a moment or two. Looking down between his legs, nearly half of his member had already started emerging. Nestling her muzzle between his thighs, she gently lapped along the base of his sheath to tease the rest out. She heard her son moaning softly as he soon reached full length, gently bobbing in front of her. She gave the pole one long sensitive lick only to leave it to throb between his legs. Karen backed away and stood up walking over to the mantle above the fireplace. To the raccoon's surprise, she pulled out a white feather looking at him with a big smile. Since it wasn't his first time anymore, he would have a far more controlled endurance than before. Karen took her seat in front and brought her weapon of choice to its target, stroking the crisp vane along his flesh.

The wolf's other hand was placed over his thigh in case he moved too much for her liking. He giggled squirming his hips as the quill tip and side appeared to be fencing his hard shaft. A few grunts and slight gasps were also added to the mix as his mom twirled the tip under his tip to change up the pace. His mom brought more focus to the young raccoon's more sensitive underside making the giggling be replaced entirely with weak moans. His hips were once again the only area to be moving independently as she waved the feather up and down slowly. She no longer needed to restrain his leg, and instead brought her hand over to cup his furred orbs hanging beneath the proud shaft. He did like it when she played with him there, rolling each around gently. Nate held on to the armrest tightly as she stroked the crisp feather along the underside ever so slowly, allowing each vane to grip onto his taught skin, pulling delicately. Karen watched him tense up under every touch as his breathing deepened. His eyes were barely half open as the quiet moans became the only noise to hear. She continued to twirl, stroke, and tease him until a large bead of pre bubbled up on the opening of his excited organ.

Karen stopped and set the feather aside. Craning her head forward, the wolf began lapping along his tip to collect the "treat" that began leaking out in small amounts. Her teeth grazed over lightly, reminding him if either moved too much there could possibly be damage done. She used it more as a safeguard to keep him still but a small nick or cut could be painful to say the least. After a few minutes of that method, she backed away slightly allowing her soft lips brush against him. Seeing him strain to stay still, she kissed lightly along the bobbing organ nearly sending him over the edge there. Karen had to admit that the whole spectacle aroused her, and she was in control of it all. Another drop of pre collected on his tip and with a toothy smile, she licked it off as slowly as possible. Nate groaned weakly bucking into empty air as her quick tongue retreated away from him too readily. The wolfess stopped this time for a good half minute to give him a breather. "Do you want me to continue hon?" she asked seeing him panting. He nodded to her surprise but the mother wolf smiled anyway. 'Good, I'm not sure if I want to stop either,' she thought returning to his aching member.

The vocal sounds soon returned as the feather was brought back into play, stroking him without any means of release within sight. It may have only been a feather, but each caressing stroke it produced made the bubbly feeling increase ever so slightly for the raccoon. His mother seemed to notice this and didn't want the experience to overall be a negative one for her child. Karen reached up with a spare hand and cupped the fuzzy orbs as her other one was occupied with brushing his shaft. She gently rolling them around and carefully kneading them in her palm, helping to alleviate their fullness. He leaned his head back on the chair as the delightful feeling continued, but it was too bad that at the same time his mom renewed her assault on his vulnerable member. She held the quill with a thumb and forefinger, twirling the tip of the feather on a sensitive point. Nate moaned squirming in place, even though the more he moved, the more contact the feather would have with him. Lucky for the raccoon, Karen could stick with one method for very long. She moved back to the tip suckling it like a bottle while using a claw to to delicately play with his sensitive underside.

Her actions always served to bring him so undeniably close to the edge before backing away, but the longer it continued, the more uncomfortable frustration Nate began to feel. The need almost became desperate as a worried whine was sounded. A churning feeling that his fuzzy pouch gave off sent his mind reeling from wanting it to last any longer. Then her claw gave one final scratch underneath him. Nate gave a sharper gasp through clenched teeth, sucking in air like a vacuum. "M-Mom-I need to come now!" he said urgently catching her attention. The coon was practically vibrating in place starting to feel the erotic sensation becoming painful just as she had predicted.

"Yes sir," she replied with a happy smile leaning forward. Keeping eye contact she completely engulfed him and quickly bobbed her muzzle. His mouth hung open as he progressively groaned unable to avert his gaze away from hers. The canine tongue writhing underneath his oversensitive organ felt like little crackling lightning bolts of pleasure. Maybe fifteen seconds and a few loud gasps later, Nate hit the much overdue point of no return as his entire body seemed to vibrate rejoicing. Prepared, Karen kept a tight seal feeling him pulse once as the first small glob shoot into her mouth, silently praying that she wouldn't gag from the total amount. Her son yelled silently as she felt him shake in place from the strong orgasm overriding his small body. Karen worked like a vacuum, downing each drop of the vaguely salty product as her son gaped his mouth towards the ceiling. She was thankful he couldn't produce a ton of it at once, comparing its texture to spurts of salted honey. But to her advantage the taste was palatable to a degree. At least a minute had gone by and he was still pumping out small amounts of white into his mother's muzzle, who gladly swallowed it all.

Slowly she felt him begin to shrink as the flow turned into a drizzling ooze. Karen cleaned him off savor ing the taste before releasing him with a wet pop. A small prideful feeling swelled inside of her for being able to swallow without complications. With a lick of her lips, Karen smirked seeing her son riding out a weeks worth of afterglow. Nate looked exhausted as he laid on the chair lifeless, except for his chest rising and falling. Karen stood up on wobbly legs of her own. Looking down between her white furred thighs, the mother's black labia was revealed to be speckled with natural dew. Karen chose to ignore it for another time. After all her son came first, literally and figuratively. 'I think we'll need to keep the denial to a minimum,' she thought ruffling his head fur. It wasn't fun having her son passed out when they could be doing something more with their time, sex or not. 'And I was hoping to go shopping right after this,' the wolf crossed her arms retrieving a blanket as she snuggled next to her son in the large chair.

"Thanks mom," he mumbled leaning against her shoulder. She smiled in return. He didn't have to thank her but he was still a little gentleman. Karen held him close, humming a peaceful tune as he recovered from the intense experience.