Moving Day

Story by Sanura Mosi on SoFurry

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Another of the Bunny challenge stories. this one is:

Sexes: FFF

Races: Giraffe, Zebra, Leopard

Setting: Modern

"Ugh! WHAT was I thinking?" She rolled her deep brown eyes and wrinkled her nose as she shuddered at the hideous dress she was holding up. "I've gotta stop buying things just cuz they fit well." She shook her head and threw it in disgust over into the box marked "charity". "Maybe someone else will like it...I kinda hope not."

Danielle lowered her head in order to look into the closet once more, man was she gunna look forward to her new place- it was going to have better proportions for her tall body and extra long neck. She was looking very forward to no more neck cricks! She hadn't been able to afford building a house that had them before; a giraffe wasn't very common, so people tended not to build things to those proportions. As it was, she'd had a bed specially ordered from a mattress company, and had made her own sheets to fit.

She was happy about that part- they were the best fabric she could find- softer than silk, but quite breathable. And she'd made them in several lovely colors. She'd already managed to pack up almost everything, but she'd left her closet for last. She'd dreaded having to go through it- with good cause- before she'd learned how to make her own clothes she'd bought whatever fit. As seven feet and ten inches, not many people made clothes to fit- without her long neck she was still around six feet, and very long limbed to boot. So just pants alone were hard to find- much less a dress the right length. So she still had quite a few things that she'd bought out of sheer need. Now she had to go through the arduous job of going through everything- she'd made it through her dresser and now was picking through the hideous collection in half of her closet.

She'd finally had to get to it, since the movers were supposed to be here in an hour to pack her stuff into a truck and move it to her new house. She'd gotten a property with plenty of tall trees and forest in it, and since it was so far out of town, she'd had to call a special moving company to help her move it. They told her they were always on time, and left you happy and sated...whatever that meant. With the name Happy Pussy Movers, she figured it was their corny saying.

She continued to sort through the pile of ugliness, and as she was almost done she finally heard the doorbell ring and sighed in relief, calling out for them to come on in, and since she knew the door was open to let air flow on the beautiful spring day, she didn't have to worry about them not getting the message. She heard some female voices and frowned curiously, wondering if she'd just asked some salespersons into her house. She'd be quite irritated if it was a couple of those pushy religious people.

She smirked. She could usually intimidate 'em away. That and claiming she served Satan and all the gods of evil while doing so, usually made them never come back.

She finally decided to see who it was after she heard them calling out asking where she was. She ducked her head down and stepped out into the hallways to find two females dressed in moving coveralls peeking into her guest bedroom curiously. One was a good-looking zebra, with lovely markings on what furr was peaking out of her coveralls. The other was a gorgeous, but well built leopard. She also had beautiful markings, but she was quite muscular.

Danielle almost blushed at her thin figure. She had a figure that made everyone ask if she played basketball. She hated basketball- she wasn't very fond of sports really, although she did love going for a run every day before work. So seeing the two nicely curved and muscled pair made her overly aware of her lack of real curves. She'd slipped on a plain white t-shirt and a pair of old jeans earlier and regretted it now, as it wasn't the best compliment to her figure.

She finally swallowed her vanity and smiled, walking over, her hooves clipping on the linoleum. "Hello! I'm Danielle, you two are..." She paused as she read their names off of their coveralls. "Tonya and Ginger." They both scanned her figure in consideration before looking up to her face with interest. "I'm not sure where you two want to begin, but everything is packed up and ready to go, you just need to haul it all out to the truck. I'm finishing up the last box in my bedroom, so I'll be able to help you in a bit."

They gave each other a surprised look, but nodded before Tonya finally spoke up. "Um, sure. Take your time Danny."

"Danny" blinked at the nickname, one no one but her family had the gall to use. She shook her head finally then turned and clopped back into the bedroom and went back to work.

The two in the hallway look at each other and grinned at each other eagerly. "I do believe we have not only a straight customer, but an unknowing one also." Ginger's eyes were lit up.

"Did you see those look legs...I've heard Giraffes have incredible tongues." Tonya let out a soft bleat of pleasure, and Ginger purred softly.

"Don't remind me, I'll wet my coveralls way too soon. Well we should probably finish the work first, then we can get to the pleasant part." Ginger sighed and led the way into the living room.

Tonya grinned, "Only until she can help, then, um, I can't account for what my hands might do."

Ginger laughed in reply and they got to work.

Danny looked up and frowned curiously as she heard them laugh again. "Wonder what's so funny?" She shrugged and picked up the full charity box. She'd just finished her closet, and had sealed the wardrobe box. Now she just had to drop off the clothes she didn't want at a drop center nearby. So she walked out of the house with it, keeping a look out for the pair. She spotted the two just as they walked out of the truck from hauling her loveseat.

"I'm going to quick drop this off at the supermarket drop place. I should be back in a few minutes." She waited until the two nodded in reply, and walked off as they entered the house again.

Fifteen minutes later Danny walked back into the house and wondered where Ginger and Tonya had gone off two, then she heard them talking in her room, and, upon glancing into the living, saw that they probably were moving onto another room, as the living room was empty already.

She called out to them before she stepped into her room. "You two might need help with that mattress. Had it specially ordered and it barely fits through any of these doorways." When she entered the room she saw that they were picking up her dresser. They both smiled at her.

"We'd like the help. For now we'll put this into the truck." Ginger smiled warmly at her, as they passed her out the doorway. She moved out of their way, but Tonya's tail ran up on of her legs as she passed. Danny frowned in perplexity, but shrugged, chalking it up to them being over cautious. She grabbed one of her larger boxes and lugged it out to the truck, putting it in the truck as Ginger and Tonya slipped back into the house.

Ginger and Tonya moaned as they moved the bed. They had been about to get into some good yiffing earlier before Danny had gotten home, and were glad they had zip fronts to their coveralls. They were still very wet from the exploring they'd been doing, and were both glad they'd stopped before really wetting their clothes.

Seeing the bed, they'd drooled in anticipation. It was huge, and the only way they got it out of the room, was because she had double doors on her bedroom and a double front door. With Danny's help they managed to get both pieces on the truck. With a few touches along the way. One time Tonya gotten a bit brave and brushed one of Danny's breasts in passing, Danny has gasped at the unexpected touch and glanced around. Tonya was glad she'd apparently chalked it up to her imagination. The two weren't quite ready for her to realize how interested they were in the Giraffe.

She was still innocent to it when they finally closed the rear end of the truck and got in. Or so they hoped, they had gotten a bit impatient and had almost gotten caught dipping their fingers into each other's coveralls on a short break. They thought at first Danny had seen them, but when she didn't say anything, they figured she'd missed it somehow.

Danny shifted uncomfortably in her car seat. Was it wrong to be aroused by your imagination? Danny leaned her head on the steering wheel and moaned softly. She knew it was probably from a lack of masturbating this past week She'd been too tired to do anything before bed. She blushed from the vague reminder of her lack of sex life.

It seems not many men found female giraffes attraction, even her fellow giraffes. So she had rarely gotten sex in her lifetime, she'd learned to live a solitary life because she needed to. She'd dealt with her lack of appeal long ago and contented herself with pleasuring herself. At least then she didn't have to worry about it being pity sex.

Now she was worried she was imagining things because of it. Because those two girls couldn't be lesbians, she didn't want to justify why, but they couldn't find her attractive even if they were. So she must be imagining a lot of things. And she was getting worked up from it.

She watched as the two pulled up to her new house finally. Maybe she'd hurry them off after they were done, she needed some time alone to help herself out, she was already looking greatly forward to it and she slipped out of the car smiling.

Hours later they were finally done moving everything in. And Danny was horny. She didn't know why though, she was happily a straight female and didn't find lesbian sex attractive at all. What she'd heard of it anyway. She'd imagined a lot in the past few hours, once she even swore she'd felt a touch on her crotch, a little bit ago actually as they'd put her bed together again.

She let out a shuddering sigh as she watched Ginger close the truck up again. Tonya was getting something out of the cab- paperwork probably.

Ginger waited for Tonya and they both came into the house quietly, Danny thought she saw them eyeing her with need, but she was probably projecting her sexual frustration onto others by now. The ache between her legs was almost unbearable by now and as she signed the paperwork they had indeed brought, she did feel a paw stroking her ass.

She looked back to find Ginger purring at her. She dropped the pen and looked to Tonya who was slipping to her front, smiling with a sexually potent expression.

"H-Hey! I'm not interested..." She trailed off as Tonya stroked a nipple and Danny let out a small sound of need.

"Doesn't look like it." Ginger was reaching around her to stroke her belly as she slipped her fingers into her jeans. Tonya was pushing her shirt up to reveal her breasts and a startled, but needy Danny stepped back only to be stopped by Ginger who had undid her jeans by now.

Danny was caught in a confusing tangle in her mind as she realized the two beautiful women were seducing her...and she liked it...

She was straight! Suddenly, as she felt her jeans drop to the floor, she wondered at that. Why should she be fighting this, she wondered as she bowed her head to let the shirt slip off onto the floor and stepped out of her panties and jeans. Men didn't seem to like her, besides...she didn't have to be one way or the other; no one had to know she'd done this. She could ...try...

Her thought cut off as Tonya closed her mouth over her breast. Danny gasped, then cried out when she feel a few fingers part her folds, the furr around them was already damp so when a few fingers dipped into the valley of her sex, she barely stayed standing as sensations from Ginger's touch spread. She stood in shock and surprise, but in a few moments they tugged her into her bedroom. Tonya licking a nipple a few times and caressing her ass along the way.

When they got there, she sat down on the bed and was pushed gently back to lay down, her legs draped over the side of the bed. A now naked Ginger kneeled in front of Danny while she watched Tonya and figured out finally how Ginger has undressed so quickly- they hadn't been wearing anything under the coveralls.

Danny wasn't sure what to do and blushed as Ginger sniffed at her folds. Then she realized what she was going to do and almost pulled away. She hadn't thought that sort of thing happened outside of porn movies and such. The males she'd been with had only fingered her a bit before mounting her.

Now she let out a loud sound when Ginger's tongue slipped between her lower lips. The feeling was beyond heaven. She saw Tonya was coming onto the bed to join the fun and as she dipped her head and kissed Danny, she realized it wasn't just heaven to her, but to Ginger and Tonya. She felt very strange at first, unnatural but as Tonya plied her lips and Ginger's tongue slipped inside her she kissed Tonya back, her body yelling for her to give in when her mind told her it wasn't supposed to be like that.

Danny kissed Tonya for a few moments before she realized where her hand was and what was dripping onto her fingers, her long arms was right under Tonya's pussy and she curiously stroked along the outer lips. Tonya broke the kiss to shudder and arched closer to her hand. Danny finally had to dip her fingers closer and did, realizing that she liked touching the Zebra as much as she did herself.

She fingered Tonya as Ginger did naughty, lovely, heavenly, wonderful things to her clit, hole and lips. The three were soon panting, crying out in various forms and rushing along into an orgasm. Soon they all sprayed in various forms. Ginger who had been fingering herself, sprayed out along her fingers and drank up Danny's cum just as Danny felt Tonya's cum spray onto her fingers and the bed. Danny smelled the smell of Tonya's cum and remembered during masturbating wondering what it would be like to lick it not just from her own fingers- she'd quickly shut off the thought then, but she thought now that she was here...

Tonya was the one pushed back this time and she blinked in pleasant surprise as the curious Giraffe craned her neck over to the Zebra's pussy and sniffed experimentally, she slipped her fingers inside of Tonya's folds before finally spreading them and liking experimentally. They both moaned quietly in pleasure, and Ginger grinned nearby, but decided now was the time to get the bag they'd brought in earlier.

When she came back in Tonya was ecstatically giving Danny her first mouthful of cum, and Danny- not expecting it let some of it flow onto the bed before catching the rest. Danny moaned as she felt Ginger's fingers dip into her then she felt her tongue on her ass crack and the other hand rubbing a cheek. Tonya curiously looked at Ginger to find she grinning leopard sporting a strap on dildo. Tonya grinned back.

Danny would love this part. Tonya fingered herself in anticipation as she watched the unknowing Danny get readied for the dildo with Ginger's expert fingers.

Danny started, still in a primal hands and knees position since Ginger had interrupted her feast, as she felt the tip of a blunt object against her lips, then it slip in easily. She moaned, realizing it was a dildo. A long one.

She shuddered, her mind going blank as she realized it also had slight barbs on it. The barbs were pleasantly scraping her inner walls as Ginger slowly started a rhythm. Danny licked her lips, her body moving along with Gingers as they had sex through the dildo. Tonya saw her tongue and moaned then slid closer to her and pulled her head down, Danny's pleasure filled mind didn't catch what she meant, as Danny hadn't used her tongue inside Tonya early, then Tonya informed her blunted that she wanted her tongue inside her desperately.

Then Danny got it, she wriggled her tongue inside of Tonya's opening and gasped slightly at the sensation. It was silky and warm and wet at the same time. She flexed her tongue and Tonya cried out. She did a few experimental moves, causing the Zebra to shudder with utter pleasure. She finally, moving along with the lovely building coming from her pussy and quickly spreading, moved her tongue in and out in time with the dildo and her own hips. The three were panting and crying out and as they came to a climax one of them screamed, and they all shuddered and quivered as the sensations exploded inside them, showering pure ecstasy all over them.

Ginger slid out of Danny and took the double dildo out of her as Tonya scooted down to kiss Danny's mouth sweetly. Danny was looking at them with awed eyes as Ginger came up and snuggled her form behind, Tonya taking the front.

"...I should've moved sooner."

Danny said this quietly as she absorbed the leopard's purring behind her and the content zebra in her arms.

Tonya grinned up at her. "Don't worry we can come to help you... get settled any time you like."

"Hm." Ginger purringly interjected her own comment. "That might take some time you know."

Danny grinned and closed her eyes. "Yep, that might take a good long while."

They stayed like that for a long while before they got up...and helped Danny do some more...unloading.