Arch's War: Part 4

Story by Arch on SoFurry

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There was a series of bangs on the heavy door to my quarters, and I knew it had to be Reyna. The Mage-Alpha had a way of kicking in doors when she was angry. I was thankful for the reinforced wood and magic protecting my room.

I only groaned at first, considering the wisdom of pulling the sheets over my head and ignoring her. That's when I felt a nervous stirring beside me, and I remembered Apollo. I was already so used to his soft feline scent that it felt natural to wake up beside him. I hesitated, if only for a few seconds, recalling the events of last night.

I grinned to myself.

The feline and I had done some pretty incredible things together. Or perhaps it was more accurate to say that I did some things TO him that I found to be pretty incredible.

For a moment, I forgot about the angry visitor at the door and I reached a hand out to my side, until my fingers brushed against the velvet feline fur. I had to resist the urge to shiver in satisfaction at the way he reacted to my touch. He squirmed with that lithe, naked body in the bed next to mine as my fingers slid up along his white-furred belly and delicate ribs. It wasn't long before his feminine hands grabbed at mine; not necessarily to stop what they were doing, just to touch me.

My sheath stirred and my eyes narrowed on the spotted creature when his head finally peeked from under the covers to look at me. He looked wary. I thought it must have been because of the way I was looking at him, which only attracted me more. But then I remembered my visitor.

"ARCH!" The shrill yell came from behind the door, and to my embarrassment I actually cringed. My fingers curled against the cat's beautiful stomach, and I could feel Apollo snicker at my reaction to the female voice. "I can hear you growling, Arch. Get your scruffy tail out of bed!"

I nearly yelled back at her to correct her, but when I opened my muzzle I realized I WAS growling. Apollo's presence and gentle touch had already woken that instinctual resonation from my chest, my natural reaction to let my bed mate know I was enjoying myself. I glanced back at the leopard, who tightened his grip on my hand in concern. He was worried that something was wrong; that Reyna might bring bad news of his people, or of another demon attack. I was concerned too, but I knew if it was truly urgent, it wouldn't have been a mage at my door. Reyna must have wanted something else.

Instead of answering, I raised the volume and tone of my growl to one of annoyance, making sure she understood that it was directed at her. Unfortunately, Reyna was one of the only wolves in my pack that wasn't intimidated by waking up a grumpy Alpha Male. The only response I got was another hard kick to the door, and I got the message that she was not going away.

With great reluctance I let go of the kitty's belly and rolled lazily off the side of the bed, landing my massive paws on the stone floor with enough weight to generate a considerable thump. I made it to the door and gave the leopard one last glance, just in time to see him pull the covers up over his head, as if hiding. I laughed out loud at the adorable gesture. Part of me was relieved that he could still be so playful after all that had happened.

I couldn't imagine what he was feeling, waking up in my bed after a night like last night, surrounded only by my wolves and my pack. He was forced to put a considerable amount of trust in me because he had nowhere else to go, and we both knew it. Our obvious physical attractions aside, I couldn't blame the feline if he was nervous about what I was going to do next. He was a prince among his own people, after all, and the situation he was in now was decidedly UN-princely. He had no choice but to trust that I wouldn't embarrass him, or use my obvious dominance over him in a political ploy for power over his people. It was fortunate for Apollo that I was such a nice guy.

I finally swung the double doors open, and I was greeted by a very annoyed face. Reyna was a beautiful female in her time, and she still was, but she was also one of the more elder wolves still holding a position a leadership under my reign. And she was a constant pain in my tail. It was difficult to be an unquestioned, dominant leader when you had to deal with a strong-willed mage who knew you since you were a pup. I loved her like a mother--though I would likely never tell her so. It was the only reason she got away with so much.

Reyna looked up so her glare would cover our considerable difference in height. She didn't even blink an eye at my lack of clothing. Frankly, she was the only wolf in the pack who saw me naked more often than my occasional bed mates... probably because she was the only one with the guts to come pounding on my door so early in the morning. "What!?" I growled at her.

She only growled in return. Reyna pressed a hand firmly against my bare stomach to move me aside so she could enter. Even though she lacked the physical strength to move me anywhere, I got the idea and I let her inside. She stormed by me and the mage robes she wore flowed in her wake, sparkling with her favorite shades of red. A well-worn leather satchel hung against her hip, no doubt carrying several different scrolls of work orders and magic requests.  "Don't what me, Arch. The sun has been up for nearly an hour, and you have work to do."

I grunted in a lazy, almost annoyed tone, and started making my way back toward the bed.

She was not deterred by my lack of enthusiasm. Reyna buzzed furiously toward my desk and started unloading papers. Since she hadn't presented any urgent news, I had half a mind to crawl back under the covers with a certain beautiful spotted feline. But Reyna was persistent, and suddenly her tone was a lot more serious.

"Arch," she started, and she turned to face me. The tone of her voice made me stop at the side of the bed. My ears tilted in impatience and my tail was rigid, letting the Mage-Alpha know I was listening. "You can't just... retire your Warrior-Beta one day and then disappear the next day with some cat--"

She had her hands raised in an exasperated gesture when I shot her a very serious snarl. Very rarely did I bare my fangs at Reyna, and she knew me well enough to get the message. Scolding me was fine, but she had no business talking about Apollo like that, especially while he was in the room. And to his credit, Apollo chose that moment to sit up. He still held the covers against his chest, but I suppose he understood there was no use in 'hiding'. Hiding suggested shame, and I didn't see any shame in the leopard's eyes.

Reyna caught the movement in her peripherals and glanced at the feline prince. They shared a silent gaze, and in that time Reyna's heated expression seemed to soften. It was almost heart-warming to see the brazen mage become disarmed at the sight of Apollo. I understood it well, because he had the same effect on me. It was comforting to know I wasn't the only wolf that saw the beauty and kindness in the little cat.

Finally Reyna turned to me and she changed her tactics. "Arch," she began, "You haven't even given us a proper debriefing on this new enemy that you faced--"

"I've briefed everything I know."

"--Kalei made it sound like this thing could have wiped us out if it made it here unchecked, not to mention how it almost killed you--"

"I had help." Again, I glanced in Apollo's direction. He offered me a weak smile.

"--and you say there might be others? Arch, we need to properly prepare for this. The council needs to meet and you have decisions to make, soldiers to reroute. I don't even want to think about how much of the tactical planning the intelligence cell is going to have to scrap and rewrite, now that the leopards are no longer a threat."

"I know all of this, woman," I growled, the impatience clear in my voice.

Reyna chose not to rise to that bait and continued scolding me. "And what exactly do you plan to do about the leopards, hm? Are we helping them now, are we allies, do we pursue and eradicate them?"

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Well your council and staff need to hear these things from you, Arch. And there's also the business of promoting your friend to Warrior-Beta, which only you can do."

I grunted in acknowledgement, conceding the point.

"I have a competent staff, Reyna. I'm sure every section has taken every possible precaution based off the information we have available. Let the soldiers rest and the leaders take some time to get their respective sections in order, for gods' sake. The pack won't fall apart by lunch time."

I knew what I had to do, and I had had enough of my subordinate telling me what I ought to be dong. Besides, I had other, more pressing things to take care of in the meantime. I let my gaze travel casually over toward the bed, where a pair of beautiful blue eyes met mine. Reyna already knew what was coming, and I could see her roll her eyes in frustration.

"Tell you what. Give me two... maybe three hours. And send Chance up to see me, just before the cooks start on lunch." I glanced back at the older wolf, and I released a heavy growl of warning. I might have even flashed my teeth at her again. My patience had reached its limit. "Get out, Reyna. You have your orders."

To her credit, Reyna remained silent. I could see her positively squirming with things she wanted to say, but for the first time, she actually seemed to respect the fact that she wasn't above the orders of her Alpha Male, no matter her views on my inexperience. Without much more of a fuss, I led her out of the massive double doors to my bedroom, with her parting words.

"You have TWO hours, Arch!" The doors were promptly locked behind her.

I stood there for a moment; letting all the duties and responsibilities I was putting off run through my head, trying to justify each one of them. My tail swayed slowly behind me over my bare backside, and I could feel the leopard's eyes on me. It was enough of a distraction to pull me out of my thoughts. I turned around to find Apollo had let the sheets fall around his waist, allowing me to see the irresistible line of his slim, white belly and feminine hips. After that, it was hard to think about anything else.

I made it to the side of the bed, and I climbed less than gracefully onto the mattress. On all fours I approached the much smaller male. I could see his eyes darting back forth between the flexing muscles of my arms and chest, to the heavy swinging masculinity between my legs. I soaked in the attention like sponge, and my sheath was already thickening. I didn't really notice it myself, but I knew my heavy scent was growing more prevalent by the second. The spotted cat was positively shaking by the time I reached him.

"Arch," the cat's musical voice called my name, trying to get my attention, but it only drove me further into that feral instinct. I positioned my knees and hands on either side of Apollo's body and nudged my muzzle roughly against his shoulder, firm enough to force the little feline to lie on his back beneath me. I followed the line of his vulnerable neck, burying my snout against his fur and snuffling rather comically between his shoulder and his throat. Small hands reached up to grasp at the fur on the back of my head, and I rewarded the feminine touch with a deep, dominant growl.

Still, Apollo tried to distract me. His voice was nervous, almost guilty. "Maybe she has a point, Arch. We should probably get going..."

I raised one of my hands and curled my fingers around the leopard's small, boxy muzzle, holding it closed so he could no longer speak. His hands immediately moved from my head to the hand that held him silent, where his small fingers dug fearfully into my palm. I used the grip on his face to pull his head to the side, to further expose the line of his neck, where I was all too happy to help myself. Apollo squirmed like a bitch underneath me as I ran my smooth canine tongue over the fur of his throat, and grazed the sensitive skin with my fangs. It wasn't that I didn't respect his opinion. I had already made up my mind, and in this place, I was absolutely in charge. I was still a new-enough Alpha Male that I was not immune to the intoxicating effect of my political and military power over this land. That easily, I had only one thing on my mind right now, and I was going to get it.

Apollo whimpered beneath me as I bit down lightly on his throat. I hadn't even realized I had taken his entire neck into my powerful jaws. The flesh was so warm and yielding, and I could feel his pulse against my wandering tongue. It excited me to no end. I was a predator, after all. And the cat, well, we had already established that Apollo had a rather pervasive submissive side to him. I could feel how excited and nervous he was beneath me, not only in the speed of his pulse but in the tight grip of his fingers on my hand, still holding his muzzle shut. And if that wasn't enough proof: the cat's squirming body had tugged the sheets just low enough to expose his naked groin and his hips. Apollo's little feline penis was rock hard, laying its pink length against his flat belly and throbbing every time I touched him some place new.

When I noticed his arousal, it was enough of a shock to get me to release his throat from my jaws. I could feel myself grinning like an idiot when I looked down his beautiful body to that exposed feline length. The waves of heated embarrassment seemed to radiate off the leopard's body, so potent that he actually lowered one of his hands to cover himself up, as if it helped. I chuckled at him, but it was a loving, teasing kind of laugh. What we were doing was extremely intimate; it seemed rather ridiculous that he felt the need to hide his private parts from me.

Finally, I released his little muzzle, and he gave a small gasp, frowning at me for laughing at him. I could only grin in return, showing off ivory fangs that were nearly as long and thick as his small feline penis.

"I can't help it," he groaned in self-defense.

"I'm not complaining, little kitty. I think it's... cute." I watched as he positively burned with embarrassment and lowered his second hand to his groin, covering his genitals.

Don't get me wrong, Apollo wasn't all that tiny. He was actually well endowed for a cat, compared to most of the leopards that I've seen. I think he even reached a full six inches later on in his life. But at the time, I was inexperienced with cats. And compared to me, the leopard may as well have been a female.

Don't tell him I said that.

I sat back on my heels, towering at my full height over his prone body. I lowered my hand to my own groin, and squeezed my thickening sheath to test just how much progress I had made. My cock was hanging nearly half erect at this point. Its black girth hung forward over Apollo's beautiful, naked thighs in an almost possessive way, getting stiffer and longer with every beat of my heart. The feline's eyes had followed my hand down, and I have to tell you: I can't describe how satisfying it was to see the look on Apollo's face when he stared between my legs. It validated every irrationally strong desire, every fantasy I'd had about the leopard since we met, because I could see the same longing in his eyes. We were enthralled with each other.

"You feel it too," I growled as I slid one of my hands along his soft, white-furred chest, upward toward his neck.

Apollo hesitated before raising one of his hands, and then the other, forgetting about hiding himself. His fingers grasped at my own as I reached to pet along his face and ears. "I don't know what you're talking about," he lied, guiding my much stronger hand with his own until he could nuzzle his cheek against the back of it, so like a cat.

I leaned forward, letting my large, wolfish cock hang almost fully erect now, just over his belly. My opposite hand supported my weight, planted near his shoulder, while the other hand was busy getting rubbed and nuzzled on by the leopard like he was a common house cat. It was incredible. I watched him do it in silence, until I realized the vibration along the bed was no longer coming from my growls. Apollo was purring again; purring for me. "Yes you do," I finally said, taking control of my hand and sliding along his ears, until I could get a firm hold of the scruff on the back of his neck.

He gasped as he was scruffed like that, and I took the invitation to lower my long muzzle to kiss him. It was a little awkward at first; I wasn't too practiced at kissing felines. Our muzzles were quite different. But the passion both of us displayed in letting our lips and tongues meet was not deterred by our inexperience. I gasped through a low growl when I felt how much smaller, and rougher, his little tongue was. It was just another part of him that I could claim physical superiority over.

"I can't stop thinking about you," I admitted in between a meeting of our lips. This seemed to get his attention, and he stopped returning the kiss abruptly. Caught in this silence, I had no choice but to continue. "I feel like I've known you my whole life, like one of my best friends. Or a lover." The frustration was beginning to resonate in the sound of my voice. "And no matter how much I touch you, or hold you, or mate with you, I can't even begin to make up for all that lost time I could have had you. I don't ever want to let you get away from me."

It felt more than a little awkward, spilling my guts like that to another person. I couldn't ever imagine speaking like that to another wolf, to allow that kind of vulnerability to show to a member of my own pack. I have no idea why it was so different with Apollo, but that was the whole point. My attraction to him, physical and emotional, felt so natural--but it was so strong that even I had to wonder whether or not some outside force was working magic here. Maybe this is what it meant to have a soul mate.

My fierce yellow eyes met the pools of blue in his. I could see the same frustrated pain behind them. He smiled at me, and it was a playful smile. He raised one of his hands to stroke gently along the side of my muzzle. The touch made my tail sway happily behind me. "If I knew you were going to be so emotional, I would have asked for a separate room." But I could see the wetness in his eyes, even as he teased me.

My brows rose in fake shock at his answer, smirking in disbelief at his incredibly astute behavior. He knew just how to break he tension, to bring me out of that awkward conversation. "I could find space for you in the dungeon. I'm sure there is plenty equipment I could use to make you VERY comfortable." I grinned through my retort, teasing him right back.

I'd meant everything I said, and I was glad I was able to say it to the little feline. It was obvious he was also very happy to hear it. I'm usually not the type to feel or express such deep emotions, but I'd never felt anything so strong before. Now that it was out in the open, I felt much better about what I was going to do to the cat. I wasn't exactly sure what that was going to be yet, but it was safe to assume it would be a lot rougher and less elegant than my words.

I released his scruff and sat back one more time. I had one knee on either side of his body, right by his thighs, and sitting back on my heels allowed me to tower over him by a good five feet. The size difference between us was remarkable; I could see the awe and intimidation in his eyes. For the first time, we actually took the moment to really examine each other, with no distractions and nothing else to focus on except the other's naked body. Sure, I had mated with him last night--and not just once. But I had been so eager to dominate him that I hadn't given him much time to admire and service me like I wanted--and how I knew he wanted to as well. I know it sounds like I have something of an ego problem, but at that point in my life it was a well-earned trait. Apollo wanted me.

At this point my cock was fully erect save for my knot, which still hid as well as it could within my sheath. My dick hung forward with its massive weight, showing off the few strong veins that bulged along its surface and its utterly canine shape. My balls hung lower, framed between two very thick and very muscular thighs. His eyes traveled my body, but never strayed very far from my cock and my balls. As for myself, I was engrossed with the rise and fall of his toned chest, the barely visible bones along his slender ribcage; but above all, his white-furred belly was to die for. Lying on his back as he was, his stomach concaved in just the right way, not only showing how flat and slim his belly was, but also accentuating his feminine hip bones for me. My fingers ached with the desire to curl around those fragile hips, to stroke gently along his lower stomach into his pubic fur. His body was so PERFECT for me; like no wolf I had ever been with, male or female.

Fortunately for me, Apollo was having similar thoughts. Before I knew it, his small hands were on my legs and stroking their way up and down from my knees to my groin. His claws traced the lines of thick muscle along my thighs. That's where I was supporting most of my weight, so my legs were nice and flexed for him. He was kind of difficult to read because there was a high level of nervousness in every touch. But if I cold judge by the way his eyes never went higher than my lower stomach, I'd say he was just as infatuated with me as I was with him. It wasn't long before his little hands made it to my balls. With one, he started to drag his claws gently back and forth along my inner thigh, while the other helped itself to cup my large testicles in his palm. We both seemed to smirk when we noticed that he could only fit one of my balls into his hand. He promptly brought the other one into play, holding both of my testicles between his hands and cradling them, playing with them. It was no small thing for an Alpha Male wolf to trust anyone to handle his balls--evolutionarily speaking, they were the weakest point on his body, and also the most important in carrying on his seed and adding healthy offspring to the pack. I think the leopard could feel the significance of what he was doing when he looked up at me and met my intense gaze. I didn't stop him, I wouldn't have dreamed of it. I loved the attention and I trusted him. I could only offer him a grin, and a slight touch of a nod to continue. He got the message.

He lowered his hands enough to let my wolfish orbs hang on their own, but before I could speak out in disappointment, he returned those little fingers; this time with his claws out. Apollo ran his sharp feline claws with extreme care down my furry skin, from the extra skin where it met my body, to where he could tickle lovingly along my large testicles. Our size difference was great enough that he could fit all ten of his claws into the playful motion, and it drove me wild. I clenched my fists hard and leaned forward just enough to nearly the punch the mattress on either side of the cat. My tail went into a frenzy behind me, and I had to contain a low whimper. Talk about David bringing down a goliath.

You see, because of my innate fire, I didn't have the extra shagginess that most wolves developed; it was why my muscles were so easily visible and traceable. My body was always at a high temperature, so I never developed a winter coat and my fur was always very thin. My groin was no exception, and those little claws were dragging along skin that was not very well protected. It also happened to be perhaps the most touch-sensitive part of my body. Very few of my bed mates had ever bothered to take advantage of, or even discover, this very real weakness of mine. But Apollo looked positively thrilled at my reaction. I had to reach my hands down to stop him before the sensation got too intense. He took the hint, but I could feel the tension in his hands, itching to continue.

He sat up at this point, and because I had leaned forward to punch at the mattress I was close enough for him to touch his muzzle to mine. He kissed me with affection while I released his hands, and when I sat back to my full height again, he spoke. "We are going to have to revisit that."

I grunted in response to his excited tone, but he easily saw through my apathy when he noticed how HARD those little claws had made me. My sheath was fully retracted now, exposing my knot, and the full glory of my canine cock stood straight up from my groin.

Apollo helped himself. He curled one of his small hands around the base of my penis, but even the thinner area behind my knot was almost too thick for him to make his fingers meet. Holding me rigid, he used his other hand to run a single, soft fingertip along the sensitive head of my cock, rubbing me gently but firmly. With my shaft immobile as it was, the cat was playing another very devious game. The head of my penis was just as sensitive as the next guy's, and the leopard rubbed it in just the right way to get me to gasp and tense up once again. I tried my best not to shiver and squirm, but somehow the feline got me again. I growled at him, and thankfully he stopped rubbing my naked tip. He smiled up at me, and the expression on his face seemed to be equal parts mischievous and happy at the same time.

I huffed. "Take it easy, will you?"

"For such a big guy, making you squirm is surprisingly easy. I didn't think you'd be so sensitive."

I growled at him again, but I didn't have the heart to pull away from him or deny him access to touch my cock, not even in a joking way. He could have done damn near anything he wanted to me with those little hands of his, and I was such a glutton for submissive attention, I would have let him. "I seem to remember a certain feline whom I had to hold down and muffle with a pillow when I introduced him to my knot."

That got Apollo to shut up momentarily, and I could almost see his cheeks burning with a fierce blush. He dropped his pretty blue eyes down to the base of penis, eyeing my veined knot in its most harmless, flaccid state. It had a long way to grow, and Apollo knew it.

I sensed I finally had the advantage, and I dug in. "I wish I could have recorded all of those amazing kitty cat noises you made for me last night." While I did still want to embarrass him, it was no longer about getting back at him. I knew a true sexual submissive when I met one. Apollo relished the memory of the previous night, and not just because it felt amazing. I had tied him up, rendered him absolutely helpless, and made him my bitch for a very long time, in so many different positions. He had LOVED it, and we both knew it because of how incredibly vocal he had been. He moaned and purred and meowed and created all kinds of feline sounds the entire time. I think what turned him on so potently was his embarrassment over enjoying himself so much. I saw it now in his blush, so I helped him along.

I pet affectionately along the leopard's ears, before I gripped my massive fingers along the back of his head. I directed his gaze downward, forcing him to stare at my steel hard, black-skinned cock. "Down, kitty."

Apollo didn't have to be told twice. He shifted his rump back on the bed so he could bend at a more comfortable angle, and lowered his face down toward my body. His movements were tentative and nervous, so innocent. It was easy to tell he had never done this before. I wanted to tell him to take his time, but I was also curious how he would proceed without any guidance from me. Again, the leopard did not disappoint me.

He slid one hand up along the top of shaft and held it in the middle so he could keep it steady. His nose was the first part of him to make contact, and he rubbed it gently along the underside of my dick, running right along the more sensitive regions. I exhaled in a low growl of appreciation, and allowed myself to sit back and relax while I enjoyed the attention. He repeated the motion several times, applying more pressure with his nose against the smooth skin, running up and down on the same few inches. His ears were going crazy atop his head, and his eyes were squeezed shut. I didn't understand what was happening until I saw his little nostrils flare and his whiskers twitching. The musky scent of my crotch and my body were driving him nuts. It was the scent of an Alpha Male wolf, potent enough to attract even the most resistant of female wolves, and intimidate the strongest males. The little leopard didn't stand a chance.

After that, Apollo took off on his own will. He added his whiskers to the nuzzling, and soon he was rubbing his entire face against my cock like it was made of catnip. I had to take my hand off the back of his head so I could clench my fists in pleasure and satisfaction. I flexed the muscles in my long shaft against the stimulation of his fur and whiskers, and I know he felt the veins bulge and the muscles flex with the motion of it. This only seemed to drive him on further. He raised his second hand to cup around the upper half of that thick black flesh, and while he held it steady he dragged his soft face firmly along the length of my cock, from my knot to my tip. It took only a few seconds of this treatment for Apollo to start purring again. The low vibration startled me at first, because the leopard picked up so suddenly into a powerful, heavy purring that came straight from his heart.

The level of affection I felt from him was incredible, he was so into what he was doing that I don't think he would have even heard me if I told him to stop. The satisfaction I felt at that moment was heavenly. I had no idea what I had been missing until Apollo showed me what it was like to have a submissive feline in my bed--not to mention one that was so cock-hungry. And as if his nuzzling and purring weren't enough, the cat let out a content sigh and spoke to me in a breathy, needy tone. "Oh gods, Arch. I could do this forever."

Ugh. If the cat had been providing more stimulation I might have lost it right there. As it was, my cock flexed in sheer arousal and Apollo was awarded with a substantial drop of wolfish pre-seed from the tip of my penis. He actually smeared it along his whiskers and the side of his face before he realized what it was. Surprised, Apollo pulled his face back with sudden urgency, and he raised the back of his hand to wipe at his fur, as if to wipe it away. That only seemed to make it worse. I chuckled at his reaction, and his attempt to get rid of it.

Finally I gripped the back of his smooth head with one hand and I 'encouraged' him to bring his face back to my waiting cock. He didn't put up much resistance, but he did try to pull back when I threatened to rub my wet tip against his face again. He even raised his hands to press against my thighs, giving him more leverage to keep my tapered canine dick from brushing his face. I growled in a loving yet aggressive tone, urging him on. His reluctance and innocence only turned me on more, and that feral side of me was beginning to shine through. The leopard was treading dangerous territory; it was already too late to turn back. I was going to have that beautiful, kittenish muzzle. I was prepared to force him.

"Open your muzzle, kitty."

Apollo looked up at me and once again he seemed surprised. I couldn't blame him; I knew what was going through his head. His gaze lowered again to the thick, veined shaft in front of him, and I could see how nervous he was. "Arch... I can't, I mean... it's huge..." he started, hesitation thick in his voice.

My ego and I both loved hearing him say that. But he said he couldn't, and I disagreed. He could, and I was eager to prove it. I had at least two hours alone with this beautiful leopard; I was going to make the most of it. If you didn't know this about me, getting my dick sucked is just about my favorite past-time, perhaps even more so than actually mating. I could only hope I hadn't misjudged Apollo's taste in being dominated. I didn't really want to take his muzzle against his will, but I also wasn't going to take no for an answer.

When I growled at him again, my lips pulled up into the beginnings of a snarl, asserting myself. I grabbed him gently by one of his soft little ears and forced him to look up at me. "I swear, Apollo, I will force a ring gag into your muzzle if you don't open it for me. Do what I say."

He looked at me with wild, confused eyes. I think he was a bit shocked at my sudden change in demeanor. It also seemed to take him a moment to picture what I meant exactly by 'ring gag' but I think he got the idea. The feline opened his muzzle.

"Let your tongue hang out."

Apollo did as he was told; at least as well as he was able. Turns out felines didn't have tongues nearly as long as a canine. It did at least reach over his bottom teeth and lip, which was plenty for my purposes. The cat looked up at me in that still moment with his pretty blue eyes, brows knitted together in embarrassment. He told me later that he would never have done something so humiliating for another male before he met me, and he never did again.

I didn't give him much time to dwell on his embarrassment.

I lay the first few inches of my wolfish cock along the bed of his tongue, which put my tapered tip beyond the bridge of his nose. Eager to test the texture, I gripped the fur on the back of his head and pulled him forward toward my crotch, sliding the underside of my dick along his tongue. We both shuddered at the initial contact; me for his rough feline texture against my skin, and he for his powerful first taste of my penis. After that, he fell naturally into the role of what he was supposed to be doing. He closed his lips around my shaft, and sucked gently along the few thick inches in his muzzle. He rolled his little tongue under my tip, and pressed it firmly against the roof of his mouth. He was playing with it, tasting those first drops of my pre-seed with his wandering tongue with enthusiasm. He even whimpered for me in the most adorable feline tone, and lifted his eyes up to look at me. I could tell by the look in his eyes, and the way his tongue began to methodically stroke along the sides of my cock, that he found the taste to be more than agreeable. His tail lashed and his body was braced for me, ready. Looking back on it now, it was truly amazing how compatible we were; how well we fit together. I had never received that kind of sincere reaction from a virgin. Apollo loved the taste of my cock, and he was urging me to continue.

My grip tightened on his fur and I pulled him in closer to my crotch, sliding my massive shaft into his muzzle until his lips nearly kissed my knot. The sheer size of my dick had his muzzle open very wide already, and my tip more than poked at the back of his throat. He grasped my muscular legs feebly, trying to push me away, but I was beyond the point of being polite. His pretty muzzle and his throat were mine, and he was just going to have to deal with it. Eventually he calmed down, but not before he squeezed away a few involuntary tears while fighting his gag reflex. I could feel him trying not to choke on me; could feel his surprisingly sharp claws digging into my thighs while he tried to fight the strength in my hand to pull his head back.

I just growled at him, and spoke calmly. "I'm not pulling it out until you calm down, kitty cat. Breathe through your nose, and stay calm. The urge to choke is all in your mind," I guided him, hoping my experience in this area could help speed things along.

Turned out Apollo was a natural. He took my advice, and after a moment of struggling and salivating he finally did calm down. He withdrew his claws from my thighs, and looked up at me with tear-filled eyes. I expected him to be angry, but instead there seemed to be nothing but sheer supplication in the poor feline's gaze. He was looking to me for guidance, he wanted to please me. I grinned devilishly at him. There was nothing quite like getting that look from a male who had nearly my entire cock in his mouth. If I could manage to keep this feline around, I had no doubt I could get Apollo to suck my dick every day, any time I wanted it. He was so into this, loving it just as much as I was.

"Well?" I growled through my grin, and I pushed his head down a little further to get his attention. He nearly coughed around my shaft in surprise. "Suck it, kitten."

And so he did. He swallowed convulsively around my tip as he got used to it being there, and his rough little tongue went into action, licking and rubbing up and down along the thicker parts of my penis. The rough texture of his tongue threw me off guard at first, and I flexed my dick against his throat in sheer pleasure as he tongued the length of a particularly prominent vein. I inadvertently pulled his face closer to my body, until his lips closed around the curve of my knot, and his nose was nearly touching the musky fur of my groin. He whimpered and he squirmed between my legs, able to breathe only through his nose so that every time he inhaled he got the overbearing scent of my balls and my crotch fur. I wanted so badly to force him to take my knot so I could bury his pretty face against my fur between my powerful legs, but he wasn't quite ready for that.

In any case, I couldn't sit still any longer. I held that little cat's head steady and I pulled my hips back, groaning at the feel of the cat's inner muzzle as I slid my cock outward long his tongue. I didn't take but half of it out before I slid it right back in. And once I felt how satisfying the back and forth motion was, I couldn't stop. I started as slowly as I could, sliding the entire length of my massive black penis back and forth into his spotted muzzle. Apollo seemed alarmed at first; he was expecting to suck me at his own pace, but I was gentle enough to allow him to adjust to the change of plan.

With both hands on Apollo's head, I gripped his sensitive little ears for leverage, and to keep his head still, and I had my way with him. My slow, gentle movements slowly became faster and harder until I was thrusting into the cat's muzzle. The leopard was reminded of the size and weight of my wolfish balls every time I thrust forward when they would swing against his delicate chin.

Eventually I think the feline closed his eyes and concentrated on simply letting me do what I wanted and not choke. I'm sure Apollo would have given me a fine blow job, but I wanted him to fully understand his position beneath me. In public, I was prepared to respect Apollo for the prince that he was. In private, this cat's job was to be my bitch. It's certainly difficult to maintain dignity while being muzzle-fucked by a male twice your size and three times your weight in muscle.

Mercifully, I did not drag out the process like I did the night before. I'm great at self-control, and I could have made the spotted cat service me for hours with his muzzle down there. But we had things to do, and I didn't want to completely ruin the poor virgin. I thrust and stroked myself toward an orgasm on his tight, wet mouth and throat in a matter of about ten minutes all together. But at the end... let's just say I miscalculated.

When the fire in my loins began to build in that remarkable pleasure, I was so far gone into dominating the poor leopard that I started thrusting just a little too hard. My knot scraped the cat's teeth, and I completely ignored it a few times. Every time I did it, Apollo would open his muzzle wider and wider, trying to accommodate my knot. He had so little experience with canine cocks after all; he didn't know the harm. I thrust hard against his face, and my knot slipped passed the line of his teeth. I growled sharply at the minor pain mixed with the incredible pleasure that built in my shaft and my loins. All I could feel at that moment was my tip going deeper into his throat than before, and the sweet, sweet feel of his hot little muzzle pressing down around my naked knot.

I started cumming right at that moment. I gripped his ears hard and I pulled his face into my crotch, with his chin nestled against my balls and his nose and forehead buried deeply into the fur of my groin and lower belly. I continued to thrust against the poor leopard's face, even though he was already as far as he could go. My cock flexed and pulsed as I shot those extremely thick ropes of alpha wolf cum into the smaller male's throat, which he had no choice but to swallow. My knot swelled as I was wracked with pleasure and release. I even tried to pull back a few times, and in my coital haze I enjoyed the pulling on my lodged knot, not realizing I was unable to pull it out of Apollo's muzzle.

So that is how I tied my knot into Apollo's muzzle during his first blow job. It's not a story he likes to share with many people, though I tell it just about every chance I get. I don't know if he ever really believed me when I told him it was an accident. It didn't really matter, though. Accident or not, Apollo was stuck.

I realized what had happened a few seconds later when I noticed that each tug I gave only brought the leopard further down into my lap. I froze for a second, and my hands eased up on the grips I had on Apollo's ears. He looked up at me with frantic eyes and tried to pull his head back. I winced and growled sharply, immediately gripping the little feline by his scruff to keep his head still. I spoke through my growl at him. "Don't. Pull."

He stopped, but he let me know how unhappy he was with a pathetic whine that vibrated through his throat. It only made me shudder and flex the length of my powerful shaft against his soft inner muzzle and throat. He lifted his hands to my thighs and dug his claws into the muscle there. He followed it by trying to squeeze down with his muzzle as if to bite me, but that didn't work either. My knot was large and solid enough to keep his teeth easily separated. Not only did it not hurt, it felt wonderful to have my knot squeezed like that, and only caused me to give another involuntarily flex. As long as I stopped him from pulling back, there was nothing he could do.

I couldn't help it, I chuckled at him. "You're not going anywhere, kitty." I rubbed my hand gently over the back of his head, trying to calm him down. "Hang on," I warned, as if he had a choice. I slowly maneuvered myself around him, and kept a hand firmly on the back of his head to keep his muzzle immobile while I moved. I shifted him awkwardly until I was able to sit on the bed and lay back against the headboard, forcing him to bend his lithe body and press his face into my groin. His claws stayed rigid on my thighs the entire time.

I lied back and relaxed, soothing the poor feline with gentle rubs to his ears. Eventually he calmed down, and I relished the feel of his nose and whiskers nuzzling into my crotch, and the way his chin nestled comfortably against my balls. It was difficult to feel at all apologetic; the way I saw it, the feline owed me and my knot after the sex I had given him the night before. I had made that coupling all about him, astonished as I was to see how many orgasms I could force him to.

Apollo and I lay like that for some time. If I had to guess, it was at least a full 10 minutes I was stuck inside his muzzle. And like the lazy dominant that I am, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep. Apollo didn't know it, but I was extremely grateful for the opportunity to relax like this. I was content to deal with the feline's indignant anger when I woke up, and deal with all of the work I was putting off. I might have savored it even more, if I had known this was the last time Apollo and I were going to be together.

For a while, anyway.