Nights Alone - For Cerys

Story by Iacobus Artifex on SoFurry

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It was midnight again... I couldn't sleep. I hadn't been able to sleep for... How long now? A few days? A week? Two weeks? I don't remember the night it started.

I'm not worrying about anything, so that can't be why I can't sleep... People around me are plenty happy, as well. Maybe I just feel... Left out now? It's been a long while since my Master did anything with me... But I'm not one to intrude. He's got himself someone, now, so I'll just leave it at that.


A knock on my door woke me up, from my in between sleep and awake modes. I sat up, yawned, again, and rubbed my eyes. The door opened; of course he didn't need permission to open it.

"Morning!" Said my enthusiastic Sheep Dog of a master. Jared. Jared, was his name. He set down a tray of food behind me, and surprisingly, sat down. He was usually darting off to spend time with his Significant Other...

I felt him grabbing, and pulling at my fluffy fur with his fingers. "It's getting a bit thick, Jeremy. We'll have to cut it, soon. And I'm not stopping you from talking. " He hinted at me.

"I don't feel like it, Jared. Talking. It get out of one's system easily." I couldn't see or hear if Jared did anything, after that. His fingers left my fur, and, a moment later, I felt his arms suddenly wrap around me. "Sorry for leaving you alone in here. It's... I don't mean to. I just have Kyle; you know that."

I did. It didn't make it any better, though. I had nothing to do.. Jared couldn't afford two T.V.s, and we didn't have many books to read. The most I could do was sit on my bed, and day dream. Do you know how boring day dreaming gets when your mind simply doesn't want to comply?

I still reveled in feeling his arms around me again. The door bell rand. I didn't even have to guess as to who it'd be. Jared licked me, right under my ear. "You can get yourself some lunch, later. " He said, before bounding off. Unfortunately, I didn't feel like eating either,

I turned, and grabbed the tray, setting it on the ground. I heard the front door shut, loudly. I could almost hear his enthusiastic chatter from where I was. I laid back down on my bed, rolling onto my stomach, and grabbing the pillow, pulling it into a tight hug. ...Was I angsting? No! I was happy for him. Wasn't I?

I closed my eyes, and remembered a scene from not long after he first trapped me here, with a smile.

_My hands and feet were tied together, hands behind my back. They were a bit tight, and it hurt whenever I pulled hard against them. But it had to be done. I wasn't going to be kidnapped like this! Hell, the person who did this had to be some leather-covered maniac, that enjoyed raping people in dirt-encrusted motels!

I was trying to chew through the gag, unsuccessfully. My wrists were burning, my ankles the same. I heard the door open. He was here. My head snapped towards the door. I moved my body back, until it hit the wall. But I couldn't believe my eyes, when I saw him.

He was tall, with light tan colored fur, black patches, appearing on his muzzle, stomach, and legs... His eyes were a beautiful light green. But he couldn't be the one doing this to me. Maybe he was here to help me!

He moved closer, his light-hearted smile already assuring me slightly that he was here to help. His hands came over to me... And patted my head. He didn't grab the rope, and take it off. He didn't touch the gag. He just... Ruffled my hair, "Hey there, Sheepie." He said. Chuckling. What did I do? I fainted. Yeah. Smart move on my part._

I'm not sure when I woke up. It was dark, I could tell from the small window across the room. The bed inclined down, towards my feet. I could hear him humming, softly. I tried to act like I wasn't awake, but no, his ears were perked high, now. Maybe he'd been listening to me breath?...

He turned around, that smile there, willing me not to get scared, though it was impossible. He got up, walked over, and sat next to me, his tail draping over me, his rump rubbing up against my stomach. Atleast it was warm... Right? His hand found it's way to my head again, rubbing. I scowled... Well, tried to scowl. It's hard to with a gag in your mouth. I'm sure he saw my eyes, though, and that was enough to convey the message.

"Come now. You may be here, tied up, but who ever said that I couldn't make it pleasurable for you? Hmm?" His hand left my head. Trailed down my chest softly, rubbing over my stomach, and finally came to a rest on my sheath. His smile was a little different now... More... Lustful? I couldn't tell, nor care. He started rubbing me, massaging. I tried to scoot away, but he sat on my stomach pinning me down.

He moved so that he was facing my bottom end, one leg on each side of me. Now, he put both hands into the effort, one slowly, slowly rubbing my balls, and the other pushing, rubbing, and other things against my sheath. So what if I couldn't help getting aroused, after a little bit of this? I was blushing.

It wasn't long until he had me really arguing against my body. It could have happened to anyone, right? That's what I tried to tell myself, but something in the back of my mind was saying that I liked it too much, that I was getting a bit too much entertainment from it...

I stopped there. Master didn't like me getting aroused while he wasn't around... Any further, and yeah, I'd be aroused. Some time in the day had passed, though. Maybe an hour, or two? I can't be sure. I was partially hungry... But the food that Jared had given me was cold. I still reached down, picked it up, and started eating.


It was getting dark when I really started thinking about things. I missed him too much. I wanted to feel him close again, right next to me, his warm breath on me. So I decided to do something... He probably wouldn't check in on me when he got back, and he had said I could walk out and get food earlier. A little bit of blurring around the edges couldn't hurt... And if it did, well, atleast he'd be spending time with me.

I heard faint voices, one distinctly Jared's. They stopped for a few moments, and then the door opened, and shut. Too quick for two people, thankfully. All was going according to plan... Jared went into what he could guess was the kitchen, probably getting a glass of water before bed on a long day.

He didn't check in, as I knew. I was smiling, maybe a touch evilly, at the wall, almost too elated to keep still. I still had a while to wait, though. Make sure that he was fully asleep... Nothing could go wrong then. I knew him too well.

It was a half hour before I moved, again. The house was as quiet as it could be. I snuck out form my room, being as quiet as possible, and made my way to his. The door wasn't shut... But that made it all the better. Meant that I didn't have to risk accidentally making it squeak. I went in, still sneaking, and very, very slowly, I got onto his bed, and crawled towards the top, making my way under the covers.

I held still. He hadn't had any reaction, but I wasn't just going to go on without being cautious. After another minute, he still hadn't stirred, so I moved on, going down until I found his legs. He was sleeping on his stomach today... But I could handle that. Master always said that he wanted to know what waking up in the middle of sex felt like. So I was going to show him.

I got on my knees, rising the blanket a bit, but it didn't matter, again. I started rubbing myself fast, and it didn't take long at all for me to get hard. Maybe it was the situation, what I was about to do... Or I really just needed to get off.

I leaned forward, and lifted his tail out of the way, leaving his nice, tanned rump infront of me, hot and sexy. I moved my head in closer, and used my hands to slowly spread his cheeks apart. His tail fell against my back,half hanging over my left shoulder. I sniffed, once, and started licking at his tight hole. The taste I was less than enthusiastic at, but that didn't matter to me.

I could feel his stirring, slightly, as I kept this up, delving in, and getting him slick. As far as I could tell, he hadn't woken. Finally, I pulled away. That was good enough .Next, I took my hand, and licked it the same way I had his ass, before using it to cover my cock. It worked as lube, right? "Unh." He said. Starting to wake up. I moved fast, darting forward, flinging my body over his, sliding my cock up against his ass until it found an opening... And went in.

He gasped. Loud. Then moaned. I didn't give him time to do anything else... I started humping. Hard. Fast. I wasn't used to being on top, but anything for him. He was gripping the sheets already, and I could have sworn that I smelled his arousement.

"Huh-Who?..." He tried. I didn't say anything, but rather grunted, as I felt his ass seemingly pulling on me. Not that it actually was. It was just the tightness of it, trying to hold things in place. Just like my hard on earlier, I could feel orgasm coming so much sooner than usual. Another moan from him. I guessed that he didn't care about who, what, or why anymore.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of my body heating up more and more as I humped. He was thrusting back against me, now. Making it better for both of us.

Suddenly, I cried out. He gasped again. I let myself slam into him hard, one last time, before reaching out, going forward, and hugging him tight as I hit, and went over the top. Was that a bit of my own cum, trinkling out, and running down me? I couldn't tell, didn't care, again.

"J-Jeremy?! What are - Were you doing?!" He said, and pulled himself off me, turning around. I stared at the sheets. He hadn't come... I looked up, and apologetic, innocent look on my face...

That was before I darted forward again, this time cramming his thick cock into my muzzle, sucking eagerly. I felt him shudder, his hands move down, and grip my fur encouragingly. I licked, sucked, rubbed him, and did everything that he had taught me. I felt his large knot against my muzzle, now, and gripped behind it with my hands, tight and hard. It drove him crazy, I knew. It was a moment later that I could feel his cock jerking upward, hitting the roof of my mouth. I shut my muzzle against his length, and sucked again, as his warm seed flowed.


It was some time later. I was sitting opposite of him on the top of the bed, staring off at the carpet shamefully. We hadn't said anything, yet. I don't know if I offended him, hurt his feelings, or what...

The bed moved. More accurately, something on the bed moved. And it wasn't me.

Warm arms were there a moment later, wrapping around me again. "You could have just told me..." He said. "But.." I started, "If I told you, I thought that you'd say something about Kyle... Cheating on him or something. You've not been paying attention, almost at all, to me lately... It just sorta built up. I'm sorry..." I tried, haltingly, to explain.

"... Thanks for that, Sheepie." He licked me, under my ear, again.