The trials of a pirate.

Story by Wolf_Starwalker on SoFurry

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#1 of Pirates of the War

"haha!!! ive done it!!! ive finanly done it!!!! ive created the perfict time machine all i have to do is...." -tv clicks off-

he was boring, hi guys! welcome to the start of a brand new story. i might do more...... no promises though, but if this is shown some love (for me that means one like maybe more......) i might put out the next page. as always the comments are very much appreciated all i ask is that don't get mad at any mistakes that i might have typed because i suck at spelling! im only a wolf!!!!! what do you want!?!?!?!? streaches and my wings extend ah well. yeah.. some cursing in this one...... I dont know why but I put it in........ i might not update today... depending on if my internet keeps being stupid.....

a bell tolls and the citizens scurry about getting to their homes and slaming their doors and windows, the whole affair making lots of noise, but not enough to cover the sound of cannon fire going off.

"TO ARMS MY BROTHERS! TO ARMS!" yelled a young half wolf/pitbull who was wearing an officers uniform.

a drunkerd stumbeld onto the street only to be knocked off of his feet by a cannon ball hitting not to far from him

"shit...." muttered the drunkerd has he struggles to stand up.

"YOU SIR!!! OFF THE STREET!!! THERE ARE PIRATES!!!!" yelled the officer as he runs past trying to get to the battlements.

"ah piss off...... back in my day the pirates used to come into the cities to slaughter the citize-"

soon the gate to the docks burst open and at least 50 large pirates stormed in, cutlass's drawn and blood dripping from them.

"now THAT'S more like it!" grined the drunkard before straightening up and drawing a knife and stabs the closest pirate and takes his cutlass. "COME GET SOME YOU WANKERS!!!!" the drunkard shouted, whiping off his cowl, reveiling a husky mixed with a wolf.

the pirates chuckled

"did ye 'elly think we' not plan for yer betryal?" a pirate scoffed. "let's cut 'em lads! Leave no prisioners!!!!!"

the officer looked at the husky and drew his sword, standing shoulder to shoulder with the husky.

"I dont know who you are....... but the rival of my rival is my ally." the pittbull said.

"well then ally.... my name is-" the husky started to say

"Logan James Safko" a gruff voice said. "or should i call ye captain safko, capitan of the ship Time Wolves........n'er thought i'd see the day to kill the Man of a thousand names and treasures, himself....."

"Wait your....." the officer started to say before being cut off.

"Aye lad. that there be the man who slaughtered your mom...... and i be his first mate who raped her before he did..." the voice said as a german sheapard steps around from behind the gate, cannon fire still sounding in the distance.

"You....... YOU CAUSED ALL THIS" the officer shouted to the husky

"quite down boy...... im not the one who raped your mother, nor am i the one who killed her. i may be the one who looted a town close to her but i didnt kill her........

"bu-" the officer started to say before a pirate lunged at him. the wolf sent a dagger into the back of the pirate attacking the officer before turning to fight three who thought that he would be an easy kill. the german shepard watched the two fight all 48 of his men before the two killed the last one and turned to the capitan.

"enough of these games blood-eye." logan said before throwing the cutlass down to pull out a rapier.

the officer looked to the husky. "yes, enough, all your men are dead. you are now both under arrest in the name of the royal navy."

logan sighs and blood-eye laughs

"YOU THINK IM DONE?!? MY BOY WE JUST STARTED!!!!" blood-eye yelled with a large evil grin plasterd on his face.

logan pulls out another dagger and throws it at blood-eye, hitting him in the shoulder blade, making the german shepard drop his cutlass and fall to his knees.

"leave this place blood-eye.... leave and never come back...." logan said as the german shepard looks at him, stands up and runs away, tail between his legs. soon the cannon fire stops and people venture from their houses, surprised that they werent looted. as they ventured from their homes they stayed clear of the husky and the officer.

The Gods

Stare into the night and you might see a fight. not between men, but gods, and at the end you might sob. and as one falls to the ground, dead, the other will bow their head. not over relife or joy, bu becuase they changed the boy. lad or lass...



I am shy, My brain is fried, All i can do is hide, From what is inside, But yet if i die, -And i dont lie- I wouldnt fly, I would have only tried, And yet you sigh But my love is unending, Just like Pi -Wolf

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And our story begins here.

the sky grew bright to mark the start of a new day, the birds singing, a river gently flowing, and frogs croaking can all be heard in the distance. none of this made any difference to the rabbit who awoke and streached and yawned "that was a great...

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