The prison's skipper

Story by TovenThomas on SoFurry

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Prison is already bad enough. Add two leaders of their groups wanting your hole and you have a real problem.

The Prison's Skipper

A Drunken Wolf Production

The F cell block was at lunch under the careful watch of the assorted canine correctional officers in the cafeteria. The tables were full of chatter as the convicts placed their trays down and dined in their orange prison jump suits under the watch from above. Each table table had its own specie requirement, only allowing thier kind to sit with them. All the canines and wolves sat at thier own table away from the big cats and smaller felines, while the mix matched creatures huddled around a large table in the corner. It was intake day and everyone was curious to see what would come in to join their cell block. The head of the canine table, a large husky by the name of Dontae, watched over his group staring at Tyson at the table behind them. Tyson, the largest tiger of the group, glared back eying the red and white dog. The two self proclaimed kings of their specie growled baring their fangs at each other. Dontae eyed the cell gate hoping a group of wolves and canines would come in adding to his force. Tyson on the other paw desperately needed more felines to counter the added force of the dog correctional guards.

"Alright ladies. Time for your new fishes," a large Rottweiler in his dark blue uniform called down as the cell door opened.

The group cheered banging their trays up and down on the table as the new group filed in. Two panthers and a medium sized brown otter walked through the doors carrying jumpsuits, pillows and blankets. Tyson smirked seeing the new editions walk through the cafeteria and out the other side to the housing unit. "Two more for the team," he thought to himself as the pair exited out. Dontae grumbled looking at the otter as Tyson beamed from ear to ear. Even though it was an otter, having it on his side would be a better than the tiger having him. The husky felt he could use a new play toy. The small corgi he had been using for his pleasure was getting transfered in a month. He watched the small mammal walk into the housing unit as the cell gates closed behind him. The husky finished his tray quickly, dropping it in front of the hyena working behind the cafeteria counter, and headed for the cell gates. He nodded to the rottweiler above and exited as the gate opened.

Dontae padded down the hall and waited as a collie C.O. opened the housing unit and allowed him entrance. Being a dog helped him get extra leniency with his fellow specie. Paying them off with sexual favors from his corgi or cash always got him what he needed. He marched into the housing unit and sniffed around for his new otter toy. All the bottom glass units were empty. He jogged eagerly up the stairs and over to the top cells. He could see the otter adding his sheets to the empty matress and leaned against the door way. He smiled watching the small creature work straitening the wrinkles and fluff his pillow. He grabbed the door handle pulling it open and leaned in. The otter's ear swivveled in his direction but his focus never left his bed.

"Welcome to Lucas Corectional," Dontae said eyeing the otter's small plump butt in his jump suit pants.

The otter grunted in response and kept working pulling his pillow case over his pillow. The large uniform making him look scrawny under its bulk.

"Don't let the cat get your tongue. He's a very annoying animal," Dontae said taking a few steps into the room.

"What do you want," the otter asked cooly moving a green eye in his direction.

The husky smiled walking over to the otter leaning into his muzzle.

"I could use some one like you. I can... protect you. Do things for you," he whispered placing a paw on the otter's chin lifting it to stare into his blue eyes.

Without a moments hesitation the otter socked him hard in the stomach. The red husky doubled over as the otter walked past and pulled the door open.

"I can take care of myself. Stay away from me," he warned flatly closing the door.

Dontae panted rubbing his gut growling softly. The husky had come across a lot of firey spirited animals during his stint at Lucas and knew this otter would be another fun toy to break in. Evgeryone fought him at first. He had ways of getting what he wanted. His corgi knew that all to well. The dog took a breath, after regaining his composure, walked out as the rest of the tenants slowly filed in. He closed the door behind him and nodded to a pitbull as he approached. He grabbed the dog around the shoulder and marched him past the cell. He pulled him to the railing and pointed at the small otter reading a book at a table below.

"Watch him. Make sure those slimy cats don't get thier paws on him. Since he's your cell mate, I want you to guard him close. He'll make a nice replacement for when Brian leaves at the end of the month," he explained releasing the dog.

"Why him. There's plenty of she males that want your cock already. Why go through the trouble," he asked watching Tyson approach the otter.

The pair stood idly above as the white and black stripped tiger snatched the book from the otter's grasp. The otter looked up and rose to his feet. Tyson towered over the otter smiling evily down at him.

"What cha readin' fish," he asked closing the book and looking at the cover.

The otter pushed his chair back from behind him and squared up to the cat stopping a whisker's length away from the big feline. The otter eyed up at the cat and winded the feline punching him hard in the center of his stomach. The cat groaned crouching to his knees as the otter snatched his book and slowly padded towards the stairs.

"That's why," Dontae chuckled watching two smaller tigers help Tyson to his feet amongst a loud round of applause.

The pitbull nodded and followed the otter into his cell. Dontae grinned watching the tiger hold his stomach as he had done not more than ten minutes earlier. He was starting to like this new fiesty little fish. He would make sure only he got to play with the new block mate.

Morning roll call started normally with the doberman C.O.'s grabbing their note pads and counting the inmates. Dontae's new otter stood in front of his cell door beside his pitbull cellmate waiting to be called. The husky listened intently as the otter's number came up.

"0167219, Marcus Hadley," the doberman said crossing his name off. "Also known as "The skipper," the dog teased reading off the otter's A.K.A.

"Not much of a skipper though," the other doberman c.o. teased reaching up and tapping the otter on the nose.

Roll call went on that way until all the members were accounted for. The husky's current corgi play toy Brian, sat beside the dog at a table resting his head against his arm. The husky snarled pushing the dog way.

"Your my bitch. Not my mate," he said shoving the small dog from up under him.

Th corgi whimpered softly brushing a paw through his short black head fur.

"What about last night. You said you loved my attention," he mumbled sitting across from the dog.

Dontae completely ignored the small canine eyeing Marcus as he sat down with his book. "The skipper huh," he thought to himself. He was tired of 's needy clingyness and was glad the pembroke would be transferring soon. He wasn't thrilled with his crotch being begged for. It did nothing for his masculinity to dominate the smaller weaker dog. His eyes were set on the skipper now. The new silent otter that had punched his way into his every thought. He growled softly as Tyson circled the otter with a crew of three including the two new panthers. Their paws were still bandaged from the mandatory declaw session they went through at intake. The red husky waved a paw sumonning a few support of his own. Two large black labs and a grey wolf. Leading them down the stairs, Dontae marched up to the tiger's posse.

"Didn't you learn the first time he layed you out," Dontae snapped reaching the bottom stair.

"I heard from these two you, got dropped on your fluffy ass first. So spare me your drool," he retorted leaning over the otter's chair.

"Leave my fish alone if you know what's good for you stripes," Dontae said said pushing past the tiger's entourage to stare him down.

The over head guards watched them placing a cautious paw on their walkies. They were ready incase anything was to go down.

"I'm trying to read," the otter grumbled looking up from his book.

Tyson grinned leaning his paw on the back of the otter's chair. "You hear that boys, he's trying to read. We better leave the big bad skipper alone."

Marcus stood and pushed his chair in. Picking up his book the otter waited for the group to move from around him. He looked up at a panther blocking his path and clenched a fist.

"Around you or through you. Pick one," Marcus whispered watching the black furred cat.

Stepping quickly to one side the panther moved allowing Marcus to walk by. The small otter sat down in the t.v. section away from the two groups.

"I knew you were a bunch of pussies," Dontae sneered as he and his boys retreated back up the stairs.

Tyson crossed his paws watching the group leave. He motioned to a leapord to come over and sat down pointing at the empty chairs around the table. They sat and the tiger leaned in.

"Kyenn, I want that fish. Pull some strings and get him a job in the kitchen with the Hyenas. They still owe me a quater ounce and until it gets here, there in my paw. I'll have to work something out to get him alone," he said whispering to his group. "I don't want that toilet drinker to have another single new follower."

A week had went by before Kyenn the leopard was able to get the hyenas to open a spot in the kitchen. A harlequin furred great dane c.o. escorted the otter into the large prison's kitchen. Several hyenas were working in the kitchen opening cans, mixing sauce, and heating food. One of the group, the fatest one in the bunch, came over looking down at Marcus.

"We hardly get any otters here at Lucas. You must be a pretty tough customer," the jolly hyena said extending a paw. "Im Boscoe. You can call me cooky though. Everyone else does."

"Skipper," the otter responded shaking his paw.

Cooky nodded and pointed over his shoulder to a stack of dishes. "How about we start there. We'll move you around as he need to," Cooky said leading him to the sink.

The otter nodded working away at the dishes.

After finishing his kitchen duties Marcus was dismissed and escorted back to the F cell block. The great dane c.o. shoved him through the cell gate and closed it with out missing a beat. The small otter made his way up the stairs and to his cell. He opened the handle eyeing the pitbull on the top bunk. The two nodded as Marcus grabbed a fresh pair of boxers and a new orange jumpsuit. The dog watched him shaking his head quickly.

"Woah Skipper, it's cat shower time. I'd wait," the dog said leaning his head over the edge.

"Thanks.....your name's Ace right," he asked causing the dog to bob his head. "I need a private meeting with your lead dog. I need to talk business."

"Wait till they hit the showers. That's really the only time your guarenteed not to get attacked, raped, and pillaged," Ace said grabbing his towel and change of clothes. "We'll go when Tyson and his group come out."

The shower room was the average twelve shower-head wash facility with sinks and mirrors lining the wall. Ace escorted the otter into the room past the Collie c.o. The dog shook his head in disbelief as the skipper walked in.

"We let you bathe alone for a reason," the dog barked watching all the eyes turn to Marcus.

The skipper gave no reply as he spotted Dontae rubbing shampoo into his scalp. On his knees below, getting pelted by the shower water, Brian knelt blowing the husky. The big dog had his eyes closed humming a tune as the naked skipper padded over next time him turning on the shower head. Dontae looked over hearing the water and eyed the otter from tail tip to ear tip. The skipper had tribal ink sprayed down his brown back fur with the lines wrapping up to his arms . The husky murred watching the water cascade down the otter's lines and over his butt. He licked his lips watching the otter's tail sway dripping behind him. "He even has a handsome little brown package," the husky thought. The skipper looked over, then down at the dog firmly wrapped around the husky's cock sucking and bobbing away. Dontae caught his eye and winked.

"Did you need something or were you wanting to trade places with Brian here," he teased bucking few times into the corgi's mouth for show.

"Cut the crap. If you help me, you'll get your fresh new tail hole." the otter growled looking down at the corgi.

Dontae smiled pressing a paw against the shower wall.

"I'm listening," the husky grunted patting Brian's head.

He finally had the skipper right where he wanted him.

Rec time outside was dull as can be. It was humid outside and the sun was glaring down on them. The large cement layed quadrant had a basketball court, tables, and weights benches, but not much else. Marcus could see the warden making his rounds walking around the yard. The large orca in a business suit, marched infront of two female bobcats carying clipboards, talking about isolation precedures and recomendations. He watched as a c.o. opened the door and allowed them in closing the door behind them. Marcus was sitting in with the dog's today and Tyson was pissed. He eyed angrily over at the table and laid out his plans to the group.

"Remind Cooky he still owes me and have him send the otter into the storage room tomorrow. "We'll jump him in there. We'll just have Cooky lock the door so we can enjoy the little skipper for a while," Tyson whispered eyeing the otter as Dontae conversed with him.

The group nodded as the big white tiger thought it over to himself smiling. "I'll have fresh fish tomorrow," he said grinning from ear to ear.

The next morning's role call started simply enough until the doberman c.o. reached Marcus.

"0167219, also known as the cutest little inmate Lucas has ever seen. You in their little skipper," the dog teased pushing the otter's black nose with a paw tip.

"Don't tell me Tyson already stole your tongue," the other guard teased whe Marcus just stood there..

After everyone had been marked off and accounted for, they were sent their seperate ways to do their daily work shifts. The small otter padded behind the party colored great dane as he whistled. He opened the cell gate and shoved the otter roughly in. Skipper grunted then nodded to Cooky and watched as all the inmates from F block were escorted in for breakfast.

"I forgot to pull the box of ketchup packets from the storage room Skipper. You mind grabbing a few cases before we run out. The guys get cranky with out ketchup on thier hash browns," the fat hyena said pointing to the storage room's open door. Marcus shrugged and did as he was asked padding into the large store room looking for a box that could contain ketchup. There were all kinds of. Can goods, boxes, and cartons were all stacked and orginized neatly in the room. In the corner, what looked like four industrial sized bags of potatos. He was glad he wasn't asked to haul one of those out, each one was twice his size. All the boxes looked exactly the same, excpet for a small label on the side that displayed its contents. He spotted the red tomatoe symbol and hefted the box into his paws.

"Slow down fishy," Tyson called walking into the room followed by a buff panther. "I stayed up all night thinking about this," he whispered walking up to the otter as the panther walked behind the skipper

"So you get your kicks from forced sex in storage closets," Marcus said smoothly as Tyson rubbed a paw down the otters cheek.

"You make it sound so dirty. Its just a little rough sex between friends," he added as the panther smacked the box from his paw.

"I'm glad you agree. I told Dontae that same thing last night," he said as the potato bags in the corner started moving.

The panther turned around as Dontae pulled his sack down and climbed out. Ace and another pitbull along with a hefty akita , climbed from thier sacks as the storage door locked behind the tiger.

"I promised the big husky a tight new hole if he helped me. "I would assume your back end is just as new and fresh to Dontae as mine would have been," Skipper said watching the tiger's expression change as he backed up to the door.

Ace and the akita grabbed the panther and stuffed him in one of the large bags and tied it up. They watched as the panther kicked and struggle, but a firm paw down over the top of the bag by Dontae put an end to it.

Tyson tried pulling the locked handle and banged on the door.

"Cooky we had a deal," he yelled as the four advanced on him.

"I made a new deal with Cooky a few days ago. All i had to do was call in a favor for what he owed you. I've been around a few prisons to know you don't just jump onto kitchen duty. I'm called the skipper for a reason. I'm the captain here. I call the shots," he smiled victoriously as the dog's pounced him.

The skipper leaned against the condement shelf watching the dog's strip the fighting cat of his jumpsuit pining him down. Marcus shook his head at the cat as he recieved his just desserts. They were locked in and no one would be able to hear the tiger's yells of agony. He would make sure to set an example to the tiger and everyone else that tried to use him as a sex toy. Soon this would be his prison. No one makes a bitch out of the prison's skipper

Just another side piece I did while i'm waiting on Rego to return. Graduate all ready x.x. Feel free to comment