Tangles - chapter4: Mi Casa, Su Casa

Story by Granite Dragon on SoFurry


#4 of Tangles


Eric was almost too excited to get ready for school. All he could think about was that cute little pony he had helped at the mall yesterday that he was about to meet at school. He rushed through his morning routine forgetting to do things that he then had to go back and complete. His mom kept eyeing him.

"Ok, what's going on mister? Yesterday you were all depressed about going to school the next day and today your acting like it's the last day of school. Is something wrong?" His mom questioned him as he furiously brushed his teeth.

"Naw mom! Every thing's great! I guess I'm just excited to make some new friends!" Eric responded in between spits.

"Mmhhmm..." His mom hummed suspiciously. "I'm sure that's why. I've got my eye on you Eric. You better not be up to something, you hear?" She said as she walked down the hall. Eric just rolled his eyes. Aren't moms the greatest? He finished up and called out to the kids.

"Come on guys, it's time to go!" He shouted through the house. His little brother and sister emerged from their rooms with their backpacks on ready for the day at school. "Alright, grab your lunch and go out to the car." Eric grabbed his keys and followed the little ones out the door. All three piled into the car and Eric fired up the engine. He rolled out of the driveway and speed of towards school.

"Slow down!" Eric's little brother Kenneth whined.

"Ya, slow down! Your going way too fast! What's wrong with you." his little sister complained. Eric looked at the speedometer and noticed he was going 15 over.

"Sorry guys, Im just really excited about school today." Eric replied, slowing down the car.

"Ya, well it's not gonna be exciting when you slam into the car in front of you." His sister retorted.

Eric dropped off his little siblings at the elementary and middle school buildings and drove off to the Academy.

"Stupid fucking school bus!" He said as he parked in an empty space. "I probably would have been on time today if I hadn't been stuck behind that bitch of a vehicle!" Eric ran down the hall and jumped into his seat just as the bell rang.

"Glad you could make it, Mr. Ders." the Government teacher said as she clicked his name on her computer screen marking his presence. Eric paid no attention to the class as he sat in his seat daydreaming. He hadn't seen Aaron in the halls when he came in and he hoped Aaron was still visiting the school. First, second, and third period went by without a sign of the stallion. The bell rang and all the students filed out the doors to go to chapel at the other end of the campus.

Eric walked the path alone with no friends to talk to, not even Aaron. He made his way to his seat once in the chapel building and sat down heavily. Had he scared him off at the mall the other day? He hadn't done anything gay to him, just called him hot a couple of times, but Aaron had thanked him at the end. No, it wasn't that. Eric rubbed his forehead. He was overreacting. Aaron could have not been at school for a couple of reasons. Like, maybe he was sick, or maybe he and his parents had other plans today.

Eric calmed himself down as he saw the music director come up on the stage to direct the singing. The songs were sung and the preacher came to give a message. Eric paid no attention to the sermon, he never did. He was usually asleep by now but his mind was too busy thinking about Aaron and Eric had to concentrate on hiding his bulging erection from the people sitting around him. The final prayer to close the chapel sermon finally came and Eric adjusted himself to better hide his erect phallus as everyone closed their eyes.

The prayer was a long and slow one and gave Eric plenty of time to lose his erection. The Amen was said and the room came alive as thousands of people stood up to leave. Eric quickly walked back to the Academy trying to quiet his growling stomach with the promise of food soon. He stopped in front of his locker to grab his lunch.

"Oh! There you are Eric!" A much awaited voice said. Eric spun around and found Aaron smiling brightly as he walked down the hall towards the dragon. Eric's mouth cracked open in a huge smile as he padded over to the horse and gave him a tight hug. "Whoa there!" Aaron chuckled "I missed you too bud!" Eric pulled away from Aaron and laughed.

"So where were you this morning? I was looking all over for you!" He asked.

"Oh, ya, my parents had a meeting this morning and so we couldn't come 'till lunch time today."

"Well I'm just glad your here now!" Eric said patting Aaron's shoulder. Aaron looked at the dragon a bit confused. "Come on, let's go get some lunch."


A ways down the hallway Diana looked around the corner. "Aren't they so cute together!" She asked Scott who was eating a burger beside her.

"Ya sure. I'm just glad Eric's stopped asking me to fuck with him." Scott replied in between bites.

"Ya, that's a shame. You two would have looked cute together too." Diana joked. Scott just gave her a hard stare. Diana smiled and gently put her paw on his strong arm. " Come on babe, let's go make out!" Scott gave her a devilish smile.

"Now your talk'n my language!" Diana giggled and lead the horny lizard to their secret spot.

Eric and Aaron walked around looking for some place to get food and had decided to eat at a place on the campus called Fastbreak. The two grabbed a table outside of the shop and sat across from each other. They proceeded to talk about the events of the day and other such small talk subjects. They soon both finished eating and just sat there enjoying the warm air. Eric glanced over at Aaron and noticed him staring off into space at some flowers. Eric took this chance to look the stallion over and make his decision. He had to know... he had to ask. Eric looked down at his shoes and mustered up the rest of his courage. He scooted his chair close to the table and leaned over on it getting close to the horse. Aaron broke his gaze from the floral arrangements and gave eric a questioning glance.

"H-hey Aaron, can I ask you something really quick?" Eric said shakily.

"Yea sure, what is it?" Aaron said with a shrug.

"Well, I-I, umm..., was just wondering, -and I don't want you to get offended or anything, but I..., -and you don't even have to answer me if you don't want to, but, uhh...-and I swear I won't tell anyone, so uhh..."

"Ya? What? Just spit it out." Aaron said with a shake of his head.

"K, here goes. Umm... are you, uhh... by any chance a-a homosexual?" Eric said the last word slowly and in a quiet whisper. Aaron sat at the table and blinked a couple time as the question caught him off guard. He began to fidget in his chair and his breath became quick. Eric could see the pony beginning to sweat and get antsy. Eric back away a bit from Aaron to try what he could to make the panicking horse more comfortable. Aaron's mouth was hanging open but no words came out. Eric sat in helplessness as he watched the car crash play out before him. He suddenly stood and gripped the back of his head. "I-I'm sorry! I-I shouldn't have asked that! I don't know what I was thinking! I'm so sorry!" He made his was to the door to the inside and almost tripped over his chair. aaron jerked his head up.

"WAIT! STOP! Don't go! Don't leave me!" Aaron cried out after him. Eric stopped mid stride and paused for a second. He turned his head and saw Aaron with his head hung and his face in his hands. Eric slowly made his way back to his seat and carefully sat down. He could see tears trickling down the equine face between the hands as the poor creature cried silently.

"I'm sorry" Aaron said shakily as he removed his hands from his face. Tears were still streaming from his eyes as he looked at the concerned dragon." I'm sorry." He repeated. "I just... I just am so sick of this curse that keeps following me everywhere I go and stains everything I want."

"Curse? Aaron, What in the world are you talking about?" Eric asked genuinely confused.

"This stupid curse of being gay!" Aaron almost shouted. " I hate how it's a part of me all the time and I can't seem to do a fucking thing to get rid of it! No matter how much I try and suffer for it only grows bigger! It's ripping me apart!" Eric was shocked by the sudden change of character from the desperate Aaron. The stallion was panting hard and his hands were in hard fists. Eric edged in closer and placed his hands on Aaron's to try and calm him down. Aaron looked up and gazed deep into the loving dark eyes.

"You think that being gay is a curse? How did you gat that idea? What makes it a curse?"

Aaron's eyes took on a character of confusion and disbelief.

"What makes it a curse?" Aaron replied dumbfounded. "Eric, Im a freak! I'm not made to have urges for other guys, I'm not made to spend the rest of my life with another male, I'm not made to love and have sex with the same sex! It's not natural!" Eric shrugged his shoulders.

"Seems pretty natural to me." He stated frankly. Aaron looked shocked. "So what's so wrong with wanting to be with a cute guy and to love and be loved by him. Aaron your not a freak, your not cursed, your just a normal being with the need to be loved by another."

"But not by another guy!"

"Why not by another guy? Aaron, if they love you and you love them it doesn't matter if that someone is a guy or a girl. All that matters is that your love for each other is genuine and that you would do anything just to be with that one special person." Aaron began to tremble as tears welled up in his eyes.

"B-but" he began to stutter.

"Hon, maybe what's tearing you apart is not the fact that your gay, but that you keep it so locked up and it's only trying to get out. Your soul is screaming at to you free yourself." Aaron looked deep into the dragons eyes again and fond a love he had long been searching for. A sudden sharp noise pierced the air and the unrevealed lovers looked up. It was only five minutes until the next class started and they needed to hurry.

"Crap! We gotta get outa' here!" Eric exclaimed. Aaron sniffed and wiped his eyes.

"Hey, thanks again." Aaron said quietly.

"Aw, don't mention it. Oh, and no ones going to find out, not unless you want them to know." Eric reassured. Aaron nodded and the two made the way hurriedly to their class. Eric rushed to his seat but was just beat by the bell.

"Mr. Ders, would you like to explain why your late from a lunch period?" The teacher asked the delinquent dragon.

"Well uhh... I was umm... helping Aaron out with some stuff." Eric partially lied. The teacher eyed him and saw Aaron behind Eric nodding his head in agreement.

"Alright. I'll let it slide this time but try not to be tardy again sir."

"Yes mam."

Eric turned slightly in his seat and gave Aaron a wink. Aaron grinned in response and the two gave a mental high-five. The class began and Eric couldn't seem to keep focused. He looked down and noticed a note thrown by his feet. He picked it up and turned to look at Aaron. The horse smiled and folded his hands. Eric turned back around and opened the note.

*How did you no I was... you know. Was it obvious?*

Eric chuckled a bit and grabbed a pencil to respond. He scribbled his reply and threw it quickly behind his head. He soon heard the quiet rustling of paper as the note was opened.

*For personal reasons only. I actually had no idea when I asked you.*

The note was thrown back and forth many more times as the class hour continued it's snail like pace. The bell eventually rang putting an end to the notebook conversation.

"Hey, I'll see you in German class kay?" The two separated and went to their respective classes, Aaron following Mark again and Eric heading to Chemistry. The awaited German class surprisingly seemed to go by fast for once and the written interaction continued. The simple note slowly evolved and was a good 5 pages long by the end of the class.

"Wow! We did quite a bit of writing huh!" Aaron said as he tore out the pages and threw them crumpled in the trash.

"I'll say, my hand kinda hurts. Eric said as he massaged his right hand. The notes were continued with verbal conversation as the stallion and dragon walked to the lockers. Eric got all packed up and stood next to Aaron.

"Hey, I was wondering. Would you like to come over sometime. We could watch movies or something or go swimming, I got a pool at my place. I no you work and stuff so whatever time is good for you is good for me." Aaron asked with a slight blush under his fur. Eric gave the pony a toothy smile.

"Ya, sure! Does this saturday sound okay?" Aaron let out a sigh and grinned back.

"Ya, any time's good too. It's not like I'm doing much these days. Here's my address and cell number." Aaron said as he handed Eric a folded piece of paper. "See you then!"

"Ok! See ya!" Eric cocked his head to the side as he watched Aaron walk away with a bit more of flaunt than before.

"So how'd it go?" Eric turned quickly to come face to face with a pantheress.

"How'd what go?" Eric asked trying to look confused. Diana rolled her eyes.

"You know what I'm talking about! the 'talk' about Aaron's 'sexuality'." Eric shrugged his shoulders.

"He's straight, nothin' I can do about it." Diana squinted her eyes at Eric. "If you don't believe me then you can ask him yourself." Eric called back as he started running down the hall."

"Hey get back here!" Diana yelled after him. "Dammit!"

"What?" A dark green lizard asked the frustrated cat.

"He said he's straight but I don't believe him." Diana responded, with her hands on her hips.

"Why do you care so much?" Scott asked rubbing the panther's shoulders.

"Cuz I care about my friends! I just don't know why he won't tell me."

"Stop worrying. I'm sure Eric can handle himself alone."

"I guess."

"Here, I know something we can do to get your mind off of it." Scott said as he rubbed his cheek into the soft furry neck.

"Oh do you?" Diana giggled. "Please, do demonstrate!" The couple walked off whispering dirty thoughts to each other.