First Meeting

Story by Typos_boys on SoFurry

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Zirayn finds Jango in Gizelle's school of Cunt Boys and they have tea and talk about stuff.

First Meeting

Zirayn walked into the large black oak double doors. The wooden entrances scratched a harsh note into his ears. The noisy doors were just another tool of torture here. The red haired Kitsune viewed what was in front of him with interest.

The twelve by thirteen room was dark save for whatever the light of the four corner lanterns touch. The objects that had been graced by the orange light had been a table in one corner, no doubt filled with the toys of abuse and a darker figure huddled in another corner. The white stripe on his back and the yellow mop of long hair was evident even in the dim lighting.

"Vould you require more lighting?" The thick eastern accent reigned in his red fox ears.

"No, Ms. Y. This shall be enough." His ears twitched. "How long has he been here, Ma'am?" He remembered his manners. This woman was not one to be trifled with.

"Vun month and he's taking his new position very well." She purred like poisoned honey. She fingered the long red tendrils that hung over his shoulders. "Iv your muzer hadn't been a dear friend of mine, you'd be in zare to, love." She enhaled his scent and whispered in his twitching ears. "Maybe ve can make arrangement?" She giggled; a sound that sent shivers down the body of the captive. A rattle of chains echoed in the dim lighting. Zirayn looked at the woman.

She was a head shorter than him. Her black hair was only slightly longer than his and reached down to her neck, while his reached to the end of his shoulder blades. Her dark piercing eyes stood out on her pale skin. She had donned her uniform as always. Straps wrapped around her neck, holding barely to a long black dress that tapered around her black fox feet. Her breasts were nearly exploding out of the top. A yellow star tattoo decorated her left upper bicep and right midriff. The star was the Kitsune symbol of sexual deviance; a punishment in Kitsune tribes, her tailsmen and her pride.

Zirayn smiled as her lips left his bare shoulder. "I'll be vaiting, love."

"Heh," he chuckled. "You're like an Aunt to me, Gizelle," He paused. "and twice my age."

"Age is just a number down here, love. Your muzer is a few centuries' dead and I'm sure she von't mindt." She bared her fangs in a sadistic smile. Zirayn returned her gesture in a calmer smile.

"I'll think about it." He reached into the pocket of his black cargo pants, chains rattled as he searched around until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a small brown bag of coins. "My payment for a round." He handed the bag to the annoyed dom. Her tail twitched in aggravation.

"Iv you ever van zis back, you know vat to do." She turned around and walked down the corridor.

"You're insatiable, Ma'am." He called after and smiled. Before she exited, she lifted her wrist and flashed him a middle finger; the nail painted the same ebony color has her soul. Zirayn laughed and looked at the black mass. He entered the threshold and shut the massive doors. He bent his ears to the painful music it produced and the doors slammed. The mass flinched again, chains rattled.

"Oh, Jango." Zirayn mumbled. "What did she do to you?" He walked toward his captive and sat next to him.

He was an anthro skunk grown. His yellow hair covered his eyes but so did a gray strip of cloth. He sat on bended knees, head lowered and hand cuffed behind his back. His tail was cuffed from the base to the tip with four cuffs giving him a skinner appendage. He started trembling. In his snout, was a ball gag and under that was a dirty yellow goatee.

Zirayn put a comforting hand on the skunks shoulder. Jango flinched and cowered under the touch. His tail whipped around instinctively, but that too was chained to the wall by the last cuff. "My poor skunk." He whispered. Jango's ears turned upward. His snout pointed towards the fox.

"'Ayn?" He managed to get out. Zirayn slid the blindfold off of his eyes and over his head. The fox threw it behind himself. Jango's yellow eyes burned with relief at seeing his old friend. Tears of joy welled in the corners of his eyes.

"Shh. You need to be quiet." He unhooked the ball gag and pulled it out of the skunk's snout. Saliva trailed behind it as Jango opened and closed his aching jaw. Zirayn threw that over his shoulder with a wet thud.

"Please help me." The skunk begged quietly. He buried his head into Zirayn's chest. The fox held his friend against him and rocked back and forth.

"Shh." He cooed. "I will, but now that you're here," He lifted Jango's head to face his. "she will break you and you will be a husk of a man; a sexual play thing. That is all you'll be. Although, when she sells you, I will buy you and slowly you will heal. Sadly, that will take years." As Zirayn talked, Jango's eyes grew wide in fear. "She will remove everything you have ever known about yourself. She will turn you into nothing but a husk, willing to do what Master says. You need to conform to that. You need to submit to her and you need to submit to everyone who walks in that door. It is the only escape." Jango's head fell back into Zirayn's chest.

The fox knew Gizelle all his life. He knew what she did to men down here in her keep. He knew how she operated and having sex with her wouldn't be enough to free his friend. Zirayn wrapped his arms around the skunk. He placed his mouth against the captive's ear. "I care for you, my friend." He whispered. His hot breath dragged through a flicking ear. Zirayn nipped it. "I always have." A fox tongue traced a skunk ear. He felt Jango tremble. "Shh." He soothed. "You'll be fine." His reassuring voice calmed the trembling Jango and all he did was nod. It was no doubt the work of the Kitsune.

Zirayn's hand was stroking the side of Jango's face. Now it slid down his neck and on his shoulder. Jango shuddered and Zirayn's hand slipped between Jango's arm and body and traveled the malnourished ribs to his bony hips. "You've been a bad skunk. You're underfed. You start being more obedient and your training will be over sooner. Then I can come get you." Jango squirmed as Zirayn played down his ticklish ribs again. "I'll save you, but you need to submit yourself to me. I'll be back a few times to show interest. I'll then get myself into your auction" He abandoned Jango's hips and placed both hands on his snout. Zirayn forced his friend to look into his eyes. Gold met red. "I will save you, my friend." And Zirayn pushed his face against Jango's and their mouths met. Jango was reluctant at first, but Zirayn's constant pushing forced him to open his mouth and obey.

Their tongues danced together, snout and mouth. "This would be a lot easier if I had a snout also." Zirayn thought. If he'd transfigure into his wolf form, he'd be afraid of hurting Jango with his teeth. "Maybe later."

As they shared tongues, Zirayn's right hand left the skunks face and lowered down his neck, over his shoulders and down his chest. The black fur felt warm and moist from sweat and blood. Jango's training had stopped him from touching his new Master.

Zirayn's mouth left his friend and pulled his hand off of him, revealing the blood that stained. "My love," He said first examining his hand, then Jango. "what have they done to you?" Obediently, Jango lowered his ears and whimpered. Zirayn took his snout again in his mouth and the kissing turned passionate. They matched tongues, bobbed their heads along with the passion and heaved and huffed. Zirayn mounted onto the skunk's lap and the tinkle of chains from both prisoner and Master rattled into the air. Jango tried to steady himself. Zirayn could feel the skunk's erection through his own pants and against his inner thigh. He looked down and noticed that Jango was throbbing. Zirayn smirked and ever so lightly, he ran barely the tip of his fingers up the skunk's balls and toward the tip of the pale peach dick. Jango inhaled sharply as the pre-cum glazed Zirayn's fingers. He licked the black snout and Jango turned to claim the fox's mouth. Zirayn shuffled on his knee, undoing the button on his black pants. He yanked them down revealing red pubic hair lightly trailing down to his own erection. He matched Jango's in the amount of pre. Jango eyed it greedily. Zirayn didn't know if it was because Jango lusted after him, or it was the result of the training. Either way.

"Go ahead, my love. Take me as you will." Jango's gold eyes searched Zirayn's red ones.

"Yes, sir." He whispered so softly, Zirayn may have through he had imagined it. With the skunks eyes still locked into the fox's, he reached up to Zirayn's cock and they started gently grazing it, making him moan and bob. Jango pushed his hands towards his Master's body, and back away again, faster and faster. Zirayn inhaled quickly through his nose and pointed his head to the sky. He groaned and yelled out his pleasure. He started thrusting his hips to the rhythm of Jango's. He gritted his teeth and fell on his back. Oh, he wanted more. Jango tugged harder and harder, sending shivers of intense feeling all over Zirayn's body. His callused hand-paw pads gave Zirayn the perfect texture to yell and cry out Jango's name.

"Come on, baby." He yelled. "Fuck me!" Zirayn felt his cock enter a wet cavern. He looked down and noticed that Jango's head had replaced where his cock had once been. Zirayn tensed as he pushed his hips into the skunk's mouth, humping and fucking his captive's throat.

Gizelle's training was miraculous. "I don't know how she does it." He thought. Jango's tongue glided around Zirayn's shaft artfully almost like he had been doing it for years. It circled around the cock and lapped up the pre that had escaped. Zirayn bucked and moaned. "I really need to thank her."

Jango grabbed Zirayn's balls and massaged them in his hand-paws. The gritty pads made Zirayn's hands stretch out to his sides and claw the floor next to him. He bucked his hips faster, making Jango keep up to the pace. He was going to cum, and fast. He wanted Jango to stop so he wouldn't finish right away and he'd have more fun, but this bastard was just so good.

The fox made up his mind and grabbed his subs gold hair, knotting it in a fist. "FUCK ME!" He yelled through gritted teeth. Jango moaned out his reply, feeling his Master getting closer and closer to his release. His balls grew tight and his dick grew hard, thick and throbbing. Zirayn furrowed his brow and grasped Jango tighter with two hands bucking and fucking. He didn't have to say when he would cum for swallowing is a requirement in Gizelle's School of Cunt Boys. Zirayn wrapped his fox feet around Jango's striped back and shoved himself so far down the skunk's throat; he thought it would be digested. Jango grabbed his ass with one hand and squeezed and massaged both Zirayn's ass and balls.

Jango released his master in a jungle of saliva and pre-cum and before Zirayn could object, the skunk flicked the tip of the cock with the tip of his tongue, playfully and lightly. He nipped at the end with his teeth. Licked and nipped, licked and nipped. That sent Zirayn over the most massive precipice he had ever stood on. He opened his eyes as the orgasm claimed him and he sucked in more air than he thought possible. He screamed out, and ran his claws over his own face in response. He shot out loads of white hot cum while he bucked and fucked. Jango looked at his Master and his Master, him. Jizz hung in strands down the skunks face. It was across his eyes, down his snout, in his hair and all over Zirayn's thigh and dick. Still, Jango started licking his fox clean. Rough skunk tongue sent shivers down Zirayn's body. He lifted his hand and patted Jango's yellow head, avoiding the cum. "Good boy." He said and laid there, too exhausted to move. "I love that woman."